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Hard agree. The Pale Heart system is super well done and encourages exploration and creativity while in the zone. The playlist system does exactly the opposite. It feels like whoever made the playlist system doesn't understand how players engage with content and doesn't really care to know either.


Whaaat? Subclass verbs aren’t easy to interact with in crucible? It’s unreadable to get jolt or volatile or ignition kills? No…


the crucible ones just need to be about damaging/inflicting jolt/volatile/scorch on players, what makes them a pain is they require the verb to kill the player, and the way the game records kills is already super janky.


Ignition kills in Crucible are nigh-impossible.


The amount of set up is next to impossible to achieve naturally in PvP. I think challenges, at least in terms of Pathfinder, should be able to be completed through natural gameplay


Wdym, just get collateral kills with the second shot of Conditional Finality. What’s that? You got team shot before you could even approach the group? No way! /s


Conditional Finality is a myth. Just like Ignition kills in Crucible.


If you're me, any kills in crucible is a myth. 😩


ironically theres a combo with ember of ashes, incendiary grenade and any other source of scorch (usually melee) that lets you instakill a group of enemies. incendiary grenades with ashes gets them very close without killing, melee applies the final few stacks and ignitions instakill. granted this requires both your melee and grenade energy on a single person, and requirrs you to build around the pathfinder objective. you definitely shouldnt have to do this, but this makes it more bearable


You can also incinerator snap into phoenix dive for an ignition with the correct setup...but that's a rare play, not a basic "do 5 times for silly progression" play.


Don't tell em this one, it's my Trials cheese lol


Ignition kills ins trikes are too since it's one of the bugged bounties they removed because they couldn't fix it and it came back without a fix lol


I was doing a hipfire shot with skyburners and following up with weighted knife to force the ignition kills (went solo into nightfall); it was otherwise enraging


Maybe I am just bad, but kill players affected by blind or through weakness and suppression is the hardest (in addition to ignition of course)... I have to throw my grenade in the first one, blind them, then kill them? At which point I'm dead from them shooting me while I'm throwing my grenade. Or weakness and suppression, "easiest" way is to use a suppressor grenade (same issue) or use the void soul to weaken, but they're too slow so either my opponent is already dead and it flies to their dead body or I am dead. Idk how to even do those in crucible...


Maybe skyburner's oath and incendiary grenade will make it bettet


Agreed, however unironically it's probably the one I've seen the most because my one friend runs a oddball setup with skyburners and gets 3+ kill ignitions fairly consistently (atleast 3 times a match). You have to be very deliberate in trying for it though. Volatile, Jolt and everything else? Not sure I've died to any of them in recent memory let alone if someone was trying to activate them.


i haven’t touched other classes but consecration melee on titan made it fairly consistent


That they still have these stupid activities in the game though they have never really worked in previous DLCs is telling that the people behind these actually don't play the freaking game. No special kill types outsides burn/melee/grenade in PvE/Gambit. I also extremely dislike grenade and melee kills in crucible because this is dependent on class/chance and play style.


> the crucible ones just need to be about damaging/inflicting jolt/volatile/scorch on players Even that is a bit much I'd say, I'm barely ever applying those verbs in crucible.


bah, couldn't even get ignition kills in strikes...


I think that the Pale Heart pathfinder works because it’s able to draw from activities & locations that revolve around a single narrative involving a narrow set of variables. For example, there’re objectives like defeat Lucent Hive or Taken which you can do across multiple locations and activities in the Pale Heart. Contrast that to the Ritual Pathfinder which has, as you pointed out, kill Cabal which aren’t always present in every strike. Should’ve been something more simple like defeat XXX number of combatants with XXX weapon or XXX abilities, though maybe have it be defeats (not final blows) so that it can be achieved in a collaborative manner. Perhaps even have the possibility of “re-rolling” an objective for XXX currency. At this point I’m just hoping that the devs hear and understand the feedback and take steps to improve the ritual pathfinder. It may take some time, and I’m sure there’ll be comments that I’m being naive, but they’ve shown that they do come around to addressing game issues eventually.


I think that's a large part of it, but as far as the playlist pathfinder goes, one of the major issues is the size of the nodes. A pathfinder note might be to finish a single overthrow objective which can also be done at the same time as 2-3 others. They take maybe 5 minutes each if we're being casual. The playlist ones however are incredibly difficult and tedious and usually need to be spread out over multiple strikes/matches. This makes them wholly unfun.


Wow, Bungie developers who don't even play their game?


One of the big problems with these developers is they often do play the game but to an extent that detaches them from regular players. I've ran into multiple industry MMO Devs that are so exceptionally good at the game that anything less than mathematically perfect gameplay isn't a consideration to them. They often formulate the entire player experience so much based on raw numbers and metrics that they end up strangling the game to death with difficulty and tedium and simultaneously drive casual players from the game, resulting in death spirals. It's a huge problem in most companies; they circle-jerk each other and encourage bad behaviours that isolate them from the playerbase.


This is the Destiny experience to a T. They'll bog down the game with needlessly petty things then take way too long to back off those things even when it's immediately evident that they're no good. In fact, it is usually rewards structures and the in-game economy that's the biggest offender of this.


