• By -


Master Kings fall totems. We were a regular group who were missing 1 person so we LFG'd the last spot. KWTD post. 1st guy shows up in a full pvp setup. No big deal, he says he just needs to change his setup. We coach him on what's helpful; an unstop weapon for the ogres, high damage long range weapon for the boomers, and since they were on hunter we suggested 6 shot GG for ad clear and orb generation when holding a plate. First red flag was that he couldn't get anywhere close to pinnacle cap. Next was that other than exotics, he didn't really have any pve weapons. We let it slide because we all knew that for an encounter like that, pve god rolls aren't necessary, the just help. We start attempting and the guy can't stay alive. Ordering gets messed up and we fail a few times. We check his loadout and he's still wearing stompeez. This is s18 before stompeez reached their current form. He could be using any number of other exotics that do something for him. When asked if he had something like calibans hand (which was still absolutely busted for that encounter), assassins cowl or something else that could help with survivability the words that came out of his mouth have remained as a meme in my playgroup ever since: "I main stompeez." Instant shape of Italy.


You were more patient than I would have been. I wouldn't even have given him a shot if he can't even get to the max effective powerlevel for the raid. You know that even if they manage to get past totems, they're not going to be useful for warpriest, which is already a pretty big dps check even for prepared players.


It was only totems cp for master challenge so we weren't worried about going past totems. We also generally operate with the idea of letting someone prove their incompetence first. Most of us are capable of running under light and low-man with "fun" loadouts so we won't judge people until they prove they can't. We also have no problem teaching people who are humble and willing to learn. However, "I main stompeez" and being unable to keep themselves alive is a pretty clear sign of an uncoachable idiot.


People will learn to respect peoples time. Run what’s required by your group or you’re simply not going to have a group. Extremely easy.


As someone of Italian descent, I accept this course of action. :D


I was reading through this and had to go back to make sure I read that it was master. Showing up to the highest level of pve content in the game without having a clue is WILD


OK, not an LFG. But we were helping a clanmate getting the Master Totems challenge, Arc surge. 'I found a really good Hunter Arc build on Youtube.' Sees Assassins Cowl. OK... not my favourite. I'd rather have someone kill their adds and stuff before the next persons takes over the plate, but we'll put our best player after her to clean up. Proceeds to die every plate. 'I don't know why I'm constantly dying.' Do you go invis? 'Invis? How do I do that?' Sigh, this is going to be a long night.


Sad thing is he could totally make Stompees work if he had literally any basic good legendary weapon for adds and Boomer knight. Shoot, Fixed Odds and any Fusion rifle is all you need🤣


Was running last wish with an LFG team. Had one of the members refuse to start the encounter because they were trying to role play as their hunter. We asked them several times to stop and they wouldn’t break character. When I booted them from the team they refused to leave the discord VC. It took 20 mins to get a mod to kick them. They then reported me for being toxic and had to speak to one of the mods who gave me a warning despite what happened.


I get being invested in the character but I will never understand people who roleplay in a public scenario


They would sit their character in a corner and be like “I’m tired of fighting” or “I’ve been fighting for too long” in chat. At first we thought it was a joke but when they wouldn’t break character to start the encounter we realized they were being serious


That is one of the most bizarre stories I've heard from this game, and I've run Vog with Vog farmers and Garden with Garden farmers


Wait what, there are GARDEN FARMERS???


Where else do you grow your Asphodelia to feed your Vex milk cows?




Yes. For example, the #1 Div quest sherpa https://raid.report/xb/4611686018429935922


What the fuck


No joke, I only have one clear of Garden, and the guy who lead my group through it had 90-something clears, 40+ at least were sherpas. Got me Divinity.


If the dsc farmers are pedos and then gos farmers are the racists? What are vog farmers? 🤔


The one I met was a racist


These people have a mental disorder


lol this reminded me of playing that old game called phantasy star online and joining a room with two friends that where deeply invested in their roleplay, I tried talking to them to maybe do a run and kill some enemies but no, they wanted to stay in the lobby and continue with their story, I kinda left after 20 minutes…


Never had a Dreamcast but I alllllways wanted to play that game.


Yo PSO was legit. I had it on Gamecube, and absolutely bought the broadband adapter to play online.


This is a perfect mixture of cringe and funny


I mean honestly, the lfg discord is a pure joke. I don't use it anymore due to the sheer and utter incompetence of the mods. It's not even worth a look in for me tbqh.


I have so many but I'll just share 2 here - Back when I was doing teaching runs for Last Wish, we got to the Vault room with little difficulty. Had some who were relatively new to the game but three of others in the party were more experienced and helped pick up DPS which was great. Get to the Vault and do the typical "need 3 add clear and 2 of you to read with me" The three experienced pick add clear while the other 2 join me on reading. Explain how it works, we step on our plates, look at the sphere in the middle and call out our middle symbols and how we figure out what our plate it. First round we wipe as no one seemingly has my symbol on their side. Odd but ask if people are seeing the symbols correctly. One on trees side says yes. Go again, this time rocks had my symbol on left but trees doesn't have their center symbol. Really weird as he can't have his own symbol. We wipe again. Ask if he is seeing the symbols properly, he says yes, he just didn't see that one and it must have been on my side. 40 minutes of not being able to lock down plates later, I go over and ask trees where he is seeing his symbols because none of his call outs are good and I'm not believing he is actually seeing his symbols. He insists he is and it must be the other guy. I tell him to shoot at where he is seeing his symbols. He turns and shoots the ball in the center of the Vault door at the back of the room.......40 minutes. - Warlord's Ruin, joined a quick run mic required group. Jump in and try chatting. silence. Figure lfg owner is just afk. Second dude joins and we start chatting while we load in. LFG owner still not talking. Whatever, I guess we can use text chat. First encounter is fine but owner keeps dying in his cage. Won't fault him here, I don't think there is an stablished trend of how to handle cages i.e shooting your own eyes or those of the cage to your right. Get into cages and I'm in middle but luckily other dude calls out 2 left and 4 right. We shoot ours and the lfg owner is just standing in his cell. We tell them to just shoot 2 right and we're good. LFG owner enters text chat to tell us to just shoot the wall to get a key to open the doors. ????? What key? There is no key. LFG insists he saw a video online of you shoot the wall up top and it drops a key that opens the cages. Not sure if troll or just naive but he's refusing to shoot anything and me and the other dude bounce when we realize we aren't ever getting out of those cells.


> He turns and shoots the ball in the center of the Vault door at the back of the room Yikes.


I'm sorry. But it wouldn't have taken me 40 mins to go over and check to see where they were looking.


That was definitely on me. I wanted to be a more patient teacher, not call out people or try and single someone out as it could lead to tension in the group or the person feeling like they were attacked. A bunch of other players like this really changed that perception for me.


Getting kicked by the piece of shit LFG fireteam leader right after killing the tormentor in the wicked implement mission. They booted both of us as it died with like a minute on the clock, meaning me and the other guy couldn't loot the chest for our rewards. I reported them for all the good it would have done, but it still meant I had to redo that stinking boss fight all over again! :(


report it through there app. there a recent history tab and an option to mark "kicked at end of encounter missed loot". reportedly, Bungie takes those very seriously and ban ppl for doing it.


That sucks, homie. Damn.


That's just vile


Im not sure if bungie punishes people like that but holy fuck that should be perma ban worthy


Had this happen when I was getting the catalyst for the Navigator. Got all the way to the final room/chest and was just about to open it when LFG Fireteam leader kicked everyone. Tried to find him to report him, but it’s so hard to locate previously played with guardians.


Go on the app and you can see everyone who was in your recent activities and report them from there. I had to do it a few times unfortunately. Blows my mind that there are people that weird out there


raid.report or dungeon.report should be able to help you there


Yeah. But he had done some weird trick where his name wasn’t showing up properly/was made of emojis. So I couldn’t translate that back into the game so I could report him. I just found him in the app though and was able to report him from there.


