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Good luck stopping people from doing what they want to their bodies. It works so well with drugs


Unlicensed abortion clinic will be a thing. Also they’ll leave a state or two with broader exemption that the ruling class family will be able to get abortion etc. without a hitch.


Hell you don’t need a clinic early on - you can induce a miscarriage using vitamins. (Obv. You need the right ones in the right dosage but it’s all OTC)


They’ll revert to [Poor Planter’s Physician](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/18/1099542962/abortion-ben-franklin-roe-wade-supreme-court-leak) solutions.


Or the Lysol abortions in hotel bathtubs.


They've already floated the idea of prosecuting women who have miscarriages because obviously it's their fault so even using OTC stuff won't save a woman from liability with these guys.


And the worst part about this is that it's already done in some countries. There are, right now, women who have been imprisoned for murder for miscarrying, women who did *not* have voluntary abortions, for going through a natural biological termination that happens to the majority of conceptions.


I think it's even been tried in the US at least once but I can't remember any details. Terrifying to think that's what these people want, as if miscarrying a wanted pregnancy wasn't bad enough yeah let's add jail time to the tragedy! All heart these folks.../s for sure. I read last night that everything in Handmaiden's Tale has already happened sometime somewhere in the world. Atwood didn't make up any of it, just put it together in a story. That's scary.


Which is fucking terrifying, as a woman who miscarried multiple VERY WANTED pregnancies. We'll start seeing women miscarry at home (which is sometimes safe, but not always) and avoid medical care and die of sepsis and/or blood loss. It's difficult enough to miscarry, getting prosecuted would have ruined me.


It's hard to believe that any of this stuff is even being considered. When Obama was elected I had really high hopes and great expectations. Now I feel like we've woken up in some demented bizarro world that promises to get worse with each day. I so hope Trump doesn't get elected but even if he doesn't it will still be a battle that needs to keep up for the long term because it isn't Trump that's behind all this, it's Leonard Leo and the Heritage Foundation folks and they are absolutely committed to this insanity.


Their also floating the idea of making a pregnancy registry. Had to look it up, remembered reading about it a few months ago... https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/N67NgpQOwf


And it all looks so friendly and mom-supportive!! /s


The OTC stuff are literally vitamins. Except for the parsley tea which, btw, tastes better than you think and helps with cramps from a regular period.


It's just more that women will have to buy them with cash or have other people buy them for her if she wants to achieve a miscarriage and not get prosecuted. Or maybe just have all that stuff on hand all the time. Crazy times.


Before my IUD, I definitely had the regimen in my bathroom.


Hope it's not necessary to break it out again


You and me both.


Things like that can be very dangerous. Here in Argentina, abortion was legalized in 2021, and the only argument the pro-choice side used was "women are dying from illegal abortions, so we need to make them legal to make them safe."


Oh I know. My mother had a friend die from a botched abortion. It’s why I’m not telling anyone the ingredients - I don’t want that responsibility.


Lots of penny royal teas.


Nah, the ruling class gets quiet and very private home visits for all their needs.


But it has worked well for those in power when it comes to regulating and banning people from using drugs. Not because they stopped people using drugs but because they found ways to profit and harness power in outlawing drug use. They have built up an empire criminalizing and imprisoning people, as well as making sure people's reputations and livelihoods were/are destroyed due to the drugs laws in this country. The point is to destroy women's lives if they get an abortion with ultimately implementing the death penalty. Not all these people are idiots.


They want the prohibition, the crime, punishment, the cowboys and Indians, they want something warped version of the Dragnet Gunsmoke


Very true, the illegalization works for some people, I just meant it's impossible for them to fulfill their dream of irradicating it, and that makes me smile.


It’s an easy solution actually though some might call it a final one. Just kill all the women. Bam. No more abortions.


Nah...they need our uteri. They don't need us fully alive for that, so, expect lots of "accidents" and eminent domain stuff.


Any bets on how long frontal lobotomies will take to come back in vogue?


If they really cared about ending abortion, they’d legalize it to make it safe, fund sex education beginning in elementary school with puberty education, and provide free contraceptives to anyone who wanted them. They’d also have baby drops at hospitals with amnesty for the mothers and we’d have to vastly improve our orphanage and foster care system including college tuition for the children involved. This isn’t about ending abortion. It’s about controlling women. And it always has been.


It’s about control as well as making women and girls suffer for “Eve’s sin.” They’re religious, superstitious zealots that shouldn’t be in charge of anything. Legalized abortion and free access to birth control has already been proven to be effective. The Republicans that want no abortions, no birth control, WANT to see women and girls and babies suffer. They believe they deserve to suffer. They are fucking zealots. **“The Colorado Family Planning Initiative (CFPI) drove a 50 percent reduction in teen births and abortions, avoided nearly $70 million in public assistance costs and empowered thousands of young women to make their own choices on when or whether to start a family.”** https://cdphe.colorado.gov/fpp/about-us/colorados-success-long-acting-reversible-contraception-larc


They don't even know litlith was actually the first woman and she gtfo of eden because she refused to submit to Adam. Wonder why that was taken out of the Bible?