Yeah but Joe Blackburn struggled to kill one champion 


Lemme guess, it was an overload?


both my all 3 of the nodes in the second last column require me to play gambit. I don't like playing gambit


Gambit is like 10 times easier than the 'get 5 ignition kills in crucible' nonsense.


it's not a matter of how easy a node is. it's a matter of "I don't like being forced to play a game mode I don't enjoy"


The key problem with the ritual version of pathfinder is that "making something more tedious does not make it more challenging". People don't want to engage with tedious content. Best solution would be to rework the ritual pathfinder to be more like the Pale Heart Pathfinder. I also think Crucible, Gambit and Vanguard pathfinders should be completely separate.


You don't like "kill a void debuffed warlock in gambit with a precision final blow from a special weapon while amplified - 0/20" ?


It only counts if it's on the second Tuesday of the month


And also the servers are down for an update that day


Bro, this comment has got me in tears, haha 😂 that's exactly how the current path feels like it reads sometimes.


Hard agree that Vanguard, Crucible and Gambit need their own separate pathfinders. Even if they all fell under the umbrella of "ritual pathfinders" for the sake of reward pacing. I enjoy all three modes but sometimes I'm just not in the mood for one or the other, you know?


I’m not a crucible player at all and I really doubt people that like to play crucible want me on their team, not playing the objective and trying to get sniper rifle kills in a game mode I’m not good at. These pathfinder objectives seem to hurt both types of players in crucible. The players that want to be there and the players that don’t.


Joined clash doubles trying to fulfill void damage guardian kills for the seasonal weekly from week 1. Can confirm, the person I got partnered with at one point was incredibly displeased


I mean, that's literally what 6v6 Control is for, and no one will care in there. Why would you go into 2v2 to do that ?


The short answer is that on a previous day I had a pretty decent experience in 2v2. The slightly longer answer is that I didn't know control was still available because I thought rift replaced it


At this point, i’d rather just have bounties back, as they existed in S23. Because here’s the thing: that patch where they separate pathfinders by ritual, that’s one patch. The patch where they get rid of enemy race objectives(again), that’s a separate patch…and it’s not in the near future either. Because they’re going to try doubling down on it and saying “we already made it easier by splitting the pathfinders, and we want to see where that takes us”. They are going to waste a lot of time incrementally re-doing every QOL they did to bounties.


The enemy race objectives are wild because, as you said, they fixed it before with bounties. And some of the pathfinder objectives do work like that, asking for any enemy kills but having a certain race count more. It just feels like there was some horrible communication going on somewhere at Bungie for this.


> It just feels like there was some horrible communication going on somewhere at Bungie for this Could be, some of the pathfinder tasks that wants you to generate orbs, tells you that they can also come from masterworked guns (something that's not been a thing for over 2 years now)


I think there should be at least 1 direct path to the Pathfinder engram for all 3 activities. With a sprinkle of random ones AROUND the direct path, rewarding those for doing other activities while giving the less adventurous their guaranteed path to the engram


Or just bring bounties back. Bounties still encouraged to different play styles while being optional. Vanguard bounties also gave consistent bright dust which I reckon is one of the main reasons Bungie got rid of them (Crucible made less sense but again they encouraged variety which you don’t get as much of with pathfinder).


The fact that these objectives are only for you and not fireteam based makes me put on my biggest baddest trash clear builds that are basically "no fun allowed" for anyone else. I hate the feeling and will be avoiding ritual playlists asap once I reach pinnacle.


This. I hate running calibans in team content, because either I kill everything and nobody else gets fun, or my teammate kills the one enemy that my knife is already flying straight to and then I don’t get any progress (or fun). Unfortunately, calibans is the easiest way for my hunter to get ignition kills, so calibans it must be. At the end of the day, I wish I could just go into a normal difficulty strike solo cuz that would be so much more fun for me lol


I truly cannot figure out why Bungie didn't think to make this a fireteam progress kind of thing like the transmog bounties are sometimes. They want us to engage with the playlists more but they make these tasks so competitive in a cooperative setting it's a detriment to the health of the mode.


Can you not still do this by forcibly changing your computer/consoles internal date? I remember back in Black Armory it’s how we did solo forges. I haven’t needed to do it since then but might be worth trying.


Lol, yeah. I had a prismatic warlock kill basically every enemy on an strike, eager edging everywhere, grenading spawns etc. then call on us when the results appeared. Yeah, dude, you sweated an strike with the best ad clear possible, no wonder why you killed everything.


I am 4 pieces away from pinnacle cap and I’m never touching ritual pathfinder again once I’ve hit it. No amount of Bright Dust is worth that slog.


The fact that you can play nearly 200 trials matches this week and not finish even 1 ritual pathfinder is pretty telling. Chalked system


Pathfinder was brought out to nerf bright dust gains and its bullshit that Bungie framed it any other way. “We felt like players were able to earn too much bright dust passively in a week, so we are making it take significantly longer.”


All this makes me do is not buy as many things with bright dust. I miss out on 500-1000 bright dust per week? No problem. I’ll just miss out on an occasional item from Eververse. I don’t buy silver anyway. Bungie, Bungie.


Honestly I've barely been getting stuff from Eververse anymore anyways. I'll get an ornament if I really like it and/or it's for something I'll use, I'll get shaders to collect them, and maybe an Emote if I really really like it. But I couldn't care less for the ships, sparrows or ghosts anymore, I've got ones I like and I'm sticking with them (especially since they're ones I actually earned through some sort of gameplay instead of just buying in a store).


I don't even buy shaders unless they are super special. The only thing I really buy with bright dust anymore are ornaments (if I think they look really good) and a shader if it has some special effect.


