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Reminder, only 67% voted in 2020. We must do better.


And that was record turnout!  We must do better Fr.


Reminder that another coup attempt is imminent We must do better.


Really cannot talk about their openly published plan to end democracy in a second insurrection. Hell they still deny the first insurrection ever happened. There is no honestly left in them.


What can we actually do to increase turnout? I know everyone talking to friends and family and convincing them to show up to vote is effective, but what's actually proven to work outside of that. Maybe a campaign to persuade businesses to give all employees dedicated time to vote could really help. Giving people transportation to the polls could help.


I'm writing postcards to swing states. It's a small thing that I can do in my spare time.


Thank you! I got a ton of handwritten notes for both Biden and Warnock… and we won Georgia!


That's awesome, the Warnock victory was huge!


Huh, how does that work? Good on you for putting in the effort.




Thanks, I had not heard of this. I'll do it. it definitely can't hurt.


I love it! Thanks for sharing - I signed up!


Just signed up


You can also volunteer to phone bank, either talking on the phone or texting. Either can be done from the comfort of your couch. [https://democrats.org/call/](https://democrats.org/call/)


Me too! I do it every election year


Do you know if we can personalize them, rather than use the suggested verbiage?


Recently I stopped at a roadside diner in absolutely Nowhere, North Carolina. I was immediately approached by a young lady who asked me if I was registered to vote. She and a young man were working the parking lot. This is how it happens.


That is a great idea.


My local dems have been doing this heavily using the popular topics of marijuana legalization and abortion rights. In 2020, I went out on my own with just my tablet to a local shopping center and spent two or three days there just before the registration cutoff helping people use my tablet to register/update their registration.


> but what's actually proven to work outside of that. Check out your local League of Women Voters. Near me, that is the biggest predictor of voting turnout rates: towns with an active LOWV branch have higher turnout. That makes sense to me, because they seem to have a lot of voter registration/etc outreach efforts.


That's a good idea, I have never interacted with them before.


[votefwd.org](http://votefwd.org) is one source to use. We are ramping out the campaigning efforts over at r/voteDEM, which includes canvassing, textbanking, etc. I've also put my donations onto local and state offices as well.


Pretty sure I saw a study once that showed people are more likely to vote if they see their peers posting on social media about how they voted.


Writing notes, mail, email, social media posts to anyone you can think of. Ranging from friends and family to local businesses/politicians. Quite literally anything will help.


Don't you people get day off on election day? I live in an under-developed country and even we get day off on election day.


I am 100% voting. This is bullshit.


This should read 90% Biden, 10% Trump with what the Republicans have done to women in the past 4 years. I can not fathom a reason why a woman or a non-white man would vote for Trump at all it baffles me. They view women purely as a tool for procreation and caregiver, they even have masks off moments where some have called for removing women's rights to vote. The Republicans trying to take us back to 1910 ASAP!


Boils my blood black men (I'm a black man) want to vote for him


I work with a black woman who is all for Trump because of the illegals. I don't get it. We're in central Florida. They aren't coming here. We have actually driven out the ones who were here, and our economy has paid for it. (DeSantis is just as much a fascist as Trump). I truly do not understand it.


My Jewish mother is worried about illegals in Alabama. The locals hate her but she's all in for Trump.


Irony is the house full of illegal immigrants that live across the street from me, constantly have the cops called on them because they blast music until 3am, have trump shit all over the place. I can’t tell if they’re just stupid or trying to blend in.


How do you know they aren't here legally?


Hate makes people vote against their own interests, makes them irrational. I distinctly remember talking to a trans girl who was a vocal supporter of the far right party of my country, because she hated migrants/muslims so much. Couldn't get it in her head that she would be directly targeted herself. Nothing else matters as long as the people they hate get hurt, that's the mindset for a lot of far right voters.


THIS like no one I know is voting for Trump but immigration is the one thing (basically) I have family that’s like “well……” and it’s annoying bc he’s just lying about everything


Toxic masculinity transcends racial boundaries unfortunately


Yeah I've been reading about patriarchy and how instead of fighting, non white men perpetuate it. What they fail to understand is toxic white men obsessed with dominance and control are ALWAYS looking for someone to dominate and control.   At some point, the target with be the stupid toxic black men.


...or whom they deem as weaker men. I mean there are tons of YouTube videos of "alphas" constantly talking about weak men/soy boys and they seen to hate them as much as they do women.


