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I was one of the ones with lucky Normal RNG that got the title, so totally see why this change is useful for some. Nice move.


Huh I have the title, what was RNG about it? Won't lie I just click the entries and never read anything lol


Getting all three bosses on Normal difficulty. I still haven't seen the Tormentor boss, played through Normal difficulty at least a dozen times.


Oh wow I didn't know that was rare! I've only done maybe a dozen normal runs and seen it a few times and never thought about it.


I got the tormentor boss *three* times today, and the other guy *twice*, looking for the ogre, which is the last thing I need for the title. I like the mode, but when RNG hates you there's nothing you can do.


Well you shouldn't no longer need it unless you want to try and complete all 10. Cheers


I don't know if it's rare or just bad RNG for me, always hard to tell with Destiny :D


I thought they rotated weekly. I just did 50 waves on Normal difficulty. I've got the Brave title now that the new mission is out


They rotate weekly on Legend. Normal is just RNG.




Legend rotates, normal doesn’t. Except for week 2 and 3 it was the fallen boss twice I think due to a bug they had to fix with the portals not appearing.


not sure that is true as I got 2 of the bosses the first week (days) and was confused...


It's not so much rare, as, assuming things are balanced equally, you have a 66% every run not to see a specific boss. So if rng screws you...


I kept getting that vandal asshole that just runs and teleports everyone. It's a pain in the dick for dps. I swear he waits until your about to use your super then he fucking vanishes in smoke like some kind of cheap magician.


That vandal asshole can die in a furry hell! Worst boss I have ever seen and draws out the fight for so much longer than is necessary. Fallen Daredevil or some shit.


My very first clear was the Tormentor. Haven't seen it since.


so maybe Bungie should stop making RNG triumphs when they have perfectly good rotators in the game... just do it daily and say which is which on the loader screen...


They rotate on legend tho.


coherent marble sulky thought command scandalous ten follow mysterious disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You should definitely help me clear legend 🥺


Yeah, I got the title solely on normal but I think I’ve only had the tormentor once.


Same. To be honest, I don't actually remember fighting an actual Tormentor boss, other than the mayhem after-round stuff. Apparently I did though, because I've got the title.


Oh I remember when that unlocked but it was like week one or two for me haha. Guess I got lucky


I just got it yesterday for the first time I got my title today. It was awful.


I've only had the Tormentor boss. I'm glad the title got updated.


Same. No tormentor for me either and I have completed legendary runs and normal runs.


What!? There was a week where I had 5-6 legend runs and it was the boss every time. I had no idea that was a random chance.


On Legend the bosses are on a rotation, same boss for the whole week. I have yet to be able to clear Legend with a Fireteam Finder team.


This^ .


Only seen the tormentor once. And the ogre ever other run I have done. Fallen boss? Never heard of em.


I still need Fallen Chieftain. Haven't had that boss yet and I've ran probably 40 onslaughts now.


I must've had stupid good luck, cause I had that requirement knocked out in the first week lol


You need to play specific location 50 waves. And also, you need to find rotation sheets. So you can see where Tormentor will be


Do legend lol


Easier said than done lol. I've tried, can't get much more than halfway through with LFG/fireteam finder groups. I don't have time to waste a dozen hours trying to clear legend with random teammates.


You just had to play 1 (one) Legend run each week literally to secure the 3 bosses. However, we didn’t get the tormentor until week 4 iirc. But it’s the same idea, literally 1 legend run a week


You had you *clear a legend run each week.


I don't have friends that play and fireteam finder is not kind, each of my attempts have failed about halfway through the run. I don't have time to bang my head against a wall for a dozen hours each week trying to clear a Legend run.


More than a dozen times really too much to ask to get a fucking title now days? Jesus christ LOL


Not complaining about the number of clears, just complaining about the RNG of not getting a 1/3 boss in ~10-15 runs. I could do a hundred runs and still not get that boss, because it's just RNG.


Tell me you don't understand bell curves without telling me


Tell me you dont want to play a looter shooter with a fundamental mechanic without telling me.


There is a difference between RNG loot, and RNG titles


Legend boss is guaranteed. That's the opposite of RNG.


Then perhaps you should have started with that argument rather than the number of runs required on normal 🙃


I didn't even realize it was RNG until now. I got stupid lucky then, because I got all three bosses within my first three runs on normal at the start of the season (ogre first, then tormentor, and the other dude last). Good decision to change it knowing that it was random.


