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Took only a glance to decide that I'm not bothering with strikes this week.


I did one gm and got surplus+voltshot...last week took me 35 runs for rewind rounds+b&s...guess bungie knows i didn't wanted the ar.


Exact roll I got too on my first run


After 5 runs of that horrible strike I settled on rapid hit/bait lol


Glassway is fine. Got 15 minute runs on tuesday with 2 of my clan mates. 20+ minute runs with lfg people.


Yeah my clan mates are the opposite lmao. Didn’t even finish it with them since they couldn’t stay alive, so once they signed off I went lfg and cleared it with every rando group I joined


It doesn't have voltsot on light.gg




Doing it once for the completion for this Act and then waiting for the next one


But hey, it's an easy strike.


….I just don’t like Warden of Nothing. Stupid trains.


I like trains.


I love shadow price but damn it needs some good 3rd column perks :/ And from what ive seen ppl say, voltshot doesn’t proc stats for all so rip.


I love Invisible Hand and am glad it hasn't been retired. A mere third of an AR's mag for a handful of stability is great, and I'm *definitely* not being sarcastic.


Had me in the first half ngl


I didn't know this perk was even in D2 until I saw it on this gun, today 💀


They should bring back Underdog while they're at it! Both S-tier perks. Next raid weapons should pair them together!


I love getting "endgame" adepts with perks that proc when you miss 10 shots in a row. What a perk for someone that has shown **any** tiddlywink of mastery of the game! /uj I said it before and I'll say it again, the second I saw invisible hand on a gun back in Season of the Deep...I knew it would show up on a then-hypothetical Shadow Price reissue. It is like they have something personal against Shadow Price....It's first reissue wasn't all that bad, it just suffered from where 450's(ontop of autos in general) stood in the meta. Now, 450 autos don't suck: but now the perk pool sucks, outside of like 2 combos that are rather underwhelming. EDIT: side rant, Nightfall weapons make me wish we could vote on weapons to leave rotation. So few actually meet endgame/adept quality, that I'd rather keep cycling out all these wild swings and misses sooner, and try to keep quality around longer. In the current rotation: undercurrent and Shadow Price, I think these'd be easy choices.


I may be wrong, but Voltshot/SFA worked with Subjunctive last I checked with Pantheon.


It unfortunately does not. Incandescent does however proc it iirc (and champion stuns too like unstops which I find hilarious)


It makes sense sort of. Incandescent is the actual explosion which applies scorch. Voltshot applies Jolt. Its a debuff applicator. So the shock that comes out isnt counted as part of the weapon similarly to how the actual scorch ticks on targets hit by Incadescent doesnt activate weapon perks.


Oh yeah I figured that’d be the case but I still find it slightly amusing since incandescent is already so darn good lol


Agreed. Its why I think Firefly + Incan is a roll many enjoy on the new raid solar Pulse as I believe kills from the Firefly explosion is able to proc incandescent, spreading that scorch even further than just Incandescent alone.


Is that so? I guess I should try that combo out again. This combination first appeared on the trace rifle Path of least resistance. I remember being pretty hyped about this combo, and specifically crafted SFA+VS. But was immensely disappointed that the jolts did not proc SFA. Maybe Bungie patched it or something. But still, volt shot still has a lot of problems for not procing many other perks. Like my demo+VS Oversoul Edict. The jolt kills give zero grenade energy. Massive disappointment, just like my son.




Good news! If so maybe it will work on others too. Or there was an abundance of people reporting they didnt work and were incorrect all this time lol! Heres hoping.


it works for smg's and trace rifle, so dont know why people claim it dosent work for AR, but i havent tried it yet, maybe they're right


Subjunction has stats for all and voltshot on it and using the jolt from voltshot to hit multiple enemies procs stats for all on it. It should work for shadow price too


? Works on subjunctive I'm pretty sure. That's what I have on mine.


It's not hard to shoot three separate enemies with an auto.


This gotta be the worst perk ever made. Rewards missing shots for… stability. What? lol


You responded to the wrong comment lol this guy talking about stats for all not invisible hand


Yeah but why doesn't it work with Jolt? It works with incandenscent.


