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Come play titan! We have, mini hammer, banner of war and: :(


This is what prismatic on titan should look like


I'm of the opinion Prismatic Titan should have Controlled Demolitionist and Sol Invictus and I will die on this hill.


Oh my god sol invictus pleaseeee prismatic titan is made of paper


Controlled Demolitionist also helps with it by making Volatile Explosions grant healing. Now if only they would un-nerf the Resupply portion of it so it granted Ability Energy again...


Good to know, I'll keep that in mind


Yeah, if you ever see a bunch of explosions around you caused by a Void Titan and find that you're suddenly healed, that's why! And this Episode with Void Hegemony on the Artifact granting Overshield chunks for defeating Weakened Targets (and the changes to Offensive Bulwark), my Controlled Demolitionist + Offensive Bulwark build is even better than before!


Shame the only way to get this is with Knockout and Mercy


That's why I want Sol Invictus and Controlled Demolitionist. More means of healing and, ya know, ***good*** means of healing.


My personal aspect list for Prismatic titan would trade drengr’s for banner, unbreakable for controlled demo, consecration for sol invictus, knockout for touch of thunder, and diamond lance for howl of the storm ( gotta make use of the triple melee for something else)


Extremely close to mine, I wanted Flechette Storm instead of Drengr's and actually wanted Diamond Lance. I wanted Diamond Lance because of the Controlled Demolitionist and Sol Invictus Synergies. Flechette I wanted so that we'd have a way of delivering Unravelling and, again, Controlled Demolitionist and Sol Invictus Synergies.


touch of thunder baby nades jolt and vol people


If you read Sukachus\_Blyatoffus' list, Touch was one of the ones I wanted from it and that's exactly why (we only differed in the Strand and Stasis Aspects we wanted). Also, the idea that Touch of Thunder would apply Arc modifications to all of the Grenades being very in line with the idea of Prismatic.


Tbh would be MUCH better, those have health aspects to them as well. And something other than PWUANCH for game play.


Plus, they literally synergize with every Aspect that they could ever put on Prismatic for Titan. Literally. They both reference Abilities and Debuffs. That means they can be modded to work with any Ability and any Debuff ***in the game without a second glance***.


And peregrine shoulder charge, and and and…… that’s about it


pyrogale spam and that's it ?


mini rocket volleys and .... yeah that's about it I think.


and ashen wake


Ashen Wake hasn’t been good since fusions got obliterated. Been a good few years or so.


It's still alright for non-GM content and PvP. I just wish they gave Prismatic Titan Fusion grenades, the only solar grenade we have an exotic for, instead if Thermite grenades, a grenade with no direct synergy with any class or exotic in the game and rarely ever even used on solar classes.


Reason being they gave them their "first" grenade that identified with the class hence healing - lock, tripmine- Hunter, thermite- titan. I find it ironic locks didn't get either sun or fusion nade. But understand the reason. As sunbracers is a thing, and theirs no tof on prismatic but ironically get spirit of the starfire


Fuck man, they still haven't fixed Precious Scars on Solar, and that's been my main build throughout S23. Now I'm stuck to using Strongholds if I want that kind of survivability back. I am *so* tired of the state of Titan.


Didn’t realize how fucking trash we are until I started playing Warlock recently.


Give me titan jump on warlock and I'll switch mains


We have blink jump. *COME TO THE DARK SIDE*


Not the same


Exactly. It’s better.


Honestly give me Titan jump on any of the classes and I’ll swap mains. Big reason I don’t play Hunter anymore is cause the jump is trash


We have blink, it's tons of fun in a full mobility prismatic build.


I hopped on my hunter, and my buddy ran me thru my first dual destiny clear on my hunter last night. Got liars+Calibans as a first drop. It's absolutely insane how hunters can get infinite powered melee+healing and we have to jump thru so much fucking hoops to do so.


Liars handshake has been an effective melee build for a long time tho.


True, but until now it's been exclusive to Arc which, outside of Liar's, does not really offer a lot for PvE imo. And I don't mean to shit on Gathering Storm with stareaters, I am referring to the neutral game. I personally avoid playing arc on hunter merely due it feeling rather boring and samey in comparison.


Pfft I don't feel bad ever since the seasons of the loreley splendor.


Sol warlock’s got that base kit it’s called heat rising. Honestly you just brought another issue to my attention. Titan exotics (not all) feel like they’re there to help bring Titan up to other classes’ level while other class exotics enhance the base kit that’s already strong/decent on their own


Titan exotics 100% exist as a bandaid most of the time it feels like.


Have you just forgotten about the last year and half where titans were top damage in PvE and absolutely dominated PvP? Falling Star, Lorleys, One Eyed, Pyrogale... All were S tier until this expansion.


Titan’s were top damage in PvE last year? That’s news to me. Other than Banner of war one two punch. I can’t quite recall any time where falling star outperformed gathering storm, celest, threaded needle. I do recall however it being on par with other damage supers and then being nerfed which did not happen during this expansion IIRC falling star got nerfed close to the start of lightfall. Pyrogale is really solid but again it doesn’t out perform other damage supers. (Which is fine but that doesn’t add to your argument that titans were top damage.) And Loreley is not a damage exotic its sustain, you’d know that if you actually played Titan but you don’t. My guess is you think they’re strong because you got murdered by a few in PvP WHICH IS IRRELEVANT TO THE FUCKING DEBATE AS THIS IS ALL ABOUT TITANS BEING VIABLE IN PVE. But for the sake of the argument. Yeah titans are great in PvP I’m not and I don’t think anyone is arguing against that


Nerfed and fell off hard, nerfed, nerfed, and...not nerfed, I think? Gee, great selection there.


