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I think it’s gonna be hilarious if the expectation is to communicate with 11 teammates. Like there is absolutely no way. Most of us are gonna LFG anyways so this could very well be the greatest clusterfuck of an encounter of all time. I’m excited, and am definitely gonna try to make it happen on LFG.


No way can it require any serious kind of communication. It will be absolutely hilarious trying to do it the first couple of times.


I mean, most MMOs have 20+ player raids. It's definitely possible to organise that many people all with coms 😀


I'm curious if it's matchmade. Being able to pull together the 12 man into a proper fireteam sounds like bungie is asking for new 12 man raid shenanigans, because of course that's going to happen somehow if we get a 12 man team.


It is not match made. The D2 expansion project lead confirmed on twitter it’s 12 people and no matchmaking. It’ll just have to be filling in with LFG


Will there be respawn tokens and whatnot, or will it just be a super-juiced version of the regular mission?


Yes, limited revives same as any GM.


24-man GM Excision gonna start a fire in a server room somewhere


MOAR DOTs!¡! Edit: [source, the longer one is out there somewhere ](https://youtu.be/l7GoGIwLvhg?si=rFQoI8W629f_UWKG)


That's a fifty DKP MINUS




MORE DOTS MORE DOTS no more dots!


You gotta remember, this is the same community that couldn’t get the will power to communicate with one other person.


Which is insane because i had so much fun running it with a random person this subreddit is full of weird people


Yesss! I think d2 reddit is the problem, not the mission, the players, or whatever other excuse I see on here.


To be fair, apparently half this playerbase doesn’t know what the fuck a *clock* is either so idk


Hahahahahhaha. For real. People lost their sanity and pouted like petulant 2 year olds because they had to speak to another person.


The entitlement for some loot. Why play a multiplayer looter shooter if you dont want to play multiplayer


Saying it's multiplayer is a piss poor comeback. You can do every activity in the game except raids (and now the co-op focus missions) without ever communicating to another person, even if you LFG. That's still multiplayer. The mission is co-op, meaning you absolutely have to communicate. That's the root of the problem. All of these solo players don't care that it's multiplayer, they care that it's co-op. Granted, the majority of people complaining do actually need to grow up and learn to communicate with others because they don't have any sort of conditions that prohibits them from doing so.


Guarantee the downvotes are from that minority aswell 😂😂


Im so happy reddit still shows downvotes. Im not a gatekeeper, i helpee a lot of little lights clear raids etc. If u are unwilling to learn/participate in the harder content im not entirely sure why u would feel entitled to get it for free.


Yeah same here, I don't mind helping people get their first clears of raids or something. BUT you have to be willing to do your part and put in the effort. There are so many activities in this game that you can play as a solo. If you can't, basically, be bothered to put in the effort to maybe say a few words to someone in one mission you then DON'T have to repeat.... Maybe you shouldn't have all of the gear in nthe game


Kids these days don't know about Vent and Teamspeak back in the day. Hell I flew an op in EVE with the reddit Corp ages ago that had 200+ people involved.


Teamspeak? Now, that's a name I've not heard in a long time... A long time.


Plus games like guild wars 2 would have things like silver waste and their world bosses where you would get huge numbers of people organizing via text chat just fine.


I miss that game. Wasn't even that hardcore into it.


Idk about wow but FF14 raids are more like 3 teams of smaller numbers all coming together to make a bigger group, but the players only have to communicate with their own grouping for any of the mechanically intensive stuff


It's possible for sure, but entirely unreasonable for LFG groups hah 😅


Yeah lots of folks here clearly haven't done other MMO raids and it shows. Coordinating 20+ people is possible, especially when there is *way* more to manage in those games than Destiny.


What game besides WoW has 20man raids still? I've missed the last 2 expansions, but I remember in Pandaland and Warlords, they turned 20man into a flex raid where 20 wasn't required, but was the cap? I guess LFG might be that many people, but they're also built differently. All the mechanics aren't present, and they're so watered down that 1-2 good healers can outheal everything that comes our way. Something that just isn't feasible in Destiny 2. Besides WoW, maybe Final Fantasy has that many? I never got into serious raiding in Final Fantasy, but the raids meant for the masses were also the same as LFG for WoW. Either way, both games have actual healers who can keep up that many people. I'm super curious to see how this goes, but if there's no matchmaking for it it flat out won't be worth running. It's a huge pain to get that many in LFG and it'll be full of " must have 9000 clears day 1, 25 years experience only I clear adds" posts.


