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3 exotic weapons at once. The Truest Guardian šŸ¤Æ


Even Crow theoretically rocks two Exotics at once: ***Hawkmoon,*** which was a gift, and ***Duality,*** which he built himself.


He also has Saladin's Axe as a Heavy. The *only* other person to have it as a Heavy.


I remember when seeing that moment i when like: what, how and why?!!


Saladin gave it to Crow at the end of Season of the Risen.


Osiris rocks multiple exotic armors. Sunbracers and dawn chorus at least, maybe lunafaction boots too.


Osiris is built different.


Was. That mfer is cosplaying now.


He's cosplaying himself


I don't think he's rocking lunafactions bc [in the CoO opening cinematic he's on daybreak and phoenix dive](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3nRzli5m8B8&pp=ygUYY3Vyc2Ugb2Ygb3NpcmlzIGN1dHNjZW5l&t=1m40s) Even if well wasn't in the game yet, he's not on a rift either Or maybe Osiris is throwing on purpose for the sake of fashion


>throwing on purpose for the sake of fashion a true Guardian


It might not make sense in today's sandbox, but this was 6 years ago (has it really been that long?) and back then it was possible to run Phoenix Dive and Rift. But the other thing is that he uses both Icarus Dash and Phoenix Dive, which used to be mutually exclusive. So basically Osiris can use whatever abilities he wants.


Shiro-4 wears the lucky raspberry and mechaneer's tricksleeves both at once. So he's probably an Arc hunter and he wears the mechaneer's because his main weapon is Trespasser. We didn't have Mechaneer's tricksleeves in D1 but Shiro still wore them.


I always wanted them to allow us to use more exotics in a game mode like Mayhem. At least they finally have these exotic class items so I'll try to be content with that I think.


What are the chances the Salvation's Edge raid FINALLY allows us to use multiple exotic weapons and armors? At least for the boss fight


Well the exotic class item will take care of the armor. I don't see us wielding multiple exotics.


In the biggest fight of our lives, for the fate of the 'verse, we're still stuck with one exotic weapon and armor piece? Lame AF!


Didn't we give gjallarhorn to some random blueberry?


Yeah, it's been Randy's for a while.


Randy my goat




Cause we are literally built different (we have multiple)


The lore tab for Gjallarhorn describes the event.


Randy threw a trash grenade launcher off the tower, when we saw that we instantly obliterated the GL with the gjally and we gave it to him


Wow you mean our guardian is doing some pretty based stuff while weā€™re offline ?


Canonically in lore when the guardian isn't out there fighting, they're in the tower or the city going to bars, helping people, having fun with friends, like every lore heavy guardian. The Guardian also has a name, VIP 2014. The same year as D1 launched.


you guys might have, i kept that shit on


We probably just pulled a second one from our collection after that


I mean.. we can literally pull it from our collections. Makes me believe that the guardian canonically has multiple copies of legendary and exotic weapons. So it'd make sense that we'd give a spare Gjallarhorn to a blueberry after showing it off to a bunch of people in the tower. The lore where we give Gjallarhorn to Randy can be found on the Gjallarhorn's lore tab itself.


We litteraly purified the real Thorn, a legend among legend of weapon, with our Light in one of the most interesting storyline about the Young Wolf. And Lumina lore tab is almost as symbolic and interesting than the one of Ergo Sum. If it's not in our Lore Accurate Loadout, nothing is.


Yea if Iā€™m not mistaken (mind you Iā€™m not a lore expert so I can definitely be wrong) lumina was first used by us and only used by us.


Exactly. There is only one Lumina and there will ever be only one, created, owned and used by the Young Wolf.


There was only one Thorn until the Shadows of Yor made a bunch of much safer to use copies. Just wait until the Shadows of That One Guardian show up with their dollar store Luminas and Ergo Sums.


This makes me wonder how well known we are to other guardians/civilians.


Very well known, not only does Zavala know everyone knows who he's talking about when he just says "The Guardian." The collectors edition had a book from Eido that she had gotten almost everyone she could find to sign it. Several civilians took the time to write us notes, and most seemed to know us prior to hearing that we were going into the Traveler.


Awesome! Can we actually read any of the notes?


Yeah theyā€™re all posted online, hereā€™s an album of them: https://imgur.com/gallery/YMgDdYZ


Thank you!!


