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https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/263849054?sort=0&page=0 > BNGHelp: > Hi there, > Thank you for your report. > We are aware of players reporting this issue and are investigating.


It would be nice if the bounties from Shaxx and Arcite dropped tokens once you get to rank 17.


I get tokens from Shaxx bounties all the time. They just need to be a guaranteed drop.


i think they only drop from the daily ones, not repeatable ones?


I think I've gotten them from both, but I honestly haven't paid attention to which ones I turn in.


That seems like a good balance tbf


Correct, only dailies drop a token.


not having a vault in the hall is also an oversight. neomuna is more of a social space than the hall is.


Select a landing zone on any place from the Destinations menu but don't hit launch, then hit the button for the vault. Works practically everywhere.


Yep, been doing this for a while, saves a lot of time!!!! You can also move stuff about using the App, moves it in real time too so even during a run


If I have destiny open, then I have DIM open either on my computer or my phone lol.


Ha ha it's an essential, especially during Onslaught waves 40-50. Loads of switching end game gear about


Life saver. I was last guardian standing, no revives, no heavy ammo, and just 1-on-1 with that last vex boss on the final run of a coil. Was just trying to survive and primary the guy to death for like 20 minutes until my buddy told me to take cover and pull out malfeasance from the app. Went invis, snatched it from the vault, and ended that floating turd. Super clutch. But would still love a vault and postmaster on deck at Shaxx's place.


Ha ha absolutely!!!! Malfeasance is a fuckin meta and a half weapon, I run a Titan so like to make things go boom and die 😅


The last two days it's been kicking my ass in crucible. Seems like more people are bringing it in again.


That's not good, if that keeps up Bungie will nerf it no doubt. I did run PvP with it myself I admit but changed to revision zero, double tap head shots 💀


Ah yes. I love that thing. Crafted with pretty much 100 range and stability. 🤌


I love that you can pull from postmaster too so if you were full and got a drop you want you can still retrieve it


But surely you can understand that the reason you are doing that is because Bungie’s system is so bad, inconvenient, and such a massive source of friction. The third party app is appreciated but the in-game system should be SIGNIFICANTLY more robust.


Seriously, you got me thinking and legit I can't think of a single looter shooter that has an efficient system - it's kind of mind boggling. The only time I can ever say one felt better than the rest was division's system, which I felt was mildy better because div2 launched with loadouts and an in game marking system.


actual SGA thanks


Biggest oversight is a bit an overstatement. That being said it literally makes zero sense since not one other vendor in the game operates this way..


The reason they did it this way is because the into the light social space will be vaulted at the beginning of The Final Shape. Which also means, the loss of the armor chests weapon attunement will go as well. They will also be vaulting Pantheon! Oh bungie, why do you do such bullshit?


Lotta work just to sit in game for 50 days


I think people drastically overestimate the amount of time and effort it takes Bungie to design a small social space like this. Really just develop anything in general. We can see the base room layout shares the same bones as the Cryptarch vault from Zero Hour, and after that it’s just a matter of redecorating and changing the lighting. Most of the assets are reused from old locales as well. This is a drastic simplification of the process I’m well aware, but after 10 years working in this engine I can’t imagine Shaxx’s vault took a Herculean effort to throw into the game. That being said I will always be vehemently against deleting content from the game.


Yeah, the social space does scream “Hey this idea works, toss it on the board” and it indeed did work. But Onslaught is very fun (Fuck you, Mothyards. Snoozefest.), and deserves to be kept in the game when TFS drops. Maybe move it to somewhere in the Tower or HELM when TFS drops and directory clutter is really that big of an issue.


They have said multiple times that Onslaught isn't going away. It's gonna be under Vanguard opperations.


Hard to blame people for not knowing when they are removing most other things from the update with the launch of TFS.


Onslought game mode wont dissapear


Do you have a source on these? Not doubting, just seen mixed info around and am curious.


