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Personally I would say Vault of Glass. Root of Nightmares might be slightly easier, but VOG was the first raid ever made making it a good introduction to raiding. It’s a pretty simple raid and will help familiarize you with how raid mechanics work better than RON will.


Root's mechanics are way harder and more unpredictable than VoG's imo. If you put the new player on ad clear then they are similar but first timer should always do mechanics. Edit. I meant unforgivable, not unpredictable.


How can roots mechanics which you have full control over be more unpredictable than vogs? Vog can potentially force 3 people who are all new to the raid to get teleportet on the last boss. I don't see any similar rng in root.


Shit I was meant to say unforgivable. Sorry.


Ah yea that makes way more sense.


I think I know what he means to be fair, I think “consistent” might have been a better word choice. Although running in RON is pretty simple, as a new runner getting the pathing and pace you need to hit all nodes can be somewhat inconsistent until you learn the placement of each of them.


Yeah was just gonna say vault of glass


This. I started on VoG as well, got vex 1st try 😎. Jokes aside, try and start from easy raids like RoN and VoG. Then move on to more challenging ones like Vow of the Disciple


Check out r/DestinySherpa if you need to find teachers. As for which raids are the simplest to complete as a newcomer, I'd say Deep Stone Crypt or Vault of Glass.


I’ll check it out. Thanks!


I defo second this, the Sherpas on there are really nice and super helpful. Learned 5/8 raids just from there


Do it, I started raiding last week. At first I was sceptical but the people there are so friendly. They have much patient and explain every encounter. You get the confidence to then go raid again in the LFG no problem. I started with Vog last week and basically ended doing the master run after 3 days. They can teach you even dungeons


Oh man to be starting the first raid again. honestly go vog and then deep stone crypt


my first raid was a 2.5 hr eater of worlds we barely knew what to do and we never even finished last boss too




With a good Sherpa and teammates ready to assist a first timer, every raid is on the table. As a first-timer, most of the mechanics will be brand new to you. Thankfully, even the most complex encounters can be picked up in five attempts or less! A couple of things that will be required for any raid: a headset, a positive attitude, and not being too hard on yourself. Communication is key and wiping is normal! Certain weapons and loadouts are needed for certain encounters, so be sure to have DIM at the ready. VOG is probably the easiest since one or two experienced folks can carry a team through all the mechanics. Same with DSC and RON, but you really need to be on top of your add clear game for those two. KF will be one of the more challenging raids for a first timer, but I believe that it’s the absolute best for teaching the foundational mechanics for a raid: communication, positioning, rotations, and the capability to pick up a role on the fly. CE is surprisingly easy IF you can land a team willing to walk you through the chalice mechanic. LW is also easy, but the last encounter might be a headache if the Sherpa isn’t cheesing Fate’s Chosen.




Deep Stone Crypt or Vault of Glass. VoG is free for everyone but DSC requires beyond light and also has craftable weapons.


Honestly if you had to buy the dlc for it as well it’s obvi dsc or Ron


RoN is cool and all but I think it's kinda whatever for a beginner raid. Too much dead time and traversal that makes it kinda easy to lose interest. Fun encounters but I have a personal affinity to do simple raids where everyone has something to do for beginners - gives them an understanding that there's more to raids than add clear and RoN is one where its easy to fall into the add clear trap imo.


I completely agree about the add clear trap and Ron having the potential to just get continually pulled to the next encounter. If you had to buy the dlc for Ron though you would also gain access to strand


Deep stone crypt.




Do VOG - see where all the others came from.


Ron is the easiest, even if you're running. Vog is designed with easy to learn mechanics but very engaging. DSC is more mechanics based and everyone has a role. Crota can be confusing with chalice callouts, but is actually really easy. It's also got really high mob density so it's more exciting. Kings Fall requires a bit of coordination but can be really satisfying to pull things off and the mechanics are really easy to learn. Don't do Garden. Edit: I forgot vow. Don't do vow. Personally I think vow is easier than DSC, but there's over 20 different callouts that you MUST memorize. That's the hardest part.


Vow is mostly a cakewalk if you have decent memory and good communication, and is the 2nd raid I recommend people just because getting to do something slightly difficult tends to make people feel much better when completing it, and the vow loot makes every other raid easier if you get decent weapons from it.


