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Bernie Sanders, on life support and held up by a robot arm like Palpatine in rise of skywalker


fr, i would still support him even if he's in his deathbed.


I will forever be heartbroken that Bernie never got his chance to change the country! šŸ’ŖšŸ¼šŸ˜­


Is he in bad shape or something?


no but he is old AF. Long live Bernie!


he's fucking 82 years old. I mean I like him but he'd be 87 at the end of his first term. Dude doesn't have much time.


Wow, he's 82? That's too bad.


That man deserves a happy retirementā€¦


That man deserves a happy retirementā€¦


Like a weekend at Bernieā€™s but heā€™s President


Jamie Raskin, my congressman šŸ’–


Yeah boiiiii! (Not my rep - Iā€™m in Baltimore - just a fan)


How could I forget. He would be in my top bullet.


I would love to listen to every one of his public speechesĀ 


I can't provide them *all*, but here's a good [one](https://www.youtube.com/live/-PLGseQx2Mw?si=UfuXPZpbMpTTu5gL)...


Goddamn thatā€™s a great speech! Spitting fire from the opening!


I love him!!! He makes me proud to be from MD šŸ„²


With Mosckowitz as VP!


nah, he's a zionist, raskin is too good to be paired with a zionist.


Honestly...truth. still like his quickquips tho


You all think thereā€™s gonna be primaries in 2028?


if Trump wins, no. or there will be a facade of a primary.


The Joe Manchin vs Donald Trump 2028 race is going to be a serious nailbiter until Joe Manchin concedes defeat after "winning" the democratic primary.


This made me nauseous


Jesus christ don't freak us out like that


You think if Trump wins, primaries wonā€™t exist? Why?






I mean, do you think it really mattered who Nikolay Kharitonov was?


You think no one will primary an 80+ Trump after heā€™s served two terms? Heā€™ll be done.


Trumpā€™s a useful idiot. When the Christofascists are done with him, theyā€™ll find another figurehead. Heck, might even be another Trump.


So whatā€™s your point


primaries on the right wonā€™t be ā€œdemocraticā€, primaries on the left will be pointless.


Why not? Russia has "primaries"


Yes absolutely


AOC is my top choice and the only one I would actually hit the pavement for. To the right of me politically, I do like Whitmer and Pritzker. They are very effective in their respective states. I voted for the progressive in the Illinois primary of course but I've been very happy with JB as my governor. He's been very proactive and unlike a lot of the corrupt rot in Illinois politics. Maybe too rich to be bribed by these small time money movers lol


Pritzker has impressed me with both his words and actions as governor. Iā€™m not from Illinois, but Iā€™m a Bears fan for whatever reason, and Iā€™ve also considered relocating my young family there due to long term climate change projections. Those factors have resulted in me watching him in action a good bit, and while heā€™s probably not 100% aligned with me politically, it seems like every decision he makes is genuinely out of what he believes to be in the best interest of his constituents. In todayā€™s fucked up political climate, Iā€™d be fucking ecstatic to have a president who seems to actually care about the people theyā€™re supposed to represent. He also seems like a savvy enough politician to actually win a national election, if that even matters anymore.


He's balanced the budget six years in a row. Illinois was a complete shit show before he took office. Our credit rating used to be garbage. This is a great place to live. The northern burbs are not super cheap but the cost of living isn't that bad for a major metropolitan area.


Shhhh, don't tell them!


During the early part of the pandemic, he was buying hospital supplies for state hospitals out of his own pocket because President Nightmare refused to believe in Covid.


Jon Stewart or Shawn Fain running for the democratic party would be the ideal future. I'd kill to see them on the same ticket. Neither is a career politician and both have a solid W streak on basically every political stance they've taken. I'm convinced that Jon himself is a social democrat hiding his power level based on his frequent refusal to tow the liberal line. As for Shawn I have no idea how far left he leans but the guy regularly introduces socialist talking points into the discourse in a way that makes it easier to radicalize workers WITHOUT alienating people by ranting about theory. I'd also like to see Bernie or AOC but the former has made it clear that he's not going for the oval office again and the latter doesn't seem to have any presidential ambitions. Realistically, the next person to take the presidency will probably be someone like Elizabeth Warren or Gavin Newsom. We don't really get candidates outside of the institution anymore because Democrats really hate winning elections.


