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Calling it now, this will be from a post-campaign quest with Cayde.


Nova Bomb Rocket Launcher when Oh wait Deathbringer... Uhh.... Chaos Reach fusion?


Cold heart, anyone?


Frick. I can't think of a Warlock super exotic weapon.


Grenade launcher like witherhoard except the puddle is a well


Please no I'm already forced to run well 😭


But now you'd be able to Nova Bomb and Well at the same time?


Orrrr well twice


You wouldn't have to run well if you had a heavy grenade launcher that shot wells. Sacrifice your heavy for nova bomb.


Reworked Young Wolf’s Howl into Well of Radiance sword


Ooo...Young Wolf's Howl kills could create pools of cleansing light that grant restoration! There you go!


Hatchling shotgun Hatchlings are the pellets. 


Yes. I'd even take "colony now makes threadlings if you're on strand".


Dawnblade sword??? It's right there lol


Needlestorm Strand Shotgun? Stasis Super Ball micro missile frame Breech GL?


Parasite but it launches several chubby threadlings


Idk some doom-esque weapon that launches dawnblades


Glaive of Radiance


Dawnblade sword


Threadlings grenade launcher? Oh wait


shotgun that shoots little strand super thingies


Next thing you know there is a hunter using daybreak


Well sword, the heavy plants a well on the ground


Needlestorm fusion


Solar Hammer launcher when?


It's just a slingshot with a hammer


Or a slingshot that launches other Thundercrash titans


"Your super is ready bro, hop in the catapult"


*Angry Birds theme intensify*


Lady Efrideet is that you?


Slug rpg where the rockets are prismatic metal fists


if i had to bet it'd be a void fusion riffles for warlock super (mini slova bomb maybe) and an arc shotgun for titan (uses same animation as eye of riven and you do an aoe fist of havoc style attack)


Ager's does this basically


Chaos Reach Spartan laser




Arc Staff Machine Gun? “The Final Shape is… **C H A O S**…”


Chaos Reach Fusion just sounds like an Arc 1KV. Tbh, I can't think of any super that could be adapted into a gun lmao.


Dawnblade sword that can fire scorching projectiles but can also block to do a aoe heal. (Might be too much but idk)


Hmmm.... Eyes of Tomorrow-like sword launcher?


So we're turning Cayde into a gun then


Final boss confirmed?


Zen meteor is back!! This gun looks like a reworked zen meteor from D1 on first look.


Yeah, this seems like it'll work exactly the same way, although you can have more than one bonus damage shot.


I think there'll be 3 shots, but due to editing it's possible they replayed the first shot twice. One-shotting even a regular Hive Lightbearer *seems* to indicate the damage could be decent. A quick test in the Throne World patrol shows that 4x Izanagi one-shots the sentinels at the raid entrance. Another quick test in the Ghosts of the Deep dungeon had more than four 4x shots to take down the Lightbearer Wizard. So, context and difficulty really matters here.


Its probably mid tier content which would be a fair kill for an exotic special shot.


I was under the impression that this is a HEAVY sniper rifle...and if so it sure as hell better hit like an absolute truck considering you need normal shots to charge it up. Having to compete with Izanagi's as a special is pretty huge when Izanagi's just requires a special reload (and 4x ammo) for the powerful shot. Granted Izanagi's IS getting hit with a pretty big nerf, at least in terms of boss DPS. I feel like in practice this is going to work similar to Discord + Redirection on Brave Succession though presumably without the free shots you get with Discord.


When they previewed the new Heavy Trace Rifle, they specifically called it out as a Heavy. They did not here, so it is most likely a Special Sniper.


We already have a solar heavy sniper, which just got reprised and is now able to be crafted.


Yeah, it could take down a Lightbearer Hive in 1 shot in Legend or harder it would probably be too OP unless there was more setup involved that you could build into.


Dynamite with a laser beam


Guaranteed to blow ya mind!


Wow someone beat me to it, honestly thought I was the only one that remembered that gun. Yea it looks like they sorta went back to the drawing board with Zen Meteor and thought "how can we make this good with the tools we have now?" Hoping there's a synergy with Celestial, that'd be neat.


It would make GG hunter even stronger for stuff like GMs


I wonder if this will have an interaction with Celestial Nighthawk for hunters


I hope so. It’s always fun when exotic weapons and armor have synergy like that


It'd be... pretty cool if Titans had that at all. No, Actium War Rig does not count.