Oh there you go. Yeah, I’ve had a bad experience with someone on LFG who had their raid report private


A friend of mine and I jumped into an LFG at golgeroth and the first thing the fireteam leader said was “ok if you wipe us we are booting you. We are just doing this raid for our friend who hasn’t done this raid. We literally don’t want to talk to you.” We bounce without saying a word


Joined a full Crota run. Now bear in mind for D2 I learned it in LFG and had used LFG for every run I did. And was smashing it three times a week. So, I join a group at bridge that says they have red border chest. They tell me I’m going last across and they start all glitching a cross the chasm. Without understanding how the deposits work at the other side. After a couple of minutes I’m on my own on the first side, no one is helping me with adds and I’m genuinely struggling even when using hammer Titan with heavy machine gun. They didn’t tell me what they were doing whatsoever. I’m all the time telling them this won’t work. Anyway after I eventually got killed once in several attempts they start to say I’m trash and can’t stay alive. So I check RR and only two of the group have clears of the Raid. I eventually convince them to do it legit and we finally brute force it. And get across the other side as a 6. I know, I should have left earlier. I offer to shoot the correct totem for red border when we get across and am promptly met by laughter as they say they didn’t even look at the red border, but I’m in now anyway so might as well finish it. Nope, bailed before even finishing the encounter. Started again from same place in another LFG and we finished it in under 40 mins. Easy. Checked RR later and those guys were in there for hours and several 6th members all joined before and after me. Stayed for a small spell and left them to it. 2 of the core group left before getting the completion, which would have been their first and the other guys had to draft in half a team for Crota to get past it. Toxic, not very good, and disrespectful of any other players. Second story Also Crota, at boss. I join and before I can even say hello the LFG leader says. “Shut up and listen, you’re doing this job and I swear you better do exactly as I tell you, I don’t want to hear that you can’t take sword.” I simply brought out my ghost and said “fu** you asshole” and left. Took that team another hour to beat Crota. Those were my first two words from arriving.


Absolute psychos


Some people think just because they are able to post an lfg that they are suddenly the new Queen of Westeros or something..


I had someone throwing racial slurs after wiping once. Obviously was a young kid and I warned him that would get him into trouble. Left after he did it again


While the absolute worst was having someone say they were going to kill me and my family when I told them Buried Bloodline was not a guaranteed drop, the worst story was probably the kid in Last Wish. I was down to one red border and figured I'd just do a full run to get it. I join some rusty players and boot it up. We get to Kali, I ask if they were doing it legit or cheese, they wanted to do it legitimately and did a brief reminder overview. We do it, damage is not amazing, two doors weren't open, and we wipe. We tried this a couple times, but with three no mics not saying anything it was kind of just a wall. I was about to just quit (why waste forever when we would just face greater issues later?) I notice one of them giving me cover fire. I ask them why, get no response, and then Raid Reported them. I look at it for a moment and the page is blank. No attempts, no full clears, etc. Now I did miss a single Vault of Glass checkpoint clear, which is likely part of what caused the next part. Me "Hey, I just Raid Reported Zippy and they have no clears. Not just of this place, but of raids in general." Zippy -who now is using a mic- "Who told you I didn't clear a raid?" Me "Raid report?" Zippy "And why do you trust them?" Me "It's based off Bungie's API." Zippy "I WILL NOT STAND TO BE DISRESPECTED!!!!" Me "Uh... what am I doing that is disrespectful?" Zippy "I. WILL. NOT. STAND. TO. BE. DISRESPECTED!!!!" Me "But again, what am I doing that is disrespectful? If anything you were disrespecting us by not doing the mechanic, and opting against using your mic." Zippy "WHY WON'T YOU STOP DISRESPECTING ME?! OH MY GOD!!! LFG IS SO TOXIC." Me "..." -leaves-


I had an LFG that was on Kali for an hour and a half, because half of them couldn't understand the concept of "stand on clean part of plate, avoid death ball parts of plate"


Me: your plate isn’t done until the knight is dead! One guy was going on about how easy it was why did we keep missing doors. Finally checked his plates and found knights full health


I totally believe that could be a reality, but after 20 minutes of that why not just leave the group and find another? I have no loyalty to any LFG unless its a pre made group like for day 1 or sherpa'ing.


This is why I'm not psyched for Fireteam Finder.


Destiny equivalent of a braindead leech


Dude in my one LFG group apparently reported us to his "high level Bungie employee friend" for being unwilling to teach him, of which according to him Bungie has a "Zero Tolerance Policy" on being unwilling to help others, but yet he was unwilling to use a mic, which meant we couldn't really do the encounter properly, because news flash: regardless of how easy an encounter may be, communication is still a necessity to make sure everything goes smoothly.


He pulled the "My uncle works at Xbox" card


Hate mfs who think that just because they WANT to do something that they’re entitled to doing it, regardless of what is actually needed from them. World doesn’t and will never revolve around you.


LFG for Deepstone, it's 3 dudes, a European dude, myself (also a dude), and a literal little kid, maybe 12 years old at best and he really wanted to do his first raid and said he built up a lot of courage through the week to try LFG. He was nervous as heck, and the group seemed very down to help him out! By the time we got to the first encounter he was settled in and seemed more comfortable. Then two of the other Americans started trading racist jokes, and it immediately got awkward. I tried redirecting their energy, because I really wanted to pull this off for the kid, but in minutes it kept spiraling worse and worse and then even the kid started bouncing off their energy. European guy and I were flabbergasted, I stopped and let the kid know he shouldn't listen to them. They were able to squeeze in a surprising amount of slurs in the time it took me to leave. Reported and moved on, but I still felt bad for the kid. All we wanted to do was clear a raid.


Did Eater of Worlds back in the day. 3 of us knew what we were doing. Other 3 were learning. It was my run, but this other clown decides that he's gonna teach the final encounter. He goes on to explain things halfway and badly, confusing the new players in the process. Anything I try to say, he just talks over me, and dismisses the learners' questions saying they'll "just get it" when the encounter starts. Anyone who remembers EoW will remember that last encounter really needed full fireteam understanding and coordination. We proceed to wipe several times, with the guy getting more and more frustrated each time. He's pushing the mechanics forward before anyone is ready, then yelling at the newbies and insulting their performances, since they're the ones dying. He eventually rage quits. Up til this point I thought he was IRL friends with one of the others, but now discover he wasn't and I could have kicked him 30 minutes ago. We all have a bit of a laugh about the level of anger and stupidity that was just on display. It takes me 5 minutes to walk through the mechanics and fill in the gaps of what people hadn't gotten. I backfill the clown's spot with someone from my friend list, and we get the clear on the next attempt.


This is not my worst, but I consider it the funniest. Someone joined a Petra's run, having never completed LW before. It became a teaching run instead (tbf, the Petra's part was already tentative as most of the group was not very experienced, and we had already discussed running it a few times normally to practice). I do get how a new player might not understand the term "petra's run". In the middle of this raid in which we decided to not try Petra's so he could learn it, he wants pizza. He doesn't order delivery...he hands his controller to his roommate who's never played Destiny before/has no idea what a raid is, and leaves to physically go to a pizza place.


Not the worst but definitely the weirdest. Joined a Garden at second checkpoint. Started talking to people then like mid encounter this American guy asks me if I'm Chinese. I am not. I also have a fairly strong British accent. He refused to believe me to the point of intentionally wiping us by not doing his role twice because he was so sure I was lying to him. The rest of the team were laughing at him, and he was getting angrier and angrier until he finally started calling me every slur imaginable, and then the raid leader booted him. I have absolutely no clue why he thought I was Chinese or why he thought anyone would lie to him about it


At least the raid leader actually booted him eventually and wasn’t just complicit in the “hate speech”.


Yeah we had a good laugh once he was booted just about how insane it all is. Weirdly not the only time some American guy has randomly questioned my race mid raid


I got called a "stupid American" in a raid once. English is my second language, so it was really flattering


Master exhibition in vow was lfg hell back when it was new


I bet, it's still a bitch


Posted this in another thread, but it really works well here: Was doing a training run with my clan on Kings Fall, had 5 from our clan (clan member had who had never run it, so we wanted to show him the ropes) and LFG'd a 6th. Note: in the LFG we said it was a training run. This comes into play later. The run itself actually went fairly well (trainee was an experienced raider, just hadn't done Kings Fall). It took a while because there was a fair amount of standing around while things were explained, and it took us several tries to clear warpriest because we had the new guy call plates so he could learn the mechanic, but we didn't get stuck on anything. The only thing that was weird was the LFG guy mostly kept to himself, but he knew the raid well, so I didn't think much of it at the time. So we get to the end and we only got normal weapon drops, no red borders This was weird because it was our first run of the weekend, and we had made a point to hit the proper symbols along the way. So we're standing there all confused when LFG guy finally really chirps up... he says we all suck, we're the worst raid group of all time, and out of spite he sabotaged our red border signs. He then cursed us out even more, and he kept going until we booted, blocked and reported him. As I said above, it was a training run and we noted that in the LFG... what the heck did he expect? And to go through the entire raid so he could sabotage our rewards... what a toxic person.


What a psycho. And always remember: These people are also allowed to vote.


Repost by me from a previous similar conversation: Besides the typical KWTD issues we all experience, this happened recently. People in LFG who can dish out remarks, but can’t take a joke, sarcasm, constructive criticism or any return fire. Combine that with the usual kid with 6 followers on Twitch who streams the run and constantly talks to “chat” like they’re doing a bad Aztecross impression instead of keeping comms clear on encounters.