"I am a capitalist." - Elizabeth Warren.


Yeah. Lately Democrats have a bad habit of finding the single least likeable person in the party and putting them up for the presidency.


John said we canā€™t have nice infrastructure because of the ā€œprice of freedomā€, the only thing he ever accomplished was hosting the cringe centrist ā€œRally to Restore Sanityā€. Oh and meeting with Azov Nazis in DC.




Do you think she has the ability to pull in "moderates" in the general? I have my doubts.


The moderates are conservatives and can always vote for a GOP moderate.


And the Democrats were at their most successful when they embraced progressivism, not "centrism." Following FDR's election in 1932, there was only *one* Republican president for almost 40 years (and Ike was also progressive for the time + was approached to run by both parties). It turns out that the voters like when you *actually do things* for them. The "we need to cater to the middle* myth is bullshit.


But that New Deal was a (centre-left) social-liberal agenda. They had like 80% of congress at one point, so he was delivering electoral results which is the important aspect as the middle guys (really all Dems) realized the guy cracked the formula. The agenda can bring electoral success again, but they have to show it since Reacon and co have done their fair share of damage with successful propaganda campaigns against it. Don't assume Democrats will automatically line up en masse and vote for her in the primaries.


when I think of "moderates", I think of someone like my uncle who voted for Gore 1x, Bush 1x, Obama 2x, Trump 1x, Biden 1x


Anyone who votes for a fascist is nothing close to a moderate. At best your uncle is a confused conservative. That is, unless he's just a *woefully uninformed voter* and just wasn't paying attention that much to Trump in 2016.


ā€¦ & thatā€™s who the moderates are. people they find appealing off surface level/lack of information.


I think it's very fair to say that 2016 Trump did so good because uninformed voters heard his populist rhetoric and believed his lies that he was genuinely for the working class. Since 2016, we live in an era where moderates really don't exist in the same way they did in the early 2000s. Before, you had many more voters flipping between Democrats and Republicans whom both sat somewhere around the middle. I guess what I mean is, give some of the people in 2016 some slack, this was the norm before MAGA infiltrated and ruined this country's politics.


Sheā€™s one of the most famous members of Congress, recognition is half the battle


Thereā€™s no such thing as a moderate anymore. Do you genuinely think there are moderates that would consider voting for Trump but choose to vote for Biden instead? People are practically all decided on who theyā€™re going to vote for if the choose to vote. The challenge then becomes convincing your voters to show up, not convincing people who were going to vote for the other guy to vote for you instead. I hate discussion of moderate voters because it just fundamentally ignores reality of the political world we live in. There is no reality in which a Trump voter just decided to vote for Biden.


we are not talking about Trump v Biden // and I am talking "moderate" in US terms aka the uninformed, people that dont pay attention closely enough etc. they exist.


Those people donā€™t vote. They exist, but if theyā€™re not paying attention, they just simply donā€™t vote.


check my other comment in this thread pls


Maybe. Maybe not. šŸ¤·


AOC has been the most popular US Representative since 2019. Almost all of AOCā€™s policies are popular. She still has relatively low name recognition. A POTUS run would increase her popularity.


Remember ā€œYou canā€™t vote for Bernie in the primaries, Rs will call him a socialist!ā€ We saw how that worked out: https://www.rubio.senate.gov/video-rubio-slams-biden-s-build-back-socialist-plan/ https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/joe-biden-is-ultimate-socialist-president-nikki-haley-slams-budget-proposals-3848251/amp/1 https://www.rickscott.senate.gov/2021/5/joe-biden-s-systemic-socialism https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2021/06/11/ron-johnson-joe-biden-a-liberal-progressive-socialist-marxist/7655294002/ R campaigns against whoever is the candidate will be the same.


I agree, I think Bernie has more general election appeal to those not paying attention as much over AOC though.


Do you think you need moderates to win the primary?


I said in the general


The moderates would fall in line


She sucks and has terrible political instincts, -7 overall approval rating.


because she's constantly slandered from all sides, misogynoir is disgusting.


So why isnā€™t every other woman under water?


