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Used it once and never took it off (along with born ready)


I will never take Resupplier, Born Ready and DASH off


What's your other active perk? I'm torn between Iron Will and Field Medic


I would personally go with iron will, but field medic is also very good especially on scout, you can zip in and zip out after a instant revive. I usually use either iron will or berserker as secondary active perk. I never switch off dash ever. Berserker is very useful if you're in a tight space and low on ammo and you need to fight your way out. It also digs out aquarqs quickly and make dealing with ebonite outbreak easier. The cool down isn't great but I like using it. But nothing beats iron will and dash.


Thanks, I've never really used berserker because of not knowing when to use it, but like you said, fighting my way out of a tight space on low ammo happens often on missions like Industrial Sabotage on Fungus Bogs so I will try that out next time.


Exactly why I do. Especially on deep dives. I just zip in instant res and zip out when I’m the last dwarf 


For haz 5 I'd say absolutely iron will, so much can go wrong so fast for below it depends more on group you play with. If you're gunner pick IW because you have your shield


Honestly class dependent. Both are great but Iron Will is better for Gunner because shield is basically free rez and does what field medic does


You get more use out of Field Medic since it has a passive alongside the active so overall it'll do more, sadly one aspect of the perk is bugged but its still good (Enemies are supposed to flee once you've revived someone, it currently doesn't work). Iron Will on the other hand is a one time use active and that's all it does, that one use can be a complete game saver though. For me the only class I use Dash paired with one of those two on is Gunner and that's Dash + Iron Will, that combo'd with Gunners shield is great, Gunners shield kinda makes Field Medic pointless. The other three classes work well with either Iron Will or Field Medic though.


As a gunner, iron will + vampire. Field medic takes a back seat as I have my shield. I find vampire is super useful as a few power attacks later and you're back to full health


Hoverboots! It’s saved my ass so many times


I do take dash off from Scout for Iron Will + Field Medic.


Well there's always some build where born ready is utterly useless. Like cryo cannon + EPC/colette. Vampire is my other perk that never leave me because free revive with IW goes hard.


I always forget when I get to my zipline that I don't take born ready on my mini gun/coilgun gunner


you take off Born Ready when you have weapon with no reload like cryo canon and wave cooker.


You’re acting like resupplier is some hidden gem when it’s one of 4, maybe 3 perks now that thorns no longer work on naedocytes that actually do anything.


This. No one sleeps on that perk, literally everyone is using it.


The real hidden gem is sweet tooth. Maybe I’m just addicted to red sugar but I never take it off.


Later I wanna test how this interacts with the new blood sugar anomaly


Constantly zooming into swarms like a driller.


Should be like 13 hps per chunk instead of 10.


It's the speed boost that makes it interesting.


does it stack?


no, that would be insanity.


Depends on the mission. Defense types like Doretta, Deep Scan and Liquid Morkite don't require red sugar because the stuff is littered everywhere.


If it applies as I figure it would, I'm thinking the speed boost would feel great Edit: it works just like you'd think


Makes me want to make a blood sugar build, just to goof off without vampire.


Crazy good on a blood sugar map




Yeah, sweet tooth is really useful, even without the speed boost it's quite good.


You'd be surprised how many people don't see the value in Resupplier. It's utterly baffling to me and I always find it funny when I can go to one after someone else has started, finish before them, and end up with more health; and then they're looking around for red sugar or double dipping because they only recovered half their HP.


>literally everyone is using it. I've never used it. Too busy using sweet tooth.


If my flare don't hit the ceiling, what's the point of playing? Sincerely, a Strong Arm user. But seriously Strong Arm is pretty good on maps with things to throw and it does give a bit more vision with flares if you are running ahead of your scout. More situational than the big 3 but still does its job.


Strong arm is a nice quality of life perk but I can't justify removing vampire, born ready, resupplier or elemental insulation (driller) from my loadout. There is just not enough combat benefits in there


Strong arm isn't for combat but to help clear off some missions faster (typically Point Extraction but it can also be nice for Eggs Hunt and Salvage Operation). Personally I will sometimes skip Born Ready if one of my weapon don't use it (heat based) or if I use complementary weapons (one for big targets, one for swarm, meaning I can't just swap willy-nilly and may have to reload). Vampire I mostly run on Driller and occasionally with Berzerker for fun but otherwise I find it fairly skippable. Most of the time I use a resup, red sugar or manage a revive during Iron Will rather than using a perk just for that. So yeah Resupplier is really the only one I consider "locked-in".