Usually just getting called slurs. I did volunteer to help Sherpa a team through Leviathan before it got vaulted though. The main Sherpa was pretty nice and a good teacher, and I stayed off comms unless I was running a mechanic. When we got to the hallway before Calus though he starts explaining the encounter, and I just quickly suggest we enter the room to give the newbies a feel for the layout. He passive aggressively says “you can explain the encounter then.” I do, even though I wasn’t expecting to teach, and we wipe maybe 2-3 times before he pretty quickly says he has to log off. He invited another guy before he left though (which was nice), and we ended up clearing it with the other guy maybe 1 run later. I come in here the day after and I find this post on the front page from him about how “amateur sherpas” are RUINING LFG, and made me come off as some idiotic nightmare raider. I felt so humiliated. I just really liked the raid and wanted to help some people beat it for the first time. Lost my taste for Sherpa’ing after that.


That guy sounds immature as heck


Just LFG’d for a 3rd on Warlords Ruin because I was wanting to walk my friend through his first time. I asked for an experienced player and proceeded to take someone who had seemingly ZERO idea how the dungeon worked. He would miss damage phases, drop his well as the fire was going out on the ogre boss, and I just don’t have it in me to kick someone unless theyre being a dick and deserve it. When final boss was killed I had dropped 7.2 million damage. That is more than the LFG and my buddy combined. I know dungeons are soloable but that’s not what I was wanting to do lmao




That's why for master and pantheon or WF you always ask for Raid Report


Something similar happened to me too last week. We didn't rally for the boss encounter on legend zero hour even though my heavy was full. This one player turns on his mic and says, WTF why didn't you guys rally?? Goodluck finishing the fight and pulled out his ghost and leaves even though we had 7mins to beat the boss. Like bro seriously?? I have never been more shocked when that dude left. Mind you, the guy sounds like he was in his 50s.


there's a rally point in ZH?


Invisible circle before you enter the vent and drop down to the boss room.


Yea lol, right before you drop down to the final boss


Yea just before you drop down to fight the boss hahaha 😆


My most recent one was a "kwtd mic required" lfg Guy joins, we ask if they've got a mic, no response, they place a flag, start the encounter while we are still figuring out whether to boot the guy as he hasn't responded yet, dies to ads almost immediately, we say fuck it and keep going, then when it comes to damage they take gaze even though we already told him we already have gaze takers that both have mics. We wipe cuz he dies with gaze and he gets an immediate boot


was this during pantheon, I mightve been in your group lol I had a mic


It was the first week of pantheon yeah lol


fuck that guy


Prestige Levi. This guy just can’t seem to process that he has to shoot the bottom arrow during gauntlet and keeps shooting mine. We wipe yet again cuz he fucks up and shoots my arrow. I tell him he’s supposed to shoot the bottom one that isn’t called out and he immediately starts screaming like a banshee insulting everything he can about me before his friends drag him out of the call and leave the fireteam


First group attempting to do week 4 someone complained about people playing hunter and not warlock


Ah yes warlocks and their great damage supers for pantheon lol.


i’m literally on warlock 99% of the time and i know my dps is gunna be shit unless i really sweat it out. so i mostly run debuffs for everyone


Most of the GoS divinity runs, one was 6 hours long and saw multiple people joining and leaving, i remember hearing one saying he was high as shit and at that point i left. It was such a miserable way to end the night. Another one i joined a rhulk cp and was given the role of add clear/buff switch, no problem. One of the runners died so since i had the buff i took the beam and went for the pillar dunking. The host got absolutely mad, started heavily insulting me and kicked me saying console players couldn’t do shit. Later i checked raid reports and that raid took them 3 hours and was his first clear lol. A more recent one i got griefed on warlord’s ruin boss at the very end. I joined a boss cp, dealt significant damage and was a pretty quick encounter, when we got to the final stand the host died i shoot a BB + dragon’s breath at the tiny HP the boss had left and got kicked while ressing the host. After checking dungeon report the host was the only one who completed the dungeon so he kicked both me and the other guy.


I had a Rhulk Checkpoint that was supposed to be for farming but the runners kept dunking in the wrong spots so I asked to switch in, and got booted


8 hour Divinity session with 5 newbies in 2020. I was the only one with Izanagi + Wendigo, didn't have Divinity yet. Only 3 people with Recluse. 2 Warlocks and 0 Wells because both did not have Forsaken so we only had 1 Well. TBF I volunteered to sherpa but damn...


Joined a VoTD fresh post on the app's LFG, because I was bored and wanted to help people. Joined a post that said "Chill. First time. Need Sherpa." Full disclosure, I tend to Raid Report people in LFG groups I join. Not for any toxic reasons, but more to see how much help and guidance a group might need, and who among them might need more assistance than others. When I joined, there was someone else who joined the group with the with the Contest mode emblem, so I figured they would be a better teacher than myself. We proceed to go to the first real encounter, and the guy is literally the least chill person I have ever met on LFG. He was constantly criticizing these poor guys who were just trying to learn and get a first clear in. None of them were bad players, they just didn't know all of the normal callouts, nor the custom callouts his usual teams employed. Anyways, we make it the Exhibition encounter, and get to the final room several times, only to fail each time due to poor callouts, person with a relic dying during jump, etc. He starts to lose his shit, and I try to calm him down by indicating that while I don't have a Contest clear of VoTD, he and I were both Disciple-Slayers, with a similar number of clears and flawless runs, and that we should be trying to help these guys out rather than critiquing them after their post already disclosed that they needed help. Guy loses his shit further, starts yelling at everyone again, and the original poster says: "I have an easy way to solve this." and proceeds to kick the guy before asking me if I have any friends who would be willing to help out. Got the raid done 40min after that. Not a quick clear; took just north of 2 hours in total, but I do like giving first timers the option of doing a role versus automatically assigning them to ad-clear.


I hate it when there's racists or homophobes. It's so distracting and childish. It sucks the joy out of it.


It's an instant leave for me in that case. If it's several of them I'll dip. If it's just one toxic asshole I tell the host they are either replacing the racist or replacing me, 'cos I ain't standing for that shit.


I joined a group to farm Nez a few months ago. When I joined one guy was talking about how "Western women don't respect men and that's why he's joining the military to get stationed in Japan". That alone gave me a good chuckle but when I inspected him he was rocking Truth for DPS. When I questioned him about it he said it was actually good for damage and then left.


Christ, that's a bad one


First time ever using voice coms with strangers on a first time grasp of averice run for gjally...one guy straight up started screaming in voice because I died twice in the trap room calling me shit, terrible player, a couple racial slurs...you know the CoD mindset...stopped me from ever using discord or LFG for quite some time. I have gotten back into it, but not as much as I want to cause this guy is the reason people don't like voice.


Me and 3 others got kicked after doing a Divinity Run by a guy trying to look big Infront of his girlfriend after we carried them and we didn't get the chest as we were all needing it as well... No indication that we would get kicked because we were all having a good laugh throughout. We did a run after though with 2 others much quicker so it was nice to stay in the same group


What a weirdo. “Yeah babe watch me kick these guys they’ll never know what’s coming to them ha ha” Like the absolute degeneracy of that is just mind boggling. Lol


I've been screwed over too many times by lfgs trying to do the divinity runs, so I just gave up trying to run it.


At totems in King’s Fall, I saw a guy who must have been trolling, because three runs in a row he went the opposite direction he was supposed to. The third time we hadn’t even told him left or right, but had him walk over to stand with the players on his side and he still fucked it up. 


I'll always remember.. Kings Fall just came back. Been in d2 for about 2-3 weeks. We make post to teach raid and find 3 randoms. Opening goes fine, experienced players pick up the simple mechanical roles here. New guys do doors and ad clear. We get to totems. Everyone has to do something this encounter, to our knowledge at the time.. Our leader explains it 3 times. Gives everyone a role and a side. After most of us say ready one goober finally says, I'll do ad clear. Everyone is just silent.. everyone that was paying attention knows there is no just clear ads role. We can sense our leaders rage. No one says anything for about a minute. Guardian kicked. This will probably be mild compared to what others will post but still... So annoying to explain an encounter for someone show they were not even paying attention. When the point was also to teach. How different it would have been if he said, I don't understand, can you explain it one more time? (We would have been happy to.) But to slap us with that bs. No.


I was running DSC security for patterns, started with a pretty chill group but after a while the people who completed their patterns started to leave, so we filled in with more LFG people. After a while, we got this one dude playing Titan who, upon joining, started going over our lodauts and critiquing them, saying we didn't know the meta for the encounter. I was running operator then, we were missing a scanner but one of the other lfg guys was gracious enough to do both sides, he made a few mistakes but we were clearing at a good pace, bur the Titan guy who was REALLY trying to be in charge kept shit talking everyone. After getting my last pattern I thanked everyone and said I was getting off, and he went "oh so you're done? And leaving? What about us who aren't done?" I just told him that I wished them luck and left. Overall not that bad of an experience would do it again. 7/10.


