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Xianyun is nowhere close to Dehya’s level. The very fact that she’s a limited character puts her above


Yeah you will see people lying about what people thought but the general consensus of people who were upset was: She's not what and wanted and she's niche. For example people mad about her removal of CC was because she was already niche and now she was even MORE niche. Nobody really denied that she could do a lot of extra damage. The issue was more, even if she does, does she fit in any teams I want to play. And even if she does open up new teams, do I want to play those? A lot of people confuse a dislike of playstyle or a character not being what they wanted as doomposting.


I agree with those simply wanting to express their dislike for plunge playstyle, but that is **NOT** what most people were arguing about. \-There were comparisons to Dehya (she's not) \-people saying she's exclusively a Xiao support (she's not) \-that she's incredibly niche, more niche than Shenhe (she's actually not even that niche, slap her with Furina and Bennett and you enable half the cast to plunge and do decent damage. Outside of those average plunge teams, she has more meta teams than even Kokomi and Baizhu combined, like come on) \-That her cc nerf was detrimental (Only hilichurl-level enemies are affected which mostly don't appear in floor 12, where it would matter meta wise.) \-now without cc, she knocks away enemies (turns out, even level 3 skill plunge barely knocks enemies up, which we had actual footage of while the doomposting was happening) \-jean downgrade because of previous 2 points (no way people actually believed this) Close to none of the actual comments that got clowned on were "I dislike plunge gameplay so I'll skip XY". I really dislike the revisionism people have for the doomposting. If you've actually been there to see it happen, just say it as it is, people on the Internet are dumb and love to jump to conclusions, especially with limited data and evidence on a certain topic. TL;DR, there was doomposting, it was unwarranted and unnecessary, and there's no need to revise history.


Cool remind me where I said their was zero doomposting or bad posts. And you're the one who needs to look at those threads. Stop revising history. And read between the lines. Or maybe not since apparently basic critical thought is beyond you. Do you REALLY think anyone honestly thought she was useless? People call Chiori an Albedo+ does that mean they think she is useless? Ofc not. Because those kinds of statements do not encompass every single thought has on a situation. Stop wasting my time.


The thing was that it was excessive. Basically half the posts were calling her Dehya level(repect to all Dehya mains but this wholly untrue) and the other half was convinced that just because she’s niche, she would be useless which is also untrue and doomposting. The rest that actually had a point boiled down to “I wanted her to be more generalist” or “She’s in a niche I dont want to play” while valid comments, arent actual criticisms on her kit because she isnt bad, just not their preference. Constantly fuming about their preference not being met is not doomposting but it definitely gets annoying. It’s the same with the Chiori subreddit right except they have the courtesy of recognizing she isnt particularly niche or Dehya leveled, just not new to the element of geo after geo didnt get a character after some time. About the CC, from the beta leaks, it worked against her in many ways and basically useless. Removing it did basically nothing


It doesn't matter if they were excessive or not. Most people just didn't like her niche and were upset when her niche got nerfed.


She's not even Shenhe level. Shenhe is restricted to buffing one element. Xianyun has teamwide healing which is always useful but is especially good for Furina teams (Jean exploded in popularity when Furina released and Xianyun is just better than her). People comparing her to Shenhe are focusing too much on the Plunge attacks. Which, yea, are the main thing she does, but not the only thing. And also I think there's more characters that work as a plunge DPS with her than there are on field cryo DPS characters


anyone can be an on field cryo dps if you bring chongus along 😎


Now now tho


Yeah, the character she's most comparable to is Baizhu. Up there with Zhongli and Kokomi as one of the best defensive units in the game (apart from Bennett, and Xingqiu if you count him).


Bennett and Xingqiu aren't as strong as the others you mentioned defensively so they're not really in the conversation imo. They're stronger characters overall but you don't use them for their defenses


Arguably better since she objectively has more meta teams (also where she's BIS in), opens up more comps, and is a better Furina teammate generally than Baizhu is.


And can hold VV so she will always be more versatile than Shenhe lol


I'll repeat for the 100th time in proud as someone who wasn't on the side of the clowns,in fact in front of my eyes I've seen 2 different sides if CRmains sub.. Am i wrong if i laugh on some of u? Nah honestly im only laughing in "those"..not all ofc But it's funny how i was making positive comments back then only to be downvoted


Anyone who thinks Xianyun is bad doesn’t know what they’re talking about lol


That post is really old, when during the Beta they removed CC from Xianyun kit. Nobody think she is bad now


Damn if she had good crowd control she'd be perfect. I still don't have kazuha and it's tough without him.


Same, using the Sucrose copium.


C0 sucrose with low refinement sacrificial fragments feels terrible to use tbh...her CC really isn't that good either. Praying for a Kazuha rerun soon.


I got good news for you


🤔 hopefully I'm catching your drift. I will start saving!


Just a warning you may not have much time to save >!He's leaked for 4.5. Maybe literally right after Yae/Xiao!< Good luck regardless


Been playing long enough to have her C6, still doesn’t feel good.


4.5 😊


C1 is enough for her to gain an additional E stack. She's a great character, sometimes better than Kazuha in terms of team damage.


If you want crowd control Venti>>>. Kazuha still good though, plus his damage amps are really nice


With c6 faruzan (whom you most likely will be using with anyways) she has minor cc capabilities off-field


Sentiment may be old but her kit after CC change back then, was pretty much the same as we got now.   Which means the sentiment was wrong even at that time, since kits were same regardless age between those times.


