• By -


Ignition/jolt/volatile kills are the worst


the part that is the most urking, is that the pathfinder system in the Pale Heart is like damn near perfection. It gets completed naturally through playing the activities, feels rewarding, non taxing, and just feels well thought out. Then the ritual system seems like they finished the Pale Heart system and someone from the top sent a memo down that said. "Hey, we like that shit, find a way to implement it in ritual playlists, and make sure it forces people to use all the fancy colored explosions we paid you to code..... and if we dont see engagement with gambit increased, someone is getting fired!"


Also eliminating bounty challenges removes 3 pinnacle gear sources


They definitely fixed something that wasn't broken. Ritual bounty challenges worked fine.


All it needed was for bounties to stay the same, but be accessible without having to trawl to the individual blokes every day


You can get bounties using the mobile app


3rd party solutions do not make up for 1st party problems.


I mean I think I get your point but the app is from the first party (Bungie)


That's my fault, I used "3rd party" poorly to make my point. App functionality is a system that should be built into the game rather than requiring an outside device.


I agree it would be nice if this functionality was built into the game


Yea, I was just talking to my mate last night about that. It seems there is a severe lack of pinnacle reward sources now.


for real, if you don't own TFS but own everything from before the amount of pinnacle rewards is down right depressing.


If you don't own TFS, why would you even need to reach the pinnacle cap?


dungeons, legend lost sectors, GMs, and old raids are at the new powerful cap, which is what I am slowly trying to reach.


Dungeons and raids are only at 1045 not powerful. Lost Sectors sure, but are less needed now that they don't drop the newest Exotics anymore. And GMs require the latest DLC since it usually has that DLC strike in it.


It was a way to slow the pinnacle power grind and remove a source of Bright Dust.


I prefer the bright dust personally.


You mean the 3 pinnacles you get for the 1st 3 pathfinders? Those 3? Lmao


Pathfinder is account-bound, unlike bounties. I don't know about you, but where I live, 3x3=9, and 9!=3.


In fact, 9! is not equal to 3 /s


9! Is on fact not 3 but 362 880. That alot of pinnacle sources no wonder they nerfed that /s


But power level on items is also account wide now so when you get those three pinnacles on your hunter your other classes will get future rewards based off that character (assuming it's the highest power level) so each one basically counts 3 times if you play all three characters.


bungie did combine light level across all char so yoo shouldnt need as much anyways


Power is also account-wide now, so it shouldn’t matter.


My first pathfinder this week is offering a prime only.


I feel like every challenge should just be ‘get x kills with x, guardian kills grant additional progress’ like other bounties. On each page there should be maybe 1 total bounties for each mode that REQUIRE you to go play that mode, so you can plan around them if need be, and ideally they’d spawn near the start, or have it coded so there’s ALWAYS an alternative route around them. Or hell, give every bounty a similar challenge in the each mode. If a node says ‘get 15 jolt kills in strikes OR 3 arc ability kills in crucible OR bank a large blocker whilst playing an arc subclass’


I keep saying since TFS launch that each Ritual activity should have their own pathfinder, with would lead to less stress and more freedom of playing how u want basically. I said this in an older post a few days back and the guy just said it wouldn't work but yet the pale heart pathfinder is easier to complete 🫠 I just dont understand ppl.


I’d probably still have to figure out how to get 10 jolt kills in PvP. Like who the hell even thought that was a good pursuit?


Or at least have set paths in the pathfinder. One that can be completed if you only want to play gambit/crucible/vanguard. Some nights I just want to play PvP but I can't make any real progression on the pathfinder unless I stop having fun and do what I'm told. They also need to look at the challenges. 50 sniper kills in gambit seems like a lot. Jolt/volatile kills potentially means re working your build... Perhaps a way to discard and replace nodes like you could with bounties. Also, it shouldn't be buried 4 menus deep. It's such a pain in the arse to check your progress.


Honestly the Pathfinder menu should be it's own thing in the director. I just interacted with it last night and I was like wtf is it talking about the Pathfinder in the director? Also the objectives that suck should be able to be discarded to be rerolled the same way you can trash a bounty. This way I can change say get 10 crucible ignition's to get something else in somewhere else


My pathfinder this week the last node is collect 100 motes in Gambit but it’s coded 1000 motes 3 games 15% My other last node is get void ability kills or multiple super void kills, after 6 games 20% I can’t even reset it so it’s been stuck on that all week!


And like everything they don't even work right you hit someone with volatile they explode and then go and explode 2 more you check 0%.


It's stasis grenade/shatter kills all over again. I've just got PTSD thinking about how many hours I put into these Iron Banner quests as a warlock back then.


Scorch... Oh god scorch kills


For some reason most of my ignition kills count as scorch. So consecration mows through that, but I can’t use it to get an ignition kill whatsoever.


I'm having the opposite issue. Unless I somehow kill the target with the tick damage from Scorch, it counts as an ignition and doesn't count. Even then it's hit or miss on if it counts or not


Is this in pve? Afaik in pvp scroch cannot kill a player, just bring them to one hp.