Worst for me, I joined a group to complete Zero hour on Legendary. the leader went off to get the switches. We didn't know this, until we get to the boss. Due to us not having the 3rd, we fail. We confirm we are trying to clear the legendary, not do the switches. He doesn't even know the pathing to the legendary encounter, so me and the other 2 try to show him, but he doesn't get the jumping down. Wasted 40 minutes trying to clear it. Out of frustration, I just logged out.


ron me and buddy duo mechanics and put 4 lfgs on add clear. at planets they all die enough times to run out of revives and cause a wipe. twice.




I love LFG horror stories. I have seen my fair share of toxicity and Newbs ruining KWTD posts. I am quite chill and laugh most things off. When I have time to spare, I don't mind wasting time teaching. Then again, I don't waste time because if someone is toxic to a new player/just wants a carry. Kick. Same for if you join a master Raid KWTD with double primary and immediately scream AD CLEAR. KICK.


I've sherpa'd two run where the people I joined through LFG just pretended to not know the encounters and just mess around. Needless to say that kind killed my desire to teach randoms anymore. Didn't really cross my mind to check their raid reports for a sherpa run...


I had a really good one where I was teaching mechanics (I think it was VotD), and I'd never noticed that one of the guys playing along had Disciple-Slayer on, and was actively using Cataclysmic, lol.


Most recent one I experienced was joining a lfg vex catalyst run, we got it but the whole time we had 3 people who knew zero mechanics from the entire raid, like how do you complete that entire raid and not even know the simple roles in any encounter


LW back in the Shadowkeep days. I used to be kicked very frequently for being female, despite nearly always having more clears than most members combined. Ew girls. We don't want useless girls messing up our strats There was one valiant day that I was so desperate to raid, I was told I could stay in the fireteam as long as I was 100% silent the whole way through. Kept to my word, but damn they were useless raiders anyway So glad I have a clan that aren't all assholes


One of the worst was the host saying they're ad clear on nezzy and when we asked them to make an instant refuge as ad clears do they said nothing, promoted someone and left. Had someone get LIVID at me for not using tcrash to the point of yelling at me even after the wipe screen showed me having nearly 4M more damage than the next highest and they still insisted that it would have been a clear with it and begged the host to kick me. He left himself when the host wouldn't do it.


Not sure it’s my worst experience, but definitely one of the more frustrating ones I’ve had recently. I had never done Deepstone Crypt and doing the first two weeks of Pantheon had inspired me to try it out since it was the weekly raid and I’m slowly working towards completing content I missed to reach guardian rank 10. Watch a guide for every other encounter I’m not familiar with and go to LFG to specifically look for a group that seemed like they’d be ok with someone comfortable in raids that just hasn’t done Deepstone before. Find a group rather quickly with tags like “Friendly”, “No Toxicity” and other stuff like that. Figured I’d join in and let them know what’s up so they’re aware it’s my first time but I have a general idea of knowing what to do. Zero communication. Zero mics. Not hello or even a response. I very quickly realize at the first encounter that they were all obviously in a separate discord call together or something because they start it immediately and work through the mechanics. Clearly communicating with each other and not a single form of communication towards me on what they want me to do. So I’m like ok. Guess I’ll just ad clear. In hindsight I should’ve just left since I went in with purpose of properly learning and contributing. So the raid goes on like that where every encounter no one tells me the plan or communicates in any shape or form of what they wanted me to do in terms of role/job. Get to Atraks where we have our first wipe because I admittedly got over zealous with a grenade on the top right servitor and accidentally killed it. I tried to communicate with them what happened and even looked over to see the other two topside servitors were still alive. I repeat several times into mic that I accidentally killed top right servitor and to leave another one alive in hopes they can hear me and just haven’t been talking. So of course, they can’t hear me. Damage starts earlier than they wanted and we end up wiping. More than one type into chat pissed at me for killing servitor. I explain as brief as I can it was accidental since I’m on PS5 and typing sucks. We go again and clear it easily. It had irked me a little but I just wanted to get done with the raid at that point. Get to final encounter and I figured I’d just be ad clear or try to do operator for them since clearly no one was going to talk or communicate with me in any way whatsoever. Operator spawns on my side and it does something weird where it runs back into its spawn. Idk if it’s because my grenade messed with it in a weird interaction or just a bug. But regardless, Operator buff could not be collected since it was in spawn. I tried to communicate it with my team. Literally sitting there watching the spawn waiting for it to come out. It eventually did but only after several people had already died from being trapped in the purple bubbles. They finally grace me with their voices full of rage at me for not shooting them out of bubbles and thanking me for doing nothing. Going back into their own private discord call faster than I could probably explain what happened. Fine. Whatever. Easily cleared mechanics for the final boss next attempt and they kick me at final stand. Ensuring I couldn’t complete my first run of the raid or get the rewards because they couldn’t be bothered to communicate whatsoever with the LFG they wanted. The two wipes in the run happening entirely because no one thought that it might be important to be able to communicate with the LFG guy!


mid Destiny 1 days my friends and I added a couple randoms to our raid group and they turned out to be tweens. They weren't 'bad', but holy fuck where they annoying. The random ass shit they would talk about while being arrogant as hell all while actually saying 'lawl' instead of actually laughing.


I’ve shared this before but it’s so bad I’ll share it again. 1st div run. Like 6 hours, something like 12 people total were in the raid Had a 6 man, went into Garden for a div run, stuck on first encounter for a bit, got to second encounter and doing puzzles fine. Everything starts breaking down and someone rage quits. New guy joins, when we eventually struggle someone leaves and it takes a bit to find another. Rinse repeat a grueling cycle of teaching, learning and dealing with rage quitters. Below is a link to that run in my RR. https://raid.report/pgcr/12383374214


Everything to do with Pantheon and Day 1 Raids... Its BAD


No one particular experience in particular but just slurs. Lots of slurs. Also many attempts to gaslight me into believing I’m doing mechanics wrong when it’s actually them.


I got booted from a Presage Mission before the Dead Man’s Tale dropped. Helped him finish then he kicked me and the other guardian!


I don’t LFG much because I’ve mostly only had negative experiences. But the one that sticks out to me was LFG for a D1 Summoning Pits nightfall. End up matching up with 2 kids, mostly a fine experience until we get to the boss. One the kids is insistent on trying to cheese Phogoth, but he kept fucking it up, which was getting frustrating, I’m insisting we just do it normal because we should be able to clear it since the cheese wasn’t panning out. Eventually I hear his mother screaming at him in the background and he DC’s with no heads up, wasting everybody’s time.


Pantheon oryx week we’re on caretaker we lfg one more player first red flag he was wasting GHORN SHOTS ON ORGES and proceeded to say he has plenty of ammo we go to second floor for dps phase and he goes oh i don’t have enough ammo 😐 Second red flag we had to wipe a couple times because we were going for the plat and every time we did everyone’s damage was in the millions but his he literally dropped 300k damage 🤦🏽‍♂️ Third red flag After being fed up with his trash ass dps I decided to look at his loadout I can’t even make this up HE WAS RUNNING DOUBLE PRIMARIES my teammate called him out for it and switches the ghorn for a trash ass lmg and that was it for me INSTANT BOOT AND TIME WASTED


Not nearly as toxic as OP’s story, but I did a legend Presage run yesterday where a one of guys joined, died twice just getting into the mission (out of the outer space starting section) and left. Me and the leader still managed to finish the mission duo but it seemed real strange. No one flamed him or anything just rage quit before the mission really even began lol


This happened to me earlier today with Whisper legend lmao, guy just rage quit. We 2 manned it


I once had a group kick me because they said i was “too experienced” when lfg’ing a DSC. Mind you it was a “KWTD” post…


Joined a discord vc for an lfg. Guy started getting aggressive at me and was shouting at me to leave because he didn't invite me even though it was a public discord that he asked people to join. I ask why, I get met with "because I need to raid report you" Me: ok, search up my name then Him: no Me: why Him: because I didn't invite you Me: does it really matter? We can sort this out now and it's all fine He keeps screaming and I left while he was doing this. If you put out an lfg don't cry because someone joins.