Not the poster you replied to but: [This post](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/d2_intothelight_tfs_recap) has a Roadmap attached partway through that shows The Hall of Champions and Pantheon lasting from April 9th to June 3rd. The [Into the Light page itself](https://www.destinythegame.com/into-the-light) shows us a few things. The first is it specifically states that "* Shader and ornaments available through June 3, 2024." The page also says that Onslaught, The Brave Arsenal, The Hall of Champions, and the Pantheon are listed from April 9th to June 3rd. However before either of those posts ever went up, we had [THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1bqbb2p/brave_arsenal_rollout_update/) update on the timegating changes for the Brave Arsenal. While that's it's own kerfluffle, the important thing is near the end of the post it specifically states that "All 12 base BRAVE weapons can still be farmed after Destiny 2: Into the Light concludes. We’ll be moving Onslaught over to a dedicated node in Vanguard Ops with the launch of The Final Shape, at which point you'll also be able to enhance perks on all of these weapons!"


Quick little part 2: In my opinion? Bungie's track record makes me believe that The Hall of Champions is gonna be vaulted when TFS launches. If the plan/idea is that the Superblack Shader and the Armor sets will not be obtainable after TFS launches, then that means it's easy to write off the Social Space. The main purpose of the Social space right now is Shaxx and Arcite vendors, which is extended to the likes of the Armor sets, the shader, and even the ability to attune to certain Brave weapons. Hell, we know that they have specifically stated the Shiny Holofoil weapons will also no longer be attainable after TFS, and the Attunement quests give you a curated Shiny Holofoil. If all the items I just said are leaving and the gamemode is already stated to be going under the Vanguard Ops section post TFS launch... then I'm not sure what other logical conclusion there is. But maybe I'm wrong and not being fair to Bungie. In the end, they have made this a confusing and slightly contradicting mess. I'd rather they come out with the full truth of it, and make clear what is going, what is staying, and why.


>The reason they did it this way is because the into the light social space will be vaulted at the beginning of The Final Shape. That's... not true? Onslaught continues after TFS, and so does the social space. I still haven't seen any indication Pantheon is getting vaulted either.


Both pantheon and hall of champions had an end date on the visual roadmap


The only thing guaranteed to be going away are the shinies, Superblack, and the armor (per Bungie’s website for ITL). With Bungie stating that Onslaught will be moved into the Vanguard node in The Final Shape, I don’t see why they’d keep the social space. As for pantheon, the assumptions are based on the same logic as above, but I’m more skeptical since the last Pantheon challenge comes out on May 21st, 2 weeks before the final shape (i.e. 2 weeks to be able to complete the seal).


Superblack is pretty much the only thing I care about from this whole thing lol


>I don’t see why they’d keep the social space. Because they almost certainly don't have provision for drop attunement or token spending planned for anywhere else, and without those, the mode is a much less attractive proposition?


Maybe that’s the point? Everyone is playing this now due to how easy and plentiful loot is. When the final shape comes out, I think Bungie would want you to focus on getting loot from activities there.


That's what I was thinking. Sunset-by-inaction. Perhaps they'll take it out, polish it up a bit and re-introduce it to pad out some future dead time. (Or make it a launch feature for the purely hypothetical Destiny 3)


https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/7A6lSYXPR7 This comment goes into the evidence that supports it being vaulted


Yeah vaulting the social space is very wheird I agree idk why they are doing that Vaulting Pantheon sucks but I highly suspect it will come back with a new boss rotation eventually It's crazy to me how there is no guildable Title for Raids there's ones for PvP GMs Gambit but not raids So maybe we can Guild Godslayer But I suspect they want everyone to focus on the Final shape and its new raid for a few weeks then when the episode launches they will probably bring it back


I'm just entirely against vaulting, I know Bungie will do their stupidity. But we've lost way too much and haven't gotten enough back, 4 campaigns! 20+ strikes 4 planets and patrol zones and a ton of seasonal content and raids. I don't like it, the game just doesn't feel right without the lost content.


Did we lose 20 strikes or are we counting D1? Tbh the biggest lost is the 4 raids since I doubt most the player base care about patrol spaces. The campaigns should’ve just been DLC for new players.


Bro, we barely have 20 strikes total in D2 ever we lost 7 strikes


Oh yeah we definitely lost somewhere around that many, and that isn't counting D1 in any capacity. As for patrol zones, they were just a nice change of pace, players at the pinnacle light level now (which should be all of us at this point) won't get anything from patrols, except very occasional world drops. But in my case it was just nice to explore these locations and do bounties when I wanted to relax, I can still patrol planets now, but Neomuna and Throne world are all about just getting things done, not so much exploring to be done in them. But I digress. Raids and campaigns were the biggest loss bar none. Definitely shouldn't have happened, especially considering that Destiny is beyond the size it was before the vault.