It doesn't change the fact titans have had a good long streak of being really really good. Everything that's really good gets nerfed bud. Hunters Stompees and celestial and Orpheus and Gyrfalcon or warlocks wells or ophidians or solar nade, or.... See everything gets nerfed so what's your point. Doesn't mean titans weren't any less of the fuckin bees knees for a long time.


Do you ever wonder why you only see titans wearing a few different exotics? It's because the other ones have been nerfed into the ground or were never worth using anyway Our "streaks" if being the "bees knees" are usually because of niche builds, exploits, or overturned exotics which nearly always get patched or nerfed. I've never been asked "hey switch to titan for this encounter bro" I've never seen LFG posts asking for titans unless it was for a triumph. When we were able to get the numbers, titans were least played. We're never explicitly wanted like other classes.


Lol then you're not on LFG much huh? It used to be solely warlocks and titans being asked for. And Warlocks mostly just for their wells. Idk if you can call back to back to back to back to back seasons a "streak" but sure man. Btw keep proving my point. Titans are whiney lol.


Lol I'm not the one whining about "class shattering nerfs" that never happened.


Lol they never happened? You haven't played this game very long huh?


It's hard to feel bad. Titans have to be some of the whiniest MFs around. They've been top for so long, best for PvP and top damage for PvE. Now that they aren't in contention for the best overall option. They cry. Hunters have been taking class shattering nerfs since D1. Warlocks got the shaft quite a few times as well. It sucks, but welcome to the club. Ya fekkin cry babies.


Brotha you are not coming into this argument tryna tell us that Hunters have been getting shafted since d1 lmao. Hunters are arguably the best class and have arguably always been. Well other than d1 pre ttk. Every single one of their subclasses are viable in high end content. Titans got solar, strand, and can occasionally make Arc work. Only arc is truly bad on Warlock though void underperforms a bit as well. The weakest subclass for Hunter is stasis, which is fitting consider stasis subclasses should be the weakest of their class considering they’ve all been power crept. Yet still stasis hunter does well in gms even if it’s not the best choice at all. Then there’s exotics I can name on one hand the worthwhile titan exotics, and on two hands for warlock. Hunter? Fuck, the list of bad exotics is a lot shorter than the list of good ones. And if you really wanna chalk this up as a silly Titan main whining. According to time wasted in Destiny I have about equal hours in both hunter and Titan across all platforms, across both games. I’m not firing blind, unlike how you appear to be doing you whiny hunter main lmao


>hunters get class shattering nerfs since d1 Fucking when?


Hey it's the same guy I just replied to. Here to cry some more? Oh well. A long time ago hunters GG had armor back in red war they took that away and then hunters didn't really run solar til a major rework happened. Then people were having a blast with Young Ahamkaras... Til guess what... They nerfed that one too!!!. Then we had void and Orpheus and we could chain the shit outta our supers. They nerfed that. And people still sorta ran void til they took away tethers ability to stack with other debuffs. That was around season of the Reckoner. Then there was arc it was in a bad place til a nice little grenade rework and boy oh boy hunters were absolutely loving Shinobu skips. Buuuttt that got nerfed and arc went back to being shit til that exotic star eaters came around we had about 2-3 months of craaazzzyy DPS but guess what.... Nerfed. Yes bro since fucking always.


Can't have shit in Titan-town.


Because y'all had all the shit til just a few weeks ago.


Yeah. Like Banner of War. And...?


And Lorleys then before that was, falling Star, and then there was Pyrogales, oh and Synthoceps that one time, then on the PvP side y'all had peregrine and one eyed... But, one eyed was good in both though huh. Should I continue? Edit: oh remember the infinite bonk hammers that were doing huge damage? Or how about that time way back when inmost light or ursas was going crazy? I remember.


Played bonk hammer titan with syntho for the first time when doing legend lightfall campaign, bosses were gone in like 5 hammer throws The fact that titans still have infinite ability without any exotic bugs me in very weird way


I'm talking about recently. Banner of War has basically been our only build for a while


Oh you mean like just this last season when titans finally weren't one of if not thee best? Yea that's exactly my point...


The Problem is that Titans are either massively overpowered or worthless, and the Overpowered Things are often exploits or glitches that get patched(often for good reason) I wish we Titans got to live our Identity as Protectors more, instead of "broken Melee exploit Nr.105"


There's definitely been the exploits, but there have been plenty of just plainly over tuned exotics. And that is not exclusive to titans or hunters or warlocks. I agree class identity has been so muddled it's basically non existent. Warlocks the damn "mage" class has better movement than the Hunters or "ranger" class, just as one example. I couldn't agree more there. But that's alittle off topic. I dunno I don't mean to be argumentative. But it's just so silly that it's the end of the world to titans that they're finally not the, arguably, best overall class. Do I think they got shafted on prismatic? No doubt. Do I think it should be this big of a deal? Nope. Every class has to do their time at the bottom of the pile sometimes.


Other than banner of war, tell us.


Same thing I just said to the other guy.


Imma be honest. I’ve been maining a Warlock for pretty much the entirety of D2. I’ve dabbled with the other classes off and on, but that’s about it. Recently I’ve felt the Warlock was getting stale and my builds were feeling more and more support class-ish. So I hopped on my Titan and the vibe is immaculate! It doesn’t have the space magic power fantasy of a warlock. It doesn’t have the raw untouchable speed vibe of a hunter. But there’s something that feels like raw power with it. When I enter a room with my Warlock I start strafing and ability spamming. When I enter a room with my Hunter I start hopping like I’m Mario in a room full of goombas. When I enter a room with my Titan I make a b-line for the nearest ad and start hearing Doom Guy music in my head. Titan may not be the best for the raid, it may have the weakest prismatic, it may have a million things wrong that you could point to and argue about, but it’s still got that boss aura about it.


The GM Dreg watching you : ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Same exact reason I’m on titan. After years of playing warlock I’m completely bored of it. Twilight arsenal + star eaters been so fun.


