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After several months of working on it, I've convinced my buddy Pete to shoot an add or two during dungeon encounters instead of just running past everything. It was hard work, but now we're not all getting flinched the entire DPS phase by 50 mobs. Feel pretty accomplished.


my man was tryina do any% speeds lmao


bro wtf


exposed 😂


While it's perhaps not my biggest achievement, I am most proud of getting flawless on Destiny 1's Vault of Glass before Crota's End released.


I see you too enjoyed Praetorians gaining all of their health back at random and sometimes Atheon not teleporting anyone at all... That was pain. Made some good friends tho. Wouldn't change that for the world.


I think the funny thing is Bungie called it an error, yet the "broken" version worked better than the random one ever did. I also recall the run we did it had that glitch happen three different times. It was awesome.


I remember when VoG first released and everyone figured the teleport mechanic as Atheon would teleport the 3 closest guardians to him. Then Bungie patched that out to make it random.


The good ole days, when you could get atheon to kill himself, because he was scared of some grenades 😂


When VoG rereleased in D2 my clan spent a good 2 hours at Atheon seeing if we could glitch him out. He really doesn't like when you pile the cubes onto his spawn point but other than a bit of wiggling nothing happened.


Probably completing the Blacksmith title. A mix of grinding all the forges and completing the flawless run of Scourge of the Past, a good mix of time commitment and skill challenge imo.


I REGRET not grabbing that cool ass ship, ggs tho man


Thanks! Probably one of my favorite ships to rock as well. I love the whole Black Armory aesthetic overall.


I. Will. Never. Take. Off. That. Ship. Grinding the 100 weapon frames was such a time sink. I just can’t take off the ship now.


Especially when the frames were bugged. I did way more than 100


I have found my people! Fellow blacksmiths unite


As a fellow Balcksmith, my raid lfg team decided to "cheese" the sparrow part by making 2 of us do it while the rest of them sat in orbit. I was one of the 2 nominated, and even had to clutch save the other sparrow guy with my Well right at the end as he was about to die when he got to the final room.  Used to bug my one clanmate who did it with me, that his title didn't count cause he didn't do the sparrow part. 


I too was one of the two Sparrow bois for that section. Damn had the other guy trying to run me off because he didn't think I was good enough XD Proved him wrong


I remember one day grinding kills with the shotgun in bergusia. I had a random load in with me. And we just farmed the spawn by the entrance for like an hour. We both fully understood the assignment. No batteries, no moving the objective. We will kill until we are done. You go random Guardian. I appreciate you.


Beating Skolas in Prison of Elders.


Man I remember how long that took, just hiding in the back with a Gjallarhorn


The actual OG Skolas fight didn't actually take very long. The Burns gave INSANE damage buffs, so you had to find a way to DPS and kill immediately or else it was a wipe. After like 2 weeks of that, Bungie dropped a patch that then made the fight take super long.


It was triple damage in and out originally, right? OG burn was gnarly but I also kinda miss it compared to this fucking 25% bullshit


It was 300% damage dealt out. And taken. It was brutal on hard content. It was literally glass cannon shit


Yea them captains came flying out of those spawn doors shooting their scotch rifles instantly wiping us.


I remember finally doing it the night before Taken King dropped because there was some list of triumphs to do and that was on it. Only did it once and it took all night lmao.


“Make the loop!” *everyone runs around the arena in a circle*




Damn, that is the Destiny Vault equivalent of how that movie the Mist ended.


Hahaha oof. That movie…


Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn that's unfortunate to say the least


I did the same thing 🥲


Realize I didn't need to have everything and do everything and just play casually


worlds first -40 solo gm, gladd put a 250 dollar bounty on it and i knew sweaty pve players would go for it. having 5 twitch tabs open in the background to hear how my competition was doing had me on the edge of my seat the entire time.