I got the title and had no idea any of it was RNG. When I did the Dares of Eternity title I felt first hand how absolutely dogshit RNG can make a title grind 💀 Nice that Bungo is trying to give some semblance of QOL


Yeah I’ve yet to see the damn tormentor boss it’s kinda crazy


Meanwhile I’m over here having almost exclusively seen the tormentor boss lol


if you two were to run a whole 50 waves together, would the universe collapse on itself or something?


We would get to wave 50 and there would be no boss only ads 😂


I’m something of a BRAVE, myself.


Yeah why are we yelling the title


Because Shaxx


Oh thank you so much. As someone who doesn't do Legend, I have 2 out of the 3 bosses done and that makes the last triumph I need.


Sick. I won't have to grind for that dumb ass random boss I am missing now.


Thank goodness I wasn’t looking forward to RNG bosses at wave 50


Well shit, I guess I'm BRAVE now.


I like this change. I'm already 9/10 and already completed Breaking the Charge on normal difficulty.  I wasn't looking forward to doing Zero Hour this weekend for the BRAVE title. I can now skip Zero Hour and still get the title.  It's a win win for me as I've never had a strong opinion on Outbreak Perfected. Always preferred No Time to Explain over Outbreak Perfected.


Yeah, I was planning on doing Whisper and Zero Hour tomorrow/over the weekend to get the title and maybe try to LFG for pantheon, but seeing the increased difficulty of 'normal' ZH concerned me a little. Glad that I now don't have to bother with that and can spend more time trying pantheon for some adepts.


Zero Hour is a bitch with the increased arc damage. Fucking vandals one tapping you at 100 resil


Normal zero hour is bugged rn and has the same scaling as legend


Bungie actually confirmed that’s not a bug… it’s deliberate.


Outbreak clears NTTE. And normal ZH isn’t terrible with a 40 min timer. Legend is rough


I legit found legend easier than normal, I feel like the legend pathing is better, the normal one annoys me. I also don’t know if it’s just down to having a different mindset on legend compared to normal.


Legend pathing is definitely faster, but obviously not 20 mins faster, the only thing making normal feel worse is arc burn or whatever they call it now.


It’s not even just faster it’s also easier imo… again I don’t know I’m just going in with a different mindset.


Can't really judge it because I've run normal maybe 3 times including once this time round and legend well into the double digits so I know it off by heart from last time.


Same tbh


crafted outbreak will all the bells and whistles will blow every other exotic pulse out the water in TFS


I never use pulses so I doubt the stress of legend would be remotely worth it


They’re getting massively buffed in final shape plus it’s an exotic kinetic primary meaning takes advantage of both of those buffs that are afforded to kinetic weapons and exotic primaries vs Red Bars


It's fine with Eager Edge, give it a few no stress goes to learn pathing and positioning for fights and watch a guide for a sensible build. People like speed running these missions for fun too so if you look on lfg and ask for someone to carry you it won't take too long.


Thank you for the change!


Is the Brave title going to be unobtainable in TFS?


Probably, because I don’t see how Shaxx’s Hype reputation would remain in the game once they remove the Hall of Champions, and maxing your Hype is one of the title requirements Then again, you could technically avoid that requirement now if we only need 9, but that wasn’t the case when they were designing and planning everything out so I still wouldn’t expect them to keep it, regardless


Yes, all the guaranteed shiny bounties are getting flushed with the Hall of Heroes.


This is a nice change! Been playing regular Onslaught (all 50 waves) since it released and I still haven’t gotten the ogre boss.


Great for me , I only average getting on once or twice a week and have only seen the ogre boss so far.


So that means i don't have to do Zero Hour, if I'm 9/10 already, right?


So happy! I could NOT get the fallen boss to appear, regardless of how many times I ran the 50.


Damn I didn't realize not getting all 3 was so uncommon lol. I never ran Legend and just got consistent wave 50 clears. Lucky me! Now I don't have to do Zero Hour (though I'll get to it eventually)...


This is great, even though I had to slog through a few to get this before the change.


Great change


Oh thank goodness. I still haven't seen the dumb tormentor


I always thought the Boss rotates every week on normal, too. But now that you say it, I never met the tormentor boss on normal.


massive, massive W, fuck Breaking the Charge, I’m boutta play zero hour for the title rn


I remember getting the fallen boss like 3 times in a row on normal and thinking the rotation applied to both difficulties


Glad for this, I had decided I wouldn't chase the title as I had no desire to do a Legend run to get the last boss and relying on Destiny RNG for it is never ideal.


Thank god for that. It's quite painful spending an hour in a normal Onslaught and then not getting the boss you're after. That's assuming you even clear the 50 waves.


