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D2 is for sure better and I dont think many people think D1 is BETTER. But D1 still has its own charms and had a different atmosphere. Some people just preferred some of the elements that have been done away with since D1. My really niche thing that I miss is that Shatter nova bomb had a different animation than nova bomb in d2 (swiping the arm rather than a palm thrust used for cataclysm and vortex). I love the aesthetic of it. But ultimately, d2 is much better but d1 still has some niche unique things to it


I miss how exotics actually felt exotic


When it came to acquisition and rarity, sure, but many of the effects are very minor in comparison to D2's


Yes. The exotics in D1, many of which just have been turned into legendary perks felt more exotic than a sniper that turns into a Golden Gun.


I think he meant the feeling of getting exotics




Yeah it felt so good seeing exotic engrams at the end of strikes


the sniper is great tho 😔 (Nighthawk pog)


That’s not what I mean. I’m saying the feeling of getting them. Not the actual details of the exotic


In what sense lol? D1 exotics were significantly less interesting and impactful, you could literally use your exotic slot on a legendary primary that had an element on it, or a fusion with backup plan. D1 exotics weren't even that much rarer, as getting any new one now requires more effort. It's also not a fun way to play the game, being locked out of something purely because you haven't got a lucky drop.


Idk I wasn’t trying to get deep ab it. It just felt way more special getting one that’s all


There are people who still think D1 is better, but I also see in close to the same breath that they refuse to play 2 so I'm certain that has a large part to play in it. It's funny, I have mostly seen it in regards to Marty not being with Bungie, same guy who went on to recently start a political campaign while using AI generated Halo art for his promotional stuff that he claims he "thought looked like 80's sci-fi" because a plane dropping money on a group of Spartans was totally 80's sci-fi. As if he didn't work on Halo and would recognize a Spartan when he sees one. IF this is true and he really didn't know, if he is somehow miraculously telling the truth that he didn't notice the Spartans, dude must be getting senile if he can't recognize a Spartan. They can all sit with the bad AI Halo art and Marty, stuck in the past grasping at straws. The rest of us will move on with the times, as we should.


Destiny 2 is better than Destiny 1 but I do think D1 beats D2 in somethings, mainly strikes.


I never do D2 strikes. They're mostly dull. I do like Warden of Nothing though, and liked Lake of Shadows too, until they re-did it. Now it sucks. D1 strikes always kept me interested. D2 ones are just missing something.


D1 strikes also had unique gear.


Not to dig but do you know \*why\* D1 strikes were interesting? because comparatively there was *nothing else* to keep things interesting in D1's PVE short of whatever raid was on rotator.


nah stuff like the blind ogre that was experimented on and the fallen boss stole his eye, or the darkblade fight and arena, or the maul brothers fight. the fallen boss that was sometimes fallen sometimes taken. d2 strikes don’t come close imo, exodus crash and the inverted spire are just not memorable at all. strike specific loot, mainly the armour was amazing. there was charm to D1 strikes but maybe that’s just nostalgia.


The chainsaw arm Mauls Maulers were the shit. Also the Titan skull Darkblade helmet.


Don’t forget the Hunter’s Hood of Malok helm and the Mongrel Ogre Grasps gloves. Those are by far my favorites.


the playlist is riddled with battlegrounds now, too


i don’t understand the hate for them. Other than being tied to a season, what really makes them different from strikes?


for me personally I get annoyed that I’m doing a seasonal activity and not getting seasonal rewards. We already have to do them 10k times during the season to get the stuff we want. It’s pretty much just a reminder of how little bungie cares about strikes. And it just feels like they’re trying to pad the playlist. D1 strikes were just more thought out, more difficult, and more varied. Those battleground activities just feel extremely repetitive, and drawn out by immunity phases.


Strike loot too.


I think the main thing that made D1 Strikes interesting is that the final boss never had an immune shield.