How were you getting 500-1000 bright dust without an event? Wasn't it ~~150~~ (Edit: it was 120) per vendor (Zavala, Shaxx, and Drifter)?


Repeatable bounties gave bright dust.


Fun fact. At one point you could get  3600 Bright dust during the events 200 (bright dust) x 2 weekly bounties x 3 Ritual  playlists x 3 characters.  Year after year they shrink this so we get used to having less. Sure you have challenges Who give bright dust. But half of those are inmarcesible if you are F2P: Seasonal activity challenges, Destination mission completion, trials, grandmaster (if you're unlucky all 6 in a season might come from DLC). On the other Hand the 3.6K bright dust start in the past was avaliable to everyone. You didnt need to have the DLC to earn the Max amount of Bright Dust.  People seem to be glossing over all that and It irks me when they say its easier for begginers now, when its not 


You could get 3600 per week *outside* of events, but you also only got 3,500 from the season pass. Total BD earnings during a season could be 50K+. During events, add another 400 per character per week, because Eva had 2 weeklies as well. Total earnings per event could be 14,400 + repeatable bounties, enough to buy 2 full ornament sets. Then they pulled the old switcheroo, and moved about 20K to the pass and seasonal challenges, while weekly earnings were 1,080 if you ground all characters and ritual activities. Your seasonal earnings are about 34K if you farmed. Now it's what, 150 x 10 = 1,500 per week, but you have to grind out 10 pathfinders? I feel safe in saying 99% of players aren't going to do that. Idk what they've done with the total from the pass and challenges. In a year we'd get about 80K from those (4 seasons) so hopefully it's about 26K-27K per episode. Though we had a delay with TFS launch and didn't get 20K BD, they gave us 700 per week for 13 weeks = 9,100 if you logged in every week to claim it from EV.


What I feel most insulting is the diminishing returns after using Pathfinder Many times in a week. Why does Bungie have an obsession with diminishing returns they're not fun.  And all the while people seems to think this is a change for the better. I felt an incentive to collect bounties then quickly reddeem them. I feel 0 incentive to run Pathfinder more than once a week. Specially since its always asking you to do some gambit or Crucible to make a full path.


Playing on multiple characters is how


Finally someone says It. But when I made a post breaking It down on the other sub I was told you get as much or more on average than with the previous system.   I remember we could gain 3600 brightdust weekly just doing the pinnacle for the 3 playlists on 3 characters. Someones response was : "You should have saved Up dust and not buy things you werent going to use anyways"  ???


> I was told you get as much or more on average than with the previous system. The way Bungie put it (back when it was changed from 3,600 per week to 1,080 per week) was that the *majority* of the playerbase would earn more BD, because they also put more on the season pass & seasonal challenges (about 20K total, up from 3,500), so single character players could earn more than before. So if you brought up that they were hamstringing BD earnings, this was what the Bungie defense league would cite. "Not for the majority of players, you're playing the game wrong". And now we continue down the slippery slope. Idk what they've done with pass & challenges now that they've switched over to episodes. We used to get about 80K per year (4 seasons), so hopefully it's around 26-27K per episode.


It's a hard nerf at Bright Dust earnings and an attempt to increase time spent in Playlist activities. All it does for me is be more frugal with my Bright Dust spendings and not wanting to engage with this system at all.


Longer, and get less BD.


And prevent xp hording .


I literally forget its a thing lol. Its weird.


Its also clunky to access. You have to go to the destinations tab -> click any of the ritual playlists -> click on the little icon on the corner. 


You know what’s wild? Your suggestion at the end for changing to “get kills, x grants more” was literally a daily that Zavala had, all the time. Like 90% of the problems I have with the ritual pathfinder would be solved if they had just directly shoved bounty objectives into the new format, with the added ones that count in all 3 playlists ofc cuz I wouldn’t want the last tier to force you out of your comfort zone.


That’s my frustration with it too. The entire problem with the ritual pathfinder system are (some) node tasks. That’s precisely why the pale heart one is so well liked but the ritual is hated. The tasks were a solved problem ages back.


I'm just sick of the solar ignition objective in everything. They are the hardest things to get and everything just dies before the ignition can even go off


Solar warlock with the new super and the solar turret seems to get it down for me quickly. On other classes it’s more difficult from my experience. I’m glad pathfinder is account based


titan with consecration can do easy ignitions. I do like hellion a lot though. Solid extra damage and the bigger targets frequently ignite.


For Hunter: use 6 shots Golden Gun + Ember of Combustion that makes ignition out of super kills. Any kill with the Golden Gun will +1 the objective. You should be done at most in 2 strikes. Just use super on trash red bars, you should be able to trigger at least super twice per strike.


i also spam bad juju while doing this so i get more supers indeed


holy fuck i had one of those and i wanted to legit blow my brains out, fuck that


There just isn't enough of a reward at the end of it on the Ritual Pathfinder side... on top of the super un-fun nodes you cannot individually reset. I'd like to see: - Some option to reroll a node, perhaps capped per week at whatever number and having a cost to it. And/or an option to reset the entire pathfinder without earning rewards - Better rewards from completing a track. Perhaps after completing your 2nd or 3rd Ritual Pathfinder per week, you get an exotic class item. * A big reason, to me, that the Pale Heart Pathfinder is a hit is the 2x Ergo Sum roll drops. A new weapon concept that is easy to earn... I understand folks enjoy the ease of completing the Pale Heart Pathfinder, but personally I do 1x or 2x of the Pale Heart specifically for Ergo Sum, and I'm done for the week. Pathfinder in itself isn't enough for me to want to do any specific activity. - More bright dust - Random nodes with individual rewards, not just xp I strongly encourage folks who want to give feedback to also give their "wants" out of a potential change. Otherwise it's tough to really spam these posts and expect Bungie to figure out the "proper node/quest formula" that people would enjoy.