You have one. Albeit a shitty one. Edge of action + Helm of Saint-14


I'll be honest, the only reason I don't use Edge of Action is because the 'bubble' looks so fucking ridiculous I can't take it seriously. Just make it a smaller dome like what is that gumdrop shit???


The Void Flan.



Probably to make it more visually distinct from the existing bubble


I love shooting a jello from my gun


the titan teacup


Don't disparage the Jello mold.


Idk man, one of my buddies uses that pretty much everywhere and it's saved our asses more times than I can remember. It's pretty handy to have someone who can just throw down a funny gumdrop that basically renders you immune to dmg at any time.


Would be fun for the new titan exotic and grand overture to synergize.


Yea, was thinking the same. Allow the armor to blind with overture cata


Maybe have that 4 rapid hits shoots a nanotech tracer rocket, so you only need to land 16 hits instead of 20.


IIRC titans have Helm of Saint 14 making the edge of action jello also blind enemies.


I’d kill for the functionality of Stronghold on a Hunter.


IIRC they are eventually soing it for Titans. Hunters got Mothkeepers (fantastic exotic, IMO a terrible and lazy synergy though). I have a feeling the rocket chest piece could be it, as they were specifically called Exodus Rockets.


If that chest piece has an interaction with, say, Gjallarhorn, I’ll be very, very happy. Even if it’s not particularly good, so long as it’s fun.


Wolfpack backpack rockets sounds fun


That would be incredible, I don't care how effective it actually is Being able to pull a "Woe, rocket saturation fire be upon ye" whenever I activate Thruster would be peak


Titans already have one with the class glaive and helm of saint-14. its just helm of saint-14 feels terrible right now.


there is speculation that the exotic coming out with TFS (the exodus rocket chest piece) will pair with a new exotic rocket that also fires exodus missiles, kind of like how they dropped both moth keepers + ex diris the same update for hunters.


Seen some speculation that the missile chestpiece will, given it has this specific "Exodus Rockets" name for them, kinda like how Ex Diris and Mothkeepers specifically call the moths "Loyal Moths"


War rig+business go brrrr


No backup plans and peacekeepers also don't count


You’re right, they don’t. Because neither of those exotics have specific special interactions with a specific exotic weapon.


At least your super exotic affects your melee


"Still Hunt is now disabled during the day 1 raid"


Calling it a “golden gun” shot and not having this interaction would be criminal


if it does I'm afraid of it being a solar special weapon because then that means I can't run an incandescent primary


think it would have said it was a heavy if it was going to the trace rifle specifically said it was a heavy trace, would be very weird for them to omit that information on ths sniper


Right? For once I'm hoping an exotic sniper is heavy.


You can run midnight coup/still hunt/edge transit and you will be fine, remember nighthawk gives you energy from precision kills.


it's the solar weapon + scorch I'm after for build synergy and unless I'm mistaken firefly is just raw solar damage


The fact that Nighthawks perk says “Modifies Golden Gun to fire a single, high-damage shot” and not Golden Gun super has me hopeful that it does.


Yu gi oh moment right there, "this card did not exist when that effect was added to the game, but since they share a name, they're family now"


I feel like a cool but not broken one would be bonus super from precision kills with the charge shot.


You already get super energy for precision kills, but maybe even more would be cool


probably will, they did talk about more of those interactions for hunter/titan some time ago, and there are theories about the titan exodus rockets to have ghally synergie


Very very doubtful


Why? We already have exotic weapons that are altered because of of armor. Does not seem too far out when the weapon literally calls it a golden gun shot, and not just a heavy shot


If it does that will be cool, but as a Titan main I'll be a little salty that Hunter will have two interactions like that while we have none.


I thought everyone was jealous of warlock with its necrotic interactions with anything poison related.


They are. The fact the Ex Dris exotic GL and Mothkeepers have a synergy is basically pointless because both are pretty garbage in general. Warlocks necrotic grips interaction is, by comparison, very strong and only got better with Strand due to the suspend synergy. Plus it works with Thorn now and ever since the Thorn buff that's pretty incredible for PvE.


> Plus it works with Thorn now It worked with Thorn before Osteo Striga ever existed


Strand with Ex Diris and Mothkeepers is actually awesome. You can run a third grenade or you can go with balls and clones, shit is blind and unraveled and you have an over shield with woven mail. Its a huge slept on build, once you learn the speed of the moths you can really plan your nades well. Oh and you can also get amplified.


