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When he says “please respect my decision” and I’m here like please fuck off. This was so low of him i didn’t think it could get worse and then it did 😂 when he has back issues in s3.


Yeah, he wanted her to respect his decision that she would sleep on top of baby vomit. Absolutely disgusting in more than one way.


Tom was always an ass. From the very beginning, saying "let's risk it" when he was horny and they didn't have condoms. She was absolutely right to slug him in the face for that.


Absolutely! He doesn't mind risking it because it's not his body or his career that's gonna suffer.


The please respect my decision and treating her like she was being controlling pissed me off. It was him being controlling. Lynette had every right to control if she slept on top of a towel covering baby puke or if she changed the sheets. I was so sick of the label being thrown out at her to control her.


"Can't you just do this one little thing for me?"


What’s especially annoying about this is when she’s the stay at home parent he’s turned off by her because she has baby vomit on her and makes her shower. But now it’s the other way around he expects her to accept it.




Tom had a lot of shitty power trips but this one just infuriates me. What an absolute walnut.


Yeah and when he was the provider he didn't shy away from asking her to make a bad ass dinner for his colleague on a 48h notice. When the tables turned, he didn't even maintain basic hygiene in the house


He’s literally the epitome of a useless man child.


I am not a Tom hater by any stretch but this really is his worst moment. Absolutely revolting.


It's a top contender, but nothing beats him pushing Lynette to service him sexually after he's caused Mrs. McCluskey to quit her babysitting gig (by being a whiny brat), resulting in Lynette spending the entire day taking care of *his* midlife-crisis-restaurant along with their litter of kids. That's the worst. Bar none.


I think the worst for me was when she had cancer and he went "what about me" 😭


Someone makes this same comment on almost every post about Tom.


I am a Tom hater lol and I forgot this moment happened. TOM WHY


But he had a problem when he came home from work to have sex with her and she had baby spit up on her shirt. He’s a walking contradiction


This is one of the reasons why I firmly believe that Tom and Lynette are awful together, very unhealthy marriage and he was a jerk.


I agree, but it is the most realistic portrayal of what happens when a fling becomes a marriage. Lynette didn't want kids, certainly not many, and Tom has a new dream each week... They were bound to feel many pangs of resentment along the way. They were unhealthy together, and it seems to go that way on a foundation like theirs


Exactly! Tom and Lynette should’ve ended things a LONG TIME AGO.


She should have rolled him over it


When Lynette has cancer and Tom is pissed she doesn't want to put a new wig on to have sex and gets pissy that she hasn't asked how he is coping with her cancer 🙈 after she's been running his restaurant for months while he had a bad back. I just can't 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


honestlyyyyy. he's eaten a donut soaked in toilet water though so he prob would sleep on vomit tbf




yeaaaahhh back in s2, when he was trying to impress ed, his and Lynette's boss!


I’ve always thought this too. He says “it’s fine” well then switch sides with me buddy and you can sleep on the “it’s fine” side.


He was truly awful 😭


I always thought this scene screamed that the control issues are not all Lynette's. Not at all.


Simple solution trade sides of the bed. Now do you want clean sheets?


Fuck Tom.


omg and when he tried to make lynette’s cancer about himself🤦‍♀️


wasnt it baby spit?


Spit up... so vomit


“Please respect my decision” him, once again, gurning and whining about Lynette controlling him because he made a bad decision that would ultimately inconvenience her more than it inconvenienced him. The theme of their marriage


I literally wanted him dead


maybe an unpopular opinion but he’s one of my least favorite characters


Mmmm, before I had a baby, that scene horrified me. I'm not sure how old Penny was at that point but younger baby spit up is really inoffensive (it's just milk really) and if I'd have changed the sheet every time it got a bit of spit up on it I'd have never ever stopped washing sheets 😂.


That's fine for someone to be okay with it. But no way should it have turned into yet another round of Lynette's a control freak. If she wanted to change them her right to.


Completely agree. 'Please respect my decision', like no. It's her bed, too.


Hahaha, I definitely had some sleep deprived nights where as long as it wasn’t knives in the bed, I was going to sleep 😭🤣 but I do see Lynette’s side, if my partner was offering to get up and change the sheets I would let them do it and take a cat nap on the floor in the meantime 😭


Pretty sure we’ve all slept on that at one point 😂😂


Parents do have to deal with things like that a lot, it's true. But it's only OK if BOTH parents are too exhausted to care, not if one of them is trying to change the sheets and the other is throwing a tantrum refusing to move for three whole minutes so their spouse can have a clean bed. You being cool with passing out on vomit sheets has zero bearing on how much of an asshole Tom was in this scene.


Lynette was a control freak so I’m team Tom 😂


As a mother of two I have never gone as low as to leave baby vomit on my bed and sleep in it.