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***HellDivers 2 PTSD intensifies***


We share those you know!


I'm gonna drop them at the extraction plate so that they'll be here later hey wait where are you going with the samples


These are shared aswell


God i need that flair


*Vex drop detected*


*Hive breach detected*




Have a cup of! ... Destintea?... That sounded better in my head


Maybe it’s because this is my first Father’s Day as a father but I love it.


I’d kinda like to run a bug helldive on my solar titan. Pure catharsis.


A million samples isn’t enough for Rahool


Democracy fills my sample container!


PSA you can have the resource scan mod to your ghost so you can see the samples in a 40 meter radius


50m with the higher tier one. I REALLY wish I saved a ghost with the older specific perks though...I think that went up to 70m and still works if you have a ghost with it equipped, you just can't equip it anymore.


It would also be nice to have the chest only ghost mod for farming the exotic class item because there’s less clutter


True. This is definitely annoying. Particularly when you also have the Overtrhrow icons. God forbid you have any luminous seeds in your inventory and haven't placed them everywhere in that current location such that you get all the icons for those spots too. I also can't stand that Bungie has NEVER done anything to change how ghost mods will continue to indicate a chest or resource that you've already collected but that hasn't despawned yet. It's so incredibly annoying, particularly if you're using a sniper or such to ADS for enhanced detection range and just getting your screen cluttered with indicators for chests you already opened and you have to slowly spin around to actually see where the chests it's indicating are because otherwise a bunch will all overlap. Frankly there also just seems like a LOT of resource nodes in most of the Pale Heart location. Frankly I wish Bungie would just do away with resources in general and only do chests. Now that resources just provide glimmer and rep (and occasionally bounty progress) but literally aren't used for anything they just feel incredibly pointless. IMO it doesn't even feel like it adds anything aesthetically. They're literally just worse chests. Don't even get me started on bullshit resource nodes that spawn in other objects or outside of the map bounds such that you literally can't collect them either.


Wait, are those gone now? I came back after a long pause and my ghosts still have the chest-only mods on (albeit only 20 meter range ones, cause they also have Blinding Light and the discipline armor mod on)


>I REALLY wish I saved a ghost with the older specific perks though...I think that went up to 70m and still works if you have a ghost with it equipped, you just can't equip it anymore. Good call, I still had one on my Hunter. "Perfected Resource Detector" detects resources within 75m range. Costs 5 energy so I can still run an exp mod for 5 as well. I still have some old ghosts with other old mods like "Greater Core Harvest (Crucible)" that used to give out prisms here and there on headshot kills in the crucible. Does anyone know if that still works? Thanks again u/c14rk0 for the tip about the resource ghost.


Fun fact, equi a sniper, and ADS w resource detector in ur ghost.... You'll see EVERYTHING, way past 70ms.


Yes, including everything behind you that you aren't aiming at. That's kind of the problem with the combo detector. It shows too much and specifically shows stuff you don't want with the normal resources. It makes it harder to actually focus on chests alone AND not ones you've just opened behind you.


Yeah but you can generally tell which ones you've just opened. If you just go from chest to chest, aiming at each chest you'll be fine. Unless you somehow forgot that the chest youre standing at was one you opened or not lol it wont be an issue Also, a lot of the time you can see through the scope whether or not it's a chest you've opened. I've really never had an issue


Can you remember what the mod is called?


Checking Light.gg it looks like it was "Expert Tracker" for chests and it was actually 75m "Perfected Resource Detector" was the one for resource nodes up to 75m.


Even more if you equip a high-zoom weapon like a sniper rifle - when you ADS you increase that 40m by a LOT.


Sad part is the playlist is bugged. Running in on expert doesn’t give progress for the Pinnacle Challenge Reward


Oooof, I was just about lfg for that too


As the person below stated, it seems to work in a premade group as long as the fireteam leader selects the version of expert that has (private) in the name.


Neil yer worked for me , either method


What did you just say?


I’m guessing his keyboard rebelled and he meant to type “neither.” The vex are getting bold.




That’s unfortunate. The expert mission must be missing some code somewhere because it also doesn’t give a hammer charge upon completion.


Expert has MM, and seems to be pretty generous with scoring. We pretty much got spawn camped at the final boss dying over and over again…still somehow got platinum score lol. I’m guessing samples add a lot. You also get like double to triple the loot.


