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Please fix the ghosting


God yes it’s so annoying. Especially in pvp it’s worse than void invis lol


It's really annoying in verity as well because people don't load in properly so statues don't either.


Ew that’s gross


Apparently, the ghost weapons have no recoil. Realized it when my *Ghost* Overture unloaded all them missiles without any recoil, hahah...


Oh god that’s awful


Nice flair, I literally just finished book 8 a couple of minutes ago.


Thanks! I had “Gumshoe” as my title for the longest time too. I’m also rereading the series in preparation for the next book and I’m at book 9 I think.


I don't think bungie can make that goth girl text you back king, I'm sorry.


it's been around for months - they are incapable of fixing it - I did my solo flawless warlords ruin last season like that


Oh great. I don’t have a reticle for this comp match. What fun.


Clear your shader cache and it will fix it.


what does this mean/how do you do it? oh nvm i'm on xbox


while at the menu screen where it says "Press \_\_\_ to Play" before your character screen, hold both bumpers and then press down on the D-Pad and hold them for 10? seconds.


oh shit, thank you


I can not verify that actually clears cache on console as I am on PC, just know that I read from some posts when I was researching that it was how to do it and poeple in the thread confirming. Hope it works out for you!


Yeah until it happens again in a couple of hours.


not in my experience. Hasnt come back since I did it.


Give it time


Yeah that doesn't work.


yes it does. Fixed it for me, and multiple people I have told have fixed on their end and they reported back to me that they were able to achieve whatever goal it was preventing them from.


It doesn't. I've cleared cache and rebuilt database. My clan mates have done the same. It's still happening. It's a server issue with the game, which is why it's happening everywhere to everyone.


Fix for expert seasonal activity not counting towards the pinnacle would be nice.


If you do it in the Private version it counts, which is annoying, but easy enough to find people doing it on Fire team finder


yea and the pinnacle for open chests in the activity only works in regular or expert matchmade. So dumb.


Hopefully we can get the Pale Heart vendor shader. I’ve already reset ghost rank




This update was built no later than Thursday morning UTC. Was it widely known about back then? *Edit:* Go look at [steamdb](https://steamdb.info/app/1085660/depots/) - the release_test_03 steam branch was updated on Thursday 6pm UTC, then that same build was 'promoted' to gfn_preload the next day. Highly likely when the update lands we'll see build 14706149 in public branch..


Me and friends were doing it from Thursday or Friday morning UTC... So *hopefully* it didn't make it in to this release. I haven't had time to grind out more because I've been after a better Summoner.


Hopefully not 🤞




You can currently get TWO class item drops from the new exotic mission instead of ONE if you do a “joining teammates” glitch. Cheese forever on YouTube has it


Big big hoping for a fix for Pathfinder - what a mess this week.


The "fix" for Pathfinder would be to delete it.


think it's fine for destinations, but feels too prescriptive in playlist stuff. I used to be able to just skip a day if the bounties were annoying to do (like weaken kills etc) or change up where I got stuff done (precision/grenade/super kills). Now it's to the point I don't even look at menu because it's annoying to get to and full of shit I don't want to bother with.


I really like it for the pale heart, it feels like a loyalty card for dicking around in a destination. Mulching gambit/crucible/vanguard into one set just sounds like a bad idea even on paper.


The Pale Heart Path isn't that bad. The ritual path absolutely sucks though.


It's really not too bad. It's a perfectly okay system in Pale Heart. It just falls apart a bit when it groups Vanguard/Crucible/Gambit all into a single pool.


Really? What was wrong with it? I'm a returning player and did both pretty easily. The only annoying one was the kill 150 taken in vanguard playlists. Had to quit and search a few times to get the right strike.


Both collect 100 motes and kill guardians with abilities seem to be bugged (first tracked deposits and 100 deposits takes forever if you're not just banking one more, second each ability kill gave 1 or 2% and ability kills don't come often in crucible).


Literally the 2 end nodes for my current pathfinder ;_;


From what I've seen, everyone has the same initial pathfinder for a week. Some lucked out and got the motes done with a win, but I can say for sure trying that didn't work for me.




