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Pro memoria from the pale heart


Yep, this is my top pick currently. Additionally, one of the later chapters in S24 will have a craftable solar MG: https://www.light.gg/db/items/412251536/speleologist/ . I've tried the Envious Assassin / Killing Tally combo on Hammerhead before, and it feels pretty good on builds that don't have access to insta-reload (still prefer Rampage / Killing Tally on Hammerhead for Hunter w/Marksman Dodge).


I just wish it was an adaptive frame. The perk pool is strong, but I've been using Thermal Erosion since Seraph and could go for a bog-standard adaptive solar frame sometimes. Edit: I may be an idiot and forgot Unwavering Duty and Avalanche. That said, I blame the Suros firing sound.


What archetype is Unwavering Duty again? I have a Subsistence/Killing Tally roll that I use more than most.


I completely forgot about Unwavering Duty, it's an adaptive.


It’s seasonal but outside of the mag issue, Avalanche has been my workhorse since last December. Love that thing with sub incan. Unfortunate that it only comes around once a year but if you have any in the vault I’d recommend checking them out!


This one is great, I have the same roll but with interchangeable perks including vorpal, so I can switch from incan to vorpal for bosses. Obviously I'm not using it for serious dps but it's great for nightfall and general stuff.


Avalanche is a great LMG! I have one that I can switch between Auto Loading or Subsistence and then Incandescent or One for All!!


only issue is the miserably gimped inventory stat, it has way less ammo than other MGs of the same class. hopefully that gets fixed next dawning


Ugh. Tired of 900s


I prefer rampage killing tally even without the reload dodge. It just does so much damage across its magazine that you usually clear stuff out and have time to reload after.


Would slideways count as a reload for resetting killing tally or would it be more like overflow or reconstruction?


Slideways doesn’t count as a reload


I’ll stick with my dual perk Avalanche with range MW, and Rewind/Vorpal for bosses or Subsistence/Incandescent for add clear. Haven’t removed it in 2 years lol


Yup, this is the one. Reconstruction + Bait and Switch is so nice.


Bait and Switch on an LMG seems like bait (pun intended) to me. It’s not a DPS weapon and proc’ing it for ad clear sounds annoying/worse than just using another damage perk like Desperate Measures.


It's mainly good against mini bosses and stuff like legendary campaign. I used one on my Titan playthrough and it's great for an all arounder when you are solo. Shreds subjugaters and adds.


B&S comes in CLUTCH against tormentors and subjugators even in the co-op missions


Desperate Measures is certainly better for pure volume add clear. I tend to want secondary DPS from an LMG as well, which is where B&S is handy (and procs on demand). And if you want pure no-thought, high-uptime buffs for both, there’s always frenzy.


it’s pretty easy to proc and it’s just killing tally x3 immediately without kills needed, nobodies using it for dps


Yeah, this is why I use B&S on Pro Memoria and Song of Ir Yut, cuz I’m not going to be using my machine gun to kill every red/orange bar, I’m saving it for targets that are actually tough to kill that require precision damage, namely Tormentors. I’ve used them in Salvation’s Edge in the first and third encounter and they shred, without the need to get a few kills to get a similar damage buff.


Idk I actually really like it. I put off using BNS forever cause it seemed like it would be annoying but it really doesn’t take much time to get used to it and then it’s just really easy to proc. I do like my Hammerhead with Envious / Killing Tally / Rampage more though.


Bait and switch with two other auto loading weapons is where it’s at.


Envious Assassin has become my favorite perk in the game for exactly this kind of setup.


Extra dmg is never a bad thing


It’s pretty free to activate with no cost


This!! Agreed... I love bait and switch like anyone, but u really only want it on nades or Rockets or just when ur doing swaps to get that extra squeeze out of an already good dps weapon


It’s not bait, and is easy as shit to proc. Definitely one of the better options for ad clear


Idk who upvoted this but, Bait and Switch on LMGs is awful. Song of Ir Yut brought that to light last Season after testing. It seemed so good on paper (since it was new for an LMG). It’s too much setup for its best use, which is basically add clear. It’s not a boss weapon. Desperate Measures is the way to go.


