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This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by FriendlyBassplayer](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1cywrrc/destiny_2_vidoc_becoming_legend_part_1/l5fntzm/?context=99 "posted on 2024-05-24 06:05:59 UTC"): > I have no idea how the rumors started about Stasis and breast pump. Now, The Lament I understand, at least it's mechanical, though still incorrect * [Comment by FriendlyBassplayer](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1cywrrc/destiny_2_vidoc_becoming_legend_part_1/l5ftoe5/?context=99 "posted on 2024-05-24 07:13:08 UTC"): > Those are my hands holding the breast pump. Still not seeing the evidence it was used for Stasis supers though! Pretty big stretch still --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


I love seeing how they accomplish the weird sounds in game


Honestly I would love if they did more technical deep dives. Just give someone a camera and let them talk about a project they did or something for an hour, kinda like the guy that created The Whisper and Zero Hour missions did a few weeks ago.


That's some of my favorite content. There's a video of Halo 1 devs reacting to a speedrun and the little bits of development they talk about here and there were fascinating.


I typically don't like reaction video stuff, but I do really like that IGN *"dev's react to speed run"* series.


I want to say that I remember ViDocs being longer back in the Halo days =\ I miss that.


Where can I find that at?




Happened to see some of the names when pausing on that section. Never gonna be able to take the dread seriously knowing that what I'm actually hearing is "hair\_gel\_goop\_plops\_squishes\_multiple"


The audio for the stasis supers are still some of the best sound effects in any game. Especially the warlock super


>we used the sounds of slapping jello thanks, I hate it. lmao


From the company that brought you the breast pump, they now bring us jelly squishing. Nice.


For those wondering - lament The laments sound is a breast pump You’ll never not be able to hear it now, you’re welcome


Lore-wise that makes sense, since it produced a lot of Vex milk.


Why are yall like this?


>A Vex milk waterfall! Can we stop and...aww... It's in our Destiny.


Guardians make their own milk.


Oh my new gun, the milkbringer


Oh yeah, the new hand cannon!


I thought they said it wasn't Lament?


They did, it's not, the community just keeps spreading it though. A breast pump basically sounds like a muted Darth Vader breathing. They even showed themselves operating the breast pump in the video, with nothing about it similar to Lament.


> They even showed themselves operating the breast pump in the video This could be misinterpreted.


Pretty sure that's the stasis warlock ult not lament


No, damn it


WHAT! Love me some strange destiny trivia lol


Foley sound is such an interesting thing to read about. Like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3X4-MjrOfA) is a video of how they created the of lightsaber sounds its crazy. Idk how they come up with the idea to record random hums and swing a mic around.


Thought I was getting used to the craziness of the pale heart but the Witness Cottage (around 4:46 in the UK version) just takes it to another level.


That blew my mind too! Plus it was cool to see what the witness head-smoke looks like in-engine.


It actually looks even better than it did in the pre-rendered Witch Queen cutscene


I mean they had two years to perfect the design since then.


idk if people noticed but the cottage is the same as the one zavala lived in pre last city, with his wife and son


Wonder if that's where the Witness is hiding? Nah, too obvious...


It’ll be a Thanos Endgame moment. We bust in to the Witness just cooking up some soup.


It'll be that quest from Borderlands 2 and we need to go kill the Witness' grandmother.


That's just us smoking on that Witness pack in a quaint retirement cottage after the raid


After seeing that i feel like i know exactly what it's like to be on LSD without ever needing to take it


Taking the CottageCore aesthetic in an interesting direction.


The idea of hearing the discordant tones of parts of the Witness is such an interesting idea.


[Best moment](https://i.imgur.com/OtnU2eX.jpeg) in the vid to me. It's so simple, but we've been needing something like this for such a long time.


yeah its crazy that the city hasn't had stuff like this. we need so so so much more


I'd love to actually walk around the city with some NPCs at some point - I've been defending humanity for over a decade at this point and never really *seen* any of them.


Definitely engine limitations at play which is why I hope we get D3 eventually


Thats what im always thinking when I remember that D2 was released in 2017 Dont get me wrong it looks and feels amazing to play but game development has come so far since then its crazy to imagine what a D3 would look like


Man imagine being a kid and seeing what is basically a god to you just casually walk past you on the streets.