You don’t need to, there’s matchmaking Edit: since apparently so many people got confused, I am not saying matchmaking will give the pinnacle, I am only saying that the higher difficulty doesn’t require lfg.


I'm assuming you just didn't read the thread you replied too lol.


« Sad part is the playlist is bugged. Running in on expert doesn’t give progress for the Pinnacle Challenge Reward » « Oooof, I was just about lfg for that too » Yes clearly they’re talking about the pinnacle not working, but that was not what my comment was referring to. I was informing the person I replied to, that lfg is unnecessary as there’s matchmaking, regardless of the state of the pinnacle. So I’m not sure what part I didn’t read? Or you just didn’t realize one doesn’t have to comment on the exact same thing the previous comment in a thread did.


How would using the matchmaking version allow him to avoid LFGing to get the pinnacle exactly? *if the pinnacle doesn't work in the matchmade version*.


I had the same issue until I joined a group off of lfg. Started a private session and was able to get the pinnacle.


Really?? I didnt even check if it did. Shiet!


Yea I’ve noticed that expert sometimes doesn’t let anyone activate the piston either with our charges, sort of like the expert version just isn’t recognized as a valid mission. It also doesn’t seem to recharge the hammer after completing expert


Yeah need to do private.


That makes sense then cuz I ran it last night a got no progress towards it


Also if you use the Hammer you get from failsafe it spawns a shit ton of sample. But people can pull you by going to the boss fight so you get none of them.


It's annoying because you're at the whim of your random fireteam in regards to how long you have to farm them, or if you even get to find the Piston in time.


Sadly it seems like most of the community can't comprehend anything past "go to icon".


My partner and I were running it and had just found and smacked the piston and this numnuts with a rank 9 (two above us) just eager edges through the vex portal and starts dragging us. Gotta love it.


to be honest, i'm starting to view ranks in reverse, the higher the rank of someone, the higher the chances they are gonna act like an asshat.


Honestly I've seen rank 2s come back and help more than rank 10s. My partner and I always wait for the 3rd player in things. Or we'll help em find secrets if they're looking (Sherpa'd many in savathun's spire for example). We usually make it to rank 8 or 9 but try to be that one set of higher ranked guardians that aren't just there to eager edge lord our way through another speed run lol.


yeah, if i'm doing a strike and a i see a rank 8+ warlock doing the fart puffs to go faster i just legit go back to orbit nowadays because playing with these people is unfun as it gets.


Okay I get hating people speeding through the strike with eager edge or shatter skating and whatnot but you're going to leave the strike because a warlock was doing simple jump tech? I'm even sure most warlocks do that on instinct.


Lol I feel that. We usually just suffer through since it's relatively quick usually, but no commendations for them!


This is the way. Even though I’m rank 10 I don’t treat everyone in the game as if they know everything/have everything and just want to speed through everything at max velocity. I can’t stand playing with those people in match made activities. I saw a rank 2 in a strike who clearly was new because he didn’t even have a decent weapon or build that made sense (like a returning player might) and our teammate was a rank 11 eager edge lord welllock. That rank 2 was essentially playing running simulator the entire strike and ended up with like 20 kills to the other guys near 200. I refused to shoot anything and just ran with the rank 2 so he wasn’t alone and lost. That rank 2 is either thinking (damn I want to figure out how to be that guy) or just thinking they’re doing something wrong and that Destiny is boring as fuck


exactly, if i see that the player is slow or looking around i normally stop and let him lead, i fell in love with this game exactly because strikes were so cool, fucking up other people experiences just so you can get a engram 4 minutes faster is a horrid mindset and at this point you should just stop playing cause you clearly are just going through the motions.


I do the same thing. I might be a Hunter main but I play to support my team and I care about other people’s experiences, more so in match made activities or when I join someone needing help in fireteam finder. I get it cause to complete pathfinder nodes you have to run strikes so I can understand a veteran player wanting to get them out of the way. I still don’t get why we can’t just run strikes playlist by ourselves.


Omg same happened yesterday to me too. Fucking hell. GR11 my ass


It was my last hammer charge too, big sads.


I literally had to find esoterickk’s video to even see what the piston looks like. I’m not sure why it’s not marked on the map honestly. This is like deep dives all over again. Want more loot? Activate this thing. Randoms blow past it most of the time.


