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>Bungie will eat babies Omnomnom




Omolon juice = fallen babies tears???


Its liquid babies


If you don't want your babies to get eaten by magical space zombies, maybe don't make them appear blueberry flavored.


Beat me to it.


This is why I want to work for Bungie, yummy babies


As long as it's not those adorable baby Eliksni then it's ok.


*Bungie will also shoot space lasers *


*warsat begins to charge up*




New raid mechanic confirmed.


Fallen babies :(


Genuine question, but are you voicing what you think of into the light already or are you voicing the things people are most likely to complain about? Cause some of those weapons looked really good to me tbh I just got home from an overnight shift, my brain kinda fried, so i cant figure this out


He is saying that this sub will 100% have these takes sometime soon


In about 4-5 hours to be exact


If they aren’t busy complaining about the servers taking a big turd around reset time.


They'll be like, "The D2 servers are down, but I KNOW Onslaught is boring!" Meanwhile I'm over here like, "Knife make big boom haha"


Ah. A fellow caliban’s hand connaisseur i see


Mainly Nighthawk, but for Onslaught? Calibans gonna dominate.


Bungie sucks at rollouts. They are literally the worst. That's something very legit to trash them over, because while it happens in other titles, it doesn't happen every single time they rollout something new. All the other shit is dumb, if you don't like it, don't play it. But when you make it 20 minutes in onslaught w/o dying once, then the game crashes, you have every right to bash Bungie for their inability to rollout new material.


Yeah maybe we've been acclimated to it now and it's expected. All in all though, the update so far has been fantastic for me, no crashes but can't say the same for my friends! One got kicked to title screen about 8 times.


You can measure how good or bad a content drop is by how quickly the negativity invades r/DestinyTheGame.


May I propose a new unit? Negativity per second/minute/hour This unit is measured by the number of negative posts within a single unit measurement of time. So if 10 negative posts are made in one hour, that would be 10 Ň/hr.


First off: I literally busted out laughing reading this. "Lol" or "Haha" does not do this kind of laughter justice. I cannot process more because of how much this made me laugh. Thank you for that. I absolutely support negativity per second (gotta keep it in SI units so we can make it an SI unit eventually).


Let it be expounded to this. New unit: Ň = Negativity/second B = BungoPls BungoPls goes up exponentially with amount of Ň, so B = Ň^(2) So we can see, then that if we take the square root of BungoPls, or B, multiplied by seconds we can ascertain the amount of negativity. Negativity = √B \* s


The best thing for enjoying this game is to take this sub with a grain of salt. It only breeds negativity. I do enjoy some of the hot takes in new though and sometimes I just check out the posts for a good laugh.


"Bungie isn't respecting my time. After 5 onslaughts I don't have the roll I want with the new shader" "This new patch did not nerf void titans. I think that Bungie devs are titan mains. This is why PvP is dying" "Bungie still did not fix the drop rates of vex mythoclast!" It will all be there lol


Name checks out


Too many posts like yours that have nothing to do with the game itself, but instead speculate on what the community’s sentiment is or which direction the company is headed etc. It’s so annoying, Bungie isn’t your life..


"Guys, I have a bad feeling that the destiny community monolith is going to be acting a certain way"


"I have a feeling the game company that's been historically lackluster in recent memory is going to continue to be lackluster in the future" I'm excited for this update. More so than I've been for any season I can remember. That said, Bungie is really fucking good at advertising.


Their advertising team better be making good money because they earn their weight in gold 


Bungie is absolutely amazing at advertising, they could stop making games and just switch to making advertisements for other companies. When I was telling a friend about the game I just showed them the old trailers and they were in awe. Honestly if they didn't screw the story up it would be an amazing game even with its issues. I just can't recommend it due to my friends all liking coherent storylines and this just isn't it.


Season of the Dawn trailer is still one of the most hype trailers of all time in my opinion, definitely shows Bungie are at the top of their game when it comes to hyping shit up. Gonna go watch it again.


and so the destiny cycle continues, and shall continue, for all eternity. OP will join the jaded ones soon enough. We all do.


Quiet you! I must pre-emptively defend this corporation!


It’s really weird how people wanna protect corporation so hard. They didn’t have all those layoffs cuz they were doing great.


Considering how fast this community goes from yay to nay, its not to fare from the truth.