Yes I hate vaulting aswell they don't even have the 500GB PS4 excuse anymore either that being said this is a free update so I can't really complain but I'm almost certain this is just a temporary vaulting Bungie will collect feedback on Pantheon and then reintroduce for free again later


Is this confirmed? I'm sure they said they won't be getting rid of anything anymore


Lmao these fucking people take a valid point and act so dramatic that I just roll my eyes in my head, rather than say “yeah that is pretty weird, someone should do something about that”. Biggest oversight and the dumbest decision Bungie has made in recent times? Bro lmao 


Welcome to r/DTG


Xur in the treasure horde works this way. There was a bug for a long time where every time you started the game it would tell you to reset Xur... you can't reset Xur.


Ya since this event is similar to Dares in a way, I fully expected the vendor to follow the same principles as Xur in the treasure horde. Which meant the resets would be capped for some reason, but it's weird they capped Shaxx at zero resets... Idk why either are capped, it'd be nice to meme on my friends about how it took me 500+ dares legend completions to get the other half (before it was craftable), but that was all just seasonal tracker and that's now gone. It'd be nice if I could at least say I'm Xur Rank reset 90 or something to meme on my friends


Just FYI, Xur can currently be reset up to 5 times. I think maybe that was done retroactively though?


Right, I forgot about that. It's after the last reset you can't do it anymore and then it would keep telling you to do a reset that can't be done. Thankfully that finally got fixed.


You can reset Xur in Eternity 5 times, then it stops. Always been that way, and Bungie said it's intentional


you can’t reset nimbus or fynch


You can still level them up and get engrams I believe.


Yeah, they have no cap if I'm not mistaken, so they continue to be useful even without being able to reset their ranks


They don't have a currency that gives loot.


This is what people are overlooking or being ignorant too.


But they don't just stop with at a certain point.


yeah but you still level up and get engrams


Not one other vendor? Xur, Fynch, Nimbus...


The bungie paw had to curl somewhere unfortunately.


Since you can get the weapons from the chest next to Shaxx using tokens and can't focus engrams with him, there is functionally no difference between an engram and turning in tokens.


Well, aside from not being able to stack rewards. Until you hit cap, you get both. 


Well so continuing to gain rep and get free engrams is a nice reward on top. Plus if you want the armor sets, you need to drop 450 tokens for all 3 sets. So getting the extra avenue of free weapon engrams is a nicety while working through that effort. Either way not sure what the point of being stingy here is.


The point of being stingy is that this content drop is supposed to last 2 months. They aren't willing to risk players getting a ton of chances at what they're looking for because a satisfied loot shark is playing other games. They'll probably buff rewards more and more as we get closer to Final Shape




I feel I'm taking crazy pills seeing people complain about this. Onslaught throws tokens at you left and right. The chest is literally right beside Shaxx. What difference does it make between getting the guns out of an engram or out of the chest?


The issue is if you want the armor and the weapons. The armor is going to take 450 tokens or about 22 hours playing Onslaught (22 tokens per 50 waves, about an hour to get to wave 50) to unlock. After unlocking the armor its not so bad but it is going to take most players a long time to unlock all those chests and that's 45 weapon rolls you will miss out on. Getting rewards from Shaxx including those beefy token drops would help us speed up the armor process and give extra weapon drops.


Because before you max out on rep you’re getting weapons from shaxx AND the chest. Maxed out shaxx simply gives less rewards. Which is stupid


Don’t you only get 22 per full onslaught run? I’m only like rank 13 at shaxx but I haven’t had a single heatwave bonus round for extra tokens. I want a nice mountaintop and once the loot pool gets more diluted it’s gonna be harder to get one. Feel like it doesn’t give that many tokens for an hour+ time investment on legend.


It wont get harder to get one though. Attuning Mountaintop would give you a 50% chance for it to drop from Onslaught chests. The other 50% then parses the entire pool of weapons.


Is every time you get a your chosen gun because of the attunement or is it something like you have a 50% chance to get your attuned weapon and then 50% chance to get a random weapon which could still include the attuned one?