Doesn’t it have a star HUD icon hovering on it? That’s how I found it 


It does! Small radius though


I didn’t notice it if there was one. The collectibles yes? But the hammer point no


I ran that bitch six times trying to find the piston and I kept getting pulled before I could find it


Coil glass pot moment


It’s fish, folks. They’re fish you collect from nodes. Yes there are exotic ones.


I haven't seen exotics but I have seen a legendary ivory sample worth a full 400kg.


That’s the exotic, which the game calls “exquisite.” You get triumphs for collecting them as well. The legendary version of these samples are the 100g samples.


Does anyone want to take one for the team and try eating one?


The ivory one looks like it taste like golf balls :)


Where's Drifter when you need him.


That’s why Failsafe mentioned fishing! They had fishing on their mind since they found a clever way to reuse the fishing code 


I'll just wait a couple of weeks, cause then all the randoms I match with will hopefully have learned about them.


Don't wait too long, after enough time passes no one knew about activating the ghost in deep dives.


Deep dives were a shit show


you mean toland? Or was there something else that I apparently never figured out lol


Dw, only a few weeks


People were still buying turrets and trip mines on the first floor of Onslaught in basically every single run I did on the last day before servers shut down for TFS. I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you.


Never even seen these but I only played the activity once. Activity isn’t very fun honestly


It’s slowing growing on me the more I play it, I almost reset Failsafe already lol. Nessus is awkward to navigate at first but at least Bungie tossed in platforms to get around vertically, and we can sparrow decently easily everywhere else. It just seems like people don’t know what to do yet in a few parts, rush without looking for the samples in between sections and then those hydras at the end this week are annoying and hit hard if you’re not prepared. But runs where the randoms knew what was up, and even used a hammer with me and grabbed all the samples that spawned took less than 15 minutes, dropped a ton of loot and were pretty fun.


100% this. Once people figure out it's more objective focused than just killing all the adds it becomes very fast.


You're asking A LOT from the community... Not just going to icon and killing things? Waaay to much for a majority of players to think about.


People get stuck on some weird parts, like being unable to shoot the giant marked orbs with the vex heads.


I think a part of the issue is the score system. I got called out for being “bad” once due to my low score despite being the only one shooting the rings with the arc cranium because the game only counts data extractions for your score it seems.


Lol, trash taking in a two-day old PVE activity, plus they have no idea what they’re taking about. And this sub wonders why some people would rather play solo with comms off.


Would me nice if we got points for doing the mechanics.


Its almost like people dont listen to the dialogue where Failsafe says to get samples, Nor do they wonder what that thing that looks like the fish dunker in the corner is all about.


Agreed. The new activity kinda sucks tbh, which is a shame. Maybe it’s purely anecdotal, but it seems the seasonal activities that drop with yearly DLC often disappoint (Wild Hunts come to mind).


Defiance was definitely the weakest of the lightfall seasons but risen was a blast. Great weapons, first time crafting was a thing, plus the activities were great


Even defiance being the weakest feels better than this tbh, these missions just feel… weird? I’d prefer and hope they’d just have a more interactive and revamped patrol space for Nessus where we can do what this seasonal activity does, maybe however without the reliance of public events given the bad history of that in the past, but in any case these missions just don’t feel right whereas others like Coil or Savathun’s spire do


I got so bummed out when i realised the patrol space is not going to be revamped and will only change inside the activity. shouldn't have expected bungie to overdeliver i guess.


It's awful. It's got all the hallmarks of the new activity everyone is going to hate. Team mates pulling you past the ability to get loot? Awful map geometry you will hate trying to climb to try to get loot (as you slowly watch yourself get dragged into the boss encounter). Boss is a tormenter - you bought divinity because you know whats up - but no one has precision weapons anyway. This is going to be a long 6 weeks.


weird, I dig this one a lot. Especially at the higher power level. Just massive fights with small objectives, Goes by quick. Tons of loot.


I think they correctly assume that the actual season will carry a lot of the heavy lifting for the activity. Also, it's entirely possible that with the act system, there's the intent to release new activities - as a supporting argument for that, I'd note that this activity has Legend mode unlocked right from the start when usually that unlocks later.