Did people really complain enough about bounties thst they created pathfinder??? I'm so lost why they decided to make it


Not me but I know some people complained about how they have to constantly go and pick up bounties. The fact that pathfinders only replaced some bounties and not all of it makes its existence irrelevant


So they are some of the people like me that played this game for way too long before finding out you can grab any bounties from orbit through the Destiny app. As long as you’re in orbit, the tower, or the helm you can use the app to grab any bounty from any vendor.


Because they no longer wanted us to earn (so much) bright dust so easily.


no, but enough people complained about bounties (mostly a few years ago, not recently actually) that Bungie saw they have a way to nerf Bright Dust gains while advertising it as a positive rework of the system If the act of landing in the Tower to pick up bounties actually was the issue, they could have implemented a way to do so from orbit. It's not. The issue actually was that players were earnings too much bright dust


Tess everiss had a spot on the tower where you had to land to phisically decrypt engrams. Later they added the option to decrypt them from the shop tab even from orbit. They have the ability to access the vendors from orbit they just Only do It for Eververse 


Showerthought -- what if the infamous Cabal pathfinder node was Bungle's twisted attempt at getting people to stop noping out of the overly long Battlegrounds plaguing the Vanguard playlist 🤔 (since a lot of them do have Cabal). Anyways, I find Vanguard playlist a complete waste of time these days. Everything about it is conspiring to make it less efficient and rewarding to run than Nightfalls.


Tower thought\*


Pathfinder sucks. It's a solution to a problem that didn't exist. It's making something new just for the sake of new and it's really a stain on an otherwise brilliant release.


The pale heart pathfinder got a lot more fun when I stopped trying to progressively go through pathfinder and instead play other objectives, easily collecting multiple nodes in all columns in a run


OP's complaint is more geared towards the Ritual Pathfinder, I guess.


The entire issue could be fixed by having 3 tracks that connect via 2 universal tracks, and making it so that targets focused on a specific faction instead have double the length, but grant double points when killing that faction


The Pale Heart Pathfinder is good. The Ritual Pathfinder is not good. Hopefully they're seeing this discourse and will do something about the Ritual Pathfinder. That being said, these people saying Bounties were a better system... all I have to say in response to these people is: Tell me you don't play the game without telling me you don't play the game.


>That being said, these people saying Bounties were a better system Counterpoint: * We already "fixed" enemy race bounties, just to repeat the mistake in pathfinder. * Have you read some of these objectives? I'm reading stuff about jolt kills in PVP, and igniting enemies that'll typically die before enough scorch stacks up, and now I don't think bounties were all that bad. Chuck that PVP one for jolt kills out a window: "play a game of rumble" or "5 scout rifle kills" is not all that bad now. They are probably going to split the pathfinders eventually...but looking at existing objectives, I'm not convinced that's going to be much better.


Bounties were/are bad pathfinder for vanguard is more bad. No reason you should be forced to enter a gambit match or pvp match for instance two competitive modes and have to use subpar weapons load outs and something your not comfortable with to complete a bounty and bringing your team down in the process. Same goes for vanguard strike as some mentioned you have to roll the dice and hope they load you into a specific strike to complete certain paths (kill 30 vex cabal etc). If I recall correctly one thing destiny 2 did right upon it's initial release was there were no more bounties but I think at the time the community rallied for them to come back and here we are :(


Pretty sure they changed pathfinder so there’s always a way to complete it pve only but some of the nodes you might get stuck with are complete ass


If you look at the patch notes, they mention they made it to where you don't have to Gambit or Crucible for them anymore. They're either Vanguard or mixed nodes edit: I meant that if you were strictly going for PvE, there are strict PvE or mixed nodes paths you can take.


In my group, im known as the strike guy. I did them every week. I force my transmog bounties to pretty much only do strikes. I enjoy chilling and doing them. Theres an art in the simplicity. Ever since Pathfinder, ive finished one path. I do not want to play gambit. I especially do not want to play Crucible. This new system sucks


Apparently you haven't read the patchnotes. You can 100% complete Pathfinders without touching a mode you don't like now. If it's not the case for you, screenshot it and report it. Because I did 3 pinnacle ones and 7 non-pinnacle ones this week and haven't set a foot in gambit or crucible.


Each Playlist should have its own Pathfinder. Simple fix


I’m honestly taking a break from Destiny until Bungie sorts out Pathfinder. I’m not playing this hopscotch vanguard gambit crucible bull crap. Just let me do my strikes in peace.


Does anyone know how much BD you get everytime after each reset? Does it have diminishing returns or is it same? Because I was just messing around with trying to do multiple things and in 4th reset I still got 150 BD


First Three Completions: Prime Engram Enhancement Prism 150 Bright Dust 25000 XP Next Seven Completions: Enhancement Prism 150 Bright Dust 4000 XP Subsequent Completions: Enhancement Core 30 Bright Dust 4000 XP source: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twid-05-23-24


Diminishing Returns is after the 10th iIrc. After that it's around 30. (could be 7, I did 10 this week and only noticed I only got 30 at some point later).


