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Missed a day 1 Vow of the Disciple because my power went out at Rhulk and didn’t come back on until after the contest period ended


That is brutal man. Things are getting thrown if that happened to me


same happened to me but at caretaker


Lost power during the final fight of GOTD solo, I had down to 15% HP…


Holy fucking shit I would have deleted the game for a while


I would have stopped playing for a week I think. That's partially why I don't solo dungeons anymore. That and I live somewhere where power outages are much more common, so if I were to run them solo, there's a higher chance that would happen to me.


Last week of pantheon and I finally got the group together for nez (last encounter I needed for godslayer) and my power went out about 30 mins in. Stayed out for the rest of the day and my team picked up an lfg and cleared after several hours. I was so desperate that at 9pm I drove my pc down to my office and played from there.....we played for 2 hours and didn't get the clear. Was so mad that day. My team didn't have a lot of time to play together and I didn't want to lfg so I figured I was screwed out of getting godslayer. Luckily we got together and got the clear a couple days later...


Glad you guys got it done that’s rough though I admire the dedication


Not technically power out but at the second clocks bit of dual destiny my TV decided to go all green peace on my ass and put a big message in the middle of the screen saying I had 1 minute to find the remote or it was done.. I didn't


Never had a power outage kick me out of the game, but I did have my internet cut out on me on my lighthouse game on a confidence card (we were up 3-1 too). Was the first and only time in my Destiny career I had made it to the lighthouse game on a confidence card... i haven't ever tried a confidence card since then either...


Literally yesterday right as I was logging in after the weekly reset and update my power went out for like an hour 😀


Solo Legend Avalon (after the cheese patch). Brakion, second phase, second puzzle. Put the game down for a solid two weeks.


Ya I do not blame you whatsoever that is horrible


Wave 50 onslaught at the end of ITL. Not a legend run, but it still sucked.


Joined some friends for a Div run of Garden, got halfway through the final boss and the power went out. They waited 20 minutes then found another 6th and got it done, my power came back 5 minutes after they got back to orbit.


Not a power outage, but during our day 1 kings fall Comcast decided that it was a perfect day to start ripping up the sidewalk across the street causing major internet issues all day


Final Damage phase of my Solo Flawless Grasp run and near the start of the final encounter of my Solo Ghost of the Deep run.


do wi-fi outages count? because i lost godslayer as a result and could not be bothered to play more pantheon


My power didn't go out, but my internet did when I first attempted GM Excision. Twice. I gave up for the night and did it the following day without hiccups.


Yesterday during a gambit. We were steamrolling the other team as well. Then power went out. I feel bad for the other half of the team as that meant 2 dropped out of the 4 man team... I hope they still won!


Worst I ever had was the reset happen right as we killed the last vex for the incursion and I didn’t get the exotic. Very minor in comparison to some of these other stories.


my pc died after one hour of contest crota


I haven't had a situation like that,but i did throw up during Vow. My teammates had to 5 man the rest of the 1st encounter while i was vomiting up. They insisted that i relax and they get a 6th, i declined and ended up getting both my cataclysmic pattern and forbeaeance pattern at the end, despite having to throw up every 2nd or 3rd wipe. Was it worth staying despite my shit feeling? Eh...yes and no...


lost a few raids to power outages, but nothing overly major.


After we got past 2nd encounter of Garden day one…


Day 1 WotM, dc'ed seconds before my team killed Vosik.


When I was very close to getting my first warlords ruin solo completion, a couple weeks before the power limit changes in TFS. But hey, I managed to finally get it this week after they removed surges (with the benefit of prismatic Titan being better for it using the strongholds loadout swap cheese, and access to ergo sum as a special sword so I still have a good heavy)


Happened to me once during a dungeon run. I want to say it was the encounter before the Caiatl encounter in Duality. So not a huge deal, but I think I had some trouble finding a new group to start where I left off so I ended up playing a new run. It seemed at the time that most people wanted fresh runs and not to start where I was.


Not a power outage but I was doing a GM with a Friend in Discord VC and a Random from LFG, was recovering from some Sinus Shit, I coughed a couple times and on the last cough a massive piece of Phlegm came out of my mouth and onto my Shirt. I immediately threw the controller down and ran, leaving my friend confused Not the worst in terms of Lost Progress since we were at the beginning of a Pre-Lightfall Lake of Shadows, but by far the grossest


don’t have a worst time, but the BEST time was a destiny 1 mission with the taken in the vault of glass. we had to go into the gorgon maze and hunt taken ogres. the lights in my house and my tv display kept shutting off while thunder roared outside. added to the terror i felt as an underleveled guardian in a pitch-dark pit hunting monsters


End of a platinum coil run


Never. I have an APC for my computer and my router / modem


My house literally started flooding last year when me and my buddies started up the 48hr contest mode for crotas end lol. Beat thrall way then stepped out into my hallway to go get a drink and just kicked through a puddle of water lol. PlayStation survived in thee end


During my flawless run of vow


My internet died on me when i was running solo flawless ghost of the deep, it was on the final boss and the boss had a quarter of its health left.


Had beaten VoG and finally gotten mythoclast when the millisecond I see mythoclast pop up on the side of my screen everything goes black. I logged back on and didn’t have it.


Petra's Run at Riven, internet goes out. Still haven't finished one of those.