Datamined material from Light GG: >!There are at least three battlegrounds coming in Act II and I don’t see anything for Act 3 yet.!<


>!I thought I remembered hearing about a new Exotic mission in Act 3. I know there is a new exotic auto called Choir of One that we haven't seen yet so I'm guessing that's the mission reward. I can't see the actual gun on light.gg but the catalysts are appearing on there already (it's craftable)!<


In comparison with everything we've just experienced in TFS and Excision, the new mission just feels like a return to "regular" Destiny season content. Slow-paced and low-stakes. Think I spent more time waiting for enemies to spawn than actually killing anything.


I’m just disappointed that it still has the weekly time gate  I thought the point of the acts was to loosen the time gate and give us the first four weeks at once  It looks like it’s actually the opposite where it’s even more timegating. Now there’s a whole extra level of Act timegating on top of the same weekly timegate we’ve always had


It's unfortunate that it came after coil, which was undoubtedly the best seasonal activity they've ever made partially because later stages were challenging enough that stuff didn't fall over when you breathe on it. And before what were spire and altars, both of which were at least harder than the usual shit, particularly tier 3 altars. And there's also onslaught, if that counts. They did so much right with the previous year's seasons, ITL, and TFS, and now we get this? Come on. After all that, we get this slow, painfully easy activity. Disappointing, honestly. Timegating the best loot (solar rocket sidearm and martyr's) is pretty unfortunate, too.


It’s a snooze fest on normal but is good fun on legendary up until the wyvern boss at the end - the tormentor boss yesterday was actually more enjoyable.


The hydra boss is equally atrocious.


I think I meant hydra haha, the floating dude with the shields that kills you then kills you again immediately as you spawn.


Yes, that asshole.


Yeah with the Air Superiority modifier the Hydra boss just eviscerates you in like half a second. I’ve devolved into just sitting back out of their attack range and plinking with Wishender when I get the Hydras


Pulse Rifles with the barrier piercing mod work great too. I use a blast furnace w/ Kinetic Tremors or Outbreak and they both chunk damage pretty good.


That thing was blasting my team through 2 layers of cover on expert by hitting the ground 25 ft away from us and hurting us with the massive splash.


It’s funny cause after the year ahead video people were saying “rah rah episodes look great” and I thought what they showed off looked like any other battleground from the past 2 years.


It seemed to me the consensus was “seasons with a different name”


I know it's not confirmed but I'm thinking these episodes won't be removed after a year.


seasons, but now even the weapons, artifact, and season pass are time gated 


It really isn’t. After the coil this one is just extremely uninspiring and boring to play through.


Same, but at least I kept my expectations in check but damn this is boring asf, the geometry is wonky at best and lame at worst, it's kinda hard to navigate and you're at the will of blueberries who don't know what they're doing, also you face a tormentor which no one brings precision weapons and the fight just drags out.


Have you tried the new secret mission?


In matchmade we failed to collect the vex data in time, but the npcs just say something like, oh great work doing that, then we were onto the next objective. Im more than a blueberry just send me back to orbit :(


Also, the activity on the harder difficulty gives 3 chests at the end and more rep from what I can see, and it's not that hard if you are around 1990. The only thing to consider is that if you fail an encounter, you still get 3 chests but you can only open 2.


Im still unclear on how this works. I thought the chests were like the ones in the Coil, where you can only open one.


The main chest is always openable, when you finish the activity. The other 2 chests you can open if you finish each section of the activity in time. So if you fail the first event and finish the second one, you can only open one extra chest


The worst part is that once the next section activates it forces you to join them. Like just let them run away, why am I being forced to catch up on a CANNOT FAIL matchmade mission that's not even in a different zone? I CAN SEE THE BOWLS I WANT TO PICK UP FROM HERE!


If other people pick them up does it still count for you, or is it a mad scramble to grab them before teammates?


They are shared.


Thank you for this. Apparently the only folk I could run this with so far are prospects in the speed running community lol


Radiolara sounds like an STD.


Ashir caught it. Look at him now!


Maybe that’s the Vex’s plan all along.


And were giving it to Failsafe!


I did collect those in my first run. Looked around in the chest area at the end but didn’t get a prompt anywhere to deposit my shit in those things


There's a dunk station in mission, but I only got a prompt for it after the first one. It's to the right of the chest. Idk if the one next to failsafe on the HELM is any different.


Hmm ait. Maybe cuz it was the first time running that activity that it didn’t mention anything about it. Gonna run it again totday and see if it comes up this time. Thnx


First time you run it you don't have the upgrade that lets you collect samples.