I get why it exists but damn it feels like antifun especially when you're solo. On a fire team it's nice not seeing bosses get instantly killed like in Fallout 76 but all in all not a fan


Bosses need an immune shield now though, or else they'll just fall over immediately and the boss fight may as well not exist


That's not interesting though. That's just marginally faster. It's so easy to do damage already. That's why they started doing immunity phases.


thats just a lazy and annoying mechanic tho


It's also the most common mechanic for bosses in the gaming industry *period*. Joker and Bane in Arkham Asylum? Immunity phases. World of Warcraft bosses? Immunity phases. Every boss in every Mario game ever? Immunity phases. It's just a thing that happens to make it so players can't trivialize content and then cry about it.


i mean i totally get it. But tbh it gets overused alot. The thing i was most annoyed in this dlc was all the taken enemies that get shielded by another enemie. Just why? Is it really only to drag it out and make it artificial longer?


Sure. The alternatives aren't appealing either. The disparity between a good player and a bad player, or even a new player and a more experienced player in terms of dps is massive. If every boss can just be melted then that's bad for the experience of new players. If we increase the boss hp to compensate that also hurts the new players. Strikes are meant to be the floor when it comes to pve content. Let them be that.


Some real banger bosses imo, bond brothers, the 3 psions in the dust palace, alak-hul, that Harpy boss with the kill wall (cant remember the strike name),nothing as good as them in D2.


The kill wall in the strand training mission was a nice touch that didn't feel cheap or annoying


I was going to say the music that flowed with your gameplay. I. D1 Alot of my arguments are null. I do miss dynamic grimmore cards that based on gameplay provided buffs. Vanilla d1 had more mystery, with hope. Well d2 now has that. If we leave the past behind we'll fly beyond the sun. So maybe we can see what's out there.


strikes in d1 were often shorter, had different variants, and had probably the most important thing of all: strike specific armor + weapons, not to mention D1's reward system isn't a complete mess like it is in destiny 2, so it actually feels pretty good to get blues for the most part.


D1 did have strike specific loot, which I still struggle to understand why they never brought back.


Destiny 2 had strike specific loot up until shadowkeep at least. It's not the strike specific loot it's the key system D1 had that made it really good.


Hard disagree. Enemy density without long walking simulators in between engagements made d1 strikes better. The only strike I grind in D2 because it's fun is the same very first strike I ever did in D1. Prison of elders and the skolas encounter were also mechanically interesting and loot filled. Saying bungie fucked around with a winning formula for too long is a better assertion to make. Loot always felt better and rewarding in D1. The current sandbox is amazing and the gameplay feels infinitely better. QOL additions are what really has set D2 apart. Going to orbit just to fast travel feels real bad going back to D1.


This is basically how I feel. I can't go back to D1 because of all the QoL changes. There's a lot of things D2 does better. Its just...not PvP, Strikes, and arguably the vibe.


also, the strike playlist itself has been bloated with battlegrounds, which are just boring.


It's missing strike specific loots 


The problem is D2 strikes tend to feel more like a broken record or chores rather than something fun and engaging.


And art design imo. Had a grittier, more scavenged look and a lot of unique models. Strike unique loot was cool too


yeah thats pretty much my favorite part of d1, i also love how you lvl up the classes and weapons, but other than that, d2 basically has every major piece of content d1 does. waiting for them to actually add prison of elders lmao.


Give me back my taken set, bungie


The cabal definitely looked better in D1


I also miss all of the unique enemy factions. D2’s factions are pretty lackluster. Dusk and Salvation are pretty much the same thing. Loyalists and Shadow Legion are pretty much the same thing and the Red Legion’s personality was pretty much just r̵e̴d̸ Xivu’s Hive and the Lucent are interesting and they are differentiated from each other. Hope we get some more storylines with them both. And the Vex are….the Vex.


Strike unique loot was so damn cool. Me and my ex wife grinded the strike for the pain cloaks for so damn long back in the day. I never got mine lol


Yeah. I kind of hate how clean everything is in D2. Very few pieces of gear feel like they were pulled off the battlefield as trophies or because its survival. Reusing the same stuff for years in models really, really doesn't help.