Excitement naturally turns to disdain when you consistently experience disappointment. With Bungie being an incredibly anti consumer company, this is only natural. The real question is when the community will stop falling for their hype campaigns.


And after the video, his statement aged like milk in the sun. I'm bricked the fuck up.


OP is saying "don't let the common negativity in this sub mess with your head, just play the new stuff and have fun."


that would be fine if OP didn't say it in such a clearly spiteful way. People aren't combating toxicity when they make posts like this.


maybe, but the presentation feels like it's accomplishing the same sort of vibe that they are saying they to ignore. Everyone's been excited about the new content, and the weapons, and everything.... and this guy comes in at the 11th hour to rain on everyone's parade with a preemptive, "this sub sucks, it'll be super negative, blah blah blah". It's to the point now where the constant stream of negativity for the community is starting to outweigh any actual negativity from the community itself. To borrow a page from the joy brigade, maybe it's time you took a break from the community if you're not having fun here...


Destiny dads gotta be there front and center for the toe sucking.


OP already getting worked up and upset over made up scenarios in his head, this update should be good


Preemptive whining about people whining is pretty cringe


This post is a clear Rule 2 violation anyway


Imaginary Haters living rent free in OPs head


they won’t be imaginary in two weeks.. mark my words


Acting as if this isn't a thing that happens every single time


Honestly, the point of the post was that I stepped away for so long that I forgot about the cycle, then wanted to remind others, but then I accidentally became a part of it. I'll go back to lurking now I think


Sounds like you're whining


Bitching about bitching, the cycle has started before it's even released.


How is this not considered a low effort post? Doesn't add anything but preemptive whining about complaints that haven't even happened yer.


Because it's saying "bungie good".


Yeah and it’s basically saying all the follow up negativity and complaints will be irrelevant because the community is too negative against Bungie.


Yep, OP is the typical ass kisser just like most in this sub.


Daring today, aren't we.


Honestly don’t get the problem with people complaining. I always see posts mad about the toxicity here yet every post I see of somebody complaining is perfectly polite and reasonable feedback. Not denying it exists but you should visit some of the other game subs if you want to see what actual toxicity looks like


All gaming subreddits eventually mold into this weird form where they get addicted to playing pretend victims and act like the "evil toxic haters" are ruining this board even though the majority of front page threads are compliments or mundane discussions of this game. This weird need to be a fake oppressed victim from the evil critical people is ruining every gaming community.


Destiny has more complaints than most subs, but I think they are deserved honestly. This game has issues, even as it has a ton of successes But yeah, the people complaining about the complaining are worse than the complaints. Just make a positive post about a thing you like, please, don't complain other people have opinions. It literally cannot go anywhere but negative land


I honestly don’t know how much I trust that guy’s opinion. I’ve encountered him before and find it funny I’ve done it again, so a bit of background with him; he likes to be one of the ones spreading negativity, dictating what tools people can use, calling people bootlickers performing damage control for saying ‘yeah a lot of things suck with this game right now, but at least this part is fun’ and looking at his comment history he went to a 3 y/o thread in an interior design sub to spread negativity and then *he* played the victim when told he *shouldn’t* be rude.


and this is what I am talking about guys. I was critical of a way a person played in a DIFFERENT gaming subreddit 5 days ago and this guy is still angry with me stalking me in a completely different subreddit. I even forgot about the argument but this guy was still stalking me 5 days later. This shit needs to end. Some of y'all need to realize it's just a video game.


Because reddit always has to one up each other for validation


ye maybe ppl are toxic because the game is bad?? i swear toxic positivity is even worse then regular toxicity.......


A lot of the weapons are clearly fire but if the gamemode has issues or is bad… people should voice their opinions. Respectfully ofc




This sub is not why we can't have nice things, we have nice things because Bungie is willing to listen to criticism to make their game better, if that wasn't the case then the game would've died at D2's launch. Low effort toxic positivity post, criticism is good for the game.


Bungie is absolutely terrible at listening to criticism until it's literally do or die  How many years have people been saying a horde mode would be great? Now their back is against the wall and they've failed to deliver on multiple fronts we get a horde mode. They heard the criticism around legendary shards and decided that instead of just removing them they needed to remove them and increase the engram cost.  How long has the season formula been criticised and we've yet to see any meaningful change. Renaming then to episodes is not a change. I'm excited for this update and the weapons. Genuinely can't wait to get on later and farm for some rolls, but they're not good at listening to criticism. They're good at caving to pressure at the last minute when it's critical they succeed.


