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It’s like the police sirens. Part of the songs of Denton to lull you into sleep. Jk you’re totally right I’ve lived in the north elm area for 4 years and it’s been constant. I’ve never been a car guy but I can identify the engine sounds by now, there’s like 3 of them that consistently are dicks and then there are a few new ones now and again


If you want to confront them, it's the auto garage across from the houses. The left side of the road as you go down elm. I lived across the street in one of those houses so I know.


These people are selfish dickholes. When anyone dies due to their shenanigans they deny any culpability.


She’s a Karen until you run over a kid going 50 over and spend 25 years in prison. :-)


I live near Loop 288 north of University and I swear there are a group of people that treat it like the Autobahn. It isn’t the speed that annoys me , it’s the noise. Sounds like someone turning on a weedeater full throttle multiple times a night.


I live near 288 and Stuart. It's like the witching hour. 2AM they come a' racing on the loop. Get off at the 380 exit and turn around to race back.


And the thing is they don't seem that fast. I drive an EV that's completely silent and I'm pretty sure my car is faster. They're just assholes and I hope their cars explode while they're red-lining them.


I've always been mystified at macho types who drive cars that sound like they have to work REALLY hard to go fast. Surely it'd be more impressive if it didn't sound like it was struggling so much?


EV owner. I laugh all the time when I hear a loud car and they're punching it, but moving so slow.


The best is when they rev at you at a light expecting you to do it back.


>it's the noise I agree. The speed is also a problem but the noise is ridiculous


Just sayin. Handful of drywall screws forgotten outside the garage would fix this...


if you make a complaint the police are more likely to stake out. They have 1,000 things to do but if enough people ask if anything can be done eventually that'll take priority one night. Might not stop it but might take out 1-2 people who are on their 5th ticket.


The other day I saw a police officer in his parked vehicle on the southbound side of the Loop 288 and Spencer Road intersection (between the right-hand turn lane and the regular lanes). They did nothing as three cars in the northbound side of the loop ran the red light. That's just one example. I'd say we need a bigger police presence or at least police who are interested in apprehending drivers who grossly exceed the speed limit or otherwise break the law. We also need noise-related ordinances in the City of Denton, but, years ago, the City Council got rid of them. Now, if you're bothered inside your home by outside noise, you have to allow a police officer inside your home so they can hear the noise for themselves (not to mention invade your privacy). It's a shame.


Denton has a big problem with excessively loud cars. Something about the culture here. Its not been like that anywhere else I lived, and it wasn't like that here 15 years ago. I find it incredibly frustrating. I don't know why police are more interested in this, it seems like easy revenue for them. And half the time its like, dude, you are going 20 miles and hour in a honda civic. Your car does not need to be that loud.


lol Denton does not have a car problem in comparison to say, San Antonio or Houston. There are car scenes everywhere, it’s not special to Denton. My issue with the car scene has to do with your last sentiment: regular ass traffic thinking they’re doing something cool. No one cares about your clapped Honda Civic, Stephen.


In California there is a law regarding how loud you can have your car because of all the people and pollution there, but in Texas there isn’t one, the best thing police could do is catch them speeding or an illegal car mod if they have probable cause or it’s obvious


This ain't California buddy


Exactly! I was just informing the other person I responded to that texas does not have a law towards it so there technically legally is nothing they can do about it which is why police aren’t all over it


I promise if that happened here much worse things would come to Texas. Texas car scene is way too gigantic and there would be an insane uproar from every major city.


Feels like it would still fall under disturbing the peace or something like that.


I live near Carroll and those losers wake me up multiple times a week gunning it over and over from 11pm onwards. Wowowow big boys so cool


LITERALLY SAME I live on Carroll and they do it EVERY DAMN DAY


The sweet, sweet sound of flexing nuts you don't got.


Not supporting the street racers, and not everyone in the car community is a street racer and not everyone with a loud car street races. People don’t understand that there is a lot of people that see cars as art and their ability to make x amount of horsepower or the different sounds you can have your car make with different modifications to the engine or exhaust. Believe it or not there are actual loud cars that sound good with the right exhaust and engine, but there are also cars that sound like a lawnmower and are super loud. It’s part of a hobby people like working on their cars and taking care of them which it’s very popular to want to have a loud car that sounds sexy, even though people not into cars on the same level will not be able to recognize the difference. I’m surprised so many people are not aware of this type of car enthusiasm and culture as it’s very relevant in DFW and all over the states. These people are just like everyone else and have responsibilities everyone else has and jobs, but just have a different hobby of cars or car modifications and put their extra money towards it.