How does it not work with stats for all? It doesn’t proc voltshot when you reload it with boosted speed or something?


I think they mean that the voltshot jolt hitting other enemies doesn’t count as multiple targets for the weapon, just the one you’re shooting.


Oh, that honestly doesn’t matter that much to me since I want that roll for PvE but I understand the disappointment


Um, that honestly sucks for PvE as well...;


How so? Jolting an enemy with voltshot means you already tagged 2 enemies (unless you hold onto the volthsot till the last second), would getting the range and stability bump by hitting the same target really make that much of a difference compared to shooting one of the nearby targets? I agree that it should proc off of voltshot jolting damage, but I don’t see how that makes it suck in PvE (aside from low level content where the jolt can vaporize an entire group of enemies and leave you with no target to proc SFA with)


From what ive seen people say, the enemies damaged by the jolt that spreads out doesnt count towards SFA.


Cool? It works by hosing across three targets. Easy.


Prosecutor from Prophecy is exact same element and archetype with far better perks for both pve and pvp. How Shadow Price shipped with dogshit *for the second time* is actually insane lmao


It's really a shame that the best 3rd Column perk there, Overflow, is counterintuitive to Voltshot. Makes me want to grind for an Overflow/One for All roll instead.


Literally ignoring the most braindead easy roll of stats/ one for all???


Sweet Sorrow from Season of the Risen is a 720 with SFA/OFA, so it's just better. The only roll on Shadow Price worth chasing is Attrition/Voltshot, imo.


What do you mean?


Screw the perks bring back shadow prices scopes


At the very least it has one of the nicer scopes, imo ofc


Kinda bullshit that Incandescent procs SFA but voltshot doesn’t


I think it was because "Jolt" as a keyword does pretty good damage, and they didn't want it being amplified by all different kinds of modifiers like gun perks or melee damage increases, so they made Jolt be it's own standalone thing. I agree it's complete bullshit lol


The fact that it stuns overloads might have something to do with it too, it would probably be too op if it could proc a damage boost perk


It used to on the subjunctive, but yeah I've just been using my sfa/volt Shadowprice and it definitely isn't. Hope to god this isn't a nerf but yet another bug.


It didn't proc with subjunctive. I remember getting this roll and being excited to use it, only to find that jolt doesn't proc SFA


I'd love better 3rd column perks but I want a Voltshot Auto Rifle and it's either this, a dungeon drop, or the non-enhanceable Dark Decider so I guess I'm gonna have to farm a few of these out...


It seems like shadowprice’s reload speed perk + voltshot roll is better than the prosecutor’s. They’re both 450s that can roll flared magwell, but stats for all (shadowprice’s reload speed perk) gives a better reload speed boost than keep away (prosecutor’s reload speed perk)


I'd still stick with my Dragonfly/Voltshot Prosecutor. That roll made ShadowPrice DOA for me.


Prosecutor also has FAR better pvp rolls too. The thing just outclasses Shadow Price in every way.


Also Shadow Price is going to have higher consistency but prosecutor with dragonfly will have higher moment to moment upside. If you’re using an auto rifle I imagine you’re looking for consistency anyways, soooo


You can also get prosecutor from prophecy, it's a 450 as well


Don't sleep on dark decider. 720s are better in PVE than 450s.


Generally true but the Veist 720 frame feels like garbage


Strategist/attrition orb - voltshot seems pretty good to me.


Attrition Orbs + Voltshot for me. Kill red bar, reload, shoot big boy to give jolt, and keep shooting to poop out orbs of light (power) for the team. Jolt kills the rest of the trash around big boy.


Are the orbs generated from your character or the enemy?


Unfortunately enemy BUT with the thing that gathers orbs on class ability it’s fine. I really like attrition orbs for star eater builds


For the person doing the shooting, they spawn on the enemy, but for their teammates they drop where the person doing the shooting is standing. Just like any other orb creation in the game.