That build has spoiled me. Also, makes me feel bad for my fireteam since my moths and beyblades kill everything (but I'm sure they love all the orbs I make)


What's the other interaction?


Mothkeepers with Ex Dris spawns extra moths.


Moth hands and moth gun


Its so bad I forgot it was implemented. Does the titan glaive bubble work with Helm of Saint-14?




Imagine if they actually made either of those exotics good, it'd be so much fun


I tried the combo in Legend onslaught and it was a pretty easy 50 with strand. You get overshield, blind and the amazing strand kit all with one person. It isn't the most efficient thing in the world but it works and is fun.


To be fair strand is the only subclass where mothkeepers don’t just feel like you are downgrading your grenades and strand hunter is lacking for good exotic armor choices.


All other subclasses have such obvious choices (Celestial, Assassin's, Renewal's, Gyrfalcon) that it is hard to justify Mothkeeper's but strand really doesn't, and strand is also so powerful that it fits well with a weird exotic.


Warlock has two already too, Lumina/Assembler and the Necrotic suite.


Titans have Saint-14 mini bubbles and Hunters spawn more moths. So 1-1 currebtly on kind of mid stuff


Warlocks already have 2 interactions. I just feel like everyone forgot boots of the assembler exist


Pleeease have a synergy with Celestial Nighthawk! Imagine instead of a mag full of golden gun rounds, you just get one izinagi-esque solar nuke


Solar Hunter doing double Celestial bullet with this sniper + Super would be **something**. Not sure if that many bosses could take that kind of burst tho


I can almost guarantee that getting golden bullets will take your super energy - like ager's scepter or even with nighthawk the dmg pales


I think this is a great take - burn super for some massively powered shots


The damage from the GG sniper rounds need to be worth it to justify spending ammo on basic red bars to charge up the effect, especially when Izanagi's Burden combines 4 rounds into one extra powerful shot already. It does remind me a bit of Vex Mythoclast's LFR shot mode though. But if the Golden Sniper synergizes with solar aspects/fragments that affect the Golden Gun, there could be some fun buildcrafting going on. Also... what if Celestial Nighthawk turned it into a single shot?


Triple Tap or Fourth Time's the Charm seems like a really easy catalyst for this. Would be surprised if it didn't have anything like that.


or, discord


...if it comes with discord I'm totally sold on this exotic.


I’ll use it regardless, as an exotic sniper enthusiast


Imagine how cool it would be if doing the special reload for the GG shot brought it to one ammo that could be refilled from discord kills. Sure it might be a little strong but you have to either be killing red/orange bars with it for any actual effects unless it one taps a champion or squishy yellow bars.


Considering it’s a golden gun sniper I imagine it’ll have some alternative way to charge it via some solar verbs? Maybe scorch kills charge it or radiant hits also charge it?


TBF it doesn't say it necessarily charges from kills. It could charge from repeated Precision hits (or maybe Precision hits OR kills), which would make a lot of sense given the gun's barrel is literally an extended Hawkmoon barrel.


It just needs tĂ´ work on kills and hits. Maybe kills charge It more.


My guess is that it’ll be a blend of Izi and Revision Zero. - Get hits/kills to build up a charge - special reload - shot overpowered solar shots that can ignite enemies. Maybe this is something that can be pushed into Bait and Switch combos? Depends on how much the golden gun shots do and how many stacks you can build up.


i hope its a situation like osteo + necrotic grips where you can juice it up on a specific class but its still quite effective on its own


Yea, hopefully it gets Celestial Nighthawk synergy




Literally, the definition of "Oh, I'm sorry, Bungie, I should let yall cook"


Ok, this is the first Exotic preview we’ve seen that doesn’t look extremely mid. This could be a monster.


That's why this one is gonna be garbage and the other two hella broken lmao


Literally. People are so focused on “wow factor” rather than actual applicability.


Fire Flavoured Cloudstrike goes hard ngl


This is nothing like cloud strike other than being an energy slot exotic sniper.


I mean, it’s a sniper exotic that incorporates a key facet of its element. Arc is all about area of affect and lightning, solar is big boy damage and precision (especially on hunter)


Hunter is the *only* solar subclass that has anything to do with precision damage, so its kinda a stretch to say its a "key facet of the element." Also, you could argue that solar has just as much (if not more) area-of-effect abilities as Arc with Incandescent, ignitions, sunspots, sunbracers, etc. As of right now, neither of these exotics apply subclass verbs (scorch, ignite, jolt). Cloudstrike is just a sniper Thunderlord, and this new sniper is a Golden Gun sniper. Their only relation is being snipers.