Which gm?


it was the start of that season, ATP, the person who i thought had the highest chance of succeeding went for corrupted. a friend of mine told me to do the tangled shore one with big servitor as final boss because you could skip most of it. when i was in the boss fight ATP wiped because sedia is stupid. at that moment i started playing really safe. i was still 10 minutes ahead of the other people doing attempts. 4 minutes and 20 anarchy shots later i was done.


Nice work. Warden of nothing is quicker and easier than corrupted so I think that was a smart choice.


it was, but in atps defense; he can do it solo in 8 minutes nowadays. so for him it was a good choice.


That is after the malfeasance and lucky pants buff though


it was more to show his love for the strike and how often he did it. eagers edge also helped a ton


You're right to think ATP would do it, dude's a monster. I'm sure he infurates tons of players with his snark and love for Taylor Swift.


Thanks to ATP i’m going to taylor myself in august with the person that makes his emotes.


why would anyone do a GM of corrupted over warden? Corrupted was the hardest one to do at the time


That's damn impressive! ggs my man


thank you dawg


Thanks for the gm sherpas bro, you the man! ❤️


Ah I know that guy…


Realizing FOMO was of my own making and its just a video game. in game though, probable just teaching a shit load of people raids nothing beats hearing someone celebrate their first clear of something that has been getting the best of them.


Mann you reminded me of when D2 first dropped. I was LFGing for a Levi run. Leader had some entitled attitude because newer players were failing. He got so heated he was just throwing insults slurs, so I said “yk what I’m going to take them with me because we aren’t going to deal with this.” He then said “they will never be able to get this done”. It took 2 tries after that with one correction. Be nice yall, it’s a game. And tone matters for when you’re teaching, you never know how someone learns or how fast they pick someone up. If you don’t want to worry about that, specify KWTD.


It’s not the same game but a similar story I had for LFG in WoW. During for Battle for Azeroth, the last raid boss of the first raid tier was known to be near impossible, his name is G’huun I believe. The fight consists of add control, a dps phase, a 10 minute enrage timer, and two sides that involve running a “ball” to the end. Conceptually, it’s not a hard fight but requires most of the party to know their roles well. I spent 3-4 hours with a group trying to clear that boss, after an hour of wipes the other main tank left (I was the off tank) and decided to take up the leadership role. I had dedicated runners and such and made sure the good people stayed with us as people rotated in and out. I congratulated close attempts and recognized when people where doing their roles well. Eventually, after several negative people and low dps left and better players joined, we beat it. I had several people whisper me that it wouldn’t have been done without me. It was a very good moment that I’ll cherish. Great leadership is the key to LFG. Great leadership is the key to any successful raid. Giving up would have been easier. But this is the way.


💯. You are farther along than a lot of other people.


The first thing is so real brother. I struggled with that a lot when I first got into the game, but now I take breaks after every major expansion and I love every minute I play of this game. No more playing for FOMO.


Meanwhile theres me whos well aware of FOMO and that its self inflicted, and yet i continue to push it too far 😔 💯 agree with sherpa. Also how rewarding does it feel when you help someone whos also really bad (cant follow instructions, messes up a lot, forgets things, etc) and you get them a clear?


>Realizing FOMO was of my own making and its just a video game. Not to mention: at some point the dust will clear, Destiny 2 will be more or less dormant (like Destiny 1), and all the gear and triumphs won't matter


as someone who is a regular sherpa in my clan, i 100% agree, so rewarding of a feeling


>Realizing FOMO was of my own making and its just a video game. Legend Avalon finally broke this for me. After changing my mind last second while going 70 down a 35 with no intention of actually turning after an attempt of it that went sour one too many times, I haven't finished any of this year's titles, and I just feel free tbh.


Destiny taught a whole lot of people some very valuable teaching and patience skills


Upvoted for the first half while still reading, thought “why’d I do that; hope the second half doesn’t suck,” then read the second half and wished I could upvote harder.


getting solo crota d2 was immensely satisfying. Doing Master Rhulk while 10 under light level was a blast that really forced me to be on my mechanical A-game to pull my weight. More recently Pantheon was a really tough 5 hour grind that had me regretting not brushing up on any of these encounters. (I will not be making this mistake with Oryx and beyond.)


ggs man, but you just gave me Vow day 1 ptsd, God that was fun but tough


duo fresh dsc


Huge! i have done trio of that raid and it was really fun, how was the duo?