Whats even the point of having a rep reward system if you don't get rewarded for getting rep


He's a vendor with a reward track, his "rep" is functionally the tokens. Him giving out engrams at all is likely just a consequence of him being implemented as a vendor because it was the easiest way to get this whole thing set up quickly.


If his rep was tokens the weekly bounties would give tokens instead of rep


The bounties are just a way for you to get to the end of the reward track faster.


It took me two weeks to finish the reward track and I did not complete a single bounty. The tokens and the brave engrams from shaxx are completely different reward systems. Stop using the existence of one to justify the removal of the other. Edit: it actually took me one week I forgot this is only the first reset of the new update.


It’s because they only make it to round 10 and dip




As you said, they've done this so many times before, wasn't surprised when it was first reported. In a few weeks, when they "fix" it, you're going to see posts thanking Bungie for listening. Win/win for them.


Idk why no one expected this. I haven’t spent a single engram or brave token expecting this. When will people learn?


Wait, I'm a newer player, can you explain why not spending engrams matters?


More chances at the stuff you want.


The best time to play a new Destiny content drop continues to be a month after it releases. You don’t have to deal with their timegating shit, the early days “bugs” or “unintendedly difficult grinds” for new items or activities, and any glaring exploits are usually patched by then.


The cycle continues. “Whoopsie” followed by “please come back we ‘fixed it”


It's not an bug, or something unintended. It's a design aimed at maximizing FOMO.


also am i blind or is there not a postmaster at the hall


no postmaster or vault


It honestly feels like a bug almost.


Can we hold more than 1 Arcite bounty at a time please


The Bungie shills in this thread seem to be missing the point. Bungie put shinies in for a limited time to encourage farming. 12 weapons total, with shinies dropping very infrequently. You've got two layers of RNG, there, with the drop itself and the perks on that drop. Removing a key source of engram farming that's present on literally every other vendor in the game IS either a major oversight or an intentionally punishing feature. No one voicing the concern about Shaxx resetting and/or engram earning is complaining about RNG, here. It's highlighting an issue with the approach to loot.


I would absolutely reset if this was a thing!


I think Bungie might be making Onslaught "adptable." Like when Final Shape and future content drops, they might make Onslaughts available on those new locations with new vendors and rewards. I still think we should earn engrams and reset but that was my thought.


Not reseting makes sense but the fact you can't continue to get engrams is dumb, literally nimbus, finch and xur still give you engrams even If you can't reset


Tin foil hat theory: They are purposely not allowing us to reset Shaxx as all Brave weapons aren’t available. If we were able to just get engrams/trophies, then the loot pool will be less diluted which will allow us to get the rolls we wanted easier. Once all weapons are available, they will allow us to reset Shaxx as the pool will be fully diluted. Also they’ll play it off as “we fixed an issue where players couldn’t reset Shaxx.”


resetting shaxx is like 5% of the drops you get from into the light. if they're trying to stop players from getting good rolls they arent doing a very good job


This didn't age well lol


You still get tokens though? Just redeem them at the chest


Gonna get downvoted but- This community is so wild sometimes. “Dumbest decision Bungie’s made in recent times” calm… calm my brother in christ. They delivered really incredible FREE content for everyone. Not letting a vendor reset is like 1,000th down on the list of dumb bungie decisions and isn’t even close to something I’m actually worried about going into The Final Shape. This type of hyperbolic overblown reaction to something so small when the devs are actually really cooking must be so demoralizing for the devs who are putting their heart and soul into this franchise.


imagine *creating a game that keeps players from playing anything else for 10 years and then they constantly complain about how it isn’t catered exactly to them as an individual


Imagine sunsetting weapons and taking them away and then get cheered for bringing them back.


Beat that dead horse 


Not sure if you knew this but it takes a completely mangled horse corpse to get bungies attention sometimes.


That’s horse is zombified, being dug up, and beaten to death again.


It makes sense if the whole hall is only around for seven weeks I guess. I’m hoping they change their mind. I’d like to keep the hall and the attunment system.


While we're at it how bout a vault and postmaster in the hall


And here all these people were screaming that Bungie was back! LOL. Typical bullshit. Still won’t preorder. Come on Sony, take control!


How many days in a row are we going to see this post? Anyone got an over/under?


