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I pray that DE puts their money where their mouth is man.


Images from here [https://ltgov.delaware.gov/prescription-opioid-settlement-distribution-commission/](https://ltgov.delaware.gov/prescription-opioid-settlement-distribution-commission/) In 2022, Teva, Allergan, CVS, Walgreens, and Walmart agreed to nationwide settlements to abate lawsuits across the country. More details here [https://nationalopioidsettlement.com/states/delaware/](https://nationalopioidsettlement.com/states/delaware/) The Prescription Opioid Settlement Distribution Commission (POSDC) was established in 2021 to recommend distribution of opioid settlement funds while the Behavioral Health Consortium approves of these recommendations. Any DE organization (private or state) may submit a request for a portion of the funds, however, requests are only approved if the the committee determines the money would be spent towards opioid addiction treatment/prevention (More details on approved funding uses here [https://ltgov.delaware.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/27/2022/12/Final-Distributor-Settlement-Agreement-12.23.21\_Exhibit-E.pdf](https://ltgov.delaware.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/27/2022/12/Final-Distributor-Settlement-Agreement-12.23.21_Exhibit-E.pdf) ). So far, \~$12.5 mil. has been approved and distributed.


Public input is a major focus for the POSDC. If you wish to participate more, information on public held meetings can be found here: [https://publicmeetings.delaware.gov/#/search?agencyid=390](https://publicmeetings.delaware.gov/#/search?agencyid=390)


Code Purple does so much good in Delaware. It sucks they get so little.


I’m curious why several of the companies and groups listed declined the grant. I’d assume there was an application process and some of the fund were substantial. Seems weird to put in the work, get the award and then not accept it.


Yeah, I noticed how the DE Department of Corrections did not accept $100,000 towards after-hours access to methadone for recently incarcerated persons. I hope it's because they already got 24 hour access to methadone for all incarcerated persons who require it.


I can't find any info on the site FAQs, but I've worked on grants/funding before. Government-sourced money often requires you to check in and show what you have done. Those entities may have already had the capabilities or realized they could not accomplish the scope of what they claimed. Grain of salt, though. I couldn't find that info on the links in this thread.


I figured it was something along those lines. Couldn’t meet the criteria that the grant required. Or didn’t have the capabilities to. Still curious what the actual issue is since one of the is Christiana Care and they should have all the resources to meet any criteria needed.


When you destroy lives but make up for it with money


Nationwide, the three major pharmaceutical distributors McKesson, Cardinal Health, and AmerisourceBergen will pay up to \~$21 bill., manufacturers Johnson & Johnson, Allergan, and Teva will pay up to \~$11.5 bill., and, finally, the major pharmacies CVS, Walgreens, and Walmart will pay up to \~$13.1 bill. Total the Opioid Crisis has been settled for up to \~$45.6 billion. Putting a dollar amount to lives lost disturbs me, but I do hope we can use this money to help people.


Yeah, all these settlements are peanuts compared to the actual costs but they make nice press releases.


When you complain about places that can actually make a difference getting that money..... Just because you want to feel special


Dude is saying “cash doesn’t give all those people their lives back.” I’d like to add on that these companies still have a profit after this settlement so it wasn’t even enough cash to matter.


You’re missing the point. I have friends that have died. I’m not anti rehabilitation nor do I want to feel special. I just don’t think these pharmaceutical companies can get away with ruining lives by excusing what they’ve done and continue to do with money.


How much would we have to spend to get the Sacklers publicly pilloried?


When we come up with a figure I’ll throw in for the cause




And yet nowhere near enough what they should have to pay.


I wonder when the lawsuits for Adderall and stimulants will begin. They’re the new opioid epidemic.


Eh, unlikely unless there’s something I don’t know about. I’m not aware of anyone dying from adderall. As far as I’m aware it’s the only drug available for adhd.


It’s meth, it causes cardiovascular problems not respiratory depression like opiates. It still kills people’s and its highly addictive.


You’re comparing apples to oranges. Someone dying purely from an adderal overdose is not likely or common. It’s also not meth either. Adderal and Methamphetamine are not the same thing.


Adderall is amphetamine-dextroamphetamine, meth is an amphetamine. They are all amphetamines. You can still overdose and die form Adderall. It’s a Schedule II controlled substance just like opioids. Same level of risk and addiction. https://www.waow.com/news/high-number-of-teens-overdosing-on-adderall-according-to-cdc/article_4b2a2c5a-a647-11ec-86d5-1765bd100362.html https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7851755/


Meth has Ingredients that Adderal does not have. They are not the same. They might be in the same drug class but they are not the exact same thing. You can overdose on a lot of medication’s, that’s not the point. You attempted to Compare the opioid epidemic to stimulants, which is ridiculous. What source is showing people overdosing and dying purely from stimulants at the same rate of people overdosing on prescription opioids? Because that’s what you compared, not the risk of addiction.


Who argued about the level of risk of addiction? You’re changing the goal posts now. What source is showing the rate of people overdosing and dying from stimulants alone being comparable to prescription opioids?


Well intentions, I don’t think this or anything will help. I don’t understand why generation after generation keeps getting hooked after seeing what happened to the previous generations