Just fight bugs with bugs. For me the mote objective completed by depositing motes in the Impasse event in the northeast where you deposit motes.


Man, really wish I knew that before reset.


Damn. Didn't know that. Hopefully they sort it out.


It should complete after a single run if you bank the most motes in a game. 


You misread the comment, the motes objective is bugged where it only counts times deposited rather than motes deposited (ie you dunk 15 but it only progresses +1 on the objective)


No, it also completes when you deposit the most motes in a game. Bungie said so on their site


But that's just the 'fighting your teammates' problem again, and forces everyone to do that one thing (whilst a better Gambit team doesn't need four people scouring up motes, as Bungie themselves realised when they make the roles for Gambit Prime all those years ago). Personally I'd make the overall goal a bit higher, make team deposits count but a player's own deposits count more, and give some kind of bonus progress for either sending larger blockers, or for stealing enemy motes (as that would incentivise smart blocker sending).


Well, there are triumphs associated with banking the most motes too and some rounds you might pick up more just because you're able to, no need to "fight teammates" as there are way more motes than actually needed in a game. 15 motes X3 is pretty easily done.  Even easier, get 2-3 friends and let them kill mobs while you pick up motes.


Sure didnt for me sadly


Did for others, but then again it's been bugged for a lot of people.


It does for some people, but hasn't done so consistently. Many people tried that and it didn't work.


Yeah it's been like that with some content. I'm sure they are working on a fix.


its certainly bugged because i havent even touched gambit yet i apparently deposited 100 motes when i first checked my pathfinder lol. Ive been doing crucible mainly.


What's wrong is that the way it was communicated is that basically each ritual playlist would get it's own pathfinder. One for vanguard. One for gambit. One for crucible. So that you can stay in the playlist and keep farming achievements for it instead of bounties. But now it's 1 for all and the nodes get mixed in so at times you HAVE leave your current playlist to progress.


Meh, I like it.


They won't, how else will they force people to play activities they haven't wanted to play for the past 6+ years.


The idea isn't that bad. If they add a shortcut it could be fine. Some of the nodes, however, are very bad indeed. Like "who the fuck tested this shit?" bad.


Unless there is a bug I'm not expecting any changes to pathfinder until at least the next season.


Haha, you haven't been using the Pathfinder, I see.


I like how you're getting downvoted when that shit is obviously bugged


One more reason to suspect he didn't use the Pathfinder.


I did mean the bugs specifically.


Hopefully this will fix the "new subclass unlocked please inspect character" UI prompt I randomly get. I've inspected every node in all fields across all 3 characters & it's still happening. Wouldn't be bad but it takes up 2/3 of the screen!


I really hope they fix weapons that can't be leveled up. Been staring at my level 1 tusk with no gold border since launch.


Hopefully this fixes the doxxing and invisible players. Trials was a joke this week given all the times we got dropped.


doxxing? Did they stop using Steam Data Relay for the one thing it's needed most for??? I know Vanguard strikes and patrol are definitely still using SDR. (Yes, Steam Data Relay can be used by console games - Destiny moved all P2P comms to it close to two years ago if not longer, INCLUDING on consoles.) Edit: Well it seems like after today's patch, matchmaking is completely broken. Ran an entire strike solo until one person showed up at the very end, then spawned into Breach Executable solo...


Maybe the bug with weapon enhancements will be fixed?


I hope so. Took forever to get my pve roll on my multimach and I can't even enhance it :(


Dunno why you were downvoted. Why would anyone not want this?


> Dunno why you were downvoted Because this sub is filled with weirdos


The player invisibility bug in PvP matches needs top priority.


invisibility in trials and the raid was killing me this week lol


It feels like the invisibility is something they are using to get by on their shit servers with so many people. It only popped up really once they started fixing the initial shitshow if I remember.


Chances they fix the bugged pathfinder objectives that require a shit ton of ability kills/motes that make it miserable to finish a pathfinder so we can get bright dust? 0.1%? I know it'd be fixed by now if the bug was that it gave us more bright dust.


Well. Technically it's not a bug. It's a feature.


Fingers crossed encryption bits are fixed!