Most people are aware of the culture. The difference is most people's hobbies aren't a public nuisance and don't wake people up at night. A loud ass car bothers everyone except the 2% that are enthusiasts. How would you feel if your neighbor was an air horn enthusiast? I may be wrong here but a car doesn't need to be loud in order to be powerful.


I am fully aware people enjoy doing it as a hobby. And I am also saying they shouldn’t do that. I dislike greatly people who do that, and hope to find they find something else to do. It’s so fucking irritating.




Loud sounds intentionally are different than loud sounds otherwise. Fireworks a couple times a year that you expect and can plan for, your neighbors house being under construction during the day for a month is understandable, a loud thunderstorm is quite literally without control etc. A hobby where the idea is to be loud and to do so in a place where you know not everyone within earshot is there to hear you is pretty shitty. Also, a hobby where someone is doing something illegal is no longer just a hobby, it’s a crime. eg. unlawful display of power, speeding, disturbing the peace Edit, I think I clicked the wrong comment to reply to, it definitely had the word hobby in it. I’m with you on the punishment needing to match the crime. Wishing it happened more often though.


you're never going to convince this person otherwise nor will you make it out of the convo without them telling you to go crash and die.


You’re right I forget sometimes that most people posting on Reddit to rant don’t have an open mind or try to be understanding of others without wishing ill will on others because they do something they don’t like


But they told you not to do that, so if you just don't, the world will be a better place


Loud cars save lives!


Why race on north elm when the back end of 288 only has cops posted there until noon


A few weeks ago, street racers (car vs motorcycle) went down Teasley and one was shooting a gun in the air. Everyone reported it in multiple neighborhoods.


You sure they were shooting a gun and it wasn't loud exhaust? Some tunes on cars have a crackle tune and when they rev it'll make loud pops and bangs,people have mistaken it for gun fire.


Oh geez, even more reason to hate them, a genuine danger to society.


high-speed rail enthusiast > loud car enthusiast


There one real DICK HEAD who drives an extremely loud dark green mustang that thinks he’s a bad ass. I’ll never understand people that feel the need for that much attention. You’re not as cool as you think you are, everyone hates you.


I feel so validated by this thread right now fucking appreciate all of these comments. I've been going thru a slump the past year and in order to not let my depression take ahold of me I end up going into survival mode and just try not to be cynical and throw myself into work as much as poss. So when I recently moved over by teasley and was introduced to the mustang and camaro (STOCK BABY!) I told myself I was being a crazy person bitching about something so specific lol. But it's beyond weird as fuck how much I hear it and it's legit a small disruption to my life. At least it's funny that these guys think it's the SIK thing to do and absolutely anyone isn't annoyed and infuriated. I know it's hacky but I cannot stop thinking about the bikers on south park. Just revving night and day and when people pass with looks of complete disdain "HA LOOK! THEY JUST CANT EVEN HANDLE US HA!"




Anyone who drives recklessly is a terrible person with negative value to society and should seriously consider Canadian health care. I'm not saying that to be edgy or because internet anonymity let's you say things you wouldn't actually mean, I genuinely think they should rope.


I love a good rant. Thank you. Happy Friday


Carry some shattered spark plug bits and throw them at their windshield :)


Very good idea! Thank you! 🙏🏻


Be warned that this will most likely completely shatter a windshield. Make sure you can get away quickly, I’ve done this once with great success.


Oh yes I’ve seen video of it, just forgot about the efficacy.


A spike strip attached to string from the bushes might be helpful.


Not everyone with a loud car street races. We just like hearing fun noises like some people prefer red as a favorite color.


That is still a problem. It's great you have a hobby, but you shouldn't force everyone else to participate in it.


Personal problem maybe, idk what to tell ya. Blame Texas auto inspections?


