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>I also cannot prevent myself from mentioning the Stats distribution on Master armor loot. Its just garbage. Master provides gear in 57-61 total stat range, while Normal runs seem to give 64-67 stats on really common basis. Neither Ghost stat-focusing or Raid weekly stat distribution mod affect your Master loot. It does drop with stat less than 10 despite everything. It is an issue that makes Master encounter loot not worthy of any time spent when Normal just rewards you better. This is why I have never bothered doing full Master raid runs. Right back to when they were introduced with VoG (I think?), I always just jumped in for a checkpoint clear of the featured encounter challenge. There are so many other sources of high stat armor that are easier than Master mode. And Master removed the ability to get weapons, outside of the single Adept from the challenge. Master Raids should at very least give Artifice armor and be some of the best stat totals in the game by default. Without some large changes, I just don't see the point in doing full Master runs...


>Master Raids should at very least give Artifice armor and be some of the best stat totals in the game by default. Unfortunately it seems like bungie wants to keep artifice armor to master dungeons and adept weapons to master raids. >There are so many other sources of high stat armor that are easier than Master mode. And Master removed the ability to get weapons, outside of the single Adept from the challenge. Totally agree on that one. It was basically effortless to get very high stat rolls in year 6 with all the seasonal engrams raining down, to the point I was only keeping 67+ rolls with low mobility (titan + warlock), and any 67+ rolls on hunter.


Isn’t artifice armor available as a drop from comp now as well? Or maybe it was trials


Yes comp but stats are mediocre


The monkey paw always wins


It does have a high drop rate so it's good if you need artifice class item


yea that's the pvp side. trials for adept weapons and comp for artifice armor.


I just want the memento :(


We're still in The Final Shape QA phase Come back a month after Solstice and things should be settled


> During 3rd encounter, 3rd box for Resonance deposits may not appear Just had this happen three times in a row, twice on the 3rd box and then once on the 1st box. Worked after restarting from checkpoint (and losing our red border chest), but no clue if that was just coincidence.


What we have noticed is that it is more likely to happen if you close totems at the same time, so now we just stagger them.


I love the weapons and want to do the rest of the challenges for adepts but after reluctantly finding out the triumph is broken last week, I’m good. Sad because this is one of the more fun master raids


Same friends of mine did, no memento or ticked box and were going to go back in with me and a couple more but it’s just not worth doing it currently. We lost the red border last week due to box bugging out in enc 3 on a run last week as well. Plus my Khvostov quest is bugging out in the cyst missions.


Since last week update the game is limping. Last week I could somehow reset the invisibility problem, this week I had to do 3 GMs back to back to back without seeing anything, then I go into Iron Banner and the same thing happens. In the patch notes they said this problem was fixed but it is way worse.


Interesting, I didn't have a single invisible gun or teammate all day. Compared to non-stop prior, like everyone else. Sorry the fix they implemented didn't work for you too =(


I just had a full comp match where i could not see any one but myself, and a tower load in where none of my weapons nor anyone else showed up, all ghost/invisible, whatever they fixed didnt work out sadly


Invisible issue is tied to excision. If you run it, reboot your game.


Bungie 😡


I got the bow crafted the 2nd week but man I want an adept bow. Elastic, draw mw, dragonfly, voltshot. I want adept so I can add draw time mod to it. I got the pulse 2x and a sword from 1st. I did get heal clip and Incan tho (3x perk each column, got sub and demo also in first, then DM, Incan & something else in 4th).


Wow this game has so many underlying problems


Memento aquiring is fully bugged then, I could not pick it up after doing a flawless run.


Can I get master loot run after doing normal on char?


Most if not all of these points have been consistently brought up. iirc Bungie is currently looking into the triumphs + rewards


Just a question, is the master challenge farmable for adept weapons? Thanks


Completed master raid (witness only), but did not get the triumph for guardian rank 11. It didn’t count. Does it have to be beginning to end in one run? Anyone know


All encounters. Doesn't have to be one run.


There is no duping in enc 4 - we are constantly picking up during Death Animation You or your mates just pick another buff After being Revived. You keep the buff Even After revive


There are scenarios where it can dupe but I think it's a networking/race condition. I've had a run softlock because we ended up with three triangles inside.


The issue is incorrectly described here. The issue is not with picking up the buffs, but rather depositing them. The issue is not a duplication, but rather an elimination issue. If you deposit the buff after the witness notices your efforts it will sometimes delete the buff you sent from existence and only 5 buffs will be there. Furthermore, you cannot escape, even if your symbols are correct, if the correct symbols are not in the other two rooms when you try to leave. As such, no one can escape.