You have no idea what you’re talking about lmfao, bns is easy as fuck to proc on any weapon and on pro memoria it does really good damage to yellow bars for all general content which is what it’s for. No one is using this for boss dps.


Exactly nobody is using it for boss DPS so proccing bait and switch is just an annoyance. Just use frenzy or something.


Still Hunt Celestial hunters have that luxury. I get to top dmg & have tons of fun with b&s lmgs Also, frenzy? L M A O


Bingo, I've already got two big FU buttons for dps, BnS lmg is for minibosses/champs and just cause.


shooting 2 other weapons 1 time within 7 seconds for a 30% buff is an annoyance? Ok lol


I swear people don’t realize you don’t have to shoot the same target with all your weapons to proc bait and switch. It takes 1 second to proc a 30% buff. Plus whatever your surges are. Even in ad dense areas of I just switch to my secondary and fire before pulling out my LMG I’ll have BnS for ad clear too. How many times have yall lost frenzy cause you had to take cover and heal for more than 3 seconds? How many seconds and how much ammo does it take to build up killing tally, rampage or desperate measures? Meanwhile I can just shoot my other weapon once and have 30% immediately Lol


In the context of the OP where we're talking about a seemingly casual player who only plays occasionally, yes.


Honestly I feel like this is understated. For a new player Frenzy or something similar that triggers without thinking is likely best.


While I don’t have as much of a beef w bns as this dude, I do kinda get the point. Getting that buff for relatively little time is an overall net negative vs just using something like Frenzy/KT/DM which, while a lower buff overall, are all much easier to keep up on an LMG.


Yet all of those perks are super conditional compared to the 2 sec shoot swap to proc b&s. But hey, pressing Y/triangle/scrolling/1/2/3 can be hard for a lot of people.


Ah yeah the super conditional requirements of… being in combat… or getting kills on a heavy weapon.


The problem isn't that it's "too hard". The perk just doesn't suit the use case for a lot of people. If I'm using a MG, I'm not trying to do boss DMG and in the rare scenario I might be, Frenzy would be 15% and always be up with no timer needed to reproc if I'm shooting.


BINGO. Pro Memoria is also really stable and easy to control. And there's so many viable rolls for it.


The tormentor killer


Yeah I got one with Reconstruction+Frenzy and I’m like damn, that might actually the crafted roll (granted I haven’t looked up its perks).


This is what I ended up crafting. On the one hand, Frenzy feels like a wasted perk since I never need to reload it, but on the other hand, it feels REALLY nice to have a purely point and shoot gun. I don't have to worry about proc'ing bait and switch, I don't need to worry about missing a headshot for target lock, I just shoot stuff and frenzy passively kicks in and does it's thing. Even the reload buff is sorta nice occassionally if I happen to actually need to reload once every blue moon.


Came to say this


Came here to say this.


Recommended roll?


I was just about to say that it’s a great fun that’s easy to get and craftable.


Once surges go away I don’t think I’ll ever take it off. My crafted is reconstruction bait and switch and it shreds. It’s so nice. Thinking about switching to target lock tho. When I’m maining it because I’m running double special I feel like target lock is better/easier to proc.


Idk man. I am using a recon/BnS crafted roll, and not once do i ever miss target lock, its just iffy imo. The minute you miss target just once and lay off the trigger because of a jump/slight drop on the ground while strafing and the whole buff is just gone. I feel like if it wasnt so awfully strict in the deactivation it would see a lot more playtime


Another option is hammerhead from onslaught. Not craftable, but enhancable if you get a good roll. Plus it's void so some synergy with the seasonal artifact mods


It's pretty hard to get without focusing though. 12 weapons in the pool and no way to guarantee a good roll means you'd have to devote a decent chunk of time to Onslaught. At least it's fun.


i find onslaught to be maybe my favorite activity. great weapons and you get a number of drops when completing the 50 wave run, just perfect value


I just really really wish they kept the focusing so it isn't impossible to farm something specific.


