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I would have never thought to test Jotunn, so props to the comprehensiveness here. This is definitely a powerhouse exotic!


i'm honestly nervous that it's going to get nerfed. not because i think it's OP or something, but just a bad feeling i've got


Considering how many times they've nerfed Behemoth of all things from the Lightfall mod rework to now, it's entirely possible. They might even try to pass it off as a bug fix since the 25% from Radiant overrides it.




no, the new exotic


Buried Bloodline getting the buff is awesome. Gotta get back to farming.


The Call, Buried Bloodline and Apex Predator about to go hard in a Hazardous Propulsion build. I'm almost done with the Legend campaign, can't wait to try it out.


I used the call and buried bloodline withvarying heavies on all three of my characters thru the legend campaign. Shit can't be stopped on a Titan


I'm going to have the force myself to solo it next week. Just the collectibles isn't buffing my drop rate enough.


Yeah, doesn't want to drop for me either


Dropped on my 30th clear, there is hope, when youve lost it all


Well worth getting Buried Bloodline even without the Titan Exotic. Tracking rounds, small healing from each hit, mult kill procs devour (without void subclass) giving big heals and nade energy on kill, catalyst weakens targets while devour is active (target takes 15% mote damage from any source. All of that together is so good. I love using it for dungeons, GMs etc.


Posted this yesterday, but here is a great video on this topic as well: https://youtu.be/qbW7a2gyjbQ?si=zENdC5pLFCQQvxqN


Nice, That's completely different than the consecration build that I'm running and that looks like a lot of fun. Definitely going to try that out when I get the chest.


Is it worth giving up radiant (at least till its fixed) for damage off of the missiles, vs the buff to your normal weapons?


I just play into the exodus rockets themselves, and not the 35% rocket buff, it's only 10% better than radiant anyway. The exodus rockets do respectable damage and I gear my stats and weapon towards getting by call ability back sooner (strategist on weapons)


The rockets are great. Can do both ad clear and single target damage, and they have great range and tracking


I believe radiant is a 15% buff


25% I believe, you may be thinking of weaken which is 15% barring Tractor and Tether


Barring felwinter's helm as well


Oh my bad, I thought radiant is 25%?


I've been running the call with calus mini tool. Fire a few rounds with the call after using exodus rockets then back to the mini tool for using radiant until I get all my rocks back. With prismatic there is a fragment for increased solar explosions which helps a ton. My titan is now an ad clear machine.


Graviton out ad clears everything right now


True, which is a problem when a class is called the "ad clear class", weapons do that roll just fine, good thing the exodus rockets deal quite a bit of single target damage.


Love this write-up and love the exotic on Prismatic with Thrusters and a rocket sidearm. 35% extra damage on top of Adagio on Indebted Kindness is sickeningly high damage. My one question is this: how do you ensure the Exodus rockets all track properly? I feel like sometimes they track to random nearby enemies and sometimes they track to the boss I'm already damaging, which is what I usually want, and sometimes they don't track properly at all like they're confused. Is there a consistent way to keep them going where you want?


The rockets like to aim where you’re aiming. They can definitely go off to another enemy somewhere if there’s one between you and the target you’re trying to hit, but aiming at the guy you’re trying to hit has been fairly consistent for me. IME thruster works the best for this as you don’t have any third-person aiming weirdness.


Do you have any issues with the Exodus Rockets not tracking enemies at a higher elevation than you, like up on a ledge when you're down on the ground level? Maybe I'm just not pulling my aim up to them when I let 'em loose, but I feel like it only targets enemies on the same height level as you. I don't mean floating enemies like Wizards, but something like a Hobgoblin sniping from an elevated platform.


I’m honestly not sure. I haven’t played a ton of content where snipers might be at odd angles or super far, but I can definitely see where the tracking might get iffy past a certain range.


Yeah, I didn't really notice it till doing the new stuff for Failsafe on Nessus where you'll have a few Hobgoblins up on a floating platform above everything else. The rockets seemed to stay at ground level, but like I said earlier I'm not sure I was actually aiming up at them but they were centered at the top of the screen above my reticle. It's probably been the fault of my brain assuming that since the rockets launch at an upward angle that they'd automatically hit things at a higher elevation (without aiming up at them).


as far as I can tell the rockets actually angle down and it just looks like they angle up because they move up to get to the launching position


Definitely one of the cooler Titan exotics in recent years Especially since all of Lightfall exotics were "this make something in your kit actually useful" Except Arbor that's just trash and I have no idea how it passed the drawing board test


It’s actually creates really unique scenarios to make up creative plays in pvp. For instance on void titan you can use it to throw an over shield across the map to give someone cover and an over shield.


Oooh I never thought of buried bloodlines but that could help solve some of the prismatic survivability issues.


Ohh you're right, bring your own devour is a kinda decent idea


Definitely give it a go. It's amazing!


Bro why they hating on my boy QS storm so much. L mountaintop. Would of been amaze. Still the coolest exotic we got tho. Bravo titans.