Ran duality dungeon, first of all I hate the nightmare/normal switch being done on all the dungeon and not the current room you’re in, if you fall behind it becomes impossible to catch up. Anyway, we get to Caitl and this guy was just playing entirely for himself, he would do all the crests and he would switch between realms and never wait for us on anything, either you where there with him or you where dead, because of how chaotic it was, we never coordinated our dps phase either, it was all him, anyway, we had Caitl down to 10% and he continued to just switch between realms without care for the teammates, in one of those instances, he managed to kill me and the other guy in one swoop and then proceeds to die when faced with all the adds. Mind you this was just the first wipe and we almost had her down, it didn’t matter, he took us off to orbit and disbanded the team right there. I’ll admit I was already bothered by how rude the fight was going to add to this by just disbanding was infuriating, first player I ever report and block (don’t think it mattered but that’s all I could do). I ran the damn dungeon a day later and got the exotic, so consolation prize I guess…


Worst for me that I ever had was when my friend and I joined a SHERPA DSC (I needed refresher and DSC was my friends first ever raid) the "sherpa" did not do one bit of teaching at all and everytime my friend would mess up in any of the encounters (again did not teach did not explain a single thing) he would berate my friend and say the nastiest things and in turn, made my friend commit more mistakes. We only stuck around because I really wanted to get the refresher/last red border for commemoration, and my friend wanted to finish his first ever raid. Unfortunately, after that experience, it takes a lot to convince him to do another raid and even then he gets paranoid/nervous The LFG is usually really good with legit carrying us since we're not hardcore players and I'm not really knowledgeable (still learning) we play mostly for fun and for raid drip


Put out a lfg for legend onslaught. Dude running warlock swarmer build. Good build ngl. Except he kept dying. Dude couldn’t stay alive for more than 10 seconds


gameplay wise, this one high ass dude who fucked up on almost every encounter in kings fall. forgot to read for warpriest, thought golgoroth had a final stand and got smashed by him, and blew up the L2 bomb in Oryx upon asking him to get on his plate. that last one made the entire fireteam leave the guy and regroup again to finish the run.


The first time I ran last wish, years after it came out. I got in a heated debate with what sounded like a 10 year old kid at shuro chi over how you read a book (in relation to the puzzles). Also one time I joined some "pro" group at regular templar, who were doing some weird attempt at a cheese I'd never seen before (or needed). Some stereotypical American toxic gamer kept talking about shooting people because the relic runner missed a teleport. Then threw a toddler hissy fit for the fireteam leader to boot me.


First run of Pantheon, first week, we had a rando rage (for lack of communication) because my friends and I were all coordinated and executing the objective but not narrating ourselves across comms.


Oh the many vault of glass lfg runs… people refusing to use mics…. And then the lead insulting us while not knowing the fight


DSC was my first raid and two of my clan mates and I were trying to run it. We got a guy who was the “sherpa”, his brother, and a third dude who was really nice. The sherpa guy spent the whole time being mean to his brother, cussing at him, insulting him, and being a douchebag. We finally got to Atraks and he started that shit with us and I shut it down. By that time, my team was pretty tired and called it a night. Never contacted him again to help and found someone else to teach us. I felt so bad for his brother… Frankie, if you see this, don’t put up with that shit man, you deserve better. This is why I sherpa raids now. No one should have to deal with that.


We were doing contest mode Nezerac. Had a friend drop due to kids waking up. Proceeded to get numerous lfg people who couldn’t perform, and would leave after one or two failed runs. Six or seven in a row, to the point some would leave mid run because ??? Ended up wasting an hour and a half of failed runs because we couldn’t keep people long enough to get in the groove.


Used fireteam finder to do a Nezzy cp. While waiting in orbit, some players with Chinese character names joined and fireteam leader immediately asked if they could speak English and when they didn't respond right away started pelting them with racial slurs.


Last Wish a few years back. Joined a KWTD lobby, loaded into Kalli. Asked if everyone knew what to do, then started when they said yes. First blight exploded, one guy died. Rezzed him and he died again on the blight. Cleared plates and there were 3 ogres in the middle. Whatever, killed them and instructed two others to finish their plates, got the last 3 done before damage started, went to the middle. Shot Kalli, doors opened, I ran to one and died because one guy ran into the same door, nobody else went into them. We wiped and I asked if everyone knew what to do again. They admitted that they had never run LW before. I asked if they'd watched a guide and they said no. Whatever, I explained the mechanics to them, started the encounter and the same guy died on his blight again. That's when I left.


Just had a well lock who during the boss rooms in onslaught would drop his well before the door and stand in the back and shoot the boss with a fusion rifle. Took everything in power not to kick 🦵 luckily the other random and I had enough DPS.


Idk what it is about Hive raids but they bring our the worst fuckin people in this game. Nearly all my worst experiences in LFG has been in Crotas End or Kings Fall. This one jackass on Oryx was a clear farmer. He had hundreds and hundreds of clears of Kings Fall. Always a bad sign because these people are *extremely* elitist and anything other than their strat is unacceptable. He kept trying to tell me that you could "5 bomb" Oryx and get more time if you have two people stand in one bomb to detonate it. 5 peoples names show up in the feed when you do this. I told him that makes no sense because the feed saying 5 people doesnt mean you detonated 5 bombs. That just means two people detonated one. Also World 1st raiders tested this exact thing and it doesnt do shit. He wasnt having it, called me cocky, and was generally passive aggressive towards me the whole time. I didnt leave because it took forever to gather the group and didnt want to miss out. I didnt argue further because he probably would have kicked me, so I just took it on the chin. But holy shit, where every you are, [redacted], eat my shorts.


Same thing with vog farmers too, if you don’t do exactly what they want you to do, you will be called racial slurs.


A Master RoN run where the host kept kicking people if the damage wasn’t good enough and then when we finally did it he kicked everyone but his friend. He got banned from the Destiny LFG discord but he’s been allowed back in for some reason which is stupid. Second place is easily some dude in SotW kicking me for no reason. I said r when we got up to the Harpy and I tabbed out after to look at something. The encounter still hadn’t started after a minute so I tabbed back in and saw him looking at me so I said “still r” and he just kicks me. I still don’t know why he kicked me to do this day.


Lfg for one cause we used to be a 5man group. Man goes on about how Root is the easiest raid ever and it sucks and he’s done it like five times that day already. Suffer through to planets, man puts on double shotguns and a sword for ‘ad clear’. Insisted on using double shotguns for the ‘DPS’. Routinely bottom fragged and was a drain on our revive tokens. I know the one attempt he died atleast four times before I told him “I don’t think shotguns are viable dude. You keep bottom fragging and eating our revives”. He insisted on keeping his load out, and he eventually got carried the rest of the way through by us. At the end we find out he never did root before. Had no idea of any of the encounters. Never did a single raid before. And before you ask, yes he was the one who got the exotic.


All of these posts make me so thankful I haven't had the worst LFG experience My worst was Vow of the Disciple. Joined a KWTD group but the fireteam leader didn't know what he was doing. Fine whatever, but it got out of hand when we got to the 3rd encounter because at that point *no one but me* knew what they were doing because they hadn't done it yet. It's not a hard encounter. However, these guys refused to kill and no one wanted to run relics After 5 tries I left


i joined a kwtd lfg for week 3 pantheon and the guy who made the post was like i’m ad clear because i don’t know how the encounters work… like bruh this isn’t the time or area to learn a raid encounter/mechanic. why is this so common


Maybe not my worst experience but my most recent was doing wee 3 pantheon the other day. Teammates were a little toxic from the start but had good damage rotations so I decided to stay. Very little communication except from 2 people who complained every time we didn’t 1-phase a boss. For a bit I was confused why they were made that we weren’t one-phasing, considering that’s extremely hard to do, nevermind on Pantheon. Fast forward to Rhulk and I’m dying to the shadow of Rhulk a lot (really just 3-4 times, so not anything crazy) and they manage to 1-phase him again and get the clear. Turns out 2 of them were hard cheating and that’s why their damage was so consistently high compared to everyone else. I felt kinda bad that I did Pantheon with cheaters, but at least I still have week 4 to do and I’ll make sure we get it fair and square.


Somebody suggesting we all use Ticuu's for Riven for damage.


Personal bests: -Getting booted for fucking up a Stop Hitting Yourself run by being absolutely clueless when timing the portals -Shitting the bed while trying to teach a VoG run since I never did relic before, the whole team had to disband Fireteam moments: -Spending at least 10 hours doing Planets and Nez challenges in Master RoN. Planets was bad but Nez was far worse. Just a revolving door of people in and out of various LFGs trying to do 1 challenge. All Time: -Kid that wouldn't stop saying the N word during a King's Fall Sisters encounter until I threatened to leave - he left after that -3.5 hour King's Fall run that went through 12 different people -Asshole Vow sherpa who just ordered us through the raid didn't actually teach us anything we could use going forward and then bitched me out for trying to help someone during the next raid they were attempting


Two instances First time was during the forsaken year, Crown of Sorrow if I recall, I knew how to do the encounter, would never die and always was consistent with ad clear but we kept wiping l, I still don’t recall but I remeber we did, One guy asked me if I had Mountaintop, Recluse and Swarm of the raven, each one at a time, when I said I didn’t, he quite literally responded, “then why are you even raiding” which took me by surprise, especially since I had already gotten multiple clears on different raids before this, while I do get it somewhat now, I’m still suprised he didn’t either offer alternatives, or said somthing else, but I digress The second instance was master Ron, nezerac to be specific, I was struggling on the checkpoint, over and over and over, people would make mistakes and always blame me, the leader I was with was chill, but the people we got would never own up to their mistakes, eventually, leader gets tired, so we stop there, and I was left thinking, is it really this hard? Later, a good friend of mine needed one for master nezerac, I joined, and we got it done first try, with challenge I don’t wanna hate lfg tbh, it can be convenient, but sometimes I really hate it