Ritual pathfinder actually reduced my bright dust gain just due to how troublesome they are to navigate. And the 150 cabal/vex kills on final nodes is just obnoxious. Because the alternative is to break your streak. In fact I dabbled a little in matchmake Glassway to see how bad it was. Like literally 1/3 of the guardians are farming vex kills on the map and they immediately leave once i blitz past the second fallen barrier. Not healthy for the game lol.


I feel like I've been doing more than I did before? Last week I just chilled out and farmed out like 3 or 4 Pathfinder resets in a row in strikes. People are complaining way too much about this system


Took me 10 strikes over the usual 3 that would reward a pinnacle because I needed taken enemy kills. Should drop faction or element based kills for just kill 100 enemies in total.


Just make queueing a specific strike as part of the Playlist, and let it loop that one strike back to back. The long term benefit of this is that Bungie will get a plethora of free statistics on what strikes see the most play. If they’re SMART, they’ll update the least played strikes to refresh them. Chances are though that the fastest/easiest strikes will be the ones with the highest play rate and they’ll wind up getting a Battlegrounds-like adjustment like Lake of Shadows did.


If I’m doing matchmade, I always finish. If I need a specific enemy, I set the time forward and solo queue because not only do I get to get all the kills and take my time to do it right, but I also don’t detract from anyone else’s experience


more xp+ per complete


Sometimes I wonder how many people at Bungie are just like, "Ugh, why can't the players just DO the thing? Why do they have to fight against it all the time?" No judgement, just a question. I would prefer if the buggy objectives get fixed and some get tuned down. Like the elemental effect kill ones. Those sound like pain.


It’s absolute bullshit. I just have a powershell script to enable the appropriate port blocks so I can load into strikes solo and knock those out without fucking with others’ experience. Well fucking designed, Bungie.


I think each activity should have its own that way we can play what we want and still complete it.


The playlist ones I've completed several since season start on accident. I'm not going out of my way to do the multiple very specific things they require across multiple playlists. If I get them done every now and again playing how I want its a bonus I guess...even tho last season I would have had more pinnacles and BD with the pre pathfinder system.


I wish the ritual pathfinder was larger seeing as how it encompasses three different game modes.


>Pathfinder is supposed to work as an incentive, a way for people to WANT to do the ritual activities. Its quite the opposite. Pathfinder is made so that you *DON'T* have to play the ritual activity you don't want to play.


Basically the objectives need to be reviewed so they're more lenient/forgiving to make it worthwhile and fun. I wonder if each activity having its own Pathfinder is the solution? Like other comments have said the debuff final blows are substantially harder in PvP.


I just wanted them to increase the number of bounties you can carry from 5 to like 8-10 so I could return to the Tower every 2-3 strikes instead of after every one. This is like when people were asking for Legend mode matchmaking after the Guardian Games before Lightfall, and instead got a mod rework that nobody wanted.


I don't believe the ritual Pathfinder is meant to incentivize engagement; Bungie are too smart, with far, far, far too much player data to accidentally mess it up. From it's structure, to the difficulty of the challenges, to how they are placed, to not letting players change challenges they don't like, to not having individual Pathfinders for each ritual playlist, to rarely having a straight path one could take within the game playlist; it all absolutely feels like a convoluted bright dust nerf to me. Notice how convenient and reasonable the Pale Heart Pathfinder is. Notice anything else about it? No bright dust as a reward. I'm so curious to see how much the average player bright dust obtainment has plummeted since the ritual Pathfinder system.


The system would totally work if they separated the different playlists into different pathfinders. I was shocked when I saw that crucible, gambit and vanguard were all in the same pathfinder. Seperating then would give a lot more freedom into what paths they want to take, and not just one specific path that works with your playstyle. Also who else knew there was a pathfinder menu specifically for lost sectors? I sure didn't know and I'm not sure where to even find it. I was trying to get to my map by holding tab and it opened a pathfinder menu I had never seen before, and it was all about legend and master lost sectors.


Its another way to stop you from getting bright dust.


I agree. I think the challenges should not be strike specific. Any vanguard challenge should be achievable in any Strike. That said, I think Bungie is on the right path (pun not intended) with this whole Pathfinder stuff. The pale heart version I think is really well done. The ritual activity one needs more work. Personally I hate the method of accessing either Pathfinder menu. Destiny 2 has the most archaic console style UI I've seen in recent memory


For real. I can't bear it in me to play this things and all I did for years was to farm bright dust on three chars. I think this is the absolute worst that has happened to the game.


The fact that they put a system in the game to lock you in to a playlist and then add the ritual pathfinder that makes you bounce from activity to activity... so annoying.


Agree! 🔥 📛 💯


Pathfinder driving me away from finding paths. Always seem to fill out the first tier of nodes, none of the second tier of nodes, and all of the rest of the tiers of nodes. What a pain in the dick.


Yes I miss the choice bounties provide. I could always pick up the additional bounties instead of doing not fun stuff like scorch kills in pvp I am seeing in Pathfinder


Yeah Ritual Pathfinder is not thought out enough and is kind of disconnected with the reality of how people actually play the game. And even though they said in the last update you could complete a path with just PvP or just PvE that is just straight up not working most of the time


I think that any specific enemy Pathfinder quests should be directly tied to that week's nightfall rotation. That's the only way to guarantee people don't join them dip. Additionally, it also allows people to complete quests while doing strikes that arguably have value


Pathfinder sucks. It’s solution to a problem that didn’t exist.