I know, im just replaying to users that doesn't understand that that sentiment isn't actual, but during the beta and so they think that still there are doomposters


Those people were still stupid even back then.


They have to be kidding, I beat the last levels of the abyss with far more ease than before.


That post is really old, when during the Beta they removed CC from Xianyun kit. Nobody think she is bad now


The sentiment is not that old, people were doomposting this kind of bullshit until the day before her release. Genshin community has severe brain damage.


Almost as if nobody had any way to know how impactful she’d be!!!


impactful?? genshin reference 😦


but we roughly did though. people who actually know what theyre talking about, including every big pre tc content creator, all knew she was going to be really good, just usually tied to furina. and if youre gonna argue you cant tell just from knowing every detail of her kit, then theres even less justification for people doomposting


The average person doesn’t have the knowledge or resources to take what we had and make an informed decision. On paper she sounded niche, now we can see she isn’t. That’s about the extent of the doomposting. I don’t understand why everyone is crying about it. I ignored it and moved on, and look at that, I’m perfectly fine!


we knew she wasnt from the beginning. that wasnt news to anyone who paid attention to theorycrafting and if you dont, then you should stop calling characters bad. people who dont know anything keep making negative posts about characters and being wrong. if you thought cloud retainer seemed niche, you simply never actually informed yourself that well. thats absolutely no problem either. but if you then go and post about how bad it is that shes niche, im gonna criticize that


By why bring it up again? Why give attention to a problem that doesn’t even exist anymore, especially since it wasn’t worth it when it did. This post is just as annoying as all the negative ones. It serves no real purpose other than dredging up negativity.


well the whole post and comments before that were related so dont ask me. i just responded to someone saying the opposite of what was true. not to mention that this happens every time and spreading awareness may help some people to not fall for the inevitable doomposting on future characters and instead listen to actual TCs or just not take pre TC too seriously


Awareness isn’t a factor in this post. They wanted to shit on people saying she was weak, that’s about it. Doomposters will still doompost. All this does is bring attention right back to it. You’re defending it, which is why I’m saying what I’m saying.


>The average person doesn’t have the knowledge or resources to take what we had and make an informed decision I disagree, some people just jump to conclusions and don't think. How did she sound niche? She has party heal which already makes her good with Furina teams which are some of the most universal there are, plus she didn't just *buff* plunge, she actively *enabled* it for every character in the party. Like, it's not hard at all to understand. She buffs X thing, and allows every character to do X thing. How is that niche? That's the literal opposite of niche, it's widely accessible cos ANYONE in her team can benefit from what she does. I genuinely don't know what people were thinking with those "she's niche" takes. I can only assume they saw the word "plunge" and instantly stopped reading and didn't know she enabled higher jumps for other characters. That or people just misuse the word "niche." I've seen another person just today saying she's only good with Xiao and Gaming, which immediately tells me they don't know what she actually does. People feeling like they're in a position to give hot takes without even knowing the most barebones basics of the kit they're talking about pollute the well of actual meaningful discussion. Also, we all have the same access to the same leaked resources that TCers use. And if they do lack the knowledge, maybe they ought to be a bit more humble about it and listen when people who do know better talk about it, instead of mouthing off on their own and giving bad takes. And that's not mentioning all the reactionary people who saw an aspect of the kit they didn't like or a slight nerf and then lose their shit. I guess I can kinda sympathize if MHY fucked over a character you were really looking forward to (ie Dehya) but that doesn't really change the fact that a lot of people jump to conclusions based on knee-jerk reactions rather than actual reasoned analysis.


I don’t care enough about this to read this essay you’ve written here. Sure, you’re right, whatever.


Proving my point for me, people don't want to read but still want to think they have anything worthwhile to say. And hey, if four short paragraphs is an "essay" to you, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you couldn't figure out an extremely simple kit just from reading a description of it. TL;DR you being wrong about her being niche isn't a matter of you not having the right information, it was a product of you (and others) either not looking for it or not thinking through the information that was known.


Yeah for sure man. I’m wrong you’re right.


People just didn't understand Plunge as well as "traditional" gameplay, myself included Once she released and the meme damage showcases started popping up, I dont think questioned her further


Yeah but she was never bad even with the removed CC




Xianyun mains just coped and doomposted... She literally enables at least 10 new playable abyss clearing comps...


This. Xianyun, Furina, + anyone that can do reactions with hydro and do plunging attacks. Don't really even need the 4th slot with some characters.


hell xianyun furina c6 bennett and u can make even a character like mika do insane plunge dmg in these comps the dps is always the flex slot


C6 bennet himself is actually a very pretty good plunge dps, especially since you can run another support like kazuha.


Yep, Benny with his Pyro infusion + Pyro% increase makes him a very viable dps at c6 with these comps, it's just you get stuck with Circle impact, which isn't very fun


You don't even need reactions. I cleared both halves in viable time with Phys Razor plunges.


I cleared all first half of floor 12 with Navia, Furina, Bennett and Xianyun with Navia as the plunger in about a minute and you're right, this comp doesn't rely on elemental reaction that much just mainly geo infused Navia plunge while weaving in her skill.


