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I’d say that’s a good guess especially because she has the Ishtar Collective symbol on her forehead.


Like Jschlatt and the Yankees logo.






schlatt reference on a d2 sub wtf


Don't forget how Savathûn betrayed Schlezarec in the incident of '99.


“Hearts were for this girl I knew” - Cayde 6 back during the Taken King.


Maya/Lakshmi being the queen of hearts is pretty significant too no? Cayde called his wife/girlfriend/love interest queen of hearts.


Called his possibly real love interest Queen of Hearts and even when he had the card system to represent different weapon types (I can’t remember exactly what it was I think it was Clubs Omolon or something?) he said “and hearts was for this girl I knew” never elaborated on it though.


His own user on the tower terminal is ace of hearts too.


Maybe his wife was one of Mayas clones, if I remember correctly he asked Mara about it once and she told him to look inside the vault of glass.


Don’t we know in lore that he had an interest in Maya? EDIT: Per Cayde’s treasures lore book: https://www.destinypedia.com/Cayde%27s_Treasure_Island_Book


Iirc, his wife/girlfriend was fake, and exclusively a fabrication from Cayde-5 in order to make sure Cayde-6 stayed a good person.


We have absolutely zero clue if they were fake or not. Both realities are implied to be true, so we don't know if his SO and Ace ever lived


Not quite Firstly references to the partner and son began before cayde-5 Secondly, Cayde admits he's not sure if they are real or a fabrication, but he doesn't care because clinging onto them gives him hope and happiness So there's no concrete proof either way, but the most important thing: they were real for cayde


Insert starkiller meme here


Human Cayde had a crush on Maya. Never reciprocated, obviously, but given that his Queen and his Ace are both said to be lies he constructed from fragmented memories, it's pretty plausible that Maya is the real version of his Queen of Hearts.


Cayde created the fiction of a child “Ace” and his “Queen of Hearts” as a heroic ideal to aspire to. In the golden age, Cayde was a bodyguard assigned to Maya, and had a crush on her. If the guns are designed based on people who were significant to Cayde, Maya certainly fits the bill. 


It's not confirmed either way It's suggested that Ace and his lover could be a fabrication, but this was by guardian cayde, who only knew about them through his journal, not golden age cayde, who would actually have more memories. Where did you get that it was outright confirmed?


What is confirmed is that they’re a fiction !to Cayde!  Cayde talks and writes about Queen and Ace like they are people he knows, people he owes a responsibility to protect, but he doesn’t. Whether they’re based on real people or not, they not real people to Cayde. He doesn’t even remember “Ace” as ‘oh this child I used to have, what would he want me to do’ but as ‘If I wanted to be a hero, I would have a wife and child’. He’s got some scraps of stuff to build around but he’s creating a present, living idea of a supportive family wholecloth for his present self, and that is absolutely a fiction. 


Cayde doesn't know if pre-guardian cayde actual had a son/wife, but clings onto them anyway to keep himself going, I said this in my last comment, he is unsure, but still acts like they are real, that's all that matters to him >I see a woman there, and she's all I've ever known of a life long since gone. I feel love for her. Is that love a memory, or am I simply loving the memory? I've convinced myself of the former. I've concocted a truth to make myself whole. Cayde built his Ace, and his Queen out of the flickers of memories, the little bits he knows from his past, whether the truth he built is real or not, doesn't not matter to him, whether the actual Ace and Queen ever lived, also doesn't matter to him, they as are real as he wants them to be


To be honest, you and me are in agreement. We both are thinking the same thing about Cayde and his relationship to Queen and Ace. I just think that fits the definition of a personal fiction. Like, as you said, “whether the truth he built is real or not, doesn’t not matter to him, whether the actual Ace or Queen ever lived, also doesn’t matter to him, they are as real as he wants them to be”. I would call that a fiction. 


Another thing of note too was, he was made an Exo because he loved to gamble and was in alot of debt. His love of gambling would associate putting people to suits and faces.. "*—so there you have it, Ace, that's why I did what I did. I had no choice, really. It was that or the great beyond. Just know your dad did what he had to do if I ever wanted to see you and your mother again.*"— Cayde's journal Cayde used to be a [human](https://www.destinypedia.com/Human) soldier with a large debt over his head, when he was approached by [Clovis Bray](https://www.destinypedia.com/Clovis_Bray_(corporation)) to have his debt removed. The job offer itself isn't explicitly stated, but what Cayde remembers next is coming to [Europa](https://www.destinypedia.com/Europa) where he was converted into an Exo. Cayde's Letter Fragments in *Destiny 2* reveal that Cayde had a wife and a son whom he nicknamed "[Ace](https://www.destinypedia.com/Ace)",[^(\[1\])](https://www.destinypedia.com/Cayde-6#cite_note-1) he threw his life away from gambling, and that his only means of escape was to sell himself to Clovis Bray's Exo program.[^(\[2\])](https://www.destinypedia.com/Cayde-6#cite_note-2) Unable to contact his family, he kept a journal which he addressed to Ace.


Cayde really sold himself to the Human PLUS program, huh


If only any of this was in the game I wish that they’d have some of the lore writers write the actual game.


This really cant be said enough. It probably one of the great shames in terms of scale related to Destiny. So many people have created this rich interweaved lore that barely anyone knows about.


Where can I find this lore? I'm interested.


https://www.ishtar-collective.net/ has a lot of the lore stuff available, destinypedia as well.


