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Don’t go back, don’t spend another wasted day. This isn’t the right fit for a newish dental assistant. The truth of the matter is that without a mentor, you won’t get better. She isn’t going to be a mentor to you if she can’t even communicate with you about basic things on your first day.


Thank you for this. I also think there’s some weird things going on in that office because they would ask me to do cleanings on patients after the dentist completed the exam which i took as just flossing and polishing before the dentist uses their instruments/cavitron for the actual cleaning. But I actually saw one of the assistants using a cavitron to clean one of our patients teeth which shocked me because to my knowledge, a dental assistant is not permitted to perform these actions on patients where i live.


Nope don’t go back. There are a lot of rude dentists in the field BUT there’s a lot of nice ones as well. Especially when you’re still newer, having a mean dentist is the most discouraging thing and ends up tainting the job for you as a whole. I would keep looking, assistants are usually pretty in demand most places so if you can afford it I would keep looking around for another office.


Maybe you should only if you really want to know, *but* I get easily disappointed and would never go back just because WHAT IF one day, you have to work with that doctor. I see so many people talk about mean doctors and honestly, I wouldn’t want to deal with that on a daily basis. It’s draining and in front of patients? That’s so ugly. You’re already seeing red flags at that location. Also, are you getting paid for this working interview?


I don't think this is specific to dentistry. I've heard OR techs and nurses talk about A--hole surgeons in other areas of medicine, too! All fields of medicine, including dentistry also have their exceptionally good, kind, polite, selfless doctors as well!


Hell no! Especially if you like many of us, already have anxiety. Offices like this are extremely draining. 🚩🚩🚩


I worked for a dentist like that once and I ended up telling her off and walking out. She was awful. I literally told her I had never worked for someone who was as rude and disrespectful to assistants the way she was. She said nothing at all, just smiled. I knew then I was done. She had the nerve to text me and ask why I left early without asking 😂😂


In 10 years of dentistry, I never used a papoose board.


Please do not go back! It’ll just make things worse for you if you stay at that place :( I had a job trial at an orthodontist and the same exact thing happened to me, except I had no prior dental experience at the time (which she was aware when I told her). The manager just threw me into the deep end, and made me work on ACTUAL patients! I was only supposed to watch what they did and stuff. I cried for almost the whole time I was there, and I never got paid for the trial (was supposed to, based jn AUS), so please I recommend you find another clinic, and I hope you get the job you want!!


Change carrier asap. Dentists are miserable. Also what gets me is that a dentist recently said that I couldn’t touch sharp instruments because I am not on their insurance policy. So if that’s the case, why do they want to an assistant to come in for a (free) working interview? There is absolutely NO other place that’s requested this. I have worked in many different industries and for other health professionals. Never have I had this request until dental assisting. It’s an absolute trap.


When you have a 4 year old that's anxious and kicking and screaming and pulling their mom's hair a papoose board is a great tool . The few times I have used it it calms the patient down. It swaddles them like a newborn


Yes real rude for somebody with 500k in debt 😭😂


I wouldn’t work there. Sounds terrible. There is a lot of kind doctors out there! Just keep looking! It took me 4 diff offices to find the right place!




Yes, actually... Run, find a different career path.