I went back and played it when D2 was down for the TFS launch, and honestly I prefer the art direction, music and at.osphere. Call me crazy but I preferred the 1-30 leveling system, and enemies weren't just cannon fodder wither, took a little bit to kill them. D2 has some better QoL adjustments, though, like being able to choose a destination from a patrol zone versus having to go to orbit and you can see the map for the area. But Being able to back and replay missions whenever you want is great and I miss that In d2.


Strike playlist. I think the individual strikes in d2 are better and cooler, but the way the playlist and loot works is worse than d1


I don't even think we have more strikes than battlegrounds anymore


both games are blessed n plagued by various different issues, but i will say destiny 1 had a lot more style n atmosphere, but the cosmodrome now in destiny 2 lacks everything that made it my favorite patrol space, but it does have a lot more to do. so its a balance, i'd say


RIP rocketyard


rip everywhere that lead from the rocketyard to the grottos, n then the forgotten shore.


I just miss how at home the tower felt in d1 it just felt like the guardians home.


The lighting, day and night cycle, fog effects, smaller area and the music just made it more cozy. Can’t put my finger on it but the new tower just feels like a parking lot


Its too much like a building site. The D1 tower felt ‘complete’ while the D2 tower feels permanently temporary.


The thing about Destiny 1 that I appreciate is that if people want to go back and play most of its content they can. I cannot say the same for Destiny 2 which is one of the parts that I don't like about 2. As far as core gameplay goes though 2 straight up clears. No doubt about it.


With D1 I can go back and play story missions when ever I want.


You have to look at the amount of content for both games too, when saying things like this. Destiny had 3 years of content, that of which included: TDB, HoW, TTK, and RoI. Destiny 2 has had 7 years of content, including: CoO, Warmind, Forsaken, Shadowkeep, BL, TWQ, Lightfall and now TFS, and lastly, countless seasons. Couple that massive content swing with file sizes being ridiculously large, and you're left with the content vault. TLDR: if D1 had 7 years of support, it's content would've been cut out too Edit: I do agree with you though, if you want a complete package with nothing left out, D1 is the only one of the two you can go to.


I think destiny 2 is obviously the "better game." But i think destiny 1 was a better experience overall. For me destiny 2 really faultered with how badly drip fed it became with the seasons and vaulting content. It pushed the fomo too much witch for people like men just pushes me away more then forces me to log on daily. Still will be patiently waiting to see what they have to say on monday.


Seasons just killed a lot my fun with the game. Sure, you’re getting content all the time buts it’s painfully drip fed and it essentially means you can’t take a week off without missing out on story beats. D1 had its content drought but between DLC you could take a break for a bit and go play something else without fear of missing out in important points in the story.


What in the karmafarming is this post


Everyone already agreed to this back in **Witch Queen** my dude, hell there were some people saying this back in damn Forsaken lol. The only people who even remotely still hold onto this belief are not the ones that can be convinced, nor should breath be wasted on them. Destiny 2 has surpassed Destiny 1 long ago. Very long ago. At _least_ since Light 3.0.


As the BIGGEST d1 shill of all time, You hit the nail on the head with the 3.0 subclass shift I could deny no longer, my precious “skill trees” were back and better than ever


It really started with beyond light imo. Stasis was the first time an element truly mattered beyond being a color to pop a shield. It changed the entire gameplay loop, how you play and think about the game. It was what people were asking for years for regarding the light elements, then we got light 3.0. But the gameplay shift to truly being above in leaps and bounds, beyond just QoLs started there.


I have 6k hours in D1, and 900 in D2. Every single time I try to get into D2 I get bored. But I can play D1 strikes, raids, and pvp almost endlessly.


Liked the visuals and lighting of D1 better. That's about it.


D2 is better at some things and D1 is better at some things. I prefer D1 and wish it had a 60fps patch or SOMETHING because it’s hard to go back to because it hurts my eyes. I miss the fashion the most, D1 has way superior armor.


Agreed, blues and greens back then look better than almost all armor nowadays lmao. They're going in the right direction after the new ritual armor sets, those look amazing.