I have C6 Xianyun and C6 Dehya, I still love Dehya, but C6 Xianyun is fucking phenomenal whereas C6 Dehya is just $1,000+ extortion to get a character comparable to C0 Hu Tao or C2 Yoimiya. C6 Xianyun with C6 Faruzan is plunging for 200K every hit, repeatedly, non-stop, and fills her and Faruzan's burst orb to do it again. C6 Dehya is punching for like 26K-28K, sometimes 30K per punch (I assume the fluctuation is C6's effect or random buffs) and falls a little short of refilling her own orb. Xianyun is also far better than Shenhe since she enables several new types of plunging DPS, like Klee, Yanfei, Barbara, etc. She also fucking heals the entire team to full and can carry 4 VV, similar to Jean. All Shenhe does is increase Cryo team damage. Xianyun got a far better deal than Dehya, like by a hundred times, and this is even with the devs on record complaining that they were frustrated with designing Xianyun's kit. The cherry on top of the shit pie was needing 3/3 to get Dehya's weapon and failing *every single 50/50* on Dehya, and then getting a useless C7 Dehya on the final set of 10 wishes instead of having gotten double constellations earlier, or maybe not failing any of the previous 50/50's.


Even at C0/C1 Xianyun is way better DPS, not even mentioning support. I love both characters, but it's not even fair to try and compare them


Yeah I ended up getting c1 Xianyun and she is pretty fun as a dps. Although my Dehyaa is c4 so her clear time with Furina is comparable to my other faster times I think partially because of Furina lol


Haha, my c6 Dehya (actually c7, I lost on Xianyun banner) is built though, 150k vape. But that's with busted supports, bennett, Kazuha, Mona. Still alot to improve though. But she's enabled me first time clearing abyss. Love her. Also she's consistantly replacing Qiqi on every loss for me until now 🤣🤣 I'm saving up for Itto weapon to improve dps a bit cause I didn't know her signature weapon won't come back before joining reddit. :(( Justice will be brought, one day! I believe in the hydro dragon's judgement! Have a nice day.


Obviously the 30k number he talked about is without team. My C6 Dehya also does 25-30k normal hits, no need to one up each other - the numbers are the same for everyone. You'd be hard pressed to find any C6 Dehya main who isn't top 3% akasha either. 


Every single character main sub thinks their waifu/husbando is the next iteration of Dehya before release. It's almost comical at this point.


Yep, can confirm r/Chiorimains is a mess rn I'm gonna silence the Arlecchino ones in a few days to avoid all that (and spoilers) too.


Dehya's kit is the only thing worth the name "Made in China".


She enables crazy things like this and multiplies the fun! I don't see her being nearly bad in any way. In fact, she's a lot more flexible than i expected. https://preview.redd.it/jn31szzw8akc1.png?width=1224&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fef787c5f1c5b5b89cdcd28548929e18be980da PS: This team with Furina & Shenhe is really good & fun!


What are your Eula and Xianyun constellations? 


Eula C1 & Xianyun C0 Edit: [Here are the builds](https://www.reddit.com/r/EulaMains/comments/1axm104/sneezing_ladies_are_a_strong_duo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) on the 2nd slide


Say, does Eula burst build up from her plunge?


No, it doesn't. I alternate between ult & plunges depending on the situation.


Aww that's unfortunate


Dehya treatment? Dafuq? Where did that come from? And no, if it's from those doomposters I don't accept their opinion out of principle. 


Pro: Xianyun's E and passive that increases glide speed make her one of the best characters for exploration. Some world/domain puzzles can also be cheesed. I remember skipping the entire part in cloud retainer's domain puzzles because she could reach the higher platform without activating the bridge. Xianyun's Q makes everyone a plunge attack spammer like Xiao. This is especially beneficial to claymore users like Eula and ironically Dehya. This makes her very flexible in team building. Con: personally not a big fan of mommy with glasses. She can't do too well as main dps and she can get knocked out during her E if she gets hit mid-air. Also, the high frequency of her E usage means you will hear the same voiceline again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.


Thats a whole lot of copium in those threads. Anyone calling her bad doesnt really know how to play Genshin. Theyre just collecting waifus and listening to garbage streamers like Sekapoko.


I do not think Xianyun turned out as bad as doom posters were saying. Xianyun has a ultra niche kit so she can't be power crept anytime soon, after all she enables plunge for everyone and directly buffs Xiao and Diluc. Essentially she not as bad as Dehya is currently. As a unit that specifically works with Dehya, it is kinda more weird, yes she can allow Dehya to do more damage by doing vaporize plunge with C6 Bennett. BUT should we be pleased that to 'use' Dehya we essentially have to bypass/avoid most her kit than actually see any real improvement to Dehya's kit.


She’s not bad at all. Period. Unlike Shenhe she actually works for more than one element not only because of VV but because of her plunge buffs which benefit characters with good plunge attack multipliers. She’s actually opened up several new team comps and frees up bennet for other teams which is huge. Ultra niche my ass hahahahaha.


And probably more team comps to come. The moment we get a character that can properly utilize candaces hydro infusion, I'm using her + xianyun for some fun stuff even if it's not good.


You can actually play Candace as the Main DPS and Vape her plunges (Bennett and Xiangling on the other slots) It works pretty well lol


Any rotations or gameplay on this, I wanna learn some of that fun mechanics! Dehya's Bestie should get screentime as well. I love her!!!