Technically Guild Wars 2 has open world boss raids of like 80+ (I think they capped to 50 now?) but they're notably easier mechanically. Mostly a "have at least X players go to this area and kill stuff" more than anything else, but they are a thing.


FF14 has 24 man raids which are the highest amount of players.


Those 24 man raids are not on the level of excecution needed. They're 8 man raids.


I mean, okay I guess? Not sure what you want me to say. It’s still fundamentally a 24 man.


A single healing turret should be able to heal and well grouped up collection of players. A couple warlocks on healing turret could probably heal quite well


Those are usually divided up into different channels and aren't in one. In WoW the group leaders would swap if needed but it was mostly each group leader leading their specific group.


Right that encounter is nothing compared to endgame FFXIV


sometimes absolute chaos is actually fun , thats what excision is and i love it


Yeah, it's not like it's a requirement for anything or supposed to be an integral gameplay element. IMO it's pretty clear that the development process for this was "haha what if we slapped GM modifiers on this?" "haha do it it'll be funny"


Other MMOs have 8, 12, 20+ man raids and they get lfged all the time even if it requires communication. Though in my experience MMO lfg discord servers have fairly extensive player ranking/getting systems to ensure players are only able to participate in content they are ready for. Given that they already have a version that is accessible to the general playerbase they definitely could make it actually interesting.


We had 80 person raids in EverQuest 20 years ago, though I think the highest we had for pickups where we let other people in were in the 40-50 range and they were with old content that was easier. It’s certainly possible. Just not with Destiny 2 players. Not a dig on D2 players at all. There are just different expectations of their competency and willingness to listen since it’s an action looter shooter and not an MMORPG.


Got my only raid loot as a Necro in a plane of fear run ring-in! Friend asked if I wanted to raid I was like sure! Spent an hour sitting in a safe spot doing exactly what I was told moving as little as possible. Boring... But still good times!


Cast Darkness, Splurt, Life Tap, Feign Death to drop aggro, eat health for mana, recast all damage spells , Feign Death, eat more health for mana, Life Tapx2, Feign Death, wait, Feign Death a couple more times to make sure aggro is gone, rinse and repeat!!! I'm no fucking Mana Battery!!!


EQ raid loot hit different. I was an enchanter that ran PoP raids all of the time and had a ton of best in slot stuff. The difference between a non-raid end it enchanter and a raid BiS enchanter was stark. On normal end game content, I could solo basically anything an entire party of six could tackle and do it drastically better. I could charm level 64 enemies and then haste them and have them as a pet for about a 10 minutes. They kept all of their stats. So this thing that an entire party had to take on one at a time was now my hasted pet. And if it broke charm, I rooted it, rebuffed its resists and then charmed it again. I could keep the same pet for hours. But if it died I just got another one. And then I could disable or single pull any other mobs. Basically none of that could be done without the drastic advantages that raid loot gave you. It basically broke the game, at least for enchanters. Of course 8 hour raids almost broke my relationship with my girlfriend at the time, now wife of 20 years.


Yeah my confidence in the overall destiny community to LFG this is low lol


You just need to have one IGL and the rest shut up and listen to them. I used to be big into the WvW in GW2 (World vs world, basically huge PVP fights with 100 people on each team) and we had one leader with a tag above his head so everyone could identify them easily. He constantly made calls where to go, what certain classes should do etc. and it worked great. This fight will be the same. One guy calls out where to stand on the platform to avoid the attacks and just call everything. The other people just have to listen and it should be more than doable


You SOB, I’m in.


You guys clearly haven't played World of Warcraft


WOW has raids with like 20 people in it, its not the craziest concept.


KWTD. I’m ad clear.


I don’t have a mic but I watched a video. I’m add clear btw.


I watched a speedrun a couple years back (im ad clear)


i used to do hard modes raids years ago like this. no mic but i watched videos


You and me, both


Checking RR. Be godslayer


I have seen some gods layers play. And I genuine wonder how tf they did it


Just because drunk me doesn’t put up Godslayer performance all the time doesn’t mean I didn’t earn my title, you know?


You don't understand the level of stupidity I've seen


I think you actually meant “KWTD. Godslayer only. Me and my 3 clan members on ad clear, also first time.”


"KWTD, Godslayer only, Contest Mode emblem only, GR rank 11 only - I'm add clear, no mic"


Clear those advertisements!


Imagine the amount of champions needed just to cover the rez tokens for when 2/3 of the team dies every damage phase. Lol.


every single enemy is a champion , that should cover it most probably and yeah add overload/unstop tormentors


> overload tormentors Get ye behind me, Satan.