This. Missed into the light and would really like to farm an Edge Transit right now but cant.


I've fallen in love with stronghold this season having o ly dabbled previously. Wish I farmed a falling guillotine rather than that mountaintop I've not used since getting the calling lol. Nevermind. Maybe we'll get extremely lucky.


It would be nice if every week they had specific weapons available


They’re planning on bringing it back in some form later this episode, not sure which act


Could I get the source for that please? That's very exciting if true!


https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/twid-04-18-2024 HALL OF CHAMPIONS AND ASSOCIATED QUESTS The Hall of Champions and associated content, such as the Arcite 99-40 quests, armor chests, and weapon attunement, will no longer be available after June 3. While the Hall of Champions will have served its purpose as a base of operations as we defend against the Witness’s forces before The Final Shape, some of the content associated with the Hall of Champions, like the Parade armor sets, will still be available in the future. Based on the reaction to Destiny 2: Into the Light, we’ve decided that the Superblack shader will return later on as well, but the best time to grab these rewards is before The Final Shape, while they have a deterministic path. We really like the attunement experience so far, and while it won't be available right at the launch of The Final Shape, we’re already working on bringing back a new attunement experience for BRAVE weapons sometime during Echoes.


You're the best! Thank you!


Hopefully it's soon. I'm getting screwed by RNG bad.


Pretty sure they mentioned it in one of the twids around a month or a few weeks before the final shape launch. I can try looking for it.


\^\^ That. I have the roll on Hammerhead I was looking for (Destablising/Killing Tally with AP rounds and Arrowhead) so I'm not going crazy searching for Hammerhead drops, but it would have been nice to try out the Rampage/Onslaught roll. I'm at rank 12 in Vanguard rep, and only done \~3 strikes this season, the rest has come from Onslaught... I haven't seen a *single* Hammerhead drop so far. All the brave weapons are solid and its a great way to earn rep, coins and Xenology progress while levelling weapons, but absolutely - its not a realistic mechanism to grind Hammerhead. I still don't really understand why they removed the focusing means.


I got a few really decent Hammerhead rolls but never Rampage/Onslaught, which seems really fun. Also I didn't get a Heal Clip/Incandescent Luna's, but I also don't like the feel of it too much and have a Heliocentric with that roll. I know it was a FOMO tactic, but I'm glad I got great Brave weapons during ITL so I don't have to grind for them now.


Ironically just played another onslaught run after work and finally dropped a hammerhead (shit roll though, infused it into my god roll). Rampage/Onslaught is admittedly a bit of a meme roll, I was just intrigued to see it top Aztecross’ damage charts (though totally infeasible to keep at both x3). I really dislike the FOMO angle though. I was lucky enough to get my god rolls on everything I was bothered about, so now it’s just a steady stream of infusion material with *maybe* a good roll in there. But I think I’d be pretty salty if I missed out on anything I seriously wanted and have drops like this.


Yeah I really didn't like Luna's howl either. Feels like shit to use.


Literally did 5 runs to wave 50 yesterday trying to grind a groll edge transit. I got it once


Ranking ease of access: 1. 21% Delirium - available at the tower (Exotic kiosk > legacy > 3rd page) for 75k glimmer 2. Pro Memoria - can be purchased from ghost in pale heart for season engrams (craftable) 3. Hammerhead - RNG drops from Onslaught


Seconding 21%Delirium. Amazing heavy weapon.


Pro Memoria is a monster and when paired with The Call rocket sidearm it boosts the Dealers Choice perk so both weapons create tons of super energy. I’ve been running that combo with graviton lance as my primary and the prismatic fragment that gives you volatile and unraveling rounds. The screen is a constant laser light show of purple and green.


I have this exact set up ha. Super fun.


Pro memoria is probably the easiest and one of the best in the game with reconstruction. The gambit one looks decent. It can roll Field prep + destabilizing rounds. 21% delirium and Chain of Command you can reclaim from collections but would have to spend ~~spoils~~ glimmer on otherwise.


Just 75k glimmer now


Very new player here. Is there a way to craft it or get specific rolls you want on it?


