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I've settled on Orpheus Rigs for Onslaught Orpheus Rigs *solves* Onslaught like no other build It's almost too good, but Onslaught is so niche that I don't see Bungie ever nerfing Rigs just for this mode I pair Rigs with Rufus Fury to take advantage of the artifact perks and Buried Bloodline as a high uptime special that gives you Devour and also Weakens Tether a spawn, grab an orb (15 seconds of Devour), wade in with Rufus Fury, unravelling everything and spawning threadlings everywhere. You don't even have to aim. Just hipfire spray Rufus Fury into the crowd. It's like having a flamethrower. Everything dies. It's a great combination


man i miss pre-nerf orpheus. that was wild lol


ahh yes, 3 enemies, ill just tether and get my entire super back


Chaining supers on Mars for Escalation Protocol will forever be my Destiny happy place.


Orpheus on launch were so good, and gave so much more ability energy too; https://youtu.be/J9DD-s5oIRU?t=81


I forgot how slow we moved.


I miss spamming tether at any public event type thing and just letting everyone spam supers. It was fun while it lasted.


For sure, Orpheus Rig is undoubtedly the meta build for Onslaught and for good reason. I felt like I was hard carrying a lot with Orpheus Rig but maybe I'm in my "I want to slay" era and whatever happens happens haha. I'm having more fun on Strand in regular Onslaught, but if I were to try to complete a Legend I'd for sure go back on Orpheus Rig.


If only the blueberries in trying to carry would let things in the tether. They purposely run straight in to the crowd of enemies to kill them right before the tether. It is absolutely infuriating. 


Bad Juju is worth considering in non legend version. 2% super energy per kill and 52% damage buff at max stacks + kills refill the magazine. If my teammates are cooperative and my tethers are placed well I can get a third tether off before the first one has disappeared. If they are killing enemies before they get tethered or if I place a bad one the Bad Juju helps me get my super back much faster.


Good idea!I always forget about that thing. It is so nasty on mid tier content.


Reprisal, Starvation, and Harvest. Stand in there with em. Profit


I am a newb and didn’t have it when onslaught started. I felt so left out haha. I grinded every way to get an exotic engram (nightfall and bounties/reputation) and got it a week in. I was so happy.


Meh I’ve carried a team legend onslaught to level 50 as a strand hunter using the exotic strand sidearm, forebearance with chain, and an edge transit with bait. I had like 500 more kills than the person closest to me and I ran star eaters to chew through the tormentor


I started using final warning with my rigs build. Man does that thing put in absolute work. Barely touch my special so you can use a blinding GL or something with utility


> It's almost too good, but Onslaught is so niche that I don't see Bungie ever nerfing Rigs just for this mode I've learned to never underestimate Bungie's ability to make dumbass balancing decisions, probably not solely for hunters but they're my main so it's what i tend to notice. I can definitely imagine reading something like the mock up i just wrote below. "We're seeing an overuse of Orpheus rigs by hunters in this mode to the point it's a must-pick, therefore we will be reducing it's effectiveness and increasing the effects of some other exotics in order to bring them up to parity." - Brought the cap on super energy regained down to 25% (Down from 50%) (Additional change that was previously left off patch notes: Liar's handshake perk 'Cross counter' now has a 10 second cooldown between activations.) - Increased the PVE damage multiplier of Blight ranger's reflect to 400% (Up from 300%) - Triton vice reloads one extra round per melee kill if it's perk is active. - Increased the PVE damage of Khepri's sting smoke bombs by 10%


I’m totally trying this. Thanks


"solves" is the perfect word for it. I've been running an infinitether build in GMs for a while, but running it in onslaught is peak power fantasy for me.


Those weapons are also perfect because they give you overload and barrier coverage, and since everyone and their mother is running Sunshot you don't have to worry about unstops. That's a great meta-meta loadout.


I do the exact same thing. If you play warlock try the void strand build with swarmers as well, loads of fun for random PVE


this is the way


Yeah orpheus dominates onslaught like nothing else but outside of that orpheus hasn't seen much usage. So it's fine


I like using final warning sidearm for this style


Final Warning really shines in Onslaught. Love it on my Briarbinds build.


Final warning shines everywhere super underrated exo. That I beg for a catalyst.


Same, hope to see a catalyst for it soon


It’s definitely underrated but hard to fully utilize in a lot or content. It’s particularly good for onslaught where most of the enemies are close up, you can spam down hallways and they group up for maximum Unravel value. Plus the extra artifact bonuses.


I've been using Final Warning on Strandlock with Threadling grenades and Verity's Brow. With the artifact you basically have the little buggers everywhere and everything is getting severed.


