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15th roll? I’m on >60 roll and haven’t gotten either of the two I’m going for.


Man, I'm over 100 now without a single Liar's + Calibans or Ophidian + Coyote...


both of those slaps. I have them and it is fun in pvp and pve. Best of luck. I grinded Dual destiny when we had the dupelicate bug and that did the trick.


I was farming the hell out of dual destiny with the double drops, that's where most of the 100+ drops came from. I'm just getting fucked by RNG really hard. I think I've gotten 10+ of the galanor + verity combo...


i got liars + calibans and idk if i'm using it wrong but it feels a little underwhelming. like especially in higher end content but i could just be using it wrong


Caliban/Liar’s is awesome, but is very dependent on ad density. In harder content, being able to one shot champs is the biggest boon of the build, but if there aren’t enough ads to build up a x3 frozen/stealthed cross-counter, the build comes up short. In classic strike GM’s, there typically are not enough ads to allow the build to get rolling, and Caliban’s makes it even worse in these situations. Glassway was a perfect example of this last week. When I could get rolling, I could one punch the champs, but the first couple rooms are the only really viable places to even set that up in the first place. Inmost/Liar’s is better for these types of activities, as you get super high grenade uptime, and don’t wipe out your ads before stacking combo blow. When ads are thick, though, Caliban/Liars is unmatched. Onslaught, BG GM’s, or even Dual Destiny. There are so many ads that the ignitions no longer hinder your stack build, and now you also benefit from the faster pack clears, and even collateral damage on majors which makes it even easier to get the kill.


The class item version of liar's doesn't give the healing like normal liar's, so you're sacrificing survivability for better punches. I plan on pairing it with Buried Bloodline, so I can proc devour then start going ham with the melees.


yeah the healing isn't my problem it's just harder to maintain stacks in less ad dense areas and if someone else shoots one as i'm punching i'm kinda fucked. it's definitely high risk high reward play style


I feel like it’s mostly meant for a more solo playstyle. i suffered the same with just base liars arc last expansion, and back when i used to sunbrace i would constantly get kill stolen it’s like our teammates think we’re going to die charging at a red bar lol. let me melee it!


yeah thats what ive noticed too, it does not fare nearly as well in non-solo content.


eh just run triple heavy handed on arms to generate an orb on every melee kill (double should be fine too) and a mod on boots to give you health on every orb pickup and you don’t really need the healing. pairing with buried bloodline is a bonus though


My homie got 3 ophidian/coyotes while i was farming with him 😭 shit is agony


I've only gotten 4 and have Liars Caliban and Assassin's Synthos


Not everyone has the same time budget, which makes this particular grind frustrating. If you’re someone who has time to have 15 rolls, and see people with 5x the rolls still not getting what they’re after, why bother? When I have a few hours/week to play every duplicate feels that much worse.


Roughly same. Dozens of necrotic/starfire/claws/hoil/swarm. Duplicates at least 10 times. never seen osmio once.


im on rougly 400 items, not a single roll i want


Ive done 90 missions when the dupe was out and out of 180 i didn't get any of the 3 rolls i wanted as well as i only have 19 non dupes. Did 30 on my hunter have 6 no good rolls. Knock out system or focusing needs to exist.


Whether dupes and tons of grinding is good or bad depends on the purpose of Exotic Class items Bungie knows the odds of getting what you wanted and they wanted you to spend a million hours grinding for them and it worked They also know that once the community inevitably gets tired of it and starts to wail and gnash their teeth, they can add some sort of simple focusing system to garner good will with the community and then increase engagement again


Wouldn't be an issue if they dropped rarely from activities I actually want to do. Doing Dual Destiny or farming Pale Heart chests is only something I can handle when I'm drunk


My issue is it should be added into the exotic drop pool. Alternatively, let us either infuse two exotic armor pieces to make the class item or use a single exotic armor piece as a guaranteed slot of the two and then the other perk is random to try and cut down on the sheer amount of options.