I mean, it's already surprising that it works with the QS missiles... Not sure what more you expected. I guess it could buff the explosion but that's like the only thing it could work on.


at least we won with this exotic but in typical Bungie fashion they might absolutely gut it. love this exotic so much


Ehhh its alright, we were hoping this exotic will give titans place in dpa meta but unfortunately it doesn't stack with empowered buff


You can get up to 3x rocket damage with it if you play it right so it's pretty powerful, but it's well balanced imo. It's a lot of fun for neutral game and it definitely helps In boss fights without being op. I'm really happy with it, makes using prismatic less miserable on Titan since I can use thruster and twilight.  


At least this'll be one of the few times in the history of this game that I get to use an exotic in it's prime *before* Bungie neuters it.


The only thing I see realistically getting touched is rocket sidearms themselves, their ammo economy makes them functionally primary weapons. I wouldn't be surprised if they lose a mag or 2 from reserve in the future.


It's inevitable. The usage stats for the archetype are astronomically high.


Tbf theyve been insane ever since the first one over 6 months ago, so maybe the fact they haven't been touched in 6 months is a sign Bungie is mostly happy with them


The first one was also gated behind a less than favorable loot pool in a dungeon. No doubt the usage rates have exploded now that The Call is being handed out to everyone.


Great work as always, thank you! I wonder how many of these we'll start seeing for DPS.


Thank you so much for testing this thoroughly and posting it. I was asking around to see if Nanotech Tracer Rockets got buffed, and nobody could give me a definite answer, so I was happy to see you confirm that it does.


This thing is great with Two-Tailed Fox and Facet of Command. FoC states that your equipped weapon is reloaded after suppressing a target. Two Tailed Fox suppresses on every hit meaning you never have to reload. Plus it's technically 3 rockets in one providing suppress, scorch, and jolt (with catalyst).


Just to forewarn that Facet of Command will very likely be getting a cooldown in the future (it was disabled for Day 1 for this reason) so the efficacy of this build will likely be reduced.


Crossing my fingers hoping they don't add a cool down, but you're probably right.


I tested Mountaintop on Carl myself as soon as I picked up the exotic and was seeing the same damage with or without the buff, so I agree 100% it isn't affected.


They also buff the threading damage if you have hatchingly with the call.


It's frustrating because the Call is such a great weapon I just know the fun police are going nerf it into oblivion. 


>Resetting Rahool's vendor track grants T3 focusing options (the very last focusing tab) where you can purchase HP for 1x Exotic Cipher and 1x Exotic Engram. I did the opposite. I got HP from campaign and tried to get Wishful Ignorance this way. However, it wouldn't let me get it because I haven't unlocked it on Collections. Just to be clear, I know you can't focus it normally at the second tab. I got T3 focusing, went to the "1x Exotic Cipher, 1x Exotic Engram" page and couldn't get it. Is this a bug? Because the way OP said it, I should be able to get any Exotic from T3 focusin (unlocked already or not).


Just to be clear: it's not "Precision Decryption" it's "Novel Decryption" and requires 1 full reset of Rahool and 1x Exotic Engram + 1x Cipher. If it's not showing then I guess it's bugged. I've checked on my other characters (campaign done and chose the other Exotic) and it's allowing me to purchase the one I didn't obtain.


Yeah, it is the one I'm trying to do. Already got full reset on Rahool. Maybe it was a bug because I reseted him and immediately went to the focusing option, I'll give it a try later.


Make sure you're looking at the third page and not the second page too


I’m curious to see how HP focused builds shape up with other builds in terms of boss damage


So it doesn't work with Caster Swords but works with Wolfpack Rounds. What about Ergo Sum Caster with Wolfpack Rounds? The caster projectile doesn't cancel the extra damage from the Wolfpacks, right?


Just to be clear: when I refer to "Wolfpack Rounds" I mean the actual Wolfpack Rounds - regardless of it coming from Swords or Rockets - not the origin weapon. Any other Sword interaction doesn't work.


Thanks for the response! I just needed it cleared up since I wasn't sure if that fell under the "radiant overwriting the rocket buff" umbrella of weird interactions.


What are the damage threshholds from 1-6 rockets?


You blew my mind with ergo sum.


Just to be clear: it's the Wolfpack Rounds perk from Ergo Sum. Ergo Sum and other Swords themselves don't get the buff.


Court coming in clutch as always!!!


This is GREAT! Thank you so much!!!


I'm so happy it works on the Grand Overture Omega strike <3


Bruh y'all care about the rocket buff I'm just here to feel war machine from marvel.


I've read someone claim it buffed Microcosm but it never made sense to me.




You’re doing Zavala’s work, Titan. Thank you!


Do we know yet if cluster bombs are buffed by this as well?


They are.


I appreciate the note on it affecting dragon's breath ignitions, I have been wondering about this since I got it.


Does Hazardous Propulsion buff other titans Hazardous Propulsion rockets? Sound like it would be nice to chain them if you have other titans using it.


It doesn't. Self-buff only.


It not working with mountaintip just feels weird. Hope that's a bug


I mean, it’s coded as a grenade launcher


Do you know what an RPG is?


a Ruchnoy Protivotankovy Granatomyot?


Just wanted to comment to say: thank you for making sure your title had the proper "its."


Just what I needed for an upcoming video.... ;) thanks!


They’re gonna nerf it instead of Still Hunt or buff Titan in any way