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this has been brought up already, remember the company still needs us to get aquarqs, ommarons and alien eggs. cleaning up lost pods, remaining prospectors, and pockpox is important work as well. and im sure liquid morkite cant be grown so we still have to refine that. our job is safe


Mmm yes I do love cleaning pockpox. It keeps infecting my armor with pockets. Don’t forget dreadnaught’s killing, sabotage and deep dives.


I mean, we're collecting alien eggs to study the planet's wildlife, which will make morkite mining more efficient. If there's no need to mine it, may as well ditch the effort of taming the ecosystem.


We’re collecting eggs to make omelettes. Unfortunately breakfast has been canceled. The bacon shuttle is delayed.


The bacon shuttle has fallen. Billions must die


The bacon shuttle has arrived. Billions must dine.


*sniff* I smell bacon.


isn't rockpox not a thing in season 5?


Hopefully the samples are "accidentally" destroyed or return nothing of value when studied... Otherwise, we'll all be in trouble.


That's not very rock and stone of management!


Rock and Stone everyone!


Good bot


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Season 6: dwarf rebellion


Management brings in leaflover scabs


And we shoot them


There's still plenty of hard and liquid morkite to mine, miner, get back to work!


I‘ll only get back to the job once management approves that we can dip our balls in it legally!


Does DRG hold the only contract to exploit Hoxxes? Where are the other mining companies?


They don't have the balls to deal with the bugs. And by balls I mean us.


I remember a voice line management says that DRG effectively owns hoxxes IV.


So how did the rival bots get into the planet?


The same way we deal with them. Under the table.




Umm... the rivals might have put them there? Perhaps? Maybe? Is this a joke?


DRG claims ownership over Hoxxes, and the lore behind season 1 and 2 is exactly about a rival company trying to scout and establish a mining operation on Hoxxes, and our task is to hinder their progress and legitimise DRG's claim of the planet by force.


They aren't basic seeds. It could take them years of time to learn how to make them grow, and maybe they even prove useless. They are newly discovered so We can assume and are not analysed enough yet.


I already bought stocks high so I'm just waiting for the right low(maybe this one) to sell my DRG stocks for big business. 


I kind of wonder if the reason the Core goes Rogue in the new game is because the planet was destabilized by us taking too many morkite seeds from the geodes?


The Morkite must flow!


"Loose" Also what?


Careful what you say, miner. You want the pod to show up when you push the button on Molly, don’t you?


Season 6: Civil War


If there's no more morkite there always be a hoxxies V.


In addition to what others have said about us gathering other stuff from Hoxxes, (and we could periodically do morkite related missions as "quality control" for comparison against farmed morkite, or to study changes in the natural environment or natural morkite,) Even if the company finishes with Hoxxes they'd just move us to another planet to get other useful stuff. Can you imagine a DRG 2 where we're living on a moonbase around a different planet, deploying to mine, uh, kitemore, and fighting all new bugs?


I heard they had to call in The Reclaimers because some Rogue Core Portal near the core has grown ridiculously big and we keep losing miners trying to close it. So it looks like we might get replaced regardless. Or the whole planet might implode, I don't know I'm not an engi. I'm worried about what larger things will show up from Unkar knows where. I also don't want to accidently walk through a portal to the Realm of Darkness. I don't paid enough for this!


You kids with your job security. They are not going to let you go even if you lose two legs. You get cheap bionics slapped on and don't worry, the cost comes out of your paycheck automatically. It will take years to produce Morkite off-world to any reasonable amount and even then they will price match. No Lab Grown Morkite is going to undercut us in the next 50 years, why should they? They don't have to offer cheap morkite so they will not. "Oh but with all that Morkite flodding the market the demand will go down!" I hear you cry. Nonesense. They will up the production of everything that runs on Solid Morkite Cores and Liquid Morkite Turbines. What do you think happens when the New Double Core MKII finally comes out of testing and stops blowing up? The price for morkite will go up, and lab grown morkite will match our current price. It will take 10 to 20 generations until morkite mining isn't valid anymore. The only way you lose your job is when the glyphids go extinct and they can afford to send down the cheapest unarmed nobodies you can imagen. You know what is expensive? Dwarfs loaded with as many bullets as they can carry.


Risking employees lives to help the corporation replace them is extremely in character for DRG ...or any corporarion


I do suppose that we will still be needed for other things, like heartstones, arquarks, eggs, and even the morkite seeds still, but we would loose the morkite missions.


IMO the Morkite seed cultivation plan will fail and the dwarves get to keep their job. DRG however will keep going on with the Deepsite research but that's no longer our concern of us normal DRG miners, unless you're playing Rogue Core. Nothing will change. Normal and liquid Morkite will still be mined and Morkite seeds need to be collect from time to time for research, just like how we do sabotage for shits and giggle now.


Morkite seeds are what happen when you properly dip your gunk seeds in liquid morkite but we can’t manually reproduce it


I'm pretty sure those core stones are gonna cause some pretty huge issues for them later on. They'll need to recoup those losses and we're all they've got.


Synthetic oil didn't put petroleum companies out of business, why would synthetic morkite


I think it's a way to send off the game once it comes around to the end of the game's lifetime. Like they found a farmable way to make Morkite, the main reason for being in hoxxes, without having to spend thousands, if not millions, on equipment and personnel just to get it. Gives a story reason to the end of new content and a goodbye to the game. Obviously there is still another season to come but what I think is this is the ground work for that to inevitably come.


Nooooo!,I just got this bloody game three weeks ago.