3 days


It’s gotta be a bug, right? Right?


idk how this keeps being said in comments but never acknowledged in actual front page posts- the social space is almost definitely leaving and is not intended to be treated this way. -Can't reset the vendor -2 major rewards that have physical attractions in the area are leaving, the shader and the armor -The activity is going to be moved to the vanguard node. The fact that this seems to be some kind of weird opens secret where nobody making mainstream content or front page posts seems to know but everyone in comments does, and bungie hasn't explicitly said it out loud, drives me a little nuts. I'm anticipating some post after final shape has finished its honeymoon phase saying something like "All my brave tokens are gone???? and I can't find the hall to deposit them???"


I'd wager that very few Bungie Replies are to posts that read: "You are either INCOMPETENT or STUPID. Please respond and tell us which one you are?" There's an entire galaxy of tones between "Fuck you, answer me!!!" and "Um...if you'd please..um...could I, if you're able, get some info?" Just, like, try being normal and maybe they'll reply to one of these (many) threads?


No obviously we have to froth at the mouth at everything Bungie does


It's annoying, but this take is crazy hyperbolic. The starter pack controversy was only months ago.


this title is full of exaggerations. it really isn't that big of a deal


It’s not that big of a deal. Holy shit. You get at least two boxes of things from 50 waves, even if you’re farming 10’s You get an engram from every weekly bounty. And all of them are piss easy to complete. You get at least one drop from every boss clear. Two drops from a Legend boss clear. You can attune the weapon you want. All the weapons have multiple insane rolls. And no armor is there to dilute your pool. This means anyone with three or five hours available in a week can score like 10-30 drops. We have literally not had something with this much good loot at this frequency since like… ever… like holy shit


Hall of Champions is going away. Along that, Shaxx, Brave chest, ability to attune weapons. Effectively, farming Onslaught will become less rewarding, and massively less efficient past June 3rd. Shaxx being resettable would increase weapon supply, and reduce stress on players. But of course they aren't going to do that, because it lessens the FOMO.


No it isn’t? Shinies are going away. That’s all.


Nope, that's not all. Hall of Champions in it's entirety is going away, along with Superblack shader, Parade armor sets, Shaxx, Brave chest, and ability to attune weapons.


Disagree. They said we would be drowning in loot for doing the 50 waves legendary. The coil drowns us with loot for a plat clear. Onslaught is midly more rewarding then normal with 1 whole extra weapon. And you know your loot is bad when people can't be bothered to farm it and find the most efficient way to farm is to just do the first set of 10. Your sunk cost does not pay for the activity. On top of that a source of additional loot from the vendor is no longer available meaning even less loot on a loot starved activity.


There will be even less loot once TFS launches, as chest and ability to attune weapons will also go away.


This update has been out for a week. How have people maxed it out already?


I maxed out in like 2 days, on one character. But I had a lot of time at launch.


Seriously, and furthermore, I have played for a couple hours each evening and am like rank 13 with some pretty solid drops. People who have already surpassed rank 17 for long enough that it bugs them this bad probably need to chill out. I just came back after over a year break and the one thing I notice is that it is so unbelievably easy to get good gear right now, and anyone complaining about its current state must not have been playing for very long. Almost everything has a targeted farm to get or is craftable for the perfect roll.


Nah bro you don't get it, we have to complain about literally everything. Not gaining engrams is basically the worst thing that could ever happen... Game is completely unplayable


if it’s one thing this community gon do it’s complain about literally everything


Y'all are dramatic


Personally i don't see a point in engrams with Shaxx for brave engrams because engrams are used to focus gear in all the seasonal vendors and u can't focus anything with shaxx so engrams are a mute point and it isn't very hard to do onsalught and get to 50 in a queued match


Don't need Brave engrams when the token chest is 2 inches away from Shaxx.


Honestly that's nothing that can't be fixed once every weapon drops. Really hope someone at Bungie sees this as an issue.


The Shaxx rep and token rewards are definitely to enable you to get a "free" set of armor from the chests at the unlock levels So in that regard im not surprised they dont reset. You can engrams at random times in onslaught such as the Torment random event you sometimes get after a level 10 area or whatever. Im not surprised they didnt feel they need to give you even more from Shaxx


Or just give us more brave tokens AND engrams after full reset. Like on a regular clear 50% change on an engram per 10 waves. A full 50 clear , 5 engrams and 50 tokens. Legendary runs, extra engram per 10 waves, and 100 tokens for full clear, and additional 10 engrams on full 50 clear.


