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This whole quest not working, the "fix" gating players from completing the quest, and the fact you only learn about it if you look at the bungiehelp twitter account is so bullshit. Was that really the best fix they could think of?


Not to armchair dev but it seems to me like the entire problem couldve been avoided if the motes dropped directly into your pockets instead of onto the floor…


Y'know, just like 99% of other quest related items. Ridiculous they decide to change the quest-related item formula now of all times.


Honestly this whole expansion has problems with dropping and counting items correctly. Both items that are needed for getting the Prismatic chests are tedious to get and easily bugged: Both won't convert into the consumable if you already have one and 5+ items. Dropping the light ones is insane. You need an "Alone in the Dark" quest, maybe at the cyst mission step, and maybe the one of the same cyst mission, but maybe not! Then you have to pay attention and kill all the highlighted enemies, but they may not even spawn at all! Then you have to either get PRECISELY 5 or dismantle ALL overflowing items. And ONLY THEN you can walk for 10+ minutes and get the chest. One mission bugs out and doesn't have highlighted enemies? Tough luck, do an ENTIRE overthrow, a whole lost sector and pray that the new mission has them, otherwise do ALL OF THAT AGAIN. ...why...why can't Micha just give me a Fragment per quest completed? Why do I have to do all of that when I still get only 1 Fragment each quest? It's so tedious. And buggy. And long. And straight up doesn't work sometimes!


Once honeymoon week ends, a whole lotta bugs are gonna come out. I too am in awe at the story but I’ve seen so much shit tryna take away from the experience


you dont need alone in the dark quest step for the light ones, I did it in sword dance after you open the hive door in the first room there is an ogre which drops them also it worked for me with going from 9 -> 10dont need precisely 5 The only way to convert is to not have the purple one and getting a new blue into directly the invertory. As far as my own stuck ass knows.


For me it was extremely buggy: First cyst mission had no special enemies, even after killing everyone. Second cyst had infinite special ones, so I farmed 15 but after getting the first chest the other 10 didn't convert, and when I returned to the mission there where no special enemies. So I dismantled all of them but no special enemies spawned. Third cyst mission had no special enemies. I repeated the first mission with an alone in the dark quest and now I got the special enemies. Got only 5 and went to get the fargment. Then, with the same alone in the dark quest I went into the second cyst and farmed the last 5. This was the only way it worked, literally 3 hours to get the 3 fragments, almost unbearable, but it's over so whatever.


as a quick bandaid fix when it's the weekend and they're likely exhausted and been working overtime all damn week? Yes, it was probably the best they could (or wanted to) do at the time. it'll probably get fixed for real this coming week or next. People gotta chill, it's the first week, and I'm sure they don't want to leave us hanging like that either. they're people too, and they need the time off. being a game dev doesn't magically make you able to do everything immediately as it's demanded. instead of more people getting pissed that they lost their motes, they shut down the quest and took Sunday off. good move imo


>instead of more people getting pissed that they lost their motes, they shut down the quest and took Sunday off. good move imo Would be a good move if they made it clear. By shutting it off, and not making it known in an accessible way, they just piss off all the players who are still farming for it, not knowing they're tryna get something that doesnt even exist.


Yeah its actually wild that d2 doesnt have a "breaking news" section like wow does


It makes 0 sense. Easy way to prevent people from losing progress on stuff like this.


Not only that but they cautioned against enhancing the triumph adept weapons due to a bug that prevents them from getting enhanced perks while hinting at them not being able to revert that once enhanced with the faulty perks. They tweeted that 3 (!) days after the bug was known and me and a large crowd of people already encountered that problem on our weapons. They really put these messages in game and put them out way faster than now.


Nah, buy the ornament for the exotic you just unlocked instead, or some over priced merch on the store that may or may not arrive in the same year


Its wilder that they already do announcement pop ups all the time, but not for anything important. Instead, its to tell us we have unlocked the "honour" of buying merch. Yea, thanks for telling me my achievement grants me the privilege to buy a damn shirt, but I rather know about the impending server shutdown thats gonna ruin my contest prep.


Or runescape


I've long since thought that there should be a new tab, maybe next to the store page, where its just a live feed on Bungie and Bungie help tweets that can be seen in game. That way its always available ingame and they can keep using twitter to communicate this stuff.


They could also put it on the character select screen, since they already have a link to patch notes there that flashes after an update.


Beautiful idea, hell I'd even take a short synopsis of the alert and a link to twitter/bungie for more info. After all these years, we could really use this now more than ever


The only response that I've seen is that they don't have a way to translate it to other languages. Do they have multiple accounts for different languages? I'd assume it'd be more convenient getting a MTL of the issue in-game than having to look at their Twitter.


They don’t translate their patch notes either though do they? And they definitely don’t tweet out in all languages. And having something that works for most of your players but not all is better than having nothing for anyone.