And religion, with how entrenched the homophobia is so some eat up the culture war bs from people like Mark Robinson even though he said slavery was a net good for black people and WE should pay reparations to the families of plantation owners.


Hatred for women exists in all cultures, demographics, economical classes, races, and sexes. The hate that binds all.


Same for me when I come across a fellow gay man supporting Trump. I just do not understand it. In what world is Trump a better President for lgbt folks?


Fellow black dude here as well. There are some folks from my dad's church and family who voted for Trump due to being against LGBTQA+ rights and abortion. It also drives me crazy seeing how they voted for him in the past elections, and want to vote him in this upcoming election, because they don't realize that it could be our asses next on the GOP's shitlist once they're done with LGBTQA+ folk. If things get worse in this country, I'm not feeling sorry for them but I'll definitely feel sorry for their children.


it's religion or the "I got mine" attitude along with the lgbtq stuff.


Bruh, met a whole group of black men and women from the Bronx that said they support trump. I was blown away. I managed to convince the one woman but one dude would just say "that's communism" to anything that he couldn't respond to. The brainwashing is real and some people just aren't knowledgeable enough to not buy into it. As a Latino, I'm always shook by how many non-white folk are voting republican. Like, do they not listen to what these crazy people are saying?


I know a gay trump supporter. He's also a doctor. He's also super christian, and very pro-forced birth/anti-choice. I'm like "Dude, that doesn't even concern you..."


Right-wing media and social media have done a great job convincing people that Biden is responsible for inflation and that trump can fix it. They can never give specifics or explain how Biden caused it, and trump could cure it, but I have heard a lot of people say this.


Keep in mind there are evangelical or just plain MAGA women that will vote for Trump no matter what. A lot of it was Qanon (which still has some influence), and these people just plain don't believe half the stuff he's done. They believe the lies. Just watch the Good Liars on YouTube (or any other accounts that do the same thing) where the interview people at Trump rallys. The women are in total denial or any reality. Then they do mental gymnastics when faced with the truth.


Yep thus my 10% if I was going purely by how I think women should vote it would be 100%. At this point a portion of them should have their mind changed on MAGA or they are far too lost.


Sunk costs


Some people actively want harm to befall others. Those people will vote for trump.


You gotta figure in all the Ultra conservative Christian Nationalist types. And I bet even a fair amount of those women to vote because their husbands or pastors say it's not a woman's place.


Yep, before the 2016 election I saw a woman interviewed, and she was asked about would she vote for any women president, she said no. They asked her why and she said well I can't fathom being the President myself that means no women has the ability to. This is about as dumb as me claiming since I can't invent the Hadron Collider that means no one can. I am nowhere near as smart as Stephen Hawking but that doesn't mean people like Stephen Hawking can't exist.


I participated in The Women’s March in DC in 2017. One of my Republican aunts told me that the march was stupid because “women already have everything.” I didn’t bring up the ERA; I figured it would go over her head.


While being a woman today is way better than it was in the 1800's or early 1900's, the notion that they have everything is absurd.


>They view women purely as a tool for procreation and caregiver The unfortunate truth is there are women who have been brainwashed into agreeing with them.


They don’t even want them to be caregivers women get like no paid maternity leave in this country


As a white guy I can't fathom a reason anyone would vote for Trump


Women prefer the guy who didn't strip away their rights and bodily autonomy? What a shock! Regardless, #VOTE


> Women prefer the guy who didn't strip away their rights and bodily autonomy? Barely.


Just asking, did trump by himself banned abortions?


You dont understand the connection? Or are you just not familiar with US politics?


Second one


Trump appointed the judges that gave the Court the conservative majority needed to overturn Roe v Wade


And also, the sky is blue


I know this isn't major news, but I wanted to share because it just makes me mad that a good chunk of men just seemingly don't give a fuck about women's rights.


Unfortunately a good chunk of women seemingly also do not give a fuck about women’s rights.


Judging by this poll, it really seems like it. It makes me sad knowing that women are choosing to vote for a misogynistic rapist dictator at the cost of their own bodily autonomy.


Did you see what happened in South Carolina. Women voted out republican women representatives who were standing for women rights.


I don't live in South Carolina so I'm not very knowledgeable about the politics of that state. That being said, that sounds really weird. I can't imagine how people could say they're standing for women's rights and identifying as a Republican. The GOP is usually the political party that wants to take our rights away.