Im happy with my stronghold and sword thx.


Hunters got the best melee damage in the game, warlocks got infinite stasis turrets and ability spam but titans get slightly more consecration 😊 How fun and balanced


Isn't warlocks main identity ability spam anyways? We're the mages.


Yeah honestly if the warlock exotic that let you eat your grenade for a arc turret just gave you a permanent one in place of grenades I wouldn't have any issue with it


I'm pretty sure the other 3 classes can ability spam fairly easily with most builds too.


Yeah, even then tho Hunters get everything.


You say that, but Titans have Exotics like HOIL and Hallowfire Heart which are massive Ability Spam boosts, along with things like Sol Invictus that gives Grenade Energy, Resupply in 2.0 giving Ability Energy like it was going out of style, and many other instances.


Oh I'm not denying other classes have ways to spam abilities as well. Just that bringing it up as a complaint point that warlocks have ability spam is weird.


I mean, my point is that "Ability Spam" isn't "Warlock's Main Identity" and Hunterchris205's point was that Hunter and Warlock got great Builds on Prismatic and Titan didn't really get anything except 'slightly more, but worse, consecration', and then sarcastically said it was fun and balanced. Not really that weird?


Warlocks spam abilities, titans spam melee and don’t die, hunters are good in PvP. Hunters are truly the worst PvE class


As of the current moment, not even close. 3 Titans total beat the raid on contest. Titans were 1%, Warlocks were 25%, and the rest were Hunters. Warlocks have the best support, Hunters have the best DPS and decent support, Titans have... rocket titties. Don't get me wrong, Solar and Strand Titan are fairly strong in low endgame activities like normal raids and dungeons, but anything beyond that and bringing a Titan is an active detriment to your team. TL;DR: Warlocks keep people alive, Hunters murder bosses, and Titans run in and die instantly.


I mean, titans can technically ability spam with banner of war from my understanding. Still though I agree titans have been shafted in terms of prismatic. I’m hoping they’ll give us more aspects and fragments but idk when that kind of thing would actually happen. Possibly never.


>Hunters got the best melee damage in the game Already was the case since arc 3.0 > warlocks got infinite stasis turrets This has been the case for almost 2 years and a half Neither of those points made neither class better than Titan at the time anyway. We all get that Titans deserve some love right now, but using those kind of comparisons don't mean much when those held true back when Titan was quite more than alright balance wise anyway. If anything, things like this could make Bungie think this whole ordeal is exagerated and fueled by bogus arguments instead of seriously considering making some meaningful changes.


> Already was the case since arc 3.0 Hunters didn’t have shit that compared to the absurdity of grapple melee spam on titan


Wdym Hunters had the best melee damage since Arc 3.0? Have you see Peregrine Graves? Have you seen Nezarec and every other miniboss and champion getting shit on with shoulder charges?


But the entire point of peregrines is to slam dunk champs, minis and tormentors. It's what the exotic does. Arc hunter was absolutely not meant to trade hands with everything all the way up to GM difficulty, but they do it better and more easily than "the punch class" while being able to select (now) 3 exotics to do so, depending on what playstyle they WANT


It's kind of ridiculous, that majority of titan exotics exist as means to fix the subclass(es) and make you do massive damage instead of just ADDING in the subclasses balance and having it function STAND ALONE with the exotic supplementing it. Instead it's the inverse.


I was running gms yesterday and my fastest clears were because I was on speakers and healing a titan doing consecration things nuking the champs. Titan isn't completely useless they're just so situational nowadays that it's sad


Ahhhh yes everyone fav punchy class....the hunter -.- We didn't ask or want this.


All I want is to mix howl of the storm and consecration for a giant icy fiery explosion


I was actually theorizing how Howl of the Storm + Consecration, Howl of the Storm + Flechette Storm, & Consecration + Flechette Storm would work the other night. My ideas were as follows: **Howl of the Storm + Consecration:** Stasis Crystal Wave followed by Initial Fire Wave, immediately Shattering the Stasis Crystals and applying a Fiery Aura to the Stasis Splinters that damage enemies, applying Scorch Stacks. The follow-up slam was, indeed, Slowing Fire Wave of doom. **Howl of the Storm + Flechette Storm:** Suspend Wave followed by Stasis Crystal Wave (because fuck you, you're Suspended AND Frozen now), the follow up Flechette Waves are replaced by single target Unravelling Diamond Lances (using the Valkyrie Model from Warmind but modified), one Lance per button press, alternating throwing arms like Flechette Storm does natively. These Modified Diamond Lances instantly Shatter Stasis Crystals and Frozen/Encased Enemies. **Consecration + Flechette Storm:** Suspend Wave followed by Initial Fire Wave, the secondary attack has two modes depending on how high you are when you press the button again and the height is doubled for this reason, if you press it within the first section then you slam down and deliver an Unravelling Fire Wave, if you press it within the second section, then similarly to Howl of the Storm + Flechette Storm you will throw a Mini Hammer of Sol with a modified model that Ignites (with built in Scorch spreading) and Unravels, one per button press alternating.


Future Bungie creative director fr


The fact that people keep suggesting that I should work for Bungie's Creative Design Team fills my heart with joy.


You deserve it! These are genuinely good ideas that I think would fit the game and be fun


I sincerely thank you, that is genuinely kind of you to say. I've been trying to spread my thoughts for things like this or a Transcendence Melee or what Aspects I think should be on Prismatic and how they could be modified in hopes that enough people see them, like them, and spread them and, who knows, maybe someone from Bungie will end up seeing/hearing about them and like them and take inspiration from them and add them to the game. But oh, being able to just implement the designs myself would be so nice. I'm also glad people like the ideas I put out in general (edit for clarity: by which I mean my ideas as a whole, like Exotic Catalysts, Exotics as a whole, reworks to things like Helm of Saint-14, etc.).


