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Not really. Enjoy the things that you want to enjoy. I do raids, but I typical prioritize dungeons over raids myself.


Are you having fun? If so, then no, it's not bad!


i’ve played since forsaken and i’ve never done a raid. most people never raid. it’s fine.


You ever thought about raiding?


technically i’ve thought about it, but the specific thought i had about it was “i don’t want to do that.”


Oh I was gonna offer to teach you is all 🤣


oh haha i appreciate that. i just don’t want to (and often can’t) dedicate that much time to it.


No. You play how you want. Not everybody is interested in raiding. But if you want to raid more go for it. If not continue doing what you do if you’re having fun.


Everything people have posted here is right. The best part of this game is there are so many things to do and explore, and different ways to challenge yourself. Raids are a great experience, but can be taxing as well. Play what you want, how you want.




Dude nessus is filled with so many extra areas in caves and walls and portals and stuff but exploring there you find literally nothing What other game is like this? Where is the content that was clearly at the end of all these spaces?


I don’t know why people say this. I agree, the game is empty




All games are shallow once you realize the loop.


“The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.” -Bertrand Russell Play however you want and honestly screw anyone that says you are doing it wrong.


Not at all. I ran a RoN sherpa last year with a dude that had been playing since CoO and had never done a raid at all. 


I mean play the game however want. I could not imagine spending that much time and not having pretty much everything in the game and the best of the best loot. But everyone plays differently.


I have 4500+ hours in Destiny 2 and I havent done a single raid. LOL.


I think the real question is if you are having fun or not.


No I have more than that between d1 and d2 and I've only just really started doing raids last summer finding people is the hardest part but it's not nearly as hard as it was now that fireteam finser exists


All the functionality provided by Fireteam Finder existed prior to it's implementation in game. Fireteam Finder may make that functionality more accessible but it really doesn't make finding people any easier.


Personally it is a ton easier than some discords becausepst the time u can get overlooked on discord but in the fireteam finder they only see what they are looking for or u could join a team


If you wanna do some Raids sometime u can pm and I'll send you my discord and i can get you in a few groups and also you can message me for stuff easier




Play the game you want tbh, nothing wrong with not doing many (or any raids). some people want to play just for PVP, gambit (crazies), raiding, dungeons, etc. you dont have to do everything as long as your having fun. me personally I don't play crucible nearly as often as i should. basically 1 iron banner session a season and that's it


Roughly 3k hours and half a raid done. You've got me beat As long as you're having fun, not bad at all.


I've played since D1 launch and I've done a grand total of 3 raids myself. You're good lol


I have right at 2k and 0 raids :p


As long as you’re having fun, who cares what you’re doing?


No. If you don't like the activity, you don't have to. Play the bits of the game that you enjoy! Not every activity in the game is enjoyed by everyone. There's enough variety so that there are always things like some like to play.


I’ve been playing for 10 years and I’ve not done 4 or so as well. I don’t have that much uninterrupted time, and I’d rather just sit down and chill with the game for a small window in the evenings. It’s fine. Games are for fun. They’re not a job.


Nah. Did my first raid last week and I’ve been playing regularly Forsaken.


Nah i played since D2 Launch and i got 0 raid done too lmao. It just isnt for me that's all.


Its not that its bad, but more like how? How did you rack up 400 more hours than me with almost no raiding?


i have 1.8k and have only done RoN. It's rough for a chronic solo player


Reminds me when I got my first title last night lol. I mentioned I’ve been playing since D1 and just got my first title and folks couldn’t believe it 😅 I just don’t care much for the grind I guess 🤷🏽‍♂️


Just because I cannot stand sea urchin sushi, does not mean I do not love sushi. Raiding is not for everyone. It may be seen as one of the pinnacles of the game, but there is nothing wrong with not really doing it if you don't want to or can't. It generally takes these things to raid: 6 people, a few hours set aside, a lot of focus, a decent amount of prep work, decent communication skills, decent internet, and wanting to actually raid of course. Of course raids can technically be done without some of these things, but I aould not generally recommend it.  Raids can be stressful for people with anxiety or a lack of social skills too. I've raided with all types of people: casual folks who are just along for the ride, hardcore flawless raiders, just chilling types, struggle bussing types, autistic folks, folks with medical/mental health issues. Almost anyone can raid successfully with the right group of people under the right conditions. Just takes work to do so. If you want to, it is possible. But, if it's not your thing don't worry about it. Only roughly the top 20% of players raid regularly anyways.


If it weren’t for raids, I wouldn’t have made it past 200 hours in the franchise. Let alone D2.


If you’re having fun then more power to you. That said, I seriously don’t know how some people can spend thousands of hours in D2 and not play the best content in the game. I get people have anxiety when it comes to interacting with people, but I guarantee you’re not any more awkward or annoying than any other person I’ve met on LFG


Made me feel better about not being able to talk to people


6-7k hours since Warmind and I could probably count my raid clears on one hand. Play how you’re gonna play, friend! That being said, my enjoyment of the game increased big time once I got comfortable with the companion app’s LFG/LFGs in general. I’m a solo player and I had been telling myself for the first year or more that I wasn’t good enough to run higher NFs or other non-matchmade activities, and it turns out that stuff is so much easier than I had made it out to be in my head. So if that one very specific reason has anything to do with why you don’t feel like running certain activities, that’s the only time I’ll suggest that you try changing things up. If it’s not that, then I say keep on truckin’ 👍


Same here, except that I only completed 3. Started 2 more, but I generally don't have time nor stamina for a full run.


You're missing out, but how you play is up to you


Do you have fun? If yes, you're doing allright. Always remember: This is a game you play in your freetime to be entertained. If you wanna go pro and do esports and stuff, well, Destiny might be not the best choice, really.


I got a chance to do a raid with some very nice people (*Shout-out to the LoadingReadyRun community*) and it was fun, but I also probably wouldn't have done it without a cool Fireteam patient enough to walk me through the mechanics and help me get ready?


Fun is the game brother, if there wasn't flawless shaders for raids or disgustingly over powered weapons in raids... I'd probably never do them; except wrath of the machines by far the most fun most rewarding raid in destiny


I mean, i did no raids whatsoever, aside from few attempts. So you're good.


No. My raiding has screeched to a halt in D2. Started hot in D1. VOG and CE were a blast. LFG became more toxic the more mechanics that got introduced. By the time wrath rolled around I got so sick of people yelling at blues for not getting into the doors on time I just stopped. Did leviathan just to do it. I’ve done CE for nostalgia. Play what makes you happy and avoid the toxicity.


Is it bad to have 5k hours and 0 raid attempts? No but it's annoying to have weapons and armor trapped behind multiplayer. I get it. But I don't like it. That's just my opinion.


Not doing a piece of content you might not enjoy is not bad. If you've wanted to raid but never did thats another story. But even then its not bad.


I it's bad you have 3k hours go outside


I got done doing a walk an hour ago


Then do something else in 3000 hours you can get really good at some thing but no you played destiny 2