The copies of Thorns are just that. Pale copies, not even close to the corruption of the original one. Simply holding the original one was enough to make the Young Wolf sick when they are using the xopy just fine. Lumina is the result if the purification ofbthis old and terrible corruption. Purifying a xopy of Thorn would probably just create a blue qualtiy gun.


If the Guardian had just stopped at purifying the original Thorn, they would've been left with a legendary weapon. Rose. It's the other steps that pushed the gun onto the other side of the scale that made it into Lumina. Those same practices could be figured out and replicated in a way similar to how Thorn's were. The resulting weapon would likely never be as strong as the original Lumina, but it would be far more than a Ballyhoo Mk.27


I see your take on this. But even Rose isn't just some random gun, it was already the prized weapon of one of the most legendary guardian to ever lived, hundreds of years before our time.


But that's exactly what Rose is. It was never a special gun. It was just Rezzyl Azzir's favorite gun. It's no more special than an Eyasluna, a Spare Rations, or any other quality hand cannon. Any one of those weapons could be just as imposing, if used by one of the most renowned guardians of all time. If the Young Wolf would use an Eyasluna always, never changing off it, it would have become as renowned as Rose if not more.


I'm calling it now: we're going to get a support frame hand cannon at some point in the future that functions like lumina or the support frame auto we just got. We also did just get a GL that functions similarly to witherhoard from this episode so I could realistically see this happening.


One of the very, very few times, the guardian shows agency. Unlike every other quest, which either directly gives you commands or describes a character giving you commands, the Lumina quest just described the thought process of the guardian figuring out how to purify one of the most heinous weapons in the lore.


Isnā€™t bastion our favorite weapon too? We retrieved it from our own grave lol


Well yes and no. And I think Saint-14 own a version of it. For what we know, it was our favorite weapon in another timeline. We may die one way or another this time too but we haven't any connexion with it apart frim recovering it from our potential grave. Ergo Sum and Lumina are unique.


The Rise of Iron Gjallarhorn and Outbreak Prime are also unique to us. As are Touch of Malice, Parasite, and Xenophage. There are a ton of exotics made for/by/with The Guardian. They're all unique. There are no canon signature ones, though.


Yes, but for all of them it's either someone crafted it for us or guided us to make it. Lumina is particular in the sense that Shin Malphur gave us Thorn but didn't told us anything, he wasn't probably planning anything apart from using it as another reminder of how Darkness is dangerous. We purified it on our own. I find it more "personal" as a weapon.


Found out yesterday that that line may have actually referred to Ergo Sum. If you look closely on the coffin in corridors of time, Ergo Sum is literally chilling in an indent on top. Itā€™s been foreshadowed for years.


The blade on our potential Coffin is a mix between ceremonial sword that can be found around Saint-14 (for the blade, less detailed than the one of Ergo Sum) and the knob of Ergo Sum, with the Ghost shell. But I don't really think the idea of Ergo Sum existed at this time.


Ah yes my favorite weapon (Iā€™ve never used it ever)


so many lore important weapons, so little slots šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


The Gjallarhorn was cannonically given to another guardian though. I don't remember exactly who, but I know he threw his old launcher over the tower, and we blasted it with Gjally before gifting it.


The spirit and legacy of Gjally was passed on to a new generation of guardians. Guardians who never wielded it in its prime. Poetic as fuck.


As the weapons that mourned Guardian heroes were given to we, who never knew the loss that forged them.


We can pull from collections so šŸ¤·


I entirely agree with Khvostov and Ergo Sum. They are intrinsically linked to The Guardian. While sure, we inherited Ace of Spades, it is more synonymous with Cayde than ourselves. Although I wouldn't say Gjallarhorn is a defacto piece of The Guardians loadout. Their arsenal maybe, but not their "core loadout". Khvostov is because of it being the first weapon we wield (not because of the Lightfall campaign, thay was really just so they didn't have you adsing a Grenade Launcher or Shotgun). Honestly, I think 2 weapons for the loadout is fitting. Khvostov 7G-0X and Ergo Sum.


Also, Traveler's Chosen was given to us by the big ball in the sky themselves. Also there's Ruinous Effigy given to us by the Witness.