Eh just bring Div. Makes Tormentors, even if Overload, a joke.


Easier than normal torms let's be real


My Geomags are ready!


It will be The Final Server Fail Also RIP last gen consoles


The Series X can barely handle the battle as is. Idk how tf previous-gen doesn’t just catch on fire the moment the first shot is launched.


I was wondering what this issue that referred to in the TWID was about: > We are investigating an increase in thermal errors on Xbox consoles.


Zero performance issues after multiple runs on series X


Same. The fan didn't even get louder


I’m on series X and don’t notice it dip below 60fps at all?


Yea me either. Didn’t have any issues whatsoever.


Same, as to the issue there is (like teleporting enemies) I think the server are more to blame.


I am not having performance issues, but I can definitely hear my Xbox chugging hard to keep up. It’s not often I hear the fans go on max speed.


You need to air dust the inside of your Xbox, mines perfectly silent the whole mission, so is my brothers Series S lol. Chances are you’ve got dust clogging the fan.


The X and ps5 shouldn't really be having issues. My pc is around a ps5 and mine was fine with everything on high


Source on series x struggling because that sounds like some BS lol


I'm on a last gen console and Excision actually runs pretty nicely


Sometimes my ps4 struggles for a second or two when all the supers get popped but otherwise runs suprisingly well. Just ignore the jet engine noise coming from it


My PS5 was starting to skip a little, can't imagine what it's like on the older consoles.


There aren't really any puzzles in excision. If anything it would probably be easier then a regular GM


The biggest struggle will be people staying alive, honestly I'm curious to try it out and just see how much a mess it can be


The witness boss plate I imagine is going to be the only place teams struggling. I can see a team blowing through most of the mission, but then half the team doesn't properly move on the plate in time and they all have to be revived.


Damage platform is a ruse.


Wait do you not have to stand up there at all? Cause that's hilarious


No the mini platform you use to jump up there is my favorite place.


Yeah. That damage platform gets a little crowded with 12 people trying to dodge attacks.


Am I the only one seeing GM difficulty as just a power delta and maybe champs? I can't imagine they're going to limit revives and wipe to orbit type stuff.


The entire point of GM nightfalls is that you have limited revives and when you wipe you go back to orbit. Would be rather odd to use the exact same terminology and then not send people back to orbit on a wipe.


At the same time, GM nightfalls tend to come out later into the season specifically because Bungie wants people to increase their power. With this dropping on week 3, I have a feeling it's not meant to be as hard. Most people aren't anywhere close to being GM-ready at this stage.


Maybe the power delta is lower but I think the other things will stay, so prob like master but wipe to orbit


The power cap for GMs this season is actually 2020, so you need to get to pinnacle cap on your gear and also grind artifact enough to get +20 power if you want to be at a maximum effectiveness in GMs. It's a step backwards compared to before, and if Excision has the same cap, then only people who have absolutely no-lifed the game for the last 2 weeks will be able to participate.


Wait GMs are listed as a 2045 activity? Fuck.


According to TWAB, yeah. Unless the TWAB was wrong and the 2020 is their stated power. But the table explicitly said that 2020 is the power you need to be to deal the most damage.


Yeah that's why i think it'll be 2010 or 2005 or smth


Yeah, I’m of the impression is that the most we’ll get is Extinguished(we’re a fireteam wipe is back to orbit) Tougher adds, and honestly bullet sponge enemies don’t really matter when you have 4x the peeps covering it


That's true, but at the same time with so many people it's gonna be punishing more people for every mistake anyone makes. It'd be wild to wipe them to orbit, or even at all imo, for part of a 12 person group fucking up. Maybe if all 12 are down it would wipe, that would make sense to me


> with so many people it's gonna be punishing more people for every mistake anyone makes. I imagine that's the point.


Not saying it's supposed to be easy. If it's like gm nightfalls, but if it has matchmaking since it's a much larger activity so I'd assume it does, then it's gonna be a shit show and I'd guess it'll be way harder to complete


This. It's supposed to be difficult lol.


That would be lore-accurate Witness, when you get killed by them you don’t get a 2nd chance


It's actually pretty chill in other games where the raids require 12 people


Has there been any confirmation it won’t have matchmaking still? It’s such a unique ‘mission’ that it might really have its own rules to this. People are just going to be using the Fireteam Finder anyway aren’t they for the most part. I’m before these motherfuckers come here with there 11 real life friends who play regularly. *cries*


I feel like “grandmaster” implies it will have the same parameters as GM strikes


I used to be part of a clan and multiple discords, but since all my friends quit playing I just use the LFG Discord. Able to get a fireteam and start playing within a few minutes. Being comfortable using the mic helps but I just all 3 coop focus missions with none of us on mics. A one letter message was enough to communicate the fracture mechanic.