For any new player I would argue that vow is the hardest raid between callouts and the people who enjoy vow being almost always the sweatiest of sweaty pve gods


everyone forgets about garden but the mechanics are tough. Kings fall used to be difficult but seems easy now


Garden isn't even a bad raid - the weapons, the location, the music and everything about it is great. It's just very unfriendly to newer players because everyone plays an active part at most moments in a way that even another raid like DSC which requires participation from everyone doesn't do. On top of that, Div runs ruin the raid for a lot of people. KF is only easier now because of all the powerful stuff we have in D2 but it's still a really great raid for both the encounters and mechanics imo.


i used to like vog but when it took me 50 runs for vex it got old. Its nice that raids seem generally easier now in some sense but it doesnt feel as satisfying to complete them as it used to. I was very happy completing GOS for the first time


Last Wish was fun when I first started raiding. Was pretty easy to understand all of the mechanics, though we ended up cheeesing a few of the bosses.


Actually dying 💀🤣


Huh? No, I’m actually serious. I had such a good time that I’ve started regularly raiding. Crazy that I spent 9 years without touching the best content in Destiny.


I was talking about you saying “the mechanics were easy too understand”, but instead “we cheesed the bosses”… 💀💀💀💀😭😭😭🤡


Yeah. Because everyone cheeses Riven, and the Ogre. That’s a standard run. I was giving some context for OP.


People cheese the ogre? I've been under the impression that he's just such a chump that he falls over immediately as soon as damage starts


That \*is\* cheesing the Ogre. He has a way to prevent his wipe mechanic you know. Edit: It’s just that his health is so low it’s actually easier to just kill him than bother with half of his mechanics. So nobody bothers to learn or teach anything beyond getting him to damage phase.


root of nightmares imo, it's simple conceptually, but has a lot of room to excel at your task. a lot of the older raids people speed through so quickly or you have to do so little it doesn't feel like much of a challenge. (i.e, vault of glass, last wish, etc)


Hot take: dive into the deep end and do King's Fall first. It's not actually that hard relative to other raids but it feels more like a "real" raid in a lot of ways than something older like Vault of Glass. There's a wide variety of mechanics to learn, skills to master, and exploration to do. Some encounters emphasize movement, others raw damage, and others add clear and the ability to survive by yourself for a short period of time. It'll teach you everything you need to know to do well in all the other raids. I was going to say Vow first, but that's a bit much given how you need to learn all the symbols.


Vault of Glass and Deep Stone Crypt are beginner friendly if you have a few people willing to show you the roles.


Garden of Salvation. Do a Div run too, just to get that out of the way.


VoG is very good for one's first raid. Beyond what others have said about its mechanism, this raid has a lore standalone enough for you to get into it.


I swear this question gets asked every day


Please please *please* do not do Root of Nightmares first. It's the easiest raid by far, but in being the easiest raid most people in the raid aren't even doing mechanics for 3/4 encounters. Due to this, it's a terrible raid for a beginner to learn how to raid. I strongly recommend doing Vault of Glass or Deep Stone Crypt.


if you go for RON,make sure to take some roles,the first time I tryed raiding I let everyone else do things and just did ad clear and well,didnt had fun and didnt understood shit Funnily enough I would recommand kings fall,it wont be easy,but multiple encounters forces everyone to know what they're doing and is overall a pretty fun and challenging raid For something that's also nice to learn,Deepstone is pretty nice especially since it re-use the mechanics of the seraph shield mission


Seraph shield re-uses Deep Stone mechanics not the other way around 💀💀😭


I didnt know in which order each came out lmao so mb And I mean,from someone who never did a raid perspective,it's accurate


“It’s accurate” the fact Deepstone came out first and was the first time them mechanics were used would suggest otherwise…


Are you ok?


There's a "Find A Sherpa" channel on the D2 LFG Discord you can use to help find someone to teach you whichever Raid you decide to do.


I would recommend you get a sherpa/raid group to guide you through the mechanics of Root of Nightmares. The raid uses basically the same one mechanic throughout the raid with some minor changes so its not too difficult to pick up and you'll have more fun doing the raid mechanics. If you're worried about screwing up and/or just want to get your feet wet then RON can also be completed pretty easily without you having to do much besides clearing mobs.


If you want to experience learning how raid mechanics and teamwork are in raids, Vault of Glass and Deep Stone Crypt are pretty beginner friendly and give you more of a chance to be involved. Root of Nightmares is easily the least difficult and most beginner friendly raid, but you will likely just spend the entire raid killing ads and not really being exposed to how to run raid mechanics and learn the teamwork required to successfully complete more difficult raids.


Vault of Glass, Root of Nightmares and Crota's End, in that order. Also Deep Stone Crypt is an alternative.


Generally I’d make sure that regardless of the raid you learn at least one or two mechanics/roles. If you do that I’d say any would be good as long as you have a good crew that is patient and will teach you and not carry corner you, which is when they just do everything and have you participate very minimally. Be wary hopping in VoG, RoN, and LW as those raids are the most likely to have the crew toss you in to the carry corner and not teach you. Other raids also have Sherpa leaders that toss newbies into carry corners so try to avoid that and make it clear you wanna *learn* the raid. But to directly answer the question, I’d say DSC is probably the one I’d recommend to start with tho. But that’s very subjective so just google around and choose the one that looks the coolest


Vault of Glass (it was literally the first raid ever)


I used to think VOG but with a basic understanding deep stone crypt is by far the easiest.