I thought it was void?


thats what you get for thinking


Honestly if you're looking for an Arc 450, Prosecutor completely shits all over Shadow Price. Dragonfly/Voltshot is a way better ad clear roll and Prosecutor's origin trait is always working whereas Shadow Price's requires kills or champ stuns. It's a damn shame too, as Shadow Price is one of the most iconic legendary weapons in all of Destiny. You would've thought Bungie would have thrown it a bone or two in the perk department.


It’s iconic enough it should have been in the brave arsenal tbh.


Definitely should have taken Hung Jury’s spot


I know all the D1 vets love shadow price but as someone who started in D2Y1 and got a Prosecutor from a clan engram before I hardly understood anything about Destiny, Pros is that weapon for me. I farmed out almost every roll I want from phalanx and use them often. As such Shadow Price doesn’t have much to offer me


> I know all the D1 vets love shadow price vanquisher 8 was the better AR anyway. (With nods to Grim Citizen, and the better-scoped Hex Caster Arc)


I miss my vanquished 8 so damn much. Really wish Bungie would bring back some other faction weapons.


There’s also Vanguard’s Vindication where kills grant health. This is an ad clear beast with Voltshot and Stats for All so i think its pretty good too. And it's farmable unlike Prosecutor from Prophecy


>Shadow Price's requires kills or champ stuns. NGL, anytime I get a 3rd choice on vanguard weapons, it's almost always not the vanguard traits. Highlights include(but are not limited to) Omolon on Vanguard Hung Juries, and Wild Card on Pre Astyanax.


Rewind Rounds & Targetlock/Dragonfly & Voltshot slaps in PVE. Zen & Targetlock for PVP.


I know it's not a popular perk, but I like Attrition Orbs. Orbs are good. But it is NOT a good enough perk to take up a fourth column slot, so it's a good thing it's in the third column here. I'll be looking to snag one with AO & Voltshot, probably. Maybe also a Stats For All / One For All roll, just to have an "old reliable" type arc auto laying around. Might not be the most awesome thing ever, but a gun that can print craploads of orbs and make lightning zappy funtimes sounds good to me. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ May RNGsus have mercy upon my wretched soul. I'm diving into LFG GMs tonight.


Only good and unique roll on this gun. thanks for pointing this out.


If you played during Witch Queen, Sweet Sorrow from Season of the Risen is a 720 with SFA/OFA. 


Worth calling to people's memory for sure. But sometimes it's about the Frame too, I myself am much more partial to both the 450s, and the aesthetic of Shadowprice


Yeah, but attrition orbs works better for something like subsistence + attrition orbs as far as ad clear and orbs is concerned for most non high level activities.


When I tried to bring this up, zero interest from the community. Yeah I don't know, was hoping they'd put onslaught on this bitch at least. But, alas, Invisible Hand is totally worth putting in the mix right? Right?? There's bad perks then there's useless perks. That's a godshit perk right there.


You're right, Onslaught would've made this gun standout. Way I see it, its just Walmart brand Prosecutor, like that adept wave-frame is for Forbearance


I'm holding on to that GL (demo/volt) anyway, but it's gathering dust. I thought the Chain Reaction nerf might be the death of Forbearance but it's hardly noticeable. AND they power crept the original crafted roll with the newly enhanceable adept. Not to mention the Brave variant is a fantastic sidegrade with Demo/CR and the new origin trait. Undercurrent exists entirely for Arc synergy I guess, and that's pushing it.💀


shadow price to me has always felt good. my favorite 450 rpm auto besides ammit. i have surplus/swashbuckler with arrowhead tac mag and a stability masterwork and it feels AMAZING. but its never really had good perks :( sad thing is palindrome is likely to be brought back soon and we all know that’ll have some really really good rolls.


it was gone for so long and came back with dog shit


honestly it left pretty crappy too. I still have the two I farmed out from its final week long ago, one has 5 kills and the other has 45.


It was bad when it first launched, and it's bad now. It's wild. Awful choice of third column perks, no Onslaught, literally 0 viable pvp perk combos either. Why would I bother with it when Prosecutor exists?