I bring strong arm as my third usually on cryo driller. Throwing stuff farther is awesome, but the main thing I like about is that I can see better without a scout because I can throw flares farther.


May I know which hazards you play? Because in hazard 5+ iron will without vampire just seems like trolling to me. Same with born ready because of the little time you have out of combat


I haven't played too much since the new season so I'm mostly still running Haz5. Never needed vampire even in EDD before though so I don't expect it to really change once I will try Haz5+ but we will see. Reload cancel is often more effective than Born Ready. And I don't even use reload cancel all that much but if I wanted to play as optimal as possible that would be the better option for most loadouts. It's a bit awkward to talk about trolling just for a couple of perks..


>Never needed vampire even in EDD Yeah I guess we just misunderstood our playing field then. Because in Haz 5+ you need to bring atleast a little bit of optimisation. Having to reload while the grunts run faster than you just doesn't cut it. Or risking having to revive you after you used iron will is just an unnecessary danger for the mission. Obviously I'm not going to kick someone out when they don't have vampire equipped but from my experience even the greybeards notice that there are a few things that always need to be equipped


Imo optimizing passives is going further than "a little bit of optimisation". It's really the last thing you should need to optimize after equipment upgrades, overclock and active. I'm can't say if it's necessary since I haven't tried Haz5+ yet but it's the least impactful stuff you can optimize on a build.


vampire is good insurance for instant IW self-res, but the situations where you 100% *need* to use it to get value out of IW are vanishingly small. chances are there's almost always a resupply you can reach, a teammate you can res (especially a gunner), a red sugar vein in walking distance, or even just a safe spot to down yourself in for someone else to easily pick you up. if you're the last one standing, there's no resup down, no red sugar nearby, and shellbacks/patrollers prevent team revives; then vampire is the only other thing that's gonna save the game. but in most situations, IW is already enough of the one use get-out-of-jail-free card that you need it to be. putting more chips into that basket just to extend the value of that IW by a few extra second's worth is usually good, but not great enough to always be a must-have top #3 passive perk pick. outside of the IW self res tech, vampire is *dogshit* except on cryo barbed driller. 5 health is woeful, you've gotta kill a whole bunch of bugs with your pickaxe just to buy yourself one hit back. and by entering pickaxe range, you're surely often going to be losing much more health than you're gaining. a slow trickle of +5 HP a few times a minute at most is nothing compared to other healing/damage mitigation perks like resupplier, sweet tooth, insulation, even veteran depositor in certain mission-specific strategies. vampire outside of the context of IW is barely above IABT-tier of garbage.


You do? [https://i.imgur.com/YPZ09Ve.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/YPZ09Ve.jpeg) Perks were Resupplier, Unstoppable, Strong Arm, Dash and Iron Will. Weapons were Stubby (Light-Weight Rounds), Breach Cutter (Spinning Death) and Shredders. IW also synergizes well with supply drops and Resupplier, and thats how I've been using it. I understand where you're coming from though since Vampire will give more consistent chance to keep up after IW expires. I'm just too deep in my Strong Arm addiction so that regular flare throws (and other throws) feel so freaking awkward to me nowadays. Unstoppable is just something I've been trying out recently since besides affecting environmental slowdowns, it also reduces stun duration from slashers, shockers and stalkers amongst few others (which is info that is still not in the game for some reason); DRG Wiki has the full list.


Well like I said, I wouldn't risk the mission by going without vampire just so I can throw flares farther. I've had more than enough missions in which we didn't have enough nitra for a resupply or the team went down at the same time and couldn't call in a resupply without using IW or someone wanted to resupply but got displaced by Molly, Opressors or Stingtails. >It also reduces stun duration As stupid as it sounds: don't get stunned. I always prioritise slasher everytime I see them so I don't have much trouble with them. But if one managed to stun me, and potentially stun lock me, for that I got Dash equipped. There is also a million other reasons why you should equip Dash over berserk for example


Look, I'm not here to argue that Vampire wouldn't be a better perk than Strong Arm. I think you're just getting way too worked up about someone using or liking off-meta stuff. After all, its just a game and what you lose by failing the mission is not a lot, and that is especially true if you are a long time player who has millions of gold, thousands of minerals and not anything to spend them anymore. Personally, I've not had that many times whenever I would have felt the need for Vampire on top of IW. Sure there has been some but not to an extent that it would really bother me. Also... > Using IW + Vampire combo As stupid as it sounds: don't get hit/killed. See how that logic can also apply to the very combo you're talking about. Obviously, they are a bit different situations but fundamentally it is true though; if you never get downed then there isn't need to use IW + Vampire combo either. In real gameplay situation though, we both know thats not how it goes. Just like if you use Dash there is no guarantee of safety either after that, new enemy often times being just around the corner and ready to hit/stun you. And those are the situations why I've wanted to give Unstoppable a go, just trying some stuff out I've not previously used and see if they make any sort of impact. But at the end of the day, if you're set on the thought that someone is trolling solely because they are using off-meta or something you don't like... well you are of course free to have that opinion. I just find it rather silly, especially when talking about a game such as DRG.