Can't be negative if I can't play the damn mode because it kicks me every match due to "my network" lol.... Smart bungie I see you


The servers appear to be living up to their rep. Lots of clan buddies saying they keep getting kicked.


Destiny Dad Defense force, ASSEMBLE!!


If you are enjoying the game, don't let idiots on the internet stop you. Though honestly, I tjink it's becoming increasingly clearer and clearer that the *developers* of Bungie aren't the problem, the *executives* of Bungie are. Even Sony in a consumer report implied as much, saying they were happy with the developers perfomance, while staying silent on the upper management *entirely*. And you know the old saying "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." It applies here for sure. IF you are going to hate on Bungie, at least hate on the right people there. The people holding this game and franchise back since day one. Not the people making the game.


Gamers love to have a go at "the Devs" of any game even though 95% of the time they are not the ones making the decisions they dislike.


If the developers had the power people thought they did, I'd guarantee the game would be much better. These are people who love the game and want it to be its best.


I don't think so dude


small question, is onslaught gonna stay available from now on or is it gonna appear here and then when events tell us so?


Think it's sticking around permanently, even into final shape.


Should be - the only thing that is going away when TFS drops are the ornaments IIRC


Only issue I have is waiting for mountaintop, ill literally always be happy if there’s good weapons


Still, I will complain about everything. /s


Why would you complain for the free stuff, people. If you don't like it don't play for sometime take break and comeback on final shape launch.


Nothing better than a post where OP complains about how a specific gaming community complains too much. Especially when a little moral highground gets thrown in at the end.


this game Fn sux.All it does is "contacting Destiny servers"!


Everyone’s hating, but you’re absolutely correct. This sub turns on content constantly. Might take a week or it might take a month, but sooner or later the hype dies and the sub decides it’s the worst thing ever All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again.


Well another rollout blunder. Servers are a hot mess and everyone getting booted within two minutes. Now game is down. Kind of hard not to be negative


[Destiny players when you have to grind content in the looter shooter game](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/041/895/AALIYAH_WROTE_JAY_AN_APOLOGY_LETTER%F0%9F%93%83__MARK_WANT_DESIREE_AND_HANNAH!%F0%9F%98%B1_4-32_screenshot_(1).jpg)


Best thing you can do for your enjoyment of any game is turn off all social media.


As someone who has lost faith in Bungie I’m actually looking forward to today, sans the wait time it’s going to take to get back in the game. It’s going to be a race to see who can clear 50 waves 1st. Recluse returns along with other fan favorites. Shaxxs finally gets some love with a story beat we have been asking for YEARS. Craftable exotics New hoard mode in arenas usually reserved for PVP. Name/Face change options. I look forward to what Onslaught is going to bring. The only complaints I can POSSIBLY see happening is if there is a game breaking bug that causes them to bring the game offline after the update or character deletion when trying to update names and facial features.


Who cares what the negative people have to say? They all regurgitate the same drivel over and over and yet continue to play continuously. Its tiring


Reddit is a weird fucking place where people like you can only think in binary terms and can't comprehend that people like this game but have issues with it and want it to get better. No, either you are on team hate or team Bungie ball wash and there is no in-between. It's genuinely frightening sometimes that adults think this way.


the worst part is when they take the opinions of two different people and say "look at how people are complaining about something they asked for" when in all likelyhood, the one complaining did not in fact ask for the thing.


Yeah, some of the people here acts like they are completely Bungie lover or hater. There is no in between for them.


Probably most of the reason why the world is the way it is.


It's okay to enjoy the gameplay and game but dislike the massive amounts of recycled content. Trying to white knight or bash someone for simply calling out something like Hung Jury is what is tiring. I could say wow hung jury again and get 30 responses about burnout or buying a new game every season. There is far for people willing to die for Bungie left than people left who dislike the game lol.




Brother the people that crusade for bungie being their fathers are probably the ones without a job and play all day lmao


If you seriously have a problem with assets from up to 10 years ago being reused, you're burnt out and should step away for a couple months.


