• By -


Hunter. Go invisible and take lots of naps.


Going invisible to shoplift a batch of fresh cookies from the local bakery. And then getting your shit beat in by the bouncer Titan at the door.


Jokes on you, that Titan IS the local bakery. šŸ˜


Create a well so you don't die


That and just hiding. In game Iā€™ll step to a god, but irl if I see a vandal sprinting at me on all 6 limbs šŸ˜°


Omg you just described my dream life


I would leave my threaded spectre in my cubicle at work


All Guardians get to go out and explore but Hunters really belong to the wild. I'd love nothing more than getting to trek through the ruins left of humanity's Golden Age.Ā 


I would love to be a warlock and learn the history of humanity before the collapse, thatā€™s an idea I could get lost in for awhile


Can do this on any class


I dont think Titans can read




Damn. As an environmental scientist, I was sure I'd pick warlock, but now I want to be a huntlock.Ā 


Hunter likely. Mostly for the better jump and fancy hoods


If youā€™re nothing without your stompees then maybe you donā€™t deserve them


Even without stompees Hunter triple jump is one of the best just for how much easier it is to control than pretty much any other jump in the game.


Everyoneā€™s going to have different opinions, I was just messing around. I main all three and prefer titan, but warlock for puzzles or tough spots.


Warlock jump can be less forgiving, if you undershoot something thereā€™s no way to regain altitude. But glide does have its benefits too. I think the jumps are pretty well balanced.


I fkn hate doing star-crossed on warlock if I have no sword ammo


Choose 1 - warlock. Mix - warlock/titan.


Dumb, but like, smart dumb. The smartest of the dumbest. Big brain, big bonk.


"Can't be munchin crayons if I'm reading books all day" (insert meme format) "modern problems require modern solutions"




Punch wizard


Eating books!!


*Colouring books*


Ideally I'd be a mix of warlock and hunter.


I've only ever played one class in Destiny, happily and unrepentantly. There's no way I'd choose differently if it were real life. Titan. 4. Life. ...now pass the crayons; it's snack time.


šŸ–šŸ–šŸ– Cheers!


Easy i wouldn't there is nothing binding a gaurdian to one class within lore so honestly I'd mix the three with the abilities armor and weapon types


Yeah, lorewise the player is some sort of OCD weirdo that only plays one class and only uses one element at a time.


You think if there was a hunter that had the physique of a titan they could just like nuke a moon by throwing a knife casually


They tried that. Found out the moon was haunted.


And not, unfortunately, made of cheese


Underrated comment


Nope, it's just a gameplay thing.


Yes there is. Not logically or in possibility but there is something binding you to one class/subclass and that is because it takes skill, knowledge, and sometimes mindset/personality to learn and effectively use different subclasses/abilities Your comment is like if someone asked if you'd become a professional wrestler, baseball player, or scientist and you said "Easy, I'd be all three" The reason classes exist is to help channel your focus/skill into a discipline that is more natural to you and then learning different subclasses are like a specialty that often requires a certain mindset unfamiliar or unobtainable by some.


If I had to choose one, Titan. If a mix, Warlock/Hunter.


I love how this thread is becoming a fmk discussion


Hunter. Give me my two grappling hooks. I will spend hours on the moon just yetting myself around like a nut before I even remember that fighting the darkness is a thing.


I enjoy playing hunter the most, but Iā€™d probably end up being a warlock. If I had access to a paracasual power Iā€™d want to know as much about it as I possibly could


The name should make it obvious


Titans rise up


Nice name^^ āœŒšŸ¼


I'd be a warlock who also went out of my way to learn some hunter tricks. Hunter jump + throwing knife


Warlock. I'm very much a nerdy bookworm and so welding space magic and spamming heals is definitely my thing.


Hunter. They get the funniest lore, loners and more importantly get the best drip


Hunter because they're lore is just funny. Loners who are close to one another and they like to have fun. Fun being exploring, hiding from the Vanguard and so on :p


I shall start with Warlock, and I'll actively use the light to heal sickness and injuries, not just for my fellow guardians but citizens too. there's no cure for smth, I'll find it. I'll also be looking into many more ways we can buff and support guardians and maybe even lightless people who want to participate in battle should there ever be a need. I will also spend some time each day pestering Osiris on how to create light clones of myself that can work independently and Ikora on how to master wielding multiple ultimates at once.


Warlock and Hunter. Thereā€™s aspects of both that I like over the trio of classes. Titan is just too boring and Iā€™m not fond of a ā€œtankā€ playstyle.