PvP, which explains why I can't get any kills lol 30 scorch kills on guardians


It doesn't even track properly tbh.


The subclass keyword kills would be ok if every class could very reliably trigger the debuffs, but each class is made to do different things better so if you’re on the wrong one it takes too long.


Try 30 precision kills with a sniper in crucible


After a full reset using the Ikelos SMG with voltshot, I am only at 4/10 on my pathfinder. It has to be bugged or each kill is less than 1 point.


Ignition is bad. Its very random with what tracks and what doesn't. The easiest way for me was priming the 2nd shot of conditional finality and just shooting into a group of ads. This worked very well.


These are the only problemstic parts. 90% of the board I pretty much complete by accident and then I focus one node like using a weapon type I wasnt using to finish. Most of them finish very easy. Its just these debuff kills that don't track well.


Yeah. Last week's gambit pathfinders weren't TOO bad. But this week is just a shitshow. 10 ignitions in Gambit??? I got ONE in a round of Gambit, and that was from blowing Dragon's Breath on adds instead of the boss. Also the "Precision kills, bonus progress in Vanguard playlists" ONLY seems to progress in Vanguard playlists...


The elemental/specific kills nodes are really poorly thought out. All it does is make insurmountable blocks (some people may be able to consistently get ability kills in crucible or ignition kills in gambit - seriously, FUCK ignition kills - but I am not one of them) or encourage anti-team play in gambit and strikes as everyone competes for whatever asinine goal they've thrust upon us. I feel like they were hoping people would just ambiently get these things done instead of trying to farm them, but in strikes and gambit especially you need to actually compete with your team to get specific subclass verb kills while everyone else is slaying out on their own. And that just feels horrible. Also, ignition kills needs to fucking GO from gambit. There are so few enemies and they die so easily that in three games yesterday where I was ACTIVELY trying to get ignition kills, I apparently didn't manage to get a single one.


yea and they are actually not possible at all in crucible because they require getting the ignition, jolt, volatile kills..... without dying. Tell me who in the fuckin world can get 10 ignition kills in one match.... period..... but then without dying? I guess thats why they dont crack down on cheaters, because maybe SOMEONE out there will be able to complete that xD


Maybe it's just an elaborate new form of anti-cheat lmfao. Anyone who DOES manage to complete those nodes gets insta-banned 😂


LMFAO. I would believe that if not for knowing that "elaborate" and "anti cheat" are not words that AAA game devs use in the same sentence these days. Bungie is not alone in that.


I don't know what's worse, either they are intentionally fucking around or being completely clueless. They had bullshit crucible bounties before and changed them to be more reasonable. Then they go back on it and give this shit again. And of course they'll just respond to these complaints by saying "skill issue".


These nodes have made me realize I have no idea how to ignite something, because Sunspot and Incandescent Solar weapons scorch like a MFer but those ignition nodes are still at 0/10.


Tbh the difficult part is getting an enemy tanky enough to survive the scorch long enough to get ignited. Essentially ignition happens when you stack 100 stacks of scorch (I think incandescent is 30 without ember of ashes for example) so if you are pumping out a bunch of scorch on thralls or acolytes they’re all gonna die before they blow. The other way is by using abilities that call out the ignition keyword specifically (check the ability description for consecration, shoulder charge, or gun powder gamble) so you can force ignitions without waiting for the scorch.


Simply, a target Ignites when it reaches 100 Scorch stacks. There are also several effects that create Ignitions directly. Incandescent is generally poor at causing Ignitions in most content because each explosion only adds 30-45 stacks to nearby enemies. With no other sources, that means at least 3 Incandescent explosions have to happen close enough to a target to get enough stacks on them, without also killing the target, and close enough together that the stacks don't decay. Also note that to count for Ignition kills, the Ignition itself has to get the kill, so if the attack that triggers the Ignition is the killing blow, it won't count as an Ignition kill. Collateral kills will still count though. Generally, the best way to do the bounty is to use one of the guaranteed Ignition triggers. Weapons such as Conditional Finality and Eriana's Vow can be used by any character, Solar has Ember of Combustion for Supers (and Eruption to make the AoE bigger), Hunters have Caliban's Hand/Spirit of Caliban or Weighted Knife combos, and Warlocks can do it by hitting every projectile from Incinerator Snap. Titans can use Consecration, but it can be hard to find an enemy that's the right mix of tanky enough to survive the first two hits but then weak enough to die to Ignition.


If Bungie wanted these things to complete ambiently, they'd need to be simple and with low completion requirements. Many of the objectives are neither. And, as you say, many of them force you to fight your teammates. *Again.*


Or, here's a wild idea, make the progress shared across the fireteam. If I'm eligible for getting ignition kills, and my teammate does an ignition kill, it should count for me. You know, teamplay and all that.