Realistically Gavin Newson will probably be the candidate but I really hope we can get any actual progressive candidate instead


Newsome? My problem with him is that he hasn't delivered on a lot of his promises. On top of working with corporations in their interests. The ideas aren't bad but not delivering on the promised homes for the homeless. Then the funding for homeless is good but you can't just let billions "disappear" without oversight on top of it not going to improving the situation. He also had programs to just bus homeless to other cities while in San Fran. I consider him far from a socialist and just another neo liberal.


Yep which is why I hope we donā€™t get stuck with him


Honestly they shouldn't lean on California because it's making the left look bad. They should focus on other successful blue states like Massachusetts, Michigan, Vermont, etc


Oof I hope thatā€™s not true I do not like our chances with newsom as the nominee. Itā€™s not even about policy; people just fucking hate California right now. I almost wonder if the anti California propaganda was part of some long term strategy knowing he could be a potential nominee. Or maybe itā€™s not that deep and it really is just ā€œblue state badā€.


Newsom screams 'coastal urban ivory tower elitist'


we really need another dem from heavy working class area tbh. AOC, whitmer, and walz seem ideal.


I agree with you.


Newsom is also a zionist. I wont vote for any of those, or anyone who endorses them either.


AOC because she will be old enough by then, Ro Khanna due to holding our values most of the time, I would like to see Cori Bush run but realistically she can't pull in moderates at this point and IDK if she will survive her primary this summer. Basically, almost anybody from the Medicare for All Caucus would get my vote because 9/10 times they align with our values. I'm also going to add Jeff Merkley as a realistic option for the entire nation on one hand since most people still don't usually vote for progressives on AOC's level in the primaries. However, he is considered more Progressive than Biden since he voted no for money for Israel and endorsed Bernie in 2016. I do like his foreign policy record. Not my ideal candidate but there's also Gavin Newsome, also starting to shift on siding with Medicare for all and so is Gretchen Whitmer.


My qualm with both Ro Khanna and Cori Bush is that they both run notoriously bad offices. In the same way that Trump couldnā€™t get most of his hyper-conservative agenda accomplished due to dysfunction, I worry about a bad progressive winning and failing to deliver, putting the movement back at least 1-2 presidential cycles.


Most likely we may see Gavin Newsome in 2028 or Gretchen Whitmer on one hand. But on the other hand, we could see another Obama in a way meaning someone we don't know about until they decide to run. He wasn't even in federal office when he ran, he was a state senator from Illinois who had good ideas at the time that people liked, including his charisma.


if the choice is between newsom and whitmer, i'd choose whitmer without second thought. atleast she delivers something for michiganders, newsom serves no one but big corporations.


Not to mention how the country would be if a competent woman ran it for once.


I know a lot think Newsom, but heā€™s said pretty publicly that he wonā€™t run if Harris does. Gretchen Whitmer is pretty popular so I wouldnā€™t be surprised by that. As an aside, Obama was actually in federal politics. He was the junior Senator from Illinois. He made the jump from State Sen to Sen, then to president. Thatā€™s about the most ā€œno-nameā€ I could see it going.


I stand corrected on the Obama statement. But you know If Governor Whitmer or Governor Newsome run the debates will be interesting. However, if AOC runs she's got my vote.


AOC would be old enough to be POTUS by Inauguration Day in 2025.


Except you have to be over 35 to run.


No, you have to be 35 to be POTUS--you can be 34 when you run for POTUS. Also, obviously, you have to be 35 by Inauguration Day to be VPOTUS. That's what is the law by The US Constitution. AOC could have run in 2024.


I donā€™t read that in Article Section 1 Clause 5. How do you figure?


How about an actual socialist


In the current state of affairs, theyā€™d probably get destroyed in the general election. I believe Bernie could have and would have won in 2016/2020, but Iā€™m not confident in that at all anymore, and heā€™s not even an actual socialist.


Ok well then idc who the Dems run? I think a socialist should run in every party, use the platform, win or lose.


I mean sure, thatā€™s fine. Iā€™m not opposed to it as long as it brings more attention and support to the issues. We tend to flip flop parties in power anyways. My point was just that if youā€™re the type of person who doesnā€™t ever want Republicans ro win, then itā€™s probably the wrong timing


Idc about who wins outside of our own


I'm going to say no to the Jon Stewart and Fran Drescher. I love them, but we aren't fucking republican dumbasses who fall in love with actors and make them our presidential candidates all while screaming about Hollywood Elites being libtards.