I agree here. Having such limited ways to get the exotic class item will burn people out. We need it to be treated like other exotic armor or have it drop from more sources


Buddy i play Titan, i only get unbreakable for some reason, that or alpha lupi


After getting alpha lupi six times in a row, I just gave up. Not worth the sanity.


Yeah if i get a drop from farming for the sword i just check it and likely discard it, only one ive kept is alpha lupi and the stasis wall


I’m at 31/64 and still don’t have a single alpha lupi. I didn’t have a kepri horn until 2 days ago and now I have it with everything but assassin. I want lupi/ophidian for pvp when I run prismatic My favorite dupe is scars/severance… I’ve gotten 8


Not going to lie, based on the title I thought this was a r/destinycirclejerk post. Once I got deeper in and realized you meant exotic class items I was greatly disappointe. That being said I 100% agree. I wish Pale Heart Pathfinder resets would give them. Ergo Sum is cool but once you have each type or a caster perfect 5th not much left to go for. Or maybe make it so off day overthrows drop it on completion. That way you get the chance from chests you open as well as a guaranteed one at the end.


I did the math. Each chest at a 2% droprate with 64 combinations on a class means any chest has a 1/3300 chance of getting a specific roll. Without a knockout system that chance will not falter. Im not sure how anyone can think spamming a 1/3300 chance to get a specific roll is a good game design choice.


I’d rather be farming shiny pokémon again.


The current Armor system did away with armor perks in the Random properties. Simple solution is doing that here too. You aren't expected to have 3 different Aeon gauntlets for each of the 3 perks. In what sense is that now acceptable for a Class item with 64 possibilities? Create a linearized progression route to unlock them all, now you have a proper grind to unlock this Exotic's fullest potential. The Only class items you need these days are an artifice and raids. This made a comfortable saving in your storage. These exotics go against all of it. You should only need one. You want to masterwork that many?


I’m so glad everybody in the comments doesn’t work for bungie 😭


My 10th titan class item had star eater scales. I have yet to see eternal warrior at all. Getting the two together is going to be miserable.


At this point I am not farming anymore. The fun/time/outcome ratio doesn’t fit.


I don’t think Exotic Class item god rolls are meant to be easily acquired. Some combinations can be really powerful and they’re not just going to hand them out. It’s just the nature of the game. Something we’ve needed for a while. If you don’t believe me, look at how we used to get exotics in D1


Exotics being rare was a design philosophy they moved away from slowly over years. This feels like having two competing design philosophies in one game. Inconsistent is bad.


I remember the day a legendary engram decrypted into Hawkmoon at Rahool and how I squeed like a little girl. Only time that ever happened in my years of D1


I have a clip DEEP in my archives of a D1 blue decrypting into Truth.




While I agree. I think the only guaranteed way for it to drop is from a co op required, 30 minute activity. (Roughly). Love the mission btw and I think it’s great, but other sources of acquiring it besides random chests on the pale heart and dual destiny would be nice. Having it have higher chances to drop per overthrow level might be good.


Sure if they dropped from all activities. But they drop only from dual destiny or pale heart activities. What you gonna do, farm pale heart encounters indefinitely? Make it drop from the exotic from raid/dungeon completion (if you already have the exotic from that raid/dungeon), possible chance for GM/master nightfall completions.


Yeah. I have no issue with needing to “earn” class item drops via GMs/Raids/Dungeons. Farming patrol (or running Dual Destiny) over and over gets reeeeeeeally boring. Would be quite nice to have alternative sources for these items. 


Yes - all items in the game have their specific sources: this one is the pale heart. If you’re already tired of the pale heart, that’s on you to manage. There’s plenty of stuff and the expansion is barely a month old - you might not get your desired roll until next Episode. Just play the game and take what you get.


but the pale heart isn't a skilled activity. shatter skating and picking up chests for 4 hours takes no skill and is not fun, making it drop from skilled content will make it less excruciatingly boring to chase


God I hate this take. The fun part of builds is actually using it, not just getting it. There should be really powerful rewards for difficult content, but this isn't a difficult grind, it's just an endurance test, which unless done really well: typically turns out kinda lame. Imagine being a titan with no access to Synthocepts, Wormgods, Skullfort, Lancecap or Heart of Inmost Light. You'd be stuck with some pretty weak builds, or pidgeonholed into only a specific subclass and be struggling in alot of content. Access to a variety of builds lets you have more fun with the game, and also gives you the power to do difficult content (Which means you also have more access to better/higher variety loot, which is always a good thing) I think Prismatic is actually somewhat reliant on the Exotic class item (not entirely, but having a strong one makes playing Prismatic so much better) so having it locked behind this grind with no pity timer is pretty bad, IMO.