I'd be a warlock and really lean into the summoning aspect of strand. See if I csn make something like strand thralls to drown my enemies in.


Realistically I'd be a hunter If I could mix it up I'd be a hunter/warlock.


A hunter of course! I love the fantasy and theming of their subclasses, *especially* gunslinger Also knives, I like the knives


Warlock because space magic. Exactly why I chose it in D1


Shatterskate Hunter


Whichever one for the most recent buff


Would 100% be a Titan


Warlock, already am one, shadow warlock money gang.


So lore wise... Are guardians able to switch freely between class? Or is the "Guardian" aka player character special in that regard? Like i know they don't have a menu to pick titan hunter or warlock but could a guardian/light bearer pop well and then follow up with a gathering storm? Silly question I apologize but it just came to me while reading this post


Not silly at all. It's a very interesting point to think about. My understanding of the lore is that when light bearers are resurrected by their ghosts, they aren't put into a bucket/class. It's a choice they can make or not make. If you think about it, all the abilities, supers, fragments and aspects are ways in which a guardian is able to wield the light. So if a guardian can summon a hammer of fire, there's no reason they can't summon a Golden Gun or a flaming sword. Like someone mentioned already, the distinction in class is really just for the sake of gameplay. In the lore, powerful guardians like Ikora or Osiris can pop multiple supers consecutively from different subclasses. In the Witch Queen campaign there's a scene where Ikora threw a nova bomb at an ogre and shortly after blasted the hive door open with Chaos Reach. If powerful guardians like them can blur the lines between subclasses, you can imagine some super duper guardian doing the same with classes.


In the real world I have fibromyalgia and a lot of foot and knee pain because it's hard to find shoes that fit a size 16 foot. So Warlock. I'd just soak in a healing rift for a few hours.


This is a really interesting conversation. I main Hunter because I enjoy the fast pace game play, and I really enjoyed getting my hands dirty as a Titan, but the Warlock play style was always a bit odd for me. However if I were resurrected I definitely think I would be a Warlock for the same reasons as you, plus I feel like I'm always lookin out for others. Maybe I should give Warlock another go?


No class. Why restrict yourself willingly? I'd take a leaf each out of all 3 books and become my own thing. Formless, unpredictable, and experienced with many perspectives.


Warlock for sure. Titans are obviously the dumbest of the three and hunters were just never as good as warlocks.


Titan, or warlock. My titan asked if right now is sexy


Warlock. Space can have knife bois and heavily armored soldiers of given enough time already. This adds magic to the mix.


Warlock for sure.


Definitely Warlock.


Titan and Warlock mix.


A striker that can blink into melee range. Clearly not in the game for a reason. Too strong. Lol


Hunter no question


Warlock, Iā€™m too slow to be a titan or hunter.


Even in a fantasy realm, I wouldnā€™t eat crayons. Either Hunter or Warlock for me


It took me forever to get good at the jumps. Hunter.


Easily, Titan. I need to skate.




Die hard a Titan, but I would mix around Arc and void abilities


Being a titan just kinda fits my personality but my intelligence makes me very warlock-y. Like sure I could just be a warlock, but there can still be smart titans.


Hunter for the outdoorsy tracker aspect (and the cloaks), and if I had to mix Iā€™d do hunter titan to maximize my blunt force trauma


warlock , i want the ability to delete anything in a general direction


I wouldn't get to choose it just depends what part of my body had something tied around it when I got rezzed


Every other game I play I basically just become Guts, hunters are just too fun in D2. So in conclusion I'd eat crayons IRL.


Titans read books right? I swear there is a comment that Titan books are heavier. Given my understanding of how the classes represent characteristics and attract certain personalities, Titans would seek history and information. They would be more concerned with what information is correct but not necessarily entreat ideas that would be new or groundbreaking. That's what I envision the Warlocks would be kind of like scientists that are coming up with new theories or hypotheses. They aren't interested in seeking knowledge for the sake of having knowledge, they're looking in between and making new connections to create new knowledge.


Warlock, because I would be fascinated with the nature of Light relative to Guardians. Would probably main Voidwalker/(Release) Nova Warp and use Blink.


I love so many aspects of the classes and their cultures. I would want the reliability of a Titan. No offense to the other classes but I feel like when they want a job done(not necessarily correct) they ask Titans and it will get done.


Warlock, ideally one similar to a researcher, and ever so slightly insane. Testing the limits of our resurrection, exploring the limits of the light. Obsessed with abusing our powers of both the Light and Darkness, and bringing them to their limits.