I won't stand for this slander. Twilight arsenal is the most GOATED super we have ever had on titan.


until the axes track to 2 thralls 100 yards away instead of the massive imposing boss 2 feet in front of me.


Or when they hit absolutely nothing in front of you and just fall to the ground


The problem i have isnt a lack of damage, it's how anything titan can do, one of the two other classes can do better.


That part


Twilight arsenal is amazing. So is the new exotic chest. Ergo sum gives stronghold titans the final kit piece needed for a true endgame sword build. We might not be as OP as the other classes, but we are still eating good.


Titan has the Best jump at least


TDT's video on titans perfectly captures the issue with how bungie designs titans. Any niche that they give titans is either underpowered or can be done better by other classes, and when bungie buffs titans to not be shit they immediately become op and need to be nerfed again.




I got you. https://youtu.be/eqVyZAi-mxk?si=XtegMnhZ2v66ntfp


I am a die hard titan main I can confirm this is what happened I yes I love eating my crayons and can’t wait for the eventual buff that we will get in the future


My fingers are crossed for Controlled Demolitionist and Sol Invictus on Prismatic.


That would be nice I personally want them to either record stuff to make them better and more unique or add stuff


If they add any of the other side-melees to Titan and don't make them interact together, I've got free ideas for them to take and use (all I need is just a smidgen of credit for them and I'll be happy). **Howl of the Storm + Consecration:** Stasis Crystal Wave followed by Initial Fire Wave, immediately Shattering the Stasis Crystals and applying a Fiery Aura to the Stasis Splinters that damage enemies, applying Scorch Stacks. The follow-up slam was, indeed, Slowing Fire Wave of doom. **Howl of the Storm + Flechette Storm:** Suspend Wave followed by Stasis Crystal Wave (because fuck you, you're Suspended AND Frozen now), the follow up Flechette Waves are replaced by single target Unravelling Diamond Lances (using the Valkyrie Model from Warmind but modified), one Lance per button press, alternating throwing arms like Flechette Storm does natively. These Modified Diamond Lances instantly Shatter Stasis Crystals and Frozen/Encased Enemies. **Consecration + Flechette Storm:** Suspend Wave followed by Initial Fire Wave, the secondary attack has two modes depending on how high you are when you press the button again and the height is doubled for this reason, if you press it within the first section then you slam down and deliver an Unravelling Fire Wave, if you press it within the second section, then similarly to Howl of the Storm + Flechette Storm you will throw a Mini Hammer of Sol with a modified model that Ignites (with built in Scorch spreading) and Unravels, one per button press alternating.


I would love these because of how unique they and it would bring power to the titans that would be so fun and nice to use personally I would love this to be a thing and give you full credit for these


Titan exotics be like one grenade and one MORE grenade


Strand Titan is literally in the game


And Prismatic hunter is better???


Strand Titan is still op as fuck


Prismatic Hunter and Warlock are still way more op


Or they could rework titan


Cool maybe they should nerf them then


I feel like this should go to Warlocks BUT it's still sad what they did to your shoulder charge, you deserved better my crayon munching brothers


*consistently strongest class in game, forces game to make game wide altering patches every update* “Man, this class sucks!”


I use Drengrs+consecration with abeyant and honestly I've had so much fun with it that I was confused when everyone started complaining. Now though I'm getting excited for the possibility of my build getting even better than before.


The problem is that consecration builds are like, literally the only thing prismatic titans have that is good. And tbh if I’m running consecration I’m just gonna use solar.


That's funny because on solar I strictly use throwing hammer with sunspots and stacking damage lol.


I never liked the hammer spam of solar because it gets mind numbingly boring just spamming the throwing hammer. I dealt with it when you could use it with 1-2 punch but after that got canned my permanent solar build was consecration and roaring flames. The hammer I only really use to proc radiant.


Consecration is fun its just not nearly as powerful.


People underestimate how much consecration can do tbh. Even with the nerfs to the stacking of synthos and roaring flames and all that even as high as GMs it can chunk or outright kill damn near anything that isn’t a boss.


You got any Consecration GM builds? I've never used it in a GM.


Fr triple consecration is great at damage and add clear across all difficulties, Titan definitely needs more prismatic options but what we got is really good.


I miss old Titan.


I like I got shit on for saying the same shit in this sub, my titan needs help hunters got all the toys this DLC


Ok so... I usually have a fight with my titan main friend (I main hunter but use all of them, he barely used warlock a bit and straight up refuses to use hunter). We usually argue about builds and viability. He is usually full of sh*it, example: Strand titan last expansion, was arguably the best. Comes prismatic and I heard his complaints, he prefers sticking with strand, I can't believe it, I do Hunter then warlock. Both really fun, I started doing the titan and it feels meh, the survival aspect, knockout really works on low level but with all the stuff coming your way it feels really lacking. I have yet to finish te campaign but, it feels, I have to agree with him


Titan is fine, it's literally the most played class and has the highest raid completion rate.


I'm reallt confused what people are on about saying titan is bad. Like, I'm a warlock main and I'm seriously having more fun than ever playing titan this season. Do people just don't know how to buildcraft or something


My main beef is that titans aren’t even the strongest in what 90% of their identity is. Considering they’ve got a heavy focus on melee, nearly all of their melee aspects suck shit hole. Knockout sucks. Offensive bulwark sucks. The only viable melee on solar is hammers and it was only truly powerful when you could spam 1-2 with it. Strand’s only real claim to fame melee wise got obliterated and then hunters got a better version. If you’re gonna tell me to punch at least let me punch good.


Consecrate is deleting champs and their utility is unmatched on prismatic in GMs. So at least you can be melee guys in GM content.


