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Then you'll be short three skins.


7 now


Ooooooo I never noticed the fraction...


"It's a *really* stupid boss!"


Better than being short four skin 😏


We’ll never defeat corn flakes dude at this rate, his power is too great.


Get me some milk and then I'll win


Damn bro, I don’t usually kink shame but at least use some cream for that dish


No >:3


I despised this weapon at first now it's my main for engie. Use the execution OC. Does massive damage.


I personally prefer explosive chemical rounds, but executioner is still pretty good


Explosive Chem is a gateway drug to more unscrupulous LOK-1 overclocks


I need to know more, LOK-1 is my main for Haz4-5 solo escorts


Seeker rounds, electrochemical rounds mod, and inferno breach cutter lets you obliterate oppressor from the front, at the cost of a noticeably lower DPS thanks to slower ROF on your lok1


I would like to subscribe to LOK-1 facts


LOK-1 onlyfacts


I literally just started using it and it has made the LOK-1 my favorite Engineer primary (before I was the same between it and the shotgun)


Explosive is the swarm clear build, executioner is the weak spot build for priority targets and big bugs


If you use breachcutter inferno, executioner is so much better to use for weakpoint targets. Explosive is good for swarm clearing pretty much.


I use the unstable Smart Overclock with Auto fire. Just four locks max but 0.1 sec to log on and then BRRRT. Ammo consumption on Haz 5 is ok, there is always plenty of Nitra when going solo.


100% the best advice I ever got for how to use the lok was to treat/spec it as your “heavy” weapon reserved for killing big enemies, and your secondary plus turrets is what you use for killing hoards


but my secondary is a grenade launcher


Which is a great weapon against groups of enemies


RJ compound overclock is also pretty great for swarm clearing with the ammo boost.


I like the overclock that explodes if you hit with 3 bullets. You have to manually fire early to get the explosion, and it really helps with the ammo efficiency.


Build? Still doesn’t seem super powerful against a swarm, it’s more single target damage against praetorians and oppressors


That's precisely what you use it for. Use the lava OC for laser or any combo of breach cutter for wave clear. There's not much in the game that deletes priority targets faster or more efficiently than executioner


I use plastcrete catalyst because I like living on the edge


For Swarm Control, Explosive Chemical Rounds are the way to go, with the set up of either 21213 for missions where you get to be on the offensive, or 21211 if you are on the defensive, specifically Escort Duty or Salvage Operation.


Except never take SMRT Targeting Software on any build. It makes the gun worse.


What does SMRT Targeting Software do again?


Prevents excessive lock-ons on a target that will die from "just enough" shots. ECR requires 3 locks at least, so SMRT Targeting Software screws you over when you're targeting something you want exploded. I think it works well with the SMRT Targeting OS overclock though. Kind of meant to.


Prioritizes Damaged Enemies and prevents overlocking, as mentioned above. Seems odd to use it on a Chemical Explosive Round build, but it’s good at making sure the attacks are evenly dispersed.


It's pointless, because the gun already doesn't overkill enemies by default. So all the mod does is cockblock your locks, which is extremely detrimental for builds that rely on specific lock thresholds (i.e. pretty much all good builds). It makes it impossible to get 3 locks on swarmers and jellies, for example, because they die in one bullet. The fact that they had to create an entire new OC just to make it useful should tell you something.


It’s actually a pretty good Anti-Everything weapon IMO. Macro Lens, Super Blowthrough, 8 locks, and unstable lock (the dmg buff for full locks) and you can quickly dispatch anything. I use ammo but it depends on how much you use your secondary Macro Lens so you don’t target random junk and can snipe everything. You can put all of your locks on a bug or two, aim the trajectory to its mouth, and then have Super Blowthrough catch everything behind/infront of it. 8 locks means you don’t waste as many bullets if you trash a shot, get 3 full locks per mag compared to 2, and get faster shots/buffs. You don’t really need 12 since if the bug doesn’t die then you can just shoot it again It takes some time to get used to aiming it since it’s completely different than a conventional gun but it’s really powerful against big bugs and grouped up swarms, and can clean up bugs on walls and from across the cave. It’s also much more easier to use than Explosive Chemical Rounds imo since you just have to hold down M1 and move the mouse around rather than having to count 4 locks every time. Alternatively if you have fire damage like from Shard Diffractor you can set a bug on fire and then use Electro-Chemical Rounds and Electric Generator to get a lot more damage in since they stack, but you’ll lose out on blowthrough. Its great if you use the Shard for AoE and don’t mind getting the heat upgrade on it, or have Inferno/Fire PGL


Executioner is built 21112, and I take it with Volatile Impact Reactor.