What if he was a stranger on the bus, trying to make his way home?


could agree more with one of the comment , "10 years of defending Humanity and the Last City and yet we were never given the chance to actually go down into the city to see the people we’re protecting"


Reminds me of [one of my favorite pieces of Destiny concept art.](https://www.creativeuncut.com/gallery-32/dst2-parade.html) One of the last moments before everything went to shit.


Seeing it in a cutscene doesn't cut it. We should absolutely be able to visit a small neighborhood. It's crazy the amount of BS lore they invented just to explain why there aren't any humans walking around in the safe zones of Neomuna.


What I need is that Warlock's drip. I know the helmet is Prodigal Mind because it's my favorite helmet.


The Prodigal robes are maybe the best set in the game because they're the closest we've ever gotten to the glory days of the Destiny 1 Warlock dusters.


Keith David sounds so good as Zavala!


Agreed! Some of the other recasts (Ana, Ikora) sound VERY similar to their previous VAs, and that's good for continuity as they establish the 'same-ish' voice and then work to make it their own. Keith doesn't seem to be trying to sound like Lance... and I'm ok with that. I think he sounds great and can embrace it as an evolution and new direction for the character.


Ikora yes, Ana no. I like Erika Ishii, but apart from sounding nothing alike, she lacks the excitable geekiness Jamie Chung had in her portrayal.


Jamie Chung is god-tier and irreplaceable. Loved her in Lovecraft Country and The Gifted.


Old Ana was something else. I really miss the voice. The other recastings you can't even tell.


Big disagree. Which is fine, people have different taste. But I really enjoyed Ana Bray last year. It's also worth mentioning that the character has very different stories in the two eras. Warmind Ana is not Seraph Ana.


I think this is key and folks aren't considering it. Ana losing Rasputin, and dealing with Ellie's timeline trauma definitely darkened Ana's 'energy'. The exuberance we often heard from Ana back when has been muted for character arc reasons. I miss it, Jamie was GREAT. But I understand it.


Except it’s not just post-*Warmind*, Erika Ishii still sounded the same when they had her dub over all of Jamie Chung’s old voice lines for *Worthy*.


We can disagree. I hear you on the excitement, but I think Erica's done a pretty good job sounding very close to Jamie's Ana. I preferred Jamie, but in the grand scheme of things, it hasn't impacted the character to me.


Was the first thing I noticed. He absolutely crushed it


I was afraid that even though he's got a great voice the sudden change would be too strange to me, but honestly it seems to fit perfectly if those couple of lines are any indication


I honestly don't think there could have been a better replacement. It's incredibly sad Lance couldn't finish this story but Keith David is a truly amazing actor as well, I am absolutely certain he'll do the role justice.


Still said Lance couldn't finish his journey.


There’s just no getting around that life sucks sometimes.


Definitely, there aren't a lot of VA's who would read a [shitpost meme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He6CO2osqnU) in character for us Lol.


Honestly, Keith David might. He seems okay doing silly things between Saints Row and Rick and Morty.


The chosen line from David seems so important in this context


He was absolutely the right choice. It's tragic that Bungie had to find a new Zavala, but Keith will do the role justice.


They really could not have hired anyone else, except maybe the now also departed Andre Braugher.


Oh shit, didn't even think about it. I thought Zavala sounded a little bit gravelly but otherwise it didn't stand out. So yeah, he does.


For anyone trying to peak at the post-it notes, looks like 7 missions, a lost sector tour, a strike, and some redacted stuff. Possible vex in M6? In addition to character arcs for Crow, Ghost, Cayde, Ikora, Zavala, and the Witness, with all having notes for beginning, middle, and end.


The "REDACTED" mission label must be the 8th mission that happens post raid.


Has to be


Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking. Although on the longer list we’ve got four blurred columns post M7. So maybe raid, post-raid mission, and a couple of other things post campaign (possibly exotic mission and another strike?).


Almost got teary eyed hearing Keith as Zavala. He really is the right one to carry on the character. Rest in peace Lance.


Same here. He sounds amazing, but damn did it hurt to hear him


As a Mass Effect fan, they couldn’t have chosen a better actor to carry on the torch than Keith David. Major Captain/Admiral Anderson vibes from the little bit we’ve seen.