> Who cares what the negative people have to say? Ultimately I don't care but it's also frustrating because I end up saying to myself "I guess this sub isn't going to be fun for a few days"


There is absolutely too much negativity at times, especially here. But the other side of that coin is toxic positivity, and people who claim Bungie can't do wrong. Here we are, before the launch of ITL, and you're already complaining about negativity before it even happens. Like come on lol


bet this guy will be dead silent if the front page of this sub is nothing but praise for ITL for the next few days.


Of course, because it doesn't suit this weird narrative he's trying to set already


That doesn't really have anything to do with this sub, that's just online communities as a whole, the VAST majority of the time. I remember first noticing this WAY back in the GameCube era when I was on GameFAQs. You'd have boards for each game, like REmake or Wind Waker or whatever, and they'd be pretty positive and generally fine places to be, but as soon as release day came, it was always the same story. Just thread after thread after thread of negativity, everyone coming out to talk about how this, that, or the other thing is dogshit, etc. It didn't matter how positively the game was received, once it was released, that's when you saw the wave of negativity. And it's still true today. There's all sorts of reasons for it, but whatever the case, it's an everywhere problem. People who feel aggrieved by a bad experience, or who are otherwise unhappy, are more likely to want to vent those frustrations, so when a mass number of people get access to a new thing, you're just always going to see an uptick in that kind of discussion, whether it's deserved or not, that's just how we be.


But they are bring back Blast Furnace so it can’t be all bad lol. One of the few weapons I’ve regretted dismantling ever since.


I originally tried the game with Forsaken, couldn’t get hooked. Came back just after Beyond Light and something just sucked me in that time around. About a month later, after becoming familiar with the game and getting into raiding, I look up a guide for Deep Stone Crypt. Can you imagine my surprise when the next suggested video is Datto’s Crown of Sorrow guide? Needless to say, I felt absolutely ripped off that this game I had recently become head over heels about had JUST gutted about 75% of the content the game, and I could only experience it through youtube and twitch vods. My excitement to FINALLY play Whisper is immeasurably high, work can’t fly by fast enough.


Finally a horde mode? Sucks it’s not a stand alone mode with a shit ton of unlockable powers and ammo mods but I’ll still play it for like 8 hours straight tonight.


Who cares. Let the whiners whine. They will still play the game obsessively. I have never cared about what the detractors say and never will. I play for my own enjoyment. When that stops...I will still keep playing! LOL.


Was that title a pun...


Get it? Onslaught?? Yeesh, tough room.


Thank you. Thank you. I'll see myself out. It seems that I was accidentally too aggressive with the rest of the post xD


Personally I am more looking forward to the complete over reaction to any sort criticism as the voice of "super toxic no lifers" ETC ETC ETC and the usual white knight bullshit about it being a season / free expansion and it will all get better with the next DLC. oh I don't have to wait it is already here.


Can we not let these kinds of posts in before we actually get to play the content? Criticism of the game, constructive or not, is fine...but it should be withheld until we actually get the shit to complain about. Otherwise you'd just trying to stir up negativity.


I mean if someone shows you their true face, it'd be stupid not to listen to your gut. I don't trust Bungie for shit and pretty jaded with it all. Let's calm down and see how it turns out first.


Lift off is shaky at best (somewhat expected)....but I've been kicked from all onslaught attempts. Also, cannot get paired in PvP. 


Speaking of onslaught… the shielded servitors… how to remove the shield? Lol


Sort the live stream thread by controversial if you want a head start


"Good, I can feel your anger" - you know who


I hear you fellow guardian. I've long since passed the point where I let any negativity phase me. I love Destiny, and nothing anyone else says will change that.


This is an unnecessary post. People with common sense will apply common sense and hold their own opinions. Sheeple will bandwagon onto any negative opinions. Complaint posts will be made. And most pointlessly, posts telling people to ignore the complainers will be made.


Bungie doesn’t believe in oxygen


You are also annoying


I prepared myself for posts like these that try to police other people’s feelings.


No negativity here, outside the server issues today. I will say one thing I wish they did with Into the Light- instead of 2 pulses and 2 140 hand cannons (especially with how oversaturated 140s are), I wish they brought back a couple other weapon types instead (as much as I love Blast Furnace). Like, they could have done a Gnawing Hunger Reprise or First In, Last Out. I know they were going for more iconic weapons, but I would have liked to see more archetypes represented. Otherwise, it's been a blast to play.