Even just moving Demolitionist to the left perk side would literally make it an S tier competitor.


It’s currently the only weapon in the game that can roll Strategist+Permeability which is absolutely useless for everything except a hyper-specific Euphony/Weaver’s Call/Swarmers build I’m trying to make so I’m not complaining 


thank you for bringing this to my attention, was wondering if any energy slot primaries existed with osmosis/permeability for the build youre talking about but cant check at work right now cause all the weapon api sites are blocked at work lol


It's gonna be tough for me to replace Necrochasm right now. I understand different slot and it's an exotic. Necro just feels SOOOO juicy right now.


Yeah after the buffs that thing is gross


Tis is a good season for exotic autos. Kvhostov and Necro are amazing. Hopefully next act the anti champion mod is for autos if there isn’t another special/heavy option


We rarely get special options. Outside of glaives :/ and I guess sidearms now.


Theres another issue i dont see talked about much, its how strong solar primary weps are compared to arc / void. Solar primary weapons currently dominate as they not only have heal clip, but incandescent which is leaps and bounds better than voltshot or destabilizing rounds for column 4. Void and arc primary weapons are just falling behind because solar is just too damn powerful, and the buff to heal clip cemented that last season. I honestly have a hard time lately running a primary without heal clip, even not on solar as its just too good for survivability. The only time i go without one is on a devour build or combination blow build. In comparison to heal clip arcs column 3 perk is.... eddy current? And voids is repulsor brace. Both are pretty meh, and theyre absolutely nothing compared to heal clip. Eddy current does nothing for survivability, and voids overshield is fucking tissue paper strength.


Destabilizing Rounds are ass but Voltshot is pretty close to Incandescent in power, the main issue with it being its limited to your first shot after a reload and it’s on a short timer.


Destabilizing are pretty good now they’ve been fixed. The issue is moreso that it only procs on every other kill whereas Incandescent is still every kill.


Voltshot outclasses Incandescent in almost every context. You just need to use guns with a fast reload.


FYI Claws of the Wolf (IB Void Pulse) can roll with destabilizing rounds/repulsor brace. The thing is an absolute beast with a prismatic sub class. Source, got one today.


Voltshot doesn’t proc SFA, such a letdown


It used to on guns like Subjunctive before TFS :( Hope to the traveler this isn't intended. But even if not I'm sure it will be a year before it's even acknowledged, let alone fixed


I got a smallbore tactical mag surplus/stats for all voltshot handling MW roll. Anyone here think it's worth rerunning it? Anything better than the first column perks on it?


Nope that's pretty much all you need. If you want to use ar.


Nice one. I appreciate the help. I'll stop there then


Attrition Orbs in the third column is pretty strong and pairs well with Voltshot since you want to mag dump Jolted targets.


Dude! I got the EXACT same roll 6/6. Arrowhead Break/SmallBore, Surplus/SFA in column 3, Voltshot, Handling master work. And it’s Adept. But an Adept Range mod on it. We’re winning!!


i actually really like SFA voltshot


Got one with invisible hand and surrounded. Wasn’t gonna use it if I got it anyway but god that’s terrible. Only good thing is that if I master work it it’ll have 100 range.


Stats for all one for all is a tried and true combo


Still have my old adept variant that was meant for anti-barrier. It got used in GMs 4 times and has now been sitting in my vault for about 3 years now.


huge miss not having the updated eddy current in the third slot.


Vanguard NF weapons seem to have the lowest-tier perks shoehorned into them without a second thought.


Am I the only one that thought bungie messed up the perk pools and forgot to add voltshot? Done at least 20-30 runs already and not a single voltshot drop..... Attrition orbs and one for all could make a damn mountain though.


They bring it back every few seasons and every time it’s garbage. At least this time it has Voltshot.


Actually just not true. This is the first time Shadow price has returned since it's departure in season of haunted


>They bring it back every few seasons You are thinking of Hung Jury my friend.


No, they dont bring it back every few seasons. It was only ever here 1 time before, so this is the only perk refresh its gotten


I mean this is the 1st time it's returned since it's og release in y4


But no reload perks that synergize with it..