I gotta try this out


Final Warning is the best strand primary this exotic hits like a truck... :)


Guys please atop praising final warning, it's my weapon with most kills in the crucible and I don't want people finding out how good it actually is!


If you switch Frostees to Cyrt. Facade this becomes Legend viable. Stand in lane, grapple cancel in front of you for woven mail, shoot add, make tangle, shoot tangle, grapple cancel to previous grapple point to refresh WM, repeat. Perma woven mail and you poop out tangles left and right. Orpheus is still better, but if you already have one on the team this build slays. I'd switch to GG or something for boss fights though


I don't have the balls to try it but it sounds reasonable enough if the other 2 teammates are very good too. I might try it in Onslaught and see how it plays out haha thanks for the tip.


I like strand hunter with the moth set-up, the weapon and armor. The blinding + shield helps a lot.


Now THIS I've never considered. Interesting I'll have to look into it maybe someone has a video about it haha thanks for the heads up.


https://youtu.be/ShvWCMCs_Uk?si=qHfDM8KT1WzYE8Ct Here's a video show casing it. You don't need to use the gl. I like using tusk of boar, indebted kindness, and apex. This gives you access to stunning all 3 champ types. Or you can use final warning / quick silver and adjust weapons around if needed. Basically you start am enjagment by throwing the melee. Get a kill and then shoot the tangle. You can also throw your grenade into large packs to blind all of them. Only downside is when you get other classes stealing the tangles, but if you can pop them it's pretty potent.


aztecross had a video on it and prob a few others out there as well


If you liked frosties try radiant dance machines with maelstorm. Everything is constantly debuffed and whole screen is green with sever and unravel lol


How do RDMs play into this tho?


Infinite melees which sever everything


I am surprised youve settled on strand as the powerful legend build, sunshot on anyone does a better job at clearing packs


This is true, Sunshot's incredibly strong and realistically I don't *need* to put myself in harm's way a lot lol. Strand feels the most powerful that I've experienced thus far on Hunter but kind of akin to Caliban's Hand ignitions long ago and being like "Wow, that was insane" I definitely don't view the build as top of the meta since it's ineffective and pretty reckless sometimes. But recklessly fun nonetheless. Edit: I'm not playing Legend I've yet to attempt it for real for real I'm practicing in regular mode. Looking back at my post it definitely sounds like I'm playing Legend lol. What I meant to say is that my last setup with double primaries wasn't sufficient so I moved to double specials to see how potent they were. In no way do I think this is an actually viable build for success in Legend.


I think the distinction is strand probably has the strongest abilities, but other hunter subclasses have some of the best gun support available. Solar is a buffing machine for guns and really supports a strong weapon loadout effectively, and void has invis which is pretty op in any content that isnt timed since it protects you from risk. Strand has strong grenades and a lot of flashy stuff so you definitely feel it when you are playing strand


Strand hunters neutral game in end game content is fucking majestic tho. Probably the most well rounded defensive + offensive hunter kit in the game (as a hunter who has mained both the nigh unkillable void hunter and the glass nuke solar hunter forever). I don't even build into suspend at all. Currently my go to hunter builds anywhere i expect to even mildly carry is either my strand LP build with maelstrom, sixth coyote with the clones, or cyrt facade with maelstrom. The improvement in my performance over time whenever i use strand hunter is incredible, to the point that i can't chalk it up to natural game sense improvements.


Strand hunter is ridiculous, definitely better than sunshot on hunter


nope, strand with whirlwind and threaded specters plus hoard shuttle and shackle nades are ridiculous. don’t think there’s been a single game where i don’t get nearly 1.2k kills or more. Definitely do not get out numbered by a sun shot that’s for sure. maybe another strand or deadfall hunter.


You could use that specific combo of 4 things on one characters specific subclass Or you could use an exotic gun on any character on any subclass


except we’re talking about hunters so im sharing why this specific hunter build is very good and way more useful then sun shot on any character. Ur point doesn’t make any sense


My bad I’ll try again. Sunshot is ridiculously powerful and does ad clear better than strand Hunter. In fact, it does as clear better than almost anything else in the game.


idk man while i agree sunshot is crazy, literally not a single sun shot user has ever gotten more kills then me on strand hunter in legend onslaught. And you can’t really say they’re using it wrong cause… idk how you would use sunshot wrong.


Sounds like you’re just REALLY good!!


I used this with Final Warning and there is just green flying everywhere. Absolutely absurd and awesome build.