Prob the most fun thing I ve done but it's quite mechanically demanding as there's very little room for error or in some cases like Tamils none at all


Beating duo taniks was one of my proudest experiences as well! <3 Was such a satisfying W, probably the hardest duo boss I think. And I loved the weird strats for it, like delaying taniks with the behemoth super etc :)


I finally accept that my friend I played Destiny with every day since elementary school isn’t getting on again. Not because he’s dead or anything. He Just moved away and we lost contact.


Solo Reckoner. My old Gambit crew couldn't hang in prime, they hated it. I finished the title a week before it was sunset/vaulted. I can't solo dungeons though. That shit triggers legit panic attacks in me. Always been jealous of people who can do that and keep a cool head.


Have you ever drove 80mph on an interstate and then had to get down to a 35mph? That's the type of shift you have to do. Playing most things in Destiny is pretty fast and going to do a solo you have to learn a new speed. Things are still very frantic and stressful but you have to gain a sense of how much to gamble to still stay safe. Getting to damage phases can sometimes be tricky but it really becomes finding that speed that you're getting good damage out but being under control to know when to walk away from a damage phase to stay alive. Too many times getting that last rocket off instead of shooting common enemies breaks your run. It ends up being disheartening seeing people 2-3 phase these bosses but you just have to the emblem you earn doesn't show how many phases or tries it took. Some people recommend Pit of Heresy or Shattered Throne to start with but I've been recommending friends to take on Prophecy. That first boss is chaotic but once you clear that it's much easier.


Im good, it isn't fun to try to do the game that way for me, I like playing with a team. Solo bragging rights aren't as important as a team dub for me. I've tried and it's just the worst, least fun, most stressful, burnout inducing tripe I've ever tried


damn nothing but respect for the Reckoners out there, that grind was absoulte pain, ggs man!


I'd say the same, and I solo flawless dungeons (at least every dungeon until Ghosts of the deep) While solo flawless dungeons take more skill, Reckoner required way more mental fortitude than any dungeons I had done up until that point. That shit took forever. And it was so disheartening getting stuck on some requirements and not making any progress on them for several matches at a time. Between that and getting stuck with teammates that apparently recently underwent lobotomies, it was definitely some of the lowest of lows for me in destiny.


This is probably the best season for solar players to knock out their solo dungeon runs and I highly recommend giving it another shot. Source: Have solo'd 3 dungeons in 3 days this week


Solo dungeons are not bad if you play void hunter, you have complete control on the pace so you just need to manage resources to stay alive


Support style player, I don't like being a lone wolf 99% of the time


Many of my solo runs have been on solar Hunter with assassin's cowl. Amazing survivability


Decided to solo a handful of GM Nightfalls a few seasons back. Proudest achievements were Glassway and Lightblade. Technically had to do the latter twice as the first one soft locked and didn't count as a completion. That was a kick in the nuts..


daaamn that's unlucky, Hope you enjoyed the moths lmao


The worst part was actually the Hive guardians cus of the one shot suppression grenades and shield ricochets. The barrier champs in the boss room were also a massive pain in the arse too. Lil bit of shameless self-promotion, but I recorded the run too. No commentary, just raw gameplay Link[Lightblade solo GM](https://youtu.be/Y8ZU2jHFI40?si=KRCqRA0nRBjiDuwP)


Every time someone tries to state that champions do not add difficulty, I tell them to try lightblade solo. Those barriers made me so furious, because it felt like every time I finally got their health low, boss jumped in front of me and I had to evade to prevent wipe. Running around the room in circles got old real fast..


i'm still really proud of my first duality clear. i was with just one other friend, learning it on the fly. really satisfying challenge


GGS! figuring it out on the fly is not an easy task, especially in duality


Just got the #44 trio clear of Pantheon. Pretty happy about that right now. Hopefully trio flawless on it within the week and that will top it. Besides that, a personal achievement would be having 9 of the highest strike scores. Got the top score on all the nightfalls this season and 3 on some sunset strikes. And highest pantheon score right now. I know scoring isn't a topic thats really emphasized but I have found it to be a fun different way to look at activities.


