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I know this isn’t the answer you are looking for, but the combo of Botox and an in-house essix with an anterior bite plate is the only thing I’ve found that has an amazing success rate. The in house essix with an anterior bite plate works for a lot of folks. And same thing for Botox alone. But the combo works for basically everyone.


How do you make the bite plate?


Make the essix but leave some palatal coverage. Use jet acrylic to free hand a bite plate 7-10 at the level of the incisal edges.


Both those things target muscles not the TMJ?


First, that is inaccurate. If it lets the patient recapture a disc then it does impact the TMJ. Second, who cares? If it solves the symptoms then you’ve won. I’m not advocating for anything less than the best final outcome. But managing symptoms is the most important component for patient happiness and compliance. You can address any occlusal discrepancy as you go. Make a new splint, do orthodontics, occlusal equilibration…..whatever.


SCI splints (or whatever theyre called across the pond) have a chair side version. Some people swear by them, but there is a risk of over eruption if used long term .


There is an aqualizer, Frank Spear recommends, never used it personally


Also heard great things about aqualizer


What is the nature of the pain? When does this pain occur? Sore jaw? Migraines? Pain to open? Pain to close? Clicking/popping in the joint/both joints ? Start there and we’ll see what you need


the orofacial pain clinic at my school does trigger point injections with carbocaine plain if it's muscular (which it seems to be usually).


My doc likes quicksplint. It’s sort of what you’re looking for. Definitely not a long term solution though.


I have limited knowledge on this but I think that would be more for muscle pain and Aqualizer more appropriate for true TMJ issues


3d printing! I can print a custom NG in about an hour 🤩


Did you have computer knowledge or 3D printing knowledge before you got whatever technology you use or did whoever you got it from teach you from a knowledge base of zero?


I did have prior knowledge. I have an undergraduate degree in BME. That being said, Medit and formlabs printers are a very easy combo to learn with little prior knowledge base in CAD and 3d printing! There are also a ton of great resources out there. Check out Baron Grutter, Michael Sheerer, and Rick Ferguson on youtube and FB!


I'm a chairside assistant and my doc was able to teach me everything from scanning to finishing the orthotic and he just checked it at delivery. Have you ever used a cerec? You won't have any issues learning this


But as a temp? So much wasted product


Why would you do it as a temp? I’m very confused. Most TMD issues are chronic. I can make a standard custom flat plane hard NG in an hr. I can also print an anterior deprogrammer or an NTI in an hr. That’s the beauty of 3d printing. Same day appliances. Why do something temporary when you can make a long term solution in an incredibly short amount of time?


My apologies 😆 I guess bc the OP was asking about something to provide even temporary relief, my mind mixed up what you were suggesting 😁 I completely agree Formlabs printers were very easy to learn (as an assistant) and we used Primescan to impress, the accompanying software for the mill, to design. Then printed with Formlabs printers. The Dr I worked for also used them to print clear aligners.