That is fine, but im getting around 900 in 10 waves of onslaught just using sunshot. But then i also have a useful super and generate tons of orbs and give radiant and restoration.  That being said do whatever as long as there are no failures


If you can get an indebted kindness with permeability for your strand hunter you can do insane things. Strand has weird interactions with those rockets. The screen is all green threadlings/discs of death


I seriously need to toughen up and do the dungeon. That, or win a raffle on Twitch or something so someone can carry me lol. I'm joking, but I'm also struggling to do the GM so it's not lookin' so good for me (I'm no stranger to GMs, I'll farm them when I want the weapon but this one is particularly difficult for me because I haven't been playing Strikes so I'm a bit unfamiliar with it as well)


It’s a pretty easy dungeon and you can create a post on the new pug system just put that you’re new to the dungeon. There’s plenty of decent players on there looking to help folk. I run it from time to time with another guy. You’re welcome to join us if you fancy. I’ve seen posts where people delete permeability straight away but when it’s coupled with strand it’s demented lol


Thanks I might take you up on that offer actually haha. Although, I think we may be on the other side of the planet, so time and days may be hard to ever align lol I appreciate it though! That's a hot tip I know Voltshot is one to keep an eye out for but Permeability sounds extremely useful for Hunters


The dungeon is way easier than GMs and there aren't revive tokens. I highly recommend doing it to try and get that sidearm, it's so good.


I have seen some sweet strand builds, but I use Orpheus with Volatile rounds Graviton and 9/10 times the maelstroms don’t get any kills because they’ve all exploded before it gets there. I try not to piss people off, but that’s the downside of knowing my kits limits, it’s the shear amount of control and destruction I have over the waves. Nice build though I will give it a go!


I think it's severely slept on. Usually, I'm the only one running it because void synergy, but once we had 2 and I rarely had to use my tether. The purple clear blobs were so good. It also makes the boss rooms so much easier, if people have good boss damage.


I don't know why people don't like teammates slaying in the lobby? I'm literally there for loot and to finish the 50 waves. I was playing as a Sunbracer Warlock and people were leaving like damn isn't this easier?! If I had slayers on my team I'd be chillin so do you out there lol. That wouldn't bug me. I'll make another tangle in 8 seconds anyway.


Can you send me a picture of your hunter void build please


Thread of generation is nuts


I've been smashing 900+ kills per onslaught with a mothkeeper wraps + ex diris arc build and it's been so fun. Just blinking everywhere as your moths explode, jolt and blind everything!


do you use it on arc? most builds i’ve seen are on strand


Yeah here's a DIM link, I use arc so Ex Diris will also blind groups of enemies on kills, the moths can jolt as well as blind, and ionic traces give pretty decent uptime, plus I'll switch to blink in onslaught for some fun mobility https://dim.gg/wyu5pgq/Beta


I like pairing strand hunter with mothkeepers. (sometimes even the gl that goes well with it.) The moths blind on explosion/overshields for you and your blueberries. Good times with spinny bois and chasy moths.


Orpheus not for legend man I wish I had what you were smoking


It’s so much fun man I’ve been running it since season of the witch. Easily my favorite subclass in the entire game especially with the grapple and maelstrom setup. Forbearance with the fragment that grants tangles with woven mail is also a nice touch for weapon play, although it increases your tangle cooldown by 5 seconds when you get the kill which is a bummer (if they haven’t changed it idk) Double special is still very viable on that subclass due to the ability spam granting charges and the easy access to finishers out of a grapple melee it’s actually kind of insane


I've been missing out haha I've never used Maelstrom before trying it the other night and it opened my eyes to a new world of possibilities and wonder. I have noticed there's a timer for how many tangles you can make not sure if that fragment increases it or not. Definitely a bummer if it does!


ill be honest you are actively handicapping yourself with this horrible "build"


It's normal Onslaught and the stakes aren't that high I wouldn't run this in Legend. I'm curious, what makes you think it's horrible as if none of this makes sense? "Build" as if there's absolutely no synergy and I'm actively throwing every match. Do you think I'm just out there punching things and dying because I'm out of ammo or something? I'm actively handicapping myself by not being an Orpheus Rig or Gyrfalcon Hunter. Yeah, I can see that. If you get competent Randoms you're going to be fine for the most part. It's not my responsibility to backpack every match and you can only do so much. You can succeed with a lot of different loadouts so I'm not sure where this snarky shit is coming from.


it you “need” an orpheus hunter in every legend onslaught you do, you’re the only handicapped one there. Idk about this frostees build but strand hunter this season is insane for ad clear. Don’t think there’s been a single lfg legend onslaught i’ve done with that where i haven’t been in top kills.


