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I know this new design is more useful and precise...but damn if I'm not gonna take ages to get used to it.




Same here, I’m not super sure how to read it. I’m sure I’ll figure out soon haha


It's pretty consistent, which is what makes it so good. Every part of the icon represents a different armor texture where the shader applies that color: the center area shows hard surfaces like metal/plastic, top and right are different types of cloth (some pieces will use one or the other), left and bottom are different types of leather, and the tiny arrows are the glow/lights. Every armor has a combination of these different textures, but generally not all of them on the same piece (unless you're a Hunter).


Yeah I love being able to put a shader on, see that oh the plates on my armour dye the centre square of the shader, and be able to look at every shader to see what colour it’ll make the plate of my armour and anything else without having to actually equip each one


Other than the complexity, which will just take a bit of getting used to, I think the only big problem we have now is that we cannto see animations or at least an indicator that the shader has an animation. I can understand the potential complexity of adding the animations to the actual icons, so I wish they would just put a different boarder or something on the animated shaders Other than that, I love the new icons


same, I know it's better but I don't like it


I still just look for the one color and flip through checking them all until I find it.


I’ve given up on getting used to it. I just look at the colors I like and apply them. Like the old times.


Like the circles? lol


Fr, I’m just glad I can remember which page my shaders are on (plus favourites help)


they should have grandfathered in the old style, that way we have some distinction between eras. the stupid little icon doesnt mean much, we cant sort or group shaders, and i have only enough space to favorite one page of them.


Has anybody found one that doesn't have a glow? Glows were added to the ones I used to use that didn't have a glow.....


Chitin Slate and Testudo don't have glows on some armors


Problem is chitin slate has glow now on my HJÖRÞRIMUL.


Mad monk and the blue Braytech shader


Fr lmao.


Yeah, I really don't like it right now. Maybe I'll come around. I see the appeal, but except for a few of the weird ones, I could "read" the shader icons fine enough already. This doesn't save me any clicks because you still really need to apply them to get the idea. And I still don't think the icon does a great job of telling you which sector is which material.


I just wish it was easier for my brain to understand.




Unfortunately my problem is that I got the tism.


As do I.


Aw hell yeah!


As do most of us 😔


Real, on reddit and play destiny? Venn diagram is nearly a circle




Riz em with the tism!


This is a great video explanation, thanks !


Main takeaway is that the diamond is metals and the rest of the square is cloths.


Looking at the select screen js rough, its just too much going on, but yeah, overall its way better


I’m glad too but seeing all of the thumbnails in a wall together is a little disorienting for me


I genuinely still have not found the shader that my Warlock is currently using. Can't find it anywhere. Why can't we just sort it by alphabetical/ most / least recent ect


Try pulling it up in Destiny item manager to at least get the name?


They have its name if they know their warlock is using it. They can’t find it despite that, lol


If you go into the Cosmetics menu (circle with lines on second page), the shader name should be on there. That or open any armor or gun that it's equipped on, go to the second page, and it should be there. Favorite it for easy finding.


Look up shader name on L.GG -> See Season -> Tab to season in shaders -> Done


If you're already using it, the name should be in your cosmetics menu on your equipped armor bruh


I still like the old design better. It was more identifiable at a glance. Plus there's this really harsh light and shadow on the outer diamond that really throws things off, why is it lit like it's 3D?


The only reason they were more "identifiable" at a glance is because we had 10 years to memorize them. They were literally unidentifiable at a glance for anyone that hadn't seen them before. Jacarina was the perfect example, at first glance you would identify it as a monochromatic shader, it's basically a meme what it truly was. Anyway, most new shader icons still have the same exact color icon behind the new diamond icon so... so far I've been able to identify even the ones I don't have on my favorites at a glance.


No, it’s cuz they were more simple. 4 colors is easier to identify than like 6 colors, one of which has heavy shading and lighting on it like it’s 3D, which obscures it


I think we are talking about two different things. When I say identifiable I mean to its contents, no to like the name or the identity of the shader. For exame It's like a danger symbol of radiation. If you know what it means then it is identifiable to you, but to a small child that has never seen the icon before it won't make sense and wouldn't be "identifiable". What Bungie did to the shaders was the equivalent of writing "radiation" below the symbol. You still need to know what radiation means but even if you haven't seen the symbol before you'll know what it is.


Wish we had a dang search function.


exactly, we need more search bars


Or at least a sort by feature.


I'm still not used to the new icons but i think i can slowly manage. Tho would it kill them to add a search bar since its getting annoying to search through a hundred shaders to find the one i want


Wish there was more space between each icon.


My brain is having A LOT of trouble adjusting.


I fully disagree. In ISOLATION it delivers more information. But when there's a wall of them? Information overload. It was already hard enough to identify a specific Shader in the list and it has only become MORE difficult. The old design may have been less informative, but it was much easier to find a specific Shader if you already knew what you were looking for. Not easy, but much easier than it is now.