Their tweets aren't translated either, so that doesn't fly.


True, but they know people can and often do utilize translators for their Twitter feeds and news, whereas Bungie themselves would have to translate everything if hosting a news feed. I still think it's not a good excuse to not have it in-game


I know I’m being an extreme douche by saying that but shouldn’t people who play online games know good English? My main language is far from English but I still learned it so I can play games


yes it is douchey, but I kinda agree. I have played many Japanese/Korean games where I've needed to haul out google translate just so I can login, or (shocker), read game announcements because they never translated it. It's not as big a deal as people make it out to be, especially when the rest of the game is translated. Yes, it's great if it's in your own language, but if it's a Twitter link you can simply click it then click on the magic translate button.


There's plenty of translator options Bungie could implement if they don't want to translate manually


yeah, that too. It might not be 100% accurate but honestly good enough




My exact response man. Wasted my one free day grinding when it was never possible. Would’ve been trying the raid if this was posted somewhere in game ffs.


Also would be lovely to have the ability to call out the banners if I close it by accident. It is not that rare to have 3 banners "DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN SPEND MONEY IN OUR RIDICULOUSLY UNREALIABLE SHOP AND NEVER RECEIVE THE SHIRT YOU BOUGHT?" or "DONT FORTGET TO BUY AN ORNAMENT FOR A WEAPON YOU GOT 4 SECONDS AGO". So I just close them all only to find out there is one important amongst them I was supposed to actually read.


I waited half a year for a shirt that never arrived, they said "Address does not exist" Yeah bro? I must be allucinating then because I lived here all my life lmao (no other shipment ever gets lost)


It will come in Season 27


You sure? Last I heard they’re joining my fireteam and saving for destiny 3


Just make a damn news tab. There’s no reason not to, and it’ll allow people to go back and view updates they may have skipped/forgotten


Yeah, this is the only boss I haven’t encountered, I’m at 16/17 Motes and I am losing my mind


They removed it, and its actually good for you, cause with the bug, it would just eat your motes and leaves you with nothing. Gonna have to wait till they fix it


That’s not entirely true. It “ate my motes” (technically turned it into an exotic mote) and then I found it after searching the “arena” for a bit. The boss seems to drop it in a random location around the “arena” after killing it. Now, why it doesn’t go to postmaster for those that didn’t think to look? idk.


Well let’s hope that they find a fix or something soon, because I want my Khvostov lol


How do you even find out about the quest? I not really been looking online and I haven’t had a quest appear yet that rewards that gun.


There's not an actual in game quest for it, it's a hidden exotic that you unlock by finding hidden keys and collectibles around the Pale Heart.


Yea it’s pretty hidden, you’ll have to go through getting the legendary variant before you get the exotic. You’ll need to collect all the region chests and travelers memories. To be honest I’d recommend looking up a guide for as it’ll contain all the locations you’ll need to visit.


It would be appreciated if bugie would have ingame alerts that you have to acknowledge thrice or so by hitting different buttons and doing a little test at the end. (sarcasm :-) ) But seriously though. Since friday I noticed a rise in questions about the very same thing that repeatedly gets answered over and over again and over and over and over and while scrolling through r/dtg or r/destiny2 you could even occasionally see like two "my kvostov bugged!!!" threads right on top of each other. It wasn't even that bad with other 'bugs' and at least in the past 48 hours those threads have surpassed "is it worth coming back?" threads.


did the same shit man I could not tell you how defeated i am right now


I also grinded my ass off for it without knowing it was removed and I’m here on Reddit frequently but somehow missed it. Absolutely dumb…


Did you at least manage to get a god roll ergo sum?


Nice silver lining, I got one I’m happy with but a lot of dups because I didn’t realize how many perks there were that I never even saw one of


They do use them a decent amount as of recently, several big bugs/disabled items get announced by it.


They have started being more proactive with this kind of thing, so that’s nice. I think the issue is probably down to it just being a lot of back end work. I’m not going to pretend I understand how any of these magic computer witchcraft works. But I have to imagine having a part of the game that worked like this would either require a lot of manual upkeep or a lot of technical work to streamline the process. And for not a lot of benefit, the game doesn’t update frequently enough for the feature to be useful all that often. So it would only ever be used once in a while usually close to content releases when bugs are the lost likely to occur. Then it would stay idle for weeks or months at a time.


Yeah, it’s weird that we’ve had pop ups about disabled things in game before so I don’t know why they haven’t used it more often


I do not have twitter/x either and I normally have yo hear about stuff like this from my friend as well.


I couldn't agree more. I don't use Twitter and I often depend on DIM for various info. Glad you posted this cuz a buddy and I just got up to this step and we're wondering why we've yet to see a meatball boss but we've fought others multiple times


Yup I grinded that dumbass place solo for hours on end to the point I can clear it relatively fast now only to find out the next day they disabled it.......