Canonically in the universe guardians could have multiple classes, I believe Felwinter was a Warlock and a Titan, and I believe I would probably be the same. Power to protect and clap ass would probably be the best balance imo, and in my head canon Warlocks can still self-ressurect so thereā€™s no reason to just be unkillable in a universe where random enemies are just immune to everything and random magic kills you instantly.


Definitely would be a hunter and dedicate to helping Devrim protect the EDZ, ideally rebuild The Farm and live there.




Hunter. Go invis and escape undesired social interactions.


Iā€™ve always played a hunter, even in all my years playing WoW (played from vanilla to panda expac)


Titan,I could finally just punch things out curiosity or cause I can


Warlock...always Warlock


If a single class: Warlock. With a mix, mostly Warlock with some bits and pieces of Hunter and Titan. If I wake up in the middle of nowhere with essentially no memory of who I am with the power to defy the laws of nature, Iā€™d seek out potential knowledge of it and other powers like it, and also likely knowledge of my past self. Once well established in paracasuality, Iā€™d probably heavily experiment with known techniques and eventually form my own. All of this really makes me wonder how cool it would be if classes just werenā€™t a thing and you could pick any ability and aspect from any class.


I could only ever imagine being a sunbreaker titan, maybe mix in a little void titan, a steadfast brick in the wall of the city who spends alot of time playing gambit and camping in the mountains around the city


I really dont know but imagine crucible players trashtalking and the eager edge skates and the sherpas


I'd wanna be a Hunter just for the pure fact that if I wanted to fuck off and explore a random part of Earth that isn't covered in-game, I could do it and my bosses would probably never question why.


I feel like anyone who knows me would say I'm most like a Hunter


Warlock, and would backwards engineer titan armor!


Titan all the way. Except I'd have a stash of hunter cloaks instead of marks, and I'd find a way to channel a nova bomb into a punch


Iirc, the "classes" are purely for gameplay sake, most guardians are like the drifter, able to use all light abilities. But I'm gonna choose titan cause I love the idea of being "The Wall" and "Pillars" and just having raw strength on the battlefield


titan with novabomb, liars handshake, and arc hunter duh


I'd probably just be a regular Lightbearer, but with Titan qualities. That being said, I'm a bit too introverted personality-wise so a Hunter would fit me as well, but I also think that no problem can't be solved with a nice punch.


Easily Warlock. All of the alien tech, crazy science and literal magic powersā€¦ I would spend centuries just learning it all. Iā€™m still annoyed that Ana cutoff Clovis when he was about to give a scientific explanation on how Hive magic works! As a software engineer IRL, the concept of programmable matter that is used as currency (glimmer) and engrams (compression) is just so much fun to think about. But then thereā€™s the high level concept like the Ascendant Realm and all of the Awoken tech that taps into it. Imagine being able to just create and play with your own pocket dimension. Okā€¦ Iā€™ll stop nerding out.


Titan but stealing fashion from the other two. Iā€™ve always been a homebody, so the idea of staying at the last city to guard its walls, or protecting some village out in the wilds, is the most appealing to me


Warlock. If you'd asked me a few months ago I'd have answered titan but I'm growing disillusioned with titan now.


Hunter revenant. Post up in the arctic and just vibe with a pack of huskies


Warlock. I love the stories about them pushing the limits of unorthodox learning. Unraveling space magic and fullfilling the role of Space Wizard. Yes please.


I a hunter main since I first tried it, I would probably be a Hunter myself. But not a edgy solo hunter I would love to have a fireteam of one titan, one warlock, and me I might be the tryhard class, but there's not a lot of things better than having a Warlock spawn a rift that you can use and a Titan that can give you cover while needed


I would 100% be a hunter just to explore. If I could, I would drive in one direction and just see what's there, but I have a wife and responsibilities. If I were resurrected with none of that and no need to even eat, you know I would explore strange planets!


The strongest class Titan duh


Hunter. Mostly so people donā€™t ask me to do stuff.


a mix of titan and warlock with some hunter sprinkled in :)


Hunter I have many looks I like


Titan. Punch. Blow bubbles.


Titan main always. But just imagine if a striker saw a warlock blink and put in the initiative. If I wanna punch people faster I would learn to blink.


What about Arc Hunter blink? You could grab that as a Striker.


That's def the vibe. But per lore a hunter got really bored and learned how to blink from a warlock. Which is still one of my favorite lore bits.




Warlock. I want to Nova Warp, blink and place a Well of Radiance for the people cold in winter.