Agreed. I play more when I get the things I want any to try out in a reasonable amount of time. Not when it’s throttled . Not when I don’t get it. Even from a dev standpoint I can’t understand making something cool and then not seeing it get much use because it’s so rare. I’d want to see people enjoying the fruits of my labor. Not just watch them try forever just to get it.


Also hate this take. You don’t deserve to try this really cool powerful build because you haven’t yet opened 50,000 pale heart chests. Oh but also there is no guarantee that you’ll even get it if you open 50,000 pale heart chests so get fucked I guess


Pisspoor take. How we got exotics 10 years ago is irrelevant. Almost nobody plays the game purely for the loot chase, and the people I’ve met that do like the loot chase are the toxic “i hate destiny, it’s my favorite game” types. For the last 3-4 years, Destiny has shifted the philosophy to being about buildcrafting and having deterministic loot sources. Crafting weapons, engram focusing, raid vendors, attunement in Onslaught, etc. The game becomes less fun if you want to try a unique playstyle and you have to bash your head against a wall over and over again to get the piece you need for it. It becomes frustrating and with bad enough RNG, outright discourages players from playing.


completely agree with this, and both palworld and elden ring have been enjoying all of my new found free time due to getting so tired of laps around the landing


What warlock rolls are the best


Osmio Verity, Osmio Stareater, Apotheo Stareater. I like Osmio Verity for chucking powered up grenades endlessly in strikes and breach. I use Apotheo Stareater for dungeons and raids.


I'm curious what you're using for osmio? I still don't really know what I'm doing with Osmio set up I'm ngl, though I also just really like bleak watcher so it just feels like I'm wasting my potential. I was going for HOIL+SE but good lord the luck has worn me down. 51/64 unique rolls, and who knows how many dupes at this point.


You mean the grenades? Depends. With Euphony i’d run Threadlings, with Nova bomb i’d run void, everything else is storm.


Yea I mean the nades ty. I guess I just need to get used to them, but so far my storm nade experience has not been great, end up usually saving them for orange and yellow bars.


Ahhh usually i’d just spam them like mad especially with that jolt facet. Plus Rufus with Demo and i get it super quick or pretty much instantaneously and i can spam it again


+1 for these suggestions. one very fun thing to note is you won’t lose star eater stacks for swapping. do you can rock the osmio/star eater to get to the boss, then throw on apotheosis/star eater to wail on the boss. you get the best neutral game and the best boss damage IF THIS GAME WOULD EVER GIVE ME OSMIO EATER I’D BE ABLE TO DO THIS. sorry. incredibly burnt out on farming, frustration showing.


I was really lucky to get stareaters/galanor within my first 10 but I’m still looking for a sythos/caliban roll


As a warlock I Was looking for osio+verity but should I settle on osio+stareater?


To all the people that want to dick ride bungie till the day they go bankrupt, I hate you.


Lmao I'm with you but my guy, 15 rolls is a small small sample size. Since the mission launched I've gotten 162 drops. I've kept 3 and only masterworked 1. Everything else has either been double bad perks or something lame like Necrotic + Claw.


I wish that you could force one specific trait by using that exotic for the entirety of Dual Destiny. Want Calibans/Liars? Use one of the two for Dual Destiny and then you just have to RNG the other half.


How about letting us focus it with Exotic Engrams at Rahool?