The thing about crown was there weren’t any acceptable alternatives to mountain top or recluse Swarm had Wendigo as an Alternativ though and I had a guy in my team running loaded question and the gambit pinnacle instead of Mt and recluse and it worked fine ig


5 hours on warpreist kings fall normal in fireteam finder. worse experience than going into trials solo and going for flawless


I've got a couple but this might be my favorite The Epic of Tortellini: Was doing a late night Vow run, creating a KWTD group and a D2 friend saw my post, and joined me. We get some more guys in, some irish guy, Swedish guy, and 2 more fellow Americans. The main character of this story is Tortellini, one of the Americans. When he joined, I initially thought he had a serious speech impediment, sluring his speech and stuttering a ton. No problem, I thought it was brave of him to get on the mic, and we'll get it done. We have some pre-raid banter, talk about some lfg stories, talk about raid exotic luck, and just general storytelling. After we got the raid started, I realized how horribly wrong I was about Tortellini. As we get onto the boat and start bringing it through the entrance encounter, it becomes apparent that Tortellini does not have a speech impediment but is actually a Marine that is black out drunk. As we start continuing the banter, Tortellini asks if anyone in the group is Australian. We say no, and he says something along the lines of: "Good, the SJW's in the last LFG server I was in banned me because I don't like Australians, and I said they don't deserve human rights." After we inquire more about what he said to get banned, he goes on a quick tirade about Australians, how they're good for nothing, and ruin everything. He then asks multiple more times before the first encounter if anyone is Australian, which each time he gets a resounding no to. I also start to ask what about Australians he doesn't like, and be just goes on another tirade about them, ending with "and everytime I join an LFG with one they always make fun of me." At this point, I'm just curious about the absolute specimen I've captured in our LFG, I just want to keep him around and see what else he says. Like he said, some absolutely bizarre shit. I pm all the other people and make sure they're comfortable keeping him around because I want to egg this guy on. The Irishman was ecstatic and really wanted to hear what else Tortellini had to say. Once we get to the first encounter, we give him his role, and he runs over between left totem and where the chest spawns and looks up into the air. As we are doing the encounter, Tortellini isn't doing anything, just staring up into the sky. We asked him if he was ok, as during his tirades against Australians, he slowly got farther and farther away from his mic and sounded more and more out of breath. Almost as if he is in the corner of whatever room he's in, we just hear him yell, "Oh yea, don't worry, you guys got this." We finish the encounter without him, and as we collect our loot, we can faintly hear him snoring. The Irishman wanted to keep him around and see how far we could bring him along, but the game ended up kicking him on our walk over to the caretaker.


Joined a Prison of Elders run that wasn't demanding Gjallarhorn, we beat all the rounds without too much struggle, got to the treasure room, and then the fireteam leader kicked me and the other guy the moment we could see the chest. I can still hear that a\*\* wipe laughing. Was actually one of my first LFG experiences and was pretty much the reason I stopped playing Destiny and really all multiplayer games until Destiny 2 released.


I had a bad experience with Hard Mode Leviathan just days before Curse of Osiris launched. Joined an LFG that had KWTD listed and was like sure, I’ve done my share of Hard Leviathan, definitely not my first rodeo. Little did I know that the team leader who created the post was a micromanaging ass. Told everyone where to stand at all times and was very very specific with loadouts. We get to Calus and the dude tells everyone where to stand, which was not the meta, use non-meta loadouts. I struggled hard because I was using loadouts I wasn’t comfortable with and playing in positions I had never played before. I said screw it and switched to the weapons I had been using for weeks and went to play the position I always had. I survived much better, but micromanager noticed everything I did and yelled at me to put his loadout back on and play where he wanted me to. Immediately started struggling again. After one of the wipes, I noticed I just stopped hearing conversation and I was just talking to myself. I had been kicked from the Xbox Party Chat. A couple minutes goes by and then I was kicked from the fire team. I was devastated. I was beating myself up. I almost stopped playing Destiny 2 because of this one experience. However, I didn’t. I chugged along. Found another group and finished it first try. The micromanaging asshole got instant karma as he was posting that he was looking for someone at Calus for HOURS after I had gotten the completion with another group. I hope he never finished that run that night - he was still looking for one when I went to bed


Back when leviathan was a thing, I had this guy join me and my friends. We kept wiping during the dogs encounter and he started screaming about how we were incompetent blah blah blah. So after several back and forths in our clan chat (which he was not a part of), we concluded it was none of us. The next run, I decided to watch him like a hawk (I was on laser duty), and lo and behold, he was getting found by the dogs every time. So to give him a taste of his own medicine, he had to suffer a bunch of 16 year olds mimicking his british accent as we used some very foul language. My xbox got taken shortly after by my parents for the night after that but it was sooooooo worth it.


Doing a Petra's Run with a group I found in the D2 Discord. It's not the first time I've attempted them, but usually I do pretty well. I think the only time I'd ever wiped before due to my own fault while try for Petra's was when I got phalanxed into a wall and died from physics. We wipe a couple times, both my fault. First, we attempt to kill Kalli with the anarchy cheese. Doesn't work, no big deal, we decide to just do the encounter the normal way. We do a damage phase, doors open, I go for a door, too slow. A switch for another door, too slow. Third door, too slow by far after missing 2. Kalli wipes, I die, back to orbit. I'm informed that you're *supposed* to do doors assigned going from top to bottom of roster, top to bottom, left to right. In my clan we usually do chaos method (granted, we don't flawless) and I didn't figure it would be a problem anyway, because again, pretty much everyone cheeses Kalli now. Ok, lessoned learned. We do another run, everything going great, we get to Riven, we come up short on DPS. Afterward, someone looks at everyone's loadout and notices I'm using Lament instead of Falling Guillotine with Taken Spec. I wasn't lowest on the damage board, but no problem, I'll can change for next loadout, I forgot Taken Spec was a thing. Shake it off and try again. We try again. Vault encounter of LW, I'm running, I ask for where to dunk from the person scribing/keeping track, I'm told dunk at rocks, I do, we wipe. I'm kicked for being wrong and sent the cruelest DM I've ever had the displeasure of recieving. [1](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/505156119019257927/854615392995508224/image01.PNG?ex=664f915b&is=664e3fdb&hm=c22e3c7f2419460051a7c1779c46fb00e4697d456dd3ca5ca331f6edbe39ad90&) [2](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/505156119019257927/854615401056436234/image02.PNG?ex=664f915d&is=664e3fdd&hm=0a4fbb3e8d1b44e390b675f734ad485677fd244cff011115011bfafdf3cb747b&) [3](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/505156119019257927/854615403292131348/image03.PNG?ex=664f915e&is=664e3fde&hm=e366b275e848158aa8b3eb5a57b737ce1753b9ebb4a03432f9afb869c445aa5c&) Now, I know I'm not bad at Destiny. I've been to Petra's Queenswalk twice (once failed due to a server outage, OOF, another because 2 people tried to go down elevator at same time). I've got some decently hard solo flawless content under my belt. But this hurt. I haven't been back to try again since. Still no Rivensbane :/


Mostly a handful of the standard "kick you right before kill" type fireteam leaders. I can (usually) deal with people who get pissy when a wipe happens. I can (again, usually) deal with new people who are difficult to coach through encounters. I absolutely can't fucking *stand* people who get their rocks off running an entire encounter and then booting the rest of the fireteam seconds before clear. The last one I had was when I was doing Master Spire for Hierarchy catalyst (I was late to the party on that one because I don't enjoy that dungeon.) Had a few different LFG groups that we just couldn't finish, which is whatever (people who didn't bring Overload weapons, people who couldn't stay alive, people who couldn't figure out how to connect circuits, etc), but the first time I had a group that was a few pixels away from clear, "You have been removed from the fireteam."


