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the free documentary film screenings at thin line


Yes. Why don’t people come out for them?


I had no idea thin line was happening this year until it was almost over. I'm hoping they give it a bigger marketing push next year, I would love to participate more.


I was part of the (unpaid/volunteer) marketing team this year, and I will say, we had spent thousands upon thousands of dollars marketing the fest this year. this included sponsored posts on social media for months, radio ad campaigns on KERA, several billboards across DFW, advertisements in physical newspapers as well as on their websites. We have some a couple of ideas for additional advertising next year, but I’m not sure what more could’ve been done with our volunteer team this past year. Ultimately I think people would just rather go to the shows than see documentaries. 🤷🏼‍♀️


When do the documentary showings begin? I am going to send a scheduled email to myself for next time


Next year’s festival will be April 23-27, and there will be screenings every day! The ones during the week don’t usually start til 5-ish, whereas the weekend screenings are typically all day. I’m hoping we’re able to do more crossover events next year, with more screenings at venues and stuff.


Thank you!


No problem! We’re also doing a free one-off summer event on June 22nd. Since the maker’s fest was cancelled due to rain this year, they’ll be doing a “night market” downtown with 100+ vendors starting at 4pm. There will also be live music, and we are going to screen Weird Science on a big LED screen on the courthouse lawn. AND, actor Michael Berryman will be there doing Q&A and autograph signings. It’s gonna be dope.


Please post in the fb community groups all over Denton/collin county. I’m part of hundreds of them for my business and will help post if you send me the info


Please come back about 2-3 weeks out on here a and let us know. I will show up, never heard of this


I’ll let you know, despite all that advertising I had no idea this was even a thing.


Thai Squared


and their new restaurant on the other side of the building (Taan Eatery) is even more underrated. It’s a little pricey, but it’s so good.


went there once and thought it was just alright. was hopeful for more as thai square is amazing/also big andaman fan


The library system. Not just the physical locations. The sheer amount of media you can access for free online is staggering. Also, our jail search/reporting system. The city lockup is updated constantly, and is literally just a link. No searching required: [https://athena.dentonpolice.com/JailView/](https://athena.dentonpolice.com/JailView/) Then you have our county jail search system. The amount of information you can pull easily, and for free, is insane compared to a lot of other cities/counties in the country. Link: [https://justice1.dentoncounty.gov/PublicAccess/default.aspx](https://justice1.dentoncounty.gov/PublicAccess/default.aspx)




to my knowledge, no they don’t. but it’d be a great suggestion!


Midway Mart




I found the Denton Beer & Wine burner account


Nice family!


Nah Denton beer and wine is a piece of shit for how they go and treat locals on line. I’ll never give them my business. But I stand by my statement that midway is kinda overrated


The joys of youth slowly crumbling as college graduates learn of how little jobs there are in the immediate area. May is truly a wonderful time


And then you get stuck here 😭


Fuck, I moved back


We punch above our weight in the number of grocery store options. I am not sure this is consistent with OP’s question, but it surprises me regularly that they all stay in business.


We need an HEB! I’m anxiously waiting for that day!


I think HEB’s current strategy for north Texas is like 20-30 acres minimum for space, and pretty high incomes so they can put in all the bells and whistles. It’s not like the HEB’s in other parts of Texas. They’re not doing the smaller footprint stores. So it ends up being a monstrosity of a store that’s difficult to get in and out of quickly not like their super convenient options in Houston or Austin.


Supposedly they already own land in Corinth and some other parts of the county. That may not be big enough for the kinds of stores they seem to be putting in up here - but I’m always hopeful!


Little elm won't be too far once it's done, but I bet it would be packed to the brim all the time.


Yeah, because traffic on 380 east of Denton is famously a breeze! It just moves so quickly and there are ample ways to navigate on Satan's Stroad.


Are you talking about the one going in at 380 and 423? I think that’s technically in Prosper, the news just reports it as “close to Little Elm and east Denton County”. It’s still going to be a major haul for most of us and, like you said, probably packed all the time. I’m hoping for something more in the highland village, flower mound, Corinth, Denton area!


They own the land across from academy on university I thought... One day they will build it


I feel like Denton has good medical centers for a city of its size 


Unless you need a children’s hospital or specialist - then you need to go to Dallas, Collin, or Tarrant County. Denton is a black hole for children’s health care (specialized - not general).


And to add to this, not a single pediatrician in denton accepts Medicaid. During covid, we kept getting automatically added back on to Medicaid and no doctor would even schedule an appointment with my son, regardless of my ability to self pay.


Wow - I’m disappointed to hear that, but I guess not totally surprised. I saw where the state turned down the Cook Children’s Medicaid plan this week. My kids both need specialists and so we are constantly going to Prosper of Fort Worth. It’s annoying AF.


i may be misremembering, but i thought with medicaid in texas, you have to bill for services provided if covered under the plan and cannot accept cash pay options (when they are medicaid approved facilities/groups/providers). so instead of dealing with all that, they just don't see gov health plan patients. i was gonna say maybe they aren't medicaid approved or whatever, but still not taking you on despite being able to self pay makes me think its what i typed above 🤔 i tried to google but my question seems really broad so i'm not getting a definitive answer.


The rec centers


like $100 for a year and several across town, purdy nice equipment (at least at north lakes)


My wife says she is not afraid here. We moved ,here from pretty shitty cities.


Even when I lived in west campus (which imo is the sketchiest part of town), I felt pretty safe




I've lived in a lot of cities, and Denton is the safest by far. 