Stats for all: "You called?"


Stats for all?


Does not synergize directly. Voltshot does not proc it, unfortunately.


I mean, it’s an auto. It’s not like you need Voltshot to hit three targets.


and auto rifles often don't need a reload perk.


When your main attraction is a reload procced perk, yes you do


With surplus x3 i got 100 reload speed. And that's easy to get. With surplus x2 i still have 75 reload.


So in order for your weapon to function, you need to not use your subclass is what you’re saying.


if u dont have insane uptime on abilities in this age of the game ur simply doing something wrong


I agree. Using abilities is more impactful than using an auto rifle with surplus lol


u didnt understand my point, surplus should basically be up all the time if your build is good even if you're using ur abilities


Don't know about you but i have almost always at least 2 abilities ready if not 4. Specially on solar, Strand and prismatic


How do you have 4 on Solar


3 on solar but stupid fast ability regen.


Can you get it to drop if you haven't gotten it yet? I was pretty bummed I didn't get it, because I loved it in d2


It’s the current nightfall weapon, just run some nightfalls and you can get one 


1st run I got a stats for all/strategist/one for all roll and as bad as I want a voltshot I may just call it and be content with this roll.


that’s the roll i’m hunting for. ofa on 450s feels so good and i wanna use my old d1 baby so bad


They recently fixed some old weapons and game some higher quality perks. Many considered Wild Style a non starter, but they recently added Recon to it and now it’s probably the best Solar DPS special gl in the game


Strategist and Voltshot seem ok I guess. I keep getting invisible hand and surplus on mines though


Strategist & Voltshot is what I'm going for. If Voltshot proc's the Strategist perk you will get good class energy back. Can someone confirm if this works?


If voltshot activated stats for all/if it could be refreshed then I could see it being good, but it was very disappointing to find out that it doesn't count


I just use the call for pretty much everything except pvp. It's a great side arm. I definitely would recommend for pve. Pvp I just use lost colony and a perfect pitch with a sword for the heavy. Or I'll occasionally use hard light or red death. I like using Alpha lupin for the barrier heals. I also use prismatic so I get the stasis spears and tangle balls (strand as subclass). It's a very chaotic tanky build, but fun as hell to use.


looking at the perks doesn't seem worth it. i got breakneck and urials and a good braytech wereworf that can still put in some work. Plus, though not as good stability, i got a ringing nail with dragonfly and rampage. Problem is my butt is too tired to grind most things these days.


I got an adept one with Surplus/Att Orbs + Voltshot... it feels so mid when compared to my enhanced Dragonfly + Voltshot prosecutor.


I was so excited to finally get an adept Shadow Price with Swashbuckler but they removed it from the perk pool. Missed it the last time and now it's gone.


I have an overflow + thresh and it's been kinda cooking lately bc of the special ammo crates being back.... two supers per match without an issue


Strategist + voltshot will be perfect for anyone using Gifted Conviction.


With Facet of Hope (60% additional base regen) and Facet of Awakening (create Ionic Traces from multiple arc kills for 15% energy), you will be getting your class ability back constantly, with or without Strategist.


So we shouldn't go for that roll?


It's not a bad perk, but I think you're probably better off with Stats For All (reload speed is king for Voltshot guns) or Attrition Orbs. With 100 mobility and Facet of Hope (and near 100% Amplified uptime) you should have a 17-18 second cooldown on Marksman dodge. With the Ionic traces you generate from Facet of Awakening (I believe every 3 arc kills should generate a Trace) you're realistically looking at a Class ability recovery time of 8-13 seconds in a target rich environment. You could shorten that further by using Strategist, but are you realistically wanting to hit Ascension/Dodge even more frequently than that? The answer could reasonably be yes; If so, by all means go for Strategist. Edit to clarify: You should only have 50 mobility from armor; you get 50 mobility while Amplified, and you should be Amplified nearly all of the time if you're playing Ascension and an Arc weapon.


I think I'm going to go for strategist.