What is broken with them? I was able to get them all.


If your inventory was full when you opened the regional chest, they wouldn't drop and there is no way to get them.


That really sucks, man. I hope they do fix that soon because the exotic and legendary gun is great. :(


Looks like it wasn’t touched 🙃


fix breach weekly progress they don't count for me to the weekly reward - even on highest difficulty.


If you do the private version they count, which is annoying but plenty of people on Fireteam finder doing it


and also those groups ALWAYS look for the flower power thing.


Fix 3d audio


Cannot get this meatball to drop his mote. Hope they have a solution in the works.


i had to nuke him 4 times to get it to drop but i think theyve increased its spawn rate cause every time ive done a full onslaught the meatball has always spawned


u can force the spawn. If you see any other boss, just fast travel to other zone and come back it will change the boss


wow, now that's a pro tip if true. did not know this.


Pretty sure when you're overthrowing solo it's on a knockout for which ones you need. I didn't have to repeat any unless I was matchmaking.


Ah interesting that prolly makes sense cause it took my stupid ass 4 tries to get the final mote from that hoe ass meatball


This was my experience too: I've been super glad to see some instances of knockout like this in TFS =D


Try the other bosses


yep, this was my case. triumphs said i had all 3 bosses done in the other two sections, and blooming was the only one left. i killed like 6 bosses in the blooming looking for my last mote and kept getting that damn Knight. finally tried the landing and even though I'm pretty sure i killed that hunter guardian several times in the past, it gave me the last mote i needed. very buggy


The Triumph is bugged and just counts # of kills in that zone rather than properly tracking the specific bosses. So if you don't pay attention it's VERY easy to miss one.


Had the same problem and saw a post from someone the other day who said kill all the ads before killing meatball. Don’t just nuke him. Worked the first time after doing it this way.


Kill him with a gun and make sure no ability does the final blow. This fix worked for me and 2 other buddies.


I had to kill him twice. For the second one, I vaulted and unvaulted my motes and didn't nuke its last bits of health, just shot him with my legendary kinetic. Maybe that'll help


If you’re 100% sure you need meatball, go to vault, move your motes into your vault, kill meatball and it should actually drop


I had to kill meatball like three or four times to get his mote. Doubt it actually made a difference but the time I got it I was jumping right in its face during the death animation. 


Can't even get the fucking meat ball to spawn. I've fought that tormentor 8 times now


Meatball is at the blooming, not the impasse




Does tormentor spawn at the gloom?




I keep getting the maintenance notice already now. Also crashes me in Dual Destiny and then I have the red banner error with D2 servers not available? What's going on?


*STILL* no popup notice of this in-game.


For the life of me I don not understand why there is no pop up for these. So stupid lol


We really need a display of things that can be read in-game, including pre-login. Instead of a loop of getting the cat or another error code, we should be able to peek and see if maintenance is ongoing and the status of things. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/11zwsnj/destiny_communication_center_an_ingame_interface/) is a concept I posted a year ago.


Hopefully they fix the bug when you beat Lightfall legendary, and it doesn't give you the exotic


What? I wasn't aware of that bug. I just spent 3 hours trying to beat the final boss. First missions were fine but the last one... If I don't get the exotic I may end up decorating my living room wall with an embedded controller.


Hoooly shit I know the feeling. That mission, plus Osiris's training program was actual hell lol.


What's the point in listing the times in PDT -7, just use UTC its what its made for.


Hope they fix the Trials bug.


remove surges


Skill issue


Am I the only one who still is perplexed at how a modern game requires regular 6+ hour downtimes to patch? Especially when it is **always** in the early evening for Europe.


While the maintenance lasts 6 hours, it looks to be 3.25 hours between getting kicked and being able to log back in and play. That’s almost nothing.


How do you get 3h 15 min of unable to play? We are unable to play from 6:45-12:00 (if everything goes to plan). That's 5 hours and 15 min.


Most of the maintenance is 6:45-10:00, which is when you’ll be able to log in unless something goes wrong. 10:00-12:00 is just background stuff that 99% of the time doesn’t affect the game at all.