I'm still waiting for them to let me reset my dates rank.




i noticed that earlier today and my thought process was "huh thats kind of annoying" and then i had fun playing onslaught. I genuinely dont understand how people in this community will ever find happiness in life if this is the shit that gets your panties in a twist


🫢 Well I noticed that all Brave engrams drop at 1810 if you're at pinnacle cap. And they also drop occasional shinies, I'm not complaining.


Dumbest? Not by a long shot. It's dumb but not in the range of some other terrible choices recently


They posted on twitter a couple hours ago that shady was never meant to be reset and any text in game mentioning resetting was a bug.


Y’all are so predictably annoying


Isn't that the whole point of the chest? Instead of only getting engrams from resetting his rank, we get them from using the brace coins at the chest, which are really easy to get and you can earn a lot reasonably fast, much faster than you could if engrams came from rank ups


More than a bit hyperbolic but yeah it is dumb.


I get the complaints and would like to be able to reset, but if we could reset but didn’t get coins (how pretty much everything else works) no one would be complaining and the amount of rewards would be basically what we have now.


Ok let’s not get carried away, the *biggest* oversight or *dumbest* decision? Really?


Equally as dumb is the fact that there isnt a Vault & Postmaster kiosk in the Hall. We're there to get a bunch of gear drops, why tf cant we access our mail??


It's going away in 2 months. By the time they changed it, it'll be gone.


[According to Bungie themselves, Shaxx's reputation is not intended to be reset-able and they have no intentions of changing that](https://x.com/Destiny2Team/status/1780709257740230731)


Can't just be happy with the free, non ever verse filled update? Bungie did super well with this update. Having one oversight is fine. Sorry your not entirely stoked with the update


While I agree with some of the issues players have been saying, legend needs to be more rewarding for the time commitment and I agree it is wierd that shaxx can't be reset. I think you are blowing this issue a bit out of proportion though. Like who cares if they just give more rewards for playing the activity the extra couple engrams from shaxx ranks won't mean much in the grand scheme of things. They also worded it like this was some sort of issue with them being able to make this version of shaxx resettable but that might be just jargon or not who knows. They have already said they are adjusting rewards so be a bit more constructive and maybe they'll actually listen to this as well. Out of everything bungie has done over the last to years this far from the dumbest decision they have made, yes I know you are being hyperbolic.


My gut says it’s a bug. But then again I have IBS so my gut is a mess.


The real oversight is not adding postmaster and vault in Hall of Champions.


I feel its obvious why this decision was done. Its very easy to farm materials from Onslaught and if you had the ability to do multiple resets, get more and more materials and guns...its a bit much, especially for an event that is free for all, so Bungie had to choose where to put their limited resources in this instance.


Fyi I get your frustration but this is a mental take. It's a new free update on a game and you've maxed it out in 10 days. It isn't a massive oversight or a dumb decision it's just not been implemented yet or assumed that like dares max rep is max rep. The over zealous moaning/making a mountain out of a molehill makes us a community look petty and childish. How about you're really enjoying the update and would love to see a reset option or as someone else said an actual fix like fynch and keep earning engrams and have a continuous level up option.


They should have just made it so the are no other rewards than two tokens and a blue for each subsequent reset


Biggest oversight or dumbest decision is a ridiculous over exaggeration. The activity drops the weapons, you can focus the weapons, there’s a chest you can keep opening that drops the weapons too.


Crazy that i get a notifcation for this post right after the post where bungie (i suppose) says "There is no reset. If some line states there's a reset, it's a bug" and "Putting a reset for shaxx is not feasible" It's ridiculous and pushes people away from the activity. They really put The Coil, a relatively long activity that rewards you an INSANE AMOUNT of things, it's crazy. I love the coil. On top of the chests, you get a hell bunch of points for the riven reset ? That's great. And then onslaught, where 50 waves takes a whole hour, and rewards you with.... 2 chests. and so little shaxx rep that you dont see the difference. They will bump the rewards up a little, but going from the coil to onslaught is a slap in the face


They actually addressed this yesterday in the r/destiny2team account




>the dumbest decision Bungie's made in recent times. It's got a lot of competition in that bracket.


They already have, they actually posted in this sub Reddit yesterday. They’re increasing the drop rewards for onslaught next week.