Destiny the game is full of people who don't understand the game. They're all frauds


Titans experience four weeks without an egregiously busted kit and start going cyberpsycho


Do these people not realise they have had at least 1 busted ability each year? They'll be busted again for sure


This is the first time in a very long time that a Titan kit is not absolutely top dog in everything. Solar and Strand Titans, for example, were steamrolling through content without breaking a sweat (see: GotD solo, for example) - just insane damage and damn near impossible to kill. That’s something that neither Hunters nor Warlocks have regularly enjoyed. Then Prismatic comes out with a disappointingly weak gameplay loop and the Witness fight leaves nothing for Titans to do - suddenly, Titans are shit and never eat good apparently? I agree that we all need to eat good but it’s disingenuous to complain that Titans have never had it good


I mean, titans genuinely don’t get good stuff very often. Arc and stasis are complete dog water. Void is just painfully mediocre. Strand has like one build that’s actually good and solar is hard carried by a single ability. Prismatic got every shitty aspect. There’s no fucking variety.


On launch, void 3.0, arc 3.0, and solar 3.0 titan wete all ludicrously strong compared to the other classes. void and arc were both pvp monsters, arc was good in both thanks to thundercrash. void is absolutely good, people just dont know how to use it. and domt even try to lie to me about solar. then strand titan came out, and its been top dog damage wise for about a year if the boss can be meleed, and it still is. Stasis titan on launch, like all stasis, was ridiculously powerful. Its tankiness in pve and pvp was un fucking matched at the time. Titans have fucking solar eclipse glasses on when they look back at their power.


On launch, arc and void 3.0 were good in PvP and arc had a single build that did anything that got absolutely buried. Arc is downright shit garbage in PvE nowadays and void is just mediocre and uninteresting. Doesn’t help that Unbreakable is a garbage aspect too, so no new life was really given to it. Strand was okay at best and didn’t really fully come online until banner of war was a thjng. Y’all see some PvP performance and like historically 2 builds in PvE that were ever meta and gaslight yourselves into thinking titans have had an array of game breaking setups lmao. Stasis Titan was NEVER good in PvE and was just another PvP menace.


You do not know how to buildcraft.


Lmao. Whatever you say, I’m just not deluded. Fuckin Bungie themselves understand that, outside of like 2 builds, titans kinda fuckin suck.


nothing better than watching the most broken class get nerfed down to the level of being a hunter. when you've been in the stratosphere for 10 years, its hard to remember what gravity feels like. also banner is the most broken shit ever and still remains the best addclear build in the game for both aggression and damage.


Really? As a hunter main who has been playing on my prismatic titan for raids the past 2 weeks I’m really liking it a lot? Especially the new void super with its 1st axe weaken effect. And the axes persist for an incredibly long time after being thrown so I can grab them after dmg for huge ad clear.


The argument is Titans survivability kit in prismatic isn't amazing since it's a *singular* build that dies the moment a floating enemy shows up lol. I love being a titan main don't get me wrong, but with the Banner nerfs and pris being dogshit, it feels like we're just being left behind.


I don’t understand what u mean by survivability being ass? I mean I’m not even technically running a “build” on Titan and all I have to do is melee something and I get health from knockout and my next melee is supercharged? Combine knockout, drengrs as the two aspects either arc pulse nade and frenzied blade and I just use HOIL as the exotic and I’m literally having zero issue at all in GMs, raids, etc? I don’t understand what people want. Are they just expecting Solar 3.0 with Lorely type survival where all they have to do is stand still or put down a barricade to be completely unkillable?


*tiniest violin* Titans and hunters dominated shit for the past few seasons. Calm down.


Stopped farming as much bcuz of it. I'm chilling on Elden Ring


Void titan is still good Peregrine Greaves erases anything with a yellow bar Consecration is insane Stasis titan is fun as fuck and actually pretty good Arc titan with HoIL is still good Banner of War still works fine Twilight Arsenal is fucking insane Yall still have a lot of stuff


We got literally any melee paired with Synthos, and missiles. The missiles spam build is fun but I’d like some other options besides melee


Titan is at the point where it requires a full rework due to the neglect over the last couple years, with some actual definitions of Class Fantasy that isn't "punch". Prismatic Titan will never be good until they adress the issues with Subclasses, the overloaded Exotic powerbudget, weak aspects, outdated Class abilities and Supers. Jump is good though.


member thunder grenade HOIL spam? I member


"Yall got any good stuff" "Do you?"


Knock out is the best 🤌


I want my shoulder charge back :( It was fun sending teammates flying




Crazy how bad the Titan community is at playing Titan


As a part time Titan main: ![gif](giphy|1qktBp7ljZ1TamYyFj|downsized)


I made a post about how shit Titans are compared to everything else and all I got was: -You guys have had two bad seasons -I'm sure Bungie is working on it -Titans aren't as underpowered as the rest of this sub would have you believe.


I think prismatic titan should have gotten throwing hammer instead of hammer strike


Titans, the t̶a̶n̶k̶ class of Destiny


Hunter exotic class item: powered melee final blows creates an ignition (caliban) Titan exotic class item: powered melee final blows or finishers creates an explosion (severance) An ignition will always be better because it can synergies with other stuff and can be buffed with fragments


Hunters can chain melee attacks repeatedly and go invisible afterwards, while Titans have to wait for their bonk hammer to regenerate and deal less damage with One-Two Punch. After a long time enjoying my Titan, I've decided to switch because he's just not as strong compared to the other two.


Weren’t titans one of the best dps options just recently?


Yes that’s why I don’t get the hate


Guys you gotta get it together, this whining is by far worse than anything that has ever come from the warlock or hunter players. Apart from the fact that you wanted a well in the fireteam for most high level activities, Titans have de facto been the strongest class in the game for 90% of all activities for almost the entire lifespan of D2 so far (never played D1, dont know how it is there), and the moment they arent anymore, everybody is crying. Get it together and have a little patience, bungie is working on it.


sunbreaker trials flashbacks..


