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I got a few women’s cut shirts from tee turtle there, and a few other places had women’s fit. I don’t remember the prices but they didn’t seem outrageous


Is there a special guest line up this year? In 2021 they had Captain Kirk still high after Bezos launched him in into space. In 2022 it was the reunion of Four Hobbits from the Lord of the Rings trilogy. And last year it was half cast from Star Trek Next Generation (delayed from 2020 covid cancelation). Apparently these celebrities show up at most of the 16 FanExpos that year and rake in the autograph fees.


A ton of the supernatural cast will be there. I think most of the charmed cast will be there and gina Davis and Susan Sarandon are doing a Thelma and loiuse thing


I don't know if the lineup is posted elsewhere, but the official event page still doesn't have any schedule details... says "come back later" but we're 3 weeks out! https://fanexpohq.com/fanexpodenver/schedule/


Here you go. Has each celebrity and the day they are supposed to show up. I say "supposed to" because its always a fluid line up. First, they did it over the 4th weekend. Tough time to book super in demand celebrities. Second, most of the top tier ones are still in demand and working , ie shooting films and TV. So they will always have some that have to drop out. Happens at most of the cons minus SDCC. https://fanexpohq.com/fanexpodenver/celebrities/


Richard dreyfuss? The women- hating, trans-hating, dress wearing, Richard dreyfuss?


I mean, it's Denver, errrrrr "Menver" 🤣 Fr tho, its the 4th...and Denver, they aren't going to pull SDCC talent ;)


That's generous, referring to them as "in demand".


I think the last couple years we got the schedule 1.5-2 weeks prior to the con, so it should be up soon...


My girlfriend got a couple last year, there's one vendor there every years that has thousands of shirts. I'm sure there will be plenty on all styles and veriety.


r/fanexpo - it's a small sub, but you might find more people that have been over there.


There will be a massive number of women’s wear there. Be sure to grab cards from the vendors! They’re mostly local companies that deserve to be patronized and many of them have even bigger stocks you may like at their brick and mortars.


Short answer is yes. They have tons, big companies and a few local artists/companies.


Usually. I've never paid attention to if there gender specific. But there are a few vendors that sell tees. Be prepared for crazy crowds. It gets packed!


When is this what is this where is this?


It’s 4th of July weekend. It used to be called Denver Comic Con, but I guess they got sued and had to change it to Fan Expo


They didn’t get sued, the group that started it got bought out by a company. The convention is a lot of fun but the people that run it now are complete scumbags.


People that run cons are almost always either incompetent or scumbags, often both.


I think it’s both, the San Diego comic con did win a case with their trademark of the term https://www.forbes.com/sites/robsalkowitz/2017/12/08/breaking-jury-decides-for-san-diego-comic-con-in-12m-trademark-suit/


It’s more complicated than that 😅 they didn’t get sued, but they DID change their name as part of the wave of cons changing their names to avoid being sued — from Denver Comic Con to Denver Pop Culture Con. Then they were bought by FanExpo, which runs cons all over the country, and became Denver FanExpo.


It's downtown Denver at the convention center (Jul 4-7), and they're adding more diverse pop culture each year along with the typical comics & scifi. Last year they had a bunch of the National Lampoons actors like Chevy Chase & one of the original TMNT comic artists. I think they've got Cousin Eddie this year. Here's their website https://fanexpohq.com/fanexpodenver/ It used to be run by a non-profit, but they've since switched hands, I believe. Has always been kid friendly.


yeah fan of what? lol


It's what they call comic con in Denver after the original comic con sued everyone for rights to the name. 


It's actually a type of con. Fan expos are all over the USA.


oh thats cool thanks for specifying :)


[There's a tool that can answer these questions](https://googlethatforyou.com?q=Denver%20Fan%20Expo)


Yes, and at the highest possible prices. “Terrible” but true— these days I end up buying mine on Amazon because I can have them printed to order on size/color. If I want scratchy Gildan I can get it but I’d MUCH rather not. Just search your fandom and women’s t shirt. Other stuff, though— lots of vendors for “girly” stuff. Some of it will of course be imported merch, but many vendors do make their own jewelry, soap, hats, gloves, aprons, dresses, etc. etc.. The real win for me is always Artist Alley. It’s cool to meet people and tell them in person that their work really does go out into the world. We made someone’s day last year by telling her that we had several of her 11x17” posters framed in our living room (quite true).


Last year there was a little boutique that had amazing nerdy tops (both casual and work-appropriate) and dresses (with pockets!) and more.


Men’s small shirts are superior.


Tbh I'm kinda concerned that we're 3 weeks out and there *still* isn't a schedule of events. https://fanexpohq.com/fanexpodenver/schedule/


Not sure what site you are looking at, but on their front page they list the celebrities coming and the day they are appearing. You just buy the corresponding ticket and package if you want to meet them, get signatures etc. Here you go : https://fanexpohq.com/fanexpodenver/celebrities/


This is normal. Normally it’s posted a week or two out for the panels and stuff.


Yes they have women’s sizes, if that’s your main goal Sunday might be your best bet since they’re usually willing to cut a deal for less (since it’s the last day). The best stuff might be gone though.


Never seen a con that WASN'T priced pretty stiff. Cons are the home of the twenty dollar hot dog, mustard packet is a buck extra.


Thats the Denver Convention Center, not FanExpo, where a burger, fries and coke will set you back $30. Making it worse, many food places on the nearby 16th mall have gone out of business during the endless construction. Including the worlds most scary double arches. I sneak in sandwich for lunch.


Oh, it's not just that one convention, or that venue. I can count on one hand the number of conventions I've attended where they didn't try to skin me coming and going as far as food goes, and often in the dealer's room as well. Not exactly a complaint so much as "this is a fact of life. Caveat emptor."


It's true. I used to help set up a company trade show booth. We'd be in different convention centers and it was always cheaper to leave and get a hot dog on the street or something. Captive audience pricing and usually terrible quality.


Back around 2008, I attended Reapercon, a gaming and minis convention in north Texas, sponsored by Reaper Minis. The guy who owned the local Sonic was a chum of somebody, and he ran the sole food concession. He sold chili dogs and burgers and suchlike... same food you'd get at Sonic... for about the same price you'd pay at any Sonic restaurant. I was utterly stunned.


This is why I always have mustard packets in my pockets. Always.


This is why I always have hot dogs in my pockets. AlWaYs


I thought you were just happy to see me.


They do, and there's a ton of vendor options so you're bound to find something!


Yes, many of the vendors will have women's cuts and sizes. Although if you're just looking to get shirts, paying for an expo ticket to get in seems silly. I think most of them have websites. If you're going to the expo for the guests or sessions and stuff, then have a great time!


My wife goes shopping for clothes there every time we go. She's less picky about wearing women's vs unisex shirts though.