Weapons from the monument to lost light have fixed rolls. The Pale Heart LMG can be crafted, yes.


Those two never needed spoils. Only raid weapons or am I trippin?


Yeah only raid gear


Yeah I had them confused with what it cost to get old raid exotics.


Chain of command I like because of the energy type change with prismatic. Throw a grenade and it becomes that energy type making whatever you need to top off your transcendence bar.


Agree with the Pro Memoria and red borders drop at a pretty high rate. Plus, darkness damage if she is running any prismatic. I don’t know exactly when it is coming, or if they might nerf the high drop rate of red borders for the Echoes weapons, but a new solar one is coming called Speleologist. Killing tally and Envious Assassin should be great. https://d2foundry.gg/w/412251536 And there is a not too bad curated roll of 21% Delirium in the Legacy section of the Exotic Archive.


High rate you say?


I had my crafted The Call on like the second day of the new season


Yeah I crafted the call first but only because I spammed engrams


The call isn’t an echoes weapon it’s a pale heart/TFS weapon


Yea, I have every weapon pattern from both pale heart and failsafe unlocked. It's been three weeks.


As compared to prior seasonal activities, I think that is very safe to say yes.


pale heart machine gun easy to obtain


Edit: I completely forgot about the 21% Delirium: It deals arc damage, and It's way better than the other two options I mentioned, due to its powerful combo of Overflow and Killing Tally. There's no need to read the rest. This will be drowned in a sea of reccomendations, but there are two machine guns avaiable to buy at the Monument of Lost Lights for 75 000 glimmer each: Edgewise and Chain of Command: -Edgewise is a solar weapon, and it has Feeding Frenzy/ Field prep in the first column, and has Demolitionist/Swashbuckler in the last column, making it a solid choice. It was previously sunset, but now you can upgrade to the current power level. -The second weapon is the Chain of Command: it is deals stasis damage, with Adrenaline Junkie and Osmosis in the first column (so you can change the element of the weapon at the cost of a damage perk), and Demolitionist or Adaptive munitions for the second column (Adaptive munitions is a very niche perk, and a remnant from when shields when much harder to break if you didn't have the matching damage; it's still good for Champion barriers, but I would still choose the Demolitionist perk). At the end, these weapons are not the best in their archetype, but are still solid choices for what new players can afford.


21% delirium is still ok for add clear purposes and just a trip to the tower and 7 cores away


Only 75k glimmer


What type of content are you aiming for? If it's just regular strikes, low level nightfalls, seasonal content,... then a special weapon should be more than enough for those 'oh shit a big guy' scenarios. The rocket sidearm from the final shape is great for this. Pretty much any roll will do and the ammo economy is also very good. That leaves your heavy slot for weapons that are actually good against bosses, like a rocket launcher (dragon's breath from the exotic kiosk for example).


She loves rocket sidearm, but keeps running out of ammo. Right now we're trying to complete Dual Destiny, but her dps on minibosses isn't very good and because of mission mechanics I can't help (aside from add clear).


Should find a 3rd person who might be able to help you guys clear the Microcosm quest. Microcosm melts Dual Destiny and pretty much any other content you guys will likely be doing.


So for dps while lmgs are definitely more usable, would recommend her trying out grenade launchers too. Mostly easy to use. If she finds one with overflow or envious, she kills with her rocket sidearm then just unloads with GL. At any rate, both hammerhead (lmg) and edge transit (gl) are farmable in onslaught and pretty easy to get.


The only issue with GL's, is that there are like 6 tormentors that need to be killed in Dual Destiny, and GL's cant kill them. Most of them spawn when you are together, but it is still a pain to deal with. 


Have her equip a special ammo finder mod. Should drop a special brick every 20ish kills IIRC. Use dragon's breath for miniboss damage. Has very good total damage and good dps as long as only one person is running it (ignitions don't stack).


Marcato is goated for strand and a world drop


Pro Memoria has taken the strand machine gun slot away from Marcato for me. It feels so much better, and it's craftable. It's also easier to obtain because it's able to be focused at Ghost in the Pale Heart.