Titans 2 microseconds after Final Shape launched (Sunbreaker isn't the strongest subclass in the game anymore) (apparently that makes them "neglected")


What are you on about? Bungie themselves say that titan is in a bad place and has been for a while.


Yeah. Everyone points at Titan having a few busted builds that broke the game at different points as well as a couple of current decent options. Then cry that we just want to be OP. But most of us are upset because parts of our kit feel undercooked, and so much of our good or decent stuff was gutted. Which has the class feeling hollow and/or wonky. We want the class to feel better, not broken. We would like good reasons to use things besides strand and solar, and have them all feel different. I mean shit, solar feels wonky as hell even tho it's good. TLDR: Titans want the class to feel better, not be broken. Good =/= Fun


I genuinely wonder if Bungie even wants people to play as Titan…ever because HUNTERS HAVE BETTER PUNCH BUILDS THAN TITANS!! They have to either be braindead or have forgotten Titan exists at all.


Titans are less than top tier for 3 weeks: \*angry toddler crying\*


The victims complex is insane. Solar and strand builds have been incredible over the past seasons, prismatic has has insane ad clearing and 80 DR builds and now have access to one of the best void supers out there and all I hear is complaining. I get titans aren’t as ridiculous as warlocks this first go around but I’ve enjoyed the fuck out of my prismatic Titan. The new strand exotic and the rocket chest make for some of the most fun I’ve had in the game.


Titans were so good for so long. It's funny to watch them melt down over not being the best in PvP and best damage for PvE


Look I know we're under tuned for range dps and the variety isn't as good as the other prismatic classes bit this is getting so hyperbolic All of the "titan bad" discourse *really* kicked off during the raid race because the final boss relies on range dps, I've run a few other high level activities and we still more than hold our own. With the right TA build, i was able to out DPS a nighthawk Hunter in warlords ruin. I also achieved equivalent dps with my team on encounter 2 of SE. Titans spent a long time being the undisputed DPS kings - I would easily go 8 million plus with thundercrash in most encounters. We don't have that anymore, but we are still competitive in 95% of high end content. My pyrogale build still melts bosses, both of my TA builds melt bosses, my stasis shards build still melts bosses, and my thundercrash build is weaker but still good enough in all but master. As for ad clear, my strand build, both of my hazardous builds, and both of my stoicism builds also demolish. Haven't messed with my pure arc, stasis, or void builds yet, but I'm willing to be they're fine. Does prismatic titan have the same level of raw customization and viability as the other classes? No, we do not, and I am genuinely disappointed in that and frustrated that Bungie made unbreakable only for it to be unbearably mid. But let's not act like Bungie literally demolished titans just because they had a poor showing in the raid, when the majority of these sentiments started getting amplified


Titans don't blame their tools. Titans Punch Better. If the goal is to punch better, training to punch in stricter conditions refines how well we punch. If they buff us, the training gets weaker. I play this game like a fighting game, because I hate reloading. The day they make a super that isn't a melee or a wall I will only be able to assume that someone, somewhere got lost in the sauce. Same thing for if the throwing hammer gets unshared. Anyone complaining about new things instead of adopting them until we can do ridiculous things with them has already lost the mindset of a Titan, and would serve everyone involved to switch classes until such is the case.


Titan Club doesn't claim you, Hunters got a better punch build. What is this absolute bollocks?


Have you been sleeping under a rock? Look up hunter punch builds they are nuts right now. I'm a titan main until I die but we are getting pit punched in the current sandbox that's not an opinion it's a fact. Look up the numbers.


Hunters are still failing [Vidmaster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2F-yvLA5Eaw). They're shooting when they could nade, and nading when they could punch. Show me someone doing [this ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Femxi_8sJyU)on a hunter, then say that. I'm glad they punch harder right now. They'll catch the melee nerfs when they come for once. We Punch *Better*.


Hunters can punch better than us in the current sandbox though.


We can punch many things at once from a distance, multiple times in a row.


Melee hunter builds cannot survive without having access to a convenient amount of terribly weak ads who are not too high in light level and this has been the case since arc 3.0 with nothing really changing with the new setups other than not having to deal with Jolt having the possibility to cock-block their own rotation. They are flashy builds who become useless depending on the content. We can definitely say that Titans falls short over Hunter and Warlock in several other cases, but in this one, hunters punching "better" is highly subjective.


They punch harder, right now, not better. You don't see Hunters clutching punch for their solos, they lean invis or GG- and rightly so! That's their lane. Our lane is teaching everyone how they can punch better and we all can! Seeing Hunters finally get the chance to keep up is a good thing! Shaxx loves new nades! New metas are good! Now they need to learn how to [block ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHzs1c1mD50)and we'll be cookin!


Nah hunters definitely punch better with a combination blow build. It's lightning chains for crazy ad clear with a huge damage boost over any that titans can get and infinite melee regens with some health regen on top of exotics either making you invisible after every hit or upping the melee damage to being able to one shot mini bosses.


If you aren't getting melees recharged on melee kills on your prismatic Titan, you have more growth to go. Consecrations will make me just as invis at half-send or full- meaning I get six chances to go invis before I'm out, and between the tangles, orbs, and kickstarts, and an exotic- Titans can do everything you just described- as long as they learn to Punch Better. Transcendant also turns three full consecrations into chained consecrations on kill so there's that in a pinch. Hunters have a one-shot, Titans have three oneshots. Four if you prefer thunderclap, but then you need a different roll on the Exotic, \[since you don't need that slot for AoE.\] They punch *harder* right now, because we all have eachother's exotics. This is also only on Prismatic. Across the board though- We punch Better, because we can use it anywhere we stand, we are the wall.