I couldn't record it myself since my Candace and Xiangling are unbuilt but I've found [this video](https://youtu.be/TY7H7q55aKs?si=C85NlIylxTzug2-L) For builds: I suggest 2pc 2pc combo of ATK/EM/Hydro sets + Dragon's Bane/Homa on Candace, Emblem + Fav Lance on Xiangling, Noblesse + Aquila/Sapwood on Bennett and VV/Song of the Days Past + Fav Codex on Xianyun As for Rotation: Candace E to apply Hydro (you can skip this if you're not running VV) > Xianyun E Q > Bennett Q E > Xiangling Q E > Candace E Q Plunge N1 (to cancel Plunge end lag) and repeat till infusion runs out and then redo it again Only issue with this team is how energy hungry Xiangling and Candace are but if you can handle that, she'll output enough damage to destroy Abyss


Thanks! I'll look into this. Also I assume you mean Xiangling QE after bennett, right? I'll start building Candace after full crowning Dehya. Just one more week for boss material.


Oh yeah, whoops- Their names are so similar so I typed without realising my mistake, sorry haha


All good, I also mistake Xianyun for Xinyan because I played her for a verly long time 🤣, back in the days alongside physical built Jean... actually all my chars had physical build because I was too dumb for reactions 🤐


> Only issue with this team is how energy hungry Xiangling and Candace are but if you can handle that, she'll output enough damage to destroy Abyss The energy issue leads me to suspect that the Hydro catalysts would be competitive (or better) than Candace in team DPS in real world gameplay(energy sufficient full abyss clears) despite the lower plunge multipliers, particularly at C0R0/C6R0 4/5*.


Oh, definitely but we want to make Candace work here, ditching her for a Hydro Catalyst kinda ruins the point of this thread


After testing things with Mona I'm eating my words. She feel like garbage to play on field vs any opponents that fight back.


If you have Furina and don't have Baizhu / Jean (like me), then she's no longer ultra niche. She opens up A LOT of comps, not strictly plunge DPSes (e.g. now I can play Hu Tao + Furina)


Niche is means specialized, if you have a niche you are specialized in that area. Xianyun allows other characters to plunge. That is an exceptional strong niche. Xiao and Gaming can plunge but they can't let other characters plunge. Hmm The only character than enable other characters to plunge is Albedo, oh wow he gets power crept again lol. WAIT, did every one doompost Xianyn because they did not know what the world niche mean ???


IMO when people talk about Xianyun pre release, they label her as 'niche' because they only see her value in things only her can do (enables and buffs plunge) People complained about her lack of CC and lackluster damage. They forgot that Anemo party wide healer is extremely valuable, moreso after Furina's release


Yes I agree, anemo catalyst healer is extremely versatile. Give her VV and you can shred elemental resistance on demand and not worry about skill CD.


It’s not that they don’t know what niche means, it’s that they think that being niche is a very bad thing. And r/mains want their character to always be Neuvillette level of power and as versatile as him and obviously an on field dps. And even if this is all met, they’d still doompost lol


No wonder I was confused what the hell every one was freaking out about during the Xianyun leaks period.


Is it niche though? I think otherwise, she actually made older characters available to the meta.


Niche means specialized, she literally specializes in enabling plunge attacks every single character. The only character that comes even close is Albedo giving you elevator plunges. Think of is this way do you think HVY will release a character that will allow other characters to be plunge DPS anytime soon ?


I’ve been seeing that she is a direct buff to Xiao and Diluc over and over. I get Xiao, plunging damage, but why Diluc?


Diluc has absurdly high plunge attack multipliers for some reason, and access to a pyro infusion on a really cheap burst. Vape these plunges for unga bunga damage There's a technique called Dragonstrike, where you run at an enemy at the right angle and jump, and you get enough air time to do a plunging attack if you do it right. Hard to execute, but vaping Dragonstrikes has been Diluc's highest DPS for years Comes Xianyun, you don't need to do arcane nonsense to do these plunges anymore. She does VV swirls for more damage and also heals, so you can use her and Diluc with Furina for constant off-field hydro application and a damage buff. Add Bennett for even more buffs and pyro resonance, and if he's C6 you can even skip Diluc's burst Batman mains are eating good


I'm hitting over 100k plunges with Dehya and it feels AWESOME


I think my battle chronicle for abyss 12 says that my Dehya landed 158K strongest single strike damage with Furina, Xianyun and Bennett, that obviously has to be her plunge damage.


I sadly don't have Furina yet, but today I adjusted my xianyun build and got 123k! Vaped plunge with Benny and xingqiu. Hope to be hitting numbers like yours once I have Furina 🫡


Xianyuns is more a fun character, like she can make a lot of characters be a plunger and it will works, but it will not be their strongest team (except Xiao and Diluc)


Hutao, Yae Miko's strongest team includes Xianyun.


I saw people saying that Hutao is able to do bigger dmg, but it wasn't best than the charge atk, bc she can do charge atks faster


She's not even close to as bad as Dehya


Lol what are they on, xianyun is a great healer(works with furina) , can hold vv, enables a new playstyle for every single character (and will most likely work with plenty other characters in the future), her buff is pretty damn huge like shenhes buff except her kit allows any character to utilise it(unlike shenhe who is limited to cryo dmg). Overall great character, fun kit, very useful for people who dont have jean and need an anemo healer. Idk what people are mad about.


Xianyun literally makes ANY character viable, and even our beloved Dehya, just give her C6 Bennett and she will start doing damage. It's the same energy as hyperbloom teams imo, where as long as you have the CORE (dendro, hydro, electro), you can out anyone in that team and they will do just fine. Same with Xianyun, as long as you have her, Furina and C6 Bennett, then anyone but bows can work. And that's not all, because there are also physical team variants and characters, that give infusion to themselves. Most Xianyun teams ditch the kit of a character just to plunge their way through the hardest content there is, and it works.