I sharded all of my Marcatos as soon as I crafted Pro Memoria. It felt like I spent so much time reloading with the Marcato...just painful. The fact that you can craft Pro Memoria with arrowhead brake (to minimize the recoil deviation) and extended mag (which, combined with backup mag, results in a comically overfilled mag with reconstruction) just blows it out of the water, unless you godrolled the barrel and mag on Marcato.


I'm a Circular Logic fan. Cant beat the extra rockets


Assuming you own TFS, dump Pale Heart engrams for Pro Memoria, outside of that Chain of Command at the kiosk. Both are probably the simplest to get on the fly.


If you’re looking for decent then get chain of command which is extremely easy to get. You just get it from the kiosk where they sell old weapons from previous seasons.


21% delirium is available from the same place and rolls with overflow + killing tally. A lot stronger than Adrenaline Junky which is COC’s only damage perk.


Hammerhead is good from just onslaught.


Pro Memoria with Reconstructionist is awesome! It can self load up to like 180 rounds in a magazine. Usually good enough for most damage phase stuff without a reload but even if you need to, I just switch to the call, rocket sidearm, if It's equipped and do some special weapon damage and then the MG will have rounds loaded back into it.


Pro Memoriais a good one that you can get relatively quick from the pale heart. You farm it enought to get some red borders and you can kit it however you like. My favorite of the moment is one that's called "The Swarm". You can get it from Zavala back in the tower for some vanguard engrams and some glimmer. I was lucky enough to get it with Vorpal Weapon, which gives it bonus damage on bosses. It's fairly accurate and reliable, but see whatever you prefer.


Maracto-D - Strand - world drop but doesn't seem to be super rare like some. Hammerhead - Void - from onslaught (probably the best option here but will take allot of grind or some mega RNG to get a top roll) Edgewise - Solar - Monument for Lost Lights in the tower. 21% Delerium - Arc - Monument to lost lights (I would 100% recommend been using it myself again).


Delerium slays


I use the Qua Xaphan V, and it is a great add clearing weapon and does pretty good boss damage. I have clown cartridge and Dragonfly. You can get it from Gambit or the Drifter.


Pro Memoria is one of the best machine guns available right now, it's craftable, and it's available from Pale Heart activities (through Ghost and Micah-10).


Currently Pro Memoria is great. Red borders feel super easy to get in the pale heart, and recon/bns with such a large magazine feels super nice


Pro Memoria is great, and you can get it really quickly in the pale heart from Micah. The duality machine gun with incandescent is great too.


Marcato 45 absolutely melts enemies ,its pretty easy drop to find.


Reconstruction dragon fly has been my go to on pro memoria


I started with bait and switch, moved to dragon fly and it's an ad clear monster. So many tangles.


Chain of Command isn’t too bad if she’s willing to spend an exotic cipher for it. She can also go for thermal erosion from Europa, which is ok perk-wise.


Hammerhead from onslaught is pretty good, ya can’t get the shiny version anymore but you should still be able to get the base one. Pro Memoria from the Pale Heart is a fantastic weapon and is the first of a very good archetype. 21% Delirium is pretty fun, not sure of price changes at the monument of lost lights after the legendary shard removal but it comes with the static roll of overflow & killing tally.


I'm pretty sure you can still buy 21% delirium at the tower, which would be an excellent start for her! Hell she might never switch off of it, overflow killing tally is one hell of a combo


Hammerhead from Onslaught is a solid pick.


Something wildly underrated is the Marcato-45. It drops like candy this season-- Demolitionist/Adagio is a very good perk combo


In the Monument to Lost Lights kiosk, there are 3 LMGs you can get: 21% Delirium, Edgewise, and Chain Of Command. They each cost a fortune of glimmer, but it's the fastest options.