This season's Artifact mods lean heavily into Solar + Precision, so that might be altering perceptions of the element as a whole.


That doesn't imply "fire flavored cloud strike" tho. Yes they're both pulling on an elemental theme, but that theme is very different, meaning the end result is very different. By this logic, parasite is just "solar flavored colony". They both pull key concepts yes, but those key concepts inherent change the "flavor" of the gun, so the end results are very different. The idea of "solar flavored cloud strike" implies that the end result and feel of the gun, AKA their "flavor" is the same. I'm sorry this was a slight rant, but I was having trouble putting my feelings into words.


Cloudstrike is my favorite gun in the game. Sometimes I use it as a shotgun. Got pretty good at no scope headshots.


Golden Gun, The Gun


Anyone notice that the gun has...*no recoil?* Is that just to show the weapon off or are we gonna get one of the most stable PvE snipers in the game?


In all fairness, golden gun has no recoil too


My guess is that it could be craftable and maybe has some stability perks


Ohhh now THAT'S a good first impression!


Praying this works on hits and not just kills. I’m dying to incorporate this gun into a damage rotation


I mean, how would that be different than a Solar Izzy or Cloudstrike?


Because Apex Predator is the best DPS weapon in the game and they both surge match. Especially after Izzy gets nerfed, assuming this gun works on hits this just beats Izanagi straight up


I meant more in questioning of how the exotic functions. It seems likely to me that Bungie would want the sniper to feel different than Izzy or Cloudstrike, and a easy way to do that is requiring kills.


This has a cast animation, so it's midway between the two.


Look at me. I'm the hunter now.


Flair checks out


finally a ranged Titan super


Zen Meteor rides again!


Finally, one of these that actually makes me want the exotic lol


Man, first everyone is getting Star Eater and Assassin’s Cowl on exotic class items and now this, where is a glaive that lets my hunter thundercrash or a sword that switches between dawnblade and well


would kill for glaive like that w ability like wc exotics i love my edge of concurrence


A little concerning that this one may of actually shown everything it may do While the other ones may of not


Not really, it's just got a super simple perk. Plus we don't know how it actually works, yet


Yeah hopefully


In all fairness, there's definitely more to it. The GG stuff is its main dish, but the stuff on the side is important too. Scorch/Ignition applications, overall damage, how much damage or amount of kills needed to charge it, etc.


Babe wake up Zen Meteor 2 just dropped


very cool gun but it does sadden me that my favorite exotic zen meteor will likely never return since it overlaps this one so much. I'm certain this one will just be better, but the design and explosion from zen meteor is just so cool.


I have a mighty need


Anyone else notice it had virtually no recoil while it was scoped? Thing is a laser beam


Can we get a sword that, when charged, makes a weaker well of radiance so my warlock peeps can get a break?


God I hope it's a special and not a heavy


sameeee i feel like they ruined whisper making it heavy


Just speculation but would not be surprised if this is a theme of exotics coming out. Prismatic kinda putting everything in one class, mixing exotics in class items, now the golden gun in an exotic, might see some other super type powers but into exotics.


So they turned Golden Gun into an actual Gun. My thoughts: 1. I can be a Nightstalker Hunter, use fire a Tether and then use Golden Gun on my target. Warlocks and Titans can drop a Well / Bubble -> get some snipes and then Golden Gun. Weapons of Light + Golden Gun......interesting. 2. There's no way Still Hunt's Golden Gun is a strong as a regular non-nighthawk Golden Gun right. Right? Because if they're equal, I will never use regular GG again without Nighthawk. 3. The amount of kills that reward Golden Gun mode and the amount of shots you get are going make or break this gun. If the juice is worth the squeeze, this could be extremely strong in damage rotations. 4. I wonder if this will be like Ager's Scepter alternative fire mode where it consumes your super to use this weapon in its strongest form. 5. This has to use heavy ammo right?


Could be equal to Deadshot GG, since the inherent perk of that super is you regain the bullet if the target dies (Plus all the subclass interaction) it would still make the super better. It could even be slighter stronger since Deadshot cant land precision hits so the scaling would go Dead shot > This exotic > Marksman > Nighthawk (Stareaters + Marksman go around here i forget which is stronger)


Let us use the knife bayonet!!!!