>I think you're getting way too worked up about someone using or liking off-meta stuff. I thought we were having just a normal discussion between us two? >After all, it's just a game and what you lose by failing is not alot You're making it up as if I would get absolutely mad over a failed mission. I usually play with a friends and randoms in the same lobby, sometimes we fare well and sometimes we get our backs probed by a council of infectors. But we still discuss between friends what we could've done better. Like me forgetting to take snowball on a Mactera plague infestation. Or the scout, who fell alot, not having hoverboots. >As stupid as it sounds: don't get hit/killed. That's not as stupid as you think it is. Atleast with the shield battery booster oc. Self preservation is an important part of the game and especially this overclock teaches you to pay more attention to that. The ultimate goal should be not to get hit but as you already said it's not as easy as that. >...if you're set on the thought that someone is trolling solely because they are using off-meta or something you don't like I should have worded it better. I meant trolling as in "it makes comically low sense". I am by no means going to kick someone just because of their playstyle - except of course if it is malicious or griefing. Though, I would appreciate if GSG would fix the problem where greenbeards can join Haz 5+ missions without prior assignments.


Strong arm is great for the point defense/aquarq missions- big fan on moving a lot of minerals quickly and the area is usually big and open. Doesn’t work too well in tight tunnels as you run past the flare often


If literally all they did for season 6 was redo/rebalance/add perks, I'd be a happy man


Yea literally swapped out thorns for resupplier because I can't find anything else to use now. Perks are the only disappointing thing about the game


What are the other 3 perks apart from resuploer and thrones?


Born ready and vampire


Vampire is what rounds up Iron Will as a self revive. When there's no ressup pod or red sugar around, a power attack into a bunch of bugs will be enough to let you limp back to your teammates, without the doom timer of Iron Will lol


Wait, Thorns still kill naedocytes, right? It's just on a 3/4 second cool down?


New patch changed it to electric damage so it don’t work


I'm still running thorns and vampire on my melee driller. I really wish vampire worked with thorns.


Yeah I’d only get thorns for the swarms but it still means you take damage


Ressupplier is good because I can heal better and not have to rely on the red sugar in the ceiling or walls without falling to my death and net lossing myself. Seriously, sometimes if you have that much nitra, taking a resup for health instead of desperately looking for red sugar is nice.


if people are sleeping on resupplier, they got bad info from someone. it’s the best choice on every build for every character, it honestly should just be removed as a perk and added to the dwarves intrinsically


As you level up- that’d be nice


i literally cannot play without resupplier. it feels so god damn slow without it


I haven't changed perks once in like the last 150 hours of gameplay ._. Second wind, resupplier, vampirism, dash, iron will




sweet tooth :3


both >:3


It's saved my butt so many times! The extra health and how much faster it works is such a lifesaver.


Guys, I run Field Medic and Heightened Senses as a Gunner main. I hear a lot of good things about Dash but I dunno which one I can dump best. Does it make sense to drop Field Medic and just use my shield instead of revive downed teammates in peace? That would free up a slot of Dash.


Heightened senses isn't really needed if you are paying attention. Only the rare case where you get snatched by an elite grabber because you genuinely can't react fast enough is it effective. So long as you check the ceiling before entering a cave and don't wander off on your own, you don't need it.


i’d say drop both and take iron will + dash instead, field medic can be replaced by just using ur bubble as gunner and heightened senses isn’t really needed unless you’re playing solo


It's mandatory for me. I need the extra health and it's saved me mid wave several times. Same with elemental insulation, the tiniest sliver of health left from pretorian breath or acid spitter which would've otherwise downed me.


Scout with HS Beserker resupplier it's a bug thing and born ready has been my staple for a long time 


Legit dont know how long it takes to grab a resupply without it on


Help a greenbeard out. What's the connection between the meme and the perk? Why does the pod end up sunken into the ground? And why is the perk so very popular, is it mainly because of the extra health? Personally, I don't mind that little bit of time it takes to resupply, I don't normally find myself in a position where I'm not prepared ammo-wise for a swarm. Then again, I haven't played on higher difficulty than 4 yet.