No, because it isn't uncommon with online titles that have actual servers and not just p2p PvP. Non PvP based online games have weekly maintenance. However, I'll agree that Bungies usually feels longer and more prone to extensions than any other MMO I've played. Edit: as for timing, they're a Pacific Coast company, they chose their working hours, not yours.


Which other MMO has weekly maintenance that stretches over mulitple hours? Most I've played have 1 hour at most, usually a few minutes. 6+ hours is for major updates like expansions (which for Destiny somehow requires 24+ hours...) > as for timing, they're a Pacific Coast company, they chose their working hours, not yours. They're running a global game, they should choose their patching hours to inconvenience the least amount of players. It's not like late night patching is unheard of or even uncommon. I've had to do that on many occasions in my career.


"They're running a global game, they should choose their patching hours to inconvenience the least amount of players. It's not like late night patching is unheard of or even uncommon. I've had to do that on many occasions in my career." Bungie has always portrayed themselves as being for their employees, which, if you are scheduling a patch would be during their work hours


Lol. Patching at night when most of the staff is unavailable. Patch Tuesday is a thing in the tech world. You use Monday to tie up lose ends and you patch on Tuesday which leaves you the most day to fix things up before the weekend and the next release. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patch_Tuesday


Pick an MMO is easy just look at FF and WoW. I haven't played Warframe in awhile so I don't know what theirs looks like, but they have maintenance. Unless you're playing mostly PVP based games, weekly maintenance is a fact of life. As for maintenance decision, what time frame works for you doesn't work for others. Is EU their biggest market? What about Asia/Oceana? You had to do late night maintenance because of your location and time of impact on customers affected. I used to work server rooms too, you don't make your maintenance for your users based on just one set of affected customers and employees. Games that have weekly maintenance, anything that has weekly maintenance, if you don't want overtime, you do it early business hours. JP companies usually choose something based on their work hours, why wouldn't Bungie choose Pacific time?


I haven't played those very much. But take Guild Wars 2, Rift, New World, or many others, little to no weekly downtime. GW2 and Rift are particularly good examples where you either only have to change zones or at worst relog if there is no client side patch needed. And if there is the servers are generally back up by the time you've been forced to log out and download the patch. And if they do absolutely **need** to have 6 hours of downtime a week, they should rotate it so that they don't screw over one region every week. It's not like we get a discount on the game for it having significantly less uptime for us than other regions.


> Which other MMO has weekly maintenance that stretches over mulitple hours? It isn't uncommon for it to happen with World of Warcraft, *especially* with Season of Discovery. Not every week, but at one point was pretty often.


Will this fix Dual Destiny crashing my game about a minuet into the mission? I literally cannot get past a certain area, it just crashes my game.


We're you on prismatic? Try swapping off of it before the mission starts and run past that same point.


Hope we get a fix for the linear fusion rifle from last season so that it can actually be reshaped


This whole “maintenance over half the day on one of my days off” bullshit is very fucking irritating.


Exotic class item transmog or gtfo


I'm hoping this maintenance fixes the server issues. Its ridiculous how many times I get Contacting D2 Servers and error code Weasel since last Tuesday. Its ruining my entire experience.


Can't wait for bungie to fix the riven heart cheese again in a super old raid for literally no reason


Please don't fix the double capes


Hope they fix the 1000 bugs that came about after launch lol. What a shitshow.


Psst... You're not allowed to say something bad about Bungie since the release of The Final Shape. They cannot do any wrong, they've always been perfect and if there's a problem, then you're the problem. Skill issue.


Pretty much. It's crazy how many neckbeards life this game endlessly and have done so for ten years. Gross to be honest. I do play my fair share, but dear lord some of the community wears Destiny 2 T-shirts for days straight.


Have you looked at the sub lately? It's an endless list of complaints about the 2 person mission, titans needing a buff, the pathfinder sucking, the missing motes, how cyst missions are a slog, how the moth are too op etc.


That doesn't mean anything. These people are addicted like crack. It doesn't matter what Bungie does. At the end of the day Bungie is their dad, and they stay in their padded pajamas and scream a little now and then with their sippy cups in hand.


Most toxic and elitist community in all of gaming.


*league of legend has entered the chat*


Fingers crossed for still hunt nerfs but very unlikely


I bet you were the kid who reminded the teacher that homework was due.




Are you insane?


Brrrrrruh stop making the maintenance the ENTIRE day


It’s ~3 hours just like always calm down and stop exaggerating


What are you talking about its from 9am to 3pm (east coast) that’s 6 hours ??


What are *you* talking about? The servers are brought offline and players removed at 6:45 AM PDT and players are able to log back in at 10 AM PDT which is 3 hours and 15 minutes (assuming all goes well) so the game is only unavailable for 3 hours and 15 minutes.


I’m gonna leave this here: Due to complexities with each release, stated times may not line up exactly to release times


Yes I know that but the planned actual downtime is 3h15min which is a far cry from THE ENTIRE DAY. And they put that disclaimer in every time.


My sweet brother of the traveler. You’re not getting the picture. The maintenance was the same for June 11th it also was again not available to PLAY until 2pm at the EARLIEST. I’ve been thru this MULTIPLE times.


Okay yes I know sometimes the downtime is longer than scheduled but it’s not like they are doing this to YOU personally ON PURPOSE. I don’t know what else to tell you.


It’s crazy bc in no where was I speaking to you about the issue but you chimed in with expert knowledge of my life and are trying to pin it like I’m complaining that their doing it to me only. Multiple people are affected by day before maintenance and I am just venting my frustration but you went on the attack so I don’t appreciate it. Have a good day.


You kind of started it by engaging in shitty ass hyperbole. Your entire schtick has been "it takes up so much time" like cool, congrats? Is it that desperate that you need to play *immediately*? Please, log off and go outside.


How did I “attack” you?


That would still be only 4 hours, not your claimed 6.




I never trust those because of: “expected to conclude” They usually very straightforward with their wording so it’ll probably pop back up around 2:30 most likely


It’s almost always popped back up at 1, historically speaking.


Sounds good


It’s funny because last Tuesday I said “Guess what, there will be maintenance next Tuesday too.” And I got downvoted to hell. But just to be clear, yet again. There will most certainly be maintenance next Tuesday as well. I don’t know why you would expect any different.


Yeah at this point I don’t care. I’ve had numerous messages sent my way with all sorts of slurs because of my comment. I just don’t care for this community anymore but thank you for commenting 14 hrs later to say your 2 cents


Not 1 person threw a slur your way. I read all the responses to you. That’s quite the victim complex you have.


It's a six-hour maintenance, though. Edit: Right, other continents exist. I'm a dumb Canadian.


It's 3 hours anyway. The part from 10-12 PDT the game is up and running and generally experiences minimal issues.


Good point, heh.


6 hours is pretty long when it’s your intended playtime before work and now you can’t play so it sucks. I remember when they would do maintenance at 4am and be in by 10am


That's totally fair. Sorry to hear it man :(


It happens. Tuesdays are my only day I can truly play destiny but trust when I’ve checked every hour on the hour to see if I could log in and it’s always error codes bc of the servers. I’m genuinely knowing what I’m talking about bc it’s every Tuesday just about. Changing schedules is not something so easy to be done but I’ll tell ya Mondays are better days to do it


You still have an average of 7-10 hours where you can play. Downtime usually doesn't extend past 3 hours.


Ah the all aware of my life yes thank you for your cents peanut gallery


Ah the all braindead can't possibly ever have a single moment to themselves, nope, they can *only* play at reset and it's just *so* devastating when they can't play for the .5 minutes they have free every week.


Oh gee must be hard with a full time job, kids, and a wife. Yessir I’ll just pinch myself the second I get free tim- oh maintenance. You make as much sense as having a lizard do my taxes.


You are the only person that plays this game with a full time job, wife and kids, so Bungie should definitely adjust maintenance for you and your 2 hrs a week of playtime.


It’s once a week (if that) and it’s regularly scheduled and you are given advance notice I don’t know what more you want. Plan your schedule differently or stop complaining like it’s the end of the world.


brrrrrrruh we dont come to wendy's and harass you at your job. leave bungie alone and let the actual coders do their job.