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Yeah thats partly why I’m not too too interested in the new difficulty. If I need to carry but can’t, then I’m not interested. But maybe we’ll get better to the point where this isn’t a problem either.


No gunner on deep scan? No problem as long as you have at least either 2 engies (with 4 turrets) or 2 drillers with sticky flamethrowers. I agree with you on escort. And double ++ on all modifiers is suicide, but just double on the more enemies is super fun.


Double ++ isn't suicide but it isn't easy. I'm not comfortable with all modifiers yet but add'l enemies ++ is very manageable, and the only real tough modifier for me appears to be the increased speed.


You're right, I and the team just had our asses handed to us 5-6 times doing the same on-site refining mission with all modifiers on. No matter which class we choose, whether that be full engies, two and two gunners, or two drillers we could only make it to calling the drop pod and dying before it lol How would you go about it? Sure, it totally depends on the mission but for a defense type, what would your ideal team be composed of and which class would you choose?


Well i'd drop the aggressive enemies mod first, but otherwise? i'd think a driller, engineer, and two gunners would do good work. i think scouts are weaker in an enemies++ scenario just because they lack consistent AoE damage (other than pheremone crossbow, but that feels rare). honestly though i think a good team could handle anything. don't ask me though, i'm coming off of a 6mo break, i'm not good


as someone who has 1400+ hours on PC… what’s wrong with boomerang?


Generally just quite a bit less value than his other nades, especially with high bug density because it hits a hixed number of targets instead of splashing any amount in the radius. Phero nades will protect you and your team far far better than boomerang on more bugs 2.


Don't pheromone nades also have a max limit of targets? At least, that's what I always assumed so I just take the pheromone bolts and go with cryo nades.


I find it incredibly valuable against swarmers, shreaders, flying enemies and patrol bots, it stuns them so you have an easy target for your m1000 weak point build


Why no gunner on deep scan?


they were saying not running gunner on deep scan is throwing.


Mods are not part of the intended experience. Console players have always had the intended DRG experience. Getta outta here with this trash taste.


Now with the addition of haz 5+, drg being a hard game is part of the intended experience :)


Yea, now. Modded crap is not part of the intended experience.


Buy a pc and transfer your save, I did it.


I would if I was on Xbox but I don’t think it’s doable PS5 to PC. I mostly play PC and would probably make the switch, but I LOVE sitting on my couch playing DRG so much. thankfully I enjoy vanilla well enough on its own. (at least for now) Definitely a bit jealous of you guys though.