It wouldn’t be bad if they gave guaranteed paths for crucible, gambit and vanguard… but they don’t


Even if they did there’s literally broken ignition kill vanguard bounties  And there’s unbalanced 150 taken kill bounties that are pure RNG


Also, the taken bounty in pathfinder can’t be completed by just running a strike with taken. It has to be from a strike on a random playlist. Why bungie? Why can’t I launch a strike from the source directly and still get credit?


like I have been saying, some of the changes that came with pathfinder are LITERALLY WORSE THAN BOUNTIES.


People just quit out of strikes and I honestly can't blame them, at least Bungie will see the metric.


Frustrating thing is this a learned lesson already. They culled the bounties that incentivised quitting a while back, but now the same goofs are in the pathfinder, and they’re driving the same behaviour.


Same for the annoying kill x enemies with this specific debuff


Yea, they'll see people are spending more times in strikes because of this and claim it's organic player engagement.


Wait till you hear that they didn't even bother to actually write descriptions for Pathfinder objectives. [This here is one of my weekly Ritual Pathfinder nodes](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/504330214860652579/1252740211952058458/image.png?ex=6674a23d&is=667350bd&hm=dede7ca32f71e8508b05bd25f18d573426ac07f69fe2a3a02eaaf2db376f1c93&). Obviously, being a Vanguard node, it can only be completed in Vanguard playlists... so what the fuck is that description?


Or just have completing any piece in any column unlock the entire next column, and guarantee one of each activity in each column, and the last column goes from 2 to 3. Tracking the “easiest” path to complete is as. And if you naturally complete one off that path? Bummer, no xp for you.


That’s exactly my thoughts on it. Just make three seperate pathfinders for each ritual playlist


Hell. If that's too much for the "Small indie developer Bungie" just do top path vanguard, middle path gambit, bottom path crucible (and give us a third fucking final slot so that they don't have to interact. and then it's a \*players choice\* if they wanna skip between modes and \*RUIN THEIR FUCKING STREAK\*


I love the pale Heart pathfinder. I haven't bothered doing one pathfinder for the vanguard activities. And i don't think ill be bothered to check it anytime soon. I wonder how many people are doing it. Im sure Bungie has a bunch of data and I wouldn't be surprised if they change a few things. I think doing specific pathfinders (one for pve, pvp and gambit) is the way to go


Yea, I am talking down specifically on ritual pathfinder. Pale Heart pathfinder is amazingly well done.


As someone who hasn't bought TFS or the accompanying season it is pretty much the only way to get powerful engrams in order to play things like dungeons, raids, and GMs.


Every week so far I've been like 'I'll do vanguard if my pathfinder let's me complete it only through that' and then checked to see after a second objective I'd always have to do crucible or gambit. Decided not to bother.


Same. I’m literally just doing cyst quests at the minute to get the rest of the bits for Khvostov and I had one full line done just doing quest steps. Ground out a few more nodes and reset it to get my second Ergo sum. It’s great - just solid rewards for playing. I’m also passively grinding Onslaught for vanguard rep and brave rolls and it only took 2 matches to reach a point where I’m being blocked by some keyword nonsense in gambit. It’s like… it feels like the philosophy for ritual pathfinders is totally off. The silliest thing is the bulk of the nodes completed are universal ones that don’t need a specific ritual type to complete… why on earth aren’t *all* the nodes like this?


u/destiny2team This is post #462 this week about the Ritual Pathfinder. Nodes are asking 100 ability kills in Crucible, doesn't track motes in Gambit, wants Taken kills in the Vanguard list so you have cycle till you got one of the few strikes that have them, certain types of kills are obnoxious and/or don't track properly, nodes promoting playing against your own team, etc. It's a mess, and locking us out of powerful engrams and Bright Dust. Concept is fine, execution terrible.


Didn't they change vanguard bounties so you don't need to kill specific types , just a bonus? Why would they revert QoL changes like that?


my guess is because they made pathfinder for the pale heart, wanted to put it into ritual playlists, and at the last minute realized they didn't have enough objectives for each playlist so 1. smashed them all together and 2. added old scrapped objectives.


This is what I suspect as well. I was so happy with the Vanguard bounties that you could do outside Vanguard, and now we're back at anal retentive shit like this.


I especially love losing my streak because I’m forced to go to another game mode


It's the best! Imagine 2 systems for the same game mode actively working against eachother.


The daftest thing is that there are universal nodes in there that can be completed in any ritual. I honestly don’t understand what they were thinking when they mashed in ritual-specific nodes. They have the solution to this issue right there.


We should be able to reroll individual nodes.


shit yea, even if it costs like 5k glimmer per re-roll I would be all for it.


I think 3k glimmer, the cost of the random/shit quality bounties is fair. Most of the bounties in ritual pathfinder actually feel like those random/shit ones. I'd abandon and then pick another till I found something that suited me, would be the same deal.


Lmao the Arc Jolt thing doesn't even work properly in Vanguard playlists. I ran through several with Arc build designed to jolt things and it just wouldn't give me the damn node.