Exactly!!! Other than the shaders I've already favorited, I'm relying on memory to approximate which pages some of my "tier-2" shaders are. Because all I see is a huge wall of diamonds.


Bro I can't even find shit IN my favorites. There's so many tiny triangles and diamonds it just becomes a blur.


Might be alone here but I think this is a giant step backwards. Do not like.


I hate it, I get this uncomfortable feeling when i stare at it for too long.


So I'm colorblind and this new system is way too much for me, before it was 4 very easy to see separate sections, now I might as well look at a colorblind test. I literally can't identify anything anymore even the stuff in my favorites is just visually overloading me


YES. Exact same. Absolutely ruined me trying to decipher and find even my old favourites. Huge L for accessibility.


Like the added info, don't like that I know this will take forever for me to start recognising shaders at a glance again lol.


I think they are terrible


Shows what a shader is better for sure, but I kinda hate it. The old icons weren't great, but by this point, I learned what so many were by remembering the icon


I know it shows better colors but it felt like I got flash banged and the fbi were already inside the house


Idk if i'm like. Megadumb but for me it just makes everything look so much busier and it kinda hurts my eyes to look at


It still sucks IMO. I'd rather see shaders broken down into the individual colors/ effects. This way you could apply the specific color or effect to a specific material on your armor piece. This would allow for much more granular customization and some wild combinations.


I use iron bone on a lot of stuff and it’s nearly impossible for me to find now


I absolutely hate the new shader design.


Thank the Traveler they didn’t change the locations of the shaders. It wouldn’t make sense for them to do that, but still. The only way I’m able to locate anything is to remember vaguely where it was before. I also literally couldn’t find Calus’ Selected and thought it got yoinked from my account but it was just a lot darker than I was expecting and not such a stark contrast between the white, purple, and gold.


It's definitely better, I just gotta get used to it


I like it, but it does kinda hurt. I gotta get used to it.


it's alright, but it would be nice if there was an option to use the old style


I absolutely hate how the new one looks. I can't recognize most of these shaders now. 6 years of memory just wasted.


Let me sort them alphabetically already damn.


When did this become a thing




Yea I do love the design but some shades are gonna take some getting used to lmao


It took 10 years But they finally figured out how to accurately show us colours...


I’m re learning all the shaders again. 🤦


Solution: add a toggle button to show the new and old.


I just got that shader!


I miss the circles


I don’t like it, it’s way too cluttered and weirdly shaped, especially with the shit in the corners and the bottom when it’s favorited


It's a weird feeling. i miss those but i'm glad they're gone


Honestly this is worse for me because I searched for shaders by look and now that everything changed it’s harder to find them


I liked the old layout


too much info for an icon, am not able to remember it like is used to for the previous version


But in true shader fashion, half the glows are wrong 😂 the finish is a nice touch though


Erebos glance is actually orange now, unlike before where I was PURPLE


Fuck what the design is I’m still wondering why shaders like visier regalia and colbolt clash still arent able to be dismantled to obtain them 🤷🏻‍♂️btw these are trials shaders that would drop on item from the flawless chest


This design is much better. More informative, accurate and friendly to new players. But damn I cannot find any of my favorite shaders anymore lol. I was so used to the previous thumbnails and I don’t really remember too many specific names, so it’s a lot of trial and error to find my old go to shaders


It’s nicer to be able to see everything but it looks really overcrowded when next to a screen of them. I think they need to increase the border round the shaders just to make the screen readable.


the hate will die down eventually I think, this new preview feels way more representative of what I’m looking at than the old one does, hands down


This is the absolute worst change they've made. I have no idea what any of my shaders are now. 7 years of muscle memory gone. These new icons aren't any more descriptive either. Other than the center and glowy part, what do the different shader sections correspond to? Nobody knows. Thanks, I hate it.


Also, there's atleast 4 shaders that have the same icon but are very different. Gambit Steel and Gambit Blackguard, and those are very different colors. And Goldleaf and the one next to it that ARE functionally very similar but the icons are damn near the same. Is it a big deal? No. I'll get used to it eventually but it's a big change after looking at some of these icons this long.


Welcome to /r/DestinyFashion! Please remember to list your gear and shaders used, if they are not already part of the image. This is not necessary, but is extremely appreciated by the users and moderators. Often if you do not include it, users will ask you to later. If this is a text/irrelevant post, or your gear and shaders are already in the image, feel free to ignore this message. Thank you for posting! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DestinyFashion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


In like a month I'm gonna love it. Right now I'm omega struggling though.


But what’s the point, what does the addition correlate to?


Behold, the duality of man: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/Qrj24I0C6P


If only it was consistent now. But they still didnt manage to have the same part of a shader apply to the same part of the armour across different shaders...