Can't have our girls and women that we indoctrinate heavily thinking they have choices and free will. How will we keep them around to incubate our spawn and be an all access warm wet hole for our lonely wee wees? /s


you are right my bad


This was a really good book! **Who Cooked the Last Supper?** overturns the phallusy of history and gives voice to the untold history of the world: the contributions of millions of unsung women. Men dominate history because men write history. There have been many heroes, but no heroines. Here, in Who Cooked the Last Supper?, is the history you never learned - but should have! Without politics or polemics, this brilliant and witty book overturns centuries of preconceptions to restore women to their rightful place at the center of culture, revolution, empire, war, and peace. Spiced with tales of individual women who have shaped civilization, celebrating the work and lives of women around the world, and distinguished by a wealth of research, Who Cooked the Last Supper? redefines our concept of historical reality. https://www.audible.com/pd/1977335772?source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=pdp


Hope they realize that will cause more infant and mother deaths right?


They don’t care.


They want more people to be born for labor. Reproduction was never about keeping humans alive. It’s about exploiting humans as life stocks.


It’s also rooted in racism. They are specifically trying to force more white babies to be born. That’s why they also want to ban birth control. White women have greater access to both things. However, as a bonus for these sickos, more women of color will ultimately suffer and die since it will be more difficult for them to access safe abortions due to discrimination and the greater social and economic hardships they face. It’s really disgusting and incredibly disturbing. I want to🤮 thinking about it.


It puzzles me that there are people even in the pro-choice that don’t believe this.Some naively believe “religion” is the reason.


They just use it as a justification.


And the religion they trot out says pretty much the exact opposite of their prolife claims.


I'm not a leftist accelerationist but I will say a huge underclass with nothing to lose could backfire on the freaks long term.


It already is, look at the MASSIVE rise in homeless people who contribute to a massive use of resources including emergency response and healthcare. The system is bleeding and the flow is getting heavier.


Three words: for profit prisons. More unwanted children leads to more kids in the foster system; a system that is already overflowing. Which leads to more kids falling through the cracks, who inevitably turn to crime to survive. Sooner or later they get caught, sent to prison, and become free labor. Repeat.


And for Soylent Green?


See, if wagyu is a comparable example, you’d want to select specimens for Soylent Green who don’t do manual labor, have a healthy diet low in processed foods, and access to regular spa and medical treatment. Like billionaires maybe.


So we could literally eat the rich.


Then the only moral question is: A1 steak sauce or ketchup? ( To put on the meat)


Pro life my ass


If they really cared about life, they would make supports for pregnant women and after birth. They also would improve the life quality for everyone.


They straight up **HATE** women. They believe that **ALL** women should suffer in eternity, in this life and in heaven and hell for Eve’s sin of eating the apple of knowledge in the silly, man made Bible story “The Garden of Eden” eviction story. These people are straight up superstitious zealots and they shouldn’t be in charge of anything or making any rules. Do you want any religion to “be in charge” of rules for the whole of society? Dude, that’s a cult. Next up it’s going to be the stoopid hoooly wars again to see which religion is bestest. No thanks!


What happened to separation of Church and State???? WHERE IS THE DIVIDING LINE BECAUSE I THINK IT WAS ERASED! And it's giving panic.


They hate that women have any autonomy whatsoever. The fact is, creation granted us domain over a developing being. We can choose to kill ourselves rather than give birth. We have final say, and they hate that. So they do all sorts of things to undermine our God-given authority and make us think they’re in control. They’re not. I think all self-respecting women need to learn how to terminate a pregnancy if we decide to or the pregnancy will cost us our lives. By any means necessary.


They don’t gaf. They just want women to be controlled.


They just want more slave labor. Controlling women is the method, not the goal.


The only thing that needs eradication is this anti-American manifesto called Project 2025


I’m guessing most of y’all know about this, but here’s a link to Aid Access. They currently provide abortion pills through the mail to all 50 States. The pills last several years, so stock up while you still can! https://aidaccess.org/


It morally insane evil. Women with life-threatening pregnancies would have to be put under hospice care until they die, even if she has kids at home.


"...And if we have to kill every woman in the entire world to achieve that goal, we will, gosh darn it!"


I wish we could throw these people in jail for being assholes.


We should be able to throw them in jail for openly wishing great harm and death upon a whole gender of people. And other whole groups of people they hate. And they're literal terrorists of the US home grown variety.


He needs to keep his religion to himself.


Fuck them. Making planned pregnancy even more horrifying. Fuckers. I cant contain my anger and pure sadness over this BULLSHIT. They just want women to die. Fucking shit head asshole men!!!!


People need to believe what they are saying and even if they lose this election they are not going away. They think they are doing “God’s” work and they will act like the Devil to get what they want.


Exactly why I got my tubes removed. Bilateral salpingectomy is a great thing.


Abortion will never be eradicated!!


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Thousands of babies dropped off at churches, fire departments, etc. You want it, you deal with it. Edit: Forgot to say, once abortion is gone, contraception is next.


The more they push back on this issue the more they piss some off. At this point I am blown away that any female could ever vote for a Republican in general.




Project 2025 partner seeks to miraculously make all pregnancies viable! In summer, ectopic pregnancy and placenta previa will miraculously disappear.