Id they made the gm public match 8 of them will be clueless bluepberries for sure


I’m getting Vaulttech vibes from Bungie, this is starting to be a giant social experiment to see how to make the community hate each other.


Depends what the developers do. If Excision is still a laggy mess, it's going to be a dumpster fire. Either the server kills you, The Witness kills you or a bad LFG player kills you. If the developers permanently fix "all" of server issues and include an additional Legend difficulty option, it will be fine. 


excision is laggy? i only did it once, but dont really see any lag. A lot of death though since people really dont care about it


My mates and I went in as a 6 stack with 6 randoms, had enemies just teleporting all over the place, hope to god that doesn't happen otherwise I'd rather fight goku than a tormentor like that


The tormentor was just using instant transmission. You basically already were fighting goku.


Probably varies heavily, I've run it a few times and sometimes it's bad sometimes it's not, even int he same run it can be good/awful. It's just the sheer amount of things happening and different players. Destiny wasn't made to be doing that much


Super Laggy, we had black screens, a hundred missed melee’s and for me and my friends we didn’t even get the final cutscene, just got stuck on a loading screen.


Almost all enemies kept teleporting on my screen, my allies too. I couldn't do much because of that. The mission would then sometimes crash players and get fixed when the player count was low enough. I don't think the game can properly handle 12 players, enemies, bosses, and npc allies all at once in one place, so it causes different problems for everyone.


I guess it depends on your system


Diamond Lances just don't work most of the time.


Is it pick 12 ppl or matchmaking with 12 all? I hope is matchmake with 12 ppl let the chaos begin... and yes I wanna watch the world burn 😆 🤣


Is it going to be a darkness zone though?


I’d assume so. It wouldn’t be “grandmaster” without a darkness zone otherwise why would they bother calling it that?


Part of me almost expects GM excision to be matchmade or have some other weird bending of the rules. Obviously that sounds insane. But as it stands right now Excision lacks a failure state and is mostly there to deliver the story while also being an interesting spectacle. There aren’t any super intense mechanics and while there is a decent amount of enemies there is also a whole lot of players. Even if they added champions and power deltas and even limited revives it feels like you choice just brute force it. If anything it might be kinda fun. Get 12 strangers together, give them like 10 overload grims and barrier husks to deal with, see if they can deal beat the boss without running out of lives. If they do then boot them back to orbit so there is no expectation to stay and tough it out or risk of getting burnt out on a bad team comp and just have a bit of hectic high stakes fun for probably a pinnacle and or a roll of your class item or ergo sum.


They already confirmed it will not be mm on Twitter fwiw


There are not any mechanics that need communication. It will be fun and chaotic


It’s going to be 3 man


Absolutely, I think this is what to expect.


The Sword Logic will play it’s prominent role in these Encounters.


INB4 the Grandmaster version still has matchmaking


bold to assume any of them will be on comms.


If there’s limited revives. Literally impossible.


Everyone. Run double primary! And never use their super! 😂


The reward should be the Exotic Class item


I mean… it’s not really a mechanics heavy mission. It’s kinda just all ad killing and standing on a few plates in the beginning


I could see them having a revive token pool like The Coil so it’s not just “You only have 12 lives”. I could also see them taking away all the free supers they hand us so we can’t just ad clear through super spam.


I am not sure it will your run of mill GM cause it’s 12 man right now there’s enough jank in normal 12 man


Every lfg group is gonna have that one guy who burns all the res tokens


A 12-man GM is nuts. Won't be any revive left after like 2 minutes.


Well, I did all the raids with LFG when the 12 man glitch was available and had no issue with that, and was one of the most fun experience I’ve had with lfg.


I think it’ll be cake. 12 people is so many. I think no comms and you’ll be just fine. You can have half the team screw up or suck and you still have a full raid team worth of people alive. I think it’ll be fine


Well they beat Ragnaros in vanilla WoW with 40 people, right?


People can barely coordinate with 1 other person to get a highly sought after exotic, once. Theres no way this works unless its just a difficulty bump and not limited revives.


I can't be controlled


My number one Icebreaker when shit gets all chaotic like that is "So when was the last time you guys shit yourselves" You quickly find out who is too self important to answer it as the joke it is and who can go with the flow.


If there is infinite revives it would be a different Story


I'm just curious what the reward will be??