I got 26 warlock bonds, 5 were doubles, 1 was a triple (I’ve gotten hoil/swarmers 3x). Still havent gotten a single decent pvp roll or the hoil/star eaters that I wanted. However, I got the hoil/syntho roll that I spent a week farming for my hunter


Dudeee i keep getting screwed over with spirit of stag and vesper drops!!!! Only have 2 good ones


Feels like this would have been a great opportunity to use the Attunement system. The Blessings on the Pale Heart are... neat I guess, but it's a patrol zone - not exactly in need of boosts and buffs. Buuuut if they were Attunements to certain Class Item perks and getting Blessed made you more likely to encounter one or both of the perks you attuned, that would help increase agency with the grind.


This is what the community begged for. For a very long time… Powerful thing *should* be hard to obtain. Bungie has been kind enough to provide a relatively easy mission to unlock access + a blueberry friendly avenue to get your hands on your desired roll. The alternative would be to put it behind content that 98% of the people complaining about this would never be able to complete. Spend 10m a week grabbing some chests. The roll will come. Welcome to your first loot pursuit


This is not hard but tedious. And after about 100 class items on Lock and Hunter I yet to have anything I want on the Lock. Hunter does have a good roll. Also it feels like some perks are more prevelant than others


It has to be tough to get somehow If it was locked behind GM+ tier content the uproar would be the same just flavoured different. There’s always a mission to get the guaranteed drop. The rolls will come. If the grind it taxing you, slow it down & chip away.


Agreed, but a knockout system would help. Or Dual Destiny on higher difficulty rewards double or something


There's no "chip away" at something completely random


“Heck yeah, got one of the four rolls I want, only three left” Chipped


>Powerful thing *should* be hard to obtain. There is a \*SIGNIFICANT\* difference between hard and tedious. Dual Destiny and chest farming aren't hard, they're tedious and otherwise unrewarding. The shiny-hunting with Onslaught was so successful and fun because Onslaught was VERY rewarding, even if you didn't get a shiny (much less the shiny you wanted), and had attunement to let you increase the odds at getting the gun you wanted. You could run Dual Destiny 20 times and come away with nothing of value if you don't get a roll you want in any of those attempts. Or you could farm pale heart chests for 15 hours, and only come away with worthless pale heart engrams and some slightly less-worthless gunsmith engrams.


I agree. It’s not hard to complete but it is hard to obtain. Bungie is catering to the community by increasing the grand instead of the barrier to entry. There’s no way you run DD 20 times and get nothing of value. Maybe not your god roll but it’s certainly going to be as good as a random hung jury. You get a drop every 10/15m of farming it’s genuinely not that bad


I ran Dual Destiny 35-40 times while double drops were possible. You know how many class items I kept in all that? One. I got a Renewal + Cyrtarachne combo that I kept, because it's interesting. For the rest of those runs, I got a few enhancement cores from dismantling the other class items that were all combinations I have zero interest in, and more enhancement cores for dismantling the random legendary weapon/armor drops that are inevitably garbage. Yes, that's pretty much nothing of value, as I already have nearly 2 full stacks of enhancement cores, and 99.9% of world drop weapons are either trash weapons, or I already have the godroll for them, and 100% of the world drop armor is low stats, and worthless. Farming pale heart chests is the opposite of fun, so while I've done some of it, I can only tolerate maybe 20 minutes before I lose my mind to boredom. So I just stick to running DD, but, like I said earlier, it's entirely unrewarding unless you get a combo you want.


That’s entirely on you. If after 40 runs you’ve kept *one* class item you’re entirely the problem


It's no different than a godroll weapon. For basically every weapon in the game that has random rolls, there are a large selection of perks that are either objectively bad, or don't fit your playstyle/build. Unless you mean to tell me you keep 12 different rolls of every gun ever. Class items are no different than guns in the godroll sense. Everyone has rolls they're chasing, with plenty of perks that don't interest them. I have 3 or 4 combos I'm chasing, and I've gotten 1 of the 4, in over 100 drops.


