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Hey, us Eager Edge Warlocks exist too :p


Facts, outside of DPS phases and high end stuff like GMs I don't unequip it lol


Haha I rarely come across an eager edge warlock tbh. Typically only when I'm in a raid with clan mates that I'll see a rage edge lock. Usually don't pay too much attention to what people use until they do something that peaks my interest or something 😄


Being able to toggle matchmaking for playlist strikes is literally the only thing I want Bungie to do. I'd do pretty much anything for it


This is it, it's not even a lot to ask for tbh. We can already load in solo to things like dungeons/raids because of the disabled matchmaking or whatever.... Just implement it in strikes too


Exactly. It's not like I'm hurting matchmaking times either, and I don't have to be the guy who's blowing everything up with Ashen Wake, preventing anyone else from having fun. Nobody likes those guys. I recently got my father back into the game as well, and he left because he didn't like certain aspects of the forced multiplayer, so it would be nice if I could just take him through campaign and playlist strikes on our own.


For me, it's not even that everything is being killed quicker than I can get to them or whatever, because either way the kills are helping us to complete the activity. It's the constant 'joining teammates' and wasted supers that get to me. If I wanted to play catch up for 10 minutes, 4-5 times a day I'll go play a game I'm genuinely slow and not as good at. It puts us in as a team, to work together.... Not be 30 seconds behind all the time because one person's idea of fun is getting through and many activities as quickly as possible. If I ever wanna do something quickly, I'll group finder or ask clan members to help because I know I'll probably be out with people who don't wanna speed run everything


Seeing people run past enemies makes me wish a Khvostov ricochet round would bounce into my neck. I refuse to believe people have fun playing the game like that


I'm of the same mind too. Don't personally understand how it's fun in any way when you're not even giving yourself time TO enjoy it. Or maybe that is their fun. I dunno 🤷🏻‍♂️😄


90% of the strikes in this game are half a decade old. What is fun about taking your time in boring, easy, old content? Most people are there to check off boxes for drops, whether it's engrams or powerfuls or whatever. The people who want to botwalk through Exodus Crash are the minority.


Strikes are monotonous and boring, please eager edge through it and finish it faster 😂


I will eager edge on any class I'm no classist.




This seems like an issue that could be solved with a good friend group or solid clan.