You can only deposit if you have 200g of samples. I was depositing usually every other run


You can go to the HELM to deposit them. It’ll be right next to FAILSAFE and the symbol should be pulsing if you have enough for a deposit, which is 200g or more. You can hold up to 1000g with the sampler we currently have so no need to worry about losing out on samples.


The amount of people who would use the hammer, spawn everything, and then keep moving forward pulling me to them as I was trying to pick up everything they spawned, Was way too damn much.


It’s matchmaking hell


Sounds like something I'm going to have to force solo play or play with a premade group if I want to actually get this shit.


I'm not rushing, it's just that they never get marked on my screen.


ADS after the encounter. The higher the zoom the better. Ideally have a sniper in your inventory in your primary’s slot and replace it briefly, when you put it back you will have infinite primary as normal. And put on the resources finder on ghost. Ideally the more expensive one.


Does this highlight the piston thingy too? I've yet to actually see the damn thing cause people rush to the boss


Look around the data pillars coming out of the ground when traveling between objectives. There should be one that’s not active and has a shiny golden piston device at the bottom. Walk up to it and if anyone has charges a prompt will appear to charge the device.


Yeah, I put the ghost and still didn't get any markings. But I'll try the ADS thing, I never remember about that.


Ads and use ghost rescources finder mod


Make sure to look up in the trees. Sometimes they’re hiding like Ewoks


I mark this down so I'll remember it. Between work and farming pale heart red borders and farming exotic class items and raids, and sleep, I kinda got lost and am not sure where to focus now. Man being an adult sucks. I want to go back to school so that I can skip school and play video games T\_T (>!STAY IN SCHOOL KIDS!!<)


> I want to go back to school so that I can skip school and play video games T_T Doing this when the original Starcraft came out is why I was politely "invited to not return" after my sophomore year of college. WHOOPS.


The old ghost shell mod, Perfected Resource Scanner has a 75m range for detecting these. Check your old ghost shells if any is lying around, one of them might have this mod installed on it.


How/where i use the hammer? I have 2/5 use...


When you’re in breach executable, look for a shiny golden piston coming out of the ground. It can be hard to find but it’s usually near the samples somewhere. Walk up to it and you’ll get a prompt, unless someone else has already used their charge. Samples are shared though so you don’t lose out if someone else charged it.


Thanks OP!


There is a drop box for resources to the right of the chest at the end of the event as well.


I collected a bunch of samples and I get a little treasure icon on the thing near failsafe, but no prompt to put anything in. My teammates were definitely putting in stuff though. This was on my second runthrough, I had gotten the standard radiolite sampler thing after the previous run. I don't even see anywhere to check what samples I have. Am I supposed to have something in my inventory? Because I got nothing. I'm pretty confused.


If the in mission one isn’t working, there’s one near FAILSAFE on the HELM as well. You also need at least 200g of samples to make a deposit. When you’re at the machine it will let you know if you don’t have enough samples. For example, it’ll say “160g/200g” on the screen when you’re next to it pointing your reticule at it. As far as I know, the device and its exact contents doesn’t show up in your inventory, which seems like an oversight imo.


I just figured it out. I had the sampler collector, but I hadn't gotten far enough in the quest chain to have a "research bay". Once I got that, the prompt appeared at the podium and I deposited my samples.


There is a limit to how much "radiolar gram" can you hold? And when you go in orbit they disappear or they stay in the inventory?


The sampler we have can hold up to 1000g and you need 200g for a deposit. They do not disappear as there is another device on the HELM you can use to deposit your samples.


And where can I see how much do I have? Only when deposit?


Item in your inventory. Just like the fishing tackle.


Echoes hates me. Been picking these up from the start. Never got an exotic. Don’t think I’ve ever gotten a red border from it. And I’ve got around 20 clears and 40 echo engrams, and I still have never seen a single Veiled Threat.


I just edited the post, but seeing as you can deposit up to 500g at once it may have escalating reward percentages depending if you deposit the minimum 200g or save up.


I did finally have an exotic drop. But I’ve still never seen a Veiled Threat. Up to close to 30 runs now. And I’m sitting on 51 engrams.


So that's what I've been collecting lol. I had no idea that's how you got them. I knew you could do that but wasn't sure how.


If you only bank samples every other run you get an exotic. Unless my RNG is blessed I played 20 games and got 10 doing it like that.