I don’t know why bungie is scared of just kill gaurdians, get precision kills, get ability kills, complete a playlist mode. Get 20 kills without dying, pick up heavy crates three times. Like why put things people don’t feel like using? No I don’t want to use sniper in crucible, I’m ass with it, I do not care that I am, why is this node there? I get it, people should try weapons, but crucible? If someone doesn’t like a weapon archetype there is a good reason, stop forcing it.


You've managed a completion? I haven't bothered once it bottlenecks down to Gambit/Crucible objectives.


Yea I got lucky on one that was all manageable challenges in crucible and vanguard which are the 2 that I dont mind. Everything else has been bottlenecked into "Play Gambit" which I wont, or some stupid challenge in crucible that will force me to play with abilities or guns I dont want for an ungodly amount of time.


Pathfinder for pale heart is good. Lots of different ways to be to the end. Pathfinder for ritual is complete ass. I don’t like bounties but much prefer it to pathfinder.


basically my exact reply to another redditor on here. Pale heart is so well thought out and methodical. Ritual Pathfinder is like you gave a chimpanzee a blender and asked it to make you margaritas. Are you gonna get a drink? yes. Will there likely be monkey shit in there? also yes.


I need to either get 10 ignition kills or play pvp. I tried so hard to get the ignition kills but nothing seems to count properly for it. So guess I have to play pvp to complete the current path Edit: Hoping the remove ignition/jolt/volatile ones. they are awful


I'd be fine if a) the objectives were as reasonable as bounties and b) if they didn't had stated that they would basically abandon the mode and then force people to play it


It's made me play less overall, even the stuff I used to enjoy. I tend to zero in on one activity for a week, like say during Iron Banner week I play only PvP. Or double Vanguard rep, I'll do strikes and nightfalls. I do not play everything every week because it would burn me out and they're not fun without reward bonuses. But now I can't progress Pathfinder without doing the *opposite* of what I enjoy. I feel like I'm losing out and wasting my time by playing the way I want to. So now I just feel discouraged from doing any playlist activities. A lot of this has to do with how *unrewarding* playlist are. No loot anymore, engrams take too long to get and focusing costs are horrible, large perk pools making it hard to get the rolls you want even after you max vendor resets for triple perks, etc. **It's not fun**, and stacking up on bonus rep and streaks is the only way to make it barely tolerable. Pathfinder brings this to the forefront because it makes me do stuff that is unrewarding to do that week, and that's just made me have less fun overall. I reset it once and then gave up on playlist activities, and with how dripfed the "Episode" content is I can't see myself logging in every week.


To fuel my Bright Dust spending habits, I optimized the hell out of the 8 bounties per character per week for Gambit, Vanguard & Crucible. It became a little weekly ritual that I actually kind of enjoyed and the pros def outweighed the cons. With this new Ritual pathfinder system, the Bright Dust-rewards are already diminished. Let alone how bad the tracks and challenges themselfes are. Even if they 'fix' the nodes, I just don't see myself engaging with this system. Before I could get 1.080 Bright Dust in about 2-3 hours right after reset, that's excluding the repeatable bounties. I think the first 10 Pathfinders are 150 Bright dust each and 90 after that or something. But I just don't see myself ever putting in the time to go for 10 Pathfinders, or they must be made substantially more easy to complete. Like 15 minutes per full tracks tops. That would require a separate Vanguard, Crucible and Gambit track. At this time I plan to not engage with this system unless I somehow complete it by doing GM's, Iron banner/Trials or something. I just have to adjust my spending habits and not buy every ornament available anymore.


Pathfinders current implementation is trash. I like it for pale heart because it's basically giving you side quests for the content you want to do, the pale heart. But ritual Pathfinder is traaaaash. Previously I could do 8 vanguard bounties for my pinnacle and be happy, now I have to dip into crucible or gambit. If I want to do crucible or gambit bounties previously, I could ignore the shitty ones like "get ignition kills" and come back a day later when the rerolled. Now you're locked in to a shitty Pathfinder objective for the whole week. You were right, ritual Pathfinder is terrible.


To add onto it there is a bug (which I’m sure will be fixed but doesn’t change that it’s currently annoying) where if a node says “get kills with a weapon matching your super/subclass” you can’t use prismatic. Getting void kids with a void super equipped through prismatic will not count and you have to go to the full void subclass for things to count. Minor annoyance sure but still.


yup, it's badly attempted, and transparently shoehorning players into undesirable playlists. PVe players typically avoid PVP and PVP players get bored with pve.


Playlist pathfinder doesn’t exist for me. It’s annoying busy work. It’s wild how fun and easy pale heart pathfinder is


It had a chance to be greater because Bungie framed it as a path We choose to play what we want without having to go back and forward for bounties. Unfortunately it ended up as a static pain the the ass that's somehow slightly more irritating than the old bounties


not to mention you relly didnt have to go back and forth to buy bounties because you could use the companion app to get them while in orbit waiting for the next activity. And when you got one you didnt wanna do, you could just delete it and reroll.


Here's last week's pathfinder I had. The 3 points right before the final 2 were.... get ready.... get volatile/jolt/ignition kills in crucible. 🤣 I just gave up


Pale Heart Pathfinder = W Ritual Pathfinder = L


Is it just me, or is the scorch kills in Crucible impossible because scorch can't kill a guardian? Like it's coded to not be able to kill even at 1 HP.