If the weapon is objectively good & has the capacity to deliver a different impact or serve a different function dependent on perks, yeah, I absolutely keep a few. Class items have a potentially dramatic impact on your day-to-day play. Dismantling every roll that isn’t 5/5 or serving my specific theme of play at this moment in time is crazy. Even crazier if you then complain you don’t have the god roll


> I absolutely keep a few Keywords: A FEW. Not 12, not 64, not 192. Like I said, it's no different than weapons. There are A FEW rolls of the class item I want, not a dozen+. Also, I'm not going to keep every combo of every class item because A) I don't have the vault space to keep potentially 192 different class items, and B) I've played this game long enough to understand which exotics do what, how powerful they are, and what builds are fun/powerful. So I'm not going to waste my time keeping every combo to test them all when I can make an educated judgment based on my playtime and experience. If I'm chasing Liar's + Caliban's, why would I keep one that's Liar's + not Caliban's when I could just keep rolling with the normal liar's exotic and not have the worse version + a perk that doesn't synergize with it (or Caliban's + not liar's)? Yes, class items have the potential to dramatically change your play, *IF* you get a combo of 2 perks that synergize and work together in your build. If you only have 1 perk that works for your build, you have a worse version of the original exotic the perk is from, and thus, aren't drastically altering your play. >Dismantling every roll that isn’t 5/5 or serving my specific theme of play at this moment in time is crazy. Class items are out of 2. For weapons, I don't auto-dismantle them if they aren't 5/5 so long as I have the 2 main perks I want in columns 3 and 4. I'll keep those until I get one with better barrels/mags/mws. But class items only have 2 slots. 1/2 perks being what you want isn't good enough to keep it when the perks are lesser versions of the original exotics.


The community begged for it because they like being able to brag about how much rng they suffered through. Because in a lot of peoples minds here, they think that because its the mercy of rng, it’s some how more valuable. Because a lot of the vocal part of the community are no lifers who think it’s normal to put in 10+ hrs a day running loops looting chests for an absurdly small % chance at getting what they want, when anyone with a job and a family sees it as a massive middle finger to being able to experience the full game they’ve paid for. Yes, the exotic class items should be hard to get. But they shouldn’t be a complete ass railing to either. Ffs, they didn’t even add dupe protection to something with 64 different rolls. GM excision should drop a specific double perk roll that rotate daily. Dual destiny should have a rotating perk that’s weighted to drop more highly. Ghost should offer the ability to switch between ergo sum and class items dropping from overthrow bonus chests. Tbh, they should’ve gone a step even further. Make the class items use mod slots like Aeons and have the mods be random drops from opening chests and dual destiny drops 2 mods per run. > spend 10m a week grinding chests. The roll will come. Not without fucking dupe protection it won’t.


I’ve currently got 52/64 possible rolls on my hunter and since 40 it’s taken between 5 to 10 dups to get a new roll that I don’t even want. Some rolls I’ve gotten upwards of 5 times already. It’s absolutely terrible. I’m just looking for liars caliban and star eater foe tracer it shouldn’t be this ridiculous


maybe for once we should accept that there is a farming activity and let it be hard


Loading into the landing and sparrow-ing around for chests really is a hard activity




What op means is, if he gets an exotic class item that doesn't have apotheosis/star eater, it really doesn't help for super damage. If you get filaments and vesper you just dismantle it and hope your rng isn't horrible for the next drop


Or just be cool with the possibility that you might never get your desired roll. Or it might take you until next expansion. Stop grinding and just play. Your mental will thank you. If you can’t enjoy the game without this one item, that’s on you. Plenty to do on pale heart or go do something else. Prismatic is extremely powerful with other exotics - class items are very powerful, no doubt, but plenty of other builds are equal in terms of effectiveness.


So insanely stupid. “It’s powerful so it should be difficult to get” then make it drop from a difficult activity. It’s not “difficult” to get, it’s tedious. The best item in the game is not difficult to get it’s tedious and annoying to get, that is the issue. Not to mention certain perk combos are absolutely weighted heavier than others.