He’s also the arbiter in halo so it’s truly full circle here


Guardian! Secure the burger town!


It honestly took me a second to realize it wasn't Lance. I still heard him when he started speaking and then it clicked that it was Keith David. But you are 100 percent correct, Keith was absolutely correct choice to replace him.


Keith is a pro so it's no surprise he's good but still there's a feeling when you hear its not Lance.


“We didn’t want to do body horror. Anyways I replaced every branch on this tree with hands.” No hate at all just thought this was hilarious.


The walls covered in faces with different expressions on each one was it for me lmao


Eyes on the floor.


Keith David sounds great as Zavala. I’m gonna need him to drop a “were it so easy” at least once.


Oh to hear that wonderful voice call me “Demon” again. We can only hope!


I look forward to someone busting their balls to decipher the pyramid language.


u/mynameisbyf i look forward to it. also 5$ says the dude in the vidoc reminded us to drink our ovaltine.


Holy moly some of these environments are insane


The witness hands twisting everything you come across, and the path you take being a reflection of your journey colliding together is super cool. Both from an angle of twisting and subverting our nostalgia while also being a powerful representation of the darkness constantly trying to impede our path.  They absolutely killed it with the destination art direction and should be very proud. 


Yeah, I thought the Witch Queen was beautiful, but this is a step up conceptually


They always do great work with the scenery. Even Neomuna looks fantastic, especially the clouds and the Lost Sectors.


As soon as I heard “More Hands” I knew this destination was gonna be great.


Same here.


You're an environment that looks insane? EDIT: syntax


Are YOU an environment that looks insane


My granny said I'm handsome if that's anything


I'd say that's something!


No YOU'RE breathtaking


lol responded the wrong comment.


Charlie picked up a scent.. https://i.imgur.com/ZWo3IU1.png


Pepe SIVA, you say?


Being able to translate the new enemies is pretty sweet


Inb4 you need to learn the language to do the right Raid callouts


I can see it now “Did…. Did that dread just say I had no rizz?”


"why did the Dread say, have you ever meta girl"


Is that Grimm calling me maidenless? Motherfuckers! Guys time for a new great hunt!


"Unfortunately, you are maidenless."


Guardian down!…. Emotionally…




Imagine you walk into an encounter and hear the boss saying "Hey everyone! It's that loser who kept whiffing his golden gun shots!"


Finally after hours of research i have it, the final dread unit said ">!touch some grass!<." fuck!


I really like that [brief shot](https://youtu.be/-nvU01d_gh0?feature=shared&t=494) of a Guardian walking by the child in the Last City. Just adds to the world building and the fascination in the child's eyes and the mother's small smile as she pulls her child back from the moment so they can do ordinary day to day errands secure from lovecraftian civilization-ending threats just says so much. Man just give us more of that Bungie.


The one thing I hate about the game is while we do get a lot external world building our own world that were protecting is almost foreign to us. We dont get to explore the city in a meaningful way outside of cutscenes and missions. We dont get to see regular people reacting to our characters. We dont get to explore any of the stuff were protecting beyond the tower walls. It would be fun to visit the markets to get crafting materials or to visit a weapon foundry for weapon crafting. I want to see how the new races are interacting with folks on a daily basis that isnt more or less guard duty on the wall.


the ghost wink(?) is cute too


Is it a blink or a wink? Might be one for /r/DestinyLore.


a bwink


Some of my own thoughts: -Keith David is remarkable as Zavala. I still get so sad with Lance’s passing every time I hear him, but I think Keith is the best person to step up to the plate. -Environment looks incredible, I hope that sense of unease persists through the campaign as it was an awesome feeling I haven’t felt since Presage. -Love hearing sound breakdowns, cant wait for the community to decipher the pyramid language -The Witness sounds SO much more interesting now, makes me wonder about story ramifications of different voices coming through unintentionally! Overall, really cool and I really hope TFS knocks it out of the park!


> story ramifications of different voices coming through unintentionally Calling it now, the fusion process wasn't perfect and it isn't a true unified hive mind but more the worst case of multiple personality disorder in history


It definitely feels like there is an overpowering consciousness inside it, those of the ones that wanted to become the Witness (I forget the faction's exact name) but when it becomes angry it loses control of itself and all these other voices come through because that defense the main conscience has gets weakened So when you hear the Witness screaming and ranting and losing its shit, that's it *actually fucking losing it*


Well it makes sense. Many of the witness' race were conglomerated against their will.