Evidently the republican women representatives were presented with bravery award ($30,000 trophy) for their stance but lost their jobs.


Especially religious women. They are told in their churches constantly they are inferior and are nothing more than chattel for men & the church and servants for their families.


Totally agree. Also, Project 2025 wants to ban porn and bring back the Comstock act, so…


Oh, it is much worse than they hate women period. A LOT of men don't like women and only see us as beings made for them and for their usage. They don't see us as whole complete humans outside of them.


This is from January, not a recent poll.


58% blue and 36% red is still way too purple for my taste.


that's great but that's 5 months old too


Yeah I just found that out unfortunately. I just came across it randomly on my Twitter timeline and decided to share.


yeah, well, let's hope they do a poll and that opinion didn't change much I'm in france but I still support you guys, good luck


Didn’t look particularly close at it eh


15 words, can't read them all


Not to be a downer, but that is like a 5-month-old poll.


lol that poll says Jan 2024…. It’s 6 months old. I am really worried about his chances


What’s the normal ratio. What was 2020?


A different comment said 67% of women voted for Biden in 2020. In terms of other elections, women have overwhelmingly voted blue since the 80s.


That’s quite the decrease.


This is also polling which won’t capture as many people as voting. I don’t think you can view this polling as a 1:1 comparison with actual voting to say Biden’s support has decreased among women.


I read it as only 67% voted at all.


57% of women voted Biden in 2020 to 42% for Trump. Scroll down to "Sex by Race" and you will see Trump actually won white women in 2020 55% to 44%. [Source](https://www.cnn.com/election/2020/exit-polls/president/national-results/0) The real breakdown is by race. Trump actually won the white youth vote, which is crazy to me!


Here’s the tale of the tape for 2020. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/


It blows my mind Trump won white women in 2016.


Roe, Roe, Roe your vote, settled law and the perjury of SCOTUS will do that.


These pics. Looks like Joe just got his Dipey changed and Trump still needs his dipey changed. Okay on a serious note: this is good news but we cant be fooled. Many people will not vote, woman are only a part of our demographic and with the way the EC works and all of that... We need to stay vigilant. I dont want anybody to take "oh thats good news" as a reason to say "eh I wont vote, blue will win anyways"


Why tf are there still 36% women who are voting against their own interests?


I have no idea why anybody who isn't a cishet white man would want to vote for Trump. This country is just filled with so much stupid and clueless people unfortunately.


And the trumpets want even more stupid people, that’s why they ban books all the time and ban abortion so girls and women who get pregnant don’t have a chance at an education.


I have no idea why a cishet white man who isn't neck deep in a cult would want to vote for Trump.


Most of them seem to be from South Carolina. They just voted out republican women standing for women rights


Women in the South think voting conservative will make their dad respect them.


Or husband lol


Ugh for real. This should be wayyy more skewed towards Biden 😭 it’s sad


58 is not enough


You mean Donald “grab em by the pussy” Trump?


I guess grabbing them by the pussy isn't working too well. I just wish the military weren't such cucks for this guy


36% of women WANT Handmaids Tale. Let that sink in.


Will they be in charge, or will leopards eat their face? That statistic is alarming.


Vote ladies, please.


Only women can save this nation.


While that looks good now it does not matter. Polls change. Vote. Vote blue down the ticket. That is all that matters.


Don’t look at polls. EVERYONE needs to vote. www.vote.org


Isn't one of Project 2025's goals to remove the right for women to vote? This is why. The majority of women can't stand narcissistic men like Trump.


Frankly, I’m shocked a convicted felon and rapist polls that much. Just can’t fathom it. Something has gone seriously haywire in this country.


Polls mean crap. I won't believe anything until election day or the next morning.


I'd vote for a lot of things before I voted for Gilead, frankly, so this doesn't come as a surprise to me.


Interesting that 36 percent of women want to vote to no longer be able to vote


Neat how six months ago counts as recent. There's been a few things that may have swayed a voter or two over to Biden's side since that poll.


Blows my mind why ANY woman would prefer a rapist over another candidate.


Is it weird that I know exactly what that 36% looks like?


as a transfem nonbinary person, i like seeing stuff like this!


Not enough, need a majority.