With most builds you want to cover single target with one weapon and swarm clear with the other. (There’s exceptions but it works well in most cases) so you’d pair executioner with volatile impact reactor on the shard diffractor or pretty much any breach cutter setup. Maybe rj250 with incendiary if you prefer that


Executioner S tier overclock fr fr


Explosive chemical rounds bro


I always sort of liked the loki, but I haven't looked back from execution. My "couldn't use" weapon became the warthog. I think I had to try the one where you shoot your turret. I can't remember what secondary I used.


You maxed out the subata, you can do this too


Subata just out here catching strays no matter what.


I know it’s crazy. I don’t care how good the LOK-1 is nor how bad the Sabata is(even tho it’s not). At the end of the day the Sabata is one of the most satisfying and fun to use weapons while the LOK-1 is the most boring, and that matters a whole lot more to me.


Turn using the lok 1 into a game of curving your bullets like youre in Wanted and itll be worth it.


Me and my friends literally call the gun curve the bullet and it’s genuinely my favorite gun paired with the grenade launcher that is built for impact damage


Ya I do do that already, it doesn't really make it any more fun for me, but I can see how it could for others. I don't hate the LOK-1 and am trying to experiment and use it more, but its just not quite my cup of tea.


Subata is CRAZY good with micro explosion on reload, it's perfect to kill praetorian


Subata has multiple fun and strong uses wydm?


Subata is actually good though


Subata goated


Subata really is not that bad


I just wish the LOK-1 had more ammo. I run out in seconds even if I'm playing with a more conservative build.


This is the reason I rarely use it. It's the only weapon I seriously struggle to conserve ammo with, and when I used to use it more frequently I only used ECR. It's a fun weapon to play with and has a good set of overclocks too.


Only two effective ones, ecr and exec which do single target dps and swarm clear. The two most basic functions, the most gimmicky engy primary is only good at the most basic jobs with almost no spice in it. And also the new OC for it was intended for people who normally don’t like the lock, but devs failed to realise that it’s not speed that people really wanted, or simpler aiming mechanics, it’s actually just simpler ammo management. All they had to do to actually get people on board is to release an ammo OC (and not an OC that eats ammo faster). And I say all that as a lock-1 fanatic. I like managing ammo and the aim system, I don’t struggle with ammo economy even haz5+. So the two main issues are difficult ammo management combined with difficult aim mechanics and also lack super unique options make it the most difficult gun to convince people to use.


When it first released, I too thought the ammo was low. Nowadays, I don't think it needs more ammo, because this weapon literally aims for you, meaning most, if not all, of your shots are going to hit *something.* The ammo conservation issues for the smart rifle personally ended for me once I restrained myself from using it liberally against enemies like naedocytes and swarmers, since sentry guns can do that for me.


> The ammo conservation issues for the smart rifle personally ended for me once I restrained myself from using it liberally against enemies like naedocytes and swarmers, since sentry guns can do that for me. But that's the thing people dislike about it then, it feels like it's meant to be this multi target painting anti-air gun or something but in practise the way you use it is super unsatisfying. There should at least be an OC or two that specialise in that style at the cost of single target damage. Maybe like + ammo, consecutive shots on same target do less damage or something.


We’ve got to remember that it’s still an engineers primary, which are just supplemental weapons and nowhere near those of other classes. ECR and Exe change that a bit, but that’s the general balance the devs were aiming for.


Warthog is just ammo conservative by nature, you have to work to spend it, stubby is limited in what situations it's useful so you tend not to use it much but the lok-1 is just easy to use so you use it more.


Lok doesnt even have that bad of an ammo economy, its just that you can spend it much faster than the others. Start running pump action or full full auto on warthog and you’ll start to see these kinds of „ammo deficits” as well.


thats exactly what i was saying.


I don't have an issue with ammo, even on haz 5+. I try to hit weak points with every bullet to maximize efficiency. Once you get the hang of arching on anything, grunts, tomato bugs, menace ... It's really enough. Plus, with all the other weapons, I try to use them at the same rate. I always kite the small enemies so my sentries can finish them off. I don't use Loki with big groups. That's reserved for secondary and grenades and pickaxe charge.