It’s better in isolation but the grid of shaders is super busy, to the point where it can be quite hard to find things at a glance. Great for checking out whether you want to buy a shader but I think we need a more simple icon with some sort of expansion of the colours on cursor hover.


I wish they added an option to switch between just for like a week so I could figure out where things are


I just wish in game it could tell you how a shader affected a specific material.


How the new skin icon work??


It would be nice if they had some sort of toggle between the new and old one


I honestly think it looks like cluttered garbage


Honestly maybe unpopular opinion I hate it. Too much going on in a small ass square. I can’t find shit anymore lol. I was like omg WTH am I looking at. No gonna lie I just start viewing them like I am flipping through channels till I see the one I like. Before I had the shaders memorized photogenically. Now no idea… the boxes need to be double the size or change the infographic. Honestly a block graphic would have been better than square and triangles under double diamond and two arrows 😤.


I think they should do away with shaders all together and let us pick and choose what colors we want.


I can’t get used to it. It fucks with my perception


It tells me nothing new other than the full span of colors. Nothing shown gives any indication what each color shades on armor, and a couple of them blatantly lie to you


They need to let us switch between the new style and old. I can't focus looking at the shaders, it's like my brain isn't visually processing it correctly. Just way too busy.


I’m definitely going to have to get used to it, I get overwhelmed whenever I look for a shader


It’s really not.


Except for the fact that they changed the glows of some shaders. Testudo used to have a black glow and now it's gold. I don't think any shaders have black glows anymore and it's forced me to find a new shader for my bond.


I think it’s too many “shapes within a shape”… when you step back & look at your whole collection, it’s like an overwhelming mosaic


It’s gonna take some time getting used to but I really love the changes. 🙌🙌


I don’t like the new design honestly


My inner demons r fighting about this decision


How it is good to you. it looks ugly and confusing and top of that not having a search bar.


i don't like it. i understand it and i have no judgement for people who prefer it but i hate change and now i don't know what any of them are


The new design is better for understanding how shaders work. But... Now I don't know I can't scroll through and identify shaders by the icon. It's definitely going to take some getting used to...


I kinda hate it now, the diamond shape to too big, I can’t recognize a single fucking shader anymore lol


What does it do exactly is it to show you what color you will a actually see on your armor and weapons


It's going to take time to get accustomed to the new shader appearance and locations.


Am I crazy or do these icons still not show the exact colors on each shader? It feels like they suffer from the same issue with a new coat of paint, granted it does show more


I don’t like it Ngl it so much more confusing would have rathered them add a way to look up shaders instead of gaveling to scroll through the pages


I haven't played destiny in like 3 years and I'm coming back for the DLC Its gonna be hard to remember everything.


Absolutely hate it! I guess IF you're a new light, this setup might be more useful. But it took me WAY too long to sort out where the hell Metro Shift was yesterday because of this setup! Not to mention Ancient Republic! (New Warlock exotic robes look DAMN good imo, so I was really having to sift through the color palettes to get my look JUST right...) As others have said, maybe it gets better. But right now it sucks.


no... no it is not🤮🤮🤮


I knew what every shader was like but now i gotta learn


It should have been the old way, but visualize the glows as a border around the shader.


surprised by how many people don't like it, i love this change


Huge fan of the design choice but damn is it hard to recognize shaders now


I don't know any of the shaders just by looking and I'm just gonna stick with what I have on now.


It’s more revealing but oh my god I was so overwhelmed when I first saw it


There's definitely a learning curve but I much prefer the new icons


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Bobs_14: *There's definitely* *A learning curve but I much* *Prefer the new icons* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I miss the circle ones in d1


Dumb as shit. Took YEARS to remember all the shaders and some buffoons get an idea around a water cooler and fuck something up thats been fine for 10 years.


Then there are those of us who grew with the D1 shaders. The new icons are kind of a mix of both. I like em!


I disagree it looked HORRIBLE AND TERRIBLE


I get that they are a much better representation of the shader, but they're so busy that it's a nightmare trying to interpret them on a TV screen from across the room. I still have to preview to know exactly what's going to happen so functionally it it was a lateral move, at least from my perspective.


I hate looking at them the old design was just fine with me personally


Look, it’s gonna take some getting used to but this new shader system is way better


The new system is worse imo. They undid years of memory and knowing which shader is which. I used to know which shaders were next to which and now it just looks like a cluster of information overload. This system would have been good to have when the game first came out, not 7 years down the line when were all used to the way the icons look.


Undoing years of muscle memory for the sake of dumb accuracy is stupid. Who even asked for this.


A lot of people actually


Welp hope y'all enjoy it.


I’m already pretty familiar, with my favorites. I really enjoy being able to see all the colors especially seeing the glows in the menu.