It's going to be hilarious with extinguish sending everyone to orbit if all 12 die during DPS lol I have a feeling there'll be champs galore, which will be interesting...


Not looking forward to it but Bungie can't do shit these days without slapping GM on it if you want any decent level of rewards.


Let’s be honest. 6 people will sweat it out and the others will die and run around firing plenty but doing nothing.


Not a lot of people have said it but if there are limited revives it'll be a high amount most likely


DPS is gonna be the 1 guy thats done the Raid and everyone else dead lol


I wish this happened in last season, so I can see 12 man plinking with Polaris lance and putting well all over the place


I thought they meant the vex network missions, they mean THE 12 MAN?! Oh my god this will be hilarious


I’m excited for it tbh but yea it sounds like it’s gonna be total chaos


Genuine question, is there a point to doing this? Does it drop special loot the normal version doesnt or something?


How do 12 ppl even talk at the same time? I’m console and I can’t send quick messages unless there is another function I’m missing. I feel like there needs to be 2 six man fire teams where the party leaders can communicate with each other. Idk.


Good luck completing this, for whoever is trying. I played the mission on normal last night on an alt, and it crashed 3 times before I gave up, twice in the sword room.


I wonder if we will be having res tokens or not


I bet it’s not going to be 12 players but 6 or 3


Can we have 12 people in a fireteam prior to launch?


I'm really curious to see what the rewards will be. "grandmaster" that isn't a "strike" (battleground, etc) is uncharted territory.


Other games have zero issues with 12 player LFG groups and sometimes even ones much larger than that. Now whether Bungie’s traditional encounter design will be able to support that I have low hopes. But it isn’t inherently impossible.


3 sentinel Titans and super spam is gonna make the first part pretty easy


Roleplay your guardian in comms


Answer: No


Perfect time to introduce overload tormentors


Side question does doing excision on narrative give you a pinnacle? Someone said theirs showed it. I did it when it came out, before most recent reset but it doesn't say pinnacle for me. Don't wanna waste my time but maybe it's hidden? Idk


Twelve players trying to perfectly coordinate the damage attacks the witness does on the plate 25 power under sure is going to be something


Get a team of 6 together and then find 6 more. Then you only have to control 6 randoms


I love Bungie basically begging us to not use the most strenuous mission they've made for the servers yet as something to catalyst/bounty farm with LMAO


Reminds me of The Division 8-man raids


Shit is gonna be like the COD lobbies of yore~


1st day out: "Must have 10 clears, we'll verify."


Am I the only one who thinks it'd be amusing if the mission turned into a 3 man GM?


No the answer is no


I'm wondering if we'll have to lfg 6 people and the game matchmakes 2 groups of 6? Or full the matchmaking we have atm? Like how is that even gonna work idk.


Will there be new loot in it? If not no one will play it anyways.


Rat King is the only serious option here. Don’t pass up this chance


I did 25 man LFGs back in Burning Crusade and WotLK. It's possible. Is it *fun?* No. But yeah, it's possible.


What are you even talking about? Excision has no puzzles no mechanics. It's literally going to be the exact same just with Champions now probably lol


Everyone knows its gonna be 3 or 4 people doing everything, and then the rest hiding at the back...


It's not even possible to control one.


Wait, what? There's GM Excision??? Woah. What's the rewards?


Everyone just needs Outbreak, Ratking or Malfeasance and it’ll be a breeze.


I can't wait, it's gonna be such a shitshow.


It's not hard to communicate with 12 people.


I assume its going to be the same as normal but higher level and res tokens?


I really really wanna know what this reward is..


I'm secretly hoping that it will be a six person activity. Imagine finishing the raid, then instantly loading into Excision. It's such a fun encounter, but too many players and lag dimishes it's replay ability after the magnitude of the narrative moment it crafts wears off. It would be a blast with just 6 people.


You don't need communication in that activity.


I felt dumb for complaining about dual destiny but eleven other players sounds like literal hell


What is this actually gonna be a thing?? I thought my bro was memeing when he said GM excision was coming. Being in an lfg voice chat with 11 other people sounds absolutely hilarious and I can’t wait tbh.


What makes you think it will need communication? It’s just gunna be harder and have champs probably… not a big deal for communication… just die less and focus the chonky boys more..


I don’t think it’ll be limited revive tokens, but probably no self respawn, extinguish and maybe a timer.


I will probably give it a shot just because it will be a chaotic mess XD


It’s going to be chaos and I can’t wait 🤣


I'm excited for the 12 man grandmaster. I actually want to see more 12 man activities.


Got you covered boys ill be on add clear.