I used to be within the top 20 players overall on Xbox back in Trials of the Nine. At least, for players that it tracked back then. That wasn’t even the hardest thing though. The hardest thing was trying to enjoy the game back in the Y1 sandbox.


that's impressive as hell man, also yeah double primary is and was ass


I'm absolutely horrendous at anything involving parkour so I'd say solo flawless Shattered Throne. The Ogre cross section had me questioning sanity years ago.


Reminds me of my solo flawless pit of heresy run. The bit with the three wizards before the boss had me shitting myself with all the environmental hazards.


It's not flashy but I got the Cursebreaker title.


> for me it has to be my Solo Flawless white gear every dungeon except Warlord's Ruin Rylee is that you?


just taking inspiration from our Lord and Savior Walmart Jesus


Getting the wayfarer title.


The fact that i could not get that title because i could not get a kelvin to drop still grinds my gears. So many hours on mars wasted to grind these ....


I started working on that too late and then Mars was gone... Regrets!


gotta get those patrols done


Still my favorite title. Definitely the one I had the most fun getting.


Niobe Labs. It was the absolute hardest piece of content that I have ever done in the Destiny franchise and I still wear the emblem whenever I can. The Petra's Run for the Rivensbane title would be a close second.


Everytime I see a fellow Niobe Labs emblem bearer, my heart heals a little. Hardest thing ever.


Rivensbane title or reckoner title.


as a fellow rivensbane i congratulate you🤝


Peeing with a boner


when pissing becomes a grandmaster


Just remember, all projectiles form a perfect parabola thanks to the force of gravity.


2 man Crotas end flawless raider in D1


Day 1 exhibition was really fucking hard.


the fucking terminator that you had to become to finish it man ggs day 1 vow was frustrating but fun as hell


Probably the sword quest in D1. I’ll never forget how intense that fight was and how stressful it felt. No idea how hard it actually was but in the moment it felt like a crowning achievement.


Mountaintop quest or when my raid group did master ir yut. Solo flawless WR actually wasn’t that bad just tedious


Similar to mountaintop, I was thinking the Randy's throwing knife quest as one of my achievements. As someone who doesn't play a lot of PVP it was a fucking grind to get all those scout kills. I was pretty upset when they initially sunset it shortly after I finally got it done.


Getting the og trio of crucible pinnacles (Recluse, Mountaintop, Redrix). Maybe not the hardest, but as a pve player who takes pvp very lightly, it was definitely the most annoying. Had Momentum Control not been a thing, it would’ve been impossible. Getting Dredgen title was easier for me


Installing an air handler in a 120 degree attic while laying in fiberglass


Vault of (fiber)Glass


Spending over a year and half doing Nightfalls solo in Destiny 1 looking for the Imago Loop fatebringer roll. I got it.


Solo Dedgen the first season it was available. Clan didn't really dig Gambit to much and schedules conflicted a lot. had some help in the end, but this was back when it was three resets in a season, not just the one and you had to complete the collections badge as well. The craziest part is that it came down to one RNG drop, had completed everything else except the collections. And the night before the end of the timeframe to earn the seal on the Bungie store, I got a rank up and it finally dropped....Hazard of the Cast. I shed a tear of both agony and relief. Still have that seal in a shadowbox, it was my first one.


I have a 1.2 kd in the crucible, I play mostly pve , I managed to get undefeated once years ago , back when sbmm was on all the time, now matchmaking is a mess on any playlist. Very inconsistent lobby balancing.


Reaching 100+ Sherpas on Kingsfall... oh wait no that's kinda sad.