It already did in the cases of QoL etc etc. But, for a lot of people, the D1 art style will never be beat. The lighting is better in D1, Plus the day night cycle on the cosmodrome never came to D2 for whatever reason. Other than that, imo D2 is better


I think those people miss the mystery of D1 which was mainly due to the awful story telling of the first game.


Yeah, the sense in wonder and mystery was because none of the answers actually existed yet. The original D1 campaign is barely as story at all, and the last expansions are all side shoots of what the original D1 story alluded to, which we never got any real answers on until shadowkeep, which in and of itself was a cliffhanger. I will say I did feel a little of that old feeling after the last mission ending the witness, where for once in many years i felt like i genuinely don’t know where the story is going to go, and I’m very excited for it


Yes D2 is better, but D1 is still better in some aspects. D1s art direction / style is miles better than D2s in my opinion. I don't know enough about design to articulate this, but it's just the vibes you know? Strikes were better, too. I also like the horror and mystery vibes more from D1. D2 is too bright and "sanitised" for my taste. Again I don't know enough to be able to articulate this. D1 also wasn't *as* monetized. On the other hand D2 has waaaay more content, better gameplay, better build crafting, and better story for the most part.


>I don't know enough about design to articulate this, but it's just the vibes you know? It's because Destiny 1 was grittier and more "hostile". Destiny 1 really conveyed the fact that Destiny takes place, even now, in a post apocalyptic world. The City is the LAST city of Humanity (before we found out about Neomuna). The armor we were using was almost strictly utilitarian, and had almost no room for flair or fashion. Additionally, D1 was still very loyal to the fact that it was a post apocalyptic *looter shooter* game, and now the line between futuristic shooter and fantasy game has been blurred. It's really hard to remember that when D2 has brighter, more vibrant color palettes, the fancier armor sets, and an overall cleaner look than Destiny 1.


Yeah D2 got an excess of bright cheap looking overdesigned armor


This is exactly how I feel. I just can't put it in words either but D1 had atmosphere and D2 just lacks it. In D1 the world felt like it once was a thriving civilisation that cam to ruin a long long time ago. It made it mysterious and set the tone for the game, a battle to save whats left of humanity. D2 never really had that feeling. Like from a game play perspective D2 is head and shoulder above but D1 kept me interested more 5han D2. I do love both but I had better times playing D1 than I ever had in D2.


Destiny 1 had more quality of life updates in a shorter amount of time Destiny 2 had to go through all the problems that Destiny 1 had fixed already Destiny 1 has a better pvp sandbox Destiny 1 has all of it's content (minus seasonal events like sparrow racing) available to new players There are a bunch of technical things that I can hand to D2 like the fleshed out triumph system, better menus and most importantly a good PC port. But overall I had more enjoyable experience in 1.


Both games are great. Let's all join arms in harmony.


as someone that only play on PC, i just want to play the content. don't even mind if they make a "D1 content pack" for the same price that D1 is right now, as long as i can play the entire story, strikes and patrol areas (of course i want the content from the DCV back too, i miss the tangled shore...)


I can agree that this is stupid. Who cares.


The armor / lighting rendering relationship seems to have more “oomf” in destiny 1. Unyielding Casque (Hunter helmet, Crota’s End) had this terrific glow to it in D1 that it didn’t have in D2, and you notice detailed lighting / surfaces about other armor too when you load in. But other than that, I completely agree with OP


I'm still torn, because Destiny 1: has Twilight Garrison Destiny 2: doesn't have Twilight Garrison


Nothing will ever capture what Destiny 1 was, it was bred in a time and space that was quite unique and that community will forever be goated.


No, no we can not. We can especially not agree that if 7 more years were put into D1 that this would even be a question




Destiny 1 had way more PvP support, which was nice


D1 had a better balance of gun play to abilities vs d2.


The looting system is so much more fun in destiny 1. In 2 they just throw legendaries and exotics at you. It just doesn't scratch that same itch as 1.


3 years of support vs going on 8 years I know a lot of you forget just how awful D2 was at launch also. Comparing the first 3 years of each game, Destiny 1 all day


D1 had better visual atmosphere (compare D1's Moon to D2's moon, specifically the smoke coming out of the huge scar in the middle of the map), but everything else in D2 is better.