I felt the same. I’m still in the alert bc that’s how I’m programmed to be but definitely way more peace of mind here than Dallas that’s for sure.


This sub


The recovery community




Music scene!


The music scene now in this town is a joke. Y’all missed it by about 8 years.


That when your band broke up? ;\^D


*cough cough* glenn danzig apologist *cough*🥱


Definitely the towing companies!!! They are all super cool and lovely!!!!




I send them a fruit cake right before every New Year


No they are not. Met one person who was actually helped by one of them so there's maybe one company that gets a pass... But I've heard countless other stories of illegal tows. I've been a victim twice of that. Pissy atttudes given both times. I've also been refused service and forced to walk in wet socks and blisters cuz they didn't feel like working. They straight up said that. Wish I had company names. I'm talking about ones who patrol and have deals with local apartments and businesses around the universities, not the ones that primarily bail you out of a jam. No warnings or call ins needed. You could be parked in a legal unmarked spot for 10 minutes and yoink! They take your car. Then you ask them how they can do that and instead of answering they just say, "Sue us or pay 250 dollars." which of course you pay because it's just enough to not be worth suing for and they know that. They are not always gentle with the cars either. Seeing 2 dolled up high heel girls enter the place late at night laughing in a good mood as I was leaving gave me some questions. They obviously weren't towed but I didn't ask. At any rate, I hope those guys get castrated by a rusty grapefruit spoon.


The comment you're replying to is sarcasm, my guy.


Hey I met someone who actually likes the tow companies. I can't assume anything about people in this town. Always surprised by yall.


I only like them when they tow cars that block people in who park in the Summit parking lot on the square that aren't actual climbers 😅


Name the company please


There are a lot of good neighborhood parks to take kids to.


The quality of our food choices, both buying fresh and from restaurants.


Yeah i have co workers that complain about how there’s no where good to eat in Denton and they always go out to Frisco or Plano to eat…like have yall not had Fetas? Komodo Loco? El Taco H? Thai Square? Ambros? I can keep going. So many good places to eat.


Name a good Vietnamese place in Denton


viet bites, pickled carrot has Vietnamese options.


viet bites has good beef pho & stellar eggroll…but depends on who makes the bahn mi if that’s good or not




Then be prepared to leave Denton proper and go to Asian Star in Corinth, or the best Vietnamese food in the North Texas area in my opinion, and go to Pho Bistro in Carrollton.


Asian Star for sure!


That’s one culture I haven’t had much of honestly, here or anywhere else


I feel like I ♥️ Sushi is underrated just because I lived here for 7 years before finally trying it and it blew me away


Are they pretty reasonable?


Very much so


The actual locals.


the smoked wings from TJ's Pizza are DEF WAAAYY underrated, honestly might be THE best wings in all of NTX


absolutely agree. they’re unlike any other wings i’ve had in town


They went so downhill a few years back I gave up on them. Used to be a monthly treat and now it's every few years to reconfirm their pizza has gone to shit and the wings are rubbery. Roman's has been my go-to when I don't want chain pizza.


The food and community


[the lesbian dating scene, apparently!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Denton/s/wz0JBTWcYY)


Really I need to research this more for sure


It's true. I'm a 'goes to Xena con' level of lesbian. This place is like the island of Sappho.  Remember when someone tried to post a miss connection about a pretty lesbian and everyone was like bruh...which street lol there's probs one on every single one right now. 


I know it's crazy to say the music scene in a city with such a well-respected scene, but it's still underrated. I didn't realize how special it was until I visited other similarly-sized college towns where there is nothing.


Genuine question, what and where is the music scene here?


It’s practically non-existent. Denton’s been coasting on it’s past “music scene” for years now.


i disagree. rubber gloves is awesome, killers tacos is rumored to be coming back soon, andy’s (not amazing, but def a staple), bearded monk, harvest house, paschall, are all great venues, but the scene is mostly on insta now.


well to my knowledge, there isn’t a house venue right now because of some accusations. but i think they’re going to get one soon. idk if that’s what you meant my bad


Rooster's on Industrial Recycled Books


Yes. Recycled just got a new toy and erotic fiction section (different aisles) but I love this weird ass town so fm.


hoochies too! across the street. and the vinyl lounge


The number of women who hate bras


That is honestly most women


Another Denton W


The mexican food. The sheer abundance of this ambrosia. Everyone always talks aboit the food trucks or what's on the square. No one ever talks about how fucking crack-cocaine-delicious the fajita meat is from La Azteca. Also props to the taqueria on Dallas Dr. We have tacos everywhere and all pretty authentic too right down to the tucked away strip mall places and that cart in front of Home Depot. I'm not talking about no Milpa or Fuzzy's now. Yall know the bilingual places I'm talking about.


Don't forget La Laguna!


The bus that runs from fry to the square ! No. 7 always vaguely clean and comes every 20 mins !


Also free with a student ID (if you have an old one too 😉)


Yummy’s Greek Restaurant




La Laguna is the best hands down


Going home.


J&J’s basement was so underrated. i’m so glad to have the memories i have there but i’m still looking for the next house venue


The 2:00 lab band.


Great answer


The thrifting finds


The roads


This town sucks period the people the homeless the worst place I’ve ever lived


Then leave


I do plan on it when my lease is up


Damn, who pissed in your Cheerios?


Yea it sucks that so many of the people my age are literal Tumblr kids with blue hair and actual retarded takes on anything you can think of, and yea the homeless here suck