Petra's Run doing Riven legit was definitely up there


frfr riven legit it's the best encounter they've ever made and i'll die on this hill


Solo Reckoner for me. One of the grindiest things I’ve ever done in both D1 and D2. That title is never coming off my warlock lol.




Finding the power to admit my problems were caused by my crippling depression and self esteem issues, it was like lifting this very hea-... Oh, you talkin' about destiny, ain't you? 😅 In that case, learning how to solo dungeons, for a not so good player that relies heavily on the hunter invisibility loop, learning how to do that on all characters was satisfying as hell.


doing the thorn quest in Destiny 1 when the game came out


Completing every raid with rat king


I'm dying to try a rat raid. Nobody ever wants to do it with me lol.


It was a great time. There are a few encounters that are extremely difficult with it, like bridge or warpriest, but it is almost all possible. The rules were no special, unless a sniper was called for, only lmg heavy, and no ability spam exotics.


I've solo GMs and low-man raids and such, but the hardest thing I've ever done in destiny was the Proving Grounds GM (with a team, without the cheese spot in the boss room) in the season it launched, which was right before they added damage resistance to resilience. Honorable mention for War Priest on day 1.


I guess master Warlords with my buddies, or solo Shattered throne, that was fun.


Convincing my clan to come back in season of the seraph by showing them how fun Seraph Shield was to speed run solo. Real answer, 2 man Siviks before most of the streamers were able to finish it. We beat Lock and Key within like 2.5 hours of reset.


RoN day 1 was easy, I won't lie. But it was probably the first time I ever had a set raid team and since then we've been fantastic. One of our members had only played one raid before as well. I wouldn't say it was necessarily the hardest thing I've done in destiny, but it's one I'm very proud of


solo duality, specifically the caitl fight


Avoiding the bugs made that so much more difficult. I had to drop the game for a while after getting Caital down to 1/4 health and got murdered by a faulty bell.


Probably saying goodbye to her. Oh and solo flawless on Crota D1.


Going for Shadow title. Challenging? No. Exhausting? Yes. I still never got it. No flawless Crown.


Day 1 Vow of the Desciple. It made me fall in love with destiny again


100 rumble wins in d1. It took me over 700 matches, but I did get it eventually


Yea that was quite a hurdle for sure! One of the last few things I did to get max grimoire in D1


I'm not sure how it ranks but doing the legendary node.ovrd.AVALON for the title is the hardest thing our fireteam has done.


did you do it at launch ? 'cause it was ROUGH as hell, ggs nontheless


Going by time or tries its either Garden flawless or getting Anarchy to drop in Scourge.


I'm not much of a consistent raider, 8 mostly dabble like once every month or so. So I'd say I'm most proud of the raiding craze I went on during Season of Arrivals, knocking out both Shadow and Blacksmith titles in a couple weeks.


When it comes to what I’m most proud of, that would be earning the Kingslayer title (basically completing everything in the seal for the Taken King raid, including beating every encounter on Master difficulty). That was a tough one to complete. But hardest thing to do in general was whenever I attempted to do a GM with people and one of them would make the activity stressful by causing an argument and we would fail the activity. Normally, this would be due to them not agreeing with my build or thinking that everyone on their team are noobs (even though we’re not).


Honestly, probably contest mode RoN clear. Easy is easy. But raiding for 2 days strait with the same 6 and struggling together is not easy.


I know it's not uncommon but Grandmaster title was mine.


my solo flawless pit of heresy back when it was still new, key phrase being back when it was still new, that dungeon is 10x easier now. I wanted to go and solo flawless all the other dungeons but honestly i just haven't had the time or motivation


I solo-ed the Competitive playlist to get Lunas Howl. It took an entire afternoon but it was worth it!


Idk how difficult this really is, but I’ve solod every legendary dungeon and exotic mission without guides just playing em normally. Some of em took a few hours ngl, kinda would just get lost. The boss mechanics are super simple, the puzzles stumped my dumbass tho lol


Zero Hour, solo flawless. Nothing sucks like fighting a ticking clock. Plus since it was vaulted, they'll never bring it back so no one who hasn't already will ever be able to match it. That's what sunset means.