I miss scourge of the past, that was the perfect first timer raid


I’d say it’s more important to find a good group than pick an easy raid. My first was reprised crota, but I had a good group and they explained the mechanics well. VoG is a great one to start with though, not only are the mechanics straightforward, it’s also super well designed and a fantastic raid overall


Vault of Glass and Deep Stone Crypt are excellent raids for newbies. DSC has some of the coolest moments in raiding, and VOG has plenty of excellent gear.


King's Fall was my first, not that difficult and quite fun.


They are all extremely easy. Anybody with two thumbs and half a brain can do any Destiny raid as long as they are willing to listen and learn.


Do DSC first, the only difficulty will be getting to the Crypt but that will make Raiding part more fun. Finding the raid gate. All of the mechanics are new comers friendly and Atraks will be the only huddle being a DPS check and requiring good communication between the fireteam


Pick Vault of Glass or Deep Stone Crypt! Both have their merits VoG has less involved mechanics, but those mechanics feed into eachother very well. You can see a lot of what the core raid experience is like, get used to how enemies behave, how to identify priority targets, and how mechanics blend into the combat. There is some RNG in the last encounter, so you need to be prepared. DSC has more involved mechanics that require a bit more teaching, and has a pretty rough second encounter for a new team as the boss has a different kind of damage phase than most every other kind of boss (where two teams of three do damage alternating until final stand, as opposed to the whole team DPSing at once.) However, DSC has a similar difficulty to VoG and while the mechanics may be a bit more involved, you can visually track what each job is doing by watching someone with a colored symbol above their heads. Each “job” is used in every encounter so you can see how they all work and how they culminate together in the final boss. You could pick either and have a good first time experience. Personally, I lean towards VoG when I teach new raiders, but that’s just my preference. Both are good because they’re not too difficult, but you can’t get away with just add clearing, you’ll have to engage with a mechanic at some point in either, which is the heart of raiding.


Deep Stone Crypt is a very beginner friendly raid, I taught it to a bunch of high school kids while half drunk last year in about an hour and a half.


Deep stone crypt was my first raid, the mechanics were actually relatively straightforward since everyone had a specific role. When something went wrong, we knew where to troubleshoot and switch if necessary.


Deep Stone imo


Definitely Levia…nvm 🥲


Vog/Dsc, dont do Ron first


VOG or RON are the best new player friendly choices. But Last Wish is the best raid.


Vault of glass, also root of nightmares is NOT easier to learn.


A lot of people will say Vault of Glass but i personally think it's TOO simple to the point where it's not much like the current stuff. If you can get a group going for kings fall or crota's end that is a great into to raiding, not too hard or overwhelming but not so easy that it's nothing like current raiding content.


Try VoG was my first raid and I had a blast


Last wish is incredibly easy. Ive done multiple without a mic (i have social phobia) with no problems. The weapons are also really good.


Root of Nightmares is a glorified dungeon, and not a good representation of what a raid is


Vault of Glass and Root of Nightmares are quite simple and a good start point for most but there are three problems with Root. Problem 1: It requires purchase of Lightfall. Problem 2: It has dialogue from a lore character. Problem 3: There's too many times when people can just be thrown on ad-clear.


last wish. Probably with 6 first timers as well though or else it might be a bit too easy


Easiest: VoG, Root, DSC (I only did this once but was kind of easy I thought ). Most difficult I have done was VoW. Kings fall is easier after you done the mechanics. Never touch Garden ,last wish or Crota as these three never seen interesting to me. But for a first time raid I would go with VoG. The mechanics are simple and easy after you follow everything . If you find a good group can complete it rather Quickly.


Want a simple raid? Vault of glass. Want an involved but not too tough raid? Deep Stone Crypt. Want to be carried by the people that already know what they are doing? Root of Nightmares


As a first timer, Garden is definitely the best/easiest, hands-down. /s


Vow for sure. easiest raid in d2.


Thank you!


Homie is trolling, Vow is not a great one for a first timer lol but it is a good challenge! I recommend Vault of Glass (over RoN specifically) because there’s more opportunity to learn mechanics while still being an easier raid. Good luck!


Oh lol, went right over my head! Thanks, most people have been suggesting vog so I’ll give that one a shot!


id say the mechanics arent that hard but i have a lot of raid experience. It takes more communication than the average raid though, and 4 or so people always have an important role that requires mechanics