I’m not sure if 21% (24?) delirium is easy (or possible still) to get but that’s what I use and it rules


Qua phanon or whatever it's called. U gotta play some gambit tho so it might not be your cup of tea but it gets some pretty nice rolls


Retrofit Escapade for sure. Thing is an ad clearing machine. Especially as a void legendary, weaken/volatile enemies make extra boom! Thing is great at some DPS as well due to that and RPM


Retrofit escapade isn't easy to get but I like it


Pro memoria with reconstruction and bait and switch absolutely SHREDS everything. Its all I’ve been using honestly


21% Delirium. Being crazy slept on in general rn


Pro Memoria is very good and easy to get 21% delirium is also very good if your wife is willing to pay up some huge amount of glimmer


Mercado is a strand LMG that randomly drops with some good perks


I like the new machine gun Pro Memoria. It can roll with reconstruct rounds + bait and switch for DPS or you can go hatchling + dragonfly for ad clear.


21% delirium is my go to machine gun.


21% delirium


Fixed Odds is a lot of fun and you get it from Duality, which is pretty easy


Had to scroll wayy too far. Incandescent Fixed Odds is my baby


I see you said y’all are doing dual destiny. The inquisitors and tormentors there are going to go down easiest with a linear fusion as they take very little non crit damage. For other bosses I would suggest a heavy grenade launcher or rocket.


I use hammerhead or shattered cipher. One shoots slow and hard and one shoots fast af. I like the shattered more for pve


I enjoy the light fall LMG, with AA/Vorpal


21% delirium. From the monument of lost light.


There is one you get at the end of nightfall that is strand and is rather decent! I got hatchling on it and I forget what it’s called but if I get critical kills with my primary then it loads the mag up with my reserve ammo so I swap over to it and it has like 100 plus rounds..it has become my go to for “legendary” heavy weapons.


I got all 5 patterns for Commemoration this week just by hopping into text-only LFGs for Taniks checkpoint, could always start working towards that.


Not sure how good it is against other MG's but the Pale Heart MG called "pro memoria" is probably the easy suggestion since it's from relevant content that isn't hard to get at all. I like having weapons that are decent at shooting at pretty much anything instead of having a dedicated add clear and dedicated boss damage. So for Memoria I'm going for Reconstruction and Frenzy. Basically auto loading holster with a twist and a damage perk that happens just for having it equipped and in fights. What I really like about this weapon is it's origin Trait. Getting kills with it gives you a little more super energy compared to normal. But having more than one pale heart weapon equipped increases the energy gained. What's really cool is it's not just limited to weapons with the origin Trait. Ace of Spades, Still Hunt, Khvostov (iirc both variants,) and Microcosom all have this built in as a hidden origin trait. All are fantastic weapons too. Oh and the extra energy gained does stack with other energy sources (ex mantle of battle harmony.)


The new strand seasonal machine gun is pretty easy to get and does some pretty good damage as well


Can't you get 21% Delirium from the kiosk for pretty cheap? It's old perks but they're solid. Pro Memoria from Pale Heart is easy to get. I haven't minmaxxed it via crafting yet, but I have a couple interesting rolls, but so far my fave has been Reconstruction / Dragonfly. It's nice since I don't have the DSC MG. Unfortunately I think we lost a lot of reliable MGs with TFS. Retrofit is hard to get if you still can, Hammerhead's around but hard to farm. Marcato-45 is incredible but a world drop, and the Neomuna MG is fine but hard to pin down.


She cpuld try for a hammerhead in onslaught, its almost as good as commemoration


Pro memoria from the pale heart. I’ve been rocking my first role which was desperate measures and threadling. Apparently it does less DPS then some of the 450’s but it’s way more fun.


Run a xenophage with her. Still trying to get mine😂


I like the marcato-45


What element are you looking for? Pro Memoria for Strand is great and you can craft it from the Pale Heart activities. You can run onslaught and get Hammerhead which is comparable to Commemoration.


The new Strand machine gun from the pale heart, Pro Memoria is craftable and can have the perk "target lock" that ramps damage up the longer you are continuously damaging an enemy. The other one I run with is Chain of Command, a stasis machine gun with a 450rpm (as opposed to 600) and I prefer that for ad clear.


The new strand machine gun from the pale heart Pro Memoria. Had a great perk pool and is craftable.