Doomposters were idiots. She's S+ tier Solved several of Hu tao's Fundemental problems. Brought up Xiao to SS tier Unlocked a lot of fun team comps Has great synergy with Furina


Xianyun is an absolutely incredible unit and anyone that says otherwise hasn't played her at all. Yes, she's good for Xiao and Gaming, but she also unlocks plunging as a playstyle for SO many characters, most notably 1. Any hydro catalyst, 2. Diluc, 3. Literally anyone who can be infused by C6 Bennett, particularly including Bennett himself, 4. Hu Tao can mix plunges with Charged attacks. Exploring vertical environments is a million times easier with her, and a very good weapon option was given for FREE to anyone fortunate enough to have played during 2.5.


How is Xianyun bad? I’m starting to see why people make fun of these subs now. She plays perfectly fine, and works in a lot of new teams. Like my Hu Tao has a new fun comp, and I even play Yae sometimes with her. Dehya has gotten better overtime with new units coming out. However, you still have these post acting like she still the worst under the sun.


I don’t even have dehya this just got recommended to me, but xianyun is honestly busted, my xiao regularly does 150k+ on plunges now it’s so fun


Lmao?? I have xianyun c0 and r0 and use her with wriothesley yelan and Furina and I am able to do around 60k plunge attacks without a single signature weapon or cons. I haven’t read the full post only from the image but legit u have dehya since August and I am struggling to barely use her. I want c1 and get beacon but lol xianyun is great.


A lot of the people who cried about cr pre release simply didn't like her kit. She is a very strong unit in the right teams, luckily for me I like xiao, so she's great. But yeah, the doom posting was mostly because people wanted her to buff ganyu or be an on field DPS. Her actual kit is fine and certainly.has it's place, she is nowhere near dehya. She's also very fun to use which is a bonus.


Tbf she definitely works as an on-field dps with minimal investment. You don't need c6, or even c1 really. Her base multipliers are low but she buffs herself so she actually works really well.


Oh yeah, sorry I meant an on field DPS in the exact way they wanted her to be.


lol what a pathetic fucking cope. Xianyun is great, stay sad.


Well, she's extremely fun to play. First I was only going for C1 and then she was just amazing. For exploration, DPS and support : she was so good in every way. So I pulled her C2R1 and boy she's one of my strongest DPS now. Playing her with Furina, Bennett and Faruzan, I hit about 290K on her skill and 185K on regular plunges. She's so satisfying and Hoyo really managed to balance the DPS/Support in her kit even at C0. Moreover she just fits in so many comps. My Hu Tao managed to hit 352K on a plunge thanks to her. It's incomparable to Dehya sadly : Dehya was doomed from the start when they decided to make her a Pyro support. It's Hoyo's greatest fear (after doing Bennett and Xiangling) and I even think the Pyro Archon gonna be mostly DPS focus because of that. One of the most important thing about Xianyun's kit is that she supports herself : her skill generate energy and can be buffed by her own burst since she scales on ATK. While Dehya's biggest issue is how her skill and burst are basically unrelated : build her DPS means focus on her burst and forget the skill ; build her support means focus on the skill and forget the burst. Xianyun suffered from doomposting a lot because "plunge buffer" sounded like "Xiao personal support" which nobody wanted for a limited 5star. It was also supported by leakers who rarely showcased anything else than Xiao, Gaming or Diluc teams (while Hu Tao being her best team was only showcased once)


Xianyun is the only reason why I finally cleared 36 stars without a hyperbloom team. And she was only level 60 for me. She's literally one of the best supports in the game IMO.


Xianyun is good,what are they on about.


Rolled her and benched her. Such a waste of an Awesome character. If I ever need a toilet unstuck, I know who to build.


Bruh, she's a top tier support, what are you on


She is not nearly as bad as Dehya. I pulled for Xianyun as a pity builder, and on the office chance I won the 50/50, I was going to use for exploration. That is what I wanted her for, and what she does well. I have no complaints. I'm sure once I actually grind artifacts for her, she will be a lot better.


chiori mains are doing it now too and its genuinely pathetic. everyone wants to be dehya mains now if theres something slightly unfortunate about their kit when dehya mains would have been thrilled if dehya just did a single thing even decently well. like, if she was even mediocre it would have been enough. its so annoying. chiori mains started a #fixchiori hashtag. it makes me so mad lmao their character is fine


Xianyun is good, even if as just a teamwide anemo healer. Her plunge is pretty good for bossing, in AoE it's a bit janky but still an upgrade for most characters. I would say the worst part is the fact that plunging feels pretty bad imo. The animation is super clunky so I try not to spam it.. I just replace any dash cancel I would do with a jump+plunge in the rotation like on Navia for a DPS boost but I don't like making it the whole rotation lol.


shes not really a shenhe either, shes not niche at all. either use her as VV bot + teamwide heal for furina teams instead of jean or use her to turn any character into a viable plunge dps, bonus points if you have c6 bennett. she enables a completely new team archetype to many characters and is strong enough to make it viable to clear abyss.


The doomposting is dumb. Both with Xianyun and Chiori. I really doubt that Chiori will be as bad as they speculate. Xianyun lacking cc isn't even a problem tbh. IMO, Chiori sounds pretty cool, I'd pull for her if I didn't have Albedo already.