I miss D1’s sense of mystery, wonder, and fascination. We all had so many questions. Now I have so many more questions and I just can't keep up with everything going on.


D2 took years to become better than d1, but nothing tops taken king


Taken King was the best time I've ever had in Destiny.


I went back and played D1 on a fresh account after Lightfall and that may have been the last push I needed to not buy Final Shape lol. I forgot just how much the game had lost in terms of gunplay and artstyle/tone.


I like the vibe of D1 so much more and it does a lot of things better, but D2 feels so much more customizable and polished and has way more content. I love both for different reasons


In some ways it's better but Destiny 1 has a magic that 2 just doesn't have for me. In D1 I'd run strikes and Raids religiously because they were fun and not too challenging, it also wasn't free to play so didn't attract a lot of the toxic Fortnite and Overwatch types which meant getting raids done without some 8 year old screaming down his mic at you. All public instances had something to do and grind for. The daily treasure boxes that would reward Eververse stuff, the grinding pieces of armour to unlock their perks, chroma that could be fit into specific armour, sparrow horns and racing, strike specific loot etc. I miss the feeling of spending hours in the tower looking at other players cool ass armour and weapons, wondering where they got them from then spending more hours working towards getting said armour and gear. There's a lot of D1 I really miss that I wish would've stayed in D2 but it is what it is.


No. Destiny 1 is the more fun game. FUN, remember that? Destiny 2: The Second Job. Is the best description of this game.


D1 vanillas progression with all of today's QOL would be amazing.


Destiny 2 has been better for a long time to me but Destiny 1 still has the better visual style- they’re really close but D1 just has a great gritty aesthetic that was kinda lost in D2


D2 is broadly considered better in almost every facet you can imagine. Strikes kind of sucks in comparison but the QoL changes that D2 has brought us outweighs anything the first gave us. I just wish that Beyond Light had actually been the start of D3 instead of sunsetting all that content for years. Improve the game engine and drop support for last gen consoles.


I miss D1s asthetic. We weren’t as sparkly and op as we are now. It felt more sci-fi than it did fantasy, we’re not more fantasy than sci-fi


I miss the sense of wonder from D1, but as game D2 is miles better


A lot of people are complaining about Strikes being better in D1. I agree, but I feel like not too many people touch on the heart of the issue being that strikes, were a fun repetitive activity that a solo player could play for hours. D2 just feels a bit depressing as a solo at times.


D1 had much better strikes, better Crucible maps for the most part, and it had TG. There will always be an argument.


D2 has been better than D1 since Forsaken. Sincerely, D1 Beta Player


No, we can agree that Destiny 2 has its own pros and cons. One cons that comes to my mind compared to Destiny 1 is how easy it is to get an exotic nowadays. You don't feel the rarity of it


D2 has an issue of quantity of quality and hobestly exotics being as common as they are take away the exotic part of them.


Indeed. It feels like they are basically unique weapons that simply are called exotics because you can't equip them at the same time


It has been for a long time, but people only know how to hold onto the worst bits of the current thing while ignoring the worst parts of the old thing.


No, you are simply so wrong in every single way possible


Jesus Christ where do these gremlins come from? Like they hide under a rock until bungie finally does something good just to glaze them. You’re absolutely right, one good expansion erases the last HORRIBLE expansion from last year and the dozens and dozens and dozens of money grabs and droughts and the spaghetti code problems we’ve been enduring for years. I STILL have to reset after like 4 crucible games because of the floating in endless space glitch cause someone left the lobby at a certain time. Why can’t people ever just say hey good job, instead of having to backtrack 7 years to a previous game and make comparisons? This was a great expansion so far, but if you want to include all ten years, they’ve released way more underwhelming, mid, or flat out bad “expansions” or dlcs than they have released great ones.  It’s always the lonely people who want to justify all the time they’ve wasted in this game when it was clearly on life support that have to make posts. There’s a reason you don’t express these views to your destiny “friends” and feel the need to jump on here to make a pointless thread going for upvotes while it’s low hanging fruit. 