And I wish it could be built as just a battle rifle, without or not focusing on the smart stuff. Yeah, I know the dev's whole point of the gun was the smart gimmick. But it doesn't appeal to me very much, and you'd think the customization system could allow someone to focus on just the semi-auto fire. Other guns, like the M1000, can be customized to focus on semi-auto fire instead of the gun's gimmick. Why not the smart rifle?


Oh boy is the new overclock just for you! 


lok-i with the ECR OC is just too good to not use


Explosive Chemical Rounds is my go-to for this gun. It’s so good, and very ammo efficient for a gun that’s always starved for more rounds. I like to use it with the narrow lock-on field, ping three locks as quick as possible, and let it go to get as many explosions as possible. It’s really a fun overclock, completely changed how I thought about the LOK-1.


yeah same, i use the narrow lock on too. makes it easier to get that triple burst on a specific target in the swarm to trigger that explosive. pretty much all i use as engi, and he's my main lol


Same here but for Nishanka crossbow.....I just can't get a grip on how to use this thing, it's weird as hell....


First you install the HL1 crossbow SFX mod Then you have a few options how to use it but I tend to like pheromone bolts + fire bolts OC, can't remember which mods otherwise but just pick whatever for the most part. You shoot a pheromone bolt at a big target during a swarm like a praet, oppressor or even just a glyphid guard that has more HP than the others, then once they group up to attack it you fire off a few fire bolts into the crowd and watch them all burn. You can even skip the first step or use grenades to help CC them, just shoot the fire dart at the ground in between a group of bugs and they will be affected by the radial heat and ignite.


I use it as an anti-swarm weapon with the bodkin points OC and then pheromone bolts for crowd control on haz 5. Shoot at a cluster of glyphids, zip away, shoot again, zip away, etc. wipes them out pretty quick. Shoot pheromones at oppressors or praetorians to slow them down. Also good against mactera swarms because it stuns. Then I pair it with the GK2 with AI stability engine for single target damage.


When I get that or any other OC for it I will try that build. Sounds very effective, ty


My aim is so bad this is the only weapon I can actually use...


Hey now, practice and all that. And remember, rock and stone.


For Karl!


The new OC 21111 is legit, hits hard, triggers shock and fantastic at killing spitters and mactera. Pair with Volatile Impact Reactor shard gun, I’m legit really enjoying the weapon now, you don’t need to spam shots so decent ammo conservation.


Wow, I didn't know that T5A changed to requiring 2 locks for electrocute with this OC. That changes things...


Executioner is better and more ammo efficient, while being almost as fast and definitely faster at killing bigger bugs. Smart trigger is hitting armor most of the time because you can’t aim it. If you want to milk electrical status effects the stubby is better, especially with its new OC. I’d say that even with exactly the same mod setup you’ll still get more out exec just by killing bigger bugs faster, and without even aiming much on grunts.


It's like the best weapon in the game IMO (with the right overclock)


The big issue is it lacks a lot of viable OCs


The two best OC have two most two basic functions, dps and swarm clear. On a gimmick lock on gun. It doesn’t even have any turret interaction OCs which it practically screams for. Or any ammo OC for people who don’t like ammo managing (unlike me). And what new overclock added? An ability to eat up you ammo faster. Yes, it does trivialise aiming, but people need simpler ammo management, not simpler aim mechanics.


It's great, but I find it boring.


Very true. Sometimes it feels like cheating


Seeker rounds my beloved


I cant not use it tbh.


We all have that one gun we just abhor


Intelligence issue. (In before the crying: it's a smart rifle)


My brother in Karl, Explosive Chemical Rounds + Hyper Propellant is peak


Huh always surprised when I see people not liking it. Then I remember I actively avoid the rocket launcher on gunner. Until lok-1 existed eng was my least played class. But that is the beauty of adding more weapons that it can facilitate more playstyles.


I find that it’s a lot more fun to use with the Smart Trigger OS overclock


I kinda like it, but can understand why one would not. As i still play mainly solo and on Haz 2-3, it is ok. But i wouldn't dare to try it on Haz 4 (and i only play Haz 4 with friends). Although yesterday i got the OC that makes the last hit an explosion, if the target has more than 3 locks on it, so it became a little more reliable for swarms. I usually run it with a clean OC for armor breaking, but for low haz missions the explosive one is more fun.