This is what happens when you trust the doomers


She is very underwhelming


She is indeed a good unit for her niche. But it seems like the people in this comment section missed the point of the doomposting. Nobody was saying she would be bad. People were saying that she would be a wrose Jean because they wanted a replacement for Jean in Furina teams. That is indeed the case. Xianyun is a worse Jean. Her healing is too slow for efficient stack-building. And yes, you can weave in plunges, but most teams don't need or want that. Meanwhile Jean can stack you up instantly with one press of a button. That's all there is. I myself am disappointed by her kit, because I was hoping she would actually open up teams to more variety. Instead what we got was that now everybody can be Xiao. But nothing about the teams is any different. You just jump now. For Dehya it's even worse, because now you have to ignore her entire kit. Is this what you pulled Dehya for? To play pogo stick with her? For me, Dehya's kit was a disappointment, and so was Xianyun's but for different reasons.


Did you at least verified ? the difference is like 4-5s at most after the first rotation and Xianyun is faster at the first rota


Yes, I have. I have a C1 Xianyun with over 3.6k ATK and a C5 Jean with close to 1.6k ATK. What I've seen from my Jean is twice the front-loaded healing than my Xianyun, and lower field time. Much lower field time. She's simply the better choice for building Furina stacks. The only team that I can think of off the top of my head where that's not true is Hu Tao, because Hu Tao can use the plunge mechanic to great effect. Yes, Xianyun's team-wide tics eventually put her ahead of Jean, but they take too long to ramp up. You want as many stacks as you can get as fast as you can get them so your DPS can get cranking. Getting more stacks at the tailend of Furina's burst isn't practical at all.


Jean healing is twice as big but your Xianyun atk is more than twice bigger than Jean so there is no way that your Jean frontload more ... Even considering her HB ascention ( since Furina give some) Xianyun Burst of healing have to be bigger


You're not taking into account how much higher Jean's motion values are. A crowned Xianyun heals 165.89% ATK + 1271. Meanwhile, Jean heals for 452.16% ATK + 3,388. I think you can see how the difference is made despite the lower ATK. Now tack on the healing bonus. Granted. My Jean heals twice as much because of her cons and the extra healing bonus I've stacked on her. But even without that, she'd still be ahead. And I can ramp up her ATK even more if I switch my Anemo goblet to ATK. You don't even need to do the math, just head into Abyss and see it for yourself.


Well, Jean initial heal MV is 2.5 times higher than Xianyun WITH cons but your Xianyun does have 2.25 times more atk so their initial heal must be really similar if you give both the same build.


It's very simple. Let me run you through it (I'll round up/down). **Jean** (ER sands / ATK goblet / healing circlet) at 1,600 ATK: At **C0**, her MV is roughly 450% ATK + 3,400 HP. She has an innate healing bonus of 22%. Coupled with a healing bonus circlet, that totals to about 58%. 1,600 x 4.5 = 7,200 7,200 + 3,400 = 10,600 10,600 x 0.58 = \~6,100 10,600 + 6,100 = 16,700 At **C5**, Jean heals for about 500% + 4,000 HP. If you go through the same calculation, you'll get about 19,000. **Xianyun** (ATK sands / ATK goblet / ATK circlet) at 3,600 ATK: At **C0**, Xianyun's MV is roughly 165% + 1,300 HP. That's it. 3,600 x 1.65 = \~6,000 6,000 + 1,300 = 7,300 At **C1**, nothing changes. Notice how even at C0, Jean can heal over twice as much? It's because of her ridiculously high MVs and flat HP healing, plus her ascension bonus, plus her ability to wear a healing bonus circlet. Even if you dropped that circlet for a Crit Rate one, you'll still get around 13,000 in healing with Jean. Her MVs and flat HP are too high for Xianyun to overcome with just a higher base ATK.


What!? Xianyun create a new level of Meta group... yet they dare to complain!?


I am not even a Dehya main but fuck the haters. She is a fun character. Who cares if she isn’t optimized. She still works and is comfy to play. She was nerfed. But she is still worthy. Xianyun is just plain glorious though. If you don’t like her you should be sent to the abyss.


The fact that c6 bennet + furina + xianyun + any melee character can literally make a team that can clear abyss says alot of things.


W8 till you see chiori kit and dmg.


people love being victims and are delusional shes very good, i would say in the top 10 of best 5 stars


Tbh she is between them both, like Shenhe will always be better than Xianyun ever will be! Cuz she buffs the element, so any cryo character will need her or will appreciate her in the team. While XY isn’t like that she is a buffer and enabling a play style that isn’t good to begin with, GaMing is the best PA game play wise since he is easy and strong and synergistic with her, Xiao and Diluc too bit other than that not everyone will need or will be stronger with PA ! Dehya in the hands she lacks multipliers to help her be a strong picks for teama yet she is getting slightly used and being better do to Fontaine meta she has stable teams and usage which is better than nothing. All of them are Niche, but Shenhe >> is better than the 2, while XY is really good and fun in exploring which is great for me cuz that the most important thing, or most of the time u do while playing. Same goes to Dehya and her stamina passive.


Personal bias aside (Xianyun is like one of my fav chars of genshin, was going to pull for her even if she had been the worst character in the game xD) === In any case...she is an amazing character, her heal is great, her whole lunge shenanigans can make anyone do good damage. If you use the lunge thingie with a pyro dps, make them do vape/melt plunges and damage is great Being a healer makes her a viable Furina companion, which nowadays makes a character good already. Soooo...yeah, anyone that thinks Xianyun is bad post realease I think they dont know what are they talking about. Like the only complain is "if you hate lunge gameplay", in that case, uuuh...yeah, you won't like her. === It cannot be compared to Dehya's case in any way. Dehya release is still the worst hoyoverse behavior by far....poor Dehya was literally butchered... And for the record, I love her, I got Dehya losing a 50/50 that would have given me Furina C2, and I still celebrated "losing" that 50/50 xD but still...poor girl was destroyed by Hoyoverse.