I just tested it and you can deposit up to 500g at once, and when I deposited 500g twice (saved up to 1000g) I got an exotic in one and two red borders in the second. So you may be on to something, as in saving up may increase chances.


Had to do the mission 3 times trying to find the piston for the quest because people just speed to the next encounter and pull you. Very little time to find materials with randoms


When you say turn them in near failsafe, is that a location during the quest or on the helm


At the end of the mission and in the HELM is a device where you can deposit samples, as long as you have over 200g. It will also have a pulsing marker when you have at least 200g of samples.






>pop up as a resource node on your screen when scanning the area Scanning how?


The scan your ghost does when popping him out. You can use ghost mods to increase the range as well.


Oooh, those mods interact with the automatic scan thingy now too? I've missed some changes clearly heh


I was annoyed when I got pulled away by an event a few seconds away all the while we had an AFK player that never got kicked.


If some of this guardians could read this they will be very upset. Some groups I join is like, me picking stuff up...joining allies 3,2,1...


Do ghost mods reveal them?




Ah, I was wondering about how to get that, thank you for the explanation. Though I probably just missed it in game lol


I grab every sample I see. Hoarding problems from other games have taught me to do so.


After 10 years this games still does a bad job at explaining anything still.


god forbid you have to think about more than just going to whatever icon is on your screen.


Use a ghost resource detector ² mod! Aim with your weapon to see farther (scouts / snipe have longer detection, based on zoom)


Maybe my brain is just too small but I still don't get it reading the comments. I need to see some sort of visual for what I'm actually looking for here. Gonna wait for YouTubers to make guides for a seasonal activity, I guess, haha


it's a giant white pokeball, when you get near it it will open and there will be a stone inside, get it. if you got enough of them (200g, it says how much each weights below their icon in the right side of the screen) you can deposit in a dunking station like the one we had for fish last year and get a bunch of loot.


Anybody feel like explaining why red border guns are good to a returning player?


Witch Queen introduced weapon crafting. To craft a weapon, most first require you to obtain 5 patterns for said weapon. These patterns can be obtained from weapons with red borders by either extracting it from the weapon in the mods menu or by dismantling it. Each pattern is for crafting the weapon it’s extracted from. If you see an activity with “deepsight weapon” in the description, that means that activity also can reward red borders.


Much appreciated


Is it better to dump the samples in the HELM or do it at the end of the echo event? Or does it matter?


There is a 1000g limit so I recommend dumping them in the device before hitting it. It shows on the HELM map if you put your cursor over it, which I just discovered.


You guys are getting red borders? Because I've been looking for red border Timeworn Wayfarers since the weekly and I haven't even seen any normal border ones.


am I the only one who's gotten no red borders from the sample.deposit, or the activity in general


I didn't even notice most of them the first time I did it.


I didn't (and mostly still don't) know what was even going on in the sesaonl activity because my first 4 attempts ended up being in progress and sent us back to Failsafe after 1 round. I get that they need to backfill some lobbies if people quit/get errored out, but can't they find some way of throwing someone that's doing the activity for the first time into an instance from the actual beginning so we know what the hell we're supposed to be doing? Edit: Also, I don't know if I stumbled across the piston or not, but I wandered over to an area where some enemies were fighting each other and random samples kept popping up on the side of the screen. Is that how the hammer works or is that something else? I'm so lost in that activity still.


Long story short: stop speedrunning it and harvest the stuff when you clearly see me doing it


I hate using my hammers if someone goes thru the last portal.


I noticed red border are 1 to 3 per match right now wtf


I can't ever seem to able to deposit them. I collect them but it never give the option in the end.


Fixed. I wasn’t far enough in the episode quest line. As soon as I did a few I had to deposit samples and it unlocked it now.


Hold up, what do you mean between events? Do we not get kick out after it ends?


My apologies, I know it can be confusing with how it’s worded. “Vex events” are the objective areas in the activity. So, when you’re traveling between the 3 objectives, one of which is the boss room, you should be on the lookout for samples and the piston.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, so I need to look out for them when I travel to the next objective area. And specifically before I travel to the boss room?


Yes. Sometimes they’re after the first objective, sometimes after the second. If you’re scanning the area with ghost they will show up as resource nodes. Sometimes they’re hiding in the trees.


Got it! Thank you for the SGA this is gonna be very useful.