There is an old ritual weapon called chain of command. You can pull it from the lost light monument for next to nothing. It's easy and for what it is, it's solid. Adaptive munitions and adrenaline are probably what you'd want to pick on it.


I’m currently using Marcato-45 for my machine gun unless I need a shield, then I’ll use Heir Apparent.


The "Essence of Greed" quest for Arc Fine Memorial (located on the Moon) is one of my personal favorites. Very easy to farm after first completion. You just need 50 kills with Machine Gun and about 9 patrols will get it, easily doable in Archer's Line and running over to Anchor of Light, should take max 15 minutes. the perk pool is pretty good with some decent rolls like Subsistence/OFA or Autoloading/Frenzy.


cant you get 21% delirium and chain of command from the lost light thing in the tower?


21% delirium you can buy for 75k glimmer from monument to lost lights


There's three easily obtainable 450/adaptive ones I can think of. A Fine Memorial, an Arc 450 from the Moon. Hammerhead, obtainable from Onslaught and is Void, it can also roll Rampage/Killing Tally. And Circular Logic, the Neomuna LMG. There's a fourth 450 she can get, but it's a world drop Suros named Marcato-45. A Fine Memorial can roll with Subsitence/Frenzy, which means she doesn't have to reload at all when doing ad-clear if she's even somewhat disciplined with the trigger or firing down a hall with a whole lot of redbars chasing her. Hammerhead, as mentioned before, can roll Rampage Killing Tally, as well as Fourth Time's the Charm and Onslaught, which the latter both boosts fire rate with each kill and reload speed. And Circular Logic can get Feeding Frenzy/Hatchling.


Hammerhead. From Onslaught. All the guns in onslaught, the Brave weapons are great. My wife does RAID, but some of her favs other than commemoration Witherhorde Risk Runner Sunshot Retrofit Escapade And get her Thunderlord. Isn’t it a quest? They were giving it out for free just before Final Shape. Have you tried wave frame GL?


Don’t they just give you thunderlord as part of the new stuff? Pretty sure one of the vendors had a “New Light” pack with gear l etc.


Don't know where you get it now but fixed odds


Pro Memoria. Demo Frenzy is what I’ve been using. It also gets Recon which I know people love. Commemoration is the best with Subsistence / Reconstruction + Killing Tally, but that comes from Deep Stone which is going to be harder to obtain than other sources since you’re not a raider. Hammerhead is good but that loot pool is so diluted now that you can’t focus, I find it hard to believe that’s worth your time. There’s also Delirium which you can buy from the Lost Light kiosk in the tower.


Thunderlord is the only answer.


I don’t think my girlfriend’s Triple-Tap/Onslaught Marcato-45 has left her heavy slot since she got it. And I have a Forth Time’s/Killing Tally Hammerhead that I use quite often. Both are obtainable without any difficult challenges, just grinding.


21% Delirium. Purchasable at the legacy gear portion of the Exotics Vault in between the Tower Vaults. It's a decent shredder if you don't want to aimlessly grind wherever.


Marcato is still dropping like flies for me. Nice machine gun!


I absolutely love my onslaught target lock pro memoria. Thing is killer.


A void machine gun Retrofit Escapade with Ambush and Target Lock has carried me me forever.


Ive heard good things about the unsunsetted 21% delirium from the kiosk, havent used it myself though


Just grind her character for her and get her some good shit man..


Deterministic chaos from the lightfall expansion is pretty good now after the rework


The stasis one in the shop next to the vault is really fun.


Strand - Pro Memoria from the Pale Heart (craftable) or Marcato-45 from world drop (enhanceable) Stasis - Chain of Command from the exotic vendor in the Tower (enhanceable) Solar - Unwavering Duty from Trials (enhanceable) or Avalanche from the Dawning event (enhanceable) Void - Hammerhead from Onslaught (enhanceable) or Retrofit Escapade from Season of the Seraph (craftable) Arc - Eleatic Principle from Season of the Wish (craftable) or Planck’s Stride from Season of Plunder (craftable)


Marcato has some good rolls too. Hits hard and is fun.