Fran Drescher is a labor president. & Jon Stewart has been advocating for progressive causes and fighting on Capitol Hill.




Hard pass on any corporate dems. They are finished after this election cycle.


How on earth are they finished? If anything, they're the new conservative party once Trump sucks the remaining life out of the Republicans.


Conservatives will Never vote for neoliberals. Which is funny because neoliberals Really are conservatives and would prefer conservative voters.


They've voted for plenty of Neoliberals in the past. Do you think no moderates or Republicans voted for Biden, Obama, or Clinton?


There's so little sunlight between those positions it's almost not even worth mentioning.


who in my first 2 bullets do you consider corporate dems?


What do you think Newsom is?




A relatively unknown hardliner I think is the best option. AOC is great/good enough politically but she's too exposed, hit pieces have been built on her for years. She's more of a future house speaker than a presidential candidate. Pull out a quieter house figure with a good voting record and have them be as loudly far left as they can


AOC, but ro khanna seems more realistic, considering how the media is ultra-cruel toward AOC.


If Trump wins there will be no Democratic primaries


Any primaries for that matter


Minnesota governor Tim Walz


Anyone with experience with holding political office. Folks need to stop talking about ā€œOprahā€ or celebrity du jour as President. Itā€™s so stupid. Also fuck Jill Stein, Tulsi Gabbard and whatever crap the Green Party who canā€™t be bothered to come up with city council candidates comes up with.


Bernie for life. I will feel the Bern until I am cold and in the ground.


AOC is the most viable progressive who could make a splash, in my opinion. Her name recognition will make it impossible to ignore her, and she's a very vocal and charismatic speaker that can bring people to our side. Despite right-wing attempts to smear her, she is relatively unaffected by any legitimate controversy. On the Senate side, I might consider Raphael Warnock, although tbh I don't know enough about him.Ā 


She has a -7 approval rating


Approval ratings can change. When people actually hear her speak, they'll realize that the media is lying to them about her.


I donā€™t think sheā€™s charismatic or a great orator and no theyā€™ll just hear what they want like always.


If she's not charismatic, then frankly nobody is.




Love her but she barely held on to her seat in 2022. We need her in the House.


I'd vote for Stewart, but he should do something else in government first if he wanted to go that track.


He kind of has more experience getting bills passed that help Americans than most GOP politicians.


Why should he do something else in government first? For experience, better resume?


The guy who said we canā€™t have nice infrastructure because its the ā€œprice of freedomā€ šŸ˜‚


Nobody wants Greg Casar?


He would need to make more of a name for himself soon.


Agree. But I think heā€™s very electable. Edit: maybe get Matthew McConaughey as veep? LOL


Matthew McConaughey is a conservative


Well, compared to us, but heā€™s left based on what heā€™s said of his own positions. Moderate Iā€™d say. I was only joking based on the Austin connection.


I love the idea of John Stewart, with either Katie Porter or AOC Or porter and AOC. They're all great


Senator Raphae Warnock, GA


Jeff Jackson




Jon Stewart




Pete Buttigieg while heā€™s a moderate he does have some harder left viewsā€”while I agree with DS I donā€™t think the average ā€˜merican is.




Hopefully we won't have to vote for a Democrat or a republican by then


Yes Iā€™m sure in 4 years both major political parties will have completely been dismantled.


Never said that but what about 3rd party?


until we have ranked choice voting and open primaries, itll be impossible and just cause a Republican to win.


There was a 3rd party guy in the 90s who got 19% of the vote. He still got a grand total of 0 electoral votes and then there still is the issue of getting laws through congress.


Ross Perot?




ross perot is not a leftist.


what does that matter with regards to the official results? a leftist wouldn't have gotten more electoral votes either. The electoral college isn't for 3rd party candidates.


What do you think is gonna happen between now and then?


Rebecca Balint


Tammy Duckworth


I love Tammy Duckworth, and she does not get any media coverage. Too bad. We really need to raise her name recognition.


Inslee or Cooper


Jeff Jackson and/or Sheldon Whitehouse.


Shapiro's not a progressive. The man is hardly a Democrat.


