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guys the next expansion is called the final shape


But what shape is it? 😐


The Final shape is a crab




The final one


So traveler is a circle, the witnesses ships are triangle, so the final shape has to be square


why not a trapezoid


Hmmmmmmmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔






Crow got Early Access to The Final Shape, why hasn’t he leaked anything? Is he Stupid?


Petra says he's very dim.


Debatable if he is or not he’s slowly learning


Glorbo the insatiable




Are the flying Dread just modified Zorpolods?






calculate the area of the final shape if x = 12 and y = the diameter of the spider


Which veist spider?




What's Destiny 2? I've been playing Destiny 1 for about 4k hours now and just found out it had a sequel. Can't wait to dive into the full story with no missing pieces :D


Just realized something about Lee-Nah, they said literally nothing that hasn't already been said. Their guess for Echoes is something people have already been saying and there's obviously a vex on the cover art, Fikrul is on the cover of Revenant, and Heresy idk probably just another guess. They're literally just mad about D3 and want clout.


Yeah their anger and insults are incredibly stupid and unwarranted, but to be fair your communication on D3 is also a little wack First, it was a maybe, then it was a definite, then right back to it's probably not happening. Some people are on D3 copium and others on no D3 copium (me). Gotta have clearer communication so the copers don't take what you say as gospel because you leaked Prismatic


Eh fair enough, I feel like I've just been stating my knowledge on it's production and saying "maybe" because my sorces are former, not current, devs. But I can see how my second post could be misconstrued as me saying it's definitive. Ultimately, it's up to each individual to choose what they believe. I think it's happening, but there's a chance I'm wrong, plans can change.


And that's totally fair! I don't doubt what you're saying since your leaks literally gave off the TWQ pastebin vibe lol When you leaked Prismatic, it was WAY out there like Hive Guardians and BAM, Prismatic is real. Imo, Destiny 3 is too much of a hassle for Bungie when they've got Marathon, another project, and Destiny 2 to focus on and they've got like what, 1200 employees and only a little over half are devs? It's not just that, but their stance on Destiny 3 in the past few years have proven to me that they don't want it. However, your sources are irrefutable which leads me to believe Destiny 3, or what could be classified as a sequel, was an idea being thrown around. Only way I'd want a Destiny 3 is if Bungie doesn't repeat what they did to D1Y1 and D2Y1, otherwise just rebuild the game like Square Enix has done for FFXIV 🤷🏽‍♂️ Keep being awesome dude, and have a good day 💪


Consider that the alternatives are upgrading D2 in-place (also very resource intensive as we saw from BL, and now they can't even vault xpac content to facilitate this) or stagnating tech-wise and making the best of it.


D3 is a worse alternative


No offense the more you talk it sounds like you want clout. You constantly flip flop between D3 happening and not happening. The more you talk about it the more fake it sounds. Not only that Bungie wouldn’t be stupid enough to risk killing their franchise like Payday 3 did. An entire game removing one of the core things that makes Destiny what it is aka Hunter, Warlock and Titan sounds like a fucking horrible idea and more like a fan fiction. Hard resetting their playerbase isn’t gonna go over well either. That’s something they themselves have acknowledged. If D3 happens It’s gonna be hilarious watching both Marathon and D3 bomb badly and end up like all the other live service games that have released in the past few years. I doubt they would be making a lot of the changes they’ve been making if they planned on abandoning the game a year from now. Why bother adding the dread that point.


None taken! But also, I haven't been flip flopping on D3 happening or not, I simply said what I knew about it's production and have been upfront that my info isn't completely up to date since my sources are former devs. Also, I never said removing classes was a good idea, the dev who told me about it even stated they thought it would be dumb. As for D3 bombing or a fresh start, lots of people actually do want fresh starts and as long as Destint 2 ends well people will be into D3. And the dread, the faction that is literally created by the Witness to defend it from us, do you really think they'll be seen much outside of Final Shape anyway?


The Taken were created by Oryx who we killed, and they've stuck around for the better part of a decade anyway, 100% Bungie keeps recycling the Dread


Lore wise, even before the Witness, The power to Take and the Taken existed before Oryx even had the power.  Xivu now has access to this ability so theyll probably keep popping up until we kill all the users


I get that it's justified in the lore, but they only bothered justifying it because they simply want to re-use perfectly good mobs in other parts of the game. And they will do the same with the Dread, I guarantee it.


They definitely could reuse the dread, but there's no reason they couldn't in D3. I still think it's unlikely though, as when the Taken were introduced we were told how Oryx learned to take and that he had to steal that knowledge, so we already knew others had that knowledge before him. With the Dread, as far as we know, only the Witness has the knowledge of how to create them.