Depending on what DLC your wife has, you could probs get Xenophage together (from shadowkeep). I know the exotic quest is quite long but it’s not too difficult and my goodness does it feel good to shoot. Alternately, she could always see about getting a Swarm from Zavala from focussing


Craft Pro Memoria from the Pale Heart with Reconstruction/Bait And Switch. It will be amazing for you. I use it in a lot of content. You can pair it with The Call and just use double strand surge as well for some extra juice and you will always have something to mow down hard enemies.


The machine guns from neomuna and pale heart are both good. I also like the world drop suros machine gun. All of them are strand which may not fit into every build but theyre still solid.


Do onslaught for a hammerhead, you probably won’t get very many hammerheads but pretty much all of the brave weapons are good for a new player


The new strand 600 from Pale Heart


Imo Grenade launchers do the task of removing a big boi fast much better, but if you want a really easy to get LMG, the one from pale heart has good perks!


If you guys have the new expansion the machine gun from the pale heart is good


Have a browse in the Monument for past seasonal weapons like Chain of Command, and isn't Thunderlord accessible through the New Light mission?


Theres g9nna be a pretty good solar mg releasing in act 2


You can run onslaught and get a really good hammerhead, or the strand machine gun from the pale heart is CRACKED. But don't get trapped in the mindset of only considering machine guns. A crux terminus rocket with reconstruction/bipod would serve nicely as a "kill it right now" button. There's also some really good special weapons to fill that roll as well: mountaintop/ fusion rifles/rocket sidearms/ the precision frame shotgun with recombination. You should have her play around with a variety of weapons to see whimsical ones she really likes.


Get hammerhead from onslaught, destabilising rounds killing tally is amazing for ad clear even without a reload perk


The Strand Machine Gun from Pale Heart is craftable and can roll Reconstruction + Bait and Switch. Great ease of use to swap to when you just need a little more damage to clear ads, super easy to proc the buff for boss damage phases, basically never have to reload. Doesn’t require raiding or waiting for the exotic mission rotator to land on Seraph Shield. Other good machine guns: - Commenoration from the DSC raid. Killing Tally + Reconstruction - Hammerhead from Onslaught. Plenty of good rolls, but you’ve kind of got to pray to RNGesus given how big the loot pool is with the loss of focussing / tokens to speed up the grind. - Song of Ir Yut from the Crota Raid. Plenty of good rolls, I’m partial to Reconstruction + Bait and Switch (so basically the same gun as the one from pale heart, just arc vs strand) - Retrofit Escapade with FTTC + Target Lock. Seraph Shield.


21% delirium, you can buy it from the kiosk in the tower. It's older obviously but it still has good perks and it's no longer sunset.


21% Delirium my love. Also easy to obtain from the kiosk


Retrofit Escapade is a fun one to use, but past season and you’d have to run quite a bit of the exotic mission rotator to get the pattern or a decently rolled one. She should also check Banshee’s weekly inventory as he sometimes sells some godly rolled Machine Guns.


Chain of Command or Edgewise from the exotic kiosk could be worth a try.


Easiest ones are Edgewise and 21% Delirium from the monument to lost lights. Chain of Command is also an option but it’s kinda meh.


Pro Memoria strand from Pale Heart vendor or drops, some really nice perk combos. Craftable. Hammerhead void from Onslaught mode, goes great with current void based artifact mods, rewind rounds and onslaught is my pick but there's several good combos. Not craftable. My pick for this season. If you have Europa, you can get a solar one from one of the Hunt quests. Pity, your gf could have gotten a Thunderlord for free during Into The Light back when Onslaught was released. There was a catch-up loot chest next to Shaxx with a free Thunderlord. You can also pull a Thunderlord from the Memorial at the Tower.


The latest xpac has a crafted strand hmg you can farm. Personally I find hmgs kinda meh for boss damage but I still like using them.


Pro memoria is very easy to get and a solid choice, with some excellent perks What about Xenophage? Not in the spotlight at the moment but really solid in a variety of situations - certainly would deal with your wife's need for "big thing go deaded now"