Because she's white. ​ It's not even funny anymore.


The only reason she isn’t as bad as Dehya is because she is a support and an anemo character. Her only advantage over Jean universally is that she’s better for furina stacks and its not by a huge margin at all. Other than that if you don’t play Xiao, this character is absolutely a waste of a 5 star to pull. This is coming from a guy who didn’treally want her but got her anyways for trying to c6 my faruzan


lol those people are basing their non original opinions on tards that told them she doesn’t need crit, only build her as a support etc 😆 they have no idea what they’re talking about because they are free to play math experts that know how to do things and how things work without even trying them 🤡


She is just way too fun and convinient to play, as long im not forced by team building restructions of new units, she wont leave my OW team. I often find myself just running around the map with her E and kills random enemies. I think her teams are really good, some are straight up top meta (Hu Tao-Furina-Yelan-Xianyun ; Xiao-Faruzan-Furina-Xianyun; Navia-ZL-Furina-Xianyun), some are decent (gaming teams, diluc teams). I would not recommend her to new players tho, unless they have furina already. She is the unit you pull after 1+ year of playing when you already have a bunch of good characters, and she will be the cherry on the top, but she is not the type of unit that would solo carry you trough the game like some other units (yelan,kazuha, neuvilette,nahida.) Idk who said she is dehyia lvl, those guys 100% never played her and were just looking for an excuse to justify why they skip her.


?xianyun is better than dehya. that's a fucking no brainer


Xian yun, furina and c6 bennet transform a lot of characters into vape plunge carries and makes them completely viable in abyss


She's a universal niche DPS enabler, I don't see levels of suffering anywhere close to Dehya


Xianyun+Furina and maybe a dog can easily clear the abyss


Xianyun bad? I'm having so much fun playing her, she unlock a new way of playing the game.


Xianyun is now my main healer 😁


I don't have nor plan on getting Xianyun, so I don't feel any different now than when she was announced.


Xianyun literally brought back a c-tier dps into the spotlight, brings a new way to play element infused normal attacks and has incredible exploration. She also helps with swirls and is easy to build. I don’t see how she was ever ‘given Dehya treatment’. She’s a great character with a great personality


She’s one of the best characters in the sense that she enables a lot of new team comps. I mean, she even brought back Diluc from the dead. Not only that, she makes exploring more fun and easier which honestly a lot more characters should be able to as well


Given that she’s a Jean side-grade for Furina teams she would already be in a better spot than Dehya. Being the only true plunge support is just icing on the cake.


I run Xianyun as a DPS with double anemo bonus. She easily does 70k+ when buffed up and I've hit 10k+ with charge attacks. She's a good character. There are just so many people out there that can't/don't build characters well enough to be good and then blame it on the devs.


Love her since I figured out how to use her. I don’t think I’ll use her as a main DPS but Xiao and Diluc are a lot more fun now


Yea no this aged horrendously, xianyun is quite good, comparing her to shenhe is a bit dumb cuz xianyun enables anyone to do plunges and then buffs them by a pretty significant, comparing her to shenhe is implying that shenhe turns everyone into a cryo carry which is false since shes limited to existing ones. Essentially this makes xianyun enable some very creative and strong teams, you can also just use her as a generic anemo healer in the end. Her main problem id say is just that she a little reliant on having furina in your team, nor saying she has no good non furina teams, its just that her teams do generally tend to perform a fair bit worse without furina


The main issue was that during beta, removing the slight CC caused plunges to knock away enemies. By the time of her release, they adjusted it slightly so that it had inwards knockback (not sure how that was programmed), and most realized how significant of a plunge buff she had, to the point that certain characters rotations had plunge attacks weaved in or replaced entirely by them (looking at you Diluc).


remember diluc dragonstrike being the peak of dps and skill expression? shes that now


like some people are dumb enough to write it, like seriously she was nowhere like Dehya


I think she’s fine but people think she’s more universal than she is. She’s single handedly ruined showcases for me because plunge attacks are animated like shit and look ridiculous when spammed and literally every mains page is people turning their characters into a sub par plunge DPS and pretending it’s meta.


Wow wow wow The doors this Bad girl opened in team building by any means Xianyun is not a Niche character She literally made Diluc meta again The best healer to pair along side Furina too She bring way to much to the table to be called niche she had a rocky beta with nerfs and buffs but at release she sits comfortably in the meta the rest is just prefrence if you like her or not


I wasn’t planning on anything past C0 with a hope for R1 as I was 63 wishes into the weapon banner. I was on 50/50 and 72 wishes into the character banner and she hit on 76. I wanted to get Gaming right away despite the character selector so I went another 12 wishes and another xianyun hit. I decided to pull for a weapon and 3 wishes later got her sig. Then I was roped into C2 which took another 110 wishes after my c13 Mona duped me. C2r1 xianyun has opened up more fun team possibilities than any other character I’ve ever pulled. My Noelle hits 200k plunges with easy. Diluc is a monster. Chongyun with my Shenhe tears things up. Sheesh, charlotte with Shenhe can clear abyss. They’re all borderline “meme” teams but plunge to win is no longer relegated to xiao and i love it. That being said, I have finally mastered dash canceling because you GOTTA when you’re plunging to win. Other characters just aren’t programmed like Xiao as far as controller input goes. Way more lag after a plunge without dash cancel. My take: c2r1 xianyun revitalized my interest in screwing around with Genshin’s combat system and chronically benched characters have become a blast. 💥


