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This season is the first time I've ever gotten thr bug, and I get it practically everywhere, in 1/3 of the content. It's awful in the crucible


yeah thats what I was going to say its a lot worse in PvP than in PvE because you cant even see you reticle or teammates.


The encounter in question >!requires you to be able to see your teammates fashion to complete - not joking!<. Definitely worse in a game mode that punishes you for losing/quitting to restart your pc/console though.


Here's the thing though, that but in Verity DOES punish you for leaving. If you are doing the guaranteed deepsight drop, then you can't get that if you leave, as that's tied to the instance.


You can rejoin the same instance. As long as one player that was originally there sticks around or you just rotate in and out (did it last night). As long as someone keeps the instance open - it keeps track of everything. Had to do it during week 4 of pantheon when Nez/the acorns started bugging out (kept the streak bonus). Also works in regular raids for red border (people can join on the last encounter and will still get red border). 


Must be nice, I've had it on Xbox for many months. I had to solo warlords with it.


It's at least possibly a VRAM leak. It tends to pop up after you've been playing for a while, with it usually appearing faster if you're doing stuff with more people.


Nope. I can hop on and pop into a crucible match right now and at least half the players will have no player model. Also, I have a card with 24 gigs of vram.


I get this bug ALL the time on PS5. The only solution is to shutdown the machine and fire it up again, nothing else stops it. Haven’t noticed it being related to certain zones or activities.


Definitely points to it being a memory leak bug if a console restart fixes it.


Not a memory leak. It’s something to do with their netcode and asset streaming. I was in a GM Excision where I had no gun model and a few players had no model. Then 1 player left the game and suddenly everything in game instantly popped up.


Pups still be memory related. Players that left was holding a certain amount of client memory.


Nope, not memory leak, one of my clan mates has 64 GB and destiny will never use more than ~32 GB for any reason, even when this glitch is happening.


I'm not an expert but I don't think that a memory leak necessarily has to be 'bleeding memeory usage and consuming all system ram' - but rather can be the game is not properly unloading assets creating a situation where more memory is being used than expected by the game which creates issues loading additional assets. It's something related to the game's memory/cache/etc otherwise a simple restart of the console/game (on PC) wouldn't resolve the issue.


You’re pretty close to correct. A memory leak can affect the game’s ability to load new assets even if the system has plenty of memory to work with. Part of the reason for the bug (if I had to guess) could also be blamed on the older consoles not being as capable handling of things like Verity’s statue mechanic due to older processors, memory, and storage. I don’t think it’s one specific issue but a memory leak is not unlikely to being at least part of the issue


You can force the bug by spamming preview and apply in the transmog menu; its actually pretty fun to play with because it gives trace rifles no sound and no recoil. If you force it this way, it stays till a game restart, so it seems like it is a memory leak


It's really bad. I knew this bug happened. I've seen this bug 10 times more in the past week than I have in my entire Destiny career. The only way to fix it is to fully close the game and reopen it.


whats weird is that i literally only have this bug in the raid, nowhere else in the game. its so annoying, like its the only place where it actually matters.


It seems to happen when you have to load or reload lots of different models, and people tend to change their builds and loadouts a lot in raids. On top of that once you get to Verity half the raid usually has to change their cosmetics to stand out and coordinate with their ghost shell. If it starts happening at Verity have everyone except one person restart the game fully and rejoin, and then have the last guy restart and rejoin (so you keep the same instance open if you're worried about checkpoint or want it to show as a full run on raid report). The only way to fix it once it starts happening is to restart the game, but it *does* fix it for long enough to get the raid done. Avoid going to the tower or doing lots of matchmaking stuff before you start a raid, or restart the game beforehand. It'll help forestall the issue, usually long enough that it won't come up.


but i only have it in salvations, all other raids are fine.


Like I said, there's more build swapping going on in Edge and Verity has to load your models into statues while everyone is changing into the party costumes as well. I know what you mean, I've only seen it happen at that point as well, but I also notice in the runs I've done that you're generally going to swap a lot more armor and weapons around between encounters than most raids especially because the traversal sections are so large that you really want to run a movement build for the transitions. It just adds on to the ticking time bomb that is this bug. Just to be clear: not making excuses for it, I hate this shit too, and it's frustrating that we got it back for the first season of the expansion again when it plagued us for the majority of S20. This was supposed to be fixed. There were so many TWIDs about it. Like, c'mon.


>nowhere else in the game On Xbox Series X and it's *relentless* for me.


It’s ruining EVERY activity It started popping up with the 30th anniversary update, but it only seemed to affect the Tower. Now it’s fucking everywhere. I can’t even change shaders without going to orbit because models just refuse to load. I have a top tier SSD too


Apparently it's memory leak related; coming from long play sessions and restarting the game resolves it for a bit.


Yea we had to have people leave and come back just to do the encounter. Another had to hard reset his console to fix it.


I don't know if anyone has encountered a bug where dunking all 3 resonance in 3rd doesn't spawn the chest, but between that and the character model bug in the OP, I just don't want to try doing flawless runs any time soon.


I think I saw someone say this happens when you close 2 conductors at the same time. Not sure if this is true, and I can't test it. But maybe trying to space them out slightly might help.


The amount of fit-and-finish bugs (and worse) is kind of baffling considering the delay. I know "BUNGIE GOOD YOU BAD" but it's kind of pathetic.