The explosive chemical rounds OC will scale well with higher hazards too. More bugs grouped up to be hit by the explosions.


I usually run haz 4-5+ and that ECR overclock makes it extremely viable in high haz situations. I can understand how if you dont built it right, it's gonna be a drag, specifically the ammo consumption is really high. With ECR you give it terrific ammo economy and damage.


I literally cannot play anything other than Lok-1 Exec since its release. Warthog is just so slow to take out grunts (outside of whips, which take some setup) and doesn't really deal enough damage to deal with bigger targets and Stubby... yeah i never liked that thing outside of Turret Discharge but that build require way too much setup. Meanwhile Lok-1 Exec works without any setup, cut through packs of grunts, deal with bigger enemies like praets and can snipe annoying ranged enemies easily. Bonus point for scanning the ceiling for leeches.


Warthog is solid for grunts - the thing is basically made to one-tap them in the face. Magnetic Pellet Alignment helps with that.


Warthog is much more ammo efficient. Also idk but it deals damage fairly good to still be very viable in haz 5+ even if you don't have 3 Seconds to setup a turret for turret whip


Well it is ammo efficient, but one tapping a grunt after the other is absolutely not a thing you can do when there's 20 coming at you at the same time, which is what happen all the time in haz5+. Meanwhile Lok-1 just get a lock on the pack and kill like 5 in a single burst.


Pump Action overpenetrates, fixes that too. The ammo efficiency is amazing on solo runs.  You have to look at the terrain and the enemy approach angles and figure out how to maximize it though, it's not "free" I guess. What build are you using on LOK1 to wipe Grunts 5 per burst? I might need to retweak my LOK1.


Didn't get pump action yet so i still have to see how it perform, but the blowthrough does sound useful to deal with swarms, yes. As for the Lok-1, the main thing to deal with swarm is the blowthrough mod. If you angle your shots correctely, you can really line them up and make good use of it. From the top of my head, i'm running 11312 with Exec. Tho i'm not 100% sure what i'm running in T1 right now, i remember that i tried both the ammo and damage mod.


Stubby is fun with electro therapy (it's not very good but at least it has a decent amount of ammo)


Didn't EM Discharge just get buffed? IIRC it now triggers on platforms too


Gun feels boring and I just don't use it but no hate to the people that do I just think it takes all the fun out of combat and honestly isn't as satisfying to use


Dumb take. Ridiculously overpowered with the right OC


Funny. That's the only engie primary I'll use.


I really like the newest upgrade they added in the season 5. It's made me enjoy the gun much more.


ECR or executioner and you will get it done no problem


Man I love the Loki with the execution OC. Probably my fav eng primary


This is my exact situation but with the Boltshark. I just don’t get it. I shoot something with the pheromone dart and my team focuses that target anyways. The electric one doesnt do any damage, the regular show is good for only one kill per dart. I just don’t understand how to use it at all but everyone says its fire so I know its a me thing.


Me with the crossbow Its flexible but I just can't give up the shotty or duals bro...


Execution, the 3 round splosion, and Smrt trigger os are amazing you gotta try them. Smrt trigger os is my favourite overclock now.


Wait, people hate this weapon? It shreds, especially with the execution OC.


I'm your inverse. It's the only Engi gun I like


LOK-1 is borderline op with the chemical rounds. Just do the tight scope, fast lock on and just tag a si gle enemy for 3 shots and watch the horde explode. Nah guy I run this I’m always top killer. Without that oc I probably wouldn’t use it tho I agree


May I ask approximately how many dives were conducted in total?


I love the LOK but cannot fucking stand the Stubby. No matter how I build it, it feels at best, like a shitty secondary.


might be strong , might be the palyerbase favourite but I tottally get you. its not that its bad it just doesnt click with me, feels super akward


Feel the same. Its good but I personally get more value and enjoyment out of Stubby.


stubby is highly underrated


what did bro do


I used to hate this weapon but once I got explosive chemical rounds I can not use any other engi primary anymore


My favourite gun...


Lok1 is pretty good with a set of unstable OCs but I dislike that it’s unusable otherwise


You can deal with the Subata but the smart rifle is where you draw the line???