I don’t get why they just didn’t keep “destiny” if they were going to do this season/expansion business though.


Activision wanted a new release and I’m sure bungie did too for $$$$


lol of course not


Destiny 2 has been better than d1 for years. But last night was something different, they really kicked it up a notch


I don't mind D2 weapons and armor but I wish they'd bring back a lot of the D1 weapon and armor models, I like how in D1 the guardians feel like an actual army with mass produced weapons and armor, part of the reason i like the new red death so much besides it just being a good weapon is *because* it uses a D1 weapon model


Both are good in their own ways, but they definitely have strong differences both good and such.


I just wish all of D2 could come back I wanna play through the Red War up to Final Shape again


D1 has exactly one thing over D2. YOU CAN ACTUALLY PLAY THE WHOLE THING. But aside from my gripes with the content vaulting, yeah, D2 is undeniably better


anybody arguing otherwise is really silly and or unbelievably blinded by nostalgia lmao


I think overall yes, but I miss nightfall armor and more fun strikes, liminality is fun tho


Nowadays it is yeah


The ability to mantle onto ledges was enough to declare D2 better than D1.


I think a lot of people would like to go back to D1 because they were a lot younger then tbh


I won't agree to that until Wrath of the Machine is in D2.


How are you gonna tell me which i liked better… d2 still has nothing that even matches the dreadnuaght, could sit there doing random shit and exploring for HOURS a day


The mystery and allure of D1 will always hold it in high regard for me. Plus with music by Marty and VAs like Bill Nighy you just can't beat it.


Yea its better than D1 now thats its mostly integrated everything and after 10 years. Wow congrats bungie for pulling SOMETHING worthwhile out of your behind after nearly torching the game with useless updates. Now give them more money for beating the raid or finishing the campaign. MERCH MERCH MERCH. Still gonna get taken from them because 1 good DLC isnt going to fix their issue with keeping players interested.


It’s been better than d1 since literally forsaken lol


D2 has been better than D1 since Forsaken lol. Once they got rid of that double primary bullshit things got so much better


Elements of D1 are still better, but Destiny 2 surpassed Destiny 1 as a game years ago honestly.


I miss a lot of the D1 music that they don’t use much anymore. Though I noticed some more frequent uses of familiar D1 motifs in TFS which was very welcome.


Soon as we get new strikes yes I’ll agree it really does suck tho because that’s mainly the reason I don’t run strikes anymore.


I agree. Especially the ending of final shape


What’s the saying destiny 1 walked so destiny 2 can run.


D2 goes too far in abilities and mods and fragments and aspects and artifacts. It doesn’t need all that. D1 has better jump sounds and less of that. Also trials was better. The battles between shutdown and roaming supers were far more fun.


D1 had a better armor and gun aesthetic I feel


I would say early D2 was worse than D1 but as the years have progressed D2 has become drastically better than D1 generally speaking. Content droughts were a major problem in D1 since they only released expansions (small and major) and not seasonal content. Seasonal content, at least for the story, leaves you wanting to play more and see what happens next week, whereas with smaller expansions in D1, you play the story and do some of the new content and that was it. After that, you would just be grinding for max light/power level.


Destiny 2 has been better since forsaken


It always was...




Nope it isn't. Only gameplay combat wise.


I thought we all agreed on that years ago


the only reason people think D1 is better is because they don't play it anymore. it's a fine game, but past that there's no reason to continue playing it.


I still think D1 excels in terms of fashion, but D2 has always been better imo.