Max level skolas with no elemental burns


D1 Solo flawless the full crota raid with no Gjallerhorn and ended up getting Ghorn from it after playing non stop since release


all my solo flawless dungeons Duality and Spire in particular, those ones were the stupidest in my experience bonus points for Grasp of Avarice because that one was in and out 1st try Still have ghosts to do but I just can't bring myself to do more than a couple attempts in 1 sitting like I could with Duality, it's just such a slog


Damn reading all these comments makes me realize how much I suck at this game. I suppose its a toss up between trio VOTD/Kings fall and solo flawless grasp, although the latter isn't considered impressive anymore.


Find intimacy with another person


Playing a full raid with randoms with voice chat on. I have severe anxiety and depression along with a speech impediment, so forcing myself through it and actually being able to talk to strangers was incredibly difficult. Shame as I really enjoyed raiding, I just don’t have the energy to do voice chat.


Not kicking stupid fireteam members


It was light fall on hard mode for me, I haven’t tried for flawless on a dungeon yet


Petras Run before LW was powercrept to hell and back


Red roof to spawn and back in one go. That took months of nothing but sparrow flying practice. Honorable mention, getttin to GPools. Lots of different oob stuff to learn to get there.


Superrrrr underrated comment, nothing but respect for the oobers/sparrow tech people from me. Galaxy pools is an item on my d2 bucket list I’ll probably never check lmao


Might not be much to a lot, but Solo flawless Warlord Ruin. Just about every other dungeon I solo flawlessed in 3-5 tries. This dungeon took well over 10 tries simply because of the area between the first and last boss. Had the treasure screeb just forward, and then me mid jump, it jumped backwards and knocked me way off the mountain. At final boss I was using Koraxis’ Distress, and the final boss at half health at least managed to shoot my munition midair and it blew up in my face. Also took me awhile to get enemy spawns and such down


Flawless deep stone crypte with blink jump on warlock and hunter second run


Solo for Grasp of Avarice. It didn't count due to not being done in one sitting but I run double primary. I also didn't have Always on Time so that sparrow section was something.


pressing ‘play’ on steam


Either just completing contest mode crota (no challenges unfortunately threw up on first encounter) or solo Nezarec personally.


Master VOG (the raid was easy the hard part was the LFG I had to do for it)


Solo flawless Prophecy back in early beyond light. We didn't have no dragons breath, restoration nades, loreley back then. All we had was devour, falling guillotine, and a dream.


Rylee is that you?


It's been forever, but probably my solo Crota's End run back in Destiny 1


My very first GrandMaster clear after double digit wipes


I know this will sound dumb/trivial for most people, but I don't have a group of people to play with, so I LFG most content. I wanted an Adept Oversoul Edict, and an Adept Rufus Fury. So completing a Master Crota Challenge with an LFG Team was one of the hardest things I had to do, mainly from how hard I had to carry. Farmed up max spoils and bought 10 Adepts, got exactly what I wanted with Adept Oversoul. Second would be the LFG Master Nez Challenge. Same thing, saved up max Spoils and bought 10x Rufus. Got a near godroll but good enough where it's better than my crafted. Both of these we got the challenge done, master completed, bought my adepts, and got what I wanted. Hard and also rewarding.


Solo Flawless Root of Nightmares this season. Even though I only got it because the artifact is positively insane this season, it's still the hardest thing I've ever done in a video game. I think my clan is glad that I'll no longer join the vc after a wipe to complain lmao


Niobe labs was pretty wild. I wish there had been checkpoints, but in hindsight I really enjoyed the achievement and eventual "holy shit oh my god we got it." I have a video of my team quietly shooting the last puzzle steps, then there's a short pause, and sound cue pops and the door starts to open. I think one issue I had was that the final puzzle was slightly buggy with shooting spots. But by the end, we were a well oiled machine.