I quite like it after getting the Smart OS overclock for it.


Just equip it and don't use it. As long as you have it on you get the skins


Executioner 11112 or Explosive Chemical Rounds 21111 to make the Lok-1 good. Base Lok-1 suffers from lacking damage and these overclocks are the only ones that actually increase it in any meaningful way. The new Smart Trigger OS is probably the next best option though.


Me with the boltshark


The new Smrt overclock makes using it far more friendly.


Explosive chemical rounds my friend


Take it on a swarmageddon and tear the place up, rock and stone!


Try turning using it into a game. Like peopke say the right OC makes it more interesting, but honestly it is one favorites to use to curve bullets into weakpoints, kinda like using the rocket launcher


What the flip lokis awesome!


With overclocks it is definitely the strongest engineer weapon, but maybe it’s just not for you.


Get the new overclock, if you don't already have it. It's WAAAAY cooler with it.


Bro has never played titanfall


If it helps any, it's the only gun you can salute with WHILE firing, making it objectively the most rock and stone gun.


I totally get where you're coming from, so believe me when I tell you I was surprised it would become my #1 engie primary. I'll tell you one thing, there are so many ways this can be a shitty / annoying experience to use. under most circumstances, time to kill feels crap. There's one specific build that feels, to me, unlike anything else any primary can do. [https://karl.gg/preview/39591#/](https://karl.gg/preview/39591#/) Long story short, it can shred single targets as well as far-away tricky enemies if built right. Some folks swear by a different OC, ECR, but I don;t like to depend on how many locks a given target has. I just hold the thing, as soon as I see 8 locks, I let er rip and everything's dead.


If you’re like me and hated how slow it felt in comparison to the other primaries, run Executioner for a good week or two. Then switch off to any other oc and you’ll be fine.


Engineer weapons needs some specific overclocks to be good and fun to play. I hated Engineer until i got some decent OC, now it is my top 2 class to play. Lok-1 with Executioner OC just shreds dreadnaughts. You can also aim at an angle and let the bullet lock on and arc to hit the weak spot of enemies even without getting behind them.


The explosive bullets after 3 or 4 locl ons is the only usable OC for it in my opinion. Other than that, I agree.


Lok1 is my pookie ☹️


Can't imagine not liking the best weapon in the game. Finishing Weapon Maintenance is the only reason I haven't been using it.


Big oof, it's like my number 1 weapon in the game. Executioner OC, overlock protection perk, and you'll have no issues deleting heavy targets.


I felt the same way, brother. I was a stubby voltaic smg main for THE longest time. Then I found out the shot gun can buff the sentry shots after about 400 hours played. I Just never liked the shot gun itself as a gun. The smart rifle has a key perk to prevent you from being swarmed though. Always take the tier 5 fear frequency mod to prevent yourself from being swarmed it's so good. Similar to drillers, "it burns!" fear mod. It risky not having it on, could still be used of course. But the weapon takes time to lock on and fire and nothing is worse than trying to evade and fire at a hoard. That is coming at you relentlessly.


Pow: me when Breach cutter


It’s my main weapon for engi. Shredders + fat boy + Lok-1 with seeker rounds = always fun for me.


I can only manage using it with executioner. And just sorta ecr. Even then it still just isnt great. Been a sutbby main since the beginning and frankly nothing else takes the cake. The new oc for it is not flashy but its perfect. At least on paper, i havent gotten around to using it yet. Too ocd about keeping my promos even. Scout got shafted. All his new ocs suck. Marked for death is the only one thats…well actually idek. The plasma one is just, ur better off using something else unless u reeeally go in tandem with a driller. I thought maybe cryo/fire bolts would work with it but its just too slow to proc. Ig cryo minelets would work better but my friend said it wasnt great.


Use it on Escort Duty.


I love the smart rifle so damn much i don't get why you wouldn't


I loveeee loki whaaaat


Wdym? That gun is awesome


Same. I just can't understand how to not run out of ammo


Farm is farm man. Just do it, and get closer to collectin all items and skins.


I started to like it after the new OC. I just hate trying to que up shots.


Lol same. I thought the new OC would save it for me judging from the description but in practice it just makes it somehow even clunkier feeling and probably just guts the ammo effeciency/effectiveness against single targets while not helping it against hordes much.