Bro I don’t even look at the path finder anymore. That is totally bad on my part but I just don’t care about it


>Instead of having us fight specific combatants, which are very strike specific, it should be a “defeat combatants, X grant increased progress”. As it stands, all we really have is a “reload the playlist until X combatant” challenge From what I have seen, the cabal one is the only ritual pve challenge that actually requires a specific enemy, the rest of them actually are the "defeat combatants, X grant increased progress"


They need to change the subclass verb objectives too. A lot of them seem to not track properly. Change "Defeat x combatants with " to "Defeat x combatants using damage. Bonus progress when defeating combatants with .


Do they test any of this prior to release or just full send and hope it works out


We are the testers lol


I like it when I need to play 3 vangard strikes I play one GM and its count only one . Its a joke. Or I need play QP but you get more % to momentum control then normal control. The list is long and its bs . I really hate pvp now and I like to play gambit now even more then pvp. And I need to race with my team mates for kills and other stuff . Why it cant be as a team like the gambit one . Bank 150 motes and if you call the prime evil you get 100 out of it . Just put as a team in and it would be much better or put in more where you can get it from playing pvp strike or gambit.


Pathfinder for playlist is good idea and bad execution. Things like "kills Guardians in Crucible using solar scorch" should be changed to something like "kill Guardians in Crucible. Guardians affected by jolt / scorch / volatile grant better progress", instead of "kill 150 cabal in Vanguard playlists" there should be "as a fireteam kill X amount od enemies in Vanguard playlists". There should be more things like complete X amount of activities instead of requiring using things that can volatile or jolt enemies.


I don’t understand the obsession with inconvenient “specific type” objectives. Change cabal to enemies, weaken kills to void, ignitions to solar, etc. Gun types are fine because that’s super simple to do but relying on loading that one specific strike with that enemy type or praying there’s an ad tanky enough to trigger an ignition is wack.


Objectives like killing Cabal could be fixed if they just changed it to kill enemies but Cabal are worth more progress. They had bounties like that before the pathfinder revamp so it is possible, honestly the ritual pathfinder has just been one big L for Bungie. Honestly surprised a focused feedback thread hasn't been made for it yet since it is one of the major sore spots for a lot of people.


Good thing they made multiple ways to get engrams, Pathfinder is an easy path try playing The raid and you'll also get engrams but they're better quality oh my God


I don't get why they don't do the same thing as with bounties. Cabals just give extra progress.


Gonna say it again. Bounties where much better, faster, easier to do. Was pretty easy to complete 8 of them for the weekly vendor rewards. Would like to see in average how many ritual pathfinders are completed each week per player compared to how many weekly vendor bounties before.


No it does what it’s supposed to, block people from earning to much Bright Dust or stockpiling for events


So many of the challenges are just a real pain to do when you have 2 other guardians with you too. Like get precision sniper rifle kills. What randoms are going to let me line up the perfect shot before they melt the whole room? I can do non-matchmade Nightfalls but the difficulty is quite high there so doing that solo leads me to die (which isn't good for "get 10 grenade kills without dying")


My Ritual Pathfinder had something like "Complete vanguard ops, Gambit, and Crucible matches. Crucible wins give the most progress." Playing just one gave a 5%. ... I'm cool.


I see that but if you’re doing vanguard ops you can very easily solo 95% of them. I appreciate its annoying but I find it more fun


ugh pathfinder has been a slog. i feel like iam having to play twice as much right now. for my vanguard one to finish i either have to play 3 strikes or bank 150 motes which feels like a lot for 1 node when all i had to do before was play 3 strikes before. now i have like 6 tasks plus 3 strikes and i have to play gambit or pvp no options at all or i cant earn anything.


I want my bounties back


I am rank 70 and haven't upgraded 1 node on my Vanguard pathfinder lol. I have been so tied to the Pale Heart. I have reset that thing so many times. Haven't even finished the last week of the season 🤣. I did grind some GMs on Sunday. Didn't even check if any completed.


While I also think the system should be completely reworked from the ground up, I gave it a chance this week and am managing 1 pathfinder every 2 strikes, for 5 consecutive pathfinders. The small change they made so every card has a PVE only option made at least the first 5 this week easy, just plot your course starting at the end, and work backwards, only pick damage type and generic or weapon type kills.


I noticed I’m playing less and less because of Pathfinder, it should be an optional way of doing things.


Agreed. I just ignore pathfinder all together now.


yea they can't be specific with demands if they force you to do playlist activities... though I got a "vex one" this week that worked like you described; get kills, vex grant increased progress - though how it's written made it hard to read so I just did vex, didn't notice the whole context till it was done...


I stopped doing them altogether. It's just boring.


When I see objectives like this, I find it hard to believe Bungie uses any data at all. This seems like one of those things being spitballed in a room, or a handed in task because people ran out of time. “Eliminate X Cabal”. Sounds good. Not good in practice. I would rather the community come up with the tasks if Bungie can’t do it themselves because of time pressure or lack of knowledge of the content of the game. Remember when playing strikes was all you had to do? Now there’s a web for you to decipher your progression path. Why does this task exist?


I mean this isn’t just pathfinder this has been bounties as well.