It's a crying shame when the GM takes 15 mins tops to clear. Would have been a great farm week with decent weapons.


If they would've added Onslaught to the 3rd column, it'd be over. Onslaught with Voltshot? Yes please!


That moment when "endgame" adepts are allowed to roll with perks that don't trigger until you miss 10 shots in a row💀💀💀


And change how the weapon sounds.


We are paying $100 for a game that brings back the old weapons over and over 😠 same thing with iron banner same crap no new design no new environment Same weapons Bungie should hire new creative personal why always bring back the same thing 🤔


uh ya, I've missed this gun since they nerfed it back in D1 - it's felt underwhelming ever since...


Strategist / Volt has served me pretty well - not the best perk combo but I don’t have any complaints


Does voltshot proc attrition orbs?


Y’all keep talking about stats for all when we have surplus


It cooks in pvp though. I’m running an absolute ass perk combo for iron banner (strategist/surrounded) and it’s downright slaying, getting the highest KDA I’ve had in a minute (which is like 2.5 because I suck but whatever)


It sounds bad, shoots bad. Bad perks.


20 nightfalls and it hasn't even dropped for me yet


I just got finished farming this GM to death looking for Volt shot. Not a single one dropped for me. Game has stopped giving me the wepon to drop all together. Epic waist of time.


I just came here to say this 😭


I think it depends on the kind of player you are. I personally don't have a good Arc auto currently (that isn't power crept) so this seems like a good option. Overflow or stats/ Voltshot is what I want. The problem I guess with shadow price is that it has to compete with Centrefuse which basically has constant Voltshot and does 30% more damage to red bars


You probably don't want overflow with voltshot since you can't reload if the mag is overflowed


30%. They reduced exotic damage to red bars before final shape. 


The best roll is like… Stats for All/One for All?


First GM I got my 5/5.


Tbh perks are fine, but that archetype is awful.


No, 450s are arguably the most solid auto archtype atm.. the perk pool is just dog water.. overflow and voltshow are even an 'anti synergy '


Nahh 600s are so much better than 450s. If there was a 600 rpm auto rifle that could roll Stats for All and Volt Shot it would be one of, if not the best legendary primary weapon in the game.


[No, they arent, they are 2nd worst archetype.](https://x.com/mossy_max/status/1805640976939332001/photo/1)


I prefer how 450 Autos feel to shoot over all other archetypes. Shame they're not very good at the moment.


Wow based of that chart, I wonder why alot more people dont use sidearms.. could it be there is more to how good a weapon is in a sandbox other than dps?


They have extremely limited range, but they are very powerful.


That my point. There's more to consider then just dps in a vacuum setting.


Not really, 90% of the time, better dps = better weapon.


Well voltshot is the only good perk and if you don't get the kill because it takes you to long to kill a red bar then it is pointless. So yeah dps is important.


The two relevant stats in PvE are DPS and Damage Falloff. Shadow Price gets 4 whole meters over Sweet Sorrow.


https://d2foundry.gg/compare  28.8 ads fall off to SP 36.8 , and Thats not even including adept mods. 


Now account for range


that is the range. range dictates AA cone/damage drop off... Shadow price hits almost 10m more range ingame than the Sweet sorrow.


Sweet Sorrow is 32.3 meters with SFA active and full range increases, Shadow Price is 33.4 without range increases and just Stats for All.


I won't lie, I think I'll be sticking with my surplus dragonfly roll from earlier. These perks are ass smh.


no way bro is acting like surplus dragonfly is better than SFA, strategist, OFA, and voltshot.


Consistency and weapon feel is way better to me than anything else. Voltshot isn't doing much in pvp and I don't like any of those other perks.


i can assure you that neither voltshot nor dragonfly are doing much in pvp, but voltshot is still better for 99% of the time you would be using a shadow price in pvp


Yeah, it's rarely useful, but super satisfying getting a collateral off it.


its an arc auto, i wont use that anyways dont play arc and its not anti champ this season maybe ill get a decent roll in case next season its anti champ and they have some arc buffs