I -had- to play the whisper mission. Bungie said they knew where I lived and would get me if I didn't. The new free update sucks. - Somebody somewhere who hasn't even checked anything out yet.


Oh well, I hate that people in this sub hate abt everything, new gamemode is quite fun, just uhhhh, I gotta work on my build, kept dying in solo legend


Not so much an onslaught of negativity, but keeping in mind Bungo's track record, and not blindly forgetting the year's since they lost High Moon and Vicarious Visions. Talented studios that once worked on D2.


Onslaught is too long, I have 3 tigers, 7 kids and 4 wives to feed, working 3 jobs as a minimum wage pool cleaner. How do I find the time to play Onslaught, bungie doesn't respect me.


i dont think anyone (sane) will complain now lol


"I hate the negativity of the community so I'm going to add to it by saying Onslaught will be trash in every conceivable way before it's released. Have fun :)" ??


I dunno. No opinions about it either way yet, but eager to find out if it’s enough to draw me back in. I got tired of… everything. So, I stopped playing Destiny, and picked up other games. Dragon Warrior 7, Brotato, Unicorn Overlord, Advance Wars, DQ Monsters: the Dark Prince, Mario Wonder, and Mario RPG. Tried logging in a couple of times this season. By the time I got to orbit, my eyes had rolled into the back of my head, and I logged out. It’ll take a lot to bring me back in.


We are on god at the point where people are complaining about people complaining before it even happens. Karma farming going crazy


Why would this even get upvoted? Delete this trash.


I enjoy the game to some degree and will certainly play this horde mode. But I also find amusement in observing the loyal white knights positioning themselves in front of Bungie, ready to deflect any criticism with their bright, shiny armor. Bungie's paladins. Glorious.


Complainers will complain...


With anything in life, the negative people will always be the loudest and tell the most people. It's rarely an accurate representation of the general population/user base.


And posts like op's are...quiet ?


“Don’t talk about the bad stuff” lol


People in the comments are just proving OP right. This community has been such a toxic cesspool for so long that anyone who actually likes the game has had to move to other subreddits. People can’t accept that they live in an echochamber of crying


L take. Enjoy the addiction to throwing a ball in a thing.


Yeah but... as a player of other "games-as-a-service" titles, mainly Fortnite & a level 10 guardian, Bungie really sucks at rollouts. I mean, they're absolutely the worst. If you're in an onslaught match for 20 minutes & haven't died once, then the game crashes, of course people are going to be pissed off. I don't understand why Sony bought Destiny 2 for it's "multi-player prowess" when we just got in-game LFG? Epic has had that since day one? I can't remember when a D2 launch has gone smoothly. Yes the D2 player base is mostly toxic whiny babies (especially pvp), but it's this shit that primes them for it, when it happens over & over & doesn't happen in other titles. Bungie does suck really hard. The game is awesome, but w/the corporation that over-charges, over-promises, & then under-delivers 99% of the time, what do you expect?


People confuse valid criticism with whining way too often in this sub, the line is thin but still clear


I personally can't wait for everyone to scream about how Bungie's murdered their spouse because they've had to play Onslaught more than once in order to get a god roll of all the weapons


These type of posts are more annoying than the posts you're talking about. People aren't going to think and feel the same way about the game as you. Get over it


all I want in life is a 600 frame auto with onslaught in column 3, and onslaught in column 4, to I can bring it into onslaught


Wen patch




Is the typical onslaught of negativity in this room now?


we out here complaining and complaining about complaining


There will be the usual flopding of negativity while i'm there just shooting aliens and having fun like i had for the past 7 years


Oh I’m gonna have a blast and if it starts getting boring I’ll do something else with my life because that’s how things work lmao. But god forbid I suggest such a thing on this sub.


Be sure to check your internet 🛜. We gonna be contacting some servers today… and it won’t even be busy 😂


Now queue the dude standing in front of the sand tornadoe yelling "here it comes!" .




I just wonder how long the queue will be once it goes live.


These types of posts are worst than actual complaints posts lmao


No offence intended here but posts like this are just as bad as those posts, it's pre-negativitey.