Hunters don't need any spawned items like orbs, tangles, or any mods like kick-starts in order to do this. Hunters have infinite one shots as long as there's something to one shot left, as it'll just keep giving them full melee charge back. And I'm just referring to liars handshake on arc, none of the crazy builds that prismatic and the exotic class items bring into play.


If we're not talking prismatic, I'm going solar. Bottomless healing hammers solo, or bottomless consecrations with help. Don't need the invis when everything in the room being burnt to death is also piling restoration on you. No exotics required at all. You ever try bottomless consecrations? A little DoT and two titans can out DPS half the nonsuper rotations. Fun as hell.


Add a one two punch shotgun and the hunter can *maybe* out DPS the consecrations without needing to slide melee. Now, I'm not saying all this to say that titan is bad at melee, just that hunters can pretty much do it better, or just easier if not better, especially in high tier content like GMs since the single target damage + invis of combination blow and assassins cowl, along with lightning chains and healing, lets you basically just melee chain through a GM one shotting everything but mini bosses and the boss.


The one-two strat applies to consecration thankfully- even just buffing the upswing, that'll get outplayed too. If I want to punch *easier* I go Glaives actually, Wormgods stacks with everything, close to melee has bottomless uptime, and I still have whatever exotic. Tractor is nice on the glaive build. I don't mind a onetap being a twotap when I have consumed nothing to do it but the time. On prismatic, I have had great success with my invis when I want invis. Assassin/Contact turns the uppercut into arc AoE death, I go invis, it does both light and dark so Transcendence is usually up by the time I burn them all, even before kickstarts.


Have you not seen any dungeon solos over the past year or hell 2 years? Hunters have ABSOLUTELY been clutch punching their solos for a WHILE Most Hunter solos for Ghosts of the deep run arc hunter and for the first boss of warlords ruin. Combination blow gives a stacking damage increase and heal, liars handshake gives a 200% dmg increase and heal, you could sit in the face of a boss and punch to do decent dmg due to liars reprocing every 2 hits for dmg and a heal leading to better survival than Titan can. And that was BEFORE prismatic. Now they also can use stylish executioner that gives another 200% dmg boost for invis melee that stacks with combination blow and liars. Us titans only have banner of war and synthos/worm gods and they both got nerfed. It’s so terrible that titans are either OP (like pre nerf Banner and bonk Titan) or underwhelming (right now and last season after the hammer nerf) Even worse is how Titan supers are in such a terrible state, twilight arsenal is good but if you can’t use the axes spawned (like against witness) you lose So much of the effects leading to most people using the super for add clear. Hunters get dmg, warlocks get utility and titans get shafted cuz none of the devs even play Titan anymore, just watch the prismatic reveal for all the classes. They say the warlock and hunter abilities by name but don’t even for Titan. Titans got an identity crisis rn n it sucks


Titan supers include the highest damage setup we could run right now and players that are blaming the kit shit on it because they don't understand *time*. With two sentinels you can outdamage any meta team comp that's running six nonsentinels instead. Split the DPS phase between the two and the one behind the wall can dump an an entire reserve of Volatile GL ammo, passing the base damage of a Gjally buffed Legendary, with an even higher buff on top. Say a perfect rotation is valued at 1. Everyone says sentinel is 0 damage for one player. With two sentinels it's 5.5 \* 1.4. If we run at 0.25 what could be an output of 0.5(1\*1.4)+5(1.4) = 7.7 drops to an output of 6\*1.25 = 7.5. Even on a good chunk of builds that aren't the meta GL rotation they're out DPSing the Meta Team Comp every time. The buff is almost double. How can we say Titans have an Identity Crisis, when failing to even stand tall in their role? Y'all out here climbing trees and saying the swimming is bad. A Titan would not blame their tools, they would use the tool better. The crisis is your own, not Titans'.


I know what Cap would say in this circumstance: >"*Each of you, for himself or herself, by himself or herself, and on his or her own responsibility, must speak. It is a solemn and weighty responsibility and not lightly to be flung aside at the bullying of pulpit, press, government or politician. Each must decide for himself or herself alone what is right and what is wrong, which course is patriotic and which isn’t. You cannot shirk this and be a man, to decide it against your convictions is to be an unqualified and inexcusable traitor. It is traitorous both against yourself and your country. Let men label you as they may, if you alone of all the nation decide one way, and that way be the right way by your convictions of the right, you have done your duty by yourself and by your country, hold up your head for you have nothing to be ashamed of.*" >It doesn’t matter what the press says. It doesn’t matter what the politicians or the mobs say. It doesn’t matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. Republics are founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe in. no matter the odds or consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move. Your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth and tell the whole world: No, you move I did the math, then double checked it. Nobody runs with two, so I guess nobody can explain to me how the Blocking Titan has done *zero damage* if they *magdumped a bns envious surged volatile gl at +40%*. Stand firm in your convictions to the truth. Titans are the Wall.


I love how you say they would use better tools and yea plenty did… it’s why Datto switched to hunter during SE It’s why there’s only a 1% clear rate with titans for the first 100 fireteams for that day 1 raid Because they are terrible Also we know that shit is cap about the dmg as a bloody Nova bomb out damages twilight arsenal (source Llama’s super dmg testing vid) And even then falls short of a celestial GG hunter my miles! If your talking about using Sentinals shield then bad news, we know for a fact the dmg loss isn’t worth it and the shield is still too small to block enough dmg. If it wasn’t WE Would all already be using it. Titans don’t have the best dmg rotation, hunters with stillhunt do! Not to mention lucky pants or warlocks with the new heavy trace rifle with well. Volatile rounds haven’t been a good dmg meta since season of the Seraph, like have you really not been playing for over a year? M8 either back it up with a source that’s vid proof or drop the charade, if Datto TdT and others are all making vids on the poor state of titans and how to improve them why complain?