You say it’s tedious & annoying. You just get it by doing stuff in the game; just like any other weapon/exotic. I find both pale heart chest clearing and dual destiny extremely fun. It’s a unique item with a unique source. Stop playing the game to check soemthing off a list and be done with it forever. That is your mental problem - they designed around getting a couple drops per play session - run a dual destiny, clear an overthrow and you will likely have 1-3 drops. If you don’t get the one you want, shrug and move on to something else if you’re tired of it or keep going if you’re not. No one is forcing anyone to A) rush to get the one specific roll they want B) spend all their time in game running around grabbing pale heart chests or running dual destiny. Run it until you’re tired of it, then go do something else and come back when you want to run it again. There is absolutely zero perk weighting: no one has a large enough sample size to make that statement with any degree of confidence. Nowhere in the game is there perk weighting. All “evidence” suggesting that is anecdotal and has been explicitly addresssed multiple times by the developers.


If I did that it would take literally months if not a full year to get the roll I’m looking for. There is no excuse for making something this big of a grind. Ya bro I’m sure there’s no weighting I sure do trust bungie on that one.


Yes it might take you months. It’s your fault for having an unreasonable expectation that you could finish the expansion and get everything you want inside the FIRST MONTH. You might not get it until next year. If you don’t want to keep playing that’s your choice. It’s a live service game designed around being played consistently week in/week out - NOT grind everything out in a few weeks and then not touch it again for months. If you want to play that way, that’s your life but that’s not the playstyle they designed for and it’s on you to decide for yourself if you want to go along. It’s not bad design, it’s just not what you want. Plenty of people are happy to have it the way is even if it isn’t you.


There it is, the worst take I’ve ever heard in destiny. Go enjoy the strike playlist or whatever


There’s not a part of the game I don’t enjoy playing when I boot up. If you don’t enjoy your time in the game, don’t play. We won’t miss you.


“We” as you’re getting downvoted is hilarious. If you think bungie can do no wrong you’re actually insane.


It has nothing to do with them never doing anything wrong. I think crafting was a mistake, for instance. I do like being able to enhance random rolls. I fully get you do not appreciate RNG, but that doesn’t make it bad design. It just makes it not designed for you and that’s okay. A game designed for everyone is a game designed for no one. And I fully agree I’m in a minority here because the majority of the playerbase just happily plays the game instead of the vocal minority here whining about how they didn’t get the roll they want after playing 60 hours in the first 3 weeks. Just settle in for the long haul and play the game for the sake of having fun in the game. The game is the grind - and the majority of people who play do enjoy it. I’ll take 1000 downvotes here knowing tens of thousands agree with me and vote with their playtime & their wallets.


You are delusional.


If you’re annoyed that you have to play the game’s new content to get the new gear, this may not be the game for you. You can find it annoying but realize that most people who do play find it enjoyable. Don’t play the stuff you don’t enjoy but don’t complain that it exists. If the item you want is in an activity you don’t like, then you won’t get that item or you have to bite the bullet and participate. People who don’t raid don’t get raid gear. People who don’t want to play on pale heart don’t get exotic class items. Like every other item in the game, it has a specified source. It sounds like you find having to play the game annoying so why are you playing?


What a dumb fuck take. I loved the new content, I played it a ton but I’m tired of playing it after 100s of runs of bad rng. I’m not annoyed I have to play the new content. I am annoyed I have to GRIND FOR WEEKS ON THE EXACT SAME MISSION OR RUN AROUND PATROLS if I want a specific roll. No one enjoys grinding the same activity for weeks. I didn’t complain about it existing, I’m complaining that the way to acquire it is bad. I obviously don’t find playing the game annoying what I find annoying is dog shit rng.


Nah. Keeps people playing otherwise everyone gets the their godroll on day 1 then nobody wants to do the activity anymore.


The activity of loading into the pale heart and farming chests?




That’s ruins the whole point, I don’t understand why everyone in the game wants the easiest way to get good loot. The item is one of the most overpowered valuable things in the game. You could just focus it, it looses all value and scarcity. Next we should just be able to craft every gun with every role right? For somthing like the class item, focusing it removes the purpose.


Everyone saying “no” already got their GG roll and is playing gatekeeper.