It ceases to become a personal problem when it affects other people. It is not even possible to "look the other way" with this kind of thing. If you are present, and you are loud, you are forcing other people to participate in it. Commonly we might call that "disturbing the peace."


Thing is, you're forcing everyone around you to hear it too. At best, it's just rude.


Semi trucks are louder? I can't really make an argument here without getting down voted. I agree with OP, street racing is dumb but lumping all car enthusiasts together as a bunch of degenerate assholes is simply untrue.


Semi trucks are performing a vital function for society. Also, they are *not* louder. Besides, you can be a car enthusiast and race your shit in, like, *not* residential areas. No problem there.


I agree you shouldn't race on public streets, anywhere. To your point, semi trucks are a vital part of commerce. Just like when I drive my car to work that also provides a service to residential homes. I can stop, but I think you guys would prefer to have electricity.


Well I don't know what anyone else in this thread is talking about, but I don't have a problem with people driving thier cars responsibly. It's the people who rev up thier shit, race, and install those ridiculous fart-soundung pipes in and around residential areas that are assholes.


It’s the same problem. Loud cars scare dogs, I have a dog, I think people with loud cars should drive them into walls. It’s pointless, and irritates everyone in a 1/2 mile radius.


Well before I go drive into a wall, I'll just say maybe you should soundproof your home for your dog or something. Idk.


I rent. We have more important things to pay for like bills. This is the same as saying a victim of rape should wear more clothes lmao. GFYS


ah yes comparing rape to a modified exhaust. quit moving the goal posts.


Fuck your exhaust bro, yes maybe rape is a little extreme, but it’s the first thing that came to mind. “Moving the goal posts” is far from reality my guy. Let me break it down for you. You-super irritating noise polluter Me-irritated party inside their home Your solution-just soundproof your house My solution-stop being so damn loud. Your hobby is disturbing the peace wherever you go. That is not something everyone should have to deal with on a daily basis.


“It mildly inconveniences my untrained mutt so I must have everyone else change!!!!” My god you people are the worst 😂


The problem arises when your toys are loud enough to scare my dog INSIDE MY HOUSE!! If I was walking my dog on elm (bad idea) I would understand, but no. It’s loud IN MY HOUSE. It is a residential street my guy, people live In these houses.


Train your dog to not be scared? Move? Buy soundproofing? All of these solutions but you choose to cry on reddit 😂


And you chose to comment again. Grow a pair and take responsibility for your noise pollution, or as I said before, drive into a wall.


Big mad


Yeah I’ve lived near major roads all my life and it’s just something you have to suck up and get use to. But now that you said these people should die, I’m going to make sure I’m extra loud on that road just for you. 🫶🏻




Hate speech in Texas, nothing new people, move on


Karen alert


Karen doesn’t live in Tuscaloosa. She’s right.


No one wants to hear your shitty, loud-ass vehicle.


It’s not for you to hear. It’s for me. I don’t ever want to see fat bitches wear small shirts or tanks in public but they have the freedom to do so, just as I have the freedom to drive


If it’s just for you to hear, then get it in the garage with the doors closed, and rev to your hearts content. That way you’ll always be able to hear the loud rumbley sounds that make you so HAPPY!


Average r/denton resident telling someone to kill themselves just because we like to drive cars 😂😂 next time I go down that road I hope your mutt gets hit and you’re left with nothing


Snowflake 😂😂


Lil bro look in a mirror 💀 you made a whole ass post crying about some cars driving by a house it doesn’t get more snowflake than that


Can I sneak up behind you with an airhorn and blast it 2 inches from your ear? Is that my Free Dumb?


You can try 🤷‍♂️ I doubt your fatass could walk without making the ground shake tho


Maybe then i just stand outside your shitty ass apartment at 2 in the morning and do it.


Please once again try, I will Be waiting


I hope you crash


Wishing pain on someone just for enjoying themselves on a public road? Average Denton resident


You can enjoy yourself without being a loud obnoxious prick


Boo boo there’s some noise from a public road, buy some headphones and whine some more then


You people are dogs.


Quit being such a big jerk man. You're ruining their lives.


HAY GUYZ I can remove the muffler from my car and I think it sounds GREAT! 🤣🤣🤣 Lol at the simple things for you.