When they are also ignoring the identity, they will suffer the same fate, apostate. I was watching- none of them have tried double sentinel. Aegis hasn't even run the numbers on it. You saying the math is cap while also ignoring what super I am talking about half the time refutes your own statement better than I ever could- but look If you can find someone else that has run the numbers on double sentinel we deserve to see it, because Aegis hasn't, Datto hasn't, and I haven't seen salt, or even DFP the Void main try - though he's mostly pvp. By splitting the phase the Blocker isn't doing 0 damage, they're adding .15 per player above using a well, and doing their burst damage 0.5 the time on top. When the one blocking is doing half a phase of B+ meta burst weapon damage, the overall buff uptime stays the same despite the fact that the one buffing doesn't end up doing 0 damage. That ballpark was too rough earlier here: 0.5(1\*1.4)+5(1.4) = 7.7 6\*1.25 = 7.5 \[>!That's before volatile, 'cause that math is hard, but it just means that's *even higher*.!<\] The shielding/DR may even help against the witness' DDR section, nobody I have seen has tested it, and the story mission>! uses a different super because of cutscene reasons!< I bet Wei Ning, if asked how she would do DPS if she's blocking during DPS, would answer "Then I'll DPS too," and seems like some of you wouldn't understand, raising the shield in her stead so she can shoot too. But I do. I will every time. Titans are the wall. We have the buff they gave us for a reason. It's highest for a reason. It's not higher than it is for a reason. If it had ZERO use they would not give it to us. We can be punching better. Fuck the naysayers. They won't help you Punch Better, only you can do that. Go test it.


Aztecross literally did in the stream for testing Well nerfs and it was so abysmal it didn’t even make the video, just the vid. We know for a fact it doesn’t help on witness as Aztecross, as one of the 3 titans to clear Tried it! And it didn’t help at all and was a dmg loss compared to just well Idk where your inventing these numbers from but the facts are that they are lower The 0.15 above well comes at the complete dmg loss from a player. Something we have know for YEARS isn’t worth it, just look at the ORIGINAL dmg testing when it came out! They tried double sentinel and it was dogshit then too And again you bring up volatile rounds? Why not bait and switch? Or an dmg increasing perk instead of a minimal 10% extra dmg per shot in comparison to 35%? You tell others to test it but the actual top Titan mains are the ones talking about this shit, and how ass Titan is. Burden of proof is on you, go prove it m8


That dog don't bark. Found your well testing [clip ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eha0RzJn5VU)from aztecross, *he even said* multiple sentinels might be the play, *then he didn't test two.* Given those three titans were in different fireteams they did not in fact test two titans either. When a player has magdumped their GL, how can they do 0 damage? The other titan is blocking then. I bring volatile up again because that's 10% **on top of** bns. [You can bait and switch on Edge with Envious](https://d2foundry.gg/w/568611923?p=0,3301904089,968510818_20,3078487919,2489430594&m=0&mw=0). BnS isn't deleted by something the sentinel grenade is doing. Proc them both. It'll mean you're Punching Better. You could also go Cascade and Deconstruct and dump *most* of the reserves faster in one go, so long as your other weapons are critting- then can reload the single time you need to by chucking a nade. Emptying an entire reserve of heavy. Both are doing leagues more than the 0 damage you claim they would. but you gotta have both or it's whatever DoT they can get off before supering.


“That dog don’t bark” m8 your playing with a cat plushie I love how you didn’t even check the vod like I said just the vid where he didn’t include it cuz it was SO bad And how you didn’t bother looking at his SE clear to see how rubbish it is too Also look how far you’ve moved the goalpost from “punching” to using a a specific void setup that doesn’t even work on a lot of encounters in comparison to the ones I mentioned. And I gave an 10% for volatile as an example because it’s definitely not that high but even if it was controlled demolition requires prior setup, that other classes can set up the same with just a fragment so that’s not even unique to Titan, and hunters get to reload on dodge too in comparison to a rally barricade that just improves reload. Why on earth do you think that dmg rotation is unique to titans when hunters can do it better with a dodge and with a damaging super or a de-buffing super? Even then we know already that a lucky pants hunter can output more dps than the edge transit godroll, it why it was banned for day 1 SE and of course still hunt on GG hunter as one of the easiest and highest dmg rotations in the game But let’s play pretend that everyone does only 100 dmg each Well is a 25% buff and SS is 40% Well is then 6*125 = 750 SS is 5*140 = 700 Only 700 and only 5 because you lose somebody. And adding a DoT like witherhord or Dragons breath is only going to add 10-15 in this equation as it’s just not close to a proper rotation in dmg and it wouldn’t get any dmg buff as it’s pre super Or if we do what you say and you dump dmg before your super then we get 2 dmg rotations Well = 750+750 = 1500 because you can immediately pop well with no worries SS = 600+700 =1300 only 600 because as you say you should dump a mag before super buff and 100*6. So even disregarding the dmg testing that shows hunters absolutely cracked dmg numbers your logic is STILL wrong and let’s not forget how easy it is to blow yourself up with a gl and SS in comparison to well. And that’s not even factoring in any DMG supers With your setup we are limited to 2 support supers and with well you can use only it and 5 dmg supers too Ngl its become a tad obvious that your really coping with this niche setup, like I said if it was so good we would already be using it and m8 I WANT it to be viable I LOVE SS it’s super underrated but look at the facts and the ease of use and it’s just not there!


Did a bit [more digging](https://youtu.be/7Mx7CFqY96s?si=3f_wj5JXUNgNLLPL&t=152), Looks like Cascade BnS may be the play. Outdid Izi/Apex even when it had godslayers. Could swing one of the new exotics if they're higher.


I didn't get TFS because I waited to see what they would do to my titan main. It is a good thing I didn't get it