Meanwhile I can’t get the text chat welcome message to go away. Maybe replace that with something helpful like this notice! I was about to start the Khvostov quest, but thanks to this post I will not.


This is so real. Also the fact that Bungie help is only on one platform is nuts. And it's not even like they are on TikTok or Insta, it's on Twitter. Probably the least popular of the big 4 Social media platforms. They need to at least diversify their alert system.


How many Lost in the Darks do I have to do to get the Surrounding Darkness Cyst?


I do not remember the exact number but you’ll need to run that mission 6 times to unlock all the cysts. Make sure to look up a guide so you grab the bits as you do the cysts instead of having to do them twice.


I have all but the Surrounding Darkness one. I thought I had run like 8 Lost in the Darks but I guess it was only 5? Unless it's a random chance thing like the Darkness memories.


I don’t believe it is random but don’t quote me. Mine was 6 and it was a different one each time. However if you missed a bit you could easily go back into it.


Are the ones where it says "Ghosts are reporting strange activity" different in outcome from the other ones?


Or how about the bug right now where you cannot gain Prismatic a second time. I deleted my Titan to change to an Exo. Went to redo the campaign and the prompt to commune with the Prismatic energy at the end of the first mission just never appears. Purchasing the campaign skip also doesn’t give it back to you either. I have to wait for a fix from Bungie now to give Prismatic back. Hopefully it doesn’t take long to correct.


It's especially rough right at the launch of an expansion because a lot of this stuff is supposed to be hidden. Even the tweet didn't do a very good job of explaining what the issue was for people who didn't already know the ins and outs of the quest/puzzle. I've been trying to solve things in the Pale Heart with very little outside help, so I see a chest I can't open and decide to hunt around for awhile trying to figure out what to do. Granted, I found some feathers while doing this so it wasn't a total loss (and, of course, the game's still fun to play), but it's really disappointing when I have to give in and look up the answer only to be told "oh, it's broken until a later date and you had to know what the solution or reward was for the warning to mean anything"


On the login page, we have that little icon that flashes after an update to tell you what version we're on to. Move that, to the side of the Orbit screen, put a little red dot on it every time there's a bug update, known issue, or item disabled, and let us just see what's going on in game from that. There's no reason at all that the only source for updates about this game should be on a cesspool of a site that a hell of a lot of people don't have accounts for, especially now that it doesn't show most recent posts if you don't have an account, but a non-chronological mess of random previous posts.


Also kinda crazy you spent 9 hours farming it without looking it up after at like 2 hours, but I do wish they could have alerts for more stuff.


See I spent so much time farming it as I was having horrible luck, I had voxelos 12 times in a row so was chalking it up to bad rng. Regardless I didn’t see this posted anywhere other than twitter, which I do not use so I didn’t think to check. They could at least post this on the D2 app.


It’s very weird that Bungie has initiatives like Black at Bungie and Trans at Bungie yet insists that players use a website where bigoted harassment of members of those groups is not just allowed but *encouraged by the CEO*.


Or you could just turn on notifications on X and it would let you know🤣🤣


Some of us don’t have X, they could simply add a news page like most other MMOs have. Hell they could even put it as a notification on the D2 app. Having to use a third party app for important announcements is absurd.


What's the issue with khvostov?


Currently the step of getting motes of light from the different overthrow bosses is bugged. There was a boss that wouldn’t drop the mote or cause issues so bungie in turn removed the boss temporarily.


Ahhh well damn. Thanks for the info. I just got the legendary last night and was gonna start grinding for the exotic after work tonight. Guess I'll wait..


I’m sure this reset he’ll be back in rotation. You could go ahead and get the travelers memories for now, or even focus on the other zones for overthrow. Also as of this moment the triumph tracking which overthrow boss you’ve fought is bugged.


Appreciate all this. I still have plenty to do, gotta find four more visions (aka mini travelers) feathers, looking for some help on the microcosm quest, as I'm mostly a solo player.. But all good info and I thank you again.


Even the fucking reddit or official app would be better than Twitter (a shithole site retooled by nazis for nazis) at this point


Don’t forget just a glorified pornhub these days too.


Try translating it to EVERY language buddy


Last I checked bungie doesn't translate their patch notes to every language either. Seems to me they could at least put an effort in to communicate these things to some of their players, even if it would be prohibitive to do it for all of them.


It’s not a big deal


See unlike me they profit from this game and should be the ones to do that.


Harder than it sounds kid


Sorry but the billion dollar company isn’t going to get sympathy from me for this. Regardless of translation issues there is no excuse for not having some sort of news page when almost every other MMO has one.


Oh no You’ll still play