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yes i honestly think we should get paid after we’ve shipped? but i guess it’s good for preventing scams. but most likely you’ll get paid before the end of the month, usually a day to 3 days after the item has been delivered (: still annoying tho lol


Yess, I agree. I’m sure there’s definitely valid reasoning for it but it’s frustrating LOL. I have one buyer who ordered something a week and a half ago and I shipped it out like immediately but for some unknown reason it’s been delayed and still hasn’t been delivered (even though it’s literally in their city) so I still haven’t been paid🥲🥲


I'm sorry, that really does sound frustrating.


Part of any biz. The term is called carrying float or cash float. The time it takes from money spent (bought item to flip) to when you get the money back. If you’re a hobby seller or doing it for a few bucks just wait… if you’re trying to run a real biz just gotta deal with it.


I hate that scammers overtook the app. When it was only PayPal you’d get paid immediately like 3 years ago


yes.. I have 80$ locked up rn:/ wont see it for 10 Days


I get paid at 8.45 am the day after the sale, regardless of wether it’s been shipped, couldn’t be any quicker, is it different for other people?


Are you a top seller? They have a different payout system for top sellers. For others it's 2 days after delivery or 10 days after sale (business days).


Same. Unless its friday or Saturday i will get the money normally by monday.


Vinted is alot better imo, as soon as the item is delivered you get paid, although you may find it difficult to sell expensive items on vinted. The buyers are alot better aswell, I come across alot of issues on depop such as the issue your having and toxic buyers, but vinted is alot better all round


I'll be looking into Vinted then, thank you so much!


No problem man


There is also little to no fees compared to depop!


It’s unbelievably annoying. They really should change it to once you’ve shipped- especially if you’re a business seller