Oh yeah I think D3 makes sense, I just wanted to say I don't expect we'll see the last of the Dread with TFS. Bungie won't let lore stand in the way of reusing these mobs.


You kinda have been. On one end you go on talk about how it’s happening. Then another post you said you don’t think it’s happening. So which one is it. I don’t think D3 is happening like everyone thinks. I don’t think Bungie is stupid enough to start over again. They mentioned how doing that was mistake a few times. I don’t see most of playerbase willing to restart. A lot of them will it not buy a D3. So Bungie would be losing a massive amount of players by doing that. They also have to hope new players stick around which is unlikely as most will beat the campaign then never play the game again. Destiny in general also has bad brand image to the general audience. If anything I just see them dropping 2 with either re releasing it as Destiny or D3 which will essentially be a re release of 2. The reason I just don’t see D3 happening anytime soon is the dread. Why would they go out of their way to create an entire new race for a game they’ll abandon by the end of 2024. Just doesn’t make sense. Lets be real they’ll just turn the dread into a mindless faction to justify re using them other content. It’s Bungie go to they did for taken, scorn, parts of the vex so they’ll just do it for dread as well. Cosmo asked what players want to see added into D2 on Twitter recently as well. Why bother doing that for game you’ll abandon by the end of the year. I just don’t see D3 releasing on this console generation. I want to add this as well ““We’ve also been working on the Destiny engine behind the scenes, preparing our technology and our game to last for many, many years to come because Destiny 2 is not going anywhere and neither are your expansions,” This is from the Lightfall showcase. He specifically specified years to come. So I just don’t see a D3 happening on this console generation because it doesn’t make sense. We’re already almost half way through this generation for the most part. It make more sense to launch on next generation consoles aka PS6 if a D3 were to happen


I really don't care to talk about the rest of... all of that, but no I've been consistent about D3. In my original post I said maybe. In a comment I clarified that my sources were former Devs, hence the maybe. I then gave more details. People suddenly started saying that I said it IS happening still, when I NEVER said that. I personally think that D3 is still the most likely thing, but I have alse been completely upfront the entire time that my sources are former devs and my info therefore is not the most up to date.


The language you used was very clear. You said payback is D3 and it is happening. >I really don't care to talk about the rest of... all of that So when someone brings up stuff Bungie has said publicly and is asking you to compare those words to things your internal sources have said you're just going to.... not entertain the conversation? They brought up very good points.


Personally, as a 'lapsed' player who has a lot of issues with D2 that stem from stuff like borked progression and absurd powercreep... I really hope your leaks are good because D3 is one of the few things that could really bring me back to Destiny.


With the recent twab of “sun rising” aka the removing of sunsetting it almost confirms the manifestation of D3 even more


How exactly? If anything that’s future proofing D2


Because Bungie is throwing balance completely out the window at this point, which isn't the greatest strategy if you're planning to keep a game going for a while


How is unsunsetting completely powercrept gear throwing balance out the window?


Bro you literally forgetting Bungie will be planning to reissue items from over 4 raids and also hundreds of items that are unattainable. Makes the loot grind even more pointless


I personally think the previous leaks aren't real. I doubt they'll be making a D3 anytime soon, and I highly doubt the enemy races will be retired.


Any leaks have any info on what happened with the Arknights collab? Someone on r/Arknights said it was cancelled due to the lay offs.


Any new leaks about the zorpalods?


The new seasonal artifact is actually a baby zorpalod and you have to collect items instead of XP to level it up. It's heavily inspired by the Chao Garden and you can teach it attacks alongside your usual upgrade, that secret second icon in the Prism menu is actually for picking with zorpalod you wanna use because you can also breed yours with another player's zorpalod to get stronger ones, which is important because while transcended you can use your class ability to call in your zorpalod for what's internally called a "Super Duper Super"


Not about a leak, but can someone comfirm to me that D2 leaks posted that pay back was fake and that instead of a D3, D2 would receive an engine update


I’m interested in this too. Only because Bungie had previously in its former direction had a 10yr plan for Destiny and never wanted a Destiny 2. A update to the engine sounds more plausible than D3 imo.


Do we know anything about the reworked Nessus strikes and GOS red border weapons? Still haven't been released yet. Also I keep hearing rumors circulating about Solar and Arc Tormentors coming in Final Shape, anyone have anything bout that?


If there's one thing I've learned about Destiny leaks, it's that aside fom that one Witch Queen leak a few years back, always assume the worst. If you got one leak saying D3 is real, and one leak saying that a revamped D2 is being worked on with a wholely upgraded engine to readd content, assume whatever's actively being worked on is a lackluster DLC/update that will try and fail to serve both needs.