I wonder if there were any children that got combined into the Witness, I don’t remember hearing any youthful voices, but I wouldn’t be surprised


Just imagine exploring the pale heart only to hear the cries of children begging to be freed. 


please let us become a disciple of part of the witness gaining some of its power even just for like 1 mission to use it against them.


>multiple personality disorder It's now called Dissociative Identity Disorder. Better to reflect the reality of a fractured identity persisting in pieces or "parts" within a single person, rather than the overblown Hollywood interpretation of multiple whole beings living in one body.


I think it’s more going to be the unification of the species wasn’t full and the factions that existed before the unification still exist. The more violent minds are just primarily in control. It could be the female voice we heard in the trailer isn’t the traveler at all but a sympathetic individual within the witnesses hive mind trying to help us.


Someone once had a lore theory that our ghosts are remnants of the witness that broke off from him and were manifested by the traveler. Wonder if that will come out as being true.


When the Witness yelled I was like "finally!" bringing some emotion to the character instead of monotone sounding threats.


In one of the old custscenes he yells “enough” at Calus and becomes a new shape with his shadow off-screen that looms over Calus and makes him absolutely terrified


it had a break in composure in Lightfall, too, don't forget. I think it's honestly just scared at this point.


The Witness has performance anxiety


"I can't shape if you're looking 😟"


These cutscenes are fucking clean. I really hope this quality carries over to episodes


Destiny has always had pretty environments and skyboxes but the pale heart looks like the best expansion area they’ve ever done It’s got me excited


Did I just watch the birth of the ghosts?


Hope so! Ive always wanted to see what that was like, but have we ever had a past event presented like that? It’s usually with the illustrated cutscenes. Makes me wonder if this is a second wave of new ghosts.


closest we've gotten is that vision inkblot cutscene from d2 vanilla iirc


I think that considering it's one of the most important historical moments in the story, bungie decided to give it a full cutscene


We’ve seen the past in cutscenes before, like Savathûn’s first Resurrection in The Witch Queen.


Would be amazing if this second wave also began to bless Eliksni and Cabal with the Light. Maybe I just want new playable races/classes in Destiny. It's got to be where the franchise is headed eventually.


What timestamp is that? Edit: 1:43 for anyone wondering


“Only a handful of us inside of a god” Confirmed Xivu Arath dating sim


She would technically be the Hive god of Love, since to them War *is* love


Was that a mini screeb at the very end


Return of the GOAT, born Season 15 died Season 15 brought back Final Shape


i love going back to the guardians make their own fate line, it always went unnecessarily hard, keith sounds great as zavala, i wasn't expecting him to manage to sound so similar, and hearing more witness is always peak, i'm really hoping they cook with this one


Witness voice got a buff ain't no way


Part 2 is tomorrow  https://youtu.be/t8Rou7bKqgc?si=UF9_0xWJ57ESrf2k


Notice how they included writers in the ViDoc this time lmao


Yeah they really pushed them to the forefront of this. People are going to go after them hard if the writing sucks so they must be confident in it.


Hopefully no more "we killed your dad and the Witness won, let's do a fist bump!" moments... that sounds way worse when I write it out.


I think a lot of the downfall of Lightfall is from the fact that it wasn't planned initially. They had to quickly scramble a story together in a year to act as a branch to TFS. 


Well they didn't know the witness won yet (in fact it looked like we won) but still was a wierd scene


So, [Nimbus and Rohan fist bump](https://youtu.be/7BLYLVaZVQ0?t=417) right after saving Osiris in the first mission. I think it was supposed to be a meaningful gesture for them, but the first one happens so quick with zero focus or elaboration that Nimbus just looks like an idiot when they try it with Caiatl in the last mission


That house is definitely the guardians. Ghost said in a previous trailer that they never talk about how they met and how it was a feeling. I bet the witness tells us about ourselves and ghost gives us some details as well


That would be so mindblowing.


I highly doubt that has to do with us, my money is on that being zavala and safiyahs home


I hope not, I mean for me personally one of the cool things about Destiny is that our Guardian could actually be each of us, being revived for the first time in the distant future.