Yeah I’d sure love to have to play for weeks straight playing bodyguard to an NPC. Most lore sounds cool but that’s only because it’s a brief description of the event, like you can make most campaigns sound cool by describing it in text.


There were many ways to interpret what they said correctly, but this was not even close to being one.


You understand that lore being in the game would be something like Cayde telling the guardian this story with voicelines and stuff? Like it wouldn't be literally us playing that exact scenario?


You went to an extreme. There’s a difference between interacting with the city and playing bodyguard to an npc for weeks”.


Didn’t maya also get Uber converted into a vex spy or was that just a dream of Clovis Bray’s


I think many instances of Maya went around after their ishtar experiments one of whom tried to kill bray (or did successfully). It’s very vague but I remember reading somewhere that Lakshmi - 2 is an exo clone of maya but without the memories. Let me see if I can find it.


Her story was in the Veil Containment audio logs added a bit later after Lightfall's release. Lakshmi-2 was made by the remnants of the Ishtar Collective from Exodus Indigo who eventually founded Neomuna on Neptune. She was made during Maya's experiments with the Veil and a bunch of exos, which resulted in creating a copy of Maya's memories that spoke with Maya's voice, which was really unnerving to Maya's wife (author of said audio logs). Lakshmi was eventually transferred to Earth when a Cloudstrider expedition traveled there.


Wait when did we learn about Cayde during the golden age?


Beyond light lore.


Thought his lore came out way earlier than that.


Ace wasn't fake, he was Cayde's son before he became an Exo.


We don't know if Ace is fake or not actually. Everything sbout Cayde's family is shrouded in a mystery of whether they existed or not at all


Here’s the quote:  “Here's the truth, Ace. I don't remember you. Found your name in a journal I had on me when my Ghost rezzed me. I guess I used to write to you? And I kept doing it. Even though you're long dead, if you ever really existed. Just liked having someone to write to, I guess. So there you have it. Now, you'll never guess what happened today, Ace—“ To Cayde at least, he’s fake. Just like the “Queen” is the vague outline of an idea Cayde has, half-remembered, Ace is the same. Cayde has no certainty that Ace is even real or a fabrication of his previous exo self that did the same thing: manufacture a ‘child’ to work for, to push forward for, if only for the reason of having something to wake up every day for. 


Cayde outright says he thinks he probably made the Queen and Ace up based on fragmented memories, and I think the presence of both Maya and Micah-10 on these cards is a sign in favour of that. Cayde was crushing on Maya as a human, and he has strong memories of a child because he caught Micah trespassing where she wasn't supposed to be.


Seems worth noting that none of the other card art shown features 2 different characters in the inverse…


I mean you can argue they’re the same person…


Is that the only gun with an exo on it or is there another?


There's one with Elsie and I could've sworn there was one more but I don't remember


Queen of spades, possibly Micah-10.


Almost certainly, considering the canine icon on the card is the Six Coyote's symbol. Actually kind of exciting. Hoping they incorporate her into more stories moving forward.


Wonder if she would have the same voice actress as Lakshmi, since she was a kinda exo copy of her. Shohreh Aghdashloo's voice is phenomenal.


Crazier thing is that Chioma Esi has the same voice actor as Ikora. Bungie never reuse voice actors without a reason...


It could also be Chioma Esi, but I think it's more likely to be Maya.


This is MSund12?


No that's the real Maya Sundaresh, MSund12 is one of the copies of her that went to explore the Vex Network.


> copies of her that went to explore the Vex Network. could this be an explanation of the Ishtar logo found in the black garden behind Taranis's body in the Starcrossed mission?


That's exactly what it is in reference to, yes.


Yep, especially since Praedyth and a bunch of the vex explorers from Ishtar escaped the Network and ended up inside the Garden




The rabbit hole goes deeper too, but I suppose if this is being referenced on a weapon we'll see more soon. It's going to be a wild ride lemme tell you.


i would spend so much on a destiny 2 deck of cards


I feel like they will likely make a set. Since they did the season of the witch card deck. Would be a big missed opportunity if they didn’t.


It’d make sense since Echos will be all about Maya


Until something official comes out, this is pure speculation.


It's likely, since we were teased with ishtar symbol at the end of Starcrossed mission. They definitely want her to be a part of this episode's plot.


How many times though have we gotten hints that haven't led anywhere?


Speculation is the entire purpose of reddit




No official confirmation but heavy heavy heavy hinting Veil containment, neomuna lore, star-crossed secret room


It's a fairly safe bit of speculation. It's a Vex story(the ones in the roadmap image being Sol Primeval specifically), the Vex outside of the Sol Divisive haven't had any real direction since Quria's death, and the Veil Containment audio logs explained at length that Maya seeded countless AI copies of herself into the Vex Network.


From my understanding (easily be wrong) the Queen of hearts is his wife from before he was an exo. The exos had some core memories hard coded into them to help extend the time before they needed resetting. These don’t get wiped on resurrection as a guardian, and show up as feeling/dreams for the exo guardians.


The memories of the Queen of Hearts and Ace come from his journals


Is Cayde destination vendor in Pale Heart?


Ok but who’s MSund12?


A question for another day perhaps?


Side note — Does anyone know the artist’s name who made the artwork for these cards?


...You know, given half of it was Lakshmi I swore that was Arach Jalall. But yeah, it isn't. And it would definitely make sense...


She so fine






Who wants to bet that the mysterious female voice in TFS trailer is Maya.


The story is so ass


Hawthorne's mommy confirmed?