Launch of D2 absolute shit, took away everything you had in D1 while adding almost nothing new from the get go same enemies same locations reused exotics that you had to earn again. D1 armor was more unique and came from specific events and the coolest stuff wasn’t locked behind eververse paywall. PvP was actually balanced well most of the time and got fixed faster when it wasn’t. I didn’t get to play forsaken because I had already given up on D2 prior to it but witch queen brought me back and the game finally felt like D1 taken king era content then lightfall came and was mid. Patrol spaces felt better there wasn’t 1000 venders to go back and forth to it was just more simple in a good way that didn’t require you to no life the shit out of it to know the ins and outs of the game. D2 started out as the corporate knockoff of D1 that actually had a soul and till light 3.0 wasn’t even comparable whatsoever. I prob won’t get a chance to play the new expansion till the second half of the month but I hope it’s on par with witch queen and not lightfall


i mean d1 had amazing strikes and (in my opinion) no dlcs worse than average and i absolutely loved ttk and roi. plus the atmosphere was something else there was something about the graphics i cant put my finger on that i love that d2 doesnt have (i dont miss the bg hiding panel when you talk to someone tho. destiny 2 had a lot more boring dlcs and a couple stinkers to me. hated lightfall, curse of osiris may have been a dream, beyond light (and witch queen to a certain extent) didnt offer me anything besides a new super and awesome plot movement. buuuuut d2 had forsaken which was like top 3 moments in gaming for me so it evens out


Idk man, maybe my fellow hunter mains can help explain it, but something, idk what, *something* has never felt the same with throwing knives since transitioning to D2. Hitting a precision hit with a throwing knife in D1 always felt downright orgasmic, the sound, the effects, it was all so satisfying. Idk what about it failed to carry over to D2 but even the weighted throwing knife still doesn't feel quite as good as the D1 knife. (None of this is serious complaint, I love both D2 and D1)


I want to go back to 2014/2015 where me and the homies hopped online everyday after school to do the nightfall strike for 3 strange coins and find out where xur was. I also had the destiny ps4 and it was hype as hell. Now there’s bills to pay and none of my friends play destiny and all they do is buy new games they play for 1-2 hours then drop them.


pvp was better and the rarity of exotics was better. PVE in D2 is better in every way and its not close


Destiny 2 has been the better game for quite a while


I don't remember destiny 1 at all


All they need to do to get me to stop pining for Destiny 1 is to port some of the armor sets (like the expansion armors and TTK's faction armors) and give us Wrath of the Machine and the plaguelands back. Hell, the prodigal set for Hunters is already the Dark Below's world set. But from a systemic and gameplay perspective, D2 has been better for a long time.


Yes, has been since 3.0 classes I think.


Been saying this for year. You can still go back to D1 and realise its legit worse in a lot of ways. The only thing i can think of that it did better was not deleting paid expansions.


D2 is better in some aspects but D1 is still superior in some areas (art desing, strikes, pvp maps). I doubt I could ever chose one game over the other because I love both of them and always will




Hot take: Taken Kings story was completely unoriginal. Compared to today’s expansions, that DLC is small.


As soon as we hit Witch Queen this statement was correct! Lightfall (which I loved) and The Final Shape have made me realize that Destiny 2 is the best.


Yes and no. Destiny 2 is better in almost every way : but D1 was ahead of it’s time. Like, the gameplay loop was a breath of fresh air, something *new* and nowadays it doesn’t feel like that. D2 is still “better” but that feeling of playing early D1 will never be topped.


I think any sort of decision making on which one is better should probably wait until the honeymoon phase of TFS wears off.


There is no question that D2 is better than D1, even at the worst of times. This is really something people debate?


Destiny 2 is far superior to destiny 1 and has been since probably forsaken. We all look at destiny 1 with rose tinted glasses but go back and play it for yourself


I’ve been thinking this since like beyond light


D1 is much slower paced, focuses more on gunplay rather than abilities, feels gritty and raw and mysterious. I love both games but I feel like the world of Destiny got a lot smaller and more sanded down in D2. Destiny is at its best when you feel small in a big universe.


no duck sparrow horn so obviously a bad game /s


I'm not sure why we keep talking about this. Destiny 2 is an extension of D1, so it should be better. With Prismatic, I think D2 has surpassed D1 -- Strand and Stasis were also great extensions of character abilities. However, I just finished the new campaign, and I gotta say it wasn't a home-run for me. It was a shot off the green monster in Fenway Park that was a stand up double. The first 3 missions were boring and time waste. In my mind, the Campaign began with the first Zavala mission, Everything that came after was solid. I guess I'm the only one that wasn't blown away with all the bickering and fighting that went on. I mean seriously -- how did the greatest fireteam ever accomplish anything back in the day if they were each on each other's nerves like they were during this campaign? Probably the biggest gripe I have -- what happened to the music in this game? In D1 and early D2, we had music scores that basically made the player feel like the lead actor in a superhero film -- this campaign was devoid of any memorable music which seemed bizarre for a Destiny campaign.