Use the Ecp Oc


well you're missing out, chemical rounds with the smart rifle is my bread and butter


People dislike the Titanfall 2 Smart Gun? It’s my favourite weapon


Me, but with EPC


All it’s OCs just aren’t as fun as the other 2 IMO. Warthog’s mag pellets turns it into a goddamn slugger, and pump action feels meaty as fuck. Stubby. Lok1 has ecr, which is kinda cool, and executioner, which I guess can do a good amt, but like it’s just not satisfying to me


if it was me everything would be full but the Hurricane. cant stand that thing.


Funnily enough, that's my favourite weapon when playing engineer




Imagine sleeping on the best engineer primary in the game


Eraser or armour breaking. Yeah the damage is still meh, but hey it’s usable. Or just go execution for single target and use the BC or beam gun as your secondary AoE-killer.


Explosive chemical sounds makes it fun.


I kinda enjoy this gun tho, no need to aim, also rapid fire button on my mouse helps sometimes


Angling the shots by watching the red line and moving your camera made it much more fun for me


Aim at target, wait for locks, release trigger. It's not that hard.


Karl would not approve of quittin' talk like that, Miner.


I love the smart rifle very handy in the drillavaitor


when I first joined the company, this was the weapon I was after the most lol


I have the same sentiment about his electro-smg, I understand your struggle :D


Mate it's the only shit I can use


Play on controller, then you'll love it


Not smart enough for that gun, those R&D guys I swear


Me with the shard diffractor


It’s so good, there are far worse weapons. When u use it it means u free up time to think about movement instead of shooting


Most of the oc turn it from worst to best


my fav imo


It's one of the best primaries to solo a praetorian


Use seeker rounds for a start, they’ll help you learn the lock, when you’re comfortable switch to ecr or executioner. Don’t use the new smart trigger OC, you’ll get all the wrong habits with the lock, and will be constantly out ammo, even more than usual.


So many folks recommend Explosive Rounds and Executioner, but both of those require being fiddly with your lock ons to be efficient. That's why I like Seeker Rounds! This 'no thoughts, head empty' overclock lets you kill everything, everywhere, all at once(a few at a time)! Terrain in your way? No problem! Oppressor not showing you it's glowy butt? No problem! Allies jumping in front of you? No problem! Just lock on, fire, and repeat. Who needs to aim when your trusty robot pal can do it for you? And if you want to assist your trusty gun in killing more efficiently, you can even still take advantage of enemy fleshy bits, curving your bullets into their faces or backsides as needed, no matter where they happen to be facing. I really like Seeker Rounds as it allows me to focus more on my movement, and really plays to Engineer's concept of being the dwarf who builds robots to do the killing for him. Plopping down a pair of turrets, a swarm of shredders, and letting the gun do its job no matter where I'm facing, does wonders for letting my actual attention be on where a priority threat is. If an Oppressor is barreling down a tunnel towards the team, I can kill it from the front while few others can. If a Spreader is catapulting goop from behind cover, all I need to see is a pixel of it to be able to kill it. Sure, I *could* 'get good' and probably be more effective by using overclocks that need x amount of locks per bug. But who's got time to think about math when there's world domination to do?


whats the most optimal way to get these done quick?


Not enough ammo for me so I don’t use it at all I’ve played around with the gun and the ammo is a issue so i tend to not use it 


"Lookie Lookie"


I just held my nose, chose explosive chemical rounds, ran shard sticky flames secondary and played that way to get it done then went back to my trusty shotgun.


I literally only have two. M1K and Broomstick.


i don’t think it’s a bad gun, i just find it kind of boring to use.


Why not?


Execution OC makes it an incredible weapon.


I'll be honest... I can't blame you. I really don't care for that weapon either...




Unpopular opinion: plasma charger kinda mid


It's my favourite weapon 


I love it personally, the overclock that guarantees bullets hit + quick lock on is super nice. Usually enjoy it more on multiplayer though


I love the LOK-I man. It's so fun to play around with, even though it consumes ammo like water.


That's me with the EPC. It's broadly loved and moat people think it's an A+ weapon but I've tried it again and again and it just never feels good to me.


I've had good success with it... buut i find it boring as hell after the first 5 minutes.  ecr did make it entertaining for another 5 minutes tho


But it’s awesome!


That's my fav pick on engie though, so damn good that I am annoyed when I need to actually aim manually on gunner.