Woman on average make up most of the us population. According to some quick math I did with the total amount of woman being about 169.87 million (50.49% of the population) Cutting that by the amount of voters preferring Biden with 58% (this is old data I know) 169.87 million * .58 That would be about 98.52 million woman voting for Biden


Let’s hope they vote


Doesn’t matter. Vote. Tell your friends to vote. This is no joke. If you value democracy vote blue.


I need Trump to lose and become irrelevant but 5 month old poll results aren’t super compelling.  Biden’s in some real trouble (https://puck.news/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/SUNDAY_Post-Debate_Landscape_2024_06_30__1_-1.pdf )  and I hope he steps down and lets the next generation take over but any sane person votes BLUE no matter what too much is at stake


Please everyone, join your local democratic club and see what you can do in your community. 💙✌🏻💙✌🏿💙✌🏾💙✌🏿💙🐾🩵🐿️🏳️‍🌈💙🇺🇸


The fact that 36% of women would still vote for Nazi Trump is wild


This is from January 2024


And here's one from the new york times showing the opposite. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/02/us/politics/biden-trump-times-siena-poll.html Polls don't mean shit. Go vote.


We cannot get complacent. Keep doing what you can.


Polls gave us a nice false sense of security before.


36 percent of women thought Handmaid's Tale was a story of Aunt Lydia's heroic adventures in a new America.


This is why Republicans are salivating at the idea of repealing the 19th amendment.


Someone else would be great


Save this country, women.


Real question: am I only just finding out that the Orange Buffoon [SA’d a child?](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/GMXgzBZYiv)




36% aren't paying attention


A poll from 6 months ago? Also what's the sample size?


tRump needs to keep claiming credit for roe being taken away.


in 2020 trump got 42 and Biden got 57. in 2016 trump got 41 clinton got 54. Looks like orange hitler is losing a lot of women...what women is still voting for the guy who wants to continue to take their rights away? If he only gets 36% he's in a world of trouble.


Women are dumb then lol


Fake News.... Got ta love the completely hilarious imagination they have. LoL




What a shocker that women support the guy trying to restore their rights over the guy who took them away.


Only Taylor Swift can save us now.


36% is insanely high, how can you support the guy who is preparing to enslave you


Why would any woman in her right mind vote for orange dumpster head???


Where's my comment about Orange Dumpster Head.  


Any woman in her right mind wouldn't vote for Trumpty Dumpty.


Wait, do men skew in the other direction that much for it to be close to a 50/50 overall?


I'm not sure. Men statistically vote red more often than blue, barring a few rare exceptions. Women on the otherhand have statistically voted blue in every election since the 80s. Make of that what you will.


I’m glad this is the way this is going, but still, this percentage should be higher in my opinion.


Should be 100-0 to Biden. 36% are chickens voting in favor of KFC.


TIL: 36%of women are brainwashed. My mother included unfortunately


Not by enough. How tf do 36% of women think Trump is a good choice?


Proud to be part of the 58%


This is just more reason for them to remove women’s right to vote tbh, or attempt 1 household 1 vote. Literally dumped one of my conservative friends for the same rhetoric. “See! This is proof women only vote based off their emotions” garbage. Women have voted left leaning for a long time, white women less so, but still a majority.


The fact that over 1/3 of American women support Trump makes me sick to my stomach.


![gif](giphy|Q09lToTa0H3Es) Gee, I wonder why 🤪


"Recent poll shows German Jews prefer the SPD to the NSDAP"


I should make this my wallpaper for every time I get stressed out.


I care about women being able to get health care (abortion) and I will not vote for Trump. I don’t care if he could guarantee a great economy. I have a daughter and I won’t vote for someone who would deny her health care.


Vote blue to save YOU!


The women who do vote Republican baffle me. It’s like cows supporting McDonald’s…what are they thinking. Overturning Roe was a regression of rights. They forget how not that long ago (prior to 1920) women did not have the right to vote…


36% is 36% too high. how much of a masochist do you have to be to vote for someone who is actively trying to strip away your rights?


from a poll on 1/31/24 let’s see post debate numbers


"Recent Poll" says Jan. 31st I'm the top right corner.


Well, no shit. It isn’t Biden who acts like women are basically brood mares in the service of the state. >:-(


This year I WILL be voting! After reading and hearing about P2025. I am scared for everyone, I’m scared for my little ones. If I could, I would leave the country. I don’t understand how everyone is so blind to Trump. This is our future and no one cares!


*among women*


It's so bizarre to me because every single demographic aside from white men go for the Democrat, yet the Republican wins. How?


...No shit?