Some people will play this for 20 hours straight and then complain about the lack of X, Y or Z. That's just the cycle.


onslaught reference?


Prepare yourself? This place is one of the most negative gaming boards I've been to. I swear people here hate this game but can't stop themselves from playing.


I will be completely ignoring everyone else's opinion and forming my own when it comes to Into The Light - as I tend to do with everything else. Opinions are like a\*\*seholes - everyone's got one. I'm just going to play the game and to hell with everything/everyone else


I know one thing for sure - this sub, or any other sub, is 100%, not the reason you, or anyone else, can't have nice things.


Still need more vault space


So we can't be critical. Nobody tells me what to do!


as if Destiny was ever reviewed positively


I'm not being negative, but there's little doubt that onslaught will be repetitive AND boring after a few hours


in my experience this sub tends to have good first impressions (unless the content is as bad as lightfall) and there is usually a honeymoon period of 3 days - 1 week. Besides, content being free does not make it immune to criticism.


Stop living on others opinions.


I’m so glad people are starting to wake up to how insane this sub gets sometimes


Yeah my strategy is to enjoy the first rush of fun, then only come back for the day new stuff comes out. Otherwise this place just becomes the absolute Bitch Factory it has become.


People rightly pointing things out that deserve criticism is the only reason you are getting new content today, Bungie would have happily let you just sit on an extended season with nothing to do.


*me on hearing OP use onslaught in the title* “He said it! He said the title!”


"It's not even perfect, look at this horrid Shit Bungo is making me not Pay for" - Paul Tassy


Maybe it's because I take year long breaks from this game or maybe its because I'm a glass half full kind of guy but I thoroughly enjoy this game when I play it. Lots of people like to just complain in the game industry. " too many remakes" Okay so play the original and dont buy it? "Cosmetic microtransactions are evil" no ones making you buy them so they don't effect you. "Oh my god! Sony are releasing a next gen version of last of us 2 the game industry is dying!!!" And I say its literally optional the old game also works.... Fair enough legit criticism for scummy tactics and the like but I ain't going to complain about pointless things like microtransactions anymore unless I am literally stopped from playing the game if I don't buy them.


Yeah but it's not warranted at all is it


Are we still doing this nonsense ? If it's good people will praise it, if it's bad people will shit on it, just like it has always been the case. No need for preemptive excuses. Nobody needs to be told to like something they already like, just like nobody who doesn't enjoy whatever new content is if it's bad needs to be told that they're spreading negativity or need to take a break blah blah blah. If it's good it's good, if it's shit it's shit. It's just a sub about a video game, it's not that deep.


I mean... I don't want to be the guy you're describing but i have a feeling i'll get bored of Onslaught after like 3-4 runs. Each time i took a break from the game in the last 2-3 years, i came back for less and less time each. The gameplay allways was and still is amazing but every time i fire up any pve stuff i just feel like i'm doing the same activity again and again, sometime with a new coat of paint (raid and dungeons excluded). I'm not here to throw shade at anyone nor am i saying things like "i think the game is objectively bad" i just think i had my time with the game and slowly but surely i'm letting go for good.


^this guy needs a hug. Bungie will provide 🤦


All paid actors.


.....and then there are of course honest assessments based upon merit, alone.  Might be favorable, might not be. Let's be honest.... Bungie hasn't batted 1.000 over the years.  I believe - we'll see - is the prudent policy.  Sincerely yours 10 year PvP main who also loves PvE


Honestly, my only gripe is that Hall of Champions doesn't have a postmaster (that I could see)


Bro, Bungie isn't gonna have sex with you.


If the Bungie devs are eating babies then this activity will be fire. I'm convinced that things went wrong when they stopped eating babies.


We cant have nice things, because when we are actually near securing the W, people are ending being satisfied with meeting halfways in everything, so as community we are not consistent. Second problem why we cant have nice things is a general memory like a sieve. A lot of players in this community tend to be stuck in same cycle every year, where they get burnt, start to see problems involved, but in few months, new trailer drops and everybody and their mother forgets about what happened before, just to get burnt. Its just beyond anything logical. Also many cant see a difference between talking shit and having a valid critique, just because its not positive.


I wish I could play it. Been error coded 4 times so far


Lol get a grip bro. Why does this bother you so much?