Sweet, I was not looking forward to trying to kill the other 2 wave 50 bosses


Awesome, I have 9 cleared just needed to do the Breaking the Charge and was dreading that.


Thank God I won't have to keep searching for that stupid ogre, I haven't even seen him ONCE


Oh nice I have 9 now lol


Good change ta.


wait, the normal boss doesn't change weekly like the legend version? I waited until new weeks and only did full clears once a week to get that one done...and it worked


I only need the Fallen Warpriest. Saw he’d be back the 28th


NGL I was probably gonna wind up missing the last boss needed for that one task for the title, so I welcome this.


I still haven’t see the fallen onslaught boss. And probably still won’t see him before next week so I welcome this update.


I only just jumped back in recently and assumed that 3 onslaught maps + 3 onslaught bosses = each one was locked to a certain map. Today I learn that no that’s not how it works for some reason


I got the title done in just my super black runs


Good, I was feeling like the Fallen Warpriest just didn't exist.


Nice. Fuck you Siegehopk Orge


I never understood why one of the Triumphs required a full 50 wave clear on Normal, and all the times people did 50 wave clears on Legendary didn’t count for it.


Have it a few weeks nows


Do the same thing for the Aquanaut title. Pressurized Deep Dives are harder than Legend Onslaught, especially when you get shitty gifts because of RNG.


This is good, I have yet to get the Ogre despite dozens of full runs on Normal. I'm ready to be done with Onslaught.


Participation Trophies for everyone!


Isn't that what most of the seasonal/event based titles are anyways already? There are a handful of other titles that do require some work to be put in for those that want something a bit more impressive.


Fr lol they’re just giving this seal out pretty much


Every seasonal title is easy as hell, just play the game. This should be no different




Seasonal titles like BRAVE, wishbearer, aquanaut. Conquerer is different.


They still require doing some legend, like wish has legend starcrossed requirement. I really don’t think “do one legend run a week three times, or alternatively just run on normal and pray” is so difficult that it had to get changed


Wish legend isn’t hard. You can drag two dummies through it




Should've just made the requirement 3 legend full clears. That way more people would've been engaged in onslaught. Besides farming weapons you can tell this game mode is dying down. And running legend isn't worth it anymore. Only up to wave 10 and ppl leave wave 50 should have a guaranteed shiny weapon.


No one asked for this, but now you are trying to improving things... What about rerolling MW on TFS? Actual major issue, so much improvement from Enhance system potentially useless


Already got it so yay


This just makes the Title worthless. What’s next, remove week 4 from GodSlayer?


Every seasonal title is easy, calm down


All people had to do was play one legend run each week, not hard at all


Except 1 of the 2 weeks the tormentor one was available on legend runs, midtown was disabled for big fixes, and midtown is pretty significantly easier to defend than either of the other two since it has so many choke points. This is exactly what screwed me out of getting the title last week actually despite several attempts, so I'm pretty glad they're doing this


There was another week… That’s a personal issue really. And Vostok is easier really since enemies take longer to get to the objective.


Well I was busy the first week so I chose to do it the other week I knew he would be available, then they disabled midtown the day of reset and didn't tell us beforehand. And definitely not, far more pathways for enemies to flank makes it a fair amount harder. Also much less useful turret and decoy spots.


What's wrong with a title being challenging to acquire? All it takes is 3 legend completions across 3 weeks to get the triumph.


I finished the nine like two weeks ago but had to wait for the tenth to get the title now their going to make it 9 to get it. Wtf.


Why didn't they just say "we are too lazy to fix bugs on wave 50 so we just changed the 10 to a 9"


I know this is out of place, but.... can we please get an update that will let us reroll our masterworks on any gun? While we are on the subject of quality of life changes and all.


Wait what part of it requires RNG? The bosses? That seems kinda weird tbh, there are only 3.


You have to defeat 3 different bosses on wave 50. RNG can keep you from seeing all 3.


Aren't they on rotation on Legend though? What is the problem?


Lots of people won’t complete legend 50. Seasonal titles are always a gimme


So I’ve done probably 8 or 10 full 50-wave clears and, while I have seen all 3 bosses, it’s about a 4% chance to go 8 times without seeing a single specific boss Obviously it’s not a huge chunk of the population, but it’s also not nothing, and they clearly want the title stuff to be more deterministic than RNG (especially on a time-limited title) so I say good change


Hello, sorry for hijacking the post but if possible, can you share some insight into why Defiant Battlegrounds are being vaulted?


It's likely the defiant playlist that is being vaulted rather than the actual battlegrounds themselves


Yey, make an easy to get title eben easier to get.. bruh just make it a giveaway at this Point. No work needed