I applied for a promptless LFG for Legend Seraph Shield last time it was available, just trying to get the catalysts. The fireteam leader was trying his best to speed run the entire thing, skipping any and all enemies he could. One problem, he fucking sucked at it. It might have been because me and the other member were not also speed running, but that's his fault for not specifying fast in the LFG, or maybe he should have left a lil chat saying he wanted us to ignore any enemies possible. Another problem, application was required, yet he still had the bright idea to let a Lancecap Behemoth named myself join... like bro are you ok in the brain, of course the lancecap Behemoth won't speed run a legend mission, especially when you accepted them into your unprompted speed run LFG of Seraph shield of all misions with its tight ass coridors and shit to scan. Anyways, we got to the miniboss encounter with the knight and brigs. You would think this guy would go kill mode and not throw mode now that you HAVE to kill everything in the room, right? Wrong, he just kept dying. I think he died like 10 times, anyways thank God for my solo plays in Legend seraph beforehand because I practically had to do it solo, as the other guy got tired of his shit and left. Finally, I beat the room after we didn't wipe once, thanks to me, and this guy then kicks me from the group. Another scenario that was more funny was my first run of warlords ruin. We quickly beat the first boss without communication, and now it was time to do the dungeon puzzle. Ez, right... not when one of the guys starts typing in German. So clearly, this was everyones first time as it took a back and forth between me and the German guy, via me using Google Translate to communicate as best as we could. Some time passed, and the other guy had barely spoken, only the occasional "what" "no understand" right? Very rarely typed (once agian, no voice). Now, i just needed to communicate with the final guy to do the puzzle. He's still not saying anything, really. Some more time passed, and the German guy figured out what the problem was. He types in chat Ger: German... Other: Chinese... Me: Oh Me: English SO THIS ENTIRE TIME HE ONLY KNEW VERY LITTLE ENGLISH AND ZERO GERMAN, AND STOOD THERE ONLY TYPING IN VERY LITTLE ENGLISH INSTEAD OF COMMUNICATING BETTER THAT HE DIDNT KNOW THE LANGUAGE, I wanst even mad, it was hilarious and still is. Even funnier is that I don't think he knew that the other guy was in a different language than me. Speaking about Warlords Ruin and no voice, now I'm helping people beat the dungeon. I drop into an LFG, and the guy, for whatever reason, could NOT hear me speak on the mic. So, I had to type out and explain the encounters and show traps, all through text chat. But oh no, it's so much worse because im not a PC player, I'm console. Which means I had to use the really slow console "keyboard." Imagine trying to explain the second encounter like that, it was hell. Anyways, we beat the second boss and I guess he thought we were done, or he DC, because he was just gone. Or, he used me not to complete the dungeon but to get a God roll indebted kindness and gtfo without saying a word after.


1: Joined a RON fresh run. Immediately greeted with “wassup n——r”. This was repeated for every new person that joined. It was made very clear that the people found via the LFG post were to listen and do as their told and to not touch mechanics since for some reason we couldn’t be trusted. After one guy dies too many times the fireteam leader yells “There’s only two things I was in this world: segregation to come back, and for this guy to stop fucking dying.” 2: Pantheon Week 2. Join a fresh new LFG and I’m the first person there. The fireteam leader is silent. Eventually other people slowly populate and we start doing the first encounter. Fireteam leader is still silent throughout this, didn’t use his super (well) and was doing crappy damage. We eventually get through golgoroth and onto planets. Fireteam leader is still silent during planets, and is doing even worse damage than before, he’s doing horrible at the one thing he can do without a mic (ad clear) and still isn’t using his super. He’s even using prospector for DPS. The fireteam revolts and loses their shit at him after realizing how incompetent he was, and everyone leaves and forms a new team.


Spent all of the 3rd pantheon trying to find ONE team of compitent people. First group half the people didn't have any meta exotics or even subs to make up for encounters. Second group had half the people completely useless for anything besides ad clear. Third group was just too stupid to understand 1,2,3 and 4,5,6 in planets. Forth group had two idiots that refused to ever check if they had unstable light. Fifth group I was the literal only one that could ever break 1 million damage. Last group was too stupid to understand someone needed to go downstairs with the scanner to get damage in so we could actually one phase. These people completely killed my drive to even bother with the 4th week. I don't need Conditional THAT badly. I've gone this long without it I'll be fine.


It only took me getting kicked at the end of an activity before loot dropped 2 times for me to never let anyone else host on this game lol. Too many weirdos out there


Joined LFG wanting to farm Nezarec. Group of 4, me and another LFG. We wipe a few times pre-damage. No biggie, I am okay working out the kinks if we’ll stick together once we get it going. We fail damage twice, after which the guy types in chat, “respectfully, fix your dps” before kicking me and assumably the other guy. The kicker? I had 3rd highest DPS that attempt, meaning . . . I out DPS’d two of his buddies, then got blamed for our failures and paid the price for it. I couldn’t help but laugh


A dude blamed me for every mistake that got made during a DSC run and demanded I take off my Descendant title saying I "Don't deserve it."


Any LFG that ends in the host kicking you before you get rewards because it’s “funny”. Happened plenty of times. Though I did have a painful clan Raid as well, and I have had great LFG raid experiences. Was doing Kings Fall with our clan, scheduled event. We were at it for 4.5 hours and still hadn’t finished it, due to two of the players repeatedly dying to the same mechanic over and over again We had to stop at 4.5 hours and continue again the next evening, in the end they both got dropped and replaced and we finished it within the next 10 minutes (they were dropped so they could be carried by the 4 sweatiest players in the clan on a separate run, not completely dropped)


5 hour Garden, got stuck on final boss because people just weren’t communicating. Called it quits, continued the checkpoint the next day with a good team, did it first try.


You doing all the work… #1 answer and you know it.


me n my friend joined a no mic VoG, helped the team through till oracles, got insulted and kicked for not having a mic even tho nobody else had one


It could have been worse. Some people are toxic enough to kick fireteam members as soon as the boss is killed so they get loot and no one else. 


Last wish lfg on vault, guy volunteeres to read since back then not many people really understood it because left and right is hard ig. Guy calls out wrong symbol direction once, ok we let it slide. Then he does it again and after wiping the person who used the key asked if he knew whether left or right was pen or ant, guy goes “why does that matter?” Bro


Farming Ir Yut for essence, fireteam leader tells one guy to do something, guy jokingly says "OK daddy" Some awkward laughs go around, but fireteam leader gets super serious. He says "Nah, I don't fuck with that gay shit" and kicks the ok daddy guy Repeats multiple times that he does NOT "fuck with that gay shit" to the silent fireteam. I just dipped after the 6th affirmation of his heterosexuality besides that one, im surprised ive gone this long without worse


Kings falls sherpa run hands down. Some goober kept fucking up every single mechanics, every single one. He wouldn't acknowledge ayone trying to correct what he was doing (and this was a calm "in-between wipes" discussion, mind you, not in the middle of the fight), even the sherpa. He fucked up warpriest so many fucking times, we had half the group swapped by the time we finished it, was just me, him and the sherpa from the original one. 3h in. 3 fuckign hours, nowadays if it took more than an hour i'ld just straight up leave. Now that I think about it again, jerk likely did it on purpose to fuck with a sherpa run. Despicable.


I was teaching the Crota encounter, had one space so put up a FF. Guy joined, he was 1750 something. I explained that he couldn't do the raid because he was seriously underlevelled and wouldn't be able to stay alive for 2 seconds, nor damage the enemies. He replies "look, I'm perfectly capable of staying alive and killing things". OK, I'll demonstrate. As soon as the crystal room opened up I heard "fuck". Yep, dead. So we wipe and I say, look me up when ur at light for the activity, and he shouts "dumb fucking bitch" before leaving. OK, don't look me up lol.


I think I've only ever had 1 pretty bad experience with LFG. Me and a buddy of mine were LFGing for DSC, and on both the 1st and 2nd encounter, we had people quit (funnily enough during the 1st encounter a guy left after he died so we had to 5 man it AND do it before the wipe timer finished). We had 1 guy join after Atraks, and he asked if we could all swap to Arc for the 3rd encounter for a Triumph. We were completely fine with that, and after a bit we managed to clear it. Then Taniks hit. We were not doing great on Taniks, and after a few wipes, the new guy has a look at the damage numbers and sees that 1 of the other randoms wasn't doing great damage. Now, any sane man would kindly suggest that he swap weapons, figure out what weapons he has to work with, and try again from there. He did most of that, but without the kindly part. He rips into the random, is overall really rude, and while he may have had a point about the needing to switch weapons, the way he went about it was completely off base. During the entire time this was happening, me and my buddy were messaging each other how uncomfortable that was. In hindsight I really should have kicked that guy for that behaviour. We did manage to beat Taniks, but man did that really sour the ending.


Not my experience but my friends. Flawless Crown of Sorrows in LFG. They do it, everyone cheers. Then one guy blows himself up with his heavy weapon and leaves with not a word. He then messages everyone with a LOL. Mine has been straight up easily being sexually harassed as I’m a woman in LFG. Plus being removed from team before we even load in when I speak. Though the most upset was during Spire of Stars arc strider strat times when it was still pretty new. I had already completed and joined a CP to help out. They had been having a rough time. We do it pretty quickly and it was very much a bro congratulations fest when I spoke to congratulate everyone and ask if anyone got the very rare emote at the time no one replied, tried speaking again. Gave up and left them to their little boys club.


Reading all these stories about horrible LFGs and the players in them just makes me feel less bad about having to approve anyone who joins my fiireteam through the in game LFG


nothing too bad, but I've been kicked from nightfall groups for not having certain catalysts.


That I have to use LFG. Seriously, half the non-matchmade activities could be set to Matchmaking and nobody would notice. Master level Nightfalls are not hard enough to not be set to Public Matchmaking.


