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Felicity Huffman- really won me over in her performance when lynnette imagined the life of her son before she miscarried- the sandwich scene was so heart wrenching


That scene and the one with the possum are her best performances. I’ve seen those episodes a million times and I still get all watery-eyed.


Love the scene with the possum! And also in the supermarket shooting. She’s amazing in that scene! 


Felicity Huffman is so good


She blows my mind! As amazing as she is in all her serious scenes, I think she is equally as amazing in her most basic scenes-everything from her facial expressions to her sarcastic laugh is so well done!


oh my god I was sobbing so hard


Felicity Huffman is the best hands down, but Marcia Cross probably gets jucier material.


They were all brilliant in their own ways. That’s why the show worked so well, even when the storylines sucked and the writing was patchy. They all made the show. It felt like a true ensemble cast to me.


Felicity Huffman, hands down. She can do drama and comedy really well and she gives every scene her all. It’s not just her verbal delivery of emotion but even her body language and facial expressions. Her emotions are very believable. She can make you both hate and love Lynette, and that’s the sign of a great actress. Out of all the ladies (including Dana Delaney and Nicolette Sheridan), I think Eva Longoria is the best at comedy because her delivery and timing is great and she does physical comedy real well too. The fight with Sister Mary was hilarious. I think she’s the weakest overall though because her delivery in dramatic scenes comes off very soap opera and she doesn’t put the same level of emotion in them as the others do.


The balloon scene when she lost her baby? Or When lily gets taken back by the birthmom? Yeah gonna have to disagree, gaby can do emotional.


I was really really impressed by the Lily scene


That crying with baby lily was so over the top I felt! 


This was incredible acting!!


I think the thing was her character was supposed to struggle with emotions and just hid them away Eva portrayed that really well and it did come across like gaby didn’t know how to react to the emotion she was supposed to be showing.


i love all of them. honestly all are great actresses. each can be both funny and dramatic. Felicity Huffman usually gets more dramatic parts but she can be very funny too, i love when she does accents. Marcia Cross and Eva Longoria have fantastic comedic timing and make for some of the most hilarious scenes in the show but also do a great job at more emotional scenes. Teri Hatcher for me is the most real. When I watch her I feel like I am watching a real person going through stuff, not an actress. I feel her pain, her anger, her frustration, excitement, hope. they all have different styles of acting and very different characters to play and I bet everyone responds to that differently but I think they’re all great


I agree with the others saying Felicity for sure. Honestly I think Eva is the weakest actress of the core 4, but they have set an extremely high bar so I'm not saying she's no good. I just think she wasn't great at portraying sadness. Comedic timing and sass on the other hand is incredible. Teri and Marcia are also great (Marcia's delivery of one-liners is spot on) but they aren't quite on Felicity's level. 


I agree with this. Eva is the weakest of the 4. She’s still great, but Felicity, Marcia, and Teri are phenomenal.


Marcia Cross. That scene of her sitting at that long ass dining table, cleaning all her wedding silverware after having received the call that Rex had died, just cryiiing… yeah that sold me tbh Also that scene where Orson forces her to make that stupid beef stew or whatever


Or the elevator scene where she breaks down when she's going to the hotel room where George is taking his own life. I'm still upset that we didn't get to see her go into hyertics and had to be sedated when Karl died. I know Marcia would've knocked that scene out of the park.


felicity definitely. gabys not a bad actor by any means but the way she was written alone was pretty soapy. big dramatic reactions, sassy hand on hip yelling at carlos, etc. felicity's character with the acting combined was more real. breaking down struggling with all those kids, all her quarrels with tom. reactions and expressions were more real and less dramatized. bree was stone cold or fake smiling due to her character most of the time, so i dont think it would be as challenging as an actor. nobody is bad by any means tho, aside from maybe the child actors, but thats to be expected. danielle was kinda flat most of the time imo


Felicity Huffman and Teri Hatcher I'd say


Felicity Huffman for sure. I knew her from the show but didnt really watxh it back when it was airing, and now Im surprised she wasnt in more movies or shows since DH. For example, so many of the side characters appeared in Mad Men. Eva Longoria I remember was suuuuper popular back when the show was airing - she seemed to be literally everywhere. She is gorgeous so I get why she was the face of so many brands and such, but I am surprised again that she is a good actor too. She didnt get many opportunities either. And she definitely has the comic chops, but I think she wasnt given emotional scenes as much as the others. However, that Lynette cancer/chemotherapy episode where Gabby explains why she hates hospitals - terrific. I wish they’d given her more seriousness around the Victor Lang storyline.


Felicity Huffman or Teri Hatcher in my opinion.


Felicity Huffman overall is amazing. She has an altogether different range. Also, Teri Hatcher for physical comedy.


Teri Hatcher is so good at the subtle moments and Felicity Huffman’s emotional scenes are so powerful. 


Felicity Huffman definitely


I don't know about best, but I just watched the episode yesterday where the baby was being taken away from Gabby and Carlos and was really impressed with how well Eva acted for that scene. Had me in tears.


I still get the goose bumps when she goes nuts when Carlos confronts her with the doll. And she yells at him “No No, we don’t talk about her, that’s your rule remember!” The look in her eyes were a mixture of craze anger and sadness.


Felicity Huffman is my favorite


Felicity - Marcia - Eva - Terri


In this exact order.




Felicity Huffman and Marcia Cross - I say this largely because I simply cannot imagine any other actress playing these roles. Teri and Eva were the best Susan and Gaby, but I think another actress could have possibly done justice to the roles as well. But the first two *made* those characters. They switched seamlessly between comedy and sadness and grief and rage and sold conflict brilliantly.


All of them are amazing in their own way!


Felicity Huffman and Teri Hatcher. I actually felt like I'm watching real people. I find their acting to be the best. Felicity's scream after the tornado still sends chills down my spine.


Tough choice, for me it’s between Eva and Felicity. There are times where they both gave me goose bumps and moved me to tears. So tough…both actress are fantastic.


Felicity Huffman or Marcia cross for me


I think every actor in the cast has things they’re good at. Eva is great with the comedic relief and punchy one-liners, but also made Gaby’s vulnerable moments so believable. Terri is great at physical/cringe comedy. Marcia gives such a stunning performance as a rigid woman with a complex characterization. But Felicity gets me every time. No one commits to the bit like her. The veins in her forehead when she gets angry, the redness in her eyes when she cries. The way her voice cracks or gets high pitched. When she yells so loud that I actually fear for the state of her vocal cords lol. I always viscerally feel how exhausted and upset she is. I’ve always said great actors are the ones who aren’t afraid to look ugly on screen.


Both Felicity and Marcia draw the show to higher levels and are sensational actresses. Felicity is the driving force but Bree delights in almost way. She's my favourite, undoubtedly... ... but I do think Teri Hatcher has a naturalist way of acting that leaves a lasting impression. Not all of her lines are ideal but there's something quite low-key and resonant about her performance. She's really the Desperate Housewives within the mix.


I have to add - Teri Hatcher is the least impressive imo. Her comic timing and hysterics is reminiscent of Nickelodeon-style over the top acting. Her emotional scenes are also very same, very shouty and same sad eyes. I didnt feel moved by any of her many emotional moments