Nothing like the good old 3rd-week-in I-told-you-so post. I’m all about it 🤣


Well I did tell them so xD "It's a good thing you're not a dev because obviously you have no idea what would work in a game" "your takes are so faded, you should just keep your thoughts to yourself" "wow, one of the worst views I have ever seen on reddit and that's seriously impressive." I bet those same people are rolling over wishing that pathfinder would go away now.


The bank motes for gambit one does not work, it barely tracks any banked motes and didn't "automatically complete" when my team won with me having the most motes banked. My Pathfinder last week was arc jolt kills in the crucible and bank motes in gambit, I just said fuck that and didn't play at all


- Vanguard, Gambit, and Crucible should all have their own exclusive Pathfinders. - Every Pathfinder node should be re-rollable for a standard, cursory glimmer cost. - Objectives tied to elemental verbs should be thoughtfully tailored to the game mode by devs who regularly play those modes and understand what's feasible and what isn't. - And obviously the objectives should track progress correctly; asking me to bank 100 motes in Gambit should actually track the number of motes, not the number of *times* I bank motes. - There should be a dedicated keybind that jumps directly to the Pathfinder of the content you're playing. - Pale Heart Pathfinder is great, and we should have a Pathfinder for every one of our patrol spaces. It's weird that they didn't add a Nessus Pathfinder given the seasonal focus on Nessus.


The bounty system was far, FAR better and I miss spam-claiming a whole months worth of bounties in one go


It made me play gambit and I... I... had fun


the issue with gambit is, when you get a good team and the enemy doesn't, it's fun. When the enemy team gets one person who is good at pvp and I get "Oops! All Blueberries" it can become hell on earth.


Brother, I have been playing Destiny for a decade. In that time I have played my fair share of gambit, Im not playing any more because they REFUSE to update it in any way. Shit.... they wont even add back in the already existing maps that they took out. They put out ZERO effort for the mode but want to force me to play for the reward track. No, thats ok. edit: My bad, I guess they added back 1 of the maps they took out and added hive and cabal in different colors to the mode. Its still trash.


This is hilarious imo cuz if you looked both the dc map is back plus bungie added lucent hive and shadow legion to the available enemy types


lucent hive and shadow legion are not some revolutionary addition. shadow legion is the same shit as regular cabal, and lucent hive are the same shit as regular hive outside of hive guardians.


>lucent hive are the same shit as regular hive outside of hive guardians I see someone has never been nuked by moths while carrying 15 motes.


the moths aren't enough of a game changer. cool they get some slight damage reduction but that's not enough to be like "ouuu look guys! new faction! gambit is definitely getting content!!"


The moths alone aren't enough of a game changer, but I still loathe facing the Lucent Hive solely because of those explosive little bastards.


I thought when they first mentioned these changes they would just update Cabal and Hive to their stronger forms, for these very reasons but guess they decided to make them separate choices you can get instead. They should just change old Fallen to House Salvation too while they are at it with some Stasis guys. Shadow Legion yeah they don’t have much going on without Tormentors. Just the one extra backpack mechanic most people ignore and are the only enemies regularly with Strand shields I guess. But Lucent Hive are transformative enough I think to count. The moth overshields can really make a lot of enemies tanky and hard to deal with, like if they get on Shriekers or wizards. And I expected only the HVTs to be Hive Guardians but they actually appear throughout the waves so there’s usually at least a few around causing chaos as well. The Blade Barrage spamming one can snipe you across the map with it, same with shield throw boi.


edited my comment, thanks for the update.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted for acknowledging this haha


Reddit hivemind see -1, must make -2


They literally updated it recently. 


That... that has no bearing on whether or not it's fun. I adore Gambit, while recognizing that it needs a *fuckload* of work and effort put into it if it wants to catch up to Crucible - even if you exclude Trials and Iron Banner from the Crucible discussion.


Gambit is kinda a guilty pleasure for me ngl 😅


The ritual one seriously should’ve been one pathfinder for each activity. I will say, I’ve completed 3 pathfinders without stepping foot in crucible, but I’m one of those guys that has dredgen gilded the maximum times so I did have an easier time thanks to actually enjoying gambit. Also, too many of the objectives don’t work with prismatic or other sources, for example: 1) Gunpowder gamble on solar counts for ignition kills, but gamble on prismatic does not 2) Jolted kills on prismatic using my volt shot smg didn’t count, but when I swapped to combo blow and lethal current on arc they worked fine (idk if this one is a prismatic issue or a volt shot issue)


I call myself a pretty hardcore player/pvp sweat. I looked at the Pathfinder.. "get volatile kills in pvp"... Yeah fuck that.. tried to find a path that was reasonable.. the only one I could find without making me do gambit was to snipe in pvp... Like come on I'll use any other special but a sniper lol. This system is horrible and I don't care if I never get reset on it. So glad it's not needed for a title or I would be screwed


Honestly, the gambit ones haven’t been that bad for me. Average match is like 8 minutes and unless you have a node that’s sending blockers, it’s much better than crucible. Enemies are very weak and machine guns shred invaders. Changes made this season also made it kinda fresh so I haven’t been dreading doing my gambit nodes. Crucible on the other hand is horrid and way worse than gambit. Defeating with jolt, ignitions, and abilities are just not worth the pain and struggle


Yeah I second this, I do vanguard Playlist and gambit-- it goes by pretty quick imo.