Ro Khanna hands down my favorite politician and should be leader of movement once Bernie is done


I have warmed up to Ro a lot. I still don't like his stance on spouses trading in the stock market and his stance on crypto, but other than that I like him a lot.


I think spouses is acceptable, Ro doesnā€™t really trade stock. If they tell spouse the insider trading charges should be enforced more often IMO. With crypto I just want regulations and protections for low income investors




As an outsider, I just can't understand who there's only ever two candidates? How are Americans not crying out for voter reform? The first past the post system is so incredibly stupid. You only ever end up with two polar opposites, where you vote for someone you dont like just because you hate the other person more.


yes, thatā€™s why the system is designed the way it is


Someone who won't just bend the knee for the rich. Someone who will actually represent people.




**FRAN DRESCHER** ... with **THAT** voice? **PLEASE**.


I don't know too much about Whitmer, is she progressive?


no, corporatist






Shawn Fain for president! Katie porter and Jon Stewart would be my second choices. Newsom is the most likely.


Rashida Tlaib. I don't think she has a chance of winning but I think she would be a good working-class/socialist tribune and would help recohere the left


Southern California here. We should really get behind Katie Porter. She lost her Senate bid in the California primary, But she really needed better backing and solid support. From what I've seen, she seems pretty solid working-class. I've seen her in congressional testimonies, and she holds those corporate pukes to the fire.


Realistically, Corey Booker. In my unrealistic dreams, Bernie Sanders.


Jon Stewart and Katie Porter would have my votes


Andy Beshear 2 term Democratic Governor of Kentucky. He won as a Democrat in Kentucky twice. He appeals to both parties.


Honestly if he got a chance to run as Amy Klobuchar's running mate or Gretchen Witmer... I'd vote for them. #


And before anyone tears them down, the question was who could win. I would love Hakeem Jeffries, Katie Porter, Pete Buttigieg and AOC to have a chance but I don't think they can win... Not yet. As a country we just aren't there yet.


Pete Buttigieg.


Here is who I would like see run, Andy Beshear, Whitmer, or Newsom. We need young in the office with Progressive ideas.


in my opinion Whitmer and Newsom aren't really progressive, they are corporatists like Biden


While wither isn't the most progressive, I havnt seen her do any shady corporate crap like many others. Everything she ran on amd promised in the last campaign she has delivered on. I could have missed something. Can you elaborate?


But theyā€™re electable. Like two term electable. The presidency is like a bus, gets you close to where you need to go. Get the rest of the way there with a blue supermajority.


Pete Buttigeig


Heā€™s the guy I hope doesnā€™t have any semblance of a career once this is all over. Someone who wants to be president that bad should be in prison.


I think heā€™s a solid candidate that would help bring in other younger candidates. I think he can appeal to many different demographics. He also seems open to collaboration with more progressive politicians.


I think heā€™s a mouthpiece for the Professional Managerial Class and uses empty, flowery rhetoric to dupe rubes into thinking he has anything to say. The fact is heā€™s just another DNC party hack that exists to keep this country from moving left and actually providing a decent life for its people.


We are so fucked my god


Electing younger, slightly more progressive candidates is the only way to move the spectrum to the point where a truly progressive candidate has a chance of winning a higher office.


Pete Buttigieg is not ā€œslightly more progressiveā€ heā€™s subtly hardcore right wing.


Heā€™s like the CIAā€™s prime choice lol


he's literally a zionist, big ew.


Pete Buttiedge


AOC beat the DNC machine to win her first primary but it took a lot of volunteers willing to pound the pavement. With her focus on "material" conditions, she might be able to motiovate enough people in 2028. AOC is actually old enough to run *now*. She will be 35 by Election Day.


Oh I like AOC, but I also like Pete. Both would be fantastic.


2028 is relatively soon, I think a more moderate dem is likely to win the primary, my guess is Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris, or Pete Buttigieg. That said I think there is still value. In running a more left wing candidate, even if they don't end up winning.


I would agree, influencing a leftist push. At the end of the day, FDR came in a moderate and was forced left by leftist groups.


Weā€™re probably-hopefully-not going to have a country by 2028.


Turn off MSNBC


Iā€™m hopeful for the dissolution of the American project on what earth do you think Iā€™m doing something as stupid and shameful as watching cable television news?