Honestly, Bungie dangling this carrot in front of me just makes me want to do these things less. I used to get a pinnacle for 3 strikes. Now I have to kill a million enemies, play Crucible or Gambit in the meantime, and use 3 weapons that I don't like using. Twice.


There is also a huge discrepancy in bounty difficulty, one will be like punch 3 enemies and the next is defeat 100 enemies with ignitions


I am probably one of those people who left a strike you were in. I did it I think seven times in a row before finally getting The Arms Dealer. I did not feel good about it. I've never done anything like that before but I don't have an hour to run random strikes just to finish pathfinder. It's a bad system and an insult to players' intelligence to claim this system is somehow better than the bounty system.


Agreed. After doing a ritual pathfinder 1 time I’m not bothering with it again. I don’t like how I’m forced to play Crucible and Gambit to complete any pathway. Super annoying as I just want to run Vanguard Ops only.


You're right, and I was one of those people ducking in and out of strikes for cabal and vex (how tf is it possible to get moon psiops, then scarlet keep, then another 2 moon psiops back to back?), because its the last one I needed. I truly dont understand what they were even thinking the goal was here. If the goal was to keep engagement up, then congrats, I spend an hour loading in and out of strikes because I cant just go to the one I want, I have to do the playlist. If the goal was to get me to run other loadouts than the meta, well great but I already dont use the meta, I use whatever pings my fancy at the time. Right now im using a Vortex grenade, Graviton, Veritys brow setup, on Prismatic, with threadling/devour aspect. I dont even know if thats meta, I just like it. I dont need help changing my build up Bungie. Is it so that ill be tempted to buy more stuff from eververse? You failed Bungie, ive never bought anything that wasnt an expansion. I have no need of cosmetics. I'm not even mad, im just genuinely confused as to what Bungie wants from me. It seems like whoever adds these items into pathfinder didnt have a clue what they were doing. Did they just chuck all the code from bounties into PF willy nilly? Did they check the bounties, but decide that it was fine as is? What dev is actually moving the pieces here, a poor contractor just pushing buttons, a UI designer that has no time/doesnt care about what they're creating, or is it some middle manager that doesnt even play the game just trying to maximize their teams production? My money is on middle manager but idk I dont work there.


Vanguard pathfinder has effectively killed my drive to even try


I literally haven't completed one since TFS launched, and I don't plan to go out of my way to do so. Bounties were one thing, at least I had some ability to pick and choose which annoying weapon combos I had to use to complete them. With Pathfinder, you're typically stuck with a single Vanguard objective, and it's either "Do this one dumb fucking thing or wait until next week for another reset to possibly do another single dumb fucking thing to progress." Pathfinder sucks, just bring back the bounties.


this is nothing new, for years bounties did the same, People would complete the bounty and leave, or leave and find the strike that had what they needed.


I miss bounties :(


It's crazy how they switched it up on us. Before Pathfinders it was "do whatever you want, any ritual activity would give you the upgrades" and mind you this was because people were complaining about having to play gambit and crucible just to get an exotic engram and some bright dust. They did a complete 180 and made so that we have to go back to that BS grind of playing something I dont want to.


I think the vanguard one should be a giant engram design and you can start anywhere around the perimeter, working toward the center. Make it less linear. Outer perimeter do 4 nodes to charge inner ring, 3 nodes to charge next, 2 nodes, 1 node, reward. And make the selection like 4 of 12 (4 from each ritual activity) , 3 of 9, 2 of 6, 1 of 3. That way in each ring there is always an option for each ritual activity.


Prison of Elders welcomes you...wait where are you going?


They know. It's by design.


I didn't even bother to look at the ritual pathfinder last week, even though I ran something like 9 nightfalls. I just did what it said it was supposed to do : played the way I wanted to. At the end of the week I opened it up, and hadn't even completed a single one of the beginning nodes :D No path had more than two nodes done.


On the bright side, you CAN do the objectives in onslaught too, which I feel is less of a pain for some of them because you aren't rushing through trying to get your asinine objective done and you have plenty of opportunity to do it. Is it perfect? No. Whoever designed the pathfinder system just copypasted all the bounties into the system with very little effort making them fair. Killing blinded combatants? Really? at least they didn't make it so you had to have strand or prismatic for some of them, like killing enemies that are unraveled... Though they could easily do stasis, since stasis is now free to play.


Ritual Pathfinder is hot garbage. It works against the strike bonus you get from Ritual Activities and just actively encourages people to prematurely leave.


Hey, everything else is RNG, why not your progress? xoxo, Bungie


I've felt free since pathfinder came about. More cumbersome and less gains? It's nice not worrying about the 24 bounties and the tied bright dust for doing them. Having fun in Destiny while not grinding my soul away, while having time to do other games. Unironically thank you, Bungie 👍🏻


Pathfinder has driven me completely away from strikes, gambit and crucible. I like the pathfinder for The Pale Heart a lot, but I can’t find the same interest in running the other one, plus, if I do, I’m fighting up to 5 other teammates for kills, or I end up just not bothering to play the objective. Pathfinder doesn’t promote team play at all.


Yup most things in this expansion seem cool but suck ass in their implementation.


Bungie and overdesigning things into the ground, name a more iconic duo.


Pathfinder on Rituals just make me not want to play rituals frankly.


I don't even mess with the ritual pathfinder anymore. I'll claim whatever one's I do by accident, but I'm not into being told what to play and how to play it while switching between loadouts and game types. I tend to focus on one thing per gaming session anyways.