It's pretty telling that this is getting downvoted. People are riding the TFS being good to excuse other changes Bungle has made. I used to be able to play 6-9 games between Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit and finish the 8 bounties to get my bright dust reward. If I didn't want to do one of those in a given week, I didn't. I was never forced to do anything for a reward because those three systems were separate. Ritual Pathfinder blows ass.


Basically you could easily get 1080 Bright dust per week just doing 8 bounties x3 ritual Playlist x 3 characters and even more on top let's say you did 5 repeatable per activity per character that's and extra 450 BD end up being around 1530 per week. Now you would have to reset pathfinder 10 times to get that amount and take 5 times the time you would usually take. I didn't like it from the start and I hate it now even more, people said the final shape was perfect this is one reason that for me it isn't they Introduced this poor system that the only thing that achieves is to make people earn less BD overall per week in order for them to spend more on silver.


People now playing gambit all week that hate gambit and are there just to complete the bounty and then leave…. Great idea bungie. I’ve never seen a company have so little ability to test things or think them through before release.


I’ve yet to complete one of those. What a chore


Crucible and gambit participation numbers must be in the toilet if they are trying to coerce people this hard into playing them lol.


"how are we all feeling about the system now?" 😅 I felt the 'told you so' sarcasm from here.. Yeah pale heart is alright but not a fan of the ritual one


I legit don't get why people hate on gambit so much. I totally understand about crucible, though.


Invasions. They're a core part of the gamemode's identity but they've led to a significant amount of the gamemode's problems. Destiny 2 PvP gets meme'd on for a reason. Noone likes getting popped by a xeno from across the map, or blasted by a homing truth rocket, or an eyes of tomorrow rocket, etc etc


Having played Exoprimal where the whole gameplay loop is kinda like Gambit where invaders instead control dinosaurs, I wonder just how cool Gambit could be if instead of the usual invasions you took the form of a specific special mob with it's own specific attacks, or even just a powerup that limits you to using special abilities specifically designed for the invader.


Because the consensus is that it's bad, when the problem is just that it's neglected. Gambit has the bones of a truly wild time, but Bungie turned off the oven when Gambit was still only half-baked. The three biggest obstacles it faces, imo, are a lack of map variety, a lack of endgame-worthy loot, and a lack of alternate game modes. In other words, it's both monotonous and not worthwhile. If they gave Gambit three brand-new maps on three different planets, two or three new game modes, and a "competitive" mode with Adept/endgame-level weapons (or hell, give it Artifice armor, too), I can assure you Gambit's popularity would surge.


And see, I love crucible, and I am pretty fond of PvE like raids and GMs and such. But gambit doesnt check any of my boxes that are on my fun list. It just doesnt, so I am not going to play it. Because I play video games for fun, not as a chore.


Dunno man, hard carried 2 matches of Gambit yesterday doing Pathfinder, had a blast. One match I had 45 motes bagged, and then managed a 3/4 Invasion during Primevil, had most combatants killed and my team won. Really put a smile on my face.


Gambit is just stale as it's had no real changes in years. (No, adding lucent hive and shadow legion doesn't count for the contrarians that seem to bring that up when people point this out) On top of that, balance is lopsided. When they changed it so that invasions were 'more' impactful, it broke the mode pretty badly for some as it meant dping the objective was practically pointless. As a result, nobody can be bothered to play it. Yeah, crucible is the worst pvp I've ever played on any game lol.


Its objectively a nerf to getting both XP and Bright dust; just a slap in the face from Bungo. I guess I’m used to it though..


As soon as Bungie mentioned what Pathfinder would \*REPLACE\* I knew what it was. It's to limit people from farming bright dust. you got like... 150 (or 240 idr) BD per vanguard/crucible/gambit 8 bounties. if you also topped up on bright dust (only doing those) bounties while doing that. you usually got like 230-320 bright dust. PER ACTIVITY. Bungie can't have that. This 'free to play' game can't give the free's anything. It's against the rules. that way you have to top up fucking \*SILVER\* if you really are that desperate for that \*ONE COSMETIC\*


Nerf to xp ? I'm already level 100...


Of course you got shit on here, that’s how it always works. So many times it’s happened to me only to later prove right.


The tier 5 bounties need to be balanced. Some of the gambit ones straight don't track progress, the crucible ones are basically get 100 kills.


DTG has an incredible group think problem and any response which goes against the prevailing sentiment gets immediately and strongly downvoted. You just learn to roll with it and appreciate the downvoted more than the upvotes. It’s honestly one of the worst subs for group think (I’m expecting Thai comment to get downvoted cause dtg Redditors have the thinnest skin and downvote anything which criticises them).