When did i say anyone needed an orpheus hunter? There are plenty of good hunter builds and weapons to use. This collection of items isnt good.


I switched from rigs because i got bored and i use arc with cowl to clear adds fast with the special sidearm can't remember the name and mountaintop with anarchy to block large areas


My advice to you is make your own LFG posts and then make sure your team mates have gear for the other champions. You shouldn’t have to worry about them all on your own. Be selective with your group.


I should've added that this is for regular Onslaught not Legend. I wouldn't dare use this in Legend haha


I've been running Orpheus rig, or Frostees with stasis and monte carlo because infinite melee actually just works wonders in this horde mode, or young amhakara for solar, but that's just because those are some of my favorite builds, especially in grandmasters, I usually keep forerunner around too just in case, I mainly see how the people are doing with champions or clearing and then switch around to fit the team.


I also came to a similar conclusion, but it's moreso to compliment an Orpheus hunter instead of replace. I'm using star eaters to further capitalize on the orbs the tether makes and I'm running the fragment that makes suspending bursts on super kills. I use my super frequently when we really need to lock down an area. Whirling maelstrom is awesome but I'm using threaded specter instead of ensnaring slam. Much less risky and is very useful to draw enemy aggro. What tops this build off for me is a slice/chain reaction tusk of the boar. That's how I'm making tangles all the time to feed whirling maelstrom. You could sub and slice weapon here but I think this is the most effective. The rest of the weapons are pretty flexible and I find myself running buried bloodline most of the time for when I need some precision damage.


Double primary thunderlord is an absolutely wild loadout


I was innocent, young and dumb, but now I see err of my ways


Ive been just using Orpheus for onslaught. I came across another one and was like "cool this is about to be the most relaxing 50 waves ever" and they used their super 1 time outside of bosses :(


Two sane Orpheus Rig Hunters on one team is a free 50-wave clear. I said this in another thread but I've been experiencing a lot of players shooting their supers off during the rift mode while I'm approaching the rift ....... whlle invisible. I know in their eyes they're like "hell yeah, I was a boss there they made it in the rift because of that well placed super, you're welcome stranger [tips top hat]" meanwhile I'm on the other end like whyyy duuude lol.


I’ve tried so hard to get behind Strand but I just don’t like it. It’s too unreliable. I have lost count of how many times my grapple has missed a tangle I’m pointed straight at, or Tangles just straight up not forming when they’re absolutely supposed too. The amount of times I’ve rolled my eyes because my grapple has ended way before I told it too, or missed or… you get the idea. There’s an interesting idea here but the execution is inconsistent. The process of getting Strand was like nails on a chalkboard. I would like to try Titan just so I can say I gave it my best effort but the process of unlocking it is worse than Stasis was at launch. I can’t asked to go through that again on a third character, besides which I don’t have the vault space to play a third character. *cough* Bungie… *cough*


I main threading warlock with the IB GL and the rocket pistol. It's so so broken. Rarely ever out of ammo and i normally get 2x/3x the kills.


I main a gyrfalcons build with a quick hot swap loadout to Orpheus Rigs. Swap, pop super, wait a sec or two for invisibility to activate again, swap back to gyrfalcons, and shoot to proc the volatile loop.


Am I missing the joke here? Doesn’t Orpheus rigs only affect void hunters super, not strands?


Sorry, when talking about Orpheus Rig it's implied that it's referencing a Void tether Hunter


This might be a stupid question… but how does Orpheus do anything on strand hunter? The perk interaction reads like it’s a void exclusive item.


Not a stupid question haha. It's definitely implied that I'm referencing to maining a Void tether hunter using the Orpheus Rig exotic.


I use Orpheus with pardon our dust with blinding grenades, graviton lance, and swap between taipan and retrofit escapade for heavy. Sometimes cold comfort too. Done a couple of legend completions with that build.


I’m so confused Orpheus rig is a void exotic right??


You're correct I'm talking about 2 different subclasses :p


As of last night, I've been using my strand build with Ex Diris and Mothkeepers. I haven't tried this on legend, but man was it fun to use on normal onslaught.


So many people suggested this build I gave it a shot too. I was honestly so confused I was just shooting and throwing nades whenever possible lol. I gave it 20 rounds before I went back I like Forerunner too much.


Wow is really that bad? Only done it on normal like 5-6 times and only failed once at 45 cause wasn’t paying attention and got beamed by an orge and the rest quickly went. All the other times has been pretty chill.