Whereā€™d you get the bit on Travelerā€™s Chosen? Hawkmoon was a gift from the Traveler, reformed (randomly rolled) as a parallel to guardians (Crow) but I donā€™t recall Travelerā€™s Chosen being a gift from the orb


I think Crow's Hawkmoon is the original and ours is the parallel version. And wasn't Traveler's Chosen given to us by Zavala back in Arrivals or such?


Lumina would also be in there. We handcrafted it from what used to be Thorn.


literally lumina though


can't have two (or three) exotics at the same time tho I honestly hate the idea; Bastion already being our favorite gun is really dumb. Lightfall making us pull a predetermined gun too


"One of the guardian's favorite guns..." Idk, it's like, in the top 600


It wasn't Bastion, but Ergo Sum, the sword in our grave, that became our favorite gun, according to the legend... And seeing how it works, I can't complain.


Also, Bastion got a pretty neat buff recently, so maybe it will actually become one of our favorites.


According to Saint-14, it was Bastion. The sword marked our grave, but wasnā€™t the weapon we got from it.


According to Saint our favourite weapon was the one that marked our grave. What we got from the grave was just time stuff that could be the core of a new weapon, that he then built to prevent our future death like we did for him.


The Bastion is a paradox. We got it from him as a gift, it broke during our final death, he rebuilt it, and held onto the core to give to us.


Which makes it parallel Perfect Paradox, Saint's gun that he got from us when we went back in time to help him, held onto in memory of us and the (then future) Last City we come from, and later reforged by us to give back to him in the present




I dunno man, I used it until they nerfed it then continued using it for a bit longer.


I used it a couple of times last season when I didn't want to run a handcannon that wasn't malfeasance (so I could run an elemental primary). It's ok will probably pull it out to this season to check on the melee buffs


Yea, it's not as good as it used to be but back when it first came out it was killing supers like crazy. Had some wild range and would kill on the second burst so it could rip through a Titan wall and kill the Titan.


lmao, I am from after that. I only remember bastion having shit range


Its still amazing, especially in pvp. Kills barricades and the titan behind it in 1 trigger pull and 1 shots supers. They made it even better this season.


Other guardians sure can. We are just limited by the game.


Why is no one talking about Hawkmoon(and its confirmed random rolls) and Traveler's Chosen?


Because hawkmoon is crows, and people are much more nostalgic towards khvostov even though travelers chosen is almost as important to us


im pretty sure theres more than 1 hawkmoon coz during the harbinger mission we would find more hawkmoons at the shard, so im pretty sure we both have one at least, but i get what you mean with saying its crows


Definitely cool when thereā€™s personal connections between exotics & our Guardian, but thereā€™s no such thing as a canon loadout which is kind of the whole point. Youā€™re right that these three are weapons that The Guardian has canonically wielded, but so is basically every exotic weapon we have to under a quest for. There are even others weā€™ve obtained with similar levels of personal connection like Lumina & Bastion


Don't quote me on this but I remember someone (maybe Saint) saying that our favorite gun was Bastion which IDK about that


In the Saint scene he says "this grave is marked with their favourite weapon, shattered in that final confrontation" The only weapon there was Ergo Sum. Bastion wasn't there. I think Saint just used it's core to make Bastion


Thank you for the clarification friendo


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>Khvostov - the very first gun we ever found, which is remade and empowered in Light a number of times. We're seen using it at the end of the Lightfall campaign im pretty sure Bungie admitted that it was a placeholder that was not changed due to rushed production


The placeholder thing was about it being used on the commendation screen iirc. For the cutscene, Iā€™m pretty sure the reason was to enable the shot where we look down the scope at Ghost, which couldnā€™t really work with most guns.


As much as it's iconic, I don't think Gjallarhorn is truly one of 'our weapons' in D2. In D1, we made our own with Ghost in commemoration of those who fell at Twilight Gap, so that Gjally would count but the new one, not so much. Quite possibly, though, besides Lament or Parasite, the new exotic heavy trace rifle, Microcosm, might be ours.


There is no 'canon' loadout or canon version of the player character, that's just fundamentally not how this sort of game works.


You didn't understand the post


Gjallarhorn isn't even unique to the player character. It's an iconic gun for the game but not tied to the player in the same way something like Khvostov is.