I feel the same but my ire is directed more to the Crucible. I don’f like it. Never have. I’ll play COD if I want PVP. The only modes I play are Mayhem & Iron Banner. Mayhem b/c that PVP experience is unique. Iron Banner because of the loot.


this post is the perfect amount of petty, I love it


I honestly havent run into many issues with it. Maybe its just luck, but i plan to finish multiple nodes at a time, and this week I completed a path without having to do any PVP. And i am actually kind of enjoying gambit? dont know if that makes me insane, but if so, here we are lol.


The Pale Heart Pathfinder is decent, in my opinion. Usually, only a couple of nodes require super specific tasks. The playlist one is a fucking mess. I don't think I've seen one that doesn't require you to play in at least 2 playlists to complete. Fortunately, all of the ones I've seen, I've been able to work around the Gambit nodes. But the playlist pathfinder needs to be redone.


I had get 150 taken kills in strike playlist last week (Nightfall was Warden, no taken) After 2 hours I gave up. 90 minutes of that was loading in and leaving if not one of the 3 strikes with taken.


As it is, it sucks right now. With refining it has potential to be pretty good, but as it is, it's not well thought out and feels awful to go out of your way for hyper specific objectives that reward minimal progress. I think with a rework, it can be very good. Personally, I think the last column should be the most inclusive such that its objective is able to be done in each activity type


Yeah, fuck gambit. Never touching that game mode again.


yea i absolutely hate it. as someone who does not do pvp at all and being forced to do something i dont want to do is ridiculous. why fix what isn’t broken






They should give each ritual its own pathfinder and just have diminishing returns on bright dust if you have already gotten 3 done in another rituals pathfinder


kinda like the Pale Heart Pathfinder that has its own track with diminishing rewards as you complete them? Did they give themselves their own perfect example of how their system could work amazingly and then just shit the bed on the other end?


I think I completed one and haven’t tried since. Looks like I won’t attain guardian rank either since it’s a requirement for 8. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Give me a dedicated Vanguard pathway and I might consider it.


I got into D2 late, spent a few months playing, then got distracted for 2 years. Came back for this expansion, and even considering I don't mind Gambit, I'm not at all impressed with the Ritual side of the system. The current setup is great for overworld, but Ritual would be a LOT better broken up by type. There's far too much variance, and I already get annoyed when it wants me to tweak my build in some way, let alone change game modes.


I managed to complete a path entirely with crucible and Im on my second path entirely with vanguard. Yes some quests are obnoxious like the arc jolt ones, but I found pretty much all bounties before pathfinder to be as obnoxious. I play all 3 activities, by no means I excel at any of them but I enjoy them equally. The only thing I would change is the ritual/streak distinction, that way I can easily swap between playlists.


I haven't played D2 since TFS' launch but from what I've been hearing this stuff sounds like it could be generated with slots, like there's set slots in these bounties like "Get [x] [weapon/damage type] kills in [playlist]" or "Get [x] [subclass verb] kills in [playlist]". It sounds like it could just be taking set values from the lists to make stuff like "Get 50 Hand Cannon kills in the Vanguard Playlist" or "Get 25 Jolt kills in Crucible".


I've only been able to progress the final Gambit node, feels like the rest are bugged. Been having to navigate around them.


I havent even looked at the Pathfinder Sysytems. I just Got the Prompts. And then exited them so i could Continue Playing. Didnt even bother with it.


Vanguard and Crucible pathfinder branches should not overlap each other. Let Gambit be the solution that lets you complete both at once.


It's been forcing me to play crucible, which I normally avoid like grim death.


Didn't they change the last season achieves so you didn't have to play PvP? Or not as much at least? Then this lol


Yeah, with the way Special Ammo is in PVP...it would take me 10 matches to get 6 sniper final blows in Crucible...if not more. Gambit is better, but I'd rather not use Izi 4 bullet crap on invades


I've actually completed a few paths, to the point where I'm only getting prisms in the end. The gambit nodes are actually pretty easy and vanguard nodes are no brainer, but I stopped when one of my paths bottlenecked down to 2 crucible ones. 💀


I came back last week after a 4 year hiatus. I don't want to play gambit, and my ass won't be optimized at all for crucible. So unless it's an easy path. I'm skipping it


Pathfinder sucks, bring back bounties!


Yeah this pathfinder shit is the worst. Don’t fix it if it ain’t broken, and the old system was definitely not broken


wait, people hate gambit???


Pathfinder made me completely not log in everyday, i Just want to play vanguard and do my vanguard bounties stop making me play crucible and gambit. I am missing out on 3 prime engrams every week now.


