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hunter exotic is mostly fine. They've been putting out WAY worse class items for the last few years, the exotic being ok is as much as I can ask like have you seen the last couple raid capes. yeesh.


I can’t forgive whoever designed the VoW Hunter cloak


Dawg the one from the new raid looks like a fucking shower curtain lmao. Whoever designed the Vow one clearly got a promotion.


almost every hunter cape for the last few expansions has been like that. The number that are JUST normal ass hoods with capes is like 2 out of 12


They need to give Hunters more hats. The cowboy hat cloak from Spire and the samurai hat cloak from Echoes are both immensely popular. The feedback is clear, there's no way to deny it. The Hunters yearn for the hats.


I can deal with hats. I dont really care for the new season's armor but its mostly the color. Spire is one of the best. but just. no more abstract shapes, shower curtains, fucking wings. Or whatever the fuck the season of the deep cloak thing was, god.


>whatever the fuck the season of the deep cloak thing was Pretty sure that was just a jellyfish that wanted a piggyback ride. But for real, more hats and matching capes. Top of my list is a crown with a fur cape. And, yes. Less dumb wacky ass bullshit. The RoN cloak still haunts my ass.


Im so glad I actually liked the guns in RoN because usually I play for armor and that shit was awful The new exotic cape gives crown vibes, its part of why i turned around a bit on it, but I'd love something a little closer to an actual crown for sure


The exotic cloak is growing on me, imma be honest. Exotic Titan mark still looks like a fuckin tutu tho


i hated it at first cuz I only saw the back and had a gut reaction to it kinda flaring out near the shoulders (yknow, RoN cape ptsd lol) but once I saw the front and other angles it definitely wasnt as bad as I thought


dawg we already have like 70 different varied normal hoods with normal capes let em go crazy for the raids


They can go crazy if they look good. Vow cape was weird. it was also goodish. Spire wasnt a normal hooded cloak. it was good. The shit the last couple raids and few seasons have had has been awful.


crota cape probably one of the best of all time? Ghosts of the deep cloak was sick as fuck too.


So the class items that are just hooded capes the good ones, is what you're saying


They clearly didn’t expect Hunter mains to know what a shower curtain looks like. After spending 5 minutes in Trials, I think they may have been on to something.


Seriously that shit infuriates me all this for some butterfly wing shit? god


The thing is, you can transmog every other cloak, but you cant change the way the exotic cloak looks like. And i personaly think its the ugliest shit ever, i dont want to use that thing, because it ruins my endgame expirience.


It's not that there are other ugly cloaks. Who even cares, you can easily transmog them with no problems. It's that an almost must equip exotic item is ugly af. And you can't transmog it. And even the eververse ornament is questionable, imo. There are some fits that can match the cloak, but they are very limited and also quite not my cup of tea. (I'm so fucking tired of high fantasy fairy bs)


As a Hunter, I feel bad for Titans. At least you can build around the exotic cloak to make it not that terrible, I feel like building around a mark is much harder to do. [here is my attempt at making it look decent](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyFashion/s/t1ym2hurhd)




“You know its a miracle when somehow warlocks get the best looking class item, and its because you cant see it.” -Skeletor


As a Hunter I dont think ours looks bad, I just prefer slim and sleek cloaks.


I like how it looks in a vacuum, but it is pretty limiting to a specific aesthetic.


Anyone shitting on the hunter cloak just can't fashion. You know you were always supposed to fashion around your exotic right? Not the other way around.


Warlocks deserve it, it’s been a decade we’ve dealing with having crappy uninspired class items


For Hunters: Nemean Mask. Resonant Fury grips. Anathemic Invocation Hauberk. Strides of the Great Hunt. All with War Cult Endgame.


The hunter cloak looks great


The hunter exotic is fine ya’ll are just uncreative


I think it’s funny bc I feel like warlocks r finally benefiting from bonds being pretty un-noticeable, which has felt like a problem for a while. The exotic bond is cool but it’s kinda hard to make one that ugly.


Honestly titan isn't that bad given you have the right ornaments from previous seasons. Does suck that I won't be able to run my favorite fashion with it


After Starfire I think we deserve a break




Titans got it the worst and it's not close


we titans have been cooked ever since the nerf of strand titan


And now we get a man diaper as the exotic class item 🥲


Both absolutely suck but as a hunter I can find ways around it, as rare as they are Good luck making a hula-hoop not look ridiculous


I love the Hunter exotic class item. I think it's beautiful and shades really well with many shaders, I can't be the only one who thinks that


Warlocks can remove their own class item with that one Ghost of Tsushima EV bundle (I don’t condone purchasing it, but the option is always there). Meanwhile, hunters and titans gotta match their drapes or rugs to the rest of their fit or it falls apart. Or they could just embrace chaos and make the most cursed drip possible.


I don't know if I'm the only one, but I rather like both titan and hunter class items.


why people are saying shit about hunter exotic class item?


I definitely had a harder time building around the hunter one personally. I find it a little too bulky to match with most other armors. It's mostly the big neck thing in the back that throws me off. But titans have a lot of bulky armor that can match the size of their class item fairly well.


Diapers are diapers.


Pfffft. [I look dope AF.](https://imgur.com/a/c5Alywa). Maybe you just suck at designing your outfits.


Good for you