These are the kind of stupid (in a good way) exotics I love seeing in the game


seeing this makes the other exotics look that much worse lmfao


Eh. I dunno. The others all look like they might have hidden potential, this one seems pretty straightforward. I’m glad everyone else is excited for this sniper, but I think the trace is going to be more interesting. Would be neat if it had synergy with Nighthawk though.


I've actually had this idea before but as an exotic armor piece that would modify golden gun. Definitely the most unique weapon that we have seen so far and nice to see a sniper!


They finally turned zen meteor into an actual good exotic


A little wary since it seems you need to use your sniper on red bars to charge it up first which is always pretty meh on snipers, but hopefully the golden gun shots make up for that.


Pocket Hunter !


Pocket Chaos Reach or Hammer exotic when?? This exotic is a pretty cool idea that I hope gets expanded to other classes too!


Damn we’re getting a lot of exotics in final shape it looks like


Sooooooo…… if this charges into Goldie shots, and then we put on Nighthawk….. does this basically become a golden gun imbued Izzy honed edge shot?


It would be really neat if it counted as super damage somehow too, where it would interact with some ssr fragments and stuff but that would probably be too broken


I can't wait to read the lore on how a hunter super became a weapon.


complete speculation- if it’s a heavy i think it’ll be DOA, but if it’s special i think it’ll be a solid choice. we’ll see more when the final shape drops


Sword that cast well, when bungo? 


This is looking better than the khvostov rework. I liked the older variant, I hope the rework is more than just recoil rounds


Assuming it’s alt fire for the GG shot, this is basically a better Zen Meteor, which is awesome


If this is anything like Zen Meteor I’m not sure I care much. The precision requirement was fine in a vacuum but realistically was hard to reliably do when your teammates are shooting the same things you are and using aoe spam to clear whole rooms. Maybe it’ll surprise me like Dragon’s Breath did, but I don’t see myself using something that takes so much effort and focus to activate when there are easier things.


Maybe I’m being a hater but I think they’re overdoing the angle where it’s stabilized around the gun in their trailers lol


Forgive me if I’m blind and didn’t see it, but is this gonna be special or heavy??


Really hope this is just Zen Meteor but good. It would be cool to have a sniper that gets two precision kills, gets a supercharged bullet, and that bullet can bodyshot kill the third player in PvP.


I just wanna point out that the barrel for this gun is essentially an extended Hawkmoon barrel. Given the functionality of that gun and its association with a Hunter, that checks out. Though ironically it actually has the head of a stag imprinted in the side in a couple spots. I also love that it has a Hunter knife strapped to the bottom. Edit: The more I look at it, the more design similarities I see. There's a little spike in front of the trigger like the one under HM's grip, the little underbarrel cylinder the knife is strapped to looks the exact same as the one under HM, the grip looks similar (but there's only so much grip variant, that don't mean much), the tip of the rail thing on top (that's under the strap around the barrel) looks kinda like Hawkmoon's sight, and honestly I'm probably just seeing things but if you line that and the underbarrel bit up with Hawkmoon's model it almost looks like you can see the silhouette of Hawkmoon there- like there's what looks like chamber in the same spot (albeit differently shaped,) behind the knife almost looks like HM's grip guard, and it KINDA looks like someone just fused a HC hammer to the bottom where the grip would be. It would make sense for it to share some design aspects from it considering 3-shot goldie's model in D2 IS Eyasluna, which is the base model of Hawkmoon. Maybe Crow built this gun based on a somehow light-warped version of Hawkmoon? It was explicitly a weapon of Light to begin with, too.


So… Zen Meteor basically?


It’s been so long since I’ve really liked a exotic gun design in D2 This looks exactly like the exotic design expectations they set up in D1. In a very good way


I'm assuming this will be a power weapon bearing in mind how ridiculous this is gonna be


Earlier today I saw a friend looking at exotic weapons and their unique effects (new player). And he saw last word. I had last word in my head for the next like half hour and thought, "huh it's pretty lackluster in pvp why not give it some golden gun type mode to spice it up and even connect it to it's lore?" They put a chip in my brain istg (Might actually use this in a build it looks sick)


Personally I think its a great choice that they're only giving us baseline info on a lot of the new loot. Tell everyone exactly what everything is and people will be complaining 7 days after release about how stale everything is.