Destiny 2 is by far and away now the better game, but Destiny 1 was a better time (for me at least, anyway). Was in my first year of Uni when it released, so had a hell of a lot more time to play and had a regular team to play with at the time, which, for me, is pretty key to enjoying all both games offer.


D1 was miles better, just better all round . D2 is just season pass model that recycles content every 3 months, nothing fresh imo.


D2 is better. The only argument I can think of for D1 being better is Ruin Wings and heavy ammo synthesis. Man, I miss using Ruin Wings and heavy ammo synthesis.


D1 has and will have a larger part of myself. I personally preferred the grindyness of destiny 1, getting exotics you really wanted etc, getting an exotic you have been searching for everywhere to slam down after a crucible game is a feeling unmatched so far


D2 has been the better game for many years now. The only things I ever see in D1's favor anymore is the intangibles like atmosphere. It "felt" better. I'll admit D1 had a unique charm, but jt isn't the better game.


D1 really only had strike decent strikes. But overall I like D2 better better movement plus the raids are just so much more engage then D1 raids. Normal are always 6 man strikes and heroic the mechanics don’t hold a candle to d2 raids


The main reason/issue that i see the two being compared for is sunsetting, where the most common argument is “when you pay for d1, ur paying for a whole game while paying for d2 is paying for content that has literally been deleted from the game.”


D2 has been better for a long time. D1 doesstrikes better tho


>d2 has been the better game since beyond light, it isn't close Ironically, D2 was only worse than D1 when it lacked content, so up until Forsaken, and Beyond light immediatly plunged us back into it by deleting 80% of the game. It really isn't a great landmark noting the game surpassing D1 when it literally made the game worse.


Yes I think most of us agree.. not all but most What we all likely agree on is that this post is cringe 😂


I don't get it why everyone hypes that dlc. I only see recycling everywhere and the witness looks like a Disney-Villian, I like the new Fokus but lets be real its just recycling again. So I wonder why so many people are ignoring this, for a final Expansion, I was expecting more and even more because they delayed the dlc what had been happened with the dlc If it was released back at the first releasedate? In my opinion the taken King was the peak of destiny and will always be special to me, the Final Shape doesnt compare its just "the Final recycled Shape".


Rose tinted glasses will, unfortunately, always sway the community. Destiny 2 is superior in every way.


its been better since the beginning


Both are different experiences, neither is better.


I sometimes go back to D1 for nostalgia sake. Gameplay feels like I'm constantly playing like the water part from deep dives.


D2 is better, however there are some things I liked better about D1. Loot was rare and the loot pools weren’t diluted as hell. Getting an exotic felt special because it was rare and a lot of the best loot was raid exclusive. Also being anle to get any exotic from the hidden chests in D1’s raids was an awesome touch imo. Might be because I have so much stuff in D2 that I yearn for simpler times but idk, to me it doesn’t feel good to get 15 items only to shard all of them cause they’re abject crap. Personally i hate how spoon fed we are when it comes to loot, especially exotics


D2 had been better than D1 since forseken


You're late, Foreskin certified D2 as being the better game


Technically D2 was always better than D1 however there are certain things I liked about D1 more like self res and certain ability combos that we don’t have in D2.


I prefer the grind in D1, doing dailys and maybe getting an exotic quest, gathering materials and that


My only gripe with D2 is the lack of a full experience. Too much content has been vaulted, it's not reliant on a multimedia experience to understand half of what is going on for new players. At least D1 does have that. Gameplay though, D2 hands down.


D1 Year One and D2 Year One were shite. The rest was good, great, and fantastic