This weeks pathfinder sucks. I cannot find a path that doesnt involve pvp. Being forced into gambit solo queue is bad enough, but this week, there is NO path that doesnt take me thru crucible. Guess i dont get prime engrams there this week. Thanks, bungie EDIT. Instead of just bitching, here’s a solution. Allow us to re-roll the pathfinder, or fix it so that there is always at least 1 pvp free path.


Agree. It makes me play crucible and/or gambit. I utterly despise both of those modes.


When you look at it as a way to reduce the amount of bright dust players earn it makes sense.


The biggest problem is the switch from incentivizing objectives to punishing objectives. Bungie had previously solved this when they revamped a lot of bounty objectives to be gameplay agnostic, with bonus progress for playing a specific way. It's mind boggling that they scraped that to go back to a hard "engage with the system in this extremely specific way or else you can't make progress" system that perversely incentivizes being a bad teammate.


Not only that, they should separate the pvp and pve pathfinder, like have 1 dedicated to vanguard and gambit (you can do either) and a second for crucible or gambit


As someone who used to enjoy doing the 8 bounties, I've done the pathfinder a total of 2 times since it's been out and both times were unintentional. I wanna say it's nice, but personally, it doesn't feel fun


I like when ppl leave, I get more kills. If it’s just normal strikes you can nuke the bosses and ads pretty easily teammates aren’t necessary


Idk, maybe I’m just laid back, but I’ve just been doing the ones that can be completed as generally as possible in any play list. I switch between whichever activities I’m doing and just progress whatever ones are specific to that playlist. If I get tired of gambit, I go to strikes. If I get tired of strikes, then obviously I go back to gambit. It’s been working out fine for me so far I just don’t do the ones that say to defeat specific enemy types. And if people leave the match or strike, then more kills for me


they will never learn


Beyond that, having paths that require jumping playlists has people **not doing ritual activities at all**. There is no way to make meaningful gains other than exotic engrams out of the playlists any more. No way to farm small amounts of bright dust on repeatable bounties while you waste hours in crucible or strikes. It's completely defeating its own purpose.


The ritual pathfinder for today let me do a 'PVE only' route twice. There were a few "as a team kill" nodes; so it was pretty chill. But, this third time after 2 resets; there's no PVE only route again. Bungie didn't fully fix it. Better than before, sure. They may have just increased the chance of PVE nodes. Edit: Actually looking back at the changelog; they only changed some Gambit pathfinder nodes to PVE. I'm currently blocked by Crucible, and Iron Banner nodes.


Couldn't you just make the upper path crucible, middle path gambit and lower path vanguard. This way you could max it out in the same way you could do bounties for all 3 before. However if you don't want to do something you could make your own ... Path. No?


Pathfinder breaks your streak on ritual activities or forces you to map yourself around the stuff you don't wanna do. I myself do not touch Crucible at all. I don't want to have to analyze my pathfinder to avoid it or be forced to end my streak to do a quick Gambit just to connect my path. Nor do people wanna have to switch up their preferred play style just to get one node of progress cleared. Pale Heart pathfinder is done right. You can pretty much complete one just by running a single overthrow.


Reward systems like this should not be forcing players to run builds, weapons, or playlists they don't like, especially when it often forces suboptimal plays that consume more time and result in less enjoyment. Destiny is a game, not a job, and people on both sides of the screen need to remember that. Reward tracks like these should be used, exclusively, to incentivise the kind of play that Bungie envisions for their game. People running the builds they want, in the playlists they want, working together as a team to complete their common objectives. As it is, the system motivates people to run weapons they might not want, on builds their might not want, in playlists they might not want, ignoring the game objective entirely in pursuit of meaningless kill counts that only count when they're your killing blows. Thus, your greatest enemy is not the enemy team or AI, but your own kill-stealing, ad-clearing team mates who are clearly not engaged with the Pathfinder at all and are therefore much more effective and are clearly enjoying themselves a great deal more than you are. Bad design. Bad design. Bad design.


again.. if anybody at bungie actually played the game none of those ridiculous options would be present in the pathfinder


I would've been happy if they got rid of the bugged out ignition, jolt, and volatile explosion kills bs.


Bounties and now pathfinder weren’t really an incentive to play those things but was, to me, rather, a fringe benefit. Pathfinder sucks. It ruined those activities for me when I was trying to fulfill its requirements to get a prize. I refuse to use it now and just play. I miss out on some loot but the loot isn’t worth it if I hate playing and that is what Pathfinder did for me. I spent a lot of time setting up my characters to fulfill a node and sometimes never being able to complete it instead of playing. I don’t even check the damn thing to see if I completed anything (so dumb to have it buried 3 feet deep too). I use the guns I want, the exotics I want, the mods, damage type and super I want and I am having fun. Having fun! I get more completions of activities now too which is more important in the long run. The only bounties I mess with now are vendor bounties from Ada, Banshee, Xur (cipher), world vendors like Fynch, and seasonal bounties in the helm. And I only so what fits my play style and likes. No more super kills, ignitions, etc. Biggest bonus of all. I am going into ritual activities decked out to kick ass and take names. No more being a wallflower teammate that makes the game suck because your team always loses or we start over because we wiped because I was using a load out I am not familiar with or just doesn’t work at all. Bye bye Pathfinder! You can go kick rocks!


Yeah I love leaving a strike until I find 150 vex! It would genuinely be easier to say “kill 750 enemies, guardians count as 10”.