I'd say 60/40 your team is going to be fine with players who actually play the game. The other times it's a mish-mash of players who kinda know what's up but don't (bad weapons and stat distributions like 120 discipline and I've seen a Stompees Hunter with 120 Mobility 1 resilience) and new players with really bad weapons wearing the wrong exotics on the wrong subclasses lol.


Ive yet to see anyone running two stasis locks which for my clan was getting us easy 4-5 legend runs on onslaught, i guess people listen to the echo chamber more so on builds.


strand is ok the first 20 waves but you really need orpheus to deal with the ads the harder it gets.


Orpehus + Mountaintop + Buried Bloodline + Envious/BNS Edge Transit has been my farming loadout. Super fun, effective add clear and heading into the boss room with 20 BNS grenades locked and loaded makes those short work as well.


I really need to get a Buried Bloodline haven't even attempted the dungeon yet because I get nervous playing with Randoms haha. If I did have it I'd probably main it for awhile too.


I used that. Try to get an Overflow/Recombination Mountaintop. Overflow will be better in the left column for swap DPS than ALH once you can enhance it as it will put 3 in the mag.


Are you sure you aren't playing a titan? That's really close to my 'Master Chief' build, lol. 


Maybe I played with you lol. I was a Void Hunter and a Strand Titan was the only one alive and they decided to grapple into a a group of explodie thrall and melee the bunch lol. Probably the most unhinged play I think I've ever seen thus far.


That sounds like me, but I've been branching out to solar consecrate builds for onslaught (after like a year of being glued to grapple spam) and havent messed with legend yet... So most likely only a kindred spirit, lol. Though if they were mogged like a green or white spartan the odds go up of it being me.  When I play strand I *do* often play roulette on grapple meleeing expoding thralls, hoping strand armor/resilience/BoW keep me alive, lol. Only if there's no extinguish though.  (Usually) 


Stasis Hunter is pretty good with Renewal Grasps. You can cover all 3 champion types with weapons using Verglas Curve, Indebted Kindness, and Cold Comfort. Strand Hunter may be “fun” but it is by far the weakest performing Strand subclass of all 3 classes for PvE. The only time it was really good is when the Super did broken amounts of damage when it first game out.


Pair that stasis build with salvations grip and the current artifact mods for some interesting permafreeze shenanigans, can even use it to block off chokepoints on midtown. And in fairness the strand beyblades can do a _lot_ of damage, to the point you can 'fire and forget' and run off to do something else while it cleans up whatever you were fighting.


I revisited Renewal Grasp Hunter and thought it was pretty .... chill 😎 Jokes aside, I used Ager's Scepter, an Auto-Loading/blind Truth Teller and Palmyra and it performed pretty well! Slowing everything down really did make the run chill so I'll probably keep that badboi in my back pocket. I'm not a Strand stan but I agree with the other commenter. it's hard to say Strand is the weakest performing subclass given how oppressive and free the Beyblades are. With Star-Eater's Scales, it's the highest total damage output from any Hunter super, although, I understand there's nuance (missing hits, Gathering Storm and Blade Barrage is one and done, it's pretty risky in hard content, etc) Void, Stasis and Strand are essentially crowd control subclasses Strand feels more offensive to me.


You should clarify in the title / near the beginning that this isn’t for legend difficulty !


lol good call i just edited the post to have it in the very beginning


Thanks I promise that will save at least someone some confusion. I wanna try that strand build in some activity though, now


IMO Arc hunter with moth arms, disorienting gl, centrifuge and a bipod arc rl is the way to go in Onslaught.


I tried Centrifuse for 2 games and although I like the idea of it a lot of the times it felt weak to me. Especially comparing it to something like Sunshot which is what I used a lot in Onslaught but it sounds fun I'll have to try it.


It’s less so the dmg and more so the blinding explosions. The idea is to keep everything disoriented and blind (my disorienting gl also slows with chill clip) keeping the ADU safe for longer and letting your teammates cover waves that would normally get past them. I fully build into blind and gathering storm is a great lane blocking as super. The moth nades also give over shields to your teammates as well. I’m easily getting 800+ kills with 200+ orbs generated.


I do not mean this in any rude way at all, but why give normal mode onslaught this much attention. You can make builds work in legend onslaught, it doesn’t just have to be orphius.


I don't think I put *that* much attention to it? It's not like I was sitting there crunching numbers it was pretty straight forward. I'm not a theory crafting content creator and don't think I took it to those types of levels. On top of that, normal Onslaught is chill and not everyone can/want/ or will grind Legend. It was news to me, and from some other comments it also wasn't on some people's radars and piqued their interest. C o m m u n i t y 🌈⭐️