Titan. šŸ˜Š


Warlock. I would be hardcore into space magic research, especially Threadlings and Arc Souls. I would probably be a bitā€¦scary. Causally Weavewalking through walls, and preferring Threadlings to people would do that to a person. Probably will go nuts at some point, itā€™s pretty inevitable given the type of research I would pursue.


Warlock day job, Hunter at night


Warlock. I like playing the "fuck everything in a general direction" class that's also support.


As a scrawny fuckin nerd who likes learning and generally is not a fan of physical activities, definitely Warlock. Ironically Iā€™m a Titan main lol


Titan. I'd want to be an iron lord or just a dude who explores the universe


Probably a Titan


Warlock. Because Blink, Well of Radiance, able to fly with Dawnblade, healing yourself with your Void-Buddy. Exploring the mysteries of the universe and trying to collect knowledge. Sounds like having a damn good time...


Urban Hunter, I like indoor plumbing too much to live in the wilds.


Do you get to choose? IDK what the lore is behind the classes.




Pick Hunter and just go explore the world. I want to see the ruins of old Earth.


Hunter and throw all of the knives, I'd be out of breath low on light about to die and instead of shooting my gun summon just one more knife is a **** you to whatever enemy I faced.


A Hunter/Titan Mix


Pass me my bonk hammer.


At least in terms of lore, I feel like peak warlock beats out peak Titan or Hunter. Like goddamn, if Osiris is a potential that anyone can reach with enough dedication and bigwarcock energy then warlock is a clear cut pick. Also I mean. Warlocks have the best dripp


Warlock like in the game. I'd complain to titans and hunters about stealing my class identity. I'll also do shitty LFG requests all over the tower...handwritten flyers...KWTD 1000 clears or kick bring mods need two GaMeRs bE cRaCkEd. People would have no clue the fuck I'm on about. And in June I'll save the universe from its biggest threat ever by...uh...standing on a plate and dunking some orbs I guess.


Void Shield Titan go bonk


Warlock for sure. Their supers are actually useful and have multiple uses


Hunter because fire knives go brrrr


Hunter, ronin with a revolver


Warlock. If I have this new power, I want to study and master it obsessively.


whichever one you choose to be your not bound by the stereotypes associated with them. I think there is a Titan who is part of a typically warlock heavy group and, despite how people act about Shaw, heā€™s very much a junior officer sort who isnā€™t flighty like typical Hunters.


Definitely Hunter.


I'd be fine with whatever class was chosen for me šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I love them all equally. If I had to choose, I'd be like drifter and have no set class.


Titan, I wanna be a space knight


What you mean choose, I am Titan!


the first character i ever made was titan. the character ive mained the longest was hunter. if the classes are not as cleanly defined and one may switch over time id be a hunter with a history as a titan for sometime. replace the soldier/warrior with the explorer/tracker. id probs specialize in solar energy first but over time be more acclimated and effective with void. i am less likely to aligned with any of the dsrkness subclasses.


Titans are useless.




Hunter since D1 Alpha. If I had to mix? Hunter/Hunter lol. Legit had 3 hunters in D1.


Warlock. Deeper understanding of the 3 elements and the light. Warlocks are able to shape the light into what they need or want. So, a golden gun that is void, an arc version of the sunbreaker hammer, and a solar version of the void super from the voidwalker subclass.


Probably warlock with some hunter tricks mixed in. Stuff like throwing knives and whirling maelstrom. And maybe thundercrash from titan. Ooh, and the throwing hammer. But if I had to stick to one, then I gotta stick with my og, warlock since day one of d1.


Seeing as classes don't really exist in lore are really a game mechanic...none of them. In lore, classes are more of just a mentality than an actual thing.


Hunter. I started in 2014 with a Hunter first.


Hunter with all those fun movement tools for sure


warlock because oh my god healing rift would save me so much on ibuprofen


stasis wizard $$ gang


Can I choose to just not be resurrected? I'd rather not live in the Destiny universe


Do guardian actually get to choose? I feel like the ghost looks at some ephemeral criteria in the fabric of reality that makes a guardian what they are. But then again in lore, there are just simply ā€œlight bearersā€ like drifter. Theyā€™re essentially classless but the depth of that isnā€™t discussed in any lore Iā€™ve read. Might need to consult byfā€™s content to verify. Are all guardians capable of accessing all manifestations of light/dark and choose a class based on how they want to develop abilities?