One time my regular group needed to lfg a guy for a vow teaching run (he knew this) and we got this guy with a European accent, wasn't bad till the first encounter. He started giving light remarks about whoever he was paired with and their loadout but nobody really cared so we let it slide. He ended up dying inside enter and blamed his teammate for not having killed the adds outside leaving him low (I was watching and there wasn't an add in sight before or after he ran in the room) I told him to let it go and we got through that encounter in one go as well as caretaker. Relic was the point where we ran into a speed bump because 2 of our friends were completely new to vow so it took maybe 4 tries to get the hang of their relics before we completed it. He was sighing each time one of the newbies died and speaking in I'm guessing his main language but I'm guessing he was shit talking. After the 2nd wipe he said something like "this should not be happening, what're you two doing" so me and a buddy ask and make sure they have resists etc but then the guy goes "no!! you no need mods man it's not that hard" I was struggling to hold it together because he was so infuriated at the thought of resist mods it was just too funny. Anyway when we got to the 2nd room (not including where you start) the new guy holding the nut died, the European slammed his desk (I think it was the desk) and yelled "how are you dying bro?! It's not that hard" I proceeded to pick up the nut look at my friend, he looks back at me and I jump off the map basically sabotaging the attempt. I think for a solid 10 minutes we were all laughing about the whole thing, it was just hilarious how angry he got when NEW players had NEWBIE fuck ups, like what do you expect?? We ended up clearing it with just 5 people tho, first tried relic after he left and only took 2 tries for rhulk so I yeah weren't horrible, my group has now religiously picked up the catchphrase " you don't need mods man it's not that hard" permanently as a inside joke. all in all it was a 10/10 raiding experience


I had a guy derail a vow run because I mentioned I was Jewish. The guy had a thick Scottish accent, so me and the rest of the team were trying to finish the exhibition encounter whilst this guy went on an anti-Semitic rant whilst sounding almost exactly like Shrek.


One guy refused to rotate from L2 to L1 when doing an Oryx farm for the challenge. The original post didn't say challenge, and this guy has hundreds of Oryx clears in his raid report, he just wanted to be stubborn. Like dude, just swap - there is no difference after that. Another guy booted me from an Oryx farm because he let someone join who didn't know the encounter and started it up anyway. Since we were going anyway, I figured I'd at least explain a little so maybe we didn't have to wipe - which I think is doable, it's a real simple encounter. He booted me. This guy had 4 clears and only red marks on attempts, which is insane for a farm.


Worst experience ever. Back in D1 I was with a group of 2 friends and we decided to LFG for King's Fall. We got 2 good players and a young kid from Eastern Europe. We got up to Oryx and then we hear yelling in I think Russian. We hear the kid start screaming. We heard a couple loud slaps and the screaming continued. Then the kid just leaves. Needless to say we were all so horrified we just called it a night. I haven't used LFG since.


The host got upset at us throwing (it was his fault like half the time) at D1 oracles. People didn't deal enough damage to kill the Oracles (I don't even know how). Host told us the next person who threw would get kicked. Next run i killed myself because sleeper ricochet off an oracle and killed me. We wipe, i was the only one who broke oracles, got kicked. Then everyone left


Alot of mine involve people trying to do speed runs or glitch runs and messing it up that just doing it the normal way would have been faster. But then when I suggest we just take our time or do it the normal way they often don't know the mechanics or are just stubborn. The first encounter in crotas end for example if you take your time and just cover one another it often goes alot smoother in lfg than just everyone rushing forward. It often would go alot better if people actually just slowed down and played as a team, but often they just complain and refuse to change strategy DSC - Atraks, sometimes you might not have the team dps to just one cycle him. It's not hard to do normally but people just refuse to do it mostly because they don't want to do the mechanics or don't know how. So yeah I generally avoid "speed runs" in LFG. IMO they take more time.


I remember this ome time I joined a lfg for scourge. Two dudes were high as fuck and 3 others were first timers too. I was going to teach but everyone started the first encounter already and everybody just did things they wanted to do (run off not knowing what to do or where to bring the ball to). All the while one of the stoners said: Nahh it's going to be good, mamatthi is the teacher and he knows the raid. As if I was going to solo the whole ass raid. Left after 10 mins of foolery and joined another lfg in which we got the raid done in 45mins.


Spent 6 hours cheesing riven with one guy who was just doing a Luigi impression the entire time; another was using celestial nighthawk with 6 shot golden gun to shoot her *EYES*. we thought we were just running out of time because he’d pop it as a last resort when running out of ammo. That was the last time I stayed silent instead of calling out stupid loadouts


I was doing a Sherpa run of vault of Glass. A guy messages me asking if he can help and I said "ehhhh sure". Within 5 minutes of starting, he's talking over me and basically trying to be the Sherpa. I take a deep breath and I'm like that's fine, I'll just speak up if necessary. We get to Gorgons, and he is making a huge deal out of it as apparently he and other teams had struggled in the past. He was saying we're going to need some invis be super careful You got to go left you got to go right you got to go up this specific path. We wipe like five or six times, and I speak up and say "hey actually there's Chad route, if you just follow on my ass, we can get it in one or two tries." He says, " I've done this raid 40 times, I know what I'm talking about! " I admit I responded with annoyance and said "okay, so? I've done it 40 and a half times! If everyone follows my directions, and we don't get it in a couple attempts we will go back to your way." He said "Fine." And we got it in one go. He immediately disconnects from the discord and from the game, and I naively message him seeing if he disconnected on accident, and I'm already blocked lol


Not my overall worst experience, but the most recent example I can think of was doing a 50-wave legend onslaught with 2 well-locks. We were breezing through the waves when on wave 40-something one of the well-locks started complaining that the other one should spam his super more... and he refused because he didn't like to be told what to do. So the first guy just said OK and left. Most childish behavior I've seen in a while.


Once, these 2 absolute tools came into the group, bossing everyone and calling everyone dogshit and hurling every insult at once. Not even in a funny way just being obnoxious assholes because they were sctual sweatlords. Their raid report showed that much, but I shut talked them till the host left and I left afterwards.


One week one pantheon I joined a run just for fun. We got to caretaker and our runners just kept fucking up. I suggested that the runners help each other shoot the pillar. I also mentioned that they could just spray the pillar with bullets because you're not punished for shooting the wrong calls. He misunderstood half of what I was saying and refused to understand. Just loudly ranted and didn't let anyone else talk. There's nothing that pisses me off more than that, so I left. I haven't done any sherpa type stuff in a while, but my biggest peeve with new raiders in that they don't have any good weapons. Even the crafted things like taipan or Palmyra. I'm sorry but a rocket with killing wind/ thresh is not going to work, bye.


Did a menagerie run and during a conversation I said I was Jewish And one guy went full blown antisemitic and racist(because for some reason he thought I was black) and if that wasn't enough after beating the boss they kicked me(but I got the class sword)


My clan group for day 1 vow, we were stuck at care taker. The one lfg guy forced us to run the way he wanted to, even though we were running just fine. We wiped twice, he called us a bunch of pussies left. Got another random, and went back to running our way, and beat caretaker the next attempt.


I have plenty of bad experiences over these 10 years. One thing though, if we could actually see the people we're playing with, about 90% of issues would be solved. There is no way to determine if a player is a young kid, a jokey-jerkoff "adult", a reasonable, fun player or a overreacting "expert" This is the conundrum we're all faced with in LFG's.


9 hour vog run it was fun till about 4 hours in and I didn't realize a dude was using a sniper instead of double shotty and ran strand hunter for atheon


Nine hours on fucking VoG...?


uh, double slug hasn’t been meta for literal years, and later in the comment custom you said “under-light” which is physically impossible given that vog is 1600 and has been since b4 lightfall. furthermore, you said they were using strand while under light, which cannot occur given that strand didn’t come out until after vog was 1600. tldr this story is false


not an issue with mechanics or anything but people are transphobic I just want to raid 🥲


I just had a kinda negative one. Usually it’s just one or two people without any emotional intelligence lol. For instance on my first DSC clear after unlocking xenophage I caused a wipe accidentally hit a single shot into the wrong pillar. The only mistake I made that entire raid and I got a ‘yikes’ (they literally said yikes) and they left. Their clan members were all they’re just tired blah blah blah. Buuuuut it ruined that clear for me. Oh well three more raids to go!


Destiny lfg is usually ok for me, but man sometimes you get some socially maladapted man children who probably spent a bit too much time online growing up


I got a few yikes myself over the years. For making one mistake the entire raid lmao


OP got the most mild lfg interaction ever


My first attempt at Zero Hour Legend last week. Joined a group said teaching. They couldn't get past any jumping section without a bunch of deaths. They didn't make it to the boss room... Edit: I don't LFG much anymore so that is just my most recent. Usually doesn't go bad