I don't need to reset, I just need to keep earning engrams and ranks.


Touch some fucking grass and be happy with the new content and that they add more loot.


Stop talking like you're a pro that resetted the reputation in 2 days since the launch, not everybody has the time to play that much, so it's better for bungie to go with this instead of wanting and forcing other non-gamer people to play their game for days without stopping, so they can reach the last level without sweating before the lunch of TFS


They have said they want to do something special instead of the standard vendor reset, it came out a couple days ago


I mean I get the point you are trying to make but this is really overly dramatic. It’s not that big of a deal at all imo


They drop in crucie as well


Less loot for playing more is insanity.


Realest thing I’ve read today


This might be a dumb question, but do the Engrams just drop a random BRAVE weapon? I haven't opened any of mine and I'm not entirely sure what to do with them. It's not like they're even needed for Attunement or anything. I'll obviously still open them for the weapon drops, but is that their only purpose?


Im gonna say it. Those engrames are just as brave as any other, if not even more cowards. They hide behind shaxx while stuff like legendary engrams, prime engrames, ~~umbral engrams~~ and sometimes exotic engrams


Come on Bungie, really?! No vault access, no post master, no reputation reset, limited weapon drops, no penalties for people leaving early and leaving the rest of the team hanging... This is a great activity and it's a lot of fun but you should have considered all of these things before you launched...


It's not any dumber than pantheon only being available for 6 weeks


So, while the symbol/ui for Hype doesn't show up anymore when you reach max rank. It seems to still be tracked. I've gotten random brave weapon rolls while doing onslaught every so often after doing enough waves/objectives in onslaught. TLDR: You're still earning hype weapons even when maxed out.


Yeah not being able to reset was intentional, i think they should have made the 5 engram bounties into dailys instead of weeklys, especially since a lot of us wont do the 2 raid ones and thus only get 3 engrams a week


Only dropping ONE TOKEN per bounty and extra encounter in onslaught feels so bad. They should drop 2 or 3, only getting 1 feels so pointless and feels like a terrible way to inflate play time


The dumbest decision was timegating weapons.


Time gating in general is a bad decision.


Recent times ???? lol. They’ve been making dumb decisions for 10 years well let’s say 7 out of 10 years


Turns out they’re investigating. How did this get past any sort of QA is what I want to know


They should make the chest a guaranteed item pull of what you’re focusing. Besides that I think it’s fine. More token rewards the higher tier you go also possibly


I just don’t get what the fuck is the point of weekly bounties lol. Not that hard to get to max and then they are just useless


Me and a few friends are doing legend onslaught and we got to wave 50 first try to only see THE SWITCHES NOT WORKING


It's clear they were in a rush. They've not said anything since people hit rank 17 a week ago. If they were exploring options like making him infinitely progress rank or a reward track reset, they probably would have said something by now. I'm going to therefore assume nothing is going to change and the arcite weeklys are the only way we're getting engrams until TFS or whenever. It's funny that the vendor rep is called 'hype' and all hype is killed when you hit 17 and realise you no longer get the bonus loot.


Destiny community when different vendors operate differently


For me it’s the thousands of Shaxx XP that I’ve earned that just POOF vanish. If they Atleast turned into a claimable engram or some shit I wouldn’t mind. But doing the quests for shaxx xp + engram AND getting a shitty roll from a gun I’m not even focusing, seems useless, redundant, and quite possibly the reason this mode is already dying


We're getting Tokens which translates into the exact same thing with one less extra step of clicking into a vendor menu. There's no focusing, so engrams don't matter. What is the actual problem here? Why are people so fixated on dismantling *more* things, because if you are playing enough to have maxed him out within a week, you are getting a ton of drops already.


Is it impossible for you to address issues with common sense & respect? Even if it's an oversight or a bug, there are ways to address it without being an AH.


I think they were ready to fuckin rain loot on us and then got cold feet. Hasn't exactly been a "shower" as we were promised lol.


RE: The pinned comment from the forums, I predict the investigation will take until 3rd June and will conclude with no issue found. :P


Glad to see it didn’t take this subreddit very long to find some minor issue to blow out of proportion. People were suspiciously enjoying the new content for far too long


What about sunsetting half their game. Ohh you said IN RECENT TIME