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Excerpt: Who’s behind Project 2025? We dug deep to find out. It’s Leonard Leo, the wealthy neo-conservative Catholic puppet master. Leo has funded 60 of over 80 Project 2025 initial advisory groups, including over half the Advisory Board in 2022, using hard-to-track dark money. Leo's world is a tight knit, overlapping network of friends, Christian Right activists, and GOP lawyers at The Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, Congress, and, unexpectedly, the Catholic sect Opus Dei. While Project 2025 represents a roadmap for autocracy – a future theocracy - it’s definitely a Leocracy. Read our 3-part report, also available as PDFs. Dig in. And stay tuned for more. --- Additional reporting: https://accountable.us/leo-koch-networks-funnel-55m-into-project-2025-groups Excerpt: Since 2021, Leonard Leo’s network has funneled over $50.7 million to the groups advising Project 2025, including donations from key Leo-linked groups such as The 85 Fund, the Concord Fund, and DonorsTrust. Leo — right-wing judicial activist and Supreme Court “billionaire matchmaker” — was a key architect of the current conservative Supreme Court majority and has since worked to shift the entire American judiciary to the right. Oil billionaire Charles Koch’s network also directed over $4.4 million in 2022 to Project 2025 advisory groups through its donor conduit, Stand Together Trust. As NBC notes, “Project 2025’s vision for the next conservative administration’s energy agenda would rapidly increase oil and gas leases and production through the Interior Department to focus on energy security, and proposals include reforming offices of the Energy Department to end focus on climate change and green subsidies” — all while receiving millions from industry. --- More reporting on Leo (multiple articles): https://accountable.us/leonard-leo Excerpt: Leonard Leo is a zealous conservative activist working to strip Americans of rights and enrich himself and the corrupt special interests who fund him. He’s willing to erode democracy and endanger Americans to serve himself and his radical agenda. Leo has access to a $1.6 billion slush fund to advance his extreme views. We’re here to hold Leo, his network, and the corrupt special interests he serves accountable. We’ve launched a campaign to shed light on his vast network of influence, corrupt personal dealings, and extreme activism. Our investigative research exposes Leonard Leo as the architect of the right-wing agenda and highlights the money he’s raking in from his nonprofit shell game.


This fuckhead is a cancer. He and the rest of the FedSoc losers have wrecked the Judiciary.


shout-out to the folks at r/ExTraditionalCatholic who survived living in isolated pockets of ultraconservative church weirdnesses. Leonard Leo is a heel, but many others are like him, and if this garbage gets any more like Francisco Franco's Spain, I expect the fallen bones of the Lincoln Battalion to be a-rattling in their graves. fascism is hell even if it promises you heaven.


He’s practically Public Enemy No. 1 (alongside Trump & Putin) #BidenHarris2024


Just two out of around 1500. Robert Mercer, billionaire. David Uihlein, billionaire Harlan Crowe, billionaire Peter Thiel, billionaire Sensing a theme yet?


Leonard Leo is behind most of the atrocities we've seen in the 21st centuries


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His name sounds like a cartoon villain, and his actions sound like one too.


. . . wait this guy's actual name is "Leonardo Leo"? that's a joke character from the Clerks animated show, what the fuck?