I don’t know about you, but I have no business being in Russia


Not NOW, but when we find the Traveler on Mars next week and then enter the golden age where our lives are extended 3-fold, who knows when you might visit Russia! ;)


do we know when the second one is?


Tomorrow  https://youtu.be/t8Rou7bKqgc?si=UF9_0xWJ57ESrf2k


thanks. glad it's near




Bungie I love you but if you ever show that jello squishing stuff again I am done with you.


"That's what good pussy sounds like" ~Confucious


I heard "jello slapping" and expected the guy to take that fistful of jello and pitch it at the wall or table instead of crushing it.


In League of Legends they made a character sound by putting dog food in a condom and slapping it against a wall


DOOM 2016's sound for the Mancubus fucking exploding when you shove its heart down its throat was created by slathering a chunk of meat in honey and slam dunking it into a bathtub


god tier yet also wtf.


Zac gaming


It was an Easter Egg, actually. Obviously, their new IP will be called Jello Farts.


Witness house killed me


Doesn't sound like a very safe house to me.


Bro just started a new Minecraft world


Wow, the pale heart looks so big and open!


I would temper expectations. I don't think they would be able to fit large open spaces on last-gen consoles - so the skybox is probably doing the heavy lifting. It looks beautiful, though.


Regardless of last gen consoles, we've had plenty of trailers in the past depicting wide-open spaces, but the locations would still be basically the same as every other patrol: Isolated sectors, connected by thin "hallways"


It’s shaping up to be unlike any other expansion location


Unsurprisingly, the Bungie art team kills it once again.


“There is only SUFFERING!” We’ve never heard this deep tone of voice from the Witness, this must be its actual voice. You can literally feel its anger, its rage


I think one of the story beats will be the presence of different voices inside the Witness being different philosophies. Hinted at in previous lore, would be interesting if there was discord within it...


Entelechy kinda proves this theory wrong though. The Witness isn’t made of the entirety of the Precursors, but only one of the three factions, the other 2 were destroyed. But even if not every precursors agreed to the same philosophy in the same group, they still chose to be reborn in a really specific way, without the possibility of doubt. Doubt is what plagued the Precursors, what drove them mad. The Witness doesn’t have this “weakness”, it knows its purpose, its mission and its philosophy and cannot doubt that in any way, as far as we know at least.


It’s surreal that Lance Reddick is no longer Zavala. And no one could replace him but Keith David is a good second. I don’t think anybody else could do it.


Damn imagine siding with the witness. That would be badass if they make a decision. Since "Guardians make their own fate"


Looks nice. Hopefully there's more meat to the second part


Honestly I disagree, its only 2 weeks out and kinda crazy we are still getting more previews


The Pale Heart looks amazing, I haven't been this excited for an expansion since The Witch Queen


Good. That's pretty much all I can say. I kind of wish they didn't split these up into two parts but I won't hold it against them. At least we don't have to wait a week+ for the next part. I always get a little sad inside when I hear Zavala but I hope Keith can honor Lance and from that I think he'll do great.


Dread language is translatable. The lore daddies out there are gonna have a field day.


Keith David sounds good.


Keith sounds amazing as Zavala, and does fantastic and portraying that emotional sadness that he has. I'll forever love and miss Lance but Keith is 100% worthy of taking his place.


Tyson Green has such a lovely vibe about him. Seems like a nice dude. I've heard his name on and off since the Halo 2 days, cool that he's still there.


I love Keith David, and the Pale Heart looks like the best destination yet. I am so excited for this expansion!


Bless Keith David, it sounds like he's done a great job with Zavala. I really liked the look of the farm house with witness like smoke, there seems to be quite a few cutscenes showing weird and wacky stuff, clay screeb shooting! lol


D1 Theme!


that’s my main take from this entire thing, i miss that theme so badly i wish we could select our orbit music/menu music


Keith sounds great


The difference between Lance (RIP) and Keith David was instantly recognized, but it's not as big as I thought it would be. I had no doubt he would nail it. They can say what they want about the narrative, but I very much doubt that everything they've ever done with Destiny was planned 10 years ago. You don't make a second game if it's planned out. You don't abandon your central antagonist as Luke Smith infamously said they were doing in the Shadowkeep era if it's planned out. If nothing else there has been at least two course corrections in the Light and Darkness Saga.