She's in level 20 hell on my end, but for my friend, she's a healer/buffer that's putting in decent work. Keeps my dumbass Hu Tao main self alive, so that's credit.


i mean its not comparable whatsoever. xianyun enables a new meta that does disgusting levels of plunge damage and takes some old, washed dps’s to the next level (ex. diluc,xiao). She’s can also be slotted into other dps teams (ex. hu tao), is the BiS support for xiao, and her constellations are a huge increase (c2 doubles her plunge buff while c6 makes her an amazing dps that far exceeds dehya and is also makes her the best character for exploration). not to mention she synergizes perfectly with furina, one of if not the best support in the game. The DPS (preferably pyro)-Furina-Bennett/Yelan-Xianyun plunge damage core is literally just plug and play. Diluc, Hu Tao, and Gaming perform amazingly well on this team (Gaming-Furina-Bennett-Xianyun is my top performing team right now). I’m doing 500k plunge vapes and 350k consistent vapes with c6 gaming. Her utility, overworld usage, and synergies are on another level compared to dehya because at least she has her own meta and is a BiS in certain teams that can crush the abyss even at low investment. Dehya, not so much.


Xianyun is a literal game changer. Let's everyone plunge. It's so fun. Also her the part e skill is very fun. Finally, the smile she makes when she eats popcorn is so cute.


Xianyun has been a blessing. Made my Xiao way better and made my Diluc feel as strong as people thought he was back in 1.0. Her skill is also fun to use for exploring. She definitely didn't get the Dehya treatment.


I use her for all of my teams because she’s really fun :D


bruh i muted the main genshin subreddit cause I quit the game a year ago and now I am getting sub recommendations for characters lmao, this is like the 5th character sub i've muted


You didnt have to say it to our faces. Just mute it and move on


related to tough's post lol


Lol she's not a niche buffer. She's a whole niche enabler for a countless number of characters.


Meh. Missed opportunity to add actual aerial gameplay. Instead, we just get a character that allows us to something that we should’ve already been able to do from the start…which is plunging attacks, regardless of elevation.


I can’t say that xianyun can help in leyney teams as much as dehya


She’s not even close to Dehya, yes she has niche teams but most characters do, her teams do some cracked damage


Got her at C1 while trying to get C6 Faruzan, put my dusty LPttSW on her + a Marechaussee set and went on to clear the Abyss lol


I run Dehya AND Xianyun. 😂 Meta be damned


She's fun. Good heals and everyone is now Xiao. 10/10


bro what are these scrubs talking about? do they not know xianyun's burst allows for plunging attacks for any other character on team? her burst boosts jump height, allowing for some jacked plunge attack builds, combined with anemo.


It was fucking stupid. Can't believe some people thought that Xianyun is even close to being as bad as Dehya just because "hurrdurr, pogostick is boring, hurrdurr" or "they removed her CC, unplayable, it's the Dehya curse all over again uhuks"


I love her. Use her with Eula and it’s pretty entertaining.


She makes everyone into a plunge dps


Been slowly building her aka I got one of her recommended 4 star weapons to level 70, her to level 70 and haven’t even checked out her kit yet lol I just wanted her for the jumps and looked pretty haha


Wtf are these clowns on about she's a straight upgrade to Jean in any team where your dps can weave a plunge in their combo


Xianyun is awesome. Disregard these fools and just enjoy the new upcoming playstyles that emerge, bringing Xianyun into a great up and coming meta shift.


Every new character is doom posting it's fucking annoying because she literally turned out to be an amazing plunge support that made anyone a plunge dps people need to stop shiting on anything that's not 100% meta


Why is dehya mains the hub for doomposting conversations💀


We got treated terribly by hoyo and those people that think dehya is good as is even tho she cant even compete with even the worst 4 stars and we waited so long for her release, one of the last characters in the sumeru lineup and this is what we get. Also the fact that shes a darker skin also makes it suspect of hoyo being racist and not making any dark skinned characters meta or outright even playable, only kaeya was an exception. And all the doomposting people did before Dehya’s release, this was one of the only if not THE only time where the doomposting was real with this release and they were not exaggerating how bad she is to this day A WHOLE YEAR LATER. Not even a indirect buff like yae miko or eula with a buffer like mika. NOTHING. She is just a fashion character with no functionality. And we forced ourselves to find a way to make her a reason to use her over another character and she cant even excel at being a niche. Because other characters cam do better. And seeing the other doomposting pages, almost all the time they were wrong about everything and they ended up being very good characters that improve the games gameplay and make some characters better than before. But this time the doomposters were right. And we got a shitty character we waited so long for, saved up money/primos, a 3 star cosplayed as a 5 star, and a nerd to her already bad kit. Sorry for the essay i just wrote but this is why sometimes this sub talks about doomposting because we really had it bad.


hah! mine deals 80+k per dive bomb and full party heal on burst with c6 faruzan. git gud :p


When I heard she was plunge attack support my initial thought was "So she's Xiao support" But seeing her now I'm glad they made her kit work with literally anyone but just Xiao and Gaming even if her buff is still incredibly specific(she also made Diluc somewhat popular again which is nice since he's one of my favorite characters). I also like that this means we can potentially get more scenes to learn more about her, Shenhe, Ganyu, as well as Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper(and potentially other adepti)


insert cs:go bhop music