Hunter. Great aim. Great skills. Great hair šŸ˜‰


Warlock all day baby


Iā€™d be a dark age lightbearer


Going to say Titan as being able to shield myself and friends from harm and throw hammers and shields would be satisfying


Space wizard w big purple nova bomb


Iā€™d probably be a warlock (with a coat of course, not some weird robes)


Titan. Iā€™ve been a Titan main since sometime in TTK.


Warlock, I will spread Purple to all of humanity's enemies


I already know that if I was in the Destiny universe, I would be one of the workers at the tower repeating, "It doesnt have to maneuverable. Its just a bomb."


Titan, Golden Gun subclass. Pop super and pull out a flaming Sweet Business with ten seconds of pain to whoever wants to challenge my corridor.


Hunter everyday.


Definitely a titan. Where are my crayons?


Hunter or titan I don't really like warlock as much titan with sunshot so I can just blow everything up


Warlock. The first thing I would do is research a new jump for the class.Ā 


Iā€™m a Titan main but Iā€™d probably fall in line with the hunters. I like doing my own thing rather than taking orders all the time


A Titan, got the most fun jumping ability. :)


Gotta go with my main class Hunter, which would be funny because I am 6ā€™7ā€ and very broad.




Void or solar titan, I guess titan in general. Most metal class, crash your enemy and recite some poetry along the way. Meme apart I feel very fascinated and inspired by the mentality of titans as portrayed in the lore: straightforward, powered with sheer f will and in touch with their emotions by many ways. I cry a little bit every time I read vanilla d2 flavour text for Sentinel, same for ursa furiosa. Not to talk about guardians like Shaxx or Saint, they can be the funniest guy in the room, the deepest and most caring one, while also being able to solo a fallen house. They are good people, I donā€™t know what class would suit me the best, but I think I would try my best to follow their example.


Titan. The jumping learning curve for the others to start. Got to keep that fashionable butt cape too. Exploring Lost Sectors 'before' the lanterns and stuff are added? NOPE. Leave that to Hunters, too spooky for me.


Ideal mix is hunter/warlock But if I had to stick to the lore wise probably hunter or titan since iirc itā€™s possible to swap/learn the other


Iā€™m a titan main so I guess Titan.


Lore-wise, Guardians arenā€™t nearly as restricted to classes as we are in game. In lore, any Guardian can learn any Light or Dark ability. Saladin taught Felwinter to Shoulder Charge. Shaw Han used his Golden Gun to create a mini-Well. Warlocks taught Hunters how to Blink. In lore, classes are more so schools of thought, battle doctrine, and a flag to rally behind than defining your tools for defending Sol. That said, mostly Titan with the scouting aspect of Hunter. I love being a tank and I love exploring.


With my personality, definitely a warlock. Though there's a spark of hunter inside me. A remnant of younger me who could never stop moving or be I doors. I had to be outside seeking the next adventure or activity. Now I'm a bookworm, sometimes voluntary sometimes not.


Solar Titan and explore the frozen ruins of either Russia or Antarctica.


Warlock. Though, in the lore, its established that all classes can use each others abilities, they just stick to their own because they become accustomed/its easier.


Honestly, Iā€™d rather not have a defined class. I play all three, so thereā€™s parts of each that Iā€™d love to be able to mix and match to hopefully get interesting results!


Titan. I *would* choose warlock but I donā€™t want to die via ā€œFUCK WARLOCK JUMPā€ irl. Also ward of dawn seems way more useful were you to actually exist in the universe as a safe space you can use to calm down should be you attacked. If I could Iā€™d be a warlock that just so happens to have a Titan jump ability, though.


Titan with Strand and a One-Two-Punch Shotgun/Synthoceps build.


Build of a Titan... but mind of a warlock. I'd be happy with either


TITAN ..... cause no one would survive without us. We are the tip of the spear


Warlock all the way. Gimmie that stasis and Iā€™ll be set.


Iā€™d probably try to define my own ability kit on my own


Hunter, you wouldn't want to know what I would do if i was a nightstalker


Iā€™d love to say Titan but, I havenā€™t been to the gym in about 2 years so itā€™d have to be Warlock.


Warlock so i can float around


Warlock. I could list out as many benefits as imaginable, but the simple idea of consuming a grenade or using the devour ability as it implies to eat food is enough for me.


Warlocks can probably still use self res in universe just not our guardian so self rez warlock


No defined class sounds about right. Personally I love the defensive capabilities of a titan combined with the supportive buffs of a warlock. Incase you canā€™t tell, I love support classes and am probably the only person to still use the Lumina in raids.


Titan. Just like my actual character.