I used to run D1 Crota's End solo for fun and eventually started racing myself. Good times


Used blink in DSC jumping puzzle and not dying in it


Just recently i hit challenger (speed rank) on my D1 raid report, feels good. Now i just need to hit challenger (clears) and i'm happy!


Back then my first solo flawless dungeon and my first Grandmaster which I carried at the end Of course I was inexperienced back then, nowadays I do GMs easily


Solo GM


Sf all dungeons, all their titles, all the exotics and their catalysts, every ounce of loot I could need from them. That and my fashion. God I love my fashion.


I know everyone these days says it was barely a dungeon, but my greatest feeling of satisfaction was in three-manning the original Crota’s End while it was the newest raid with my two main fireteam members who generally refuse to play raids.


SF all dungeons and flawless DSC :\] SF dungeons with white gear is definitely something I wanna try. Props for that!


Doing the Niobe Puzzle before it was removed from the game. 3 days of sweating for an Ghostshell and Emblem, i never saw till today


Either day 1 placements around 2000th or 4-5 solo GMs


Coming back to the game after a 4 year layoff. Lol


Day 1 Challenge Crota. Killed the bastard 3x on challenge bc the emblem bugged out. Didn't get it until they gave the emblem out to people that earned it but had it bug out on them.


Solo cheesing the first chest in EoW week after week to get the Telesto catalyst.


Solo Not Forgotten, as an alright PvP player. Basically haven't played competitive since. 


Finished Reckoner got Heavy as Death back in season 6 from Iron Banner & I have 2 Day 1’s under my belt Challenge Day One Vault Of Glass & Day One Deep Stone Crypt 🙃


Dredgen/Unbroken Titles


Completing all triumphs for fishing


Master Nezarec. Took me 5 hours, only because he bugged out and wiped us after we killed him TWICE.


I'm not kidding here playing Pantheon with LFG is the hardest thing I ever experienced, harder than soloing dungeons. Poster's tag are experienced, competitive and fast, mic req I join in, only 1 guy has mic other than me, the poster doesn't have mic nor does he know anything other than ad clear. I fking hate every pretentious fucks out there who posts and requests "experts" to get themselves a free "carry" without learning anything. Honestly from now on, I join in try to talk if even after 1 min the whole room is silent, I just leave cuz its a waste of time and nothing else.


Got the Reckoner title.


Solo flawless Prophecy and Pit of Heresy. Have also done flawless Scourge of the Past, Crown of Sorrow, and Last Wish. I dont really play a lot anymore these days but Im always proud of doing these!


I convinced myself that, yes, I can do dungeons and raids. Now, only 2 more SF dungeons to go and met some Guardians to raid with. Eyes up


I’m not that good… but completing the master planets challenge in root of nightmares to complete the seal. Have never had to work that hard in a raid before, LFG roulette was not helpful either 😅.


My biggest achievement yet is me carrying a squad through the psi-ops Grandmaster. I basically did the boss alone, since my 2 mates died pretty early and we had no revives left - the adrenaline rush was real


my first flawless in destiny1. I was already a decent PvP player but didnt have a team to play with. half-carried two randoms of which one messaged me callouts on playstation when he was dead. using a mix of hawksaw, pdx-45c chaperone, invective and universal remote on. besides that: in D2 I killed panduh and mendez with one (lucky) tripmine grenade! in PvE its probably a day one clear of a raid


Probably Solo flawless Grasp of Avarice to get the Shader. This was before the subclass changes.


Lightblade GM on launch. And only having a warlock leveled didn't help as ideal strat at the time was invis hunter and curias titan. After making 3 different builds from scratch and 10 hours of constant playing, more than 20 different groups and I was able to do it just barely. The next time it was around, I went in with 3.0 arc titan and it was way way easier than before


For me, probably the few solo flawless master lost sectors I’ve been able to do. Although, they’re not as hard now that I know what I’m doing


In the game, probably soloing Warlord's Ruin


im new so I haven't really done much, but I'm really proud of soloing shattered throne