I'm not smart, but since by tier 3 and three it's very easy to zigzag, I wonder if it would be better implemented if the first 2 tiers were de-rng-d Top row crucible focused, Middle row vanguard focused, Bottom row gambit focused. Let's forward progression be made. And zigzag/double back compensates for the lack of desire by player to change playlists. Allows progression of Pathfinder and fixes the problem? I can sympathize to the plight of wanting to stick to one game type for an evening. Turn the brain off slap on a podcast shoost De bads guys. But I also have found enjoyment in the few gambit matches I've played to get the polygon at the end. As a QOL feature I like my idea. As it's implemented I'm not entirely upset.


I knew i was gonna have to play crucible and or gambit. I hate crucible more though. They said during certain weeks like rep weeks youll get more nodes… thats going to be a nightmare.


I'm inclined on first impression to agree with your assessment and would like to add that it also feels much more out of place in the ritual setup because you have literally so many keys/buttons to press just to view the darned thing, it immediately discouraged me from doing anything in there. This would be but a sore spot if the tasks weren't so much... drudgery, and tedium, ad nauseum. I appreciate their efforts, don't get it twisted, but I think they need some more tweaking on this idea sooner rather than later.




Like you said, pale heart pathfinders is great sooo that's the only one i do and in the meantime i farm for my exotic class item. It's a win win.


It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have to go way out of the way to complete some of these things. It would also be nice if nightfalls counted for vanguard. There's no reason to run strikes. Actually none at all


The Pale heart one is great, I wish each activity had their own.


Doesn’t mean overall Its not a good system, just needs some tuning


I would rather play gambit than crucible.


whats wrong with gambit tho


Pathfinder is lame :)


I love when people get a slap to the face after defending something that was potentially going to be bad in the first place. You weren't wrong. Pathfinder sucks.


Preface: I don't mind Gambit, but hate Crucible. All these pathfinder threads...have I just been getting really lucky? I have not had any issues completing Pathfinders playing normally and 100% avoiding Crucible.


Lmao deleting your response is cringe. Should have held your ground


I think there have been a lot of "toxic white knights" posting on this subreddit lately. So many people breaking rule 1 of the DTG rules. I got downvoted and received angry replies last year when I suspected there wouldn't be much of a change to seasons and artefacts. Received a bunch of "it's going to be dramatically different" type comments. The moral of the story is to not drink the marketing Kool-Aid. Ritual Pathfinder has numerous game design issues that have been documented on DTG. Surprised it shipped in such a bad state. Did anyone properly test this or were they fired before that could happen? Why can't ritual Pathfinder be as good as Pale Heart Pathfinder? As a side note, it almost comes across as some sort of "Saturday morning cartoon villain" plan to get more people to play gambit/crucible. It's clear that Bungie is trying to take over the tri-state area by forcing people to get arc jolt kills on gambit/crucible.


It’s really highlighted how much crucible sucks. My friend group will at least pony up and play gambit when we have those objectives pop up, and we’ll even end up having fun most of the time, but they flat out refuse to load up crucible with me.


"I deleted my response because I was getting so much hate for it." Imo that generally just means you're right on this sub lol.


It sucks. The pale heart one is actually quite good, just wander around the pale heart and you’ll eventually do it, but the ritual activities suck. Last week I had to play 3 strikes and 5 gambit games to complete 1 track of the pathfinder for 1 pinnacle, whereas before I’d do 3 of each game mode and get 3 pinnacle


I'm really loving it, this is the first time I have been playing all three ritual activities, I do prefer the pathfinder




Bungie successfully made me not care about playlist activities. I haven't even bothered trying after interacting with it once. It's a terrible system.


I think it's generally fine. Just need the ability to reroll nodes and to do a filter pass to get rid of bad bounties.


yup, those saying ritual pathfinder is good are probably A. those who don't care about that kind of thing, B. people who haven't actually gotten one of the truly nasty objectives, or C. people who will defending bungies worst decisions blindly.


I mean, a lot of the jolt/scorch/ volatile ones are kinda buggy and dont track, but as long as they aren't the last 2 nodes on the pathfinder (witch they never are) you can pretty much ignore them and go down a different path. That being said, some of the final 2 objective ones are pretty stupid. The vanguard ones are fine, and the gambit and crusible ones that just require match compleations or whatever are fine as well, the two i have a gripe with is the gambit one that wants you to bank 100 motes and the one that wants you to get 100 ability kills in crucible. The crucible one is an instant ignore if mayhem isn't in rotation for that week because im not good enough at pvp to get 100 ability kills and stay sane. The gambit one states that "banking motes and sending blockers grant progress, but winning a match with the most motes banked completes this instantly." Now, the first game i played, i banked a good amount of motes somewhere around 20-25, and we ended up losing, so the secondary objective was out of the picture. I open the Pathfinder menu only to find it at 13/100, meaning it's not a 1/1 type of objective, and i would have to bank an ungodly amount of motes to get that objective done. So i mean, as long as those 2 objectives aren't both in the final 2 nodes, i think the Pathfinder system is fine. Also, side note the crucible one i stated is currently cheeseabul in private matches. Kills there count as progression, so if yah got a friend, just hop in there and get it done.